Michael Edwards will return to Liverpool in a senior football operations role with Richard Hughes set to join the club as Sporting Director. talkSPORT’s Jim White, Simon Jordan and Alex Crook have their say!

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    Um what do we know about Liverpool at the moment behind the scenes Michael Edwards uh we understand held face-to-face talks with Liverpool owners uh Fenway Sports Group FSG in Boston last weekend about returning to anfield and now we hear there could well be an agreement in place um this is a man they

    Want this is the man they had this is the man they want back Alex krook talk sports Chief football correspondent joins us live Alex good morning where are they on this Liverpool good morning Jim good morning Simon well as you mentioned there Jim it’s been no secret for the past few

    Weeks that Liverpool have been trying to get Michael Edwards back to the football club looks like an agreement has now been reached between Edwards and Liverpool’s owners FSG and this is a slightly different role than the one that he did before he was there for a decade overa an awful lot of success

    They won the Champions League they won the Premier League he was instrumental in the hiring of of juren klopp and the signings of people like Vergil van djk and sadio mané but he’s going to oversee all of the football operations on behalf of f SG and that will require hiring his

    Own sporting director so somebody to do the job that he did so well before if you like and we understand that will be Richard Hughes who is currently serving his notice at Bournemouth he’s been technical director down on the south coast and done a pretty good job there

    So Michael Edwards in as a sort of Overlord if you like of the post juren Klo era Richard choose to join him as director of football technical director whatever title you want to give him and then of course between them they’re going to have to hire KS replacement and

    I understand jabby Alonzo very much Remains the favorite for that role Simon it seems that this is sense all around isn’t it because Liverpool know what they’re getting and and Edwards knows what he’s getting back into yeah I I think um a driver for this would be the recruitment process for replace klopp

    And what the football club is going to be post klopp because obviously klopp has been so omnipotent and so invested and you’re seeing the fruits of his labor not only in the team’s first team performance but the youth generation that’s coming through into the first team and the the overall well-being of

    The club’s recruitment policy now that can be diminished by the loss of a first team manager so Michael Edward’s coming back and adding some continuity to what was a previously successful regime and potentially having an intellectual Capital to open the doors to who may manage Liverpool after Jurgen klopp

    Leaves yeah I think he’s a significant U you know Viewpoint and a significant development level of thinking from Liverpool sure thing Alex you know Bournemouth inside out um very much on your patch mind you the whole of England’s on your patch uh Richard Hughes you’ll know him how effective is

    He well I think he’s been really effective he’s been part of the technical team for the past decade he’s overseen not one but two promotions to the Premier League it was a difficult scenario for Bournemouth not comparing it to Jurgen Klo but Eddie how was a

    Koplik figure on the south coast when he left at the end of their relegation season in the end Richard hu settled upon Scott Parker as the man to lead Bournemouth back into the Premier League he did that he took that big decision didn’t he to relieve Parker of his duty

    Gave Gary O’Neal his first job in Frontline management and what a success that turned out to be keeping Bournemouth up against the odds it was another big call in the summer to allow O’Neal to move on and to bring in andon Iola didn’t win a game Iola for the

    First 10 matches but there was no Panic there they wanted a a different style of play they’re not in any danger I don’t think in terms of going down so I think he’s done a really good job there’s been some recruitment successes obviously there’s been some recruitment failings

    As well he would admit that but if you look at when they were first promoted to the Premier League he helped bring the likes of Callum Wilson to the football club obviously scored so many goals to get Bournemouth up and keep them there they’ve had to rebuild the squad a

    Couple of times he’s used the foreign market quite well recently millos kirz young left back is a player they signed Bournemouth is’s attracting interest from Top clubs not just in England but in Europe as well same too with Ilia abani the Ukrainian Center back I think overall his body of work at Bournemouth

    Has been has been very impressive and I think Simon’s right in terms of Liverpool having to get it right behind the scen scenes in the boardroom before they can even think about hiring a new manager and I’ll compare it to when Sir Alex Ferguson left Manchester United

    Obviously it was a much longer Dynasty and it was always going to be difficult to follow Fergie David Gil left at the same time and they never really found a suitable replacement of him and that’s been a big problem that I think United is still feeling the effects of what

    Have you got some doubts Simon about Richard here no I just I’m curious to see the the the comparison between recruiting for a bottom tier Premier League side in Bournemouth and recruiting for the required success that you have at Liverpool it’s like Dan Ashworth being recruited at Brighton

    Building a network of young players that are coming through and and and and being able to build Brighton into a site that sells players for 100 million quid same as dougy Freedman from Manchester United well well douy Friedman again would be a question mark about the reality of what

    He’s recruited for Crystal Palace for me having known the personality and knowing what he has recruited some of those players have gone on to but I’m looking at Liverpool and saying you’ve got a formula that’s potentially working you’re about to do a quadruple potentially and I question just question

    And debate I’m not going to question whether Michael Michael webs is occupying a new role previously he was the person that was employed by someone else he’s now the person that’s employing other people he’s got a very different mod of operand it’ be interesting to see how Richard Hughes

    Will translate from a buying policy that enables clubs to stay in the Premier League and do quite well in that respect to a club’s expectation that’s going to win the Premier League Alex before you go a very nice moment for Tom lock here tomorrow who has had his challenges of

    Late to say the least of it of course had cardiac arrest on the on the pitch uh the the um the Luton Captain a VIP guest tomorrow for the rearrange Bournemouth versus Luton match and of course it was on the pitch at Bournemouth where he collapsed on the ground

    Right yeah this is a real feel-good story we broke it exclusively on The Notebook on The Talk sport website yesterday as you say he’s been invited Tom loia to attend the game as bourma special guest he’ll be the fans Champion they have somebody doing that role for

    Every match I understand it and he’ll be bringing the match ball out placing it on the pre Premier League plimp before kickoff and saluting those fans because of course it was really emotional wasn’t it when he did suffer that horrible collapse on the pitch when the original game was abandoned in December the

    Bourou fans were singing his name members of the Bournemouth Medical Department played a big role in Saving his life so I think this is Tom Lock’s opportunity to say thank you it is on the provisor that he’s able to get away because he became a dad last week but he

    Is expected to be at the game and I think it’s going to be a really emotional evening down at the Vitality Alex thank you very much indeed good luck to Tom Loy hope to speak to him uh sometime soon Alex of course TOS to’s Chief football correspondent right

    Across the lot so are we we like to think it’s 11:30 Jim White and Simon Jordan Monday to Friday mornings from 10: on a.m. on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport and


    1. Liverpool’s drop off after klopp will be worse than fergy after Utd. I don’t think people realise how much klopp holds up this football club built with the fragility of a deck of cards

    2. I don’t think Liverpool will be taking any advice off Simon Jordan who was once Crystal Palace owner went bust and now sitting in a studio workin for talkSPORT! I’m sure Liverpool know what their doing look at how successful they’ve been 😅

    3. WTAF is the clown waffling about? Does he think data analysis changes significantly when comparing between different budgets? Or is it just typical, obtuse, contrarian nonsense yet again from one of the most unfounded egos in all of football? Hmmm….

    4. Simon might have point if Hughes was just brought in alone but he’s got edwards alongside him who has been the master of bringing in players to challenge for a title.

    5. Micheal Edwards is over see the the whole sport side of liveepool hes the boss the thing is if Micheal edwards doesn’t give/the nod to a player Richard hughes won’t bring him in

    6. Some Liverpool fans are really hypocrites, aren't they? Weren't the majority of Liverpool fans FSG-out advocates, and now all of a sudden, they are chanting 'Liverpool is the best-run club'? It's embarrassing at best.

    7. I think what's really going to happen is Edwards will make the key decisions but will give Hughes most of the workload in building relationships and dealing with the day to day business but when big transfer/contract decisions are needed Edwards will have a stronger and be needed in key moments where money is at the centre. I personally think it's fantastic. Will forever be grateful to Klopp like Benitez before him but in this world managers are fortunate to have up to half a decade in a role. Edwards could potentially be here for more than a decade, if not two. In order to keep him I'm happy for the structure to be the way it is. To be honest I prefer this higher role. Less day to day, better chance of keeping him longer.

    8. I would agree with Simon on this, but we are lucky in that he will have Edwards guiding him. It is a great way for him to gain experience, a change in mindset whilst having someone above him who he can lean on.

    9. Edwards is no fool and has 20 year friendship with Richard Hughes, when both were at Portsmouth. When Edwards was behind the scenes and Hughes was a player.

    10. Why are LFC inheriting Bournemouth mentality…. Reminds me of when LFC hired the Fulham manager and basically signed Fulham standard players to become a midtable team

    11. Failed bankrupting club owner RAISES concerns over the judgement of Sporting Director who won the Premier League and Champions League

    12. Alls he said was it will be interesting to see how he recruits in a team that wants to win the league rather than stay in the league im a Liverpool fan he makes a fair point but Edwards being there with him gives you more confidence

    13. Jordan said he doesn't care if Arsenal win the Champions League or not. An English club, from London where he once owned another club! He is unconcerned about the prestige a club from London winning possibly the top competition in the world could bring! What would he rather – City, PSG, Barcelona win it? His exaggerated and articulate syntax doesn't hide his ignorance at times.

    14. as a Liverpool fan I fully expect, and am prepared for Liverpool falling off a cliff next year and for the next few years minimum. Hiring someone from Bournemouth gives Roy Hodgson vibes. Here we go again.

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