Gent-Wevelgem Men’s Finish.

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    Adds that little bit more I think that’s interesting yeah I see what you’re saying Matthew vandero had a lot of snap doesn’t he from low speed jumping jumping out of the saddle and on the pedals um maybe M Pon would like to go a bit longer Adam let me just pose

    This there isn’t too much room for Captain mson playing around between these two is there there’s no way they could start it yet anyway no they won’t do they’ll wait until until they get under the kilometer to go b i I think um it just depends how mad wants to ride

    This thing I think Vander Paul he’ll be quite happy with sitting on the back and running it quite late same with M actually same with M I think I think with M he could play The Bluff a little bit you know so this is the only you know you want this it’s

    There I’ve won this race before you know there’s so many different scenarios you can say both of them want it I’m sure as equal as the other one does but be interested who starts spr who leads out the Sprint big turn this for pedison in the last k

    Match pedison as Adam mentioned the 2020 winner match of VPO yet to win this race and you’re right I’ve seen it this week he said you know he does want to add all of the classics to his final panaris when he does eventually hang up his wheels looking into the city of wem

    Itself looking all the way up in the direction of the vakara Strat where we finish and where these Riders finish in 1300 M to go we’re talking about it coming down to the final Sprint I just wonder whether one one of these two maybe Matthew vandero might not want to

    Leave it to a Sprint with mat Pon might he’s on the drops any chance of one of these two taking a flyer in the last k no I don’t think so definitely Vander Paul wants to be on the back here short turn little gear just cruising through

    Even when he’s came through to doing his turn he did not push look at him just spinning the legs a bit now he’s definitely not going to come through him he’s going to try and get mads to lead it all the way into the Finish they’ve

    Got the room now to maneuver a little bit they’ve got some room to play a little bit I don’t think vanle will try and go early I think the way that we’ve seen and the way that mads has been good especially with the kemel he’s not going

    To surprise you with a long range attack I don’t think or he might here we go we are on the vakara scat the Crowds Are banging the boards match pedison the former world champion on the front the Dane M the current world champion sitting second wheel looking back can’t

    See anyone coming thankfully it’s going to be between these two 400 met to go match Pon looking over his shoulder Vander Paul on the drops both on the drops now getting Twitchy here we go mat Pon opening up early Adam and he’s gone early Pon vander’s in the wheel I don’t

    Think there’s a gap just yet can Matthew Vanderpool come up the wheel they’re going to be up alongside each other here vanderpol in full effect right now up alongside each other it is neck and neck to the line he’s gone matx pson gets his second win in G weam in Flanders Field I

    Don’t know whether there was a problem there for matchu V the pull but he pulled the pin he comes second here’s that brilliant Sprint for third yasper stvin is that yasper St or is that sorry might Jonathan Milan it is Jonathan Milan right in the middle Jonathan Milan

    Is is he going to hang on Dany van poo Danny van poo with a dip all that work that was done in the end by Bor hansar paying off because I think Danny van poppo has just got on the line of course I should have spotted the sprinting

    Style of Jonathan Milan nearly taking third but his teammate mat pedon gets his second win in we and Matthew vano will have to wait for another year to add that classic Adam yeah we said it earli on noticed that sort of the the second time up the kelberg up the easier

    Side of it we just saw vandero looking like he was suffering a bit from then on him he’s he’s obviously Matthew vle he’s he’s going to be good all the time but just didn’t look that sort of normal sharp self and even in that Sprint there

    He could see the arm going but pedison just looked like strong all day long looked super strong had the benefit of sitting on the wheels for quite a long time as well while Milan was up the road but yeah Matt pson launching early as well about

    300 3 well 250 to go I’d say 270 to go but yeah here’s the replay of the Sprint so it’s just head down there’s no real tactic here apart from just do it Vander Paul waited for as long as he couldn’t at this point here he like right now I

    Need to try and get past head down didn’t even get close to him went up for another gear but no just did not have the legs to get past him very impressive Sprint between the two of them um I’m going to say it here I don’t think this is there’s no excuse

    Because in the end I think by the looks of that Vander just didn’t have enough to come around him but Vander does do that doesn’t he Adam He he’ll quite often I mean it’s he’s still going to come second anyway but he does quite often he knows and he’ll pull the pin

    And stop pedaling once he knows he’s not going to win in that not every time but we have seen that quite a lot haven’t we you know there was me wondering whether he had a mechanical problem but it was literally he’s the kind of that shake of

    The head thing that he does I’ve seen it a few times before haven’t we when he knows he’s not going to win and uh he does win so often of course yeah I think we’ve seen we’ve not seen it that much cuz he normally always wins but yeah he

    Just knows when he’s beat as well I think he probably knew when he didn’t have the legs but nice to see him having a part on the [Applause] back yeah it’s nice to see this man win as well it’s been a it’s been coming for a long time this where he’s been wanting

    That big win up against vaner Paul vanard in these sort of races and he’s got it AB well deserved absolutely it is of course his second win in Kent Wan because he was the winner back in 2020 4 years ago but he and his team I think it

    Should be said richly deserve that today because they all rode really well didn’t they they were they were the dominant team in this race Le track Adam weren’t they yeah they were I’d be interested to know who was second there it looked like Danny van Popple third sorry not second

    Third Phillipson fourth and maybe Milan fifth or sixth I think it was but definitely very very close on the Run yeah yeah he was that was a great Sprint wasn’t it we could do with seeing that Sprint again again hopefully I’m sure we will um but that was yeah what a

    Fantastic Edition wh again in Flanders feels in mostly Sunshine it looked beautiful as well and at times particularly on a gray wet horrible day um Western Flanders can look pretty bleak and of course we’re riding through some extraordinarily poignant Countryside past all these cemeteries

    Too but I think at times today in fact a lot of the time Flanders looked beautiful here’s that Sprint again Adam they land down the middle Sprint from the side and I don’t think it is Danny van Popple in the middle of our screen there either no you’re

    Right it’s Yi May right in the middle the man that won on the Sha Al then you got Phillipson to his right hand side Olaf Koy on his left Malia just behind Jonathan Milan there but it look to be Jordi mayo and then fourth and fifth very difficult one

    Between Phillipson and Milan that is interesting isn’t it I was wrongly saying of course that Jordi mayus was on the front earlier doing the chasing it wasn’t him but he takes the final step on the podium Yi mayos just ahead of yasper Phillipson Jonathan Milan Olaf

    Koy bny G in the top 10 Again Tim malier was there Dylan Gran was there and Trent in with a welld deserved top 10 place after the way he’s r today


    1. Van der Poel vrs Lidl-Trek.  This is how you beat the favorite.  Jonathan Milan, then Stuyven and Pedersen finished the job.  If Van der Poel won, he would join the list of 5 cyclists who won E3 and Wevelgem in the same season.  He failed to join the list of Boonen and Merckx.
      Deserved victory.

    2. The fact that MVDP did not win makes his other wins that much more impressive. Awesome riding by Lidl-Trek and Pedersen to take the win in a very exciting race.

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