Join us on a ride of the renowned Dunkeld Mast MTB Trails in Scotland as we seek to answer the question many riders ask before visiting: Are these trails too hard for me? They have a reputation in Scotland for being tough but are some of our favourite trails to ride in the area. In this MTB vlog, we’ll share the stoke and sketchy moments as we ride them from an average rider perspective.

    Link to the Dunkeld enduro race:
    Link to the Hermitage/Craigvinean trails:

    From long steep descents, tight switchbacks and technical sections, we’ll showcase the trails that make Dunkeld a must-visit destination for mountain biking in Scotland.

    Captured on Go Pro, we share different rider POV from both of us on the trails at Newtyle Hill, also known as the mast. The scenery is beautiful and the descents are unique. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a beginner looking for your next adventure, hopefully this video will help you get a feel for the difficulty of these Scottish MTB trails. Subscribe to our channel, hit the notification bell, and become part of the fun, exploring trails around Scotland and Europe.

    00:00 Highlights & Intro
    00:15 Intro
    01:44 The Rudder (Chunky!)
    04:53 Slaters (Steep & Tight!)
    08:26 Lower Trails
    09:16 Crow’s Nest (Steep)
    13:16 Lowers
    14:05 Outro

    Have you ridden the Dunkeld Trails, or are you considering a trip? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

    #MTBScotland #enduromtb #MountainBiking #trails #mtb

    S I need to I need to concentr take Corners hi welcome back hello so looking a bit disheveled halfway up the climb up to the mast at dun keld and dun steep us you know steep up and steep down so absolutely some of us have motor some of us do not so it’s

    You choose your own battles I’m quite happy here so dun’s in parire in Scotland it’s got four Hills assel burnum The Hermitage and the Mast all quite varied I would say through that yeah through and the Mast and all all quite heart in the wed D keld in general

    Has quite a reputation for being uh difficult quite gnarly so we thought we would focus on the M Today show you the trails you can see how they are it’s obviously kind of dry which helps a lot it’s running mint it’s it’s perfect condition it’s like summer it’s actually

    Better than summer this morning it was like winter this morning so hope you enjoy it have some fun as usual H and take you down the the trails and if you do want to see the some of the other Hills we’ve got a vlog uh that covers

    The Hermitage I’ll pop a link below and also we did a race here which was absolutely mad deaf everywhere I would recommend watching that it’s it’s just mental uh go check it out and let’s try some Trails no easy claims D so super steep all right for

    Some on the way up to the Mast this is the climate of the Town straight into it yeah straight into it it’s proper proper Ste that Roger time so the trail off the top really routy pretty tough going when it’s wet but should be a bit easier today I’m going to fall to

    Yep I remember this thing pretty Ry W yeah yeah oh good all good it started running away but I got it oh my God woo awesome that is a quiet Corner though I know yeah you like need to like Eno it in like it’s crazy I didn’t know

    I’m doing that was good that was good fast yeah a lot of leading the way okay good all this is so good nice you Bridge conditions are amazing today it’s so grippy Ice Line sorry I need to I need to con woo o compression it’s so much harder to

    Actually follow somebody instead of looking ahead you limited where you where you go oh my God I was a hit nice that was really good that was fun A Better second time we knowing what was coming oh 100% I felt more confident yeah I love thata it’s such a good I

    Really I really do like that my favorite it’s it’s better than Slaters it’s more happening yeah all right so now we are going to head up and do Slaters it’s from the highest point at the mast and it’s pretty awkward Long Trail lots of switch backs some pretty tight and Rocky I’m

    Popping in footage from the previous day we’re in a friend James bu house as well cuz we’ve just had a whole weekend of it and H got footage from both days mixing and matching Trails if you want fast just give me show James I’m just going to be taking it easy everybody

    Good right okay enjoy okay so Slaters we raced in but since that I don’t really remember it cracking Trail though that’s all I remember to be highligh it woo yeah this is good go back in here just going to take that easy see what’s coming tight Corners nice nice what’s

    This woo oh yeah that’s tight and chunky woo oh nice this is running really well today it’s like the grip is pretty sweet woohoo nice I like it I like it there’s a big rain sweep oh my God coming through oh yeah yeah there it is let’s see everybody regrouping

    Nice okay yeah yeah just keep going Jam all right okay should we check James oh my God that’s one I was scared of oh really yeah it’s better if you don’t know about it one of what a trail I love it I wish go I love Yeah I think that’s the bottom yeah

    That’s an but what a trail hard I remember I I love it on I think I I Dred last time I rode it the trail like dirt is perfect today yeah you good that’s do okay I’m going to follow you right this is our follow me yeah right we’re going

    Down this Trail which I think used to be called The Crow Nest think might not be might not be might be totally fresh but um yeah I’m going to try and follow ‘s line at the start here there’s three options that’s always going to go well we’ll see how that one goes all

    Right mhm you good yep let’s see it oh my gosh oh that’s awful that did not that did not work out at all I should have gone inside yeah I got wedged on a stomp yeah go to oh woo good corner there oh yeah this has zero

    Support oh yeah the next fit okay I’m too early we’ve seen some tire marks in the ditch so somebody went through oh yeah of the voice which we met and Zer over as well it’s so bad you basically have to come to a stop and get

    Around so we just we just came down this so bad that corner it’s like zero support it just wants to drag you down here I can see there’s a TI mark from today somebody didn’t make it easy easily done that was cracking trail that I was following as you seen and now we

    Are going down here it looks innocent we’ve done it yesterday it looks great and then it goes straight out straight out and it doesn’t stop going down until you are at the bottom so let’s do it oh this is just such a nice day it’s so Sunny concentrate on a TR try

    Oh forgot it get oh Jesus oh Jesus wow oh I forgot about this B well just than I remembered it’s so good that is amazing yeah we dropped 10 I was like oh hey it’s a lot steeper than I remembered such a good TR it’s over

    Quick but it’s good it is but so much grip today just SK don’t it but in the way that’s pure death there’s no slowing down great all right just finishing on one of the lower sections which we’ve done earlier let’s go Laura’s leading the way back on it does You’ done it before

    It’s such a terrible we think what a cracking day was I fast was she fast comment what a cracking day in a Dun so good it always is like we had a blast he says as he used to not like d kill for many years and now loves it he’s got his

    E guys guys this is it this is the future of dle riding well I wouldn’t be here I can’t tell you that much anyway super super day super Trails conclusion is company was all right conclusion is the Mast is pretty tough but it it’s good it’s much easier

    In the dry and it’s a hell of a lot of fun so if you like what you saw in the Vlog would highly recommend it if you want see something different come to Dun and do it well as always if you enjoy the video hit the like button if you

    Want to see more of those hit the Subscribe Button as well all right yep see you the next one


    1. I’ve never liked the mast trails personally. Especially in the summer when really overgrown. It’s like a game of Russian roulette or when the next drop or obstacle is coming

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