A bad trip turned me into a preacher, writes the Bucks Herald newspaper, January 2012.

    As a drug-fueled criminal, in the swinging 60’s, David Clarke thought he was living life to the full. Well known to the police, he and his brother Michael, were notorious, in Aylesbury, stealing cars and burglaring homes around the vale, but David saw the error of his ways and converted to Christianity, after a terrifying acid trip. His unlikely tale is told in, Converted on lsd trip, a new book that takes its name from the 1971, Bucks Helderld newspaper, about his turnaround, and now in a new edition called Borstol Boys.

    ‘I know the aimless list of people who get involved with criminality these days, like those in the London riots.’ said David. My objective is to help the people who can be helped. I’ve been there , worn the t-shirt, and i want to help people out.

    The brothers life of crime started in when his family moved to a new house in the Begrove Estate, in Aylesbury, over some boys who took David’s moped, when they were living in Wilston. So he told his older brother Michael who attacked one of the boys with a knuckle duster, made in the metal work class, at Mortimer Hills School, in Tring, and was sent to a detention center, in Oxford.

    Michael spent the rest of his teenage years in and out of detention centers, and Rochester Borstal. David began stealing bicycles with a friend and was eventually given probation for stealing a motorbike. ‘I started to mix with my brother’s mod friends, who were older than me, whilst Michael was in Rochester borstal. I lived in my brother’s sunlight he was so notorious around Aylesbury’, David said. As a 15 year old you’re only interested in girls money and music.

    On release from Rochester Borstal David and Michael continued their criminal endeavors, stealing cars, and chloroforming people , even in the Grosvenor dance hall, but the brothers were sent back to jail for malicious wounding, after shooting a woman with an air gun. ‘He thought it was a joke shooting some bird in the backside to make her scream,’ said david.

    When i got out of Borstal i was determined to live life to the full, and whilst inside, i learned how to get away with a life of crime. For the next three years, David went about stealing cars, mechanical equipment, and anything else that he needed, until an epiphany, which came on the 16th of January, 1970, when he had a terrifying lsd trip, and thought he was going crazy as he lay down petrified in a garden sun shed, in mount street, in Aylesbury. Jesus spoke to him and told him that what he was going through was nothing compared to hell,’ said David.

    From that night on he lived as a Christian, and even returned some of the items he had stolen, including a trolley jack he’d taken from a garage near the Broad Lays pub, in Aylesbury.

    David’s previous crimes caught up with him though, when police arrested him for stealing a colour tv, he had stolen from an old people’s home in Winslow.

    He confessed to 24 crimes but was given a conditional discharge. David went on to live a religious life, becoming a strict Baptist minister, being sent to preach by the Bierton and stricter particular Baptist church, in 1982. Being sent by the Strict Baptist church and lectured in electronics at Luton College of Higher Education.

    However, Michael continued his life of crime, until 1996 when he was sentenced to 16 years in jail in the Philippines, for promoting child prostitution, a crime he always denied.
    He too found God, in 1999, some 30 years after David’s conversion, and became a Christian.

    The two brothers then turned their focus to helping other criminals to go straight by teaching them about Christ. Michael died of tuberculosis in New Bilibid Prison, in 2005, before their vision of bringing help to many was realized. David is now still fighting to clear his name from the false conviction and continues to this day to help many of those who have encountered in his life’s journey.

    Bucks Herald News Paper, January 2012.

    A bad trip turned me into a preacher writes the Bucks Herald newspaper January 2012 as a drug- fueled criminal in The Swinging 60s David Clark thought he was living life to the full well known to the police he and his brother Michael were notorious in Alsbury stealing cars and burglaring homes

    Around the veil but David saw the error of his ways and converted to Christianity after a terrifying Acid Trip his unlikely tale is told in conver Ed on LSD trip a new book that takes its name from the 1971 Buck held newspaper about his turnaround and now in a new

    Edition called bostel boys I know the aimless list of people who get involved with criminality these days like those in the London riots said David my objective is to help the people who can be helped I’ve been there worn the t-shirt and I want to help people out

    The brother’s Life Of Crime started in when his family moved to a new house in the bover state in Alsbury over some boys who took David’s moped when they were living in Wilston so he told his older brother Michael who attacked one of the boys with a knuckle Duster made

    In the metal work class at Mortimer Hill School in tring and was sent to detention center in Oxford Michael spent the rest of his teenage years in and out of detention centers and Rochester bostel David began stealing bicycles with a friend and was eventually given probation for stealing

    A motorbike I started to mix with my brother’s mod friends who were older than me whilst Michael was in Rochester bostel I lived in my brother’s sunlight he was so notorious around Alsbury David said as a 15-year-old you’re only interested in girls money and music on released from Rochester bostel David and

    Michael continued their criminal Endeavors stealing cars and chloroforming people even in the groer dance hall but the brothers were sent back to jail for malicious wounding after shooting a woman with an air gun he thought it was a joke shooting some bird in the backside to make her scream

    Said David when I got out of bostel I was determined to live life to the full and whilst inside I learned how to get away with a life of crime for the next 3 years David went about stealing cars mechanical equipment and anything else that he needed until an epiphany which

    Came on the 16th of January 19 1970 when he had a terrifying LSD trip and thought he was going crazy as he lay down petrified in a garden sunshed in Mount Street in Alsbury Jesus spoke to him and told him that what he was going through was nothing compared to Hell said David

    From that night on he lived as a Christian and even returned some of the items he had stolen including a trolley Jack he’ taken from a garage near the broad lays Pub in Alsbury David’s previous crimes caught up with him though when police arrested him for

    Stealing a color TV he had stolen from an old people’s home in Winslow he confessed to 24 crimes but was given a conditional discharge David went on to live a religious life becoming a strict Baptist Minister being sent to preach by the beon and strict a particular Baptist Church in

    1982 being sent by the strict Baptist Church and lectured in electronics at Luton College of higher education however Michael continued his life of crime until 1996 when he was sentenced to 16 years in a jail in the Philippines for promoting child prostitution a crime he always denied he

    Too found God in 1999 some 30 years after David’s conversion and became a Christian the two brothers then turned their focus to help other criminals to go straight by teaching them about Christ Michael died of tuberculosis in new bbid prison in 2005 before their vision of bringing help to many was

    Realized David is now still fighting to clear his name from The False conviction and continues to this day to help many of those who has encountered in his life’s journey bucks Herald newspaper January 2012

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