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    @Jonverine_supersega @themonkerys

    Welcome back everybody Tut UK here welcome back to the channel welcome back to another video hopefully we’re in 4k hopefully the camera won’t catch V because it’s not a GoPro the GoPro is gone we’ve got rid of the GoPro U we’ve traded it up for get this right an iPhone 11 Pro

    Um long story short took it to see I couldn’t deal with it I know everyone W everyone was saying do this do that all the people saying do this do that are all GoPro officios you can tell it’s spoted mile off I’ve been on the forums and everything all making excuses for it

    It may well be that it was faulty I don’t know I don’t really care at this point but long story short took it back to CX I just basically said to guys what you know the sort of symptoms what was going on with it let them test it and

    Sure enough it it overheated crashed um a fair play man right so all these people that that bash and [ __ ] take the piss out of CX if you get home with them and you have a good relationship this is the kind of thing that they’ll do for you so

    Effectively it’s faulty so it’s under warranty so really within their rights they would just could just issue me a replacement right I said to them I don’t really want to do that cuz I’ve kind of lost a bit of faith in it in in the whole GoPro thing I mean the picture is

    Superb I can’t fault it but it’s just it’s it’s [ __ ] you know it’s useless um and I said to him ideally I just like a phone like whatever the the latest last phone is that do 4K front Cam and they s said the iPhone 11 um

    This is before they figured out it was faulty so I think they had that in mind to be fair so I went in there yeah it’s faulty and and they didn’t um give me less money because obviously after so many months obviously the price has gone down so again I think it was

    Like 220 and they and I think when I bought it so I think now it’s like 180 um so I would have been losing quite a chunk of change but they gave me the value back of the 220 um I had like the the the housing so I basically traded

    That in to get this 11 Pro so between both the camera and the housing it got me this so I’m quite happy it’s all a wanted I just wanted something that’s it’s 4K front facing camera so I know what I’m [ __ ] doing cuz I’m old and stupid um and yeah fingers crossed it

    Works and it’s decent quality I mean it says it’s 4K so you know iPhone GoPro 4K there may be some differences in maybe the light saturation but I don’t care it works it’s not going to overheat I can see what I’m doing so hopefully be no more

    [ __ ] camera moans but there are other moans we love a good [ __ ] moan on his channel definitely love a good moan um the other thing I’ve got this is onl a little bendy I don’t know what you call it I bought it for the mes cuz she reads

    A Lot on the Kindle Fire but she didn’t want it it’s like got clamp on it and you can put a little bendy wire so I thought I know the perfect [ __ ] use for that so I’ve got it on there hopefully it won’t fall off and it won’t bounce too much um

    Because it is on like a bit of a a bendy wire it’s not on a tripod essentially so hopefully this this this like set works and it works you know and it works moving forward doesn’t mean I can move that around a little bit you know clamp

    It to some of these shelf so at the minute you’ll clamp to a Sega satin shelf but yeah you could clamp it to this side Shelf have it come out to a certain degree I mean it’s not cuz I the wait the camera kind of pulls it down a

    Little bit but um it’s working at a minute so fingers crossed we’re good there we’re good there um yeah so this is really about not really about but it is about the London gaming Market that we had and I forget the date um March the

    20 no March 17th 16th 17th um so went down with Daz with sto it out again at our usual spot which we [ __ ] love honestly I really like it that little room I don’t understand why other vendors kind of like skew away from it I I think it’s a great little spot it

    Works for us anyway it was busy it was busy I’ve watched Scott Sega zombies video I watched uh Alex ustar gaming they weren’t too enamored with the whole event I think CU I missing the mates but um [ __ ] all things being said I couldn’t care less if if no youtubeers

    Turned up it do really bother me in that sense but I get it from their perspective um but yeah from an actual event perspective the best one I’ve ever done the most successful in terms of like sales hands down they did change it up they changed the entry to I think it

    Was staggered so you had 11 till 12 12 to 1 and then one was everybody else um and I think it’s just to control the flow of people because and again I’ve always been on the other side of the table even in London apparently it gets like a

    Cattle market uh and it’s bad enough when you see it from the table side but let alone being in in the Pea Soup the human soup as been make da coj say so I think it was to control that but what it also did from the Sal perspective it kept the flow people

    Quite nice cuz I think there is an element that and I I’ve experienced this I know there’s a lot of people say I see I read people’s comments on other people’s videos and stuff and when it gets too many people there’s a lot of people that just go I’m done I’m out and

    They won’t they’ll just [ __ ] off so you’re losing people’s custom as well so I think at least this way although it probably wasn’t as Su successful as some people wanted it to be or thought it might be I think it did help with that so you know maybe a few more people

    Probably got to a table uh and and had to look around without having to you know [ __ ] shoulder barge people out the way um but yeah sales-wise the best the best so anyone who come and bought for me I think I looked after most people always

    Willing to do deals like I say I’m not you know I’m not here to to to rinse every penny and every pound out stuff stuff that just gets spent back on games anyway so what we’re talking about you know I’ll buy a game and I’ll get it box

    Complete and I’ll sell the loose cart so I’m not really making any money I’m just getting my money back or or or part of my money back that’s what was all about for me and it’s a great day out it’s a great day out um what else I was going to say about

    London um this term yeah so uh I think Scott and Scott mentioned there weren’t many private Sellers and stuff um I don’t really know I mean there’s a few missing there’s a few new people I met a new met a new chap I met loads of people

    Actually um but in terms of like vendors um there was a couple cuz there was um there was that this chap here H not Phil Tom Tom’s name was I bought a few bits off Tom and then there was this couple that was selling their son stuff uh and

    Again the people that went probably seen seen them oldest couple bless them and they looked like two two or four suitcases each no not other two suitcases each or two between them I Can’t Remember full of like Japanese import games Saturn Dreamcast and they were selling them for their sun and I’m

    [ __ ] Fair Play Man so I had a bit of a chat and laugh with them as you do they were they were very well to do but again if you see them there you probably bought some stuff off of them um but I did meet and said hello to numerous

    People um two people I did sort of recognize me and I you know said thanks was Ray Ray bought um my spare spare double whatever you want to call it um Game Boy Player so nice to see you Ray very quiet and reserved as Ray and Marco oh God

    Is a man united fan it didn’t go well on Sunday for on the way home I was like oh happy yeah a great day and then yeah then we start hearing the results but that’s football not it’s not a football channel um but I’m sure Marco is happy

    And so nice to see Marco and anybody else who um came said hello and bought bought some of um I’m assuming it all it’s all broken so I don’t expect any of it to work it was good good day um oh seeing jonno jonno is a guy who came to black

    Country gameair that Clint knows and Ole and stuff like that so he did comment so I’ll leave a link to Jon’s Channel I’m not sure if he’s got any content on there I don’t know we’ll have to have a look but yeah go and check Jon out

    Newish kind of guy I suppose into his um Mass system he’s buying N64 if you want to see someone collect an N64 up over and um check him out I think that was only sort of new person um again there wasn’t many sort of YouTubers there per

    Se um Brian beeps beeps was there with his Lads again another man united fan not we’ll skirt over that very quickly um but for me make dad so again those that came to Black Country and obviously the London one you would have seen that Dad was literally selling this whole

    2600 collection we’ve discussed that at black country but he very kindly gifted me set of um paddles so these are for indd 500 cuz he said you can’t use standard paddles of them again like I say I had the 260000 I was only young it’s not something that

    I’m overly familiar with I’m not a a an oracle or anything like that but Daz knows his [ __ ] and he said yeah the other ones they have they they stop whereas these ones turn continuous so you can’t use normal paddles with the driving games you have to use these ones

    Hence why it says driving so that’s many thanks for that cuz yeah cuz I I finished Indie 5 about finished it that’s in the the boxed version of it um so I’ll pop them down after a minute so what did we get what did we get of some money which is nice

    Which is already been spent which is standard for me but I got some these bits are off Tom sure his name is Tom lovely guy um I think he said he was he used to come to the gaming Market he was going to be this is his words the sort of main go-to

    Person for all your box protectors before my Game Vault he was actually in the game so to speak before my Game Vault was kind of like the sort of go-to one suppose isn’t it um and he had all the stuff there I don’t know I think he said he was poorly

    Or something something happened um and it obviously if you if you don’t um you know bite the bullet and and and take hold of it someone actually is going to jump in your spot and I think that’s what kind of what he was saying but he had all his stock that he

    Was obiously at some point going to going to be moving on and selling um so I had a bit of chat with him and and whatnot but he had some at the back on his um on his stall and again those you that went would would have seen many of

    These they were box snz consoles but he had one that was s of down on the floor and I noticed it was like kind of and I said what what you doing with that one and he said well this is not complete because it’s just got the

    Console in it there’s no hookups nothing there’s nothing else to it but it’s one of these variants That You Don’t See very often and when you do they’re quite rough condition wise because of the nature of them this one’s not too bad it’s not brilliant it’s not it’s not

    Terrible um but he did say that his mate was interested in the console and so if I wanted to I could buy the box and I said yes please let me know so towards the end anyway went back and seen him he said yep my mate wants the console you

    Can have the box bought the Box give him the money went back cuz we were packing up at this point everyone had to get kicked out as per usual at London uh it’s you you could probably stay open for another two hours um I then remembered that we were talking about

    These box protectors so I went back to see him said did you did you have some of the Box protectors cuz I was looking to get some for me super famicom and obviously n yes and always looking for Nez N64 ones and had some super fam comp

    Did me honestly guys he did me a fantastic deal on all these but I’m I end up buying he could only find he had them in packs of five he could only find three packs for the famicom which I’ve nearly used up um but he had I said I need 70

    I’m sure it’s 70 I needed to complete me NES so he did me 70 box protectors 15 famicom ones for like 50 Quid or something stupid it it was mental but these are the what they look like and again they’re really good quality I think they’re half a mil 0.5 mm but yeah

    Really decent quality I can’t can’t fault the quality of them at all um I can’t I was trying to tell the bloody website I bought the last lot from ion something I can’t remember um which I think I said to him they’re cheaper than my game Bol and they’re

    Just as good condition but the price he did me these for was [ __ ] unbelievable so hopefully I should have enough to box up all me NES which there’s not a lot left say about 70 um that’s counting the ones that I haven’t got complete either yeah so kind of future proofing it somewhat

    So the box that I got off of him and also Marco was there towards end and again this is the thing with these markets you can go around you can go around three four five times and you’ll just not see stuff and I didn’t see these he must have had them out during

    The day uh it’s a fist full of manuals and Mar I’d got some and I said oh what about them said I’m not interested and I seen this one and I thought I’ve been after this for years years I’ve been after this one uh and there was a couple

    Of of us I think I need but I thought you know what Chuck them in he chucked him in with a box I’ll show the boxn in a minute but we got us um smash tennis that is I’ve got this game from Nick at vintage gamer when I went over there

    With Rob and Dan years ago um Mario Paint which I think mine might be missing and he had the mouth so I thought we’ll CH that in anyway um but what I actually ended up buying from from Tom is and he even giv me the Box

    Protector for it is the latest release I think that’s what it’s actually called the latest release um box for the SN so what you do you’d whack a game in there now years ago I missed out one of these at the car boot the guy had it in his

    Boot and I said I asked him about it he said oh oh I’m not getting it out yet I went around two cars came back and some [ __ ] was walking off of it absolutely [ __ ] gooded had FZ I think f-z looks quite nice in this because of

    The Blues match um but it’s got the poly it’s got some of the baggies and some of the paperwork not all of it um but yeah they tend to always crack and rip which this one has a bit but I’ll do some do some work on that but yeah they’re

    Getting really raggedy this one isn’t too bad I’m sure he actually said he bought it from from the London Market years back um so it’s kind of come full circle and then ended up in the Midlands and it’s forever home but these are the Box protectors he was uh he was selling

    I should have really got some more I just didn’t think because we were packing up it was such a rush um but if he’s there I think it’s November I think November’s the next one the May there was talk of one between now and November kind of like late summer but if he’s

    There I’ll be definitely going back to pay him a visit cuz you know if you can do me a deal on some of these I’ll be snapping them up um so yeah I’ve got a sort of and again it’s just what I like doing just piece meal putting this back

    Together you know I’ve got some the hookup so I don’t think I’ve got SN I need to get snares and you know that kind of stuff that I just like doing um but yeah just another quirky variant I don’t know why i’ gone down this [ __ ]

    Road I just can’t out St but these things keep appearing so you can’t blame me look if people didn’t sell these things they never for offer I would behind them so it’s not my fault it’s really not my fault uh and that is that it it that’s it for the London Market um

    Again moving forward uh tomorrow Saturday not this Saturday not next Satur Saturday after that it’s Birmingham it’s the Birmingham market so not a lot of break it’s like two weeks or whatever so we’ll be uh stalling out at Birmingham come and see us um I think Dana is going to be there actually

    Um not sure who outs uh no Eddie cuz Eddie’s not stalling that anymore um but I don’t know who outs is on the card cuz L time to [ __ ] do anything and then we’re back at it so there’s not been a lot of um discussions or or whatever but

    D did say he going which surprised me because he’s on the Saturday and obviously he’s got the hidden chess shop so yeah it’d be good to see Daner there um and then whoever turns up I think Jay’s coming cyber snake I’m sure he said he left a comment saying I’ll see

    You Birmingham Market that’d be good CLA I think CLA the Retro repair bear will be there so if you want your [ __ ] fix in some awesome stuff to to to purchase from CLA Come Along come along um and there’s there’s markets up until the summer now really is mental mental mental but

    We’ got some stuff we’ve got some other stuff that I’ve picked up over the months uh I haven’t shown um deals fixer ERS uh yeah just crazy stuff crazy stuff really um now oh this is what I was going to show you I don’t know if I remember that

    If I told you there was some trays missing from some of my super famicom games I was going to get some from AliExpress because you can’t buy them in the UK well well you can but they’re really expensive I got 10 I want to say 10 for £13 which sounds

    A lot but I think it’s the way these are these are pressed that are not um the easiest things but they’re the quality wise are fine i’ I’ve got still got few left so I thought we want to get 10 there’s not much to look at but this

    Is the original one I if you can see the color difference there’s a slight color we can just sort of see that’s a bit more aged but um yeah sizewise and everything else they seem fine um other than them looking nice I can’t really distinguish you know they’re fine they work they’re

    Trace so Al Express the wi man I’m using AliExpress quite a lot for stuff like this just to sort of um fill gaps you know and I said that before like trades and I don’t care about [ __ ] trayes for NZ and N64 and stuff I don’t care

    It’s just a bit of cardboard um so that’s what we got from uh AliExpress um the other thing that we’ve uh sort of been purchasing I suppose is more Nintendo there’s not a lot of CD based stuff at all I have got a little pile of

    CD based stuff um which have just been picking up from like the charity shops and stuff but it’s yeah it’s all it’s all cardboard it’s all cardboard so from me good make Lee Lee Thornley uh fellow admin on retro around he had a few bits up for sale actually need to re jig

    These um and it end up being I bought two lots the first lot and I can’t remember which came with which and then he had another second lot and I showed you the the Micro Machines game didn’t I and I think that’s where I mentioned

    About the trays cuz I got a couple of games off him that were missing trays and that’s what spurred me to to to look on AliExpress but look anywhere actually for some [ __ ] Tres Etsy or whatever they’re all ridiculously pro5 pound each um so from Lee I got a right mixture of

    Stuff but again it’s all it’s all cart based it’s all Nintendo stuff um and I can’t remember for the life of me which bundle came with which so I just ripped through them there was some um loose carts uh Lee’s not a big import fan he’s

    He’s he’s a he’s an 8bit guy really um and he acquires stuff as a lot of people do so these were stuff that he doesn’t really put much hus on not that he doesn’t know what they’re worth but he doesn’t sort of get excited about them

    Like I would just calls it import [ __ ] um so we’ve got a loose copy Street Fighter 2 turbo and I’ve bagged all these and clean this up I haven’t got um uh an American version of this so I’m just keeping it i’ I’ve got it same with Star Fox

    Again just might as just keep it not worth a great deal um this is quite a nice one and again I thought I had this but I don’t um so it’s Contra contra 3 with the humans the humanoids and waku waku land I know i’ forget it’s

    Been ages since I’ve [ __ ] had these I’m sure it’s waku waku land something like that now the other the other famicom G super famon games he had I should [ __ ] get this right to but on never really heard of this one I have no clue it’s it’s the

    Oddest [ __ ] thing it’s like some weird P papermache motion stop thing but which has nothing to do with the actual game on the front don’t know I don’t think this will be staying I think it’s some sort of like God Sim or city Sim or something

    It’s not Sim City anyway it is weird as Howell it is weird as all Howell so you can see it’s not even the game when I seen front I thought it was like a boxing game but it’s not it top management there you go business simulation game top management too

    So yeah I don’t think I’m not sure that’ll be staying but I don’t think anyone’s going to want it either let’s be honest this one was quite interesting um and it gave me Vibes of and I don’t know if it I need to um research this because I swear to God

    This was a game in the arcades I remember mate John always playing it and it’s called milk race in the arcades so this is who is it this is some famous cyclist guy from back in the day is it I don’t know if his name is coconut

    Coconut’s Japan I don’t know if that’s just if that’s his name or if that’s the name of the the developers but yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a racing cyclist cycling Sim but it just when I S of saw it I just remembered milk racing the arcades

    Cuz when make John he was he liked all that kind of stuff he used to have a racing bike rally bike which is quite nice maybe you have a racer got BMX or racer and he had a racer you know pissed in tires and stuff

    Um so yeah I don’t really know a great deal about this other than it just looked like it was a milk race and um and it was in part of the deal so I thought yeah why not let’s just grab it obviously the one that’s more uh easy to recognize you know you

    Know what you’re getting with this one is a Nigel manel’s F1 challenge old Manel with his uh with his mustache um now I don’t know if this was Nigel manel’s Championship racing you know you got it on the blue on the mega drive it

    Was a blue box and stuff and I think it come out on the on the um the PO Super Nintendo I think but this is in this is in really nice condition this didn’t need a tray um so I’ll probably keep this one just for shits and giggles um

    The milk race one I’ll probably keep top management um yeah I don’t think anyone going to want that are they let’s be honest again it was a couple of two lots I bought off Le and I can’t remember which came with which I think these came with the loose cards

    And it’s a collection of like paraphernalia basically oh and this this this was uh this is pretty cool but anyway these are like loads of like random books I think he was just sorting through boxes and it’s just [ __ ] that is accumulated over over time how to win at

    Game board games and that’s quite nice from this um me machine Sega arcade special flyer that that is pretty cool I must admit um what’s that the r360 it’s meant to be like yeah afterburner 2 weren’t it that one um virtal formula which is virtual racing don’t

    Know why they called it virtual formula virtual fighter goes through some virt fighter like know back in the day alien three the gun um see this one I I don’t recall seeing this I’m guessing it was probably in some of the more highend ones as1 which is meant to be some sort of

    Like w virtual R virtual simulation machine as1 is a simulator ride but the rolls Ro is simul oh so you sit in and it moves you around and you fly around the city right got you uh Daytona uh Jurassic Park Sonic arcade some quite nice ones there some

    Of these never got home Home Port did they cyberdome and um Star Wars I mentioned but yeah I think that was just like a little giveaway but I don’t collect me machine Sega so if anyone’s after needs this for one of their um collections I don’t know which is it

    Came with I’m sure there’ll be some on the front that’s saying you know this is free so if anyone’s missing that and requires it let me know you know you can uh Chu it in the post here or you can um meet me at the market and grab it off of

    Me this was quite nice the complete Sega solution so just like hints and tips of all the Sega games and mass system ones you know gangster town and that back in the back in the day psycho Fox pro wrestling who’s on about pro wrestling Russ the Retro repair bear he

    Says that was terrible never I won’t have it honestly I’ve the stories I had about that so John got pro wrestling fully enough around Easter time um he didn’t really fall out of his parents a great deal cuz he had nothing to fall out of on cuz he was sport rotten but

    Just before Easter something happened I can’t remember what it was and he had a barie with his old man got really upset and his mom was like cuz she was like you’re upset John so his old man must have fat guilty and I remember this he probably don’t remember it but I

    Remember this his dad went out and back then is probably wois or something like that and he bought pro wrestling on the mass list and bought it back as a sort of uh an olive branch or whatever and we played that for a [ __ ] giant swing

    That’s what one of them used to be the wrestling move and stuff got he played that to death um but old Russ saying it’s a terrible game it always was a ter no it wasn’t he’s lying don’t don’t listen to him um but yeah God it smells old smells old like

    Me um so that was quite nice little again little bundle that will definitely be keeping these ones I I didn’t really I haven’t really looked at them cheat guides PlayStation that might go that’s all right and out to win at Game Boy games that looks quite interesting um so I’ll probably keep

    That one I have got look at the pil of guides and stuff again what I’ve probably accumulated over years from charity shops and car boots and stuff like that um so a few of them and then this this was in that lot again it’s just like a load of crappy must have

    Chopped into a box and it’s quite fun looking for this I might do a separate little vid on this U but it’s basically the game from what year I have no idea but it looks like a Christmas one um I don’t know what year it

    Is damn it it’s got to be 90s so at some point I’ll find out but yeah it just goes through all the prices that they had so yeah that’s quite a little again it’s just little advertising things um so I quite like that I quite like

    That tell you what I have found talking about YouTube and again look it’s not a rant it’s not a rent oh Stew’s back ninja bear hog for the time being hopefully he sticks around not too much modern stuff though a mate cuz uh I’ll have to just [ __ ]

    Skim your vids like I do with Marcus cuz Marcus is just buying Xbox 360 [ __ ] and I just like yeah no I watch a little bit watch the Preamble and then it’s like yeah I just kind of like fall asleep um but it’s nice to see him back

    Although I did think he looked like Negan um those what Walking Dead Wonder know what I’m talking about but um I mentioned this to Daz and again look I may be talking to the converted here I might be to the convert you all might know this and you going yes do we

    Already know this where what you’ve been doing what you but I don’t do anything on my phone I’m not a phone guy at all as you can probably tell um so I do a lot on my PC but it was getting to the point where you know when it sort says recommends

    Your stuff you go on to your homepage again I don’t know a lot of people watch on the phone but you have a home screen and there a lots of stuff that YouTube recommends and it’s all [ __ ] it’s all [ __ ] wanker career climber [ __ ] wannabe giving you many [ __ ]

    Shills wanky YouTube channels I’ve got no interest in that so I don’t tend to see anything out it’s getting worse it’s getting worse I’ll tell you that much so I just Googled it said look I going filter out or block people that I don’t want to [ __ ] see and I didn’t know

    This again you might know it I’ll put a screenshot up because if I don’t explain it very well but on the little preview screen there’s three little dots if you just hover your cursor over the three little dots a box comes up and you can

    Click on it it says um do not recommend this Channel or or whatever and you can literally just block them from [ __ ] appearing on your feed it’s great it’s great I don’t see any [ __ ] knob EDS anymore with the stupid faces or the shitty [ __ ] videos trying to

    Get me to give them money each month it’s wonderful um all the fake [ __ ] have all gone but it don’t like it really doesn’t want to show you anybody that’s not making them money and I know that’s the algorithm I get that’s the algorithm so now I’m getting swamped with [ __ ] eBay

    Resellers um what else was it there was some of the [ __ ] it was eBay resellers like flippers in America and then there was somewhere else there was some other like um thread of videos and I’m like what the [ __ ] are these come from I don’t want to see them either so

    Now half my time spent blocking [ __ ] channels um but I don’t at least I don’t see all the [ __ ] [ __ ] idiots that like I say that just climbers and wannabes and and and stuff like that so I’m hoping at some point actually no tell a lie I did find somebody um and I

    Just found them earlier on and it just so happened they were at London market and they bought some off Daz in their video they bought these pom poms who were so it does work it did it does work and it wasn’t the London Market video

    That it it it showed me it was um I think it’s a man and a woman don’t know if they’re married or I’m guessing they are but it was his and when I went to look at their Channel it was fully enough the latest one was the London

    Market one so is working it is working um so yeah there’s my there there’s my dig at at the grifters and the [ __ ] the wnab is um got to do one each video we going to anyway back to Lee back to Lee Thornley but we’re on [ __ ] 30 minutes quick quickly um

    This was battered I should have took some pictures of this I didn’t it was battered um I don’t think Lee watches anyway but I’ve done my best and it’s come up all right it’s come up all right it’s um one I’ve got on the pal version already and I’ve probably just keep this

    To be honest it’s Final Fantasy Mystic Quest the American version um I think it is missing the map but it’s got It’s got the manual in it so those that know over here we got it like this we got it like that with this you can send off for the

    Guide uh the story of this one I don’t know if I told you this when I was a youth I had and I obsessed with I’m probably still am I supp to certain degree Final Fantasy 3 you know I I bought that I imported that I went to a

    Shop that got to import it for me cost me like 90 quid or something it and I played that game to death so when that came out a year later I think it was I was thinking it’s going to be another Final Fantasy game we’ve got a power

    Final Fantasy game I can’t wait got it started playing I’m like this is really plain simple and unbeknownst to me because I’m just an idiot it is basically um an entry level does it say entry level role playing game yeah so it’s kind of everything’s really cut down to

    Really easy but I still played it I still enjoyed it I still loved it it’s still part of the final fantasy series of games um but yeah so this one ofly I say the quality the box was terrible it really was terrible it was taped to all all

    Heaven um so we’ve give it a glue we’ve get it give it an iron we we straightened it out a bit um and yeah I’ll probably just go into me um my us collection up here if you can see them get P out the way yeah we got a few running along

    There as and when I see them you know not I don’t go out the way to find him per se but um we’ll put him up there cuz he’s going to have to go up there anyway and then the last thing the last thing that I got offly which was the thing

    That I was kind of really wanting cuz you don’t see these you really don’t um again I had to basically rebuild this box it was shot um didn’t have this back in the day at all I had other versions of this for other systems which is where the kind of like the

    Nostalgia I suppose comes into play but equally I’ve never seen one and they are really hard to come by and it’s a proaction replay but for the NES so have I got the where is it no I can’t find it I’ve got the um the Super Nintendo version of

    This somewhere and I can’t bloody find a thing buried somewhere no doubt cuz I’ll show you but they’re basically all in the same boxes like these crate type boxes but this it was it was Fallen apart um there’s not a great deal to them you got a bit of squidy

    Foam and it looks like this basically a squish Pham but the actual unit itself is is in lovely condition I don’t think it’s ever been used um and then you get all the uh all the booklets and stuff it’s just a b it’s cheap just cheap but what you can

    Do with some of the codes it Alters the game as well changes things around a little bit and it just I I used to mess about on the on the SN all the time all the time but um but this box I literally had to unpeel the whole

    Of the outer skin you can sort of see the glue um cuz it had just completely separated both lots of cardboard had separated that I think it was only cell tape it all cell taped in the corner you still see a bit there only cell tape was

    Keeping this together so I unpicked it all filled it all laid it all out glued it all together now what I didn’t realize was the cardboard is like corrugated but because of the age and when you put the glue on it cuz it saturated it The Ridges the corrugation

    Flattened out so the cardboard was bigger than the outside skin so I had to then s of go around and and trim it but it it’s there you know I mean you don’t see it you don’t see it very of I mean well I could have

    Probably done his ball a SN one and just stuck that on the front of it the same boxes but um yeah again it’s not anything that anyone’s going to get excited about other than idiots like me really but you don’t see the NES version about at all so that is it look that’s

    37 minutes of me that’s way too long um that the other stuff can wait so yeah look uh hopefully see you guys at Birmingham come along buy some stuff hopefully um if not I’ve got to do another video there’s plenty of stuff to go at still no ranting I’m hoping the quality

    Of this is is okay um and it’s on on par well I’m not expecting it to be better than the GoPro I I’ll be honest hands up but we’ll see um but I’m back working there’s no after this there’ll be no moaning about the camera honest Honest

    Engine and um yeah take it easy YouTube and I speak to soon bye-bye


    1. Cheers toots that vid just got me through doing last nights dishes 😂 great game of footy last sunday, ive made sure not to delete it off my planner as i aint sure when it will happen again 😂 that sega solutions book looks great. The bear got it totally wrong with pro wrestlimg it was a great game back in the day 👊 some of that import artwork 😂 great of cex to sort you out bud and the 3 dots is going to come in very useful 😂

    2. I’m not gonna lie I was expecting the phone to start slowly dipping slightly as it went along lol. Glad to hear that you’ve got your camera situation resolved.

      As always I’m glad to hear You and Darren had a good day. I saw both Scott and Alex’s vids and heard their complaints about the ticketing system. It did sound a little crazy.

      I’ll be in touch about the box protectors. Unless I missed it, but who are the folks you use that have an online presence that are a little cheaper than MyGameVault?

      That’s a nice little convertor at the end there.

      As for the video quality it looked all good to me.

      Take it easy Stu.

    3. That GameBoy book looks interesting, not seen that one before and I used to have stacks of those things! Pro Wrestling is a decent game, took me ages to figure out the controls when I played it but it's way better than the WWF game! You must have the patience of a saint to arse around with the cardboard boxes like you do, back when I collected SNES (Pre MD collection!) I was obsessed with box condition but I used to just buy better versions rather than mess around repairing them :D! Nice grabs mate!

    4. Camera for each looking clean buddy. Great Master System story about pro wrestling and the retro bear. 👍

      YouTube definitely messing with you when you are blocking certain channels.And a load more crap pops up 😂

    5. Camera looks well to me Gordon and clamped up like Sheilas nips 👌biggest sales thats awesome.
      Thats what i think its not my fault if they are selling ‘ i want its how it goes,Big up RetroRam he can ram them all night 👊🏻im probably blocked by YouTube from messaging on here but hey ho! 😂

    6. Camera looks well to me Gordon and clamped up like Sheilas n!ps👌biggest sales thats awesome.
      Thats what i think its not my fault if they are selling ‘ i want its how it goes,Big up RetroRam he can ram them all night 👊🏻im probably blocked by YouTube from messaging on here but hey ho! 😂

    7. Hey Stu, we also had a great day at the London Gaming Market. That small room is definitely the place to be 😂 Hopefully bring some more CRT TVs next time 😅 Good to you and your mate, top people. Thank you

    8. Funny you mentioned about filtering out youtube recommendations which i agree are generally shite. I was doing a bit of reading into how to find smaller channels. On your desktop (can't do it on the phone so this will work for you) if you type in something like 'game pickups' or 'game room tour' there is an advanced search where you can put in additional filters. I set one to only give me results of channels with less than 500 subs. Found some channels putting out decent content! Funnily enough there was one or two where you'd commented and no-one else i knew had left a comment. So you must be doing something right and finding decent channels?

    9. Well I've had my eyes opened up here…… to know that it's the fault of the sellers for listing stuff is the reason I buy so much tat was a revelation 🤣
      I can live in peace now ..lol
      Pleased to hear you did well at London and great deal on the box protectors
      Happy blocking👍

    10. Being back the go-pro matey.. the community is a better place with your rants 😂

      Good call with Milk Race.. pretty sure I remember playing that originally on my Amstrad 464 😎👍

    11. Appreciate the mention Stu 🙂 Not going to be stalling at Birmingham market. It's the wrong sort of event for me really, unless I can build a decent amount of stock for sale.
      It would be nice to do so though. I do enjoy them.

    12. I am glad I am not the only one hacked off with You Tube and their "recommendations". I now spend more time using that not interested/block channel button than ever before 😂😂 Mind you it still doesn't work properly as it has run out of things to recommend me based on what I do watch it just chucks up random stuff like cooking, weekly food shops, a worrying amount of live church service streams and anything in a foreign language 🤣🤣 And Pro Wrestling still sucks 😊👍🐻

    13. Camera way better there Stu. You'll never get rid of the shite recomends mate, I tried that and my feed is still full of people with shocked face yhumbnails which I never click on😑
      I'm gonna try and get to one of those London Gamer Markets at some point, maybe the Nov one.
      Have a great sunday fella.

    14. Glad you did well at London mate, sounds like it was very busy.
      Don't recall seeing that snes box before, nice variant.
      Don't look for new channels at all, mostly grifters.
      If someone comments a few times on mine I have a looksy but apart from that I'm keeping my head down.
      Don't think I've ever owned an action replay, great pick ups as always.
      Quality was fine mate 👍

    15. Chuffed that it worked out; sounds like a record breaker event wise.

      Haha, love that Nigel Mansell boxart 😂. Fricking epic. Surely it’s the same as world championship unless the Japanese got all Mansell-Mania 😆
      Love those guide books. Always worth grabbing and flicking through. I’ve some old price guides which are always a sobering read.

    16. I've not played Mystic Quest yet. What's with that horrible green border on the PAL release, though! Normally it's the Yankee box's and box art that are hideous 😂
      That's a lot of time and effort for an old cardboard box 😂

    17. Loving the T-Shirt dude! 🤘🏻Everytime I watch any of your videos I am more and more impressed with your collection. Honestly one of the most impressive Nintendo Cardboard collections around. 👌🏻 Sounds like the show was a fun time. Great pickups man! I like those old cheat guides and that mean machine advertisement is pretty cool. Like looking at a time capsule. Hey an NTSC copy of Mystic Quest! That was one of my first RPG’s from back in the day. I block channels on my home feed all the time. 😂 You’re the real deal my friend. That’s why I like watching your vids. You never ask for anything and you it’s easy to tell how much you love this hobby!

    18. Sounds like London was a good event! Are you doing Oxford on the 20th April? I will be there but don't have much stuff to sell, might have to raid the shelves.

    19. Really pleased to hear London was a record breaker for lizard retro, I saw your pitch on a video and it looks like a great spot you have there, plenty of room and people can peruse without being shifted on by the mob.

      I heard the negativity around the new entry system, hope that doesn't have a knock on negative effect, I'm sure it was people being hot under the collar at the time.

      Some interesting additions, I'm sure I will have without it registering but I don't remember that particular snes box before, nice, you must have a fair pile of pal snes box variants stored away somewhere within lizi hq.

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