1. Don't mind riding the motorsickle in the rain, but biking though it for hours would be testing! Its winter here in Oz, so I guess its summer over there. At least you didn't have freezing cold to contend with as well!

    2. This is just amazing! How is your bike doing? The motor etc? If you happen to need anything (shipping parts, etc..), let us know. I did ± this trip by car… 16" tires: in a capital city, look for Brompton bike resellers, if we have them in Brazil, you should be stumbling on a couple too…

    3. Hi Jack, I heard you were looking for gas.
      Have you heard of Biolite already?
      That is a wood fire that works with wood.
      You have to take a look at youtube, you'll be amazed at what that fire can do. You let your gas fire stand aside immediately.
      Maximum power 5000 watt !!!!!!!
      usb charger, lighting etc …… grill and wood you find on the way.
      Greetings from Belgium

    4. It must be, or could be, a really lonely experience at times, yet the memories of it will be remembered forever and the thought of any loneliness or being alone will balance out with the people you've met, the things you've seen and everything else.

      The room with no power and wet clothes will be a small slice of a great trip and experience!

    5. Thanks for the update, nice to see a bit of culture in there too. Times get tough, but often we can look back and smile. Happy peddling.

    6. Great Video Jack. That was very nice to hear, about you being happy. People like watching others enjoying themselves, even with the troubles they are having, with the rain, no power or water. Cheers and keep on smiling. Tom

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