Continuing my journey in Europe and my travels took me into France. My mood was dropping easily after a few challenging days of rain, but it immediately picked up again when cycling through one of the amazing national parks. Then followed by an amazing warm showers stay with host, Justine.

    Thank you for watching and supporting my videos 🙂

    Don’t have a bike towards have to pull in because it’s pouring here I used to get 12 miles done um but yeah the two hours are just hanging and 25 miles to go to the station under a so yeah hanging out with the trolleys rock and roll

    Bailed get me on the train because it’s really cold and it’s pouring and let’s just pray for no problems getting bikes on trains [Applause] yeah that’s right let’s hope today improves one of those days onwards to train them three and I’m now in Germany weather conditions really weren’t on my side on

    This day so I hopped on a train that would take me through Germany so I could then cycle over the border to France for the day of just annoying rain it’s not raining in the UK um just waiting for it to stop so I can ride to the campsite

    I can’t find any affordable hotels nearby so or that I’d like the look of it I think it is slowing I’m pretty sure that I’m gonna heading into that blue sky area there is that just me being optimistic start braiding making a dash for it before the next shower

    There’s no more rain until I’m pitched please [Applause] once we go up there what is it with today hello from France that’s me in France hello from Francaise okay well to top off what’s been quite a challenging day today clearly with all the complaining

    Um I had a campsite in mind that I was heading for so I headed straight there and it was kind of like it looked like a really overcrowded but like you couldn’t get in it was locked for all sides so I went to a different one and

    Um I just had the most friendliest welcome she was just like we’re closed I was like I’ve got a really small tent is there anywhere back um we’re closed and I managed to ask her if I could top up my water bottles before I left and she

    Reluctantly agreed and sort of made sure that I was off the premises before she left so you know I’ve stayed in a lot of campsites across Europe the most unfriendly as welcome goes to France so let’s hope that things pick up um I did actually ride through like a

    Gravel track and I have found a wild camping spot um I didn’t love the world camping last time I didn’t I didn’t really enjoy it so I wasn’t too Keen to do it again I was Keenan to stay on them campsites but it is a beautiful spot and it’s very secluded and quiet

    So you know it’s just you already so I have no choice so here we go let’s hope for uh not too many crazy Wildlife noises and I think there will be a lot of noises because it’s kind of like a nature area so fingers crossed for Lucy at least I’ve got food

    Um I can cook some pasta I think when I’ve had something to eat it will help my mood because I’m kind of feeling a bit which I do get like this when um I think when I just get tired and hungry it just all kind of decision making gets

    Really tough and then when you’ve got extra challenges it just makes it hard so yeah I think I just need something to eat and a good night’s sleep which I’m not really going to get because I’m wild camping so anything you’ll be able to see on film now

    But I’ve just been sat here watching Dear like not even that far like 50 meters away and there’s bats flying around um I reckon I’ll be hearing hours I reckon it’ll be a bit of a nature hot spot but wow it’s just been amazing watching the deer just admiring this View and just

    Appreciating being here I’m waiting to get packed up and go on the road but this has been such a lovely lovely camping spot um I loved watching the day last night I loved hearing the owls and they were the lovely that Twitter sound not the big scary screechy ones which are amazing too

    Um there’s little birds it’s just so quiet and nice um but yeah I don’t need to I don’t I don’t I shouldn’t be pushing my luck I’d need to get packed up and then get on the road and stuff get out of here and uh Golden Rule love while camping

    Leave no trace and leave it better than you found it so you know there’s no rubbish here anyway but if there is I’ll pick it up and take it with me but yeah just such an appreciation for the outside this is what I love right everything packed up get back towards the road

    And I’m on my way so my cycling host for this evening and uh first stop is whoops first up is a croissant in France first question in France it’s looking a bit gray but hopefully the weather will hold up for me today oh and I’m in a much better mood

    Honestly food and sleep that was all I needed so yeah ready to continue my journey today let’s see what today holds it’s what we came for the first part of chocolate in France and it’s warm eyes so good this is the content you’ve been looking for isn’t it

    And um yeah if anyone’s still watching after yesterday’s day grumpy nuts and complaining thanks thanks for support the last few days have been quite tough with the rain and cold and wet camping kit and after four weeks on the road now I found that my mood dropped quite

    Easily usually that was fixed by sleep and a good feed but the challenges were just taking their toll that little bit more however once I got back into my usual habitat of peddling moving forward and able to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and natural Woodland everything felt fine again I was cycling

    Through one of France’s national parks the park de nod and heading towards my warm shower cycling host for the evening I think I’m about 28-30 miles in to a 50 mile route and it’s actually been a really tough day the really strong headwind today and I’m quite tired um General story really but I’ve reached the forest and it’s just these things kind of like lift you when

    You you know like amazing views riding in like magical places crossing a border coffee music nice descent they just lift your mood and It’s so quiet it’s I’m looking forward to tonight’s day as well because I think that’s going to be quite rural too what an experience being able to come to places like this I love it through here Look at those guys that’s pretty cool anyway garments are quite complete but I’m still going up Right into my host Foreign showers hose for the evening Justine and I have to say this was a really inspiring visit for me this is visual Justine’s lovely dog this is Schnoodle And this is Justine’s cabin I was so inspired by this place so Justine is largely self-sustaining and grows all of her own vegetables and sells a lot to the local community also supposed to get my tent and bike and stuff and then pitch that’ll be home for the night I It’s just the most incredible place Foreign Place to live I just love what Justine’s doing and the project she’s got her and her outlook on everything and we share a lot of the same opinions and things yeah I’m just so impressed After a lovely welcome and look around we had an amazing meal of food Justine and grown and spent the evening chatting but quite a chilly camp Blue Skies so yeah it was quite chilly um looking Justine let me just like it otherwise I think I would have been very cold

    So packed her if we’re ready to leave and um Justine’s just getting some vegetables from her garden there’s someone locally has brought and so yeah we’re gonna ride into the village together which will be nice super nice hello hello my new friends I’m sorry I don’t speak French

    So I regret not filming more when I was with Justine but I had a lovely stay I was so grateful for her kindness and showing me her amazing setup we’ve rode into the nearby Village together and I once again was back on the road thank you Justine for your kind stay


    1. Hi Lucy love the vlogs, subscribed for more!

      I am wondering about the kit you are using on this trip. I'd love to see a video on your camping setup and also your bike and bags setup. I see that you were using the Forclaz MT500 sleeping pad. Was it warm enough during these cold nights? Asking because I am considering the same pad for my bikepacking holiday coming summer 🙂


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