Cycling the stunning Turkish coast (S1E16)
    This week I continue to explore the stunning Southern coast of Turkey on my bicycle. I get to sleep at some pretty nice camp spots again and get to meet some lovely people on the way. Enjoy the ride!

    For donations:

    Thank you Foreign Foreign As you can see behind me I’m already on the road and I just left exit in my warm showers hosted yesterday he hosted me for one night and it was an incredible stay because accident makes bikes completely made of bamboo by hand so that was very unique to see I’ve never

    Seen one of them I’ve never tried one of them but now I both got to see and try them and I even got to help a little bit on a tandem he was working on so incredible incredible quality if you’re looking for a bamboo bike bumblebee C

    Class in Turkey you’ll find him I can recommend it That’s a bit sour but nice questions All right got some company again behind me hello guys Actually lived in the Netherlands so we can speak Dutch awesome Two hours or so and it’s been great fun really fun guys great meeting them and actually Hassan just offered me to sleep at this place tonight so that’s what we’re gonna do cycling towards his home now in fetier all right and it’s the next morning

    And uh I had a great stay in his house it was wonderful we had dinner last night with Murat as well and his wife and we had an excellent time so thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you and uh yeah uh I gotta

    Continue my way so let’s go bye-bye what a great luck it was to meet those guys on the road I enjoyed every single second we spent together really nice guys but now it’s time to move on I’m going towards butterfly Bay today I wish I’m really excited for supposed to be really beautiful

    And it’s also a big climbing day she might be able to notice but not breathing it has started already foreign I arrived at butterfly Bay and this must be the best lunch spot ever Thank you Thank you And after one of the most beautiful lunch views I could wish for I have to continue up the mountain it’s 1200 meters of elevation in total I already did 350. still a whopping 850 to go let’s do it 700 meters in now 500 to go and I’m starting to get scared because everywhere around me are huge cliffs and I’m just starting to ask myself where the heck do I have to cross this mountain where’s the top I can go straight up I probably have to Thank you Foreign That’s it that’s the top 1200 meters of elevation check what a day all right Sunset is in about two hours I want to make it back to the beach this sale 50 kilometers or so so I’m not sure if I’m gonna make that but I’m just gonna make my way down

    And then I’ll see where skates I’ll find recommendations somewhere else to hydrate All right I can’t talk too loud next to the Beach this property of patara and ancient city so it’s I think it’s private property so probably not allowed to stay here there are some dogs around and some cars and motorcycles driving in and out so not trying to bother anyone

    Couldn’t pitch my tent now after a long day 1600 meters of elevation time to take some rest and wake up early tomorrow and then hopefully the night goes as smooth as the rest of the day Thank you Thank you I left the beach and I had a pretty good night underneath the night sky really beautiful stars and now continuing my way towards the old town of Kashi Riding on the Beautiful beautiful it is very beautiful out here but unfortunately the weather is taking a bad turn and I’m experiencing strong headwinds all along it’s gonna be a long day like this Well it works anyway I found a camp spot here on the beach it’s been a long day very tired another 1500 meters of elevation today second day in a row so starting to feel my body weakening but it’s all right I’m gonna relax snack something because I’m hungry and I think

    That’ll be all for today my chills to do oh what a morning it’s five o’clock I think more or less I was woken up because of Thunder nearby there’s a big thunderstorm rolling in which wasn’t predicted and my tent is there in the middle of the beach with my bike

    Right next to it tripod everything so metal things I think it would be unwise to stay in my tend right now I’m just seeking for shelter [Applause] nearby [Applause] not great Jesus okay I’m gonna move away a little bit more Thank you All right the storm is finally moving out it seems the sun has come through so it’s already 11 o’clock very late but at least it is moving out stuff need to dry right now the tent some other stuff that got wet and then try to hit the road by one

    Maybe and see what we can make of the day foreign Along the coast now very enjoyable but over there I can see it’s already more cloudy Inland and that’s where I have to go unfortunately Thank you All right 550 meters of elevation last climb before Antalya done [Applause] so here’s a great thing I’m about to enter this tunnel over there and here button and if I push this button over there the warning sign is being activated so everyone can see cyclists in the tunnel So there you go another beautiful camping spot right next to the Sea I’m lucky these days beautiful beautiful views and I found a perfect flat spot over here I think this used to be a camping which is close now there are a lot of people camping around

    As well so I’m gonna prepare myself some dinner and call it a night I’m tired Foreign Stretch to Antalya so just 50 kilometers or so mainly flat I’m just going to ease my way in and then take some well-deserved rest And after 9 000 meters of elevation in just eight consecutive days it was time to give the body some rest before adventuring into the highlands of Turkey but that is the story for next time so that’s it for this week and I’ll see you in the next one thank you


    1. Another excellent video! You gave your followers a wonderful impression of the beautiful Anatolian coast. Impressive that you manage to do the filming and editing of your video’s all by yourself, great job!

    2. Great video again! Maybe if you want to increase donations, you can speak in the videos about the goal to remind us to donate 🙂

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