How about sharing what YOU LOVE about Portugal on this Feelgood Friday as Clyde Showalter joins us, doing exactly that!

    Clyde is husband of Colleen Showalter, and together they spearhead Portugal The Place, more about them and team at –

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    In Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings the bell and the MERS show to the GMP Morning Show featur guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little vanity mix with some

    Insanity on the morning show with GMP good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic Day hey Gers Allon alria mson here with a good morning Portugal show live stream and podcast the Feelgood Friday Edition on this the 22nd of March already 22nd of March 2024 how are you today toach do let me know in the chat if you will and send pictures and videos to 913

    5933 uh what’s this I here oh teuck is here this morning with a Full House of contributions and content so good to see you here this morning of the Bal year alria gumpers at 7:56 this morning at 7:38 coach Turner was also in and James was in at 7:47 jumbo time

    747 thank you very much gentlemen the three wise men of the gun Apocalypse in their full constellation and lineup this morning on this Feelgood Friday oh Gemini Bradshaw also here how are you doing Jim I thank you for your feedback I think you like the real estate videos

    Or is it that particular uh property that you like that I popped up yesterday put a couple of um um real estate well some Portuguese Dream Home Videos couple of those uh yesterday lovely to be able to do so from Carl hide of course and from vitto

    Kos had an interesting chat with him on the phone yesterday as well oh and a good session last night thanks a lot Vera great to chat with you from mortgage direct last night uh the um understanding mortgages webinar in Portugal understanding mortgages in Portugal U mortgage rates real estate

    Updates not not so much of the former sorry not so much of the oh which oh which order did I read that anyway we had a great session learning about mortgages in Portugal last night a great Q&A and a great Dream Team session as well my cultural question was what is

    The best way for people to prepare for a Portuguese Easter um which was a bit of a damp squib which is not what you’re meant to be eating at Easter time f is the traditional pastry that went down like a lead balloon you know the um the bread

    Basically with a boiled eggs in it and my mistake you’re not meant to eat the boiled egg apparently it’s just for decorative purposes according to jilda she she anytime she’s preparing for a public holiday in Portugal it’s JY I think the grease is the runners for her

    We had Daniel about eating bakala as you might expect but it would appear lamb and goat are the traditional Meats uh for Christmas on the Sunday uh no eating of meat I think as as a as a lent gesture until Easter Sunday which is of

    Course a is it a week on Sunday I believe so a week today will be good Friday and Easter Sunday will be a week this coming Sunday so thank you very much Dream Team for an excellent session Sarah Davy was also there of course Sher from Greenback uh helping people an

    Exciting time for Americans and filing their taxes and Sher was all over that as ever last night and the wonderful kolina moralia from Kaza puga she was uh with us and also telling us about the webinar for next week the webinar for next week will be about utilities next

    Thursday at 7:30 so it could be some useful information for you there if uh maybe if you’re already here and you want to change or if you want to get up to speed on who you’re going to be connecting with literally when it comes to all the utilities um phone companies

    Internet provision and that sort of thing so that’s next Thursday at 7:30 today Clyde is going to be here you’ve seen Colleen on the screen oh that’s a good name for a feature colen on the screen it’s going to be Clyde on the screen which doesn’t rhyme I wonder what

    Else we can rhyme with Clyde this morning anyway Clyde will slide onto your screen at around 9 this morning looking forward to chatting with Clyde the last time I had a chat with him Clyde Showalter of Portugal the place we were sat in alcabasa having a coffee uh

    Not far from the Opera Cafe and I remember having a great chat with Clyde very interesting man and he’s GNA well when I was talking to him yesterday about what he’d like to discuss on the show this morning what he loves about Portugal and I would um be very

    Interested to hear from you as well what you love about Portugal too so let me know let’s recap on that should we let’s review it’s all been a bit serious in many ways um hasn’t it although the relief the palpable relief of not having to fill T duck vacuum today nice one

    James Pam also in now and Antonio F Anna thank you for being here Sweden Portugal Anna and Owen thank you for the track yesterday that you sent me Owen great job Alan Martins hello from Massachusetts so we better say hello in case um Allan has to go to bed soon or

    Already is in bed and drops off um to Dreamland um so good morning to you I’m Pam yes Pam Smith thank you for the lovely oh I think I need to find that I didn’t see that um in time yesterday I think where are you in my Almighty WhatsApp collection of wonderful

    Contributions to the show 913 5933 that is oh here it is here’s the lovely image um that Tony had organized to be published in the local paper on the event of their wedding anniversary let me bring it to the screen for you now this is lovely well done Tony here

    It is for you now talking of alcabasa you have seen this in alcabasa perhaps if you’re looking at the newspapers over the last week or so to my darling wife um happy wedding anniversary All My Love Now and Forever from Tony isn’t that loveely isn’t how wonderful to see that

    In the paper still an important thing I think the newspaper isn’t it’s what we grow up with and lovely to see something in the paper they’re looking out at you especially when it’s beautiful news like that or a beautiful announcement like that wellton thank you Pam for that oh

    Antonio Barbosa also in oh um Antonio thank you very much for your recent contribution over at the Portugal Club um you’re talking about the changes to the new Portuguese ID cards um they’ve got a a chip on them now haven’t they this is in in um anticipation of the

    Chip actually being under your skin no only kidding just an April an early April Falls Joe but all the changes to the new Portuguese ID cards which I believe are going to be coming out oh yeah scheduled for the 10th of June 24 Portugal day of course that’s great so

    Thank you for that information over there I want to take you to the Portugal Club as well just to get a little bit of input from you we’ve got got a poll running what you’d like to know if you were to do a Portuguese language boot

    Camp um I would like to share well I’d like to ask you what you’d like to if you had 30 days to learn something within the Portuguese language uh sphere of influence what would it be I’ve got some options already and um we’ll come back to those Facebook user in is that

    Shell good morning to you and that doesn’t sound like shell with a boom dia toos who would that be I wonder um let us know who you are if you will and Portugal where are you mate um are you are you signaling a little bit of an

    Advert for the man cave tonight myself and Doug won’t be on this evening at our I was going to say our regular time it’s not really really a regular time because it was the first time ever um that we did it last week over the weekend we’ll

    Probably do Sunday night at 9: so it won’t be fluffing for the man cave tonight but let us know what you’re talking about tonight on the man cave if you will Andrew portuges Lord Gilchrist of course just picked up my Portuguese passport where does the plane leave home

    Sweet home here I come sir Alan in Massachusetts but Portugal is home and and Andrew loves spring time inbo which sounds like a beautiful movie doesn’t it and Pete is here as well look did they say which 2024 it was could be 3024 oh you cynic Peter um it could be is that

    One of the things you love about Portugal let us know what you love about Portugal Andrew Gilchrist has done that already I love Springtime in Libo the jackar andas um did they say which 24 it was then you Rascal Peter allowing there for administrative and general paperwork

    3024 is oh look and the global Nobles as well good morning Greg is here from the global Nobles good morning Greg great to see you popping up yesterday um in the club it’s is the in the club is there still going to be a Meetup in brager in

    May yes there is are you up for that are we going to are we who’s coming to brager in May is going to climb those steps that’s a great reminder thank you very much lots of reminders of events this morning bondia Malta some Mana got some lovely events from byandy to

    Preview for you and as well as Clyde schalter joining us this morning we’ve got shioon joining us at around 9:30 this morning from akinaa inia in a in Sal deporto from akta doto she’ll be joining us and letting us know about this event that’s coming up this weekend

    There Spring Fair Festival Prim Vera at ailia deporto that’s this weekend 22nd 23rd I’ve got a rugby poster where on Earth did that go as well there’s a rugby gathering at where has that gone I thought I downloaded that one um this weekend Colin rugby K was telling us

    About um an event coming up I’ve got an amazing um event coming up myself with rugby Cola next week I’ll tell you about that too oh here it is here’s the rugger for you this morning oh I’d already put it up there’s me panicking unnecessarily 23rd and tomorrow um

    There’s a a bar and grill real barbecue Four Horsemen will be playing live music um and that’s um and inflate in sulav the inflatables for the youngsters as well and that will be Kash Rugby Club playing gimar the senior team uh there and it will be is that 15 15 EUR uh

    There which includes everything the rugby the music um not sure how much you you would get to eat for that but that be that would be pushing it wouldn’t it expecting to be fed as well for that so you’ve got the um kids 10 the adults

    Eight 15 18 and above and if you’re six and under you can get in free there and it’s the 26th anniversary is that of the club I wonder there kashh Rugby Club a great organization have been over there thanks Colin for that invitation right there and that’ll be gimes playing Kash

    Tomorrow 23rd and that’s uh it opens up at uh 13:30 little bit of Portuguese vocabulary at till late I’m guessing that would mean as a translation Antonio F I’m sure will help me out if that is not correct what is happening this is what occurred to me

    As I was over on Twitter now X it’s funny isn’t it um it asks you what is happening which I think when things began over there on Twitter and X it was quite inoffensive and now it’s I think more like what on Earth is happening especially over there that was our

    Opening meme this morning back to your opening gambits then this morning and vacuums to fill or not as the case may be there are Lies We Tell our kids there are dad jokes from T do this morning and there is a bond putting the sex in on this Feelgood

    Friday off to collect the car this morning as it’s ready for the poror sug trip see what he did there no not that one H that’s the one I wanted the Porsche is ready and only three weeks to go until until we’ll be seeing you here oh yeah and of course

    Colin and I will be joining you for that this other event with um involves tutos Colin and I were talking about where we’re going to buy our Tut to wear for the women’s net ball event that we’re going to next Thursday um we’re going to go in a Toyota

    Car that is being um lent To Us by the Toyota toyoto to Toyota Toyota dealers in Kash DEA and we’ll be driving over to the netball match we’ll be taking part and we’ll be eating cake afterwards it’s going to be a lot of fun it’s going to

    Be quite old school as you might expect from us to um fans of 70s era light entertainment uh so really looking forward to getting me tutu on um with I’m playing netball with the women’s team I know I know 2 two it’s a bit kind of stereotypical it’s going to be a lot

    Of fun let’s face it I won’t be wearing a coconut uh brazia you know when when sometimes you see in um old comedy movies um a a bikini made of two coconut halves but now thinking about it maybe I will um Colin would look fantastic in that

    God sore tip of the day then Flo Miler that’s a good name for a runner isn’t it Miler um is a an 89y old track star last month Flo was the oldest of 200 athletes who competed at the 2024 usatf New England and east region indoor Masters

    Championship 89 years of age she took up track at age 60 and has since won over 10,040 medals in track of field Flo has a a motto that she stands by runs by I suspect sounds like a sort of person who cannot keep still motivation is what

    Gets you started habit is what keeps you going that’s excellent thank you very much for that flow via coach Turner this morning and talking of motivation getting you started in a habit that keeps you going let’s pop over to the Portugal club for a moment look you can

    See there the good morning Portugal show is live Portuguese language boot camp what do you need to know we’ve had a few votes in ready if you could Master a key area of Portuguese life in 30 days you know a language boot camp it’s probably going to take place online group

    Sessions um as far as speaking the language goes what would it be in 30 days would you like to master ordering a drink and a snack in a cafe all of these entirely in Portuguese of course of course speak excuse me speaking Portuguese would you like to be able to

    Apologize for belching inadvertently no that’s not one of the choices but now I mention it because that just happened to me um I might include that order a full meal in a restaurant including making the reservation I thought that was a good one strike up a conversation with a

    Stranger in public entirely in Portuguese go to a professional appointment doctor dentist hairdressing mechanic Etc that’s also entirely in Portuguese and of course again all in Portuguese have an appointment in a government office that’s a useful one which of those would you like to master within 30 days if that could be

    Guaranteed which of those would you like to do do let me know please if you will if you’re a Portugal Club member you can go and do that actually on the survey and you can let us know in the chat here as well this morning James is

    Inan now I meant to be ignoring some of these but I don’t know which ones are meant to be ignoring there James let’s see how we get on bond gers F from James to you and a mindful moment then not only not only I think it’s one of these

    Not only are we in the universe the universe is in us oh I can feel that sometimes and then I take an Alka-Seltzer and all is well I don’t know of any deeper spiritual feeling than what that brings upon me says Neil degrass Tyson whoa um thank thank you

    For that James yeah not only are we in the universe the the universe is in US of course it is otherwise it wouldn’t be the universe would it it wouldn’t be all of everything mindful you could you could also if you’re of that persuasion and leaning you could substitute the

    Word life God love even couldn’t you for Universe there you a capital u there with Universe thank you very much James I’m writing a book to help surgeons this is the mindful dad joke this morning uh I’m writing a book I’ve already gone ahead to the punchline here I’m writing a book to

    Help surgeons to use Eastern meditation to overcome anxiety in the operating theater I’m going to call it the kma sua sua the kma sua very good excellent James and a visual couple of visuals from you this morning as well what’s that um that’d be nice with a bit of

    Ketchup wouldn’t it um NOS you have to write a paper about mindfulness it’s the human brain in which the universe is of course as we’ve just uh said there and if I get your comment out the way James I’ll be able to read the punch line uh

    Here this morning also knows your brain also knows that you have no time to actually be mindful one of those wonderful uh existential paradoxes right there thank you very much for that James and following up your chaser for that from the Starship Enterprise is I’m ordering more red markers for the nurses

    We don’t need red markers then why did she ask for more supplies to draw blood that is truly awful thank you very much um indeed there from the that is a rich seene how many memes do you think have been originating or have originated from the Star Trek franchise there I wonder

    Thank you very much then James for all of that everything and everything today and throughout the week excellent service from you and we’ll see you of course on Monday for some mindful migration business um bond from TU duck then and ab bondia James this morning before 8 good morning coach as well from

    Teuck I decided to switch to biking says T duck after I realized that the road to success is always under construction very good and a Phish s for some reason we all like writing s that a sort of school boy grin on our faces I think

    Deep thought of the day miss these a deep thought of the day when the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace my goodness we need that that that’s what is happening isn’t it hopefully we are on the verge of such An Occurrence when the power of

    Love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace could that be what’s happening right now are we doing that are we are we in the on the death throws of an old world with terrible values and making way for some better ones hris is one of one of a

    Disproportionate number of musicians dying at the age of 27 apparently according to tuu here including Jim Morrison that is so um what awful timing because I just I think I deleted this very morning the picture of Jimmy Hendrick drinking a bottle of matus Ros the iconic picture of him imbibing the

    Portuguese wine um so so that that list of people um the disproportionate number of musicians dying at age 27 includes Jim Morrison Janice Joplin Kurt cabain and Amy wine wine housee a phenomenon referred to as the 27 Club how awful basically dad jokes we will save um for

    Later on there if you um if you want to look at them now you may let’s do The Lies We Tell our kids shall we now um and we’ll come back to the dad jokes as a little by way of concluding and climaxing the show later on The Lies We

    Tell kids then have you said any of these to your children if you can catch a bird by putting salt on his toe I thought there was some truth in that I still believe that to this day and it’s something you see that’s that’s reinforced isn’t it in cartoons as I

    Recall as a kid you can catch a bird by putting salt on hisself where would that have come from another lie we tell our kids Disneyland has an underground jail for bad kids you know what since the Advent of the internet and um some of the darker

    Corners of the internet that has an especially chilling ring to it and the Zookeeper just texted me we have to leave because your crying is upsetting the animals a thank you very much for those Lies We Tell our kids there um Gemini Bradshaw was in with a good

    Morning everyone and of course we’ve heard from Alan Owen Pam Antonio F uh Swedish Anna this morning love to listen in every day but most times I have meetings which clashes W with my briad my briad cast which is Welsh for broadcast I believe um here for the

    Duration today as on a bus to Lisbon again going to an exhibition this is becoming a habit Pam going to an exhibition of Paulo’s work excellent choice of exhibition there have you got a link for That Others May what would like to know about that perhaps here

    This morning Pam boyang to you have a lovely time Friday in Lisbon how lovely and you’re going to be enjoying the springtime things we love about Portugal for um Lord Gilchrist of course Springtime in Lisbon you’ll be enjoying a bit of that it’s officially spring everybody no vacuum filling today oh

    Wait it’s the same for me either way now I’m confused do I stop or continue with my mindful stuff keep going please keep going I love the mindful stuff and we will be looking forward to more of it on Monday James Antonio Barbosa with the

    Bond Phil a sety era today um in the hastiness of typing messages sometimes there are typos and letters go missing we know what you mean Fel there from Antonio Barbosa who knew sounds like um this sounds like another Neil degrass Tyson quote doesn’t it who knew vacuum

    Filling could be so complex nature abor it of course uh let’s see who else has joined us since we’ve been chatting this morning Springtime in Libo what else do you love about Portugal that’s what Clyde’s going to be talking about when he joins us at 9 this morning I can’t

    Hang around today says Andrew as well Alpha needs her morning constitutional and nobody should stand in the way of a Great Dane needing to go out and relieve herself I was listening to an interview says Pete um in the UK from a plum do

    You know what um I saw that as well um a plumber this that’s really brought the The Vibes down here this morning on Feelgood Friday and that’s Pete listening to an interview with a UK plumber who had his thumb bitten off and chewed by a delivery driver in London ew

    Um I wonder what that was like um they for both parties they are really difficult to sue as don’t officially directly employ anyone there’s a bit missing there isn’t it that this was a perhaps um the is it deliver was the company there but you know I was I I saw

    I saw the same well not the same interview but the same subject matter and that gentleman being interviewed I thought a number of issues were being collapsed and necessarily in and around that but that happens so often these days doesn’t it I can’t hang around yep off for the morning constitutional and

    Allan oh my break is over back to bed stay safe everyone thanks Alan right back at you see you in Portugal soon bondia Pete from Antonio good morning to you Antonio no normal food around there anymore very good nice um and Pete is Pete is so not over that story um and I

    Think James you might have to give him a bit of counseling about that on Monday if he’s still troubled by that I mean what you know what the guy to get his thumb chewed off um that to me as well was a little I mean I’m not making light

    Of the guy’s situation but it did seem to be a little over sensationalized there but I guess it’s one of those um Hannibal Lector type stories that humans are so fascinated by Flo mayor no choice had to become floer maybe I’ve pronounced that but with a name like Flo

    And Miler um no choice had to become a runner there of course um Carl the Nano is here Carl do you get sick when the weather changes me and everyone around me is sick these days is always seasonal allergies excuse me now um on this

    Matter um because I saw I saw a news article in the Portugal resident talking about some of the warmest weather ever um there was some sort of climate sensationalism going on I thought in the Portugal resident um not in the springtime so much I mean maybe my

    Little cough this morning I don’t think it is actually I think it is mainly to do with a number of hangovers this week but I do get that more than n in the winter um I may well get some sort of seasonal what you know might be called a

    Seasonal flu but I think the body has to adjust doesn’t it and we have to go with that flow and I think we get a lot of illnesses from not going with the flow of our bodies so for me um don’t get so many seasonal allergies but maybe a

    Little bit of something in the more in the winter time as we’re going from the warmer to the Colder Weather that’s more what happens to me but I’m sorry to hear if you’re struggling with that Ash Amigo there the now know thank you for that question good to see you here this

    Morning Carl you will be glad to hear um reading ahead as you have to do um with Peter’s comments Carl you will be glad to hear that I only missed your show yesterday because I was producing a small stool carpentry class is great very good Peter um and I

    I’m sure the whole class admired your wood work yesterday um many many many in response to how many Star Trek memes it’s been quite the thing isn’t it um Hendrick’s image thank you very much I think we need to show the picture of Jimmy Hendricks do we not drinking some

    Look at that I wonder who that young lady is I’m going to go with that one because that young woman there looks a little bit like my my ex-wife actually it can’t be can’t possibly be her with the timing of such things um let me um let me bring

    That to the screen and show you the one I mean you’ve probably seen it before but it’s such a good picture um of Jimmy Hendrick um sipping the um mattius Ros uh he is one of three notables who lik the matus Ros Saddam Hussein being another and the Queen of England Queen

    Elizabeth II lik to bit of matius Ros and there he is doesn’t that look like a wonderful apartment flat in London I think that is and you can still go and see that with the wall hangings where Jimmy Hendrick used to live and who is that young lady um in the picture looks

    A lot like my ex-wife actually I got to say um definitely not her though smash that like button thanks tuck for sending us that picture so quickly there um the oh this is catching birds by putting salt on their tails looks like James has actually done it don’t put salt anywhere

    Near slugs however um unless you you’re trying to dispatch them the trick is getting the salt on its tail there and uh thanks that’s the point keep them oh keep them occupied for a while good old parenting tricks there um there’s a film coming out apparently about William

    Shatner’s life um he’s still a dude at 94 says Pete now do you think he had a conversation with his agent many years ago and they were talking about stage names um you know William Shatner might have been you know Bill Smith from his earlier life and he was thinking of

    Going into show business I’m thinking of calling myself William Shatner oh say his agents not sure about that um no I’m I’m determined well okay it will certainly um stick in people’s minds won’t it William Shatner honestly still a dude at 94 and a movie coming

    About out about him soon hope you washed your hands afterwards is the message to you from byandy very good very good this morning Peter smash the like button and bondia Clyde joining us in a few minutes time bondia to from Jim White and BTO as

    Is JP good to see you here Jim and JP heading to the streets to meet my wife after the gym that’s JP in Porto very good and not very Spring Light today yeah looking out of my window I did also see um some Sahar and sand reporting it

    Looks like one of those Sahar and sand kind of days with the kind of orange glow um in the sky this morning a break from sleeping never considered that yes sort of wake break how about that it’s the opposite of a of a siesta isn’t it it’s to wake up from your

    Sleep it doesn’t sound as relaxing as a siesta or a s there watch out Jackie The Humble crafter is in as well this morning bondy all lots of lovely people here this morning look at that um delivery workers from Antonio F delivery workers Uber Glover will strike tonight

    So are they going to do it time that’s really going to affect people yes 6 o’cl just when everybody wants their delivery they’re going on strike I wonder what effect that will have amazing sipping matus Rosa yes you’re right more like guzzling absolutely right there um we’ll

    Come back to your comments because it’s nine o’clock and we need to get Clyde on the screen hold on a minute William Shatner is his real name he had the chance to change it when he became an actor and he’s stuck with the Shatner um his father was Joseph A long of

    Shatners okay um and the national bird possibly of Portugal is the crane I know that’s a joke borrowed from other countries with a lot of construction going on but yes I see cranes here in Porto they are multiplying um like the song from Greece and Hugh feser Walker

    If I pronounced that correctly Hugh Hugh FW is here uh good morning white sun in tondela with some cloudy sky with the sun trying to come through the cold country uh with the hot sun of course and it’s projected to reach yeah talking of high temperatures and Nuna was talking about

    This last night there are some predictions of 30 degree weather in the next few days projected to reach 26 27 today in Eddie sah we haven’t looked at the weather for a very long time have we we used to do a weather and temperature report around the country but we only do

    That when the weather’s good don’t we interesting Squire the sh also way morning Squire good to see you and um just one more thing then although maybe not there may be other things um on the Shatner files this morning um did he re he did a really interesting interview

    Saying after Star Trek was cancelled he was living in the back of a car watching the moon landings rock and roll let’s give him a nice B Round of Applause and bring Clyde Showalter to the screen good morning to you Clyde how are you fantastic Carl good to see you today

    Good to see you too I was saying a little bit earlier on the last time you and I spoke we’re having a coffeee I think in Al cabasa weren’t we having a chat near the opera cafe in that beautiful Town um that you’ve made your home in

    True is spectacular and wonderful to see you again my friend oh good to see you too good to see you by way I I love the Jimmy Hendricks photo very good is let have I I saw you smiling looking at that have you seen it before Yes actually a

    Little bit of history behind that song um or behind that album uh cover that was on Graham Nash’s album in 1970 and uh John he had a lyric about that said I get Juiced on matus and just hang loose that was inspired yeah yeah it’s cool it has a

    Behind it and I looked at that like that is so cool love rock and roll you know that well I yeah I think that came into our conversation didn’t it have you been in the music business we were in the music business in the states no no not

    Really uh when I was a kid we you know it was a band that we hung out with back in the late 70s right in Boston and you know we did David Bowie covers songs and stuff like that however I am going to pick up the bass this year I’m getting

    The base I’m G to get a bass and I’m going to learn to play bass I saw the CH Red Hot Chili Peppers last summer and uh I was inspired by flea and so bass right is that what you used to play originally in the band and you’re picking up the

    Bass again or is it a new instrument for you no new instrument uh I uh for Strings seem a lot easier than than than six so uh excellent thought process are and is that to get into a new band is it going to be the Portugal

    The place band you think you know mostly did just for my own uh creative Outlet I think is a good way of putting it and yeah fair enough um m music is what I have a soundtrack in my head all the time everything has a soundtrack and

    It’s a beautiful thing and uh yeah so anyways I like your rooster by the way over looking over your shoulder here I like your rooster too um look at that look at that that’s amazing and and I made a reference to it on the slide for the show this um when I became

    A resident here that was when I wanted to celebrate my uh I love this country I think Portugal is an amazing destination for a lot of reasons and uh plus it’s kind of iconic it’s an iconic figure and a great story behind it you know yes the

    Barcelo C of course yeah yes you do and that’s what we’re talking about this morning Your Love of port Portugal um which um clearly is you know you you have the tattoo to to to show it there more than one I think if you got a

    Sardine on the other side as well yeah that’s right I’m here sorry sorry yeah well done excellent stuff cover all my major food groups you know very good and yeah we need CH and I’m not going to ask you where you put the chips and the rice show me

    Those this this love of Portugal how did it begin um have you always known about Portugal is this a fairly recent thing in the scheme of well what happened was that um I was very fortunate I had the opportunity to travel the world a lot in previous career and I’d go to places

    Carl and I fall in love with them you know whether it be you know Australia uh France whatever well Colleen and I had an opportunity to to travel a few years ago and she had a couple of days that she had burn some miles we looked at where we could go in

    December and we said been there don’t want to go back there don’t he said never been to Portugal Portugal cork trees and fot you know and so we came over here with very low expectation and within 24 hours had fallen madly in love uh with the people with the

    Architecture and the love affair continues um we we’re our fourth year of actually being residents here and it’s it’s it’s a it’s an amazing uh experience every day um I’m looking on my window right now there I have literally hundreds of oranges in my orange trees right here in my yard and

    The people are kind you know that there’s a kindness of society here it’s safe yes um you know uh my my my my daughter Fiona our daughter Fiona she’s 22 she can go anywhere and you know she and and we don’t worry about her safety this you know which is a really a

    Remarkable thing from a parents standpoint but then you fall into the you know the little things you hear kids laughing they don’t know what a lockdown is you know uh kids in school are actually singing songs and being kids to see that face of smile um the cost of

    Living is Affordable you know uh comparatively just had a friend of mine a Portuguese friend just returned from Switzerland and she was telling me how expensive coffee was there she said you know five you know Euros for a cup of coffee can you imagine what a shock that

    Must be to a Portuguese person having a what an 80 cent coffee or in the right places go to pingos you have a coffee coffee and a pastel Donata for around a Euro or something crazy like that sometimes and then going to Switzerland or Sweden and buying a coffee or a beer

    And the difference is staggering isn’t it it is it really is Carl and it’s a uh and that’s one of the beautiful things here and then and then then you throw into that Portugal is a true Melting Pot I mean this was a global Empire back in

    The 15th and you know early 16th century half the world was Portuguese and and you know it was and then what they brought back the riches of spices of foods and and again there was a todry side I don’t want to ignore the fact that they were also slave Traders but

    They they they they they they they traveled the globe and it came back to back to Portugal and so the influences Portugal has both from a culinary to a linguistic you know uh uh impact across the globe is huge and here’s this little country you know country it’s the size

    Of the state of Indiana in America you know it was a global Empire it’s amazing isn’t it how it punches way above its weight in that respect and in a kind of modest way as well because in in this in the story you’ve told it wasn’t big in

    Your estimation or understanding or on your radar really was it it took a long time for you to discover Portugal by the son of it when was that I mean as World Travelers when when was it you discovered Portugal it was 2019 201 wow okay and you had the chance to

    Go to lots of places in your career and your downtime and and yeah and and and you you you came here because because I think it is because of that modesty isn’t it about the country and then when you’ve discovered it that’s changed your life completely obviously you’ve up come

    Here and now you help other people do that as well yeah which is a gift TR truly uh the opportunity to help other people experience a good life where they can live and experience they AR staying cloistered in their home afraid to go out or it’s a pedestrian Society we walk

    Everywhere so when you walk you say B it’s impossible not to have a smile you know when when you’re out walking so we help our our guests our you know the the the the folks that we help come over here see and experience that and it is a

    It’s a gift man you know pure and simple what we do to help people have a great future you know what an amazing five years what an incredible five years you you’ve had that your life has changed completely absolutely where there was once bare skin there is now a

    Cockro Your Love of this country Vanessa’s got a question for you do you speak Brazilian Portuguese or european and which do you like better there might be a different answer to both of those um questions in in one there I mean it’s got to be European Portuguese over here

    In Portugal isn’t it yes it’s European Portuguese here obviously um it’s our office staff our our team is half our team is Portuguese we’re a team of 18 and half the team is Portuguese yeah and so that that that helps us guide through all the language challenges I myself I struggle immensely

    With Portuguese um I can go to the grocery store I can read menus um I can say hello you know the basics I haven’t applied myself and that’s that’s really it’s a great regret of mine and it’s something I want to sh is the language it’s it’s it’s imperative but um yeah

    European Portuguese is spoken everywhere here and we have a lot of Brazilian culture though too we work with a lot of Brazilian you know yes yeah for sure for sure and um it maybe you could help us with this question uh you uh vess 10 uh

    And you Clyde as well it’s going to be a bit small on the screen there but um on that note and I think a lot of people are feeling what you’re feeling you know they they know they want to speak Portuguese and various reasons why that’s not happening as much as they

    Would like um we we were discussing uh Vitor and I were discussing yesterday VOR kosa um a Portuguese language boot camp idea so over 30 days instead of trying to to reach some massive goal of a generalized grammar and vocabulary how about a specific kind of results based

    Approach with a boot camp outcome in 30 days of ordering a drink or a snack in a cafe all in Portuguese of course um you that would be that would be the Hallmark of success here is to do it entirely in Portuguese order a full meal in a restaurant making the reservation

    Included in that striking up a conversation with a stranger in public going to a professional appointment with a doctor or dentist mechanic that sort of thing or having an appointment in a government office that’s a that’s a manageable chunk isn’t it which one of those would appeal to you although I

    Suspect even though you say you struggle a bit I imagine you can do one or two of those already Clyde uh the restaurant stuff is pretty good you know you know it’s basic stuff and yeah I love the of a boot camp Carl um I think that is you

    Know that that’s the way to do it you know and you want it to be conversational you know Portugese it’s you know the syntaxes and the adverbs and all that comes later on but just to be able to communicate with with someone is huge yes that that’s a great concept I love

    That well well I think we’ll be doing that and and thanks for your input on that I I have wanted to move to Portugal since I was 15 says Jackie I think you know some it was the same for me I I first came here in 2007 it wasn’t 10

    Years or it took me 10 years to actually make the move but it was just dating for a long time it sounds like for Jackie even longer she’s wanting to come here since she was 15 and now in her 50s finally realizing my dream that’s lovely in UK our friend in the UK

    Wishing everyone a good morning and lovely rest of the day my commute in and around London is over and I must go back it’s great if you do this between 6:30 and 8 :30 let me just have a quick think about that if I’m going to do this from

    6:30 to 8:30 no um but good good idea thanks for asking and have a great weekend B to you and thank you for your continued correspondence it’s always great talking to you Pam I think people assume just being surrounded by people speaking Portuguese is enough you need

    To get out there and practice every day I think you gave that a thumbs up there CDE absolutely there there’s what it’s all about getting out there and practicing every day you know it’s uh it makes all the difference I love that Pam y you and Pam lives in alabas you

    Probably met Pam over there there are online conversation classes in groups thanks Vanessa I think you need to be in touch with us 913 5933 is the number to call well don’t call us just yet but send us a message or send us piics and videos to 91359

    Z303 fingers crossed for me tomorrow I’ll buy another euromillions Lotto entry with the weekly shopping if I win I’ll join you in my native Portugal ASAP be great I’m looking forward to meeting you one day and bond from Jackie as well and it took me over 10 years to move

    Says Pam first started looking in 2004 believe in your dream and you are halfway there excellent and that’s right says Antonio F any language you need practice even if it’s your own that’s a good point because yeah Portuguese people are still learning their own language with its complexities as you

    See on the news from time to time when they do a street quiz slower brother okay am I getting too excited talking to C oh I see or maybe she sent I I’m I’m I’m going too fast by giving my phone number out like that yeah um that is

    Just i h to add it is the it’s the show phone number not my personal phone well actually is but also my personal phone number wonderful oh and you’re associated with Paca in Union New Jersey just in case I wonder what that is is that a Portugal Association possibly

    There thanks for joining us for the first time this morning ven 10 so 2019 then this love affair could you tell us a little bit more about that Clyde you know what what did when you came here and how you ended up choosing alcabasa yeah great great questions Carl uh we

    Started off um the first morning we went out we started walking and we sat this little cafe in fact we just went by the same place two weeks ago we were in Lisboa but the a trolley was coming down the street there was this beautiful

    Building that was um empty it was just a shabbiness and I’m looking at the lace curtains in the window that you know are still there from decades ago and I’m looking around and I’m watching the people and it’s just like it resonated so deeply um we we then walked and

    Walked and walked and walked some more and everywhere we went uh we were just wow I probably took like 200 photos you know just like snapping things everywhere um I wasn’t overwhelmed with the food when I first arrived here I I I I felt it was kind of huh you know but

    Since then discovered that this is great dying in excellent Cuisine um but it was the people more than anything else it was the kindness of of everyone we met and we started off in l l booa then we took the train to Portu and at the time

    There there was the beginning of a hurricane was starting and it was pouring rain uh the Doro flooded our lobby they had move all the furniture out of the out of the hotel lobby um and we still fell in love with it and we

    Went at the end of of it all um we said this is an amazing place maybe someday and then within the year someday was able to happen and we haven’t looked back Carl and since then Al kabasa became our home while we when we arrived over here you didn’t need the 12-month

    Lease at the time and so we came over we lived in nazer and we were looking to purchase a home and at the time our realtor said hey one of the partners has a apartment in alcabasa and we pulled up to it that morning and it was a rainy

    Morning and I said I’m not going to last three weeks here this is you know I was just like I didn’t want an apartment so I was cranky about that and we walked in there we and I was just wowed by it it was a modern beautiful apartment with a

    View of the monastery and the ancient visigoth castle that’s here in alcabasa awesome and it was walking to everything we stayed there a year and a half before we are where we currently are in our current home and we fell in love with Al kabasa it was it was the easily done

    Easily done right it was the people it was the it it isn’t a one-dimensional place uh the ancient Romans were here you know when they were renovating the pr of the monastery putting the new prop the hotel in there they had covered ancient Roman ruins um years ago a

    Couple years back in the 90s when they were doing the new park here they uncovered an ancient Roman aqueduct because most aqueducts were underground the Romans and they uncovered it and it started to flow within an hour and a half the fountain in the Montery started

    To flow no I didn’t know that how wonderful all connected which is like remarkable so the the monks that came here used the Roman infrastructure that was there yeah and and you know it’s just it’s remarkable um it’s you know you had ancient the the Visigoths were

    Here the the the tribe from Germany came up after the Roman Empire fell and then the mo came in so lay upon layer of history and I love it here and now the American and now same way in time to come you know and you know and the Americans who are

    Here you know we we we want to be part of this culture we’re not here to bring our American ways with us we want to be part of Portugal um yeah we we do bring certain vestages of it you know whether it be our favorite recipes or or you

    Know we love our Mexican food or whatever it might be um but be part of it we want to be part of the of the community here um I I I see most of our guests our American guests that come here they want to volunteer

    That’s one of the top things I said how can I volunteer are there opportunities for me to get involved and give back so we love doing that it’s interesting isn’t it and clearly the um you know I think a lot of us thank you very much

    Coffee incoming from Mrs M there um I I think a lot of us sort of modern foreigners immigrants you know incomers to the culture are very mindful of our impact almost a little bit embarrassed and ashamed sometimes like know we don’t want to upset things too much here um

    The Romans didn’t do that did they they were quite happy to come with their ways and their aqueducts and everything and the same with the monks as well you know these are people as you said the vizos the Romans the the monks the the religious folk who came to

    Alcabasa they weren’t like oh how can we volunteer we mustn’t be too imposing with our ways no you know alcabasa right it used to a coastal town the the the Atlantic Ocean came all the ways up to alcabasa so um it was through the farming the diversion of the rivers and of course

    The natural silting over that 11 kilometers became Farmland that was once ocean up until I mean all all of that sea based nutrition left in that flood plane right which very fertile yes so the impact that that the um that agriculture had on this area is also phenomenal this wasn’t always farmlands

    That that came and there was a lot of the cyrian monks who brought that here who got their inspiration from the Moors who came in with all you know yeah it’s lir upon lay and isn’t it it’s a beautiful thing and that’s why Al kabasa

    And plus you know you throw in the fact that we have a great climate we’re 15 minutes from the ocean one hour from the booa I mean I can be in prehistoric caves in 20 minutes that have pre-stored cave drawings you know you never know when you get that urge right can’t tell

    Right um you know it’s cool uh so yeah it’s it’s all those reasons and so much more yes funny enough when I was thinking of moving to Portugal I I I I said that to somebody in the UK and he said to me oh there’s this place called

    Alab Baka because that’s often how a lot of people pronounce it right and he said yeah youve got to go to this place I went for a trip coach he was probably on a coach trip you gotta go to Al cabak it’s absolutely wonderful you’ll love it

    And it stayed in my mind so we did come here uh and we when we came we did over to El cabasa and tell me is that chap is he still around the guy who who plays the part of King Pedro and he used to

    Stand out on on the pla there with a crown on and a great big Regal um robe and he would have selfies taken with the is he not there anymore not anymore no he was such a great character that man and and and true to what this gentleman

    Told me in the UK it was right absolutely right he said you know you’ve got to go to alaka and see what it’s like over there and we and we love it to this day we love popping over from San martinho dorto where we live to come to

    Alabas so much going for it as you say again another great city right s s Martino beautiful I mean in the harbor there that’s where they built the ships you know the part of the foundation of The Foundry where they did the ship building in that Harbor yeah that was huge you know

    Understated right this I think you know I think we’ve made reference to this but this is the country of understatement and modest I would say and that’s that goes hand in hand with the kindness of the people I would say yeah absolutely so all those

    And so many more reasons Carl is why I love Portugal it’s yeah it’s a phenomenal and it’s the first place I think I’ve really felt I I call it home it is home and you’ve been to one or two places in the past have you not yeah

    I’ve been fortunate in life you know I grew up in Boston uh lived on the west coast lived in Palm Springs California you know uh moved to Portland Oregon had these great places lived was part of it came to Portugal Portugal’s home um hav’t look back look at this V Venus 10

    Says um we’re nice but we gossip so who doesn’t who doesn’t well me and me and me and Clyde are kind of gossiping here this Jackie fortunately I’m more than halfway there this is with the lottery ticket for the weekend the Euro Milli just need the other half or maybe I’m

    Demanding too much from myself as usual dreams look at this we need to help Roy this morning dreams sorry I don’t believe much in them anymore no come on Roy we can’t we can’t we can’t have that can we on this Feelgood Friday morning what can we do

    For you to to um reassert your faith in what in life and Mankind perhaps there yeah you need to spend more time in Portugal perhaps I think but come back to your yeah yeah dreams do come true yeah well clearly your your evidence of that aren’t you Clyde truly yeah yes and

    You didn’t hang about either did you you your dream to come here and here you are not only having moved your family here but having moved many other families helped lots of other people come as well James considered Portugal as a possible home destination the spring of 2020 by

    Fall of 21 I moved with everything I owned and have been here ever since with no inclination to return about that there is a guided walk coming soon about the water Network in alcabasa I’m trying to go that sounds amazing and yeah when you when you were detailing the things

    To do in alabas yeah the new Green Park there is something happening isn’t there the refurb of the hotel there obviously you’ve got your regular your regular cake Festival every year and the amazing Monastery there in the castle up on the hill what’s happening in alcabasa is

    There like a very um sort of progressive um and ambitious uh mayor president there that’s driving all of this change because it is expanding isn’t it it’s it’s expanding the right ways uh the infrastructure the the support systems um that that are coming into play here are phenomenal you know we have

    130 uh festiv the days of 130 Festival days a year here in Al cabasa that’s a good hit right every every third day pretty much is a Festival music uh convexal sweets super festivals marionette Festival arts and film so there’s always it’s alive and with that uh liveliness it’s it just becomes

    An attractive place to be so with that it’s all these um decrepit shops that been boarded up for a long time are not coming alive again yeah restaurants you know they’re they’re bringing on staff that that is you know employment so that it’s given them a chance to better their

    Life so it’s it’s a good cycle alabas is in right now and the marriage plays a huge role in that obviously provide the the direction and again it’s the spirit that that that that happens here yeah yeah I don’t go too heavy on Al cabasa but it’s a good place you’re from you

    Are The Unofficial Ambassador this morning in the the alabaster Ambassador um it is a place to be to be shouting about crowing like a Barcelo cockrel about because it is incredible James K is with us as well this morning just arrived in K Branco viewed a few houses absolutely fantastic

    Yes there’s a whole lot more to Portugal as well food is great looking forward to finding our forever home and joining in with the local community we’ve got some great friends over there James K stay in touch with this community and we’ll introduce you some amazing people over

    In that part of the country and when it comes to the people you’re working with Clyde and volunteering you can always send your clients to refood or Gap up to volunteer I imagine you’ve got a few ideas already with that right yeah absolutely and Pamela I will follow up

    With you on that because again we get questions on this every day so this is good excent Antonio uh B said voluntary yeah okay um and also the king’s not been seen since the pandemic a casualty perhaps oh dear um there I’d love to see him again um I remember having some

    Fantastic and fascinating conversations with him Don Pedro there on on outside the monastery uh moo as well yep another great part of the country I mean that’s the other thing is it this there’s enough to keep me going Clyde here isn’t there with just staying inside the country with other touristic Adventures

    For yourself and it’s distinctively different you know if you go up to the north you have that Celtic influence up there you come to the South you have the mor influence and it’s apparent both in the festivals in the foods and even you know the inflection of languages um the

    The north uh vi de Castello is a beautiful city you know you go up to the nor North Area spectacular Braga you know anything nor to I love that region you know that that that that’s our getaway when we want to go somewhere we

    Go up to the north um but you know the algar the algar is stly beautiful you have the ALU there’s show many distinct parts and again spin the roulette wheel yes absolutely have fun here in Portal disappointed you know that’s the thing now I’ve heard of it referred to as the

    California um of Europe um this is another comparison here Pete being a bit rude but he’s like that um quite fittingly on William Shatner’s 94th birthday which it appears to be today um Portugal is Europe’s Canada I’ve not heard that um that compar that better understated underpopulated to

    Some awfully noisy neighbors yeah rude he’s talking about Spanish of course there um an interesting comparison um I’m all my aunts report directly to the lzo no one asked for the I’m not sure what that means but that’s the tear of Portugal isn’t it and who really runs

    The country I think some of the senior ladies there thank you for being here this morning Vanessa 10 um bondes still dry today chilly but dry in in Wales in the P the gal over there for me it’s not about the location it’s the feel the

    Rhythm and flow the energy moves with me not against that’s another another lovely way of putting it I love about Portugal that’s the theme today I realized recently that all the holidays I ever went on I was looking for my home not bothered about holidays now that’s

    Awesome thank you for that yeah I love that amount of party for my near future yeah one in every three days in Alabaster is a party the area between the monastery and the castle is going to be redeveloped soon so so more expansion there um in um in in alcabasa cintra historic and

    Beautiful Venus 10 knows her Portugal clearly don’t mention the air says the Portuguese it’s just a Saharan sand at the moment Port St moaning mate OMG so untainted by the she’s really getting carried away now isn’t she ew that’s the air quality I think she’s lzo Americano is oh okay I beg

    Your pardon it’s Portuguese newspaper America only didn’t know that and the Portuguese gave the car its annual wash yesterday looks as though it’s just got back from it was your fault then was Portuguese are washing his car washing the car that’s thank you so much for being with

    Us this morning before you go Clyde um I’d love an Insider tip on great places to eat or not necessarily to eat if someone’s going to alcabasa they’re going to know aren’t they looking at a tourist guide and hearing our conversation today to go to the to the

    Monastery to the Green Park and there are some obvious things to do walk up to the castle what what will they not know about that you as an Insider knows about where should they go um give me a second on this one right here yeah of course I imagine you’re

    Spoiled for choice that problem it’s the area that’s all the all downtown in the center uh but but but walk along there’s a pathway that goes along the monastery and it’s U it’s a walkway that follows the river and cuts over to the Green Park and it has pedestrian walkways here

    That you can go for kilometers you know that that are little known um and it’s a great way to to see the city uh the town without having to be in the trafficky areas but it’s it’s a pathway that falls along the backside of the monastery walk

    That it it’s really it’s worth doing and it’s fascinating you know it’s Heyday the monastery had a thousand monks who live there at a vow of silence so those grounds have a certain e theory illness I’m sure you know this one for a long time but but do that for sure you know

    That that’s one of the things I would definitely recommend and of course D dining here is superlative whether it’s be our friends at own pratus restaurant or you some some reges Taberna uh and meat great place to go for hamburgers aassa which is a great you know if you

    Want your wine shop um and great sandwiches vintage I know mean what that wine shop on on the back street there is incredible isn’t it they got the wine down the stairs as well and your pizza shop there your pizza restaurant’s really very good on the corner there too

    Isn’t it very authentic piz I I call it our Michelin Star Pizza it’s owned by Antonio panderas is the Michelin star restaurant next to aassa Wine Shop well they own the pizza place so they they get the great ingredients you get the same Chef that that works at Antonio

    Panderas making this remarkable Pizza it’s Mich Star Pizza it’s the best thank you so much thank you are we of course we must mention Portugal the place you are still helping people move to Portugal right every day every aspect of the move if you could tell us a little

    Bit more about before you go Portugal the place and how to get in touch with you to do that thank you Carl what we do uh with you before during and after the whole relocation process were you looking to rent are looking to purchase are looking just to find which city

    Works best for you that’s where we work best and when I say we work with you beforehand we help you with the timel all time line all the guidance that goes into getting your Visa helping you set your bank account getting your KN everything that goes into play with that

    Including currency conversion we have great referral parties we work with then once we find your place we help you set it up we will accept deliveries we turn on utilities heat hot water electricity we make sure your home is ready for you the day you arrive then when you arrive

    We have a program that service that we call it Juda it’s our assistant service and there we’re with you and we will then do translations make a appointments help you set up your cell phone service help you with your health and medical we recommend Serenity um um Health cons

    They’re they’re fantastic so we’re with you every aspect of the Journey of relocating here and um it it’s it’s a pleasure to do that and enjo the place I me cly and and what an amazing business you’ve created you know talking to Colleen about this previously you have

    18 in your team is that right did you say yeah yes yeah I mean that that that growth and that you know that contribution economically to Portugal I think is incredible as well and that in a very short space of time too yeah it’s it’s been a it’s been again dreams do

    Come true Ro yes we want to leave that message hanging in the air for RO in the UK there um but thank you Ro for joining us this morning yes dreams can come true you’re seeing a man who’s done that on the screen here with wife Colleen and

    All the team at Portugal the place how to get in touch what’s the what’s the website addressed for Portugal the place uh ww Portugal theep peace of honor to you and love to Colleen and all the team there over in alabas and and I’ll see you soon and

    Good luck with the Bas playing as well I I’ll keep you updated my friend we’ll see you very soon Round of Applause for Clyde take care man by up jum all right there he goes how wonderful what lovely conversation inspiring conversation this morning with Clyde there absolutely not

    V- 10 you should not be quiet uh this is your your first time on a live thing no I I was admiring the fact that you’re getting into the spirit of the live stream this morning this is how we roll most mornings little bit of feel-good Friday flavor and seasoning added this

    Morning um and I wonder if we’ve got um let me just drop a quick message to um Shor because I’m hoping sihor will be joining us to tell us about the spring fair uh that’s coming up this weekend over at aint theia deporto where’s her message my goodness thanks everybody for

    All your messages on 913 5933 Shor let me get let me just send her a quick message are you joining us it’ be lovely to have a chat with Shor she’s got back from an inspiring trip that she was telling telling us about recently right um over in Eastern Europe

    I believe if I remember correctly I think she’s had an amazing um time over there so I’m just sending her that message now are you joining us and let me just give her the link one more time as well and she can come and have a chat

    With us uh this morning we’ve still got some highlights in the bada district and there’s some work to be done actually others are needed on the gumper map ban is doing a great job by the way covering um the bada area and um if we want to represent your area and a similarly

    Passionate and enthusiastic way you can do that over on the gumper map uh so we’re very welcome to points of interest to events and other wonderful things that other gumpers should know about over on the gumper map so do have a look over there in fact we might have a

    Little journey over there ourselves this morning um if I can actually if oh that’s sorry I’m looking at my San Martino deporto website I need to go to good morning portugal. and uh we can find the gumper map over there so we may well have a

    Look at that as well um in just a little while I do you know what I think I’ve lost it on my own website there’s so much um going on over there um maybe maybe somebody could send me the link to that on my own website um

    There at good morning portugal. comom if we’ve got time we’ll come back to that but we we’ll have a look at the events that Bandy has shown us because not only are they what’s happening in the bada they are they are they do reflect what’s going on all over the country as well

    And some of the wonderful um culture that’s happening here in Portugal and there some linguistic insights as well look who else is here this morning we’ve got uh bondia from the marketing team um at the pro Bish B obidos this is going to be another thing that’s added to the

    Another Jewel in the crown of the silver Coast here go Richard Allen saw Richard and got an update about what’s going on at the prohibition bar should be opening next Friday it’s going to be a busy week next Friday so they’re looking to open up at the prohibition bar do come along

    To that that’s going to be a lot of fun that’s the day after I think I’m going to be with um the marketing team at the prohibition bar right here in my 22 I don’t know if you were here earlier on and you heard that Colin and I are going

    To be coming over to play with the netball team in our two twos no pictures allowed we’re hoping the paparazzi won’t be hiding in bushes to take uh pictures of our you know a modest moment working with the women’s netball team over there obidos way um I need your contact info

    ASAP um oh is that for from Portugal the place I think Venus 10 go to Portugal the and you’ll be able to find Clyde over there who is this boom deer here Facebook user and Antonio f urging us to hit that like button folks these

    Days says Facebook user Fu these days we have Sahara’s sand in atmosphere no blue sky and temperatures reaching 30 degrees yep it would appear that way today um would love the link as well what are you joining us on the screen should we do that this okay I’ll tell you what if

    You’d like to join us on the screen uh v- 10 um never met you before um this could um be interesting uh that’s the link to the show if you want to join on the screen uh from what are you in New Jersey at the moment it’d be great to

    Have a chat with you on the screen this morning Venus 10 says James you’re doing great jump rid in and keep on jumping that is the gump away absolutely and Coach Turner will be proud of us um oh proud of you for recommending that there

    James okay so we’ll have a look at a few of these events while we’re waiting for either shobon or Venus 10 to join us this morning on the screen Ah that’s noooo good morning to you Senor men there of wind it’s good to see you there

    My friend and Bon Sam to you let’s have a look then at some of these events that are coming up we had a look at the um well we can talk about to the spring fair festival at Akin deel dep Porto if uh if and when Shor joins us there’s the

    Rugby um in Kash tonight I will be for the coffee course um such a busy week I’ll be popping along for the coffee course and dessert hopefully Marco can you save me a dessert for this tonight this is amazing there there may be room to still squeeze you in if you try them

    On 9176 32020 that’s the storytellers Palace tonight the immersive experience with a test of your palette unique wine tasting tea tasting coffee tasting and live Faro tonight at the storytellers Palace that will be a wonderful event I think that’s the the third or fourth of its kind I’ve

    Been to to I think this is maybe the third one what an amazing evening Marco and team put on there at the storytellers Palace at the Korea Palace going from one Palace to another here in Portugal the Korea Palace this weekend it’s that shant the encontro national dant the big meeting of the

    Fizz mime is that pronounced there the second edition of this event at the Korea Palace Hotel app it’s worth going there just to see the Korea Palace Hotel and the little town of Korea where we used to live that’s on today sorry tomorrow and the day after Saturday and

    Sunday from 3 in the afternoon till 8 in the evening on Saturday and until 7 on Sunday and it’s €1 EUR for for one day 15 for both that’s a bargain isn’t it and there’s going to be some food included in that looking at what else is

    Going on in that region then um paddle ball and Tennis you can try that in Oliva Deo a special Easter an Easter flavored trial of paddle ball and Tennis there and that’s today tomorrow and Sunday open to everyone from biners to regas also far de marel we’ve got March Fair there lots

    To see and do at ao’s Main Fair a big Fairground a big indoor Expo Center a market free events like Zumba dancing Etc plus food fun and frolics also big name bands in the evening um so yeah J seed is there um he’s a local lad I

    Believe um there so that’s the big March fair starting tomorrow and running for pretty much a month the big Fair and Expo in AO great time to go to AO in the next month uh free guided Forest walk in arada deula in the AO 11k walk there through the forest that looks beautiful

    And that is today folks um that’s that started 15 minutes ago if you’ve missed it maybe make a note for next year um we’ve got the ship Museum Sant Andre in AO two days of events starting tomorrow at the Sant Andre museum ship with a desert puppet show is that right

    Directed by Ru de there um all sorts of things going on throughout the day there a little tour around the ship by the look of it as well in AVU Lots going on in wonderful AVU free karate championships in Oliva Debro maybe you can um join a class there and have a

    Little I don’t know do they is it possible to have a karate taster possibly not unless there are paramedics standing by for such an event um there you go that’s the beautiful picture there you can see is the kurer palace that I’ve already mentioned this morning and that is the spumant tasting testing

    Enjoying basically sparkling one event Korea Palace Hotel there’s a hotel there which you can stay at of course the Korea Palace itself there’s another one across the road the spa hotel in the Tash Gardens and there’s also a golf course there in Korea free wonderful women’s event in AGA to celebrate a

    Little bit late on this on the international women’s day but this on the Sunday 24th and it’s a run and a walk an 8 kilometer run and a 5 kilometer walk there sign up for this super fun free morning of activities in the great city of Agoda place of The

    Umbrellas which that little Emoji is referring to there thank you Andy for these Sundays walks will take place on 24th of March in the very picturesque vissa free but please help others by making a small Food donation there you go a lovely guided nature walk in near

    Melada Place celebrated place of the L toown the suckling pig here in Portugal The Cult natur Al seed Festival there’s a seed Festival coming up in mamarosa Spring is about to bloom and with it we’ll Sprout another edition of the seed Festival rich in art culture sustainability nature and activities for

    The whole family if you’ve been wanting to go to the bada area so many things to attract your attention here right now thanks to you Andy for these free guided walk-in aldea depa as well that’s the seventh of April one for your diary there just a couple more then National

    Mill the M weekend in Vas I’m going to go with vasara there um in melada so there we go the celebration of the Portuguese windmill muos there and finally thank you Andy an evening of food and F in pelda bada sign up for this fantastic evening of fun food and

    Faro four course meal plus live f for only €20 there on the border of Kimbra and airu that is a beautiful ven diagram where Kimbra meets a that is where the ker Palace Hotel is basically you will not be disappointed if you have a little wander around um where the the District

    Of Kimbra meets the District of ofu have fun up there if you’re going to any of those events I know that some of you are right back to your comments and of course the dad jokes um to finish with this morning Shor may still join us and

    Our new friend as well Venus 10 um is very um welcome to join us this morning um if you want to do that just click on that link or else who’d like to jump on and tell us what they love about Portugal this morning uh thanks for

    Joining us nooo um and greetings to you from ped as well good to have you here peda this morning be careful says Antonio f with that walk starting at the G&R if you’re drunk you might get detained there yes be careful act sensible um if if you’re Gathering

    Outside the GNR police station there for one of those particular walks that I just mentioned great are you going to join us Venus 10 uh D on the screen the link there is for doing so and I was going to try and find the G I was going

    To try and show you the gumper map wasn’t I um on the I’ll tell you what let’s see if we can find it live um I’m not feeling very confident about this I think I’ve put too much uh on my own website here so let’s bring it onto the screen this is

    Good morning portugal. comom when you arrive there it’s all about what we’re talking about this morning loving Portugal what do you love about Portugal there’s still time um to tell us what you love about Portugal I think only one person’s done that is that right this morning and that would have been Lord

    Gilchrist who loves the spring in Lisbon so do come in with what you love about Portugal on the chat or give me a call or or join us um on the link that I’ve put on the screen there the streamyard link there and you can join us on screen

    This morning here’s the website let’s have a quick scroll through shall we and see if we can find the gumper M we of course previewing our our first episode of the Englishman and the Irishman walking into a bar there that’s taking pride of place we’re very pleased with

    That and Andy is working on another edit I believe the next that we’re going to publish is when we went into a bar the bar pariso in Tomar so that’s next to come and that should be within the next week or so um you can join the Portugal

    Club direct from the homepage there if you’d like to do that it all helps every bit of support for this community uh and how we Endeavor to support other people U interested in moving to or living in Portugal if you want to help us in those efforts you can click click on the

    Portugal club and join us and get lots of extra benefits and um all sorts of wonderful things you’ll get access to at the Portugal Club there that Banner at the top of our homepage there now I’m having a look here at these tabs um GMP Vibes um meet the team Portugal resident

    Column I don’t think that’s been updated I think I might be missing one or two columns my column was out yesterday published on a Thursday in print shager but not stirred my thoughts about sher’s popularity and the recent election of course the all new craft beer Corner that’s where

    We were last weekend in Kash Jania at that wonderful beer festival of theirs over there are you a gumper you can take the test over there I’ll discover Portugal tab with all ah there it is the events and the map um but there are our previous events in Tamar Kimbra going

    Off filamina to the schist and baral parts of the country as well that was a wonderful trip to Central Portugal aroa San martinho and we’re going to do more in San martinho um in the coming months and the events and map there you go just want to show you that quickly because

    Shorne has joined us now I think pulled over into a lby just to give us five five minutes of her time to tell us what’s going on with the Spring Festival but just very quickly here if you go to good morning and you go to the Discover Portugal tab of course it

    Was under there all the time like a Scooby-Doo Mystery that’s where you’ll find the gumper map and you can zoom in on any of the events especially the events that Andy puts up there for us so let’s remove that for the time being and let’s welcome to the screen

    Sh thanks for pulling over and talking to us this morning shabonne how are you this morning I’m good how are you girl well I’m very Giddy and excited it’s spring is in the air isn’t it you must be feeling this up at the kinta as well

    Yeah the flowers are all out there’s all kinds of fun things going on Spring’s awesome isn’t it isn’t it and people I think are getting quite excited as well you know a little bit of Portuguese sunshine on people changes them I think I agree everyone’s a bit more chilled aren’t they happier everyone

    Smiles more I like your cup I do like your cup Carl it’s very good um you know you can get oh yeah of course you know you can get these um so first of all before we talk about your Spring Festival how was your trip away uh Carl it was amazing it was

    Amazing it was um I think probably a life-changing moment for me um not that yeah it was just it was very very special it was a training program for youth trainers so um met great people from all over the world mostly Europe uh lots of networking lots of Workshops the

    Expedition three-day expedition in the mountains that was amazing when was it which country were you in we were in Romania Romania yeah not far from Dracula it was a bit far but I didn’t get to see him I was a bit disappointed um but bare country beautiful I mean I saw everything

    Beautiful obviously um people were really really friendly so it was really good it was tough yeah um they push you they push you out of your comfort zone uh but uh it’s great and um excited about like future Partnerships with other associations and I think our youth program

    Is going to Boom with all of this in the sense where we can just do even better stuff than we’re doing already so how wonderful that is that is the true Spirit of Outward Bound is it not yeah oh yeah it was true Outward Bound yeah yeah Wonder we’re kind of yeah we’re

    Joining forces a little bit with Outward Bound so who knows who knows what the future holds and you’re back here for a rest not because you’re getting busy organizing your Carl I got I got home uh what Saturday night and of of course there was a party

    In Lisbon I had to go to on Sunday birthday party course yeah chill thing and um I’d only unpacked one of my bags so say like my main clothes bags and everything else was still packed I only unpacked it last night because we’ve been running and you

    Know what leave it because there’s going to be more invitations just leave it just live out of that bag for the rest of the spring and the summer I don’t want to be invited to another winter Expedition now if somebody’s inviting me to the sun that’s cool but the winter no

    No no yeah I did pack it all together so it’s ready to go for the next Expedition which will probably be next month to be honest I think they’ll be we’ll be doing one next month so um yeah but this weekend I came home and getting ready

    For the spring festival which is going to be pretty huge I think um and I’m actually just in linia at the moment uh meeting up with our partners from the linia park west uh bringing over stuff about the UNESCO project and cier and all of that

    So that’s why I’m here so this weekend should be fun uh I think we have about 20 sellers stalls crafts jewelry uh our food truck will be open our um so it is H it’s a it’s an association like open day kind of thing so uh we’ll have all kinds of fun things

    Going on and um we have a I I was planning on selling all my own plants but I realized I didn’t make enough babies so um we have also a a plant specialist that will it has uh is placing all her plants at our place so that’s wonderful

    So we’ll have a nice selection of plants um yeah it it it’s looking good I’m looking forward to it actually Carl and I know that there are a lot of people coming so we’re pretty big team thank goodness for our volunteers yeah um and everybody just running around trying to

    Get everything organized for our fun weekend and hopefully the weather weather will be nice on Saturday we have a quintet band from 4: to 6 if I’m not mistaken and on Saturday we have a friend of ours that will be DJing who is amazing I don’t know if you were there

    Last time but he’s really really special I’ve heard I’ve heard of this DJ I haven’t heard actually heard them playing go around so car are you in town this weekend I am I am I’m I’m so exhausted but you know you’re putting me on the spot here for this weekend I

    Think we’ll pop along with the kids I don’t know if I can bring my whole outside broadcast kit but you know I’ll make a video a live video probably from yeah po it’s not about work I’ll just come and enjoy a cup of tea with I would

    Love that because the vibe is so good so easy going up at arinta and you know what it’s actually quite a nice time to come to the Bay isn’t it this is our very own Bay Area here we’ve got San martinho on one side we’ve got cir on

    The other and it’s not too busy at the moment it’s not too late to book somewhere is it an Airbnb or a hotel in San martinho walk across to lovely weekend and we have we have great local airbnbs too and I think that this is one

    Of the best times of the year because we’re not we’re not uh overloaded by tourists the beaches are clear they’re clean they’re everything’s nice at this time of the year so I think it’s a it’s a great time and in the back there’s loads of wild flowers that are coming out so a

    Nice place to hike and uh enjoy the scenery so yeah guys come on I know there are a lot of people a lot of people coming this weekend so oh sounds wonderful okay and the beaches are clean largely um because of your efforts as well keeping the beaches clean over

    There so there’s so much to do not just this weekend at aint CIO deporto with Shor and the whole team over there including volunteers so shout out to them as well um just before you go street food it says on the map they’re always interested in the food what’s

    Going to be available to be eaten at King this weekend so it’s going to be our our food I don’t know if you did last CU we last time we did our our wraps um so we have wraps which are chicken uh vegetarian or vegan and it was

    Actually what we did in our food trailer in England and we were extremely successful with it so um everybody loves them so we decided to go for that again uh it’s always fresh and lots of veggies in it and fresh veggies so a little bit of something easy food for everybody uh

    And no plates and forks and knives so we don’t have to worry about that running around yeah and then yeah so that that’ll be the trailer and there’ll be Lissa in the trailer this weekend um and hopefully we’ll have enough food for everybody but everybody can just show up

    The only thing we are asking at the door because we are an association there’s a one EUR entry fee um which actually goes to a a free raffle ticket so that’s more of a legal thing because uh as an association we have to make sure that everybody’s written down and marked and

    And uh before they come in and then there’ll be a maximum capacity we won’t go over 150 200 people at a Max wow what a weekend ahead then Aina any of that organic wine you picking up some of the wine from linia as well what I’m trying

    To okay all I look forward to a of that I’m trying to get a hold of Marcus actually whilst I’m here you’re quite right so Marcus is like my cousin but I think he’s been traveling our way so I’m trying to get a hold of Marcus to to to

    To yeah get us some of that biological incredible wine but uh Carl there’s no promises yet it’s been a crazy last it’s going to be food there going to be drink and there’s going to be lots of wonderful people and we’re gonna have a fun time up there

    At thank you I know you’re busy so I’ll let you go and and carry on organizing the weekend ahead cheers everybody now right okay um so that there it is tomorrow and Sunday 12: till 6 just a euro to get in and night the lovely easygoing Vibes of akinaa cira deporto

    Over there on the other side of the Bay from me doesn’t look like v-s 10 is joining us this morning but maybe you will another time Pam is saying sorry I don’t have time to share events today this is on the gumper M but I isn’t it

    Funny a lot of people have retired haven’t they when they’ve come to Portugal and they just don’t have any time still they thought when they retired from work they’d have loads of time on their hands to do exactly what they wanted to do like learn the Bas uh

    Learning to play the bass like Clyde was talking about but no people get busy don’t they we like to fill our time fill the vacuum as it were um sorry I don’t have time to share events today but I do share a lot on alabas International Facebook and Instagram so I’ll tell you

    What I’ll do Pam I’ll put a link um I think that’s what I need to do on that same page to these Facebook and Instagram Pages for the rest of the country so thank you for that if you could do me the honor of sending me a

    Link to where your events are posted I will make sure there’s a link to that from the gumper map page as well well I’m not retired all right I wasn’t saying you necessarily uh Pam but I can’t see you ever um retiring um a lot of a lot of people are

    Retired who’ve come here but even then they think they’re going to have a a nice easy going time having a coffee in a pel Donata at 11 o’clock every day it doesn’t always work out like that they’re busier than ever with an incredible social life here in Portugal

    Text what’s that you eating text this morning uh there um Global Nobles Greg so good to see you this morning uh thank you for being here thanks everybody for being here this morning we’ve just got those uh dad jokes to finish with thank you T duck for popping up this morning

    Uh with your with your dad jokes and all the other content that you’ve brought with us for this Feelgood Friday putting the sex into sea my boss just said to me you’ve been late five days this week do you know what that means I certainly do it’s

    Friday yes I would love to see that played out in real life I only wish I thought of that myself whil I was working I’m My Own Boss so it’s not going to work especially well sometimes when I close my eyes I can’t see never burn Bridges um adds T duck

    Here just loosen the bolts a little every day much easier oh and that extra comment there yes let’s finish shall we with that picture of the wonderful Jimmy Hendrick sipping more like guzzling what a lovely uh image to end on this morning um and see you on your way obviously a

    Tragic member of the 27 Club but what an amazing musical Legacy having a wonderful time there and just the spirit of that time um I I guess we need a bit more of that in these times don’t we that easygoing Carefree way the great music um and the great fun that clearly

    Those two are having on that screen there and thank you for that additional information uh from the Graham Nash album it was on an album cover apparently Graham Nash um of Crosby stillz and I think if I’m not mistaken there thank you very much for finding

    That for us uh this morning tck thank you everybody for being here I wish you a bona absolutely have a great weekend and we shall see you on Monday for a little bit of mindful migration matters with James have a wonderful weekend bye for [Applause] Now W

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