More than 5000 wraps of Class A drugs seized
    41 drugs lines disrupted
    132 arrests made
    154 charges secured
    Over £100,000 in cash recovered
    47 weapons seized
    74 vulnerable children and adults safeguarded
    139 warrants executed
    An operation that was created to tackle County Lines activity in Kettering and Corby has secured some fantastic results.

    Operation Voltage was launched in March 2023 by Northamptonshire Police’s Proactive Crime and Intelligence Team with an aim to tackle County Lines and their associated criminality in the north of the county by having a dedicated investigation team focusing on charging and remanding as many offenders as possible.

    As a result of the operation, 41 drugs lines have been disrupted with 28 completely closed down, with warrants executed at various addresses uncovering more than 5,000 wraps of Class A drugs, £100,000 in cash and 47 weapons including knives, swords, machetes, firearms and ammunition.

    The operation has also secured 132 arrests, 154 charges and the safeguarding of 48 children and 26 vulnerable adults. Hundreds of drugs users have also been offered support to break their cycle of addiction.

    Head of Proactive Crime and Intelligence – Detective Superintendent Lee McBride, said: “I am really pleased at how successful Op Voltage has been.

    “The large number of arrests, charges and successful seizures are a testament to the team’s relentless pursuit of County Lines criminals, and I hope they reassure our local communities that tackling drugs harm remains a matter of priority for Northamptonshire Police.

    “I want to be clear that we will continue working hard to achieve more good results – putting more people behind bars and protecting the most vulnerable in our society.

    “Finally I’d like to thank our partners at North Northamptonshire Council for their support, Change Grow Live – a charity that continue to provide support and help to drugs users in the Kettering area, and the Home Office who supported the operation through surge funding via the National County Lines Coordination Centre.”

    Drugs uh affect all of our matters of priority so what’s been really pleasing to see this week is we’ve done a lot of activity we’ve searched over 25 premises and we’ve arrested 16 people we’ve recovered a number of weapons and we’ve safeguarded not only children but adults

    Which again is a massive priority for Isa to ensure that we’re taking people out of that life of crime and giving them options so that they can rehabilitate and uh move freely within Society in our County we’ve also been working over the year with a number of

    Forces which is really key in building that intelligence picture not only locally regionally but nationally as well to ensure that we really strike at the heart of those caraus in the most time there’s a lot of upstanding and good people in our communities and what’s been really encouraging for me is

    That information flow and that ability for people to tell us what’s going on uh there’s a number of ways that we can do that and recently we’ve got Northampton sh talking a real good way to sign up and speak to people and get in contact with the police obviously you can dial

    101 you can dial into our website but also uh Crime Stoppers and that um anonymity that’s guaranteed that if you are comfortable giving information please report it anonymously because as I say that little bit of information could be vital and stop people being abused stop people being put into a life

    Of crime and that cycle protecting the vulnerable which is key to everything we do but most importantly let’s take that fight back to criminals and let’s really start to push hard now that drugs and people who choose to deal them at welcom in our communities

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