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    Additional Music by Scott Buckley @ScottBuckley)
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    00:00:00 – Introduction
    00:02:33 – The Birth of Dune
    00:12:32 – Jodorowsky’s Dune
    00:14:54 – David Lynch’s Dune
    00:25:53 – The Dune Mini Series
    00:29:03 – Deni Villenueve’s Dune
    00:39:34 – The Legacy of Dune

    The spice must flow it’s a quote Dune fans know  well second perhaps only to who controls the spce   controls the universe although most fans will be  surprised to learn that neither of those quotes   are found in Frank Herbert’s original books the  popular lines come from David Lynch’s 1984 film  

    Which shows us how deeply that first movie  added to the Dune experience a movie that   was made before its time as Hollywood technology  had not yet progressed to a place where it could   really show us the universe Herbert had created  in his 1965 novel legendary science fiction writer  

    Arthur C Clark who wrote 2001 and 2010 among  others once sent a letter to Herbert’s editor   comparing Dune to the Lord of the Rings because of  the extraordinary detail that the world creates as   it would turn out it was The Lord of the Rings  that would have fans and Studio Executives  

    Chanting for the Spice to flow this chant would  eventually culminate into the successful 2021 and   2024 two-part sweeping theatrical epic by Deni  vnu you must built as much as possible because   it will influence acting it will influence the  the imagination of the actors it will influence  

    Myself the nearly 60-year journey to properly  recreate one of the greatest science fiction   franchises on the big screen finally happened and  while we strongly believe these movies aren’t the   last we see of the Dune Universe we have questions  where did the inspiration for Dune come from what  

    Happened to the movie that was never made  why did David Lynch hate his movie and why   did it take nearly two decades for Hollywood  to finally make a version true to the vision   well all of these questions and more are about  to be answered this is the definitive history of

    Dune and you’ve never heard it told  like this before and if you haven’t   already subscribed to our Channel please  do so now and give us a thumbs up if you   want more videos like this and make sure  you stay tuned to the end to see how to  

    Get this awesome Dune inspired graphic  design only at mix [Music] the truth about Dune is that it was almost never  published as a novel and the man who risked   everything to make it happen would ultimately  be punished for his effort but let’s get back  

    To that in a moment first in 1957 the Space Age  began with the USSR launching the first artificial   satellite Sputnik one propelling Humanity in a  race for the stars that same year 37-year-old   Frank Herbert took a small plane to Florence  Oregon to write an article about sand dunes in  

    A pitch to his editor he titled it they sto the  moving Sands the US Department of Agriculture had   discovered a successful method of stabilizing sand  dunes by planting poverty grasses at the highest   point of the Dune to keep them from encroaching on  roads and buildings it’s obvious from the letters  

    Herbert sent his editor that he was fascinated  with the effects wind driven sand dunes had in   the Sahara and other places swallowing cities  and towns throughout time but while Herbert was   intoxicated to tell this story his editor made  it very clear he was the only one while Herbert  

    Would eventually lose interest in writing the  article he realized it was putting him on a path   of something much bigger then when it happened  it happened big and I was very surprised by how   big it it came along and with Sputnik circling  the globe and Frank Herbert being inspired to  

    Write one of the best science fiction novels of  all time also in 1957 a child was born in Frank   West Germany that child would become a huge fan  of Dune as a teenager absolutely as a teenager  

    Was one of my favorite books it was one of the  most important books and in 2022 Hans Zimmer who   had scored over 150 films would win only his  second Oscar for best original score on Den   villain’s Dune and the Oscar goes to Han Zimmer  Han Zimmer cannot be here tonight we accept on  

    His behalf but let’s not get too far ahead of  ourselves Dune and the Dune Saga maybe science   fiction but like his great worms Frank Herbert was  tunneling for something deeper influenced by great   thinkers like Sigman Freud and Carl Young Dune  is a complex story about the future of humanity  

    Involving philosophy religion psychology politics  and ecology through the lens of a 20th century   perspective Herbert was fascinated with the  impact of human effort on the world around us   not just our impact on the environment but in the  ways our interactions affect the world around us  

    Whether it be with cultures religion politics and  charismatic leaders their mistakes are Amplified   by the Numbers who follow them without question  he was also genuinely concerned and curious about   what the actions of humans on Earth would mean for  the eventual future of humanity Dune is conceived  

    Of as a as a planet that is totally desert so that  water on it is the metaphor of say oil here uh it   is a metaphor of Clean Air metaphor of water  it’s a met for for the shortages that we are   encountering because of overpopulation Herbert  Drew further inspiration from Native American  

    Men like Howard Hansen Hansen grew up on the quot  reservation near Herbert’s Hometown and regularly   shared his writing with the author Hansen told  Herbert in 1958 that white men are eating the   Earth after sharing the effects of logging on  his reservation he said they are going to turn  

    This whole planet into a wasteland just like North  Africa the world could become a big Dune Herbert   responded Herbert had written his first novel only  2 years earlier titled the dragon and the Seas it  

    Was about a near future Earth where the west and  the East had been at War for more than a decade   with the West stealing oil from the East with  specialized nucle submarines water on it is the  

    Metaphor of say oil here uh very appropriate at  the moment it’s obvious that oil was on Herbert’s   mind only 20 years before Herbert began working  on Dune an American-owned oil well in Saudi   Arabia drilled into what would become the largest  source of petroleum in the world it’s obvious that  

    Stories like this inspired Herbert’s Dune and  the relationship with local desert dwellers who   might be displaced by the West Newfound riches was  always on his mind throw in a mind-altering drug   that also doubles as the only substance to allow  Interstellar travel and you have everything you  

    Need for a high-stake space drama while Herbert  never publicly discussed the use of drugs as his   inspiration for Dune according to Legendary  myologist Paul stamitz in an article with the   daily Grail Herbert confided in stamitz that  Dune took inspiration from his own experiences  

    With magic mushrooms 20 gr of mushrooms hug  at a tree the lightning comes and hits you and I I saw fractals for the first time stamet said  Frank told him that much of the premise of Dune  

    The magic spice that allowed the bending of space  the giant worms the blue eyes of the fan the   mysticism of the benzer came from his perception  of the fungal life cycle and his imagination was   stimulated through his experiences with the use  of magic mushrooms according to stamats Herbert  

    Shared his technique with him for using spores  when he met him in the early 80s Frank enjoyed   collecting mushrooms on his property near Port  Towns in Washington Herbert’s use of drugs in the   story would follow the logic of the desert their  communities and the spiritual drugs and journeys  

    Of those people Herbert had considered using Mar  as a setting for the novel but eventually decided   to use a fictional Planet instead thinking readers  would have too many preconceived ideas about that   planet because of all the stories already  written about it over the next several years  

    Of researching and writing Herbert had plotted  a short Adventure novel he called spice Planet   but set the outline aside when he realized his  concept was growing into something much more   ambitious in early 1963 Herbert finally presented  a draft of Dune to his editor the story set on  

    The desert planet oracus Dune is the story of  the boy Paul at trades heir to a noble family   tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where  the only thing of value is the spice mange a   drug capable of extending life and enhancing  Consciousness the editor’s response was that  

    He thought Frank had done a fantastic job and he  really had something his editor began immediately   reaching out to magazines for many writers at this  time getting a novel published was wonderful but   getting your stories published in a magazine  is what paid the bills and one of the best in  

    The 19 1960s was analog magazine who was busy  producing thinking man science fiction at that   time Dune world would end up running in three  parts from December 1963 to February 1964 for   $2,550 or $225,000 in today’s money it was a huge  success for Herbert while analog was publishing  

    The serialization monthly Herbert’s editor had  been reaching out to Major Publishers for the   novel at the same time the response to the story  itself after the first 100 Pages was fantastic   but there was one huge problem the book was too  long typical science fiction novels of the time  

    Were published with between 50 and 75,000 words  but Dune well Dune was approaching 200,000 words   double day scribers and nearly 20 other publishing  companies said no Herbert felt strongly that Dune   would be a money maker for whoever published it  it was in early 1965 when Frank Herbert received  

    Good news from a surprising source Chilton books  known for publishing auto repair manuals made an   offer for $7,500 plus future royalties to  publish the whole thing in a single hard   cover book Chilton’s editor Sterling laner had  read the story in analog magazine and vouched  

    For the novel with his company the cost to get  you a hardback Dune book in October 1965 $5.95   or just over $60 today it was not cheap remember  earlier when we told you the the truth about Dune  

    Is that it might never have been published had it  not been for a man who risked everything to make   it that was Sterling laner and after 5 months  of disappointing sales on the new novel lanir  

    Was fired it was the same month Dune won the Hugo  award it would take another year for word of mouth   about this new exciting science fiction monster  novel to get around and sales began to pick up   Suddenly stores couldn’t keep Dune in stock today  Herbert’s Dune has sold over 20 million copies  

    And is considered one of the greatest science  fiction stories ever told I am will weaton Dune   is an absolute Contender for your favorite book  one would hope someone sent Sterling lanir a big   check at some point but not everyone loved Dune  Jr tolken whose Lord of the Rings Dune had been  

    Compared to refused to review Dune because quote  he disliked it with some intensity unquote he   felt it would be unfair to Herbert if he gave an  honest review of the book while no specifics are   given on why tolken didn’t like the work and  this is 100% conjecture but there are serious  

    Anti-colonialism themes in Dune and token’s  British Empire was still working on granting   Independence to countries at that time it’s just  a guess but we’ll likely never know for sure after   Dune became a critical and financial success for  Herbert he was able to devote himself to writing  

    Full-time he would write the sequel Dune messiah  in 1969 followed by Children of Dune in 1976 God   Empire of Dune in 1981 Heretics of Dune in 1984  and finally Chapter House Dune in 1985 Herbert   passed away a short time later on February  11th 1986 from a massive pulmonary embolism  

    While recovering from surgery for pancreatic  cancer he was 66 the Dune novels wouldn’t end   with Frank Herbert his son Brian would go  on to write 14 more Dune books from 1999 to 2016 [Music] the incredible success of the Dune novel meant it  was only a matter of time before Hollywood would  

    Come knocking 1968 had two fantastic science  fiction movies that would give the studios   confidence to make Dune for the right price the  movies were Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 aace Odyssey   and planet of the ape starring Charlton hon so in  1971 the production company appj International who  

    Was was busy making the Planet of the Apes movies  optioned the right to make Doom after a delay   because of Planet of the Apes sequels shooting  was finally scheduled to begin in 1974 but the   head of the production company died late in 1974  a French Consortium bought the rights from appj  

    With plans to let Alejandro jarowski direct I was  raping Frank he you know raping like this but we’   laugh we’d love jarowski was the Godfather of the  Colt midnight movie and known for his daring and   psychedelic films of the early 1970s but jarowski  wasn’t just making a film about the spice Planet  

    He wanted to create a profet and his goal was  to change the world jarowski assembled a team   of spiritual Warriors assembling some of the  most talented visual artists of the era Pink   Floyd was doing the soundtrack and his cast  would include Orson Wells MC Jagger David  

    Kerine and even Salvador Dolly he and his team  spent 2 years creating a dune Bible with over   3,000 storyboard Pages numerous paintings and  incredible costumes with an outrageous moving   and Powerful screenplay but when jarowski started  meeting with Studio Executives there was only one  

    Problem the movie was too big or perhaps they  were afraid to let jarowski explore his vision   regardless the financial backing dried up and  jarowski dune would not get made but whether mad   or a genius the one thing you can say about  jatar Row’s Dune is that without the talent  

    He assembled to make the movie it’s likely  the Al franchise would have never happened   Dan oanon who had been all in with Dune and was  devastated when it didn’t happen went to work on   an old script he had been working on before Dune  because of his relationship with the team on Dune  

    He would bring in many of the team members that  were also working on Dune the movie would become Alien in 1976 Italian producer Dino deenus who had  just produced King Kong purchased the rights for   Dune and in 1978 commissioned Herbert to write a  new screenplay the script was 175 pages long which   would amount to a 3-hour movie as fate would have  it deenus hired Ridley Scott to direct who was hot  

    Off of alien which of course partially owed its  existence to the earlier unmade Dune movie but   after 7 months as a new first draft script was  written Scott dropped out of Dune Ridley thought   the movie would need another 2 and 1/2 years of  work and with his older brother recently dying  

    From cancer he needed something more fast-paced to  get his mind off of the tragedy and while that may   be true there was more to the story in 2021 Ridley  revealed that after taking a trip to see where the  

    Movie was going to be filmed in Mexico and the  AER conditions he would have to deal with he told   deenus he couldn’t do it Scott would end up going  back to the movie he passed on just before taking  

    Dune Blade Runner it was suddenly 1981 and no Dune  yet the 9-year film rights deenus had was about to   expire hot off of Flash Gordon deenus renegotiated  the rights and managed to include all Dune sequels   even those Unwritten The Elephant Man had come  out the previous year and deus’s daughter raphaela  

    Thought its director David Lynch should make  Dune Lynch was quickly gaining popularity after   making a racer head and now an Academy Award Best  Director for the Elephant Man and was receiving   several other offers including directing Star  Wars Return of the Jedi he passed on Star Wars  

    Not feeling like he’d have enough control over the  movie he wasn’t really a science fiction fan and   admitted to not really liking Star Wars so it’s no  surprise that when deenus asked him to direct Dune  

    Lynch said June no it’s Dune Lynch had never heard  of it but he read the novel and was so excited the   same day he finished it he met with de la renes  in his office and signed on when I finished the  

    Novel I was just knocked out I’d seen Star Wars  of course but to be honest I wasn’t all that crazy   about it for me there was just too much on the  surface of that film and nothing else Dune was  

    Different it had believable characterizations and  depth in many ways Herbert had created an internal   Adventure one with a lot of emotion and physical  textures and I love textures Lynch worked on the   script initially planning to turn the story into  two films but it was eventually condensed into  

    One the talk behind the scenes was that there  would eventually be three films as the producers   thought they were making Star Wars for grown-ups  in early 1983 the production went to Mexico City   to set up at Churubusco Studios and begin casting  the most important casting would be for the main  

    Character Paula tradies today it’s hard to imagine  anyone but Kyle mclin as Paul but Val Kilmer was   very nearly cast as the star of Dune Kilmer along  with Tom Cruz Kevin cers and others according to   David Lynch’s Dune and oral history Cruz had  difficulty with Herbert’s language during the  

    Screen test ultimately they felt like he was  too young for the role just coming off Risky   Business he was babyfaced and they wanted someone  a little more mature cner didn’t have the inner   strength they were looking for to play Paul malde  and came across as nervous during the audition the  

    Role was Kilmer’s although deenus didn’t like  the shape of his lips and then mclin read for   the role straight out of a Seattle area theater he  hit it off with Lynch and the director immediately   liked him feeling he had the inner strength that  they were looking for to pull off Paul ma other  

    Notable castings included Shong young as Chie  young was coming off a role opposite Harrison   Ford in Bladerunner most people remember her as  the main antagonist Ein horn and Finkle from Ace   Ventura Pet Detective she is suffering from  the worst case of hemorrhoids Dean Stockwell  

    Had been a child actor in the 40s and had been  bouncing around doing guest spots and TV shows   for 30 years until he had to move his family to  New Mexico to start selling real estate just to  

    Make ends meet a huge fan of Dune Stockwell  found out the movie was being made in Mexico   and decided to go down and try to get a role in  the film Lynch who was thrown off by seeing the  

    Man told Stockwell the cast was complete but  when John Hurt exited the project the role of   Dr Wellington U went to Stockwell Lynch later told  Stockwell that the reason he’ been looking at him   so strangely is because he thought he had died the  role would end up reigniting stockwell’s career  

    Eventually helping him land the role of Al in the  Quantum Leap TV show hi cutie you look great and   powder blue Patrick Stewart now the most famous  person from the cast after his roles as Captain  

    Jean Luke Bard in Star Trek and Professor X in the  X-Men was handpicked by Lynch to play gurnie HCK   after seeing him on stage performing as a Long  gray-haired cadaverous Henry the 4th but when   Stuart arrived in Mexico for filming Lynch didn’t  recognize him he thought he was hiring a Haggard  

    Old man with hair instead of the 44-year-old verl  Stewart but at that point Stewart was already a   replacement for Aldo Ray who left the film for  health reasons so Stuart got the role actress   Glenn Close nearly got the role as Jessica Paul’s  mother but they didn’t feel like she was pretty  

    Enough close would go on to put a bullet in Robert  Redford’s character on the natural and the role   of Jessica would go to Franchesca Annis sting  was cast as fade rala but he didn’t want to be  

    In the film he didn’t think doing a big film was  good for his career but Lynch hopped on a plane   and flew to London and convinced him to be in the  movie the best story from the set about sting had  

    To do with Patrick Stewart who had no idea who  the singer was when he told Stuart he was in a   band called the police Stuart said oh what kind  of band he said the police I said you play in a  

    Police band other notable cast members included  Brad Dorff Richard Jordan Virginia Madson Max von   siden Kenneth McMillan Linda Hunt and Everett  McGill after 200 men spent 2 months crawling   on their hands hands and knees over 3 square  miles of the seala dun Fields clearing it of  

    Rattlesnakes scorpions and every inch of cactus  filming finally began March 30th 1983 Dune was   a huge production it required 80 sets built on  16 sound stages and a crew of 1,700 people with   over 20,000 extras with a $40 million budget  delarentis wanted to shoot in Mexico to take  

    Care of the favorable exchange rate but you have  to take the good with the bad with telephones and   Power going out regularly it was difficult to  sew costumes build props or just use the Xerox   machine access to facilities were also a problem  during the first month and a half of the shoot 15%  

    Of the crew was in the hospital with varying  illnesses eventually the team would get into   a rhythm working together to get the film done  shooting would last for 6 months upon completion   the rough cut without post- production effects ran  over 4 hours long David Lynch’s intended cut was  

    Almost 3 hours long however you Universal Pictures  and the movie’s Finance years expected a standard   2hour cut of the movie to reduce the runtime deor  rentis and Lynch edited numerous scenes filmed   new scenes that simplified or concentrated plot  elements and added voiceover narrations plus a new  

    Introduction by Virginia Madson the movie would  spend another 6 months in post- production and   9 months in editing the film opened on December  14th 1984 in 915 theaters earning over $6 million   in its opening weekend and ra ranking number two  at the box office behind Beverly Hills Cop during  

    The release cheat sheets explaining much of the  movie’s setting and its more obscure vocabulary   were handed out to movie goers at some theaters  it’s not a good sign if you have to explain the   movie to people before they watch it Dune would  go on to earn nearly $31 million at the end of  

    Its run but with a budget of 42 million it was  considered a box office disappointment Dune was   34th at the box office in 1984 finishing behind  Conan the Destroyer termin in 2010 among other   movies and a movie that was still making money  in 1984 and was a colossal number one at the box  

    Office for 1983 Star Wars Return of the Jedi  the movie David Lynch had turned down to make   matters worse the reviews were not good Roger  eert gave Dune one star and wrote this movie is   a real mess an incomprehensible ugly unstructured  pointless Excursion into the murkier Realms of one  

    Of the most confusing screenplays of all time he  would later name it the worst movie of the year   and said quote if I haven’t made myself clear I  hated watching this movie unquote ouch because of   the poor performance all future sequels were  cancelled Lynch had been working on a script  

    For Dune Messiah as he had been hired to also  direct the second and third films over the years   the truth of what happened to Dune 1984 finally  came out in 2006 Lynch spoke candidly about his  

    Experience making the movie Dune I didn’t have  Final Cut on it’s the only film I’ve made that I   didn’t have I didn’t technically have final cut  on the Elephant Man but Mel Brooks gave it to   me Lynch knew from the beginning that he wouldn’t  have the final decision on the movie and admitted  

    He started selling out even in the script phase  for him it was a slow dying death and a terrible   terrible experience to this day he still doesn’t  know how it happened he trusted that it would work  

    Out but he admits to being very naive and made  the wrong decision in those days the maximum   number they figured I could have is 2 hours and  17 minutes so they wouldn’t lose a screening per  

    Day so that’s what the length of the film is it  was money talking and it hurt Patrick Stewart   has said in interviews that every cast member  lost two scenes to Cuts made during the editing   of Dune according to Franchesca Annis who played  lady Jessica deenus and David Lynch’s different  

    Views as well as de laus’s creative interventions  contributed to the movie’s poor performance Lynch   doesn’t like talking about Dune but he admits  that as soon as he signed away Final Cut he   started making a film that he thought deenus  would accept instead of the movie he wanted to  

    Make looking back he admits it’s no one’s fault  but his own he regrets making Dune and has even   insisted his name be taken off of some versions  and after years of saying there wasn’t enough   for a director’s cut no it doesn’t exist during  an article for Esquire in 2022 Lynch did say a  

    Director’s cut could happen we’ll have to wait and  see there’s more stuff but even that uh is is is   putrified as for Frank Herbert what did he think  about the movie version of his book well he liked  

    It he thought it captured the book well he said of  course it leaves out scenes but it would have to   otherwise we’d be here 14 hours everyone knew Dune  would need more time on screen to tell the proper

    Story following Lynch’s Dune the feeling that  the book was adaptable for the big screen became   popular opinion and any thoughts at giving it  another try disappeared for more than a decade   another popular book from a famous author was  having the same problem Stephen King had been  

    Trying to turn the 1,440 page book The Stand  into a 2-hour movie since 1982 you can imagine   the trouble when considering what Lynch had  to go through condensing dun’s 896 pages into   a 2hour and 17-minute movie then in 1992 they  found a solution for the stand a TV miniseries  

    Producer Richard Rubenstein who had been working  on the project for years got it aired on ABC in   May 1994 it won six Prime Time mems and was  so successful he made another Stephen King   miniseries the langle ear in 1995 looking for  more fantastic stories that could be told in  

    This way Ruben Stein picked up the screen rights  to the Doom novels the very next year now he just   needed the right vehicle to get it out to fans  as luck would have it the Sci-Fi channel which  

    Had been operating since 1992 was in need of more  and more original programming Farscape had just   started its four-year run in 1999 and Rubenstein  had brought in John Harrison to write and direct   the Dune series once it got picked up in November  of that year Harrison pitched three twoh hour  

    Movies to air as a miniseries on the young Network  and sci-fi gave the green light with a $20 million   budget after scouting desert locations around the  world Harrison made the decision to make the movie   completely on sound stages in Prague in the Czech  Republic Not only was it the most costeffective  

    Place to shoot but it also had the biggest sound  stages in Europe and this would give him the   ability to create environments that can’t be found  on Earth the miniseries Frank Herbert’s Dune was   released on December 3rd 2000 Alec Newman was  cast as Paul but the biggest star in the series  

    Was William Hurt who played Duke Leo at traes it  was a dream part for the actor who had been a huge   fan of Herbert’s novels Frank Herbert’s Dune was  a huge success for the Sci-Fi channel averaging 4  

    4 million viewers over the three nights it  aired it also won two Emmy Awards in 2001   for outstanding cinematography and outstanding  visual effects although the graphics don’t stand   up today they are very complimentary to the style  TV shows were being made at the time sci-fi’s Dune  

    Kicked off a whole string of miniseries on the  channel including Frank Herbert’s The Children   of Dune which covered Herbert’s next two novels  Dune Messiah and Children of Dune Alec Newman   was back as Paul with Susan Sarandon Alice C and  James macavoy also starring what both miniseries  

    Lacked in action it made up for in staying true  to the novels which made Dune fans very happy   at the time Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune won  another prime time Emmy for Outstanding special   visual effects and would eventually pave the way  for sci-fi Channel’s biggest miniseries Battle  

    Star Galactica the story of Dune had finally been  told completely inaccurately how long would it be   before the visuals and the story could come  together for a big budget theatrical release Dune has so many interesting connections with the  Lord of the Rings Arthur C Clark basically called  

    It the Lord of the Rings of Science Fiction and  its author Jr tolken couldn’t stand the book and   refused to review it then in 2003 the 1,178 pages  of The Lord of the Rings novels did something else  

    For Dune it got made properly by Peter Jackson  winning 17 Academy Awards out of 30 nominations   it was proof that Dune could finally be made in  all its glory on the big screen following the Dune  

    Miniseries on sci-fi and the success of the Lord  of the Rings Dune was coming into a prime position   to be made for theatrical release again in August  2007 Byron Merritt the grandson of Herbert posted   in an online Forum that negotiations for a  new Dune movie had been in the works for over  

    2 years and they were very close to making a deal  Rubenstein who still owns the rights following the   miniseries made a deal with Paramount Pictures  Paramount chose director Peter Berg to make the   movie as he had recently done the kingdom some of  which had been filmed on location in Abu Dhabi the  

    United Arab Emirates Berg left the project in 2009  to go work on battleship in March 2011 Paramount   canel the project unable to come to terms with  Rubenstein over an extension of rights that same   year Mary parent who’d been an executive producer  on the kingdom acquired the rights and when she  

    Joined Legend legendary entertainment in 2016 they  acquired the rights in November that year director   Deni villanu had already expressed interest in  the project earlier that year saying it would   be a longstanding dream of his to adapt Dune  parent was impressed with his enthusiasm and  

    Hired him once he described his vision to her  it was February 2017 and neither vnu nor parent   wanted to rush the project he chose to complete  the other two projects He had committed to First   with arrival and Blade Runner 2049 that would give  him time to co-write Dune himself in March 2018  

    Vnu went to parent and told her that he needed to  make the movie in two parts she agreed with him   and he secured a twov deal with Warner Brothers  Pictures similar to the two-part adaptation of   Stephen King’s It in 2017 in 2019 considering the  mistakes of the Lynch film being shortened and the  

    Success of longer movies being made in Parts it  was an easy decision for the studio although they   officially held off on a green light for part two  until the first part had been released by May 2018  

    A first draft of the script was done covering  the first half of the events of Dune vnu had   seen Lynch’s adaptation of the story and while he  respected the filmmaker in the film he chose not  

    To build on any of the elements from it he wanted  to go back to the book and look for the images   that came out of what he read he felt that his  love for Dune would allow him to focus on his own  

    Vision and he wanted to recreate the experience  he had felt when he initially read the book as a   teenager with a script and a schedule in place who  would be in the movie for Paul vnu wanted an actor  

    Who was an old soul in the body of a teenager he  wanted Timothy shalam in the role and would later   admit that he had no alternative choices in mind  shalam had previously auditioned for a role in Vil  

    New’s movie Prisoners back in 2013 and didn’t get  it shalomay traveled to the can’s Film Festival to   discuss the role with vnu shalamay entered into  final negotiations for the role in July 2018 in   September Rebecca Ferguson who had been in the  mission impost Possible movies began talks to play  

    Lady Jessica Ferguson was initially dismissive of  the role feeling lady Jessica was too similar to   her previous roles and didn’t want to be typ cast  as a strong female character after seeing V new’s   vision and reading the novel she completely fell  in love with the character and signed on to play  

    The role in January 2019 Guardians of the Galaxy  muscle and comic relief Dave Bautista was offered   the serious role of Glu raban following a phone  call from the director vnu wanted Stell and scarg   guard to play Baron Vladimir harkonen because  he found him intimidating Skarsgard would end  

    Up spending 8 hours a day getting in his makeup  for the role which he admitted later gave him   some anxiety vnu personally contacted Charlotte  rampling to play gas Helen rampling was previously   eyed to play Lady Jessica in jarowski Doom once  Oscar Isaac heard the film was in development  

    He contacted VNV and told him he wanted a star  in it it would be 2 years before vnu sent him   a script and agreed to cast him as duke Leo as  for and Dia she auditioned for the role of Chie  

    Alongside five other actresses not only did she  have the best chemistry with shalam but vuv said   Zenia made him believe she had been raised on an  alien planet Jason mimoa was surprised when he got   a call for the role of Duncan Idaho while he was  snowboarding down a mountain he later contacted  

    Vnu and accepted the role surprised he didn’t have  to audition he’d always had to audition for all   of his other roles Josh Brolin wasn’t selected  by vnu Brolin had come into legendary to pitch   another another project not only did they like  the project he wanted to do but they told him  

    They just found their gurnie hoc vnu called Javier  bardam directly and offered him the role of sgar   bardam was shocked because he had also wanted to  portray sgar comparing the role to his personal   love for Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings filming  began on March 18th 2019 at orio film studios in  

    Budapest Hungary filming also took place in W  rum Jordan which doubled for oracus the Lewa   Oasis in the United Arab Emirates also served  as a key backdrop for oracus scenes featuring   rock formations the fman use as heat shields were  filmed in the rube alali desert in Abu Dhabi and  

    Planet kaladan was shot in Stan landit Norway  filming wrapped on July 26th 2019 the movie   had 1200 VFX shots and with 18 tons of sand used  on sets it was mentioned earlier in this history   Han Zimmer who was born the same year Herbert  came up with the idea for Dune was the composer  

    On the film he spent week in the Utah desert  alone capturing natural sounds to inspire his   score a huge fan of Dune Zimmer passed on doing  tenant with Christopher Nolan so we could compose Dune Dune was originally going to be released  on November 20th 2020 which was then pushed   back to December 18th the film was then delayed  by the covid-19 pandemic and planned for release   October 1st 2021 but to avoid competition with  no time to die they moved the film’s American  

    Release to October 22nd over a month before  being released in North America the film had   been released internationally just a week before  the movie was being released Warner Brothers   announced Dune would be available to watch on  HBO Max on October 21st already disappointed  

    That the pandemic affected his film’s roll out  vuv became the most vocal opponent of Warner   Brothers decision to release Dune to the theaters  and streaming simultaneously he told variety that   AT&T Warner Brothers parent company has hijacked  one of the most respectable and important Studio  

    Films in history he accused them of having no love  for Cinema or the audience with their decision as   it would turn out the simultaneous release on  streaming would seem to have little effect on   Dune part 1 the movie would go on to make nearly  $435 million worldwide with a 2hour and 35-minute  

    Runtime with a budget of 165 million a theatrical  release of Dune was finally a success and with   an 83% certified fresh and a 90% audience score  on Rotten Tomatoes it was agreed that the first   half of the Dune epic was a visual Masterpiece  and a thrilling adaptation longtime fans felt  

    They’d finally got a movie that both looked and  sounded amazing and they would be waiting on the   had already been assured heard a couple weeks  earlier that the sequel was 100% happening one   of the key points of negotiation before part two  was green lit was assuring the sequel would have  

    An exclusive window where it would only be shown  theatrically with legendary and Warner Brothers   eventually agreeing to give Dune part two a  45-day window before it would be available   through other channels vuv said this theatrical  exclusion was a non-negotiable condition and  

    That the theatrical experience is at the very  heart of cinematic language for him in March   2022 two Florence Pew and Austin Butler were in  talks to star in the film as Princess eilon and   fade rala Butler who had been impressive in the  Elvis Presley biopic was offered the rule while  

    Having coffee with vnu no audition required  he trained for 4 months in Budapest using a   fitness regime made by an ex-navy seal member VNV  described his performance as being a cross between   role was based off of skarsgard’s performance in  2021s Dune when he first met Skarsgard he spoke to  

    Him in his own voice Skarsgard said he laughed  so much because it was obvious Butler enjoyed   being evil in May 2022 Christopher Walkin joined  the cast as Emperor shotam the fourth production   work for part two had occurred back-to-back with  the first film but principal photography began  

    In July 2022 Han Zimmer also returned for part  two composing 90 minutes of music just to get   Vil newv inspired while writing Dune part 2 was  originally scheduled to be released on October   20th 2023 but was ultimately moved to March  1st 2024 as a result of the writer strike as  

    Of the making of this video Advanced tickets  for the film have surpassed Oppenheimer and   it’s projected to gross around $170 million  for its worldwide debut Dune part two is a   huge success one of the early fresh reviews says  now we know Frank Herbert’s Dune can be filmed  

    Successfully another calls it a science fiction  Masterpiece once the dust settles Dune part two   will exceed the international earnings of part  one making the 5H hour and 26-minute combined   movie a billion dooll franchise with the success  of vn’s Dune he’s already started working on the  

    Sequel book Dune Messiah although he is taking  his time with it he wants it to be the best movie   possible and while we are still currently waiting  for Dune Messiah to be greenlit the fact that vnu  

    Says he’s already nearly done with the script is a  great sign we’ll be seeing the studio backing soon Dune has been widely influential inspiring  numerous novels music films television games and   comic books it is considered one of the greatest  and most influential science fiction novels of all  

    Time with numerous modern science fiction Works  owing their existence to Dune Dune has also been   referenced in numerous other works including Star  Trek Chron of Ric the king killer Chronicles and Futurama in 1977 David Matthews became one of the  first artists to dedicate an entire composition to  

    Dune publishing an album of the same name on  CTI records the heavy metal band Iron Maiden   wrote the song to Tame a Land Based on the Dune  story it appears as the closing track to their   1983 album peace of mind the original working  title of the song was Dune however the band was  

    Denied permission to use it with Frank Herbert’s  agent saying Frank Herbert doesn’t like rock bands   particularly heavy rock bands and especially  bands like Iron Maiden then in 1992 was Dune   2 which established the conventions of modern  real-time strategy games and is considered to be  

    Among the most influential video games of all time  Rick Priestley cites Dune as a major influence on   his 1987 war game Warhammer 40,000 in 2023 funcom  announced Dune Awakening an upcoming massively   multiplayer online game set in the universe of  Dune the game is scheduled for release sometime  

    In 2024 and will be available on most gaming  platforms the Apollo 15 astronauts named a small   crater on Earth’s Moon after the novel during the  1971 Mission and the name was formally adopted by   the international astronomical Union in 1973 since  2009 the names of planets from the dun novels have  

    Been adopted for the realworld nomenclature for  planes and other features on Saturn’s moon Titan   like oracus pla even after nearly 60 years it  doesn’t feel like the story on Dune is complete   perhaps it never will be but with a hope for  future Dune movies and an upcoming massive online  

    Video game it’s clear that Humanity continues to  be compelled by the universe that Frank Herbert   created but what do you think how do you feel  about Herbert’s novels how do you feel about the   onscreen adaptations that have followed including  the most recent movie and what would you like to  

    See happen in the future for the Dune franchise  let’s talk about it in the comments below and   also don’t forget to click on the link at the  end of this video and check out this incredible   Dune inspired graphic design from the amazing  artist atmx get 20% off your purchase  

    By using coupon code the podcast the link is in  the description below until next [Music] time


    1. Unfortunately, for all of us, this is the most BORING / milk-toast version of Paul there EVER has been. WHY people are calling this version so great is BEYOND me because the actors (with the exeption of Mamoa) seem to be so damn boring. THe 1984's acting cast is FAR superior to this movie's and even the SCi-Fi's version had more interesting characters. Sorry Dune but Christopher Walken can't save you……because he's not playing Christoper Walken and his real acting chops are being restrained. The Patric Stewart Gurney Haleck is FAR superior 🙂

      nuff said?

    2. I’ve first read Dune when I was 15 and have been re-reading the book roughly every 2 years since then. I’m now… actually never mind that. The point is this is a pretty solid piece. And I was actually ready not to like it because of the use of the word “franchise” but no, this is extremely well researched (I learned quite a bit actually which, of course, I didn’t think I would). I subscribe. Kudos kids! (I said never mind that…)

    3. hey, you guys, mm I would like to know your opinion on the end of Quantum Leap season 2. specifically, who did Adison leap into? Or who leaped out so she could leap in. What do you think of the theory that Sam just leaped home? And do you think that it's going to get a season 3?

    4. Rebecca Ferguson has never read the novel. She confirmed this again on Colbert last month. The film didn´t win Best Picture either. It infamously only won Below The Line Oscars and wasn´t up for a prestigious award, like Best Director or any of the action categories.

    5. This is not the finally realised screen adaptation, not unless you're drinking the kool aid. There were directions Villeneuve took the movie which were far away from the book. Jessica's scheming to make Paul accept his destiny. Chani's secular stance verged on insolence. Most importantly, where is the spacing guild? It was their intervention which pre-empted any retaliation from the houses, choam and the gesserit's. No, Dune remains unfilmable,.

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