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    Come here baby wait what why feel wait what happen wait wait hey wait hold on hold I got hey zi hold on I can’t leave zi what are you what are you talking about bro Teddy is bleeding oh my God baby where did that come from bro why you look like that what’s

    Wrong why you getting toys for sing I want toys what you man you got enough toys man we just getting toys for zeli because she feeling a little Sicky right my baby F she’s not feeling good right baby guys she’s a little sick she got some allergies as you guys can tell like

    From her eyes she does baby but look D look oh what is that you like it baby what is this what is this man I don’t know it’s like fishies with a fish tank this is a fake fish tank she love you like this Ellie

    Oh she oh oh yeah yeah we got to get this my baby’s laughing yeah she’s laughing baby whatever you laugh at we’re going to get show her some toys let’s see show her that one let me see show her this one Z you like this one

    Oh she smile all right try this one this one right here guys look s look look look I don’t see a smile no oh yeah that’s a smile he that’s a smile that’s a smile what go ahead try you try you try uh-oh try let’s see let’s see is

    That a smile yeah wait does it do anything let’s see let’s see let’s see 5 6 7 that’s SM my baby you can get whatever toys you want y’ see what’s over there K do you see what’s over there yeah what is that um Christmas stuff so you know

    What that means should we go Christmas shopping we got to decorate the house babe Christmas shopping right now right now just like a little something I do have some ideas we already got a tree yeah we have a tree and it’s a big tree so I think it’s perfect yeah let’s go

    Over there cuz I want all right K you ready yeah bab go hey what are you doing man I’m getting this and and and that’s it what you think you’re not the sick one your sister’s sick but I’m going to let you get some toys you know cuz you got to

    Get some toys go get one more one more here you know what I think this is nice for you Unicorn hey you guys man everybody’s getting gifts what about me I think I need one but let’s go look for mommy where’s Mommy at o what we doing babe

    What you getting look at this K can I get this oh you got him that yeah I said he can get it just because you know Z got lot of toys so just let him get something too I have a really good idea JP what I think you should dress up as

    Santa Claus ooh I’m going to do that I’m going to do that Co I’m going to do that oh oh yeah get that get that get it right now does it hit you yeah it’s like one size seven pieces yeah this fits me this fits everybody let’s get it what is

    That that’s what you want what is that let me see hold on we can’t just be getting anything we got to see what we get babe you like this let me see ah there could be better there’s a lot lot more but these are like the little

    Boring ones we want like the big nice ones yo there’s so many I want to I want to be a shark I like the shark a shark yeah cuz I’m a shark man I’m I’m big daddy shark I want the shark all right get the shark o s should she be a

    Mermaid Ka or should she be a unicorn uh mermaid yeah mermaid mermaid K which one are you going to pick um I think you should pick the one mommy got look look at the one mommy got look at Ka I WRA no I’m the shark bro I wrapped

    To For You O Okay I wrapped her oo Ka you can be a raptor I’m not going to lie you like that one I don’t want none of those yo Ka really likes this what is this I don’t you like Ka a cat this one’s cute a cat man if you don’t put

    This back I think you should get something like this yeah that’s what I was going for you know something like this it looks like an actual Ugg like it looks like I could put it on or why don’t you do the Unicorn babe you want me to get that unicorn I’m

    Saying it fits you I don’t really like it I like this this one’s cute all all right get down what’s that make the heart for Mommy and S and you what about the trench family make a heart for the trench family you want me to show you how to do

    A nice heart you got to turn it bro you got to like twist it like that let me see hold on hold it there goes one oh but it’s not you got to like hold it like yeah there it is that’s for the trench family my heart beats for you oo

    My heart beats for you my little baby yeah yeah you know how we have stairs that go like that we’re going to put our big Christmas tree here and then we need some of this like this you know oh that’s nice C it’s the Grinch you like

    The Grinch yeah you’re not scared of the Grinch what what are you going to do if the Grinch comes to our house beat him up face you going to beat him up yeah I’m going to punch him in his face what if he takes all your gifts

    Oh I going beat him up oh man hey so which one we going with this one I think this one for sure but we could get more than one we see look I think babe we should get a we got to get one of these we’re from Florida I guess you know what

    I’m saying we all the way over over here so we got to we got to show them where we from we from Florida all right so we’re going to we just live in Texas Gator with gifts Gator with gifts he’s eating the gift how big is this though

    Um I don’t know it says 9 ft wide I think that’s kind of big that’s good and which one you want this one I want that one you want this big dinosaur look 8 foot 8.5 ft tall that’s big that’s taller than you that’s tall that’s

    Taller than me and you that look like so we getting that too yeah all right we need that yeah hey we’re going to have the best decorated house on the look we going to have a dinosaur we going to have a crocodile and look there’s some

    More big ones over there wait but look we forgot Santa we have to get Santa with some gift we do need Santa so should we get this one or should we get this one right here look there’s two ooh Santa fishing or Santa no I don’t really

    Like the fishing yeah I don’t like that we already got something we already got Gator yeah let’s go with this one right here all right we’re going to get this what’s that k for the entrance but we don’t have a walkway like that like we

    Do got a walkway do we like that though I don’t know I feel I feel like we can find some better for that yeah we I don’t think we need that I don’t think we need that you said what on the street man you crazy should Ka get his own

    Little Christmas tree for his room oh oh zeli could get one too Ka you want one Ka you want your own Christmas tree yeah all right look what there’s one that lights up wait there’s a unicorn Christmas hold on look at this that is so cute get that one for zel’s

    Room yeah get her you can get this for me man put that bag what you going to do with that I’m put my and I’m getting her these right here to decorate okay okay okay that’s about to be cool we about to decorate your baby

    What baby are you okay dely look at your new tree look hey do you like it yeah she likes it what what you got over there my boy for the um tree oh yeah but that’s for the presents that’s to wrap the presents don’t worry you going to

    Get a lot of presents if you behave good you going to get a lot of presents a few minutes later all right you guys so we just finished decorating zana’s tree and what you think Z do you like it a look at oh she likes it look at my little

    Baby Saka did a awesome job putting on her ornament okay Round of Applause for Big Brother Round of Applause yes sir C it up C it up C it up hey hey so look you know what we should do what he’s going to get his own tree too right

    Since she got her own tree yep so this is how we should do it we should put all the gifts for us on our big tree all the gifts for zelana on her tree all the gift for zakas on his tree what you think I guess we could put like the

    Little gifts under their little trees cuz they’re going to have a lot of gifts this year y baby hey it all depends on how you behave it depends if you’re naughty or nice exactly and it all depends on zeli too if she’s behaving good my little

    Baby right oh my God her Christmas tree is adorable yeah it looks cute come on babe you want to show the trench family what oh we haven’t showed the trench family yo oh my god let’s go trench family we haven’t showed y’all yet but zelana cross oh my God you guys our baby

    Getting so big zel are you ready to show the trench family yeah you’re ready let’s go baby let’s go let’s go hey guys come on we got to show the trench family how zel’s crawling run run let’s go hey you guys this is no joke like when I

    Tell you zel is crawling that’s insane go over there all right all all you guys ready you guys ready zi are you ready zeli don’t let us down now yeah do it mommy you got come here look she oh There She Goes come here Z come here oh

    My God look at her she come here baby come here give me that to give me no no oh yeah yeah yeah bring it to me come here Z come here go Baby zeli Come Here Come Get It Come Get It zi come here

    This one is my look look look look oh my oh my gosh baby wait a minute she was not crawling this perfect yesterday like I’m telling you y good job every day she’s learning I’m telling you it’s a matter of time till she starts walking oh my God don’t

    Even start with the walking I don’t want her walking yet oh my baby’s getting so big oh my God I’m going go get her her toys from downstairs okay all right hey make sure you keep having her crawl yeah babe everybody got to see this man oh my

    Goodness babies oh my gosh say hey trench family you guys zel’s getting so big you guys literally saw her when she was a tiny baby now look she’s already crawling hey Z what you doing over there come over here come to daughter come here oh and she’s talking too come here

    Come here come here come here baby wait what what are you doing J wait J what what wait hold on hold on no what happened wait wait hey wait hold on hold I got hey Z hold on I can’t leave zi what are you hold on hey K stay

    With your sister wait wait wait Ted bleeding bro Teddy is bleeding oh my God what be careful yo what babe he was just in the front bro what what happened where did that come from babe I don’t know I was just outside to get silly

    Stuff and I see him in the front of our house no he’s be careful be careful be careful be careful my God Tedd care oh my goodness oh my God baby where did that come from Teddy is he bleeding anywhere else oh my God K hold on to

    Your sister okay puppy Teddy oh my gosh babe why is he bleeding don’t worry Teddy we’re going right now baby we’re going be careful what if he’s in pain I know I know he’s going to be okay though yeah we got to take him to the vet so let’s go right

    Now all right let’s go let’s go Teddy come on baby we got you later that day oh you guys I was that was insane but we just got out of the pet hospital and long story short basically you know they said he got in a fight by with something

    He got attacked they think it was you know aasum raccoon it could have been anything anything they don’t know what it was so because of that they still gave him a rabies shot but they don’t know what it was it could have they said it could have been anything like a

    Straight cat we personally think it’s it’s a pum just because that’s what we always see in our backyard always in our backyard in our front yard there’s like a there’s a posum problem in our community so that’s all we can think of and it’s like and our neighbors always

    Talk about the posum problem I know and they warned us too but it was like we didn’t think that would happen during the day and we were gone for like 20 30 minutes we went to Walmart just to get some stuff and we came right back you

    Know he stay he has his dog house in the back so he just stayed back there but oh man I feel so bad but the good thing is that they did give him that rabies shot yeah they gave him another rabies shot they um they band They bandaged up his

    Leg I will show you guys but I don’t know how he feels and they do want to see a couple days yeah and and then they said that we have to monitor him and we have to you know keep keep paying attention to him in in a week and if we

    See anything happen between you know the time frame of a week 1 to 10 days to bring him right back and they said if anything Chang in his like eating his mood anything yeah but he’s good but let me see can we see it Teddy can we check it out no I’m

    Not going to unwrap him no we don’t want to check it out it’s okay okay baby but D when when they were touching it when they were touching it just to make sure like he was doing a little wine like no of course it probably hurts him and it’s

    Still tender right now look even zel satad back there I know Mommy it’s okay Teddy it’s okay I think we should just go home give him a nice little treat lay him down yeah you guys yall going to say bye to the trench family yeah bye Tren

    Family peace thank you guys so much for staying tuned throughout this video and you know I’m saying we’re sorry trench CH but you guys know we bring you guys through everything so we had to bring you guys along this was supposed to be like a Christmas decorating yeah and

    Like was it was it Ka said but anyways you guys you already know man we get through this together we’re good Teddy’s going to be good we’re going to make sure he’s okay but make sure you guys leave a like comment share and subscribe and we’ll see you in the next video peace N


    1. ONLY the people who like the trench family can like this
      Love trench❤🥰😍💓❤️♥️💗💖💝💞💘💙💚💛🧡😍😻💜💜

    2. Feel better and I just wanna know if you’re your tummy your dog is gonna be OK I have a dog too and I’ve been bleeding because it’s a girl and it’s just gonna be OK
      Well, that’s it bye

    3. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉hfjjfm me gjcn nnvhchchncnvjjjbmbmmbmgmncbdghchetteyeuiewowQQHITGJTGNXVKSNXBASHDCNCNGGJXMCNDXNFHGAGSVCN. M N Bhhfjdi dumb,v,fkckxkxkxmdmcmcmchxjsiaoi4rne4rr5tt678i9g9

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