Espero que aprendas vocabulario nuevo y practiques tu escucha con este vlog en París, Francia.
    En este video me vas a ver explorando los lugares más icónicos de París.

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    Welcome to Mucho Español, a channel to learn Spanish in the most natural way possible. In my videos you will practice your listening and at the same time learn new vocabulary.

    After traveling through many cities in France, I had to come to the capital, no matter what. I couldn’t not come to Paris, so welcome and let’s go for a walk so we get to know it

    If this is the first time you are watching one of these videos, my name is Bruno and this is a channel to learn Spanish in a natural way. You can activate transcriptions if necessary, and subscribe for more videos to learn Spanish.

    I guess many of you know that Paris is a very big and very expensive city to visit. For that reason, I am staying in district number ten, which is a bit far from the center. The night in a hostel that, let’s see, is a hostel that is good, it is very big,

    It has like a bar where there are parties, it is a good hotel, but it is still a hostel, in the end you are sharing a room and it cost me an average eighty-seven euros per night. But, with breakfast included, look at that… But no, eighty-seven euros a night for a hostel

    In Paris and not even close to the center. In other words, it is very very expensive. But hey, that’s nothing new, everyone knows that Paris is expensive, so we’re not going to cry all day about prices. And like I said, Paris is so big that

    We’re going to have to take the metro, or use bikes all the time to get around. So we are going to take the metro and go to the Louvre Museum or the “Louvre” Museum, I don’t have tickets, I don’t have tickets, but many people told me that

    If I go early I will be able to get in if I wait in line, so let’s go there. I came to the Louvre without a ticket, so wish me luck getting in. Many people told me to come early anyway, it’s not super early,

    But it’s early for me. They told me to wait in line, that it will take an hour and, well, let’s see if I can get in. Tickets for the museum have been sold out on the Internet for about four or five days , but I met many people who

    Told me, go early, wait in line for an hour and you’ll be able to get in, and I think that one hour to get into the museum, probably the most famous museum in the world is worth it. So here I am, sunbathing and waiting for this to progress, and I honestly

    Don’t see much of a future for it. It’s moving forward, right? Little by little, little by little it is advancing. I put on the microphone because I just entered room seven hundred and eleven, which is the room

    Where the Mona Lisa is, and well, therefore it is full of people, there is a lot of noise. All these people are lining up to get close to the Mona Lisa and take a photo. It is not necessary, actually you can walk along the side and have the painting very close,

    But if you want to be in front of the painting you have to stand in line. We in Argentina call her Mona Lisa, but in other places they call her La Gioconda.

    What do they call it in your country? Gioconda or Mona Lisa? There is a woman who is shouting that you can’t take photos from here. Well, I was just saying that, there is a woman

    Screaming and she came to yell at me because she thought I was taking photos of the Mona Lisa from here. Apparently you have to wait in line, if you want photos with the Mona Lisa, you have to wait in line, you can’t take it from here.

    It is estimated that the Venus de Milo is a sculpture from approximately the year one hundred BC. It is impressive to see how the marble is preserved after so many years, I mean, the amount of years since they did this. And it’s intact, it’s missing both arms, but it’s intact.

    To leave the museum I left this way and there was a girl from France who had told me; “If you go to the museum, use the back door, there’re less people.” But when he told me that, I didn’t know what the

    Back door was, but hey, probably if I had used that entrance, I would have saved about thirty minutes of waiting in line for sure. But hey, that’s it, I’m leaving. Look, I didn’t know there were views of the Eiffel Tower from here.

    Well, “the catfish bit me” (I started to be hungry) as we say in Argentina. I got hungry and I bought at that stall there, which is very typical, it’s very common to see that type of stall here in Paris.

    A crepe, or in French they call it “crêpe”, salty. It’s very common to eat sweets too, but it’s midday and I feel like having lunch. I don’t feel like stopping at a restaurant for two reasons;

    I don’t want to waste time and it is much more expensive. Seven euros and fifty, this shit is worth it. So imagine yourself in a restaurant. This is very good. I liked it much more than the sweet ones,

    Because yesterday I bought a sweet one, they put Nutella, strawberries, bananas in them, I didn’t like it much. And this, I don’t know, he added cheese and chicken, but a lot of seasonings, so it has a very good taste, very delicious, really.

    The next place I’m going to go is the Notre Dame Cathedral, which is in that direction. We come from there, from the museum, and well, actually most of the tourist places or monuments in Paris are in that direction, so I’m like going to the cathedral and then I have to come back,

    But well, I had to go early to the museum and that’s why I started there. The logical thing would be to start at the cathedral and walk there. This is the Seine River, it’s the river that runs along the whole center of Paris, and I booked a boat tour,

    So later I’m going to take a ride around the the whole river, and I think it’s going to be worth it, because Most of the monuments or important places are next to the river, so it’s like having another perspective of Paris. It’s not very expensive and the boat leaves from the

    Eiffel Tower, basically, so later when I go that way we’re going to have a ride along this river. And well here we are, the Notre Dame Cathedral. This cathedral was made famous by a Disney movie called “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” I was just listening to a guide

    Who was talking to some people who pay to hear other stories, but no. Notre Dame Cathedral was made famous by that movie, totally, totally. It’s obviously a joke, right? About the Hunchback of Notre Dame, just to be clear, I know it’s not famous for that.

    Please, I’m joking okay? Notre Dame Cathedral is probably the oldest Gothic-style building in the world or one of the oldest, for sure. I think everyone knows, it was news around the world that in 2019 the cathedral suffered a fire. It is still not known exactly what

    The reason for the fire was, I think it is still an investigation that is open, and from that moment on you cannot enter because the cathedral suffered a lot of damage. I think two-thirds of the roof burned, so it has been under reconstruction since that day,

    And you can only be around it, you can’t even enter the square at the cathedral door , and obviously much less inside, right? As I said, around the cathedral there is like this whole fence, or more than a fence, it is like a wall, and they took advantage of the

    Place to put a little history of the cathedral, some images of the fires. On the other side, over there, there are many photos of how they are rebuilding it. I think that all this they put here is done so that tourists, at least,

    Have something to entertain themselves, because they also put that there, which is like bleachers you can call it stands too, where people sit and look at the cathedral. . And why do you want to enter the cathedral if you can do it with virtual reality?

    I’m going to go to the Arc de Triomphe, but I’m not going to walk because my feet hurt a lot. These days in Paris I was walking a lot and I forgot my sneakers, so I’m walking with these, they are very, very thin sneakers.

    So I’m going to get a bike, I have this lime or “lime” application. I don’t know if it works with the same rates in all countries, but here in Paris it costs you one euro to unlock them and twenty-five cents for each minute. In other words, four minutes is one euro,

    Plus another euro that they charge you. So in a half-hour trip, which is the normal thing you do, it costs you ten euros more or less, it is a little more expensive than the metro, but it is worth it, you have another perspective of the city as well.

    Well, that’s it. Let’s see, the good thing about these bikes is that they are electric, so they charge you for the time, but they go quite fast, they are almost like a motorcycle. So that’s it, let’s go to the Arc de Triomphe, which I never went to, to see it.

    Maybe I’ll get on if there’s not much of a line, and I’ll show you a little bit of Paris from here. Traffic in Paris is a disaster, people do what they want. I mean, I have seen since I arrived

    A crash and there was almost another one here, but no, no, people drive like crazy here. The Arc de Triomphe is one of the places that I haven’t seen yet, it will be the first time I’ll go, because it’s a little bit, well, it’s not far,

    But it is, it’s not close, basically. It’s not far, but it’s not close either. So I’m going to see it for the first time with you, shit, I have to stop filming. The Arc de Triomphe was much further away than I thought. I have to cross two more bridges,

    I mean, not this bridge here, not the other one either, and on the other one, yes, I have to cross. I’m already quite close, I think it’s four or five blocks to the left, so I have to look for a parking lot for bicycles, somewhere around there, because you can’t leave them anywhere

    Because they’ll fine you twenty-five euros. You have to leave it in a place where it says “bicycles,” so let’s go look for that. This this is a parking lot, basically. A disaster. I already parked the bicycle, they charged me eight euros and seventy-five for thirty minutes. I did five and a half kilometers.

    I think it’s worth it, I mean, the metro costs two and ten euros, there is a difference of six euros, but riding a bicycle is much more fun and you can see the city much better,

    Because when you go on the metro, in the subway, you are under the ground, you don’t see anything. What do you think? Is it worth it or not? It’s huge. I don’t know why in my mind the Arc de Triomphe was smaller.

    I’m wondering how the hell I get across there. Because it’s like on an island, right? And there is no pedestrian path. Okay, okay, okay. There was a tunnel, but it was very hidden, I had not seen it. Well,

    I don’t know if there was another in the other side, but there is a tunnel to get there, you can’t cross the street. I think going up the Arc de Triomphe to the top is very worth it.

    The entrance fee costs thirteen euros, but you don’t only get these views of all of Paris, that I didn’t expect everything to look so good, I mean, it is much higher than I thought, there is a museum too, it’s not just the rooftop. You have a museum where they explain

    The entire history of the Arc de Triomphe, why it was built. I can give you a very quick summary. I’m going to sit here, which is where the wind is less, I think, and I’m going to give you a quick, very short summary of the history of this arc.

    Basically, it was ordered to be built by Napoleon Bonaparte after winning a war in which he promised the soldiers to return to France and be greeted with “triumphal arches”, that’s what he said. So, different projects were started until deciding to make this this arch in this place. And throughout history the

    Use given to the Arc de Triomphe changed. The last time it was used was after the first (*second*) World War, when soldiers paraded, but that was the last time they did it. From that moment on, the Arc de Triomphe has a slightly more touristic purpose of ceremonies, celebrations, more of memory than of

    Prestige and triumph, as it was at the beginning, right? And, well, it has incredible views, I didn’t expect it. I thought it was much much smaller, but, well, here I show you. I have booked the boat tour that I told you before, so at some point I have

    To do it and I don’t know until what time I can go, so I’m going to go there before it gets dark, and then we’re going to finish at the Eiffel Tower, I want to see it at night. Well, I’m going to go to the Seine River, well, to the Eiffel Tower, because

    The boat leaves from there and I’m going to go on one of these. Okay. It “cost me an egg” (a lot) to get this out. I don’t know why an error appeared in the application, but here we go, let’s go to the Eiffel Tower.

    I love these scooters, because here in Europe it is the first time I used them. In Buenos Aires there are, but nobody uses them. I think they are very very expensive. I mean it should cost the same as this, but in Buenos Aires it is expensive.

    Ok, here we are, I’m very close. I never went to that place behind me, many people go there to take a photo with the Eiffel Tower. Well now, let’s go take the little boat to the Seine River to see Paris from the water.

    I hope I can use the ticket I bought because it’s for today, today is Saturday. It’s an “all day Saturday ticket”, it didn’t specified any time, so I hope they let me go now. I’m saying that because it doesn’t seem like it, because, I don’t know, it seems like it’s noon,

    But it’s 9pm. Here in Paris, during the summer it gets dark very late, around ten o’clock, so that’s why, since it’s night, I don’t know if they’re going to let me enter or use it, I hope so. I cross my fingers that yes, so let’s go there.

    I think there is going to be a very big change of plans here. To enter the ship I have to wait in line for an hour. I already bought the ticket online but apparently it’s not important. I have to wait in line anyway. I asked the man who works here. Let them

    Put the sixteen euros in the middle of the **** I’m not going to wait in line for an hour, I’m going to miss the eleven o’clock light show, I’m going to starve myself on that boat, I feel like burning something. That’s sounds very arsonist. But seriously,

    I’m angry. How are you going to make me stand in line for an hour if I bought the ticket from you on the Internet, The **** of your **** ****. No, the line is endless. Endless.

    I’m going to go buy a beer, something to eat and I’m going to lie down on the grass of the Eiffel Tower and I’m going to stay there “dead” on the grass until eleven o’clock, because there is a light show every day I think at eleven on the Eiffel Tower and fuck it.

    The Eiffel Tower is the most visited monument in the world, not only in France, but in the world. And let’s see, you may think what’s so special about a three-hundred-meter metal tower, but I swear that since I arrived in Paris, the only thing I want to do

    Is come and sit on this grass and look at the tower, because … I don’t know how to explain it, somehow it makes you feel like you’re really in Paris, I don’t know, I really don’t know how to explain it,

    And well, every day at eleven at night they do like a light show. I didn’t know that and yesterday I came and at ten fifty I left and saw the light show from the street, about ten blocks away I wanted to die,

    So today I came early to be able to see it. here, having a beer, and well, after that I’m going to the hotel because I have to sleep. I have a train early tomorrow, so I’ll show you this and then I’ll leave

    I hope you learned something from this video and if you did, let me know it in the comments. I hope to see you next time and take a look to the vocabulary list. See you!


    1. Paris tambien siempre me gustó, pero menos, porque es mas groncho que otros lugares, podrias ir a visitar las Islas Feroe, es un lugar hermoso, queda lejisimos de Francia, nada que ver, arriba de Islandia, en ese lugar si que hace frio jaja

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