On today’s episode of Homeworthy, we’re transporting you to Paris where you’ll step inside the gorgeous homes of the leading tastemakers in France. From the chic flat of iconic tabletop designer Marie Daâge, whose fascination of color and pattern extends far beyond her renowned hand-painted porcelain collections, to the home of watercolor illustrator Tatiana de Nicolay, where fantasy wallpaper and garden trellises transport you to a lush, tropical oasis. Enjoy!

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    On today’s episode of homeworthy come with us to Paris where you’ll step inside the gorgeous homes of the leading taste makers in France from the Chic flat of iconic tabletop designer Marie do whose fascination of color and pattern extends far beyond her handp painted porcelain collections to the home of watercolor illustrator Tatiana

    Denolle where fantasy wallpaper and garden trellises transport you to a lush tropical Oasis in Enjoy you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story be sure to visit our website homeworthy decom to discover amazing Furniture art accessories and more all handpicked by our editors to help transform your house into a home all of the items are inspired by the episodes you see here on homeworthy Enjoy hi Mery my name is Stephanie de welcome to my House hi my name is Stephanie Delon uh I am an art director a photographer and a writer and I live in Paris so this is my home in m so uh I’ve been living in this house for 5 years now H I live in this house with my little dog ferino you just

    See here uh I founded my creative agency I consult uh uh and create um campaigns for luxury brands uh in the fashion and Beauty sector uh in France and worldwide um I am also a photographer I take uh photographs uh of Paris and I have an upcoming exhibition next year uh

    In June uh it would be a urban exhibition uh in central Paris in hotel DeVille so I’m excited for this and I also finished uh this summer my first novel uh it’s going to be adaptated on screen uh and I’m working on the scenario of the series right

    Now so this is the living room this is a a wooden table I found on the attics uh I like that the fact that it’s very simple it’s very Countryside you know you have a sofa uh I like to have really lot of sofa so that I can see a bit

    Everywhere uh it’s cozy I wanted it to be very cozy because it’s a living room and I wanted to have multiple sofas you know so that uh we can sit a bit everywhere now I like to to have friends over I think the the nice nice uh

    Configuration is that din know with four friends and we can have you know we can sit here on the sofa can chat and then we can have uh a second part uh of discussion or dessert just here in my budoir so uh I like that it’s very fluid you know

    We can really move in the space very naturally yeah actually this has be is couch so it’s his own P yeah it’s really Main’s Place yeah he likes his place because it’s there is two floors and so he can really live his life on the two floors

    Sometime he wants to be by himself there when I’m working upstairs so it’s a nice place for him for the chairs I like the fact that it’s mixed and matched uh I don’t like when things are too perfect so yes this is what I chose to to have two different set of

    Chairs and so this is um this is my bud it’s the place uh where I I write uh at night uh it’s a place where I read and I also like to have teas here you know to have tea here with friends so uh how I

    Found this house uh it was 5 years ago uh it was a night of insomnia and I don’t know I typed on internet um Paris house and I thought I would uh find nothing so I found this house and first I literally thought it was a scam right

    Because it seemed a bit unreal and so I I I really I nearly got panicked and I send messages to to the real estate agent and I um I uh so I visited it the day after and I completely fell in love with the place it was the the house of a

    Of a painter mauriceo and it’s just located in front of the vine Vineyard uh so uh you’re really in a in the countryside you don’t really understand where you are and you hear um a bird sing so also it’s a very feminine house so it has something very yeah poetic and

    I fell in love with this so uh it was uh yeah it was love at first side when I when I met this house so here it’s um it’s a room um it’s a very literary room because it was made after so uh I like that it’s my literary

    Space so I really wanted like a very comfortable sofa uh this sofa is very very comfortable you can nap here you can just sit and uh and read and so and recently I put this fabric on I like I like the contrast it it gives so I think it’s interesting

    Colors this house has been renovated by um an Italian and I like it because you know she put um mainly Italian materials like marble and even like forance this this uh Bud she painted this after the Fab de la font so it’s something very literary and it’s also very uh charged

    You know it’s very uh and I like the the fact also with the molding you know uh with she really recreated something very Parisian you know nearly a cliche uh so that’s that’s why I like in this house to to to put few um uh few Furniture because it’s already so dense

    When I arrived I was thinking how I’m going to uh furnish this place because I didn’t want it to be too much it’s already a lot right so I tried to decorate it uh in a a Countryside uh way something with the wooden tables chairs

    I I found on the attics you know so I didn’t want it to be too too precise or to design design it because it would be just too much so what I like here is in this BDO you have the view on the root CTO it’s a very famous street uh

    Recently you had Emil and Paris who shot they shot a mve a scene here so yes it has been has become even more famous uh um yes it’s a very Serene place to be at night for instance because when I’m reading here I’m writing I just like to

    Have this scenery of this beautiful Street empty very nice and I I love to go uh it’s Monk’s house and uh I think it’s a beautiful book um you can see you can see your house there where is it yes she really also found a balance between

    The countryside yes this is her place yes this is her house I really like you know it’s very simple but she painted everything in turqua so it’s very simple place so yeah it was my inspiration also for this home um this literary place in the countryside um so this is a

    Photograph I’ve taken it’s going to be the the one which will open my Urban exhibition so you you’ll have the cover title and this is a photos yes I’ve taken in front of the Saka this is a I like it there might be a bit of dust but

    I like the fact that you know I can put books and say oh yeah I forgot about this one and sometimes when I I have few books I would like to read I put it there so that that I don’t forget about them and I say I like

    This thing a lot I would say my style when it comes to Interior Design is uh quite humble and simple uh I find uh it’s poetic to be humble and to have a um yes uh I wouldn’t say it’s U I’m not attracted to arrogance uh you you know

    Sometime it’s lavish or it’s uh it’s uh it’s too much U I would I would feel suffocated by those interior so uh yeah I like Simplicity and I think it’s it’s where I can live and breathe the more the more naturally if it’s too sophisticated I would feel like I’m in a

    Hotel or I I really like it when I go to places but my house has to be not neutral but simple like uh uh I could not see myself in a fancy um with a lot of designers I would feel it’s um it’s too much for

    Me so let me take you upstairs to my Bedroom so this is my bedroom so this is the biggest uh room of the house and it’s where I I decided to put my room in because it’s the place where I find the more the most inspiration again I wanted it to be very simple so I just took a a

    Really comfortable bed and I put a blanket I like and that’s it you know it does the trick um I had this onila this Scandinavian uh I think it’s also it has a lot of Purity in the line so I like the fact that it doesn’t say too much uh

    I always love to to live with F I think they’re always an elegant plant to have and uh yes here again this is my desk very simple I I wanted to keep it very simple I always like you see in my um um my office I always like to work in

    Front of a a window because I always like to have the windows always open I always need a lot of fresh air so I always put myself there and also I installed um a little garden so I have I’m working in front of plants and uh

    And trees um I like to have big tables where I can put my mess because I I always I do several thing at the same time I have different um uh aspects to my job so I like to have uh all my mess around me and also I

    Like to be surrounded by things I created they might not be um I don’t know um uh this is something I I I drew this is a flower do this is picture I’ve taken I don’t know I like even this is a a drawing or I like to be surrounded

    With uh things I create create because uh I think it’s the same energy you can draw uh paint something or write something I like to be surrounded with that so it’s a a choose a choice I make I’m not surrounded with art that is not made by

    Me might be it might seem a bit presumptuous but it’s just my way of of getting nurtured and inspired it’s just for instance this is a little sketch and again I don’t really this is I’m not really a good but this is my dog this is a picture I’ve taken there I quite

    Like uh another from this um girl and it reminds me when I was a girl I looked a bit like her this is nikit saal I I really like this is ANB and I always like to put flowers my flowers in in it so where are they yeah I say that and then

    We can you know I’m also I love jcoa so it’s also myb I put my uh yeah it’s another flowers I drew this is a typewriter I use I type it because I I really like beautiful paper and I really like I like it I think it’s a it’s a beautiful

    Object recently I I bit used it too much so it’s it’s a bit slower but yeah I think it’s the most immediate way to you take a blank sheet of paper and you just type your thoughts or or I would write a poem you know with my hands and then I

    Would type it so I think it’s it has more authenticity than just printing it and and this one I found it I bought it I like the fact that it’s all again like florals I love to be surrounded with FL flowers my source of inspiration you

    Know I grew up in the countryside in big houses you know Mansions or so I um my dad has really simple T taste and um so I really tried to translate this Countryside you know in a country uh you don’t put really a uh furniture that are

    Too I don’t know too compose or too eccentric you just want something very simple right you just want your candles your flowers your books so this is my bookshelf I like it when it’s open because I like to be really surrounded with books um I did a literary prep school so so I

    Had to read a lot of books in my life and these are all the books I read I think um uh books they calm you they put an atmosphere where you don’t know really which time you are and also I like to buy old books books that really had a

    Life prior to me I’m not a fan of buying new books I I’d rather go to the attics and just buy tons of books and also they have this collection where they are just really a beautiful art object and I like the smell I like the fact that it has

    Been red before me it’s like you have this chain you know cycle and you’re just perpetuating the chain so I like I’ve always bought my books second hand well this is the most sentimental book because this was the first novel I really read when I was a child it’s from

    Fras and um yeah it was reading that book that I fell in love with literature and I fell in love with the object of books where you can at a young age you can just immerse yourself and lose track of time and I don’t know I became yeah addict to books with that

    Book so he’s the culprit so this PL is the same brand uh um from the pl I had downstair in my bud on my sofa it’s an Italian it’s liisa CTI and and I think she just makes she makes amazing pattern like this is my favorite is the most

    Colorful yeah this one is is very floral and it I I love the red and green and pink uh the one downstair is more black in it so it’s maybe more elegant but this one is and it’s very uh yeah I really like it in my bedroom to have

    That this house is unique because um because first of his history you know it’s filled with history and you had um artists living there and so you feel it uh and also you feel all the artists that lived in mmart right for instance I just live two seconds away from the M

    Renoir also called the m and I don’t know when I go there nearly every day because there is an enchanting Garden I love um you film Renoir everywhere uh it’s you you can understand why all those uh artists gathered in this place because you have an atmosphere and a

    Vibration you don’t have anywhere else in Paris I think so and you have nerval the place I I work every day it’s just nearby will go uh you have nerval living there uh nerval is one of my favorite poets so you you understand why they were all attracted to this Village right

    Uh so this is my favorite uh room of the house this is the bathroom uh I really like the fact that there are two windows in it so it’s very it’s it has a lot of light and uh and also I like the fact that it has both a shower and a bathtub

    So I we tend to take bath at night uh with the open windows and and The View on the here I put a lot of plans too because I want it to be protected by because there are many people right um but yes this is

    My uh my happy place it’s place where I I really like to be I just like to put art you know this is a dirty this is a picture I’ve taken from my dog but I really like I used to be a maximalist I used to have many products and

    Everything out there and with time I’m becoming more and more minimalist I like when it’s empty because I I can have more room in my head to think I live 10 years in a place where there were no window in the bathroom and I as I always

    Like to open Windows I really like fresh air all the time I live with open Windows even in Winter I would have open windows I need fresh air so having two windows is um is a luxury here I installed a little like a garden you know suspended

    Garden because I had to be protected from the street so now it’s very seran at night you know it’s a yeah it’s a unique it could have been the house could have been rearranged in another way right uh maybe put just a room here and there would be

    The living room I don’t know but it’s uh yeah it’s a luxury to have two windows in a in a in a bathroom a bathtub and a shower but it’s also I always like to take this time for me you know as a ritual uh a ceremonial to really Center

    Myself and so I really spend time in my bathroom and I enjoy to be here so the challenge uh that uh brings this house is that it’s on two floors and it’s on the uh the main floor right so uh it it it when you ENT you know you’re just

    Coming from the street so a first floor is not that uh luminous there is no much uh light so that’s how also it’s mainly a floor where I’m more uh I I I enjoy more at night uh that’s why also I go and work just a few blocks away uh in my

    Atellier because here you cannot really work um in mornings and I’m very sensitive to light so this was the biggest challenge for me I and um it was important not to judge the space by the the light of the first floor uh the second floor is brighter

    Uh and it it’s a a place I tend to go more in the mornings or afternoon but at night it’s really where I I spend most of my time so now we are uh in the garden of the atellier I have upstairs and it’s a very special place because it’s really

    Uh an immersion in the nature and the countryside so I’ll show you around and it’s just two seconds from where I live so it’s very practical uh so I found this place a couple of months ago and I uh it was a place I I never been

    To in M it’s a very secret place and when I found uh this uh uh space I fell in love and it’s very quiet because you have this private Garden so uh it’s uh I felt I was in the countryside but here even more it’s a it’s a very yeah sacred uh secret

    Place uh so this is my uh uh where I work this is my at uh just near my place uh and it’s a it’s a very calm Place uh uh and we have the view on the garden so it’s a very uh calm and I really like

    It’s very bright so I love to I love to sit here and just yes right uh I like that it’s very white f with light and I like also to be surrounded with photographs or drawings or paintings I did um I like the fact that it’s uh uh it’s

    Just on a garden so I always let the windows open and I worked with the fresh air and the silent so it’s very uh very nice very kind very yeah smooth and uh yeah filled with light it’s it was really important for me because I needed a separate place to really um

    Create and the the atmosphere here is very yeah it’s very peaceful and I like to have messy I like that it’s a bit messy it’s important to have a mess for me oh here again I just imagine a space where there was just one desk a wooden

    Desk you know from an architect so no I wanted a place where I could put my you know like stones you know I wanted my secret cabinet so this is the the palosanto the candles you know and this is also my mess uh you know is when I paint or um all

    My yeah it’s my creative cabinet it’s let’s say my recreational place it’s a place where I can do anything I want these are my photographs um so yes this place is very uh again very literary because it has a literature background because my favorite poet Nal lived uh in this

    Building so it’s a very calm and enchanting place where it’s very vibrant to create yes and you have the view on the Saka so it’s a it’s a very nice place what I love the most about the home is that this house is that I don’t I never really realized

    I’m in Paris I I always love to not to know uh uh whether I’m in a Countryside or I’m in Paris so this is what I like is the I’m a bit Lost in Translation in that place I you could be you know in Normandy or you could be where I grew up

    So that’s um the most grateful about this place is that it uh brings me in a place where I don’t really know where I am uh so this is my kitchen I’m not really a cook so I don’t spend much time in my kitchen um I like to eat uh

    Outside I like to be again surrounded with plants with art and this is a a painting from my great great grandfather and it’s funny because he drew he drew a cooker spel and we in the family we always have co spels uh this is a book fromer

    Parisian I never really apply because I don’t really cook and this one is a photo I like uh I like to take photos in the Metro and I I love the grace of the characters I see in the Metro and this one yes is um I like the

    Composition so it’s a photo I really have a strong attachment to yes I like to make tea so this is a te that I put it at the attics again and this one I bought it when I was in um Bali I like it’s called a Cisco from the Sun I like

    The ceramic for me the house is really a shelter so and it has to be be vibrant because if I don’t feel I’m going to WR or or you know paint or it has to be you know it has to put me in motion so it’s

    Not just a beautiful seran place it has to inspire me uh thank you very much for having me today uh I hope this tour of M um was enjoyable to you and uh maybe see you next time when you’re in Paris hello home wory this is taana welcome to my Home you’re watching homeworthy where we believe believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more hello my name is taana Den Nikolai and I work mainly with watercolor I’m an illustrator and you’re here in my home today in Paris in the 16th District we

    Live here with my husband since a couple of months and my little dog it’s a poodle we we just moved in in November and we’ve renovated the flat in 8 months so here we are so I started drawing when I was really young just as a hob

    My mother was a designer she used to work for pier card louo in the 70s so at home she always had a huge desk with a lot of paint brushes and watercolor crayons pastels so I was initiated really early and we used to do that on vacation um during my childhood all the

    Time I just loved it and eventually my dream was to do the bzar but I wasn’t able to so I went for economics instead which was useful and um and then I just learned it by myself um and practice and as everything you just need a lot of

    Experience So eventually I managed to uh work for myself uh four years ago and uh now it’s been an incredible journey and I’m so grateful so this flat was owned by a lady who wouldn’t live there for 10 years uh so it was in a very bad State

    She didn’t do any works for more than 50 years so everything was to be redone especially the bathrooms the kitchen Etc we didn’t touch to anything on the structures of the apartment just the one of the bathrooms just to make it bigger um but the rest we we just took it as it

    Is so it’s an osmanian building with uh the moldings the par which is very typical from uh these buildings back in the days uh the fireplaces and and everything that we loved so we just had to refresh it and yeah obviously do all the plumbing electricity which is not

    That fun but then the decorating part was the most amazing um challenge with the carpenter um and we designed these wood panels behind me that remind me of a garden and that was the initial point to start with the decoration of the flat to make it feel like a garden a tropical

    One um which reminds me of all my traveling that I did when I was younger I lived in Egypt in Morocco in Argentina in India and all of that supposedly um influen this flat I guess and I just wanted to have a feeling when I come in

    This home that doesn’t feel like France and Paris even though you can still have this feeling with the the architectural background of the flat but just have this um feeling of tropical and palms and beautiful wallpapers that you’ll see later we’re in the entrance here we

    Didn’t want to put too many things in objects so it’s quite uh neutral we have two big cupboards that we had made with these little decorations that I actually got inspired from in a trip in in Seville and again we had some mirrors put here and here just to give a bit of

    Um more space and light it just gives you a an aspect of more depth and here we have two columns um also made out of mirror which I find beautiful and these parrots with fake um fake candles that it’s always more convenient and I actually found them a

    Couple of years ago when I used to you know live in different countries in flats that I did not own or rented I didn’t want to bring in uh furniture that I had bought so I was buying it little by little and I had it all stored

    At my parents place and when we finally got our own place here I actually had a lot of things already and decided to put them here and there so they were not bought specifically for here but I just found the place and I think they go well

    Here and here we have a little bench that reminds me again of gu uh benches that you find in gardens especially in England and this one was also a wedding gift it’s in um in very very heavy metal I’m going to show you the living room come and follow

    Me in our Flats we basically have everything that comes from either flea markets or auction houses or websites where you find things from secondhand or objects as well that we got from our family members uh who gave them to us or didn’t want them anymore so I always

    Find fun to say that the only thing that is new in our flat our probably our mattresses and our beds and the rest is um found here and there I really have a passion for flea markets for you know finding the gem here and there that reminds me of traveling of places

    Typically in Venice two weekends ago we found a flea market and I couldn’t hold myself and I bought you know a little souvenir that I use for my um my um my dinners and it’s just nice to have these memories of places of people and this is how we mainly decorated our

    Flats so this is a wallpaper that we got for our wedding as a gift we were so lucky it’s from a brand called Exel they’re based in London and Istanbul it’s all painted by hand by miniature painters in Jaipur and it’s called the D dream D for deona who’s the designer and

    Dream because it’s really a fantasy wallpaper it doesn’t make sense altogether because as you can see here you have a little Fe present close to a monkey it would never happen in a normal environment and it’s the same for the trees the palm trees the birds but it

    Just feels so beautiful and so exotic and basically what we wanted to do is because we’ve had these moldings before when we bought the flat they were white on white and we thought why not put wallpaper inside just to have the effect of looking through a window so we bought

    The wallpaper as a panorama um and it really feels like you’re looking at something through windows I think it’s a it’s beautiful and they made it slightly um crackled I don’t know if you say that in English but it’s just fake it’s just it’s just a

    Manner of making it old and uh yeah it’s beautiful so here we found a fun idea to have our portraits of my husband and I and we thought it was fun to have them a little bit discreetly behind behind the doors um we love animals again so

    They’re here so here we have a couple of um furniture that I got from uh our grandmothers with my with with my husband this one for example is the same as the one behind it was completely ruined and no one wanted them we decided to give them a second life and um we

    Reshaped them and decided to put this velvet green to make it more here we have um two other sofas that I found in an auction house in Belgium and I recovered them as well in this beautiful yellow just to Eco the colors of the moldings and also these beautiful

    Chairs this is a beautiful lamp that I got from my grandmother um it’s from Tomaso Barbie in the N 1960s and um It just fits very well here as it has this shape of a leaf it’s beautiful and here we have a lamb that that we got from our best friends for

    Our wedding it has a shape of a palm tree so again it’s just in the theme and it’s green so it’s perfect it’s very original so this sofa here was actually my grandmother’s bed she used to sleep in it in her 10 last years of her life

    In Paris she had an apartment rudak and um it has been covered with a fabric from braon braon which is now part of Pier FR and it’s a pattern that they don’t re-edit anymore sadly um but it’s one of the historical ones that they’re very proud of and they actually

    Modernized it in much more vibrant colors nowadays like in yellow and pink and blue but this is one of the colors that I love the most and I think it got us you know to inspire this uh this decoration for our home we really love

    It and it’s a great piece of memory from my grandmother these are beautiful Sicilian um Testa dioro as we call them they’re beautiful they’re not that heavy but they’re made all of Ceramics and hand painted they come from um near palmo in a little village called

    Um uh my God I’m going to remember but they they just look so elegant and it’s the wife and the the wife and the man together as a pair and I thought it reminded me of us both as we got it on our honeymoon so these two chairs that are facing each

    Other are my favorite tiger chairs I found them recently um through a friend of mine who bought them in India I spotted them first in a little hotel and I thought to myself this is what I need at home it would just match perfectly the tropical Vibe we have so um they

    Were in a beautiful little hotel and I found the Artisan who was making them in udur and um he eventually told me that he didn’t have any but um after a while I found them for a friend and I love the fact that it’s very old and the paint is

    Coming off I think this is what makes it very unique and beautiful this is what I like about old objects is that you don’t want to give them uh a new patine or a new color it’s just the way it is it’s beautiful this way I couldn’t find the

    Pair easily I would find identical ones but not the ones facing each other which I think was um was essential to have them facing each other so one day on Instagram I found some who was selling them and it just came from Portugal but originally they’re from

    Udur I think what makes our home um different and unique with a soul is that um I try to bring most of what I have been through in my life with my traveling and my experiences abroad um I think you can find things from everywhere I have um little objects from India

    From um from Morocco from all my previous um lives abroad because I’ve been traveling for five years before settling really in London before coming here and I think it’s just a mixture of old and new old in the sense um things that were family objects as well I have

    A lot of um furniture that comes from my grandmother from my husband’s family and I always wanted to give them a second life even if they were completely ruined um I just had to give them a little uh a little punch and it just gave them a new

    Life and also new not new in the sense um buying new things because I think the only new things we have in this fat are are beds but buying um new things in apps that are like l or seleni which are secondhand objects so I think this is what makes it mostly

    Exciting initially the room was divided in two with the wall wall and big doors we wanted to get rid of all that to create a sort of still create a separation but with a wall of plants which makes it more natural and to keep this room more like a intimate room

    Where we can read on Sundays watch our movies and be more calm and there it’s more for our friends when they come and have dinner so this is a typical um wooden structure called L tree that you find in French Gardens that usually are made you know to to plant roses at the

    Bottom and they help them it helps them grow uh towards the top and I’ve seen this all my childhood in my mom’s um Garden in Belgium so I wanted to have this here it’s not usual obviously to have it indoors but I found it just like a decorative idea and it’s green

    Obviously like my favorite color and it does have this sense of garden and of Separation with these palm trees just right here my first job in London was um at Cabana magazine and I was um asked to design um a collection of plates so we

    Are missing quite a few but these are um a good example it was called the Persia collection and it was um displayed at the Burlington arcade in London so this is the charger the main plate and the dessert plate and it was inspired by ornamental you know details from Persian

    Um Aesthetics so yeah that was quite a while ago but I like to hang them on the wall so here we had this uh built in to have a little cozy place um also usually the dog sits here I like spending my Sundays at Mar S Pier which is a huge

    Market for fabrics and everything you can find whatever you want and I made these um velvet uh little details on this fabric which reminds me of leopard so it’s it’s still tropical but it’s green so it doesn’t remind too much of the animal and I make these myself with

    The little pom poms and find these Fabrics there as well it’s just a great uh thing to do on Sundays here I have a collection of coffee table books as we call them um but they are especially an inspiration to my drawings so I’ll show you one of them they’re absolutely

    Beautiful they’re recollection of uh birds and as I draw many birds you can really find these beautiful beautiful birds and it’s important for me to have these Botanical inspiration for my drawings so I always seek these beautiful books here we have our library because we love to read especially my

    Husband we wanted to mix it with little objects these are a little monkey collection from my grandmother in ceramics that she gave me um here and everywhere we also pull down the screen to watch some movies sometimes and here we have as usual some furniture that comes from auction houses these are

    Beautiful heads of animals um that are made out of copper and a vas from Van that I helped him to made while he did a collaboration with a brand called Oka in UK let me walk you through the dining room so here we are in the dining

    Room here we’re in our favorite room in the apartment is the place where we had a crush when we first visited it and um we absolutely love this gray cream color that is married with this uh blue bladon green color we think it’s very nice to

    Keep the effect of the the old not to renovated so so much that’s why we kept it as it is and I think it lived through everyone’s lives and past tenants here because it’s been made to measure to fit this room so um when they the agency

    Told us that they would take off the wall panels to um to put them somewhere else we were so disappointed and we didn’t want to to buy the flat anymore and in the end after negotiations we managed to keep them and we’re so happy about it it’s really a charming and um

    Safe place here where our guests feel so comfortable here I always play with different table settings so um I change always the color of the napkins of the table sets of the tablecloth and I play with what I found at the I find At The Florist so depending on the season I

    Choose the flowers now we have peonies um this is gar garlic flowers I love putting huge flowers here in um in these beautiful vases that I found in an auction house in Belgium and I think green and blue always work well together with white obviously so as I’m not a great um cook

    I always put everything in the decoration so my guests can forget about what they’re eating for a while so here I like to mix the blue and green and white which I think are colors that go very well together I chose to have these little bowls for a starter which are

    From a glass well Crystal manufacturer called Val in Belgium they make these of every color I have them in blue I have them in yellow and they’re perfect for a little starter and these plates come from uh my husband’s grandmother they are called wo paradi bird of paradise and you have

    Them for every plate every Bowl every serving place they’re beautiful they’re hand painted now you can still buy them actually at the Gan manufacturer which is in burgundy and um they just remind us of Pier’s grandmother she was so kind to give them to us I always play with these table mats

    That come from Casa Lopez it’s a store in Paris they have them in every color they’re very easy to use and they give a a bit more fun to the table I also have these bread plates that I made for my wedding with our initials and the date

    They’re made of porcelain and I find them very easy to use for bread and they they’re a great memory of our wedding this lamp is a great um gift from a friend of mine they’re made in near Rome by an artisan and they’re actually two lamps that I’ve put on top of each

    Other and you can actually continue to build them up like this I chose those colors you can choose everything you want I wanted to have this yellow for the for our living room and this this color for to remind here so I’m really happy about it and you can really

    Move it easily it’s so light and it’s called um it’s from a brand called Parana Studio they’re handmade in Rome I think I started off by thinking about the green color which is my favorite color it’s um a color that I use very frequently in my drawings because I

    Actually mainly draw animals flowers and um Fage so and that’s the predominant color in nature so I started off with green and I think when you like something you know and you work with crushes I I’m just thinking about when you buy things it always seems to go together even if it’s so

    Different here we’re in the corridor it’s a typical Corridor of 16 M long that you can find in these osmanian uh buildings they’re usually quite dark and quite sad and very narrow so I wanted to find a way to first of all make it larger so that’s why on the left hand

    Side I put mirrors all the way down just to have a duplication as we say of uh of this wallpaper that I made um specifically for for this flat it’s 16 M long by 2 m high and it also represents everything I love which is nature animals palm trees and obviously

    The green color every door has a frame of these uh wooden structures you know that we find in French Gardens called the tree and I’ve had them painted all around each door which makes it a bit more ground I guess so I wanted to give

    A bit of warmth uh with this warm light in this Corridor and I found these uh they’re very decorative they were not scones I had them made in two cones uh and they’re just leaves that remind me also of uh you know tropical environments so here I have made a

    Carpet of 16 M long with the scalloped edges I think it’s nice to have these scallop edges that um really break the fact that this Corridor is so linear and um I’ve made it in collaboration with Jaipur rugs which is an amazing company in Jaipur we’re continuing a

    Collaboration for next next year with a collection of seven rugs so this was a first start and I think the color is quite bold pinkish um it wouldn’t suit everyone but I think it gives a lot of joy and a lot of uh happiness to this Corridor here we wanted to have this

    Little guest bathroom to open like a like like a cupboard basically because it’s more convenient and we just decided to put um a little fonte uh which is not that typical usually it’s maybe meant to be outside in gardens so this was one of the challenges that I found during our our

    Works because they didn’t really want to put this here they thought it was quite difficult the fact that it was in a corner and they didn’t know how to fix it to the wall and they used to recommend me some normal normal water basins that you find in every store that

    Are square or rectangular but I was so um I really wanted to have this one here and I think it’s so Charming it just reminds me of provance in the south of France and here a little recollection of some tiny little frames that I make a

    Collection of I don’t have so many but the plan is to have the whole wall covered and there are pictures of us pictures of our family pictures of things we like so it’s nice I’ll show you around our bedroom so our bedroom is this um we

    Started off with this color why did we choose this color because it’s a bit a pinkish uh pinkish red color so I found this suzan in diaper again when I was traveling there a year ago and I thought the grenades was a beautiful symbol for

    Love and for the fact that this is our bedroom and it’s um we got married recently so I I started off with the color of these grenades I think it’s it’s great to start off with something for a room so this was my point where I

    Started off and I wanted our room to be also a little bit calm and not with too many patterns and colors so I just went for for a decoration of these moldings with the same color that you can find here again I painted those myself on Sundays on weekends and also these

    Little collection of uh birds that I bought in India so they also have this red color that I find very reassuring and calming this is uh the dog’s favorite spot and here we have two lamps that I bought also on Lut very simple lamps but yet they’re

    Beautiful and I think it’s nice for us young people to find um beautiful objects in very affordable uh places as well also on a wall uh console which I thought was nicer to keep some space for the bedside table with a kff and some books so I thought it was nice to have

    Here on these wall conso that I found in Belgium in an auction house um something else than maybe what you usually find which are porcelain um little objects and these vases are these vas BDS are just beautiful you can put whatever you want inside it’s a bit difficult to

    Change uh but I think it’s fun here we have um the bath ropes that I design they’re made out of my own drawings hand painted and they actually are the same ones that you find on my wallpaper so I think it’s nice to have a wallpaper designed with the same illustrations

    That I have on my bath robes um they are made of velvet and silk pure silk so these are what I make so here I added also a little bit of color I thought the yellow because it’s not that Sunny always always in Paris I thought with it with the light

    It just gives that aspect that you would have some sun inside so I thought it was really nice to have this bright yellow and also the tiles I designed these tiles um myself I thought I love the terracota star with the green color again and it reminds me of maybe Morocco

    I lived in Casablanca for a few years and um it just felt like a little bit like a Moroccan um bathroom and these are some scones that I found also on an app called sidc they sell a bit of everything it’s called the the Brant online and um I just find that gold

    Always well gold gold leaf or something similar gives a gives so much light as well I think my style in interior design is very colorful quite bold um eclectic and maximalist so in the sense that I would put colors and patterns and stripes and you know everything together

    Um also mixing old and new in a sense um modern I mean more contemporary objects and very old ones so for example we have a bed that is actually turned into a sofa in our living room and it has a bra textile which is back from the 60s or

    The 50s and actually they don’t produce it anymore or I have um markety um objects that are mixed with quite modern things so I think the mixture is great when you know how to you know put it together so here we’re in the kitchen it’s a typical uh kitchen location of

    These minion buildings and apartments so at the very end of the flat we didn’t want to bring the kitchen so far um you know in front of the apartment we wanted to keep it here it’s a bit uh dark and you don’t have so much light so I wanted

    To bring light by using yellow again yellow that brings uh a lot of joy and we created this uh roof which is more like a tent and also like the Rays of sunshine so it gives me joy to be in the kitchen as I’m not a great cook I just

    Um try to enjoy time in this room that I actually find quite lovely so here we designed the tiles uh again in green which is our favorite color and also to uh remind the Tre you know these Bren structures that you find in French Gardens that are on here I put them on

    The floor and also here just to remind the aspect of Gardens and the fact that you would feel basically in a little garden under a tent and um here we have a little spot for the breakfast we just sit here it’s casual it’s cozy I had made these cushions with um fabric from

    The mar s Pierre which is a a big markets where they they have a lot of fabric and it’s just um a cozy way to to spend our mornings with our little dog so here we have a couple of frames this is our wedding invitation this is is also the

    Wedding invitation here it’s a menu from our engagement party and this is from our engagement in France where when we did um hot air balloon trip and actually this is basically where I took my inspiration from for the flat because it’s the recurring theme it’s these Tre

    That show the jard Fran and also added with obviously palm trees and this tropical theme so I think this was a great inspiration for our Flats here is the guest bathroom which is inspired by India so here with the wood Carpenter we managed to kind of redesign um what you find in Rajasthan

    In typical beautiful palaces so it’s the shape of the windows there um it’s again scalloped edges but it just has this feel of India where I spent a year and a half and I loved it we chose this blue color which is the blue Majel from Morocco because I think it’s so vibrant

    And it’s so it reminds us all of of Morocco it’s a tiny tiny little bathroom but I think it’s cozy I added these um linen um curtains just to have a feel of you know more intimacy if you want to close it but it’s just um it’s just very

    Tiny and cute home for me means a place where you feel safe where where you feel comfortable where you feel happy it’s a yeah it’s a safe place um for me this is translated by by Colors by Joy by um hosting a lot of friends all the time

    That’s what we love with my husband so for me home is a place where people love coming and um hanging out so and that’s what they tell us when they’re sitting in the dining room for hours they say we could stay until early mornings just chatting with the candles and everything

    So that’s the most important important for me I guess on today’s episode of homeworthy we’re bringing you inside the Chic Parisian apartment of iconic tabletop designer Marie do fascinated by color and pattern Marie’s home is an extension of her world-renowned handp painted porcelain collections sophisticated luxurious and cool enjoy this special

    Episode presented by homeworthy and Marie do you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more hello I’m Mar welcome bour welcome to my home in Paris Hello uh welcome at my house I am marid d a designer for tabletop since 30 years you are here in my apartment in Paris we are in the E arodis small really in the middle of Paris in this very famous osmanian uh part of um of

    The town so I have a big family I have six children so this was a family uh house and also my work uh house because I had a showroom here so we used to be eight people living here today my children are grown up and I just have uh

    My husband and one Bo with us and then the other one are coming from time to time um so the building is from the 1870 so it’s a very lovely uh building in on Pi the Tha we say uh we are here on the fourth floor uh which is I think

    Very nice because we are in the sky and I have a view on the um TWA um of Paris and I have a lovely view on when I am on the balcony because on the fourth floor you have the balcony running along the the apartment which

    For me is nice because it for me it’s like having a little garden and having um not being in the street you know it maintains you a little privacy outside which is luxury in Paris and when I am on my balcony I have a wonderful view on

    The left on the Dome of the church St augustae which is a little bit like a a Roman view because it’s a it’s the highest uh Dome of Paris so the story of marid was really an an improvisation and it grew up with my family I started to do um portelan uh

    When 30 years ago I had some lesson with friends uh and um I never had imagined that one day it could become a job and a company like it is today during all my childhood in fact um decoration table art was really in the center of um of the family um

    Atmosphere and um so very naturally when I started to paint Pelon I I jump in the thing um and for me it was not only painting some patterns but it was also bringing a whole lifestyle which is very a French uh identity of Fran table

    Art okay so welcome here in my f so as you see right at the beginning you have my identity I am a stripe lover so all around the place you are welcomed by these Stripes black and white which allows me to put lots of different color because everything is matching with black and

    White um here my uh my wishes was also to uh enlarge the space so as you will see a lot around my house I love to play with mirors um initially you had this uh little niche which is a beautiful Niche very very osian with this interesting work of

    Wood uh and on the top also you see the branches it’s a very beautiful osian work and there was already this mirror I just puted some um lamps to to make a little bit of dramatic Decor uh here I put my bird I’m also a bird lover it’s a

    Bird from Brazil which is welcoming you in the house and on the other side I create this mirror uh which goes from the top to down so that it’s like a little trpl we have the impression that uh the flat is going going going going you have the reflection of the two

    Mirrors which is uh interesting um I put I painted in this blue blue black not completely black but always this subtile tone and with his um commode in front this is a sculpture of a very dear friend Marine darur you will find some other one in the rest of the house a lot

    Of art pieces are pieces made by friends I love to be surrounded with what my dear friends are doing beautiful things um here my little goblet which is used as a perfume candle because I have three fragance all made in Grass I think it’s important when you arrive in a place you

    Have the colors but you have also the smell I mean all your sense must be attractive the eye I love to put music so when you arrive you will have the eyes with the stripes music and a little bit of perfume welcoming you so here we have two chairs Austrian chairs Vaya

    Very typical with this black little detail it comes from my grandmother something a little bit surprising here which shouldn’t be here it’s this huge uh picture this huge Tableau in fact it’s we just bought it in auction it’s the grand grandfather of my husband which was a famous painter and it was

    Done for an exhibition um in the 19th century so this is here but this should go in my country house it’s a little bit big here in Paris um to stay in the paintings here we have some view of the sea this we find it in the Attic in the countryside

    And in fact it’s made by a quite famous painter so it was really a lovely discover in the Attic on the other side I have two uh paintings of trains which were made by another grandfather of my husband so it was quite artistic family uh here you see the window the

    Lights coming from this this very very lovely stained glass which is a typical osmanian U part of pece that you will always find in the entrance of um of a house which is lovely uh Chaz and champagne color uh pattern I think it brings really a lovely uh color inside

    And in the night I have some lights so that when you arrive you you really have this like a picture it’s very beautiful in the evening uh here uh some plant green because that’s also typical from the 19th century in all these apartments you had always have this exotic trees

    They were fascinated by exotism in the 19th century um on the floor I have this carpet black and white which is from the 50s coming from the gallery if Gast two which was really the uh man who brings the 50s um update and famous so

    This is my entrance what I love in my job is that it’s combining um workcraft uh handcraft handcraft work uh and thanks this technique that I really I’m really uh maintaining which is a hand painted porcelan this is something which is disappearing today I think we are the only one still doing

    100% freehand painted uh porelon and so it’s very exciting to maintain this tradition and to be uh yes to be the one who will uh keep this alive when I arrive in Lio to trying to find people who can paint with me for me because I

    Was painting alone and at the end it was too much I was painting day and night it was crazy um I arrived in some little atellier and they were all closing because there were no business anymore on hand painted porcelain so for me it’s really very exciting to think that I maintain this

    Tradition uh the other thing which is very nice with uh table art is that it’s something which has something to do with uh entertaining with being together with sharing you see so it’s not only decoration like curtains or sofa it’s really dressing a table and and being

    Part of this important time of the life I think in life all important moments like uh meeting someone introducing your fiance to your family uh enjoying because you have a successful year so with your all your colleagues you’re going to organize a dinner and in the historical part all the Wars all the

    Weddings between Queens everything was around the table it was a diplomatic way of showing your power and it’s a nice way also to share and to say to your family uh you are important for me and I’m going to spend time dressing a lovely table from the entrance I will bring you

    To a very important room for me because this is a room where I spent during 20 years 80% of my time I mean this is my office showroom uh which is really a room it was very important when I decided to buy this flat because I was looking for a

    Space where I could work by being also at the same time in my house this room used to be the historical dining room of the house it’s very typical again osmanian uh the decoration of the ceiling of the walls of the chimney is a typical Renaissance inspiration of the let’s say the L

    Castle valet uh style uh with this ceiling in um K we’ll say and uh this very amazing chimney wooden chimney a little bit crazy completely um other side I think but I love it and we are the only one in the whole building still having this chimney so it’s really a historical piece

    Um also very typical from the traditional dining rooms in the osmanian style are is a bow window uh because in the dining rooms you always had a B Window where they used to Bo some little bit like a green garden I see the other in the 19s they put in these plants so

    For us it was that of course was fabulous to have this because this used to be the showroom we were also doing some shootings so the lighting here is fantastic so as you see here the walls I have DED to do them in Gold uh it was

    Important for me to find a warm color I don’t I hate boring things so I wouldn’t have done it in Gray or white of course but I needed something which would quite neutral and which could rise up all my palette of colors so gold was ideal and

    I choose here uh this lovely gold fabric to uh separate this part of the room with the other part where I have a little oven to experiment my colors it’s my little technical place beside um so here all around the walls you have these shelves where I used to

    Put all my new collection this where the space where I have my clients coming uh the the paret the wooden paret I painted it in Black again to have something quite neutral so here it’s really a play with black white and gold you see here you have the heaters which

    Are hide in this um biserie black I did the black frame here um and black of course all the iron um eter for my porcelan um here briefly I can explain you my concept which is quite easy to understand here on the on the table you

    See lots of colors this is my palette I have 68 colors that I all create myself it’s really like creating a perfume by mixing some colors sometimes there are 8 10 colors for one for one color and beside I have my little oven where I taste my colors because colors can

    Change after being heated so this is really a work like creating a perfume so the way it work my concept is you have 68 colors and 90 collection 230 different patterns here I have Illustrated all my plates in only three very neutral colors so this is the way to to work choose

    Your pattern choose your colors and you create your own set that’s all about marage it’s really to be able to have completely bespoke sets so in fact you see here the what I have done is that I have chosen always you can see all the plates are the same color it’s really to

    Explain the concept concept uh all the plates here are done in three colors neutral colors two shades of blue and gray for instance uh when you look at a plate like this you see uh you have Navy dark blue light blue and some gray lines this means that you can choose three

    Colors and so this plate can become a plate like this so here what I have done is that I have chosen some pink some green and some gold and it gives me a plate like this uh this plate could be like this here my client you have chosen some

    Orange some Celadon and some brown so depending on the Fabrics on the style of the house I will really make exactly bespoke collections for the client which is fantastic because it allows everyone to become very creative that’s why my designers love to work with us because they can offer to the clients something

    So much personalized it’s really so important and so you have your own set matching to your house which is something that you couldn’t have if it was printed you see this plate for instance uh again three colors have chosen we have chosen some green we have

    Chosen some blue and we have light up the Middle with some red this could be in gray and black and the look will be completely different so there are as many possibilities as your imagination can could imagine and I love when it’s a little bit borderline so

    This uh concept allows to do some very daring uh sets because they will they are all individual so it’s it’s great it’s Fun so here we are in the sitting room sitting room is looking in the roads and you have the balcony uh all along the the flat uh this room used to be a double room here when I arrived there was a hole here so you could go in the

    Other room and there were these two double doors on on both side which was a little bit strange I think that historically here there was a glass door but which has disappeared so I decided to put this big mirror it’s uh or traditional way of doing mirrors in

    Mercur that’s why you have all these little spots but it it makes it more interesting and it’s a nice link with old mirrors which used to be already in the flat on top of all Chimes so here uh this mirror traditional mirror were already it’s part of the building so

    1870 I didn’t change anything it was gold like this with this interesting uh gray painting uh around so you see a lovely wooden work uh all around the the mirror uh as we are in the ceiling uh one one thing which I loved also a lot in this apartment is the sophistication

    Of the work of stuff Stu we say um you see on the ceiling there are all these Volute plaster work um which is again really the osmanian style and on the top of all the doors also a very beautiful work of um flowers and branches uh I try to really rise them up

    By leaving all these framing of the doors in white as the walls I choose this color which I create it was I spent quite a lot of time trying to find this color because I didn’t want want that it becomes Palm or brown so it’s a mix of

    Lots of different colors um that I create in fact it’s a kind of we call it Mar glass very often when I try to find a color for my walls I go from my palette of colors so this would be my color number 14 because all my colors

    Have got some numbers which is mar glassy and I like very much this color because it allows you everything around you can put pastel colors dark past colors it always works it’s a very easygoing uh background color so in this room you will find thousands of different colors so I

    Really dare to mix everything because I think as long as the colors are subtile and interesting you can mix them as many as you want um as I’m here beside the chimney I decided to do these two uh Bonet which are some can be open so you can put lots

    Of books inside magazines and and I did this um pillows in this uh canovas um fabric with very shocking uh pinks which will in fact quite contrast with uh you will see uh my for instance my carpet which is not at all the same family of colors but it doesn’t matter

    As long as the color is beautiful it will be it will be okay you see here you have very feminine and shocking pink color and in fact my carpet has much more Brown um um burgundy more masculine colors uh but it works it’s a beautiful

    Work of iron of it’s Irish um Iron uh carpet and as it’s handmade you have very subtile tones which allowed to make the link with more shocking colors for the sofa I have these two enormous sofa you can sit inside and you can read and you get fall in sleep very

    Quickly because it’s so comfortable that it’s like being in a bed with uh all the feathers um the table is very big I like when you have a very generous uh table uh because sometimes Al also you may have some little uh spontaneous little dinners when I was this is a table that

    I have since 30 years I made it done it’s in and where we are young married in our little flat we had already this huge table and we didn’t have any dining room so we used to have our dining sitting on the floor and being around this table it was our dining table

    Um it’s modern it’s simple so it can be really mixed with all my more traditional um Furniture uh here you have two l berer uh as you see the Fabrics completely different but it doesn’t matter it makes um this come from um this is coming from Istanbul uh some are coming from India

    This is a p one it’s an inspiration of U of this USC uh pattern so it’s always I like when I travel to bring back some little souvenir so that when I’m in my house I keep on traveling in front of the chimney you have these two little

    Poof which I love very convenient when you have a dinner when you are entertaining because you can sit like this you can sit like that you can bring your poof and have a conversation on the side I hate when there is a big circle and only this big huge circle I like

    When you can move around and have some conversation all around the the room this is a beautiful sculpture uh from chiparus I bought it in auction I love auctions so I like auctions because you go there and you never know what you are going to bring back sometimes it can

    Be some birds or a chair or a lamp this time it was this woman which is you know protecting her from the wind she I think she’s very feminine you know my oan passion comes from my childhood uh my mother loved Antics and I spent a lot of

    Time with her every time we were coming to France in auction it was in oon in Paris and I remember the excitement of doing this and shall we get the thing or shall we not get the thing and it was so fun because you never know really what you

    Are going to end to have at the end of the day so this is fun and also my I I love Antics because my mother in martinque was I think the first woman who get interested in colonial Furniture the English Island had a lot of beautiful Furniture but the French one

    People were not interested anymore in colonial Furniture so she used to go to Barbados to Domingo and to buy some completely broken things sometimes and to bring them back to martinque and to have them restored so all my childhood I was following her and going to to this

    Man who was restoring the furniture the really um old furniture is also part of my my childhood on both sides of the chimney you have these two uh TOA which are stones in fact it was painted in in the US it’s a friend Arno Don who did these two paintings um I

    Like the this white Shades that they bring and this warm atmosphere the bring and very nearly abstract um here another bronze work from my dearest friend Marine angalo the same as the one in the entrance so this idea of being surrounded by friends so for the

    Cotons uh I love this silk uh color uh green gold which can be really a good link with um all the colors of the room I want to show you really these details of the windows because these are really very very beautiful um work in bronze that you don’t find anymore in all

    Osmanian Flats so this is really something also which attracted me a lot when I saw this and I did them I keep the gold here and here it’s painted in what we call C Cano it was really the way to do it in Black like this um moving a little bit more here

    You know I like also very much finding pieces and reinterpreting them so these were very simple vases that I transformed in as a lamp with these branches that I painted in Orange to give the impression of um of coral so it was a funny way to create some lamps um the

    Orange is linked with this lovely photo uh which is also a piece of art made by uh a friend and here a little bit of ethnic remember of some African travels that we did with my husband so I like when it’s sophisticated but you know not too uh

    Too sophisticated that you oh I’m not daring to sit on the seat I’m not daring to to to touch because it’s also perfect it has to be spontaneous you know cool uh and like it’s obvious it’s beautiful but it’s it’s everyday life life uh and we live with beautiful things and we

    Deserve it and we don’t have to be scared of you know of that it’s the same thing with my porcelain I always say to people don’t keep your lovely porcelain in the in the cupboard use them you deserve to use it life should be with beautiful things uh and like a flower

    Bouquet you don’t need to have a huge uh flower bouquet with very sophisticated flowers just go in the in the garden just go in the countryside and cut some flowers next to the road some wild flowers take some wild leaves from the trees and put them in a bouquet and that

    Would be the most beautiful bouquet don’t need to go to the very expensive flower shop so here we come back to my mirror uh these two huge um trees are in iron I bought them in a salon I thought I would put them on the chip chimney

    Because it was in a big big hole I didn’t have any idea that they were so big when I arrived here I said oh they’re not going to be on the chimney they’re going to be on the floor but it’s like it’s like a green garden and

    Here a painting of my husband he’s very proud of his painting here a little bit of a wild atmosphere with my African mask my Austrian grandmother and here some sound of our travels in the desert and this uh again my goblet uh as a perfume candle because as I told you I

    Think in each room you it’s important to have a little bit of so your nose being uh interested in something happening um my big uh piano uh the mik very big takes a lot of space but you know it’s important to have a a good sound and

    Here it’s more your ears which are going to be attracted I have have a son who is a very good piano player and who is creating some music so it’s very nice in the evening sometimes when you do cocktails when he was younger and he

    Wanted to have a little bit of money I he used to play you know he was just sitting and play what was coming in his head and play some music for the friends which I think it’s also fun here you have a big vase marid vase in C deai uh

    In this interesting work of brush stroke and just some branches you know I think nothing nicer than big branches I remember when we were coming back from weekend with my children they were always uh complaining because the car was always full of branches so they have

    The branches in the head and at the time we were living at the fourth floor with no lift so we were and my husband also was complaining because we were carrying the children the luggage the branches all the little animals coming out of the branches but you know I it’s very

    Important for me when I’m in the countryside when I arrive in my house I open the the volet and first thing I do is to go around and cut branches branches to put in all the pots and then I can think about what do we have for eating is there something in

    The fridge or not but important first branches all around the place so you see here I want really to show you the details of the door knobs which are really beautiful work you have this Olive leaves uh work with this little um all this work you see with the

    Branches with f work it’s really a really a beautiful work and this I really uh wanted to maintain I was lucky because it was already with this original gold it has never been painted as it’s very often and fortunately done people paint that in white because they

    Find that gold is too I don’t know what because they want to make it modern and so here we really have the original gold bronze work which is really something um very valuable for me and all all the work from the top to the bottom is really from the

    Origin and on the doors panels you have again this lovely work of uh wood so this is the lucky thing when you are arriving in a flat in an apartment of this period Osman because all the all the beauty of the ceiling doors windows is there and it’s part of the history of

    The flat so I think that’s important to to keep so here my balcony my little uh Garden Parisian Garden Garden uh with this very lovely view on the church s austa which is a highest Dome of Paris with a cross on the top I I love this

    View it’s a little my Roman view Italian view so on the balcony um this is full of sun in summertime so it’s really nice and when there is too much sun uh we just put a little bit of the store so gives the impression to be a little bit

    At home outside which is Nice so this is a city room so let’s say we are entertaining we just had a nice appative and now the show is starting so I say everyone say V and we open the doors the room where things happen where we will entertain where we will have exciting conversation together and we

    Will spend a very unique time with friends and family so this room as I told you before used to be linked with the room we just saw because here again I have this big uh frame which were empty and here I decided again to put some mirrors um to have this lovely

    Reflection between the different mirrors I use the same old technique mirrors with all these little dots of uh mercur but here as you can see instead of having the iron lines I have just this lovely iron uh Bon uh which will make the intersection of the of the

    Mirror so it’s another way to cut mirrors and to interpretate them um on the other side the same chimney because you remember on the other room here it was open so before you had these two chimney looking at each other it’s exactly the same chimney as

    In the other room it’s exactly the same mirror gold and gray than in the other room um on the chimney I have this my uh vase my atena vase in the panach collection with this lovely work brush stroke work which can remind some uh some feathers here it’s in this blue gray uh

    Tones and around found candle you will see in this room that there are candles everywhere I find when you have a dinner it’s very important to have a very gentle and soft lighting because everyone looks so much more nice when you have the lighting of the candle so everything I

    Can find where I could put a candle I will use them I will show you after so here I have all these glass C which I think are nice because in front of the mirror it it plays with a reflection of light with transparence of mirror and glass so we have here Six

    Candles in different heights making a lovely Decor in front around the the vase uh on both sides of the mirror this grav the martinz which was a very famous 18th century um naturalist painter and he was specialized in birds so this is a collection I find them in Alexandria in

    Egypt where I used to live with my husband when we were just young married um the wall are painted in this soft green again a color that I have create on my own mixing some Powers because you know I think that’s really the way to find the subtile green I want to

    Have green is also a quite a traditional color for dining rooms in the French dining rooms when you go to visit some castles you will often see this ve amod we call it almond Green in the dining rooms here on the wall um I create this

    I put these little shelves which are a fantastic way to change the decor because depending on the season because depending on the mood or what I have under my hands I will change what I put on my shelves I never it’s always change always always always sometimes you may

    Have flower pots with flowers when it’s spring sometime you may have more winter decoration sometime it’s blue gray like here sometime it’s orange yellow I mean this can always change I think in the dining room it can be really more a theatral atmosphere so there a Decor has

    To move has to change like you will see on the table this is really interesting so here today today uh I have put some uh plates uh of my jardan duai PO collection with this cute little birds ready to fly away and in the middle my jars in my iconic uh Transat collection

    Stripes in this snake green and gray uh Shades and what I love to do also always this lighting because I avoid to light my central light so full of little uh lighting um spots with a little candles here I have um silver old um Lis say chandelier uh on this Buffet this the

    Story of the buffet is fun because I find it in the street it was um thrown by someone I guess this must have been a Furniture which were use in some traditional shops uh because behind you can see some shelves so I think the man who was selling was beside behind this

    And it was um a shop uh furniture so I just painted in the same color of the wall so that it’s really like an architectural um element I keep the wood like it was I didn’t painted uh on the top you have this um sent the table we

    Call it uh also very typical 18th century with the mirror and this work of um balcony all around um here my little uh teacups I will show you not for tea because here we have a dinner but they can be used for other thing um this is my uh Cur uh foot stand

    Which is a traditional shape that you could find in all the traditional sets I know in the countryside I have thousands of these in the cup Bo because it thinks that all the plates get broken but this you still have them so I did them now in

    My my modern um Decor it’s also something that sometime here I use it with fruits which is a traditional way to use them but I use it also sometimes to put some candle on top you know these big round candles it can be also a nice

    Way to to bring light uh in the middle of the table so it can this can become a candle holder like it everything so here um this very lovely uh piece of furniture that I find in auction and I couldn’t not buy it because it’s Austrian in fact um it’s you know it’s

    Painted with this uh I think it’s a little bit of humoristic and um it’s a good way to show uh my collection of carara Crystal carara like on the chimney I love the play of transparence of glass of Crystal and uh and mirror uh in front you have have this lovely uh

    Bisc work of little uh boy putting a needle out of his feet and on the bottom also a lovely um bisy work so this is also very convenient when you put want to put some uh dishes or um because when we have dinner we bring the food in the dishes of course

    We don’t bring it directly in the plate so it can be a place where to put uh dishes this is a very beautiful barck piece apare apare uh Tabernacle castom we call it in Austria and it comes from my grandmother so it’s something uh from the 17th century so it’s quite rare with

    A very beautiful work of paneling of different wood panels also I want to show you my favorite little cup completely broken but which inspires me a lot it’s really part of my love with porcelan this come from my grandmother Australian grandmother and um in Austria you really

    Also have a very strong tradition of portelan and I love the very modern uh way of painting this thing with black and with this tiedye work of uh hand painted a beautiful hand painted work as you can see it has got a long story it has been fixed up several

    Times uh let’s so this would be maybe my little uh totem piece so now uh we arrive in the center part of the room and of the house let’s say because it’s a table um I used to have a very traditional English marani table which completely break down when

    Dinner uh it it falls down because I know I think the foods were a little bit damaged and so it was a big drama so um in fact it was good luck because it was a good opportunity to change and to do something that I always have wanted to

    Do is to be able to have two tables or one table so I made um I asked a iron craft man to uh build these two tables they are very simple very modern very you know you shouldn’t really notice them it’s because the star here is not

    The table the star is what is on the table so it’s I wanted to them to be black so very neutral I did some um it’s a shiny black so it’s not too much um sad I mean it has a reflection of the light also and Al the walls so it’s not

    Like a black hole you see uh it’s also not really a color because it’s a reflection of lots of different colors so what is fantastic with these two tables is that I can have lots of different option of organizing my dinner there are two identical tables they are

    Not completely Square they are a little bit rectangular so I can choose to be either a little dinner eight people or six people so I would be just around one table and this will remain free we can be 12 so I will put the two tables together generally when I put the

    Table together I put a big uh table sco on top so it will be look like more you know the traditional Countryside table very nice when you have a big family dinner and if we are a lot like 16 I find it very nice to have two

    Separate Tables like I did today today I did six and six so 12 because I think it’s nice sometimes to be able to have a general conversation when it’s a big table you generally speak with your two neighbors but you don’t have a general conversation which sometime you would

    Like to have even more if I decided that this evening I want to introduce this guy with this woman and this and this so it’s nice when they can speak together so it’s more intimate to have uh two tables they have chart together during the apperitive in the sitting room and

    Now they are going and I can choose who I want to speak with who because I’m going to put them I going to put this woman next to this man so that they have to speak because very often when you arrive you are going to speak with the

    People you know and the people you don’t know you don’t speak with them which is a little bit sad because at the end of the dinner I want wanted that this guy meet this guy or this woman and they have speak so during the dinner I can

    Decide who is going to speak with who so on a table like this you can really have interesting uh common conversation so that is a little my strategy uh on the table so generally I will uh I decide of course who is sitting next to who uh as you know the

    French etiquette there are two different way of dressing table the hostess and her husband will be at the two extreme of the table if you have a big table this is the English way of presid and the French way will be when you have the two tables together to sit one in front

    Of the other on this side of the table the more important person on the right of the hostess it may be someone who have never came to you it can be the older one um you know you you decide who is the more important person and then

    You put of course woman man woman one around the table um so here I decided to do two tables of six and um you will see that on these two tables there are two different color stories going on uh here we are more in the purple blue um Shades and red

    Shades and here on the other table we are more in the green aine colors so in this room you have a big family of chairs uh from very different uh um countries so this is I had a full set of 10 chairs these are Austrian chairs that

    I found in auction I did I bought them to put them in my m in the mountain in my Chalet in the mountains but I find that they were really fun in Paris little bit unexpected to have this very rustical Austrian chairs more uh Pon you

    Know uh farmer chairs and I I find they were fun in this uh room and here more English traditional English uh chairs and on the side uh Austrian uh B Maya chairs so you really have uh the whole world here it’s very International here and very different styles from the more

    Sophisticated uh to the more rustical and it works this was a gift of my mother When We Were Young married because for my mother as I told you everything which is around the table is very important so she gave us this traditional English table that we break

    Uh but the chair are still there and this chair the Austrian one come from my grandmother in Austria and this I bought them in auction in a very little auction house I was we were having a weekend by some friends in um north of Paris and we went

    To this auction just for fun and suddenly I saw these chairs and you can’t believe them I bought them s EUR the chair sh don’t tell it it was really amazing this house I bought it 20 years ago I wanted to be in the Eis because as

    I told you my grandfather used to be not very far from here and for me as a child Paris was like the Wonderland and uh I was always attracted by this part of Paris which is near par moso which is really the osmanian part of Paris so 20 years ago I was looking

    For apartment I was expecting my sixth child so we needs to be to had a bigger house and also uh linked to my family was my job and I wanted to have a space in my flat to work I always wanted to be to be able to be at home so it was

    Challenging to find a place where I could have a big place big room to put my showroom which were a little bit separated from the family part of the flat so when I visited this flat I really had what we call a good food on

    And I fall in love with um with all the details which are part of the structure of this flat um as well as the ceilings as the doors the windows uh it’s a typical osmanian flat which means that uh when you have you have the entrance and

    A big Corridor at the beginning you have all the uh rooms for entertaining big rooms um first one dining room looking on the courtyard which is very typical osmanian and then the salon the sitting room which is a double which used to be a double sitting

    Rooms uh looking in the street then all the bedrooms and at the very far end of the corridor the kitchen because at the time you had plenty of mats which were helping so I know a lot of people in Paris now are moving the kitchen next to

    The dining room I didn’t do that I keep all my bedrooms because I need all these bedrooms and I keep the kitchen at the very far of the corridor so it’s true that when we have dinners we run in the corridor to bring the things that’s I

    But I I find it nice to maintain it as it was what I think is very important when you are designing when you are decorating a place is to maintain um the atmosphere the historical atmosphere and to bring your identity and a little bit of modernity so I hate

    When it’s too much Deco matchy uh obvious I love when it’s a little bit borderline and so the colors that I have chosen for instance in the sitting room it was 20 years ago that I chose this color it was I wanted to find something which were a little bit of traditional

    But also modern not too not too invasive but still there so it’s always this balance between um doing something which is really uh new and keep the spirit of the of the space the inspiration is is really very uh spontaneous it’s a lot of also of pieces of furniture carpets that

    I find and I fall in love with them so I just I think when each piece has his own identity and is Beautiful Everything can be mixed together there are no rules okay so let’s go in the rest of the house so here it’s my Big C door it’s

    Also something I really loved When I visit this house because it’s very rare to have such a large Corridor in the Osman uh buildings really they are much more narrow and they are very dark what is nice here is that you have this window at the end this Square window

    Because I am the last building of the street and that’s why I have this light coming in which is very rare so here you see the stripes Stripes is like being in the in the forest in a forest of Stripes uh here I have this two uh Furniture

    Which are very convenient to put all the portelan and tablecloths and you know candles and all what you need to dress a table um these big uh maps of Paris I found them in the Attic in the countryside and we decided to paint the frame we did that when we were young

    Married and it’s you see there are some addresses and Roads and all these roads were roads where we used to live or where our grandparents were living or where we meet or where was our school so they all have a little meaning so it was really fun it’s a little clander I would

    Say so these are two grav of Italian houses but the fun little thing is that the frame I made it uh it was 30 years ago when I was doing as I told you my marble on frames on porcelain on walls everywhere so now I show you my bedroom I wanted to have

    Something very warm very intimate so nothing better than Fabrics on the wall because it’s always bring it’s cut also the the louds it’s nice uh this is a p FR fabric it’s an inspiration of these 18th century 17th century even patterns um this pink red I find it very

    Warm um I have combined this quite geometric pattern with this braier fabric it’s one of my favorite one when I was not even married I thought always one day when I will have a house I will have the gr Kai pattern and this is the gr corai it’s really

    This Persian uh Fabrics which I absolutely adore um so for the back of the bed I made this a bit barck uh um piece um on the curtain are the same fabric as this in fact these used to be some curtain that I had in my first flat just

    Young married and um I bring them here in my bedroom and as I have three pairs of curtain I decided to make a balaka the story of this balaka is fun because uh this iron piece was at the beginning not at all mean to

    Be a balaka um I did it for uh the Figaro the magazine Figaro they had a subject uh where they asked to designers go to the flu market in San buy things and transform them and that’s what I did so this was a flat iron piece it used to

    Be this iron decoration on the outdoor of the windows in old houses so I took them it and asked to my iron maker man to do this balaka and I put my third curtain to have a balaca so it ends like this so these are really my very econic first uh

    Fabrics I break my uh birs to buy them when I was young married because it was Bron very expensive so but you know for me Fabrics is so important and you see they deserve because they are 35 years old and still so beautiful uh so here again we are on the

    Street so we have the view on the balcony in springtime you have a lot of green so it’s nice because it brings a little bit of intimity don’t have the neighbors in front of your eyes um on the floor as again I wanted to have something warm I put a wall to-

    Wall carpet a mil so you have a lot of shades of colors which is uh interesting the two armchairs are armchairs of uh Louis Philip with this fish pattern here with some more umire um silk fabric um the chimney is very cute of course it’s part of the flat uh it was

    Already there since ever and ever with this lovely funny work uh of fance here um the mirror also authentic mirror was here already um beside the mirror I have these two applique this may come I bought them in um flu Market but they may come from uh church this is a

    Typical Church uh pieces uh on the top here you have a little family of uh grav all showing some um Egyptian landscape uh it’s it’s remember of my first two years of uh young married uh we were living in Alexandria and spending a lot of time in the

    Antique there were some antique shops and so we bought a lot of things there and so it’s all a story about Egypt about the fonic uh uh period a typical uh comp more know this is a view of Cairo um here you have some battles of Napoleon period some fonic uh view here

    You can see Napoleon when he did his campaign in uh in Egypt and this is a map and we were living in Alexandria on the Mediterranean and see to stay in Egypt this very old carpet a little bit very very old but it’s also part of uh

    Of my heart because it’s I think the first one of the first thing we bought also we invest it’s a very old carpet we bought it to the old woman who was selling this so as it’s so old we keep it on the bed for the lamp here you have this

    Anlos it’s Austrian uh lamp um with this tarton shade a little bit strange but you know I’m not afraid of mix things here books books and books because you know it’s important to have your books uh with you even when everything is on internet we need books

    Um on this furniture is a a gift of my mother uh it’s called a s uh because you have 1 2 3 4 five six seven draws like the seven days of the week s it’s empire style with a column no there’s a lovely work of bronze and off

    Top a sleeping woman so here we create this Library um because this was a door initially going to the dining room so we wanted to make it to close it to to Really separate the the bedroom from the from from the dining room we painted dark red in the

    Bide and we keep the white um frame around it’s always nice to have dark uh shelves I think uh here we arrive on this um piece of furniture it was a gift for my husband um it’s called a bureau cyandra it’s a l say and it’s very very

    Convenient to hide the whole mess that you can put here so no it’s better to close it I when I when I’m here I think it’s very warm and happy um and I feel when you come here you know immediately that you are in Paris you

    See I hate these Flats uh where for instance people will destroy every old thing because they want to have a modern thing or this when you don’t know if you are in New York or in Madrid or I don’t know where so I think it’s really important to feel the identity and I

    Love Paris and so when you arrive here you can immediately see that you are in osmanian flat um and I think you feel you feel comfortable you have big sofa and and you you can you know you can really sit well and don’t think that you are dist know disturbing something

    Destroying something it it’s it’s a happy family uh House so here we have the heater hided heater with the stripes black and white the map of Paris very important when you go out to be able to show it was important before the iPhone now we don’t use it anymore but okay so now we are in a

    Kitchen uh when we arriv it was very simple uh this very strange size of kitchen I couldn’t say what geometric pattern it is uh there are 1 2 3 4 five six seven um qu Corners uh it’s also something that you will see very often in the osmanian building because it’s really

    The end of the building being linked with the next one so um I wanted to have two space in the kitchen one space where we could have dinner as you have noticed we are here very far from the dining room so I must admit that even if I love

    Lovely tables I will not have all my meals in the dining room but a lot here when we are just family um so I wanted to have a nice space where you could have uh breakfast lunch dinner when you don’t have a dinner guest or what it’s not a Sunday

    Lunch um so we cuted the room with this um piece of furniture everything was uh made by order by a Belgian company um we wanted to keep something traditional look because again I think it’s important to to respect the style of the construction um um but we bring some

    Architectural Elements which make it more interesting so all these pieces we have added them uh because it was really a very simple there was no nothing on the top no no all this carish didn’t exist um the doors were very simple so we added all the wood workor here on this this door

    Also in order to make the room more sophisticated and we uh played with all this um furniture with this um doors which some are plain some are with um glass so that you can see inside and we put some lighting so that you know when you have lovely like

    Glasses it’s nice it’s it’s it’s open a little bit The View so we played with these different panels and here you see you have the latice uh which make it less plain than if it were completely uh White I wanted to warm this room and so I chose this very deep

    Red um like um browny red and I wanted to give it a little bit of a country style so on the floor I put this Stone it’s um Pi Bon uh really in the old way of cutting the stone so very irregular like you have it so I create this uh funny bench

    Very convenient because you can put lots of things inside and it reminds me really the Austrian Style with this way of cutting the wood very barck and the Stag on top which are also reminding a bit country mountains um the lamps are more modern I like the contrast with this shiny silver

    Lamps um the table is a very rustical country table table with a B Branch uh in black painted um so it’s a play of white black and red and here you have a lovely uh paintings that of a friend uh the who is painting on very old papers you know

    That he find a rubbish paper and he makes this very interesting uh work of pastel um aquarel um painting with inspiration of antique uh stories so here it’s really uh the technical part of the kitchen where you work uh so there is a view on the

    Courtyard and um for the plant Trav I use some what we called laier Blue the Bel the belg belgic this blue stone of Belgium um I like because it’s very natural and you have have a lot of motif uh on the stone and um for the wall here behind

    The heater I have some Z black zel very rustical here you can see my cash pose always important you can put flowers but you can put also all the kitchen things so here it’s again this idea of Countryside it’s really these buffet that you have in the old kitchen

    Uh where you can you know storage a lot of things and um I like it because it’s uh it’s it’s like nearly like a Furniture like old furniture and it makes a link between the technical part and this part which is more like a little let’s say dining

    Room um here on the table I put my verdure collection with this lovely red which reminds the the walls here we have uh we would have a dinner with a little of soup with a kot plate um these are typical little um pieces to put it it

    Used to be to put the Cara but it can be used for butter for whatever the little flowers again the goblets which can be used for water or whatever my cou Kristoff for bread so this is very traditional old shape of the limo porcelain uh you I I use it also

    Sometimes to do some bouquet some low bouquet here it’s convenient for bread um and here’s this little uh tea cup Japanese teacup which is of course with little candle waiting to be light up because even a little dinner with only uh everyday dinner I like to light

    A blet a candle it makes a very common dinner being a little bit special so that’s important and here my Mirano Mar brondolin glasses I love so ready for a little family dinner and here some branches you know again I was at the countryside this weekend so

    Po po poof we cut some branches and we have a little bit of nature arriving in the city which is quite important when you are living in Paris so this home is a lot of memory of my family house with six children my H my business mixing both things sometimes it happened funny

    Things because you know when I had my clients coming here my designers uh as I’m in the luxury part it was very more highend people used to very sophisticated things so we were I remember we were in the uh in the showroom doing my my show with this

    Clients and suddenly a baby arried and say mommy I’m finished so it was always this uh mix of uh my business which is really part of my life and that I love my children grew up in the portelan you know the and and this family life so really this mix

    Which is also very important because as I say uh tabletop really has a lot to to do with the private life of everyone and uh the AR VI and you know the entertaining and the food the cooking so it’s not only decoration it’s not only colors and patterns it’s a lot

    More so now we are at the end um I show you my house where we are having lovely times with a family where I used used to work also during 20 years a big space of inspiration here I hope you enjoy I enjoy to share with you my little

    Secrets and my passion as you may have guessed passion of table the enjoyment of being really part of the old cure theable um you know sharing Al with you goodbye Bonjour and welcome to shatow goo I’m g kigan New York City interior designer and I’m so excited to share with you my fabulous Parisian petat come take a Look You’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more I have loved Paris ever since I was a child we used to come here all the time my brother lived here for a while and I used to visit and um I

    Always said I would have an apartment here and uh as I became a uh designer in New York City I would bring clients shopping here quite often and uh it was really only uh after the pandemic that I thought you know what uh it’s time to

    Time to get a place here um so I started my search it took a while to find and uh I was so thrilled when I walked into this apartment I saw exactly what I was looking for I had seen a lot of apartments in Paris and uh you know it’s

    A it’s a it’s a fairly interesting City even though the architecture here is beautiful um the buildings are kind of awkwardly shaped and and I’m like a total classicist and I love Symmetry and I love um you know architecture so you know the Interiors for me really needed

    To be very structured and it was hard to to find an apartment that really fit that bill so the minute I walked in the door here I was like oh my God this is it oh my God this this layout is perfect um the windows were perfectly symmetrical there were uh two fireplaces

    You know at opposite sides of the main living room space it was perfect it was great architecture in the floors and of course the most important thing that I was looking for from day one was ceiling height I really wanted an apartment with really tall ceilings of course my main

    Residence is in New York City and and most of you who who are big fans of homeworthy might remember me and my home tour of the carile my apartment at the carile in New York which is my my home base in New York City the best part of

    Having an apartment in Paris is the minute you get off the plane you can get in a taxi and come to your own home I don’t know why but all the airplanes arrive early morning in Paris and of course as as it is in Paris everything is inconvenient the hotel rooms are

    Never ready until 300 p.m. so after years of doing that I was just so relieved and I pinched myself to think wow I actually can come home to a place of my own here in this city apartments in Paris have the most amazing architecture character and typically you get these wonderful

    Ceiling Heights so when I bought this apartment I was enamored with this crown molding in this entrance Foy and it was all about grandeur grandeur grandeur and I wanted to play up the fabulous scale of this entrance foyer um so I use this wonderful marbleized ceiling wallpaper it’s actually from Scalamandre uh and

    It’s marbleized and has this wonderful red and blue uh and it really is an homage to the architecture and the marbleized and the fanciness of these grand grand old Parisian apartments on the walls I did this wonderful uh applique this is a very simple half bead uh molding that I had my contractor

    Paint in a gilded um gilded gold and right in front of it I put this lovely little bonette and you know when you add upholstery into an entrance foyer it really makes it feel as though the foyer is you know an additional little seating area so when I actually have an overflow

    Of guests and a party in here and have an overflow of people in the living room they actually come and you congregate here um I loved the uh beautiful Chevron uh floors throughout the apartment um and I really worked very very meticulously with my contractor to clean

    Them um and I wanted to preserve them as much as possible having a grand entrance for is always an opportunity for me to decorate and Guild the Lily so I always like to place you know furniture pieces in an entrance for to really make it feel like it’s decorated so for instance

    In this room I put this wonderful chest of drawers and opposite I have this fantastic beater Meyer bookcase and I always like to you know decorate bookcases with sort of eccentric objects not just books I tuck this fabulous little painting in there um you know I’ve been shopping the Paris Flea

    Markets ever since I was a kid uh you know for clients and of course every time I go I pick up stuff for myself um and I love to have an eccentric mix of things I always feel like the home is is really a reflection of your personality

    And it’s an important thing to have you know Wonderful objects that really reflect your personality and of course I’m an eccentric so um of course I have a lot of eccentric little things like for instance this fabulous little Tempo which is actually quite heavy it’s very

    Heavy um and then this wonderful uh this is actually really sort of like a fabulous little find it’s like actually the bomb an underside of a bomb um shell and you can see that that it says the size of the artillery on the back and somebody had had um installed this uh

    Canadian coin in there I thought that was very clever um and this fabulous bust I love busts and I always think that they add a lot of character and a lot of strength to his face um so I positioned him right here in Paris they they actually Define apartments by the

    Size of the square meter which is totally confusing to me I don’t understand any of that language and they’re like oh x x amount square footage square meters and I’m like hm I don’t know what that means um so in New York City we always go by square feet

    And I sort of know what the square footage is this it’s probably around 1,200 square feet here uh it was a two-bedroom apartment uh but the the living rooms in Paris tend to be small so the same was true with this apartment so I decided that I would you know

    Remove the wall between the main living room and the second bedroom and really create this grand Grand salon likee living room of course you know I’m so Grand and I love to have a grand interior um and it’s it’s really great it’s it’s wonderful to entertain to have

    People over um I specifically bought this apartment actually for my 50th birthday I know can you believe I’m 50 trajic and I actually had a bunch of people over and it was a great big party and I just really love to entertain and having great grand spaces for entertaining is Key and voila here is my fabulous Grand salon living room um in Paris I found that there are quite a few apartments that are large but they have small living spaces so this room the wall between the living room and actually the second bedroom was removed

    To create the Grandeur of the space and this is what I loved about this apartment is really the ceiling Heights and the size of this wonderful Salon room you have these double-sided fireplaces on either end with these wonderful pairs of mirrors again there’s my mirror trick and the mirror trick is

    Also you know pervasive in the aad because you’ll see how I used it uh when we go go through into the Next Room the room was actually quite wonderful because of the Symmetry um and really what I wanted to do is I wanted to uh have a string of

    Intimate scating areas within this large space uh reminded me of a much larger much grander uh iconic sort of Parisian style Hotel particulier so to speak um and the room really had this great symmetry about it you know I had two fireplaces on either side so I created

    These two doorways uh going into the dining room adjacent and on the opposite side we created these uh two bookcases that really reflect um the balance and the Symmetry uh for the space it’s really lovely those of you who follow me on Instagram really know that I love my

    Greek Key Carpet it’s really quite iconic and you see it a lot in my Interiors um so this was a perfect opportunity to sort of Infuse a really bit bit of a modern character into a space which is really quite classic and wonderful um so I use the Greek Key Carpet in here

    I love the scale of it I think it really really fills the room beautifully uh and it also helps me to divide the room up into smaller intimate seating groupings so in the foreground area I have this fabulous little sofa seating area um a lot of the pieces in my apartment I

    Found are the Paris Lea markets I love shopping the Paris Lea markets and finding you know Wonderful eccentric objects are uh amazing such as this amazing little um art sort of little brass Bowl I just found this and even even the underside is gorgeous um and of course this Kelvin lever coffee table

    I’ve bought this actually the flea markets too um a lot of the pieces that I have in here were actually in my house in Montreal originally uh when I bought my apartment in Paris I ended up shipping the stuff that I bought in the Paris SLE markets back to Paris um

    Because I really loved uh having it here um but again The Eccentric mix of things uh to me is is super important um you know for instance this uh fabulous little tray that I bought when I was in Morocco um you know next to this uh you know this you know very

    Eccentric little um multicolored um um I think this is um gustavian um and then these wonderful candlesticks from Michael arum uh I love again they they continue the branch form from the branch display over there and they sit on top of the uh Kelvin lever table that actually has uh leaves in

    Branches on it so it’s sort of a very subtle play um and here’s a great trick when you actually want to have a coffee table on your on your coffee table um open it to your favorite page because it’s always a great way to start a conversation when you have guests over

    And they kind of sit down they’re like oh you know this book is happens to be open to this page and then you can just you know delve right into the conversation about why it is open to that page because it’s your your your favorite part of the book um so on this

    End of the room I designed these two bonat seating areas um that really reflect each other um and what they are what I call a near pair you know sometimes it’s fun to be a little bit playful with Symmetry by making it a little bit asymmetrical so you’ll see

    Here that you know on one side I have this gigantic Stone coffee table um it’s low so it’s not too imposing um but on the other side I actually have uh a little bit more delicate pair of little tables these are fabulous little tables these I bought in the Paris Le Market as

    As well they’re amazing um and you know I love to uh play be very playful with my pillows you know those of you who know my work know this that I love pillows pillows pillows pillows pillows pillows and uh you know I’m not afraid to mix patterns I’m not AF afraid to mix

    Textures and you know people are often afraid you know and they you know when you show them uh you know these Fabrics together you know in a small color palette they’re just like oh my goodness how would you mix these together um but look how amazing they are and they

    Really you know hold the space beautifully and they’re playful um I love my giant canvas art um those of you who follow me on Instagram also know that I do a lot of that um I you know just love to do these iconic uh sort of classic images printed onto canvas um

    That really you know gives the space a uh a classical feeling but also printed onto canvas with a a very straight uh return side gives it over a little bit of a modern uh interpretation of a very classic detail um the architecture of the room was very strong so I really

    Took my cues from that these fireplaces look how gorgeous these are this is amazing this is a beautiful Verde marble um so these two you know built-in mirrors on either either side of the room uh helped me you know bring the language of the architecture of the

    Fireplaces up uh to the ceiling um these two built in bookcases are really sort of designed like pairs of doors that really kind of reflect reflect the aad of the of the other doors on the opposite side of the room so that the two elevations on the two ends of the

    Living room are actually perfectly symmetrical which I love it’s really really eccentric um and I love to have low chairs you know I think low chairs really augment ceiling height um these are the loveliest little slipper chairs um I have these made by my upholstery work room in Canada um they’re wonderful

    Um and I think that you know they’re very they’re very friendly and a lot of people love to just you know plop in and sit down on them um this is a wonderful little vintage uh Baker uh chair that I bought uh bought this is actually in a

    Thrift shop in New York City um and this is my own fabric design um I had this fabric done by Peter Pano and uh I designed it and they printed it for me Isn’t that fabulous um and then and then a pair of bonett on either side of the

    Living room on this side of the room are sort of like you know they’re very casual uh they’re armless and they’re like bench they’re almost like bench style bankets they’re very characteristic of the work that I do I use these all the time my upholsterer

    Makes these for me all the time um and I thought I feel like they’re very friendly and people love to like you know come and sit in this corner um it’s really fun um and they have these wonderful end tables that really uh they really are punctuation marks to the two

    Bonett uh that sit in this corner um the antique mirror tops are actually vintage and original and then a really fun sort of whimsical naw to the Greek key are these great green um mid-century modern lamps with the little colar of the Greek key going through it’s just fabulous

    Isn’t it you know I love to do a lot of mirror work um in my apartment at the Carla if you remember I had done mirrored jams so in this apartment I loved the fact that the sky could be reflected in mirrors on the sill so if

    You come and stand here you can actually see the sky um you know this apartment happens to be on the first floor in Paris and in Paris um the city was actually developed way before the elevator um so the first floor Apartments tend to be the grander

    Apartments because when the B city was built those are the apartments that were you know PRI the prize apartment it was called La bage um so that was actually the CED floor so so now uh even though in New York everybody wants to be in the penthouse in Paris the more Grand

    Apartments are actually the first floor Apartments so it’s a really great trick in order bring the sky in even though you’re sort of on a low floor it’s really fun to have a mirrored Windows though and those of you who watched my home worthy tour of the car Island New

    York City would know that it would not be a GIC and designed room without a hidden TV somewhere can you find the TV on this wall here’s this here’s the key this is the secret I hide the remote control in this little nurn isn’t that fabulous so where the bonat seating area

    Is really for a larger group of people the foreground area is really for when you have a smaller intimate group of people and I love this little area it’s you know organized around the foreground fireplace and I have these fabulous uh jeen chairs that I bought um you know

    Also at the Paris Lee market and this wonderful little Japan table um this really quirky little vase which is fantastic um and I love you know to really again put pillows on everything so I have these wonderful little eyot looking little velvet pillows that I actually trimmed on the back with a

    Contrasting color I think that that’s really fun um and then those of know you who know me and know my work and have seen my apartment at the Carlile uh remember that I love to do these wonderful printed canvas art pieces um and so this is actually a fantastic

    Piece that actually had it in my house in Montreal I printed it you know oversized scale um and I love the the dramatic sort of old Master art character of the piece it’s just printed on the canvas um and then just giving it a very simple Square reveal return gives

    It a very modern effect in a you know in in a more uh traditional subject matter I think it’s a great mix of modern and traditional together again mirroring things is a great strategy for making you know spaces feel much larger this is a lovely little mirrored side table

    Which has an antique mirrored top on it and I found these lovely little um candlesticks these aren’t these amazing these are fabulous they’re like sort of a faux tortoise shell um you know they’re I think they’re cast in resin but I the minute I saw them I was like

    These are these are Divine um I love the movement I love the character and then when you put them on a mirrored top it’s like actually just you know like a continuation of the cuckoo bananas Candlestick base it’s fabulous I um you know one of the things that I

    Love is uh you know Furniture pieces that are a little eccentric um this is a fantastic console table um that I actually purchased I purchased this in New York from the antique and arsin Center um and it had this wonderful little swag nail head trim on it uh and

    The minute I saw it I said oh you know doesn’t it look so French in a way it has like this wonderful little swag detail um so it was perfect perfect to come into my apartment here um this little bench is a custom design uh I had this made by my Upholstery

    Workroom and has a little greek keyg on the side look at that fabulous and it goes really well with my carpet love that and then I always love to use branches in in all my Interiors because it always adds a little bit of a a raw and you know na natural effect um

    You know it was funny I went out looking for branches and in New York it was so easy to find them because it’s Central Park but but Paris they’re so organized and they collect branches es off the street like you know fastidiously it was hard to find actually so these aren’t as

    Good as I would normally like them to be the color story for this room was actually inspired by a kitchen that I had seen in a Milan design uh show House showroom a few years ago and uh it was this vibrant wonderful tomato red and it had this blue ceiling and it really

    Spoke to me and I said you know one day in one of my Interiors I would love to use this color story and it was really when I walked through this apartment you know the minute I saw the apartment I said wow you know what I think I’m going

    To use that color story uh for this room and of course for this color story I had to sort of add my own touch to it so um those of you who know my work know that I love to use this uh this wonderful sort of mustardy brown taupey taupey

    Color that I call brown paper bag um which was my living room on Park Avenue many years ago um but I used that actually to do accented to trim throughout the apartment uh you might remember having seen that in the foyer um and I’d like to use uh one color

    Thread that it travels throughout the apartment so come and take a look at what I did with it in the dining room there are so many advantages to living in Paris but for me as a designer the most important thing is inspiration uh whenever I feel my batteries are

    Depleted from inspiration I love coming here and just walking the streets and just taking it all in um you know Paris is the city of Beauty and uh I really feel like you know I’m so inspired here it really is an inspirational City in terms of design everything that they do

    Here is all about the pretty and of course the croissants and the baguettes of course I should really hold off on eating those but I do anyway I am actually you know pretty pretty proficient in French all the years of coming here I grew up in Canada

    Um from Montreal and you know Canadians do tend to be bilingual although they the Canadians in the west speak more English and the Canadians in the East speak more French um luckily you know Montreal is kind of a good blend of the two languages and and I had a lot of

    Immersion of in the French language growing up my brother lived here for a long time so I would come and visit him often um and I just have a love of the French culture French language so I immerse myself here and I really force myself to talk to people in French when

    I’m here and it actually helps me practice even though uh a lot of people here speak English and at the beginning when I first came here they’d all switch over to English and you know I feel like now after being you know coming here for

    So many years that I it’s a little bit more of a compliment to myself where they don’t change anymore they actually continue speaking to me in French so maybe that’s a sign that I’ve improved my French a little bit as with most designers who love to entertain uh at home you know this

    Fabulous countertop became you know doubles actually as a bar so I love to have a fabulous Tre um some great you know you know bottles of you know things to serve for people um and you know another thing that I loved uh was the concept of creating uh

    The shelf for display um you know the idea of sort of having you know great ceiling height and to use that ceiling height um is key um you know just creating you know a little bit of a feature wall um and I love to mix eccentric things together so there’s

    Sort of a collection of brass candlesticks um this Ecentric you know view of Venice um and then what I think is actually the the Dome of uh St peters’s I think it’s St peters’s um because I think there’s like a little palm tree there so I found that in a in

    A thrift shop in New York I love that piece the cabinet in contrast to the rest of the apartment uh is sort of a little bit more contemporary um you know because it sort of landed like a spaceship into this dining room space um it really needed to be a little bit more

    Contemporary um and so I painted it all black um there are some really little fun gold lines that go through it almost like a little mandre mrea painting um and of course honed marble top is you know for me the essence of a beautiful marble uh a piece um I’m never really too

    Concerned about staining marble uh when you think about all the beautiful Interiors in Italy they have these wonderful 200y old countertops that are like stained with you know hundreds of years of olive oil stains and they they tend to look beautiful so um I love I love the honed unsealed beautiful uh

    Calotta marble I’ll take that any day over any man-made products that’s for sure the architecture of this room is what really drove the inspiration from my design and it really all started with this wonderful Chevron floor the Chevron floors are all original to the apartment um and I worked carefully with my

    Contractor to restore them um and it I just think that they’re brilliant and it’s amazing how uh such an old floor could really have such a modern feeling to it you know we were using Chevron floors today in modern interiors and it’s still very contextually uh relevant

    Um this is a fabulous beater Meer uh table that I actually bought um in a thresh shop in New York City can you even believe it um and it it had its uh it had its day in my entrance for in my house in Montreal and it ended up here

    Um and I always love to to sort of put different chairs around a dining table I think it’s more Whimsical it’s more fun so I put these two armchairs on the ends and I mix them uh with these two side chairs but you know if you pay close

    Attention you’ll actually see that the fabric is the same so the fabric is actually this wonderful uh Chelsea editions Diamond um and unfortunately now it’s been discontinued but when they when they had this fabric I used to use it all the time um so on the arm chairs

    I did the very pale green and on the side chairs I did the brown so I think it’s a really sort of a fun way to um relate two chairs that are actually unrelated um and organize them around uh a space um then one of my favorite um

    Shops in Paris uh I can’t remember what what it’s called but it’s a little perfume shop and they have these wonderful little bullot lamps that sit right on their countertop so when I saw this lamp at the Paris Flea Market I thought oh gosh I really want to have

    This on my dining table cuz it’s sort of unexpected um and when you see this dining table you actually see it when you come in from the front door you’re looking right through um so I wanted this table to almost feel like it could be like a center table and not you know

    Just a dining table so it really helped me do that by placing this a lamp here you know it’s really cute um one of my favorite elements in this room is this fabulous wooden chandelier um it’s a it’s a lantern um and when I purchased

    It I I bought this from the Paris Flea Markets and the vendor told me that it was um actually uh 18th century but I’m not sure I don’t know um but it really just has a beautiful raw quality about it and I think it contrasts well with all the

    Other polished details of the space the built-in bookcase behind the bonat is uh another opportunity to sort of add some Whimsical character to the room so I always love uh using built-in bookcases to add a little bit of Animation uh and some personality so of course it’s not

    Just for plates and dishes and you know fancy things you have sort of you know overflow of books and you know other interesting little objects um and again inspired by that uh perfume shop that we saw um we put these wonderful little apique candles up there which you know

    Are really fun to light when you’re having a great party so in this room also I have these wonderful canvas pieces like this was actually another printed canvas that I had in my house in Montreal it made its way over here um and these wonderful sculpture pedestals

    But when I first purchased them I thought oh I’m going to paint them um but then but then they made their way here and I just kind of love the contrasting color you know I think that sometimes a room needs to have a foreign element you know something that you

    Would never think to mix into a room and’ be like oh I never thought to put it there but it actually looks so good there so these appliques were actually Arms of An Old chandelier um that was that were repurposed so this actually would sit into uh a chandelier um and

    Uh we had the contractor build these little uh Clips uh on the wall and they just sit right in there and they’re actually uh movable isn’t that fun just very Whimsical so again also uh I’m never afraid to mix color and pattern um so another opportunity on this wonderful

    Uh you know antique conac uh leather bench was to put in you know a few personality pillows um so this is a wonderful um flame Stitch uh Chevron from Schumacher um this is a fabulous Greek key sort of an homage and you know reflection back to the carpet that’s in

    The living room um and then again a spot of yellow you know for for that foreign element in the room um speaking of which I used yellow actually as a cuff on the unders signs of the curtains in this room um I had picked um this wonderful

    Uh Chevron uh mson like fabric it’s actually um it’s actually from Castel meso Castel uh one of my favorite fabric shs and um I love the personality of the movement of the Chevron in the fabric with the floor and I think it’s a very subtle connection um but I didn’t want

    It to just touch the floor I wanted there to be a little bit of a separation between the two uh so I decided that I would cuff the curtains with a very tall uh cuff in a yellow um which again is sort of a little bit of an unexpected a

    Little foreign element coming through uh and works perfectly with the foreign element uh sculpture pedestal this fantastic chair is actually one of a pair uh I used them originally in my Kip space show House back in 2016 uh which was a chalk paneled room some of you might remember that project it was

    Really fun um and I love these chairs I found them also in the Paris Flea Market and there’s a right and a left so one of them has has the angle going to the right and the other one goes to the left and I bookended this entire apartment

    With these two chairs so you’ll see the other one that appears uh back in my bedroom when we get over there um but again I put the uh Greek key uh fabric on here which is again you know sort of a connection back to the living room

    Greek key and I just love the Whimsical character of the legs so these little Corinthian columns look how fantastic these are you know the the chairs themselves actually have the personality of the architecture of the apartment in them which is wonderful so in the mornings my

    Favorite thing to do is actually to make tea and sit in this corner and continuing the onad concept through the space these wonderful mirrors are actually ter Terminus of the view looking in from the living room see what I mean it’s fabulous isn’t it so the original kitchen was this

    Lovely little pokey little kitchen space that’s off of the dining area um and I really you know sort of made the most of it um it has a hidden refrigerator um a little little cabinet here for storage uh a dishwasher voila Peeps and a little sink you know but the

    Most important thing to me in Paris when you come to Paris is you must get yourself this fabulous tea um this goes back to the concept of the scent of the space this is the most brilliant scented tea and I love it it’s Mar and it’s

    Their black Opera tea it really is I’m like doing an invers for them um but I’m addicted to this it’s fabulous so every time I come to Paris I must run to Maria fa and get my tea uh and of course my espresso machine it was the very first

    Thing I bought when I moved to Paris when I bought my apartment in Paris I was like ran to the shop and said I must have an espresso so it’s small but very practical um and then the idea of using uh large uh artwork in a small space is

    Really fun you know this fantastic gigantic scene of Venice you know it’s unexpected you know it’s un you know it’s again it’s one of these foreign element things that you know gives the room a scale that you would normally not you know think to use in a

    Space like this but it really gives the it extends the Grandeur into an otherwise not Grand space so the dining room actually spills out into this space um and this is actually the most adorable little Jewel box of a room uh and I love powder rooms

    So this is my homage to Napoleon come and take a look isn’t this the the cutest little Powder Room you’ve ever seen in your life it’s so cute um I always love to use Furniture pieces for uh vanities and this was a little piece of furniture that was revamped to use as

    A little vanity um and of course again the concept of using giant art in a space is key to making a Space feel like it’s actually more Grand than it is so this giant canvas takes up the entire space it’s fabulous um the the ceiling is actually uh you know characterized by

    This vintage uh 12 de wallpaper uh it’s sort of an idyllic scene it’s kind of a funny little uh you know play on on Napoleon and his original Roots um and then I had this fabulous uh root mirror that I actually bought at arteriors many

    Years ago uh I just had not found the right home for it until I bought this apartment and then when I got that wallpaper I said you know what a great uh thematic relationship between the branches of this fabulous mirror and that crazy idyllic little uh Farm theme wallpaper border it’s fabulous

    Isn’t it so revamping a uh a piece of furniture and Reinventing it and using it for a new purpose is always really fun um I often try and shop and find uh old pieces of furniture that uh need a new life um so in this instance we had

    This green marble uh backsplash uh so the vanity was painted in the green uh to match the the backsplash as closely as possible and I think it was a great a great detail um the hammered Uh custom U brass sink Basin fits perfectly and it’s very shallow because you know as

    Everything in Paris everything is quite tight this is actually a really small little bathroom space um the the anad concept is also continued through this space because what this is is actually a pair of doors on this side of the the hallway this is the grand entry foer

    Again so you have a pair of doors here and that’s actually reflected on the other side with a pair of doors that go into the bedroom come and take a look at this I actually had a large apartment on Park Avenue for many years and uh I sort

    Of got tired of all the guests staying with me and actually I’m so happy now in New York and Paris I have a small apartment uh when guests come to visit me I love to put them up in New York the University Club or in Paris at one of

    The boutique hotels in this lovely little neighborhood um this apartment is located in the 9th at hundes mall which is really close to the Paris Opera um I really told my my real estate broker I wanted something very French and very authentic I really wanted to be in a

    Neighborhood where you walk out the door and you don’t hear a stick of English which is exactly what this neighborhood is there’s a wonderful street right next door to mine which is really iconic it’s called rud Mar and there are some wonderful little shops on that street and those shops have literally been

    There for like a hundred years there’s a little cheesemonger shop there that’s been there for 200 years it’s unbelievable this apartment to me is really my getaway you know everyone needs a getaway in their life and uh you know especially being you know an an interior designer in New York City life

    Is so hectic um there’s so much going on and uh coming to Paris for me is really my getaway so I really love to luxuriate and really treat myself and and and as I give you the tour of the house you’ll see in many instances how I was able to

    Do that with this space so you see what I mean this pair of doors is a perfect reflection of the doors opposite to the pow room it’s wonderful to create that sense of perfect symmetry come on through and take a look at my bedroom bedrooms to me really need to be

    Cozy and comfortable and a cocoon like feeling so that’s why I always use canopy beds for my own personal beds uh I always find it uh difficult to get clients to you know convince them to do canopy beds so I ended up doing them for me in all my residences because I just

    Love the feeling of being in a bed like this when you have a big ceiling height in a space like this for a bedroom it’s always great to have a cany be bed because it creates a little bit of intimacy uh within the room so this is

    Kind of like a a little bit of a room within a room the canopy um the valance creates a little bit of a cocoon-like effect um and I love the you know architecture within architecture the bed is this fabulous iron bed um that I P found in the Paris Flea Markets it has

    Beautiful iron work on it and uh I wanted to continue the Iron theme by creating this fabulous pair of uh bedside tables these are actually traytop tables or gustavian um I just think that they had the the greatest little details um and then sort of to

    Continue the theme of The Iron you know the rawness of the iron I actually designed this burlap bedside um it’s like a bed spread actually on top of the bed because I just I love the raw quality of it um and then the burlap is almost the same color as the walls which

    Is really great so it really jumps the walls onto the bed um but of course you know when I use uh you know a rough material like burlap it’s always really fun to like trim it um with with a little bit of a fringe trim so to sort

    Of gild the lily uh it’s s of an unexpected little detail to add a little bit of a fringe onto burlap it’s actually kind of fun I’m all about mixing patterns and textures um so on my bed uh I always love to use my own bed

    Pillows um so here’s a trick when you buy your bed linens uh just buy your sheets don’t buy don’t buy the bed the bed pillows you know the bed pillows are are really not necessary you can actually have your own bed pillows um and I love to mix color and patterns and

    Textures so this is a fabulous um rro fabric that was through Clarence House which has unfortunately been discontinued now but I love this fabric when they had it I used to use it on all my projects um and you see how you know mixing different patterns and textures

    Really works it sort of helps helps pull the whole room together animating your bedside tables is one of the most fun and interesting things to do of course I love to have a book um something that I might be reading or in the middle of reading but then of course little

    Eccentric little things like these little and I actually found these when I was shopping with a friend of mine a very close friend of mine in the Paris Lea markets and this sort of reminds me of when we went through on a really rainy day uh and we found these um and

    It was really like it was really special and it’s a good memory it’s fun to have um and the bookcases behind the bed really helped me animate um the back of the bed wall and I think that they’re fun and there was a great opportunity in there to use the contrasting color of

    The red just to pop just a little bit of a pop of color um it brings in sort of the orangey red from the pillows on the bed as well as you know reminiscent of My Fabulous red color tones in the living room so it’s a wonderful thing um

    The room was very symmetrical again uh the bookcases were actually here uh and the buildin closets are wonderfully uh augmented by mirrored panels um and this is actually a great little um decorative uh trim that I actually purchased from Samuel and son it’s actually a tape trim

    With a a nail head stud on it um and I felt like that was such a great little detail just to bring a little bit of the red from the living room in here it’s a wonderful detail this was a fabulous little Anglo Indian Chez that I

    Purchased from the Paris Lee market and uh for many years it it was in my house in Montreal and um I just love it it’s just this great little recliner um it’s simple but it has so many wonderful little details about it you know starting with the curvature on the back

    Back I think it sort of like um is is a great um you know way to enter the room it’s s of a gentle curve um the stretcher is wonderful and sort of the bobin the bobbin detail on the legs and the cross stretchers is wonderful I use this fabulous mohare

    Velvet I love mohare um it’s one of my favorite blue tones um mohare is great because it always like you know different lights makes mohir look at look differently uh in different angles and it’s gives a lot of personality to a fabric like that um this is one of my

    Favorite pillows of all time this fabric is actually from Schumacher from a while ago uh was discontinued and when they discontinued I ran into schacher and I begged them to give me all the samples that were left of it so I can make pillows with them um again the idea of a

    Large canvas art uh it’s a great way to Anchor a room you know especially when you have a large wall such as this um and then I like to actually paint a room such as this all one color so here’s a great you know tip for you guys at home

    Um when you have a room uh that you have sort of you want to pull everything together it’s always nice to paint the trim and the walls all one color so in this room I actually threaded in that uh brown paper bag color that I was using

    Uh as the trim in the dining room and the bookcases in the living room um and actually the crown of the entrance for so really that color uh presents itself in a couple of different ways and a couple of different areas in the apartment it really pulls everything

    Together so nicely um then we have this uh Greek key uh chair and actually if you if you saw the floor plan of the apartment you’d understand that this is actually diametrically opposite from the chair that’s in the dining room so I kind of think it’s kind of fun it’s kind

    Of a Whimsical little they face each other you through the whole apartment so it’s a lovely little little detail um and then again my large canvas art um I love this fabric actually this is a Christopher far fabric it’s wonderful it’s called Chicago um in color Tobacco it’s actually one of their

    More modern Fabrics I’m actually working with Christopher far on uh Reinventing one of their color colors or their one of their Fabrics so keep an eye out for that that’s coming out soon as you guys all know an interior designer’s work is never done so sorry about the mess on my

    Desk um but this is actually a work in progress and uh in every one of my residences I always have to have just a little place where I can do my work so before you guys got here I’m happy to give you this fabulous grand tour of my

    Apartment uh it’s a great little break from from what I’m working on right now but uh of course every time I have my own residence I always make sure that I have a great little spot to work there’s a lovely little window in my bedroom it

    Has a lot of great light um and in the winter I love to crack the window open and listen to the sounds of the of the city in the background um I love to drink my marage prir tea and work on my sketches um I do a lot of hand sketches

    So uh that’s why it’s it’s kind of a mess and opposite from the bed is this wonderful Shino cabinet that I purchased um at christe’s uh several years ago this was actually in my guest bedroom in Montreal and I’m so glad that it found its way uh back into this room and helps

    Augment my sprinkling of red as my accent color uh throughout the guest bedroom um of course in this room the ceilings are so much higher than my house in Montreal I was able to even get this gigantic canvas artwork up there and I always love to lay you know

    Layering is one of the most important things in design to make it feel like The Decorator wasn’t just there uh it’s always fun to sort of put you know many different layers together uh so in instead of just having the canvas up there I had this wonderful little

    Painting that sits in front of it uh and then of course a stack of books and this fabulous little object that I bought in a parir of SLE markets and for good luck it’s so important to have a proper bathroom to luxuriate in come and see my fabulous

    Bathroom and even adding this little decorative mirror on the side was a really fun way to sort of break the balance and the symmetry of the space it’s kind of whimsical and it’s kind of fun so it’s sort of like you know in design I like to not take take yourself

    Too seriously it’s always it’s always fun to be a little bit playful um so sort of unexpected to place this other random little beerer to the side it’s kind of fun because it breaks off that really Stern sense of symmetry it’s just fun these were just some fabulous

    Bowling pins that I found at the Paris Flea marget and I was like these are just so so Chic and so fun and add so much character and so much fun on the just right there on the window sill U of course the topiaries add a little bit of

    Green into the space and then the Roman shade is really a decorative Roman shade it does come down but I did want to have that chevron pattern uh coming through it to sort of repeat the idea of that Herring bone and Chevron that appears in the floors throughout the apartment it’s

    Kind of a very solid uh detail um also one of my favorite things to do and I do this all the time um is painting borders on architecture so this is just a double line border and here that actually is the same color as what we saw in the

    Other rooms it’s that brown paper bag sort of mustardy taupe color that comes through and doing a double line border it’s very easy to do um a contractor and the painter just taped it off and and did it and it’s very nice and it gives the architecture a little bit of

    Architecture where there is done you know there are no moldings on these doors these are all flat panel doors and just by adding those little lines it really gave some structure and some design to them this is the fabulous Paul Riv Lantern um that I purchased at Holly

    Hunt it was one of my favorite light fixtures when it first came out it’s actually been around for a while now um but I thought the shape of it is so interesting um and again I just love to uh treat my ceilings uh as a design

    Element so you’ll see in this room I actually painted the ceiling this teely blue green which repeats the green of the Marvel on the floors the repeats the green that is in the dining room as well as in the PW room so there is a connection uh between all the rooms

    Throughout the apartment which is wonderful even the ceiling of this little dressing area is mirrored for this cuckoo banana sort of effect it’s really great um and then I continued the wood floor it right up until the edge of the dressing area because that’s the perfect transition between the stone

    Floor of the bathroom and the wood floor of the closet so the layering of the mirrors in this space is accentuated by this really eccentric duck mirror duck foot mirror that I found actually in the south of France and I was actually with friends down in nce and we were going in

    And out of some shops and the minute I saw it I said oh I have to have this for my bathroom isn’t it just cute and Whimsical it’s just great to like you know counterbalance the seriousness of the architecture of the space was just something fun and

    Friendly well home is actually the most personal ref reflection of one’s character and one’s personality so whenever I work on Interiors for my clients I always try and get to know them really well uh only CU I really want to draw out of them you know what

    Their personal tastes are and what they like and what they what they don’t like um of course when I do my own Interiors it’s you know I’m very fastidious about exactly what I want to do and you know my clients always remark you know you do your Interiors your own home so quickly

    I’m like well you know I walk into a space it speaks to me and the minute the minute I come into the space I know exactly what I would do for myself and I tend to give my clients you know that effect too I always tell them this is

    What I would do this is my house but then I have to listen to them and and take that you know the cue from their own personality and sort of develop the interior based on that so so home to me is a very personal thing and being able

    To um reflect one’s personality uh one’s character I I love the idea that um people look at my Instagram and they always recognize and realize um an interior that’s mine and even though sometimes it’s my own personal residence it’s it’s or if it’s a client residence they can see my personal touch on

    People’s homes but they also remark that every interior that I do is different and distinctively so um because I like to to Really hone in on my car my clients and their character and their personalities thanks for watching go to homeworthy dcom for exclusive content and shopping guides


    1. He house is already beautiful with gorgeous wood molding , I love her house is sou simple , with lot window is good and bring lot light and home. Thank you very much homeworty ,to bring all of us to this beautiful wonderful younger home women house .🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤

    2. Love crystal have a huge collection pinwheel . I bought one the other day a huge pinwheel vase for myself Valentine’s Day coming . Beautiful have to sell a few of my other ones and keep my beauty the huge one. Love capidemonte lamps I have I also collect lamps some withvcherubs

    3. I love dishes al kinds royal Albert country rose I have a few I have sets I have Ukrainian painted dishes I am Ukrainian royal doulton English ironstone all kinds of hand painted plates. My home is full a brick ranch. I need a house with bigger rooms lol

    4. I love all kinds of things I have been buying selling and trading for years. I keep a lot of things. My bedroom have a canopy pineapple wood bed 2 huge armoires nice wood . Everthing is thrifted estate sales auctions

    5. I loved Garrow Kedigian's Paris home and his descriptions of why he loves what he surrounds himself with. He even mentioned some great tips for us! I'll be checking out his website and other videos. Thank you Garrow.

    6. How beautiful the first house(Stephanie's home) is ~ The elegant walls, simple furnitures, empty space in house, street, backyard, windows, balcony, around everythings ~ I love it ~

    7. I think Marie Daarge's home is a brand all by itself .Women who take the time to create art piece in a whole building should not be condemned to have their art deemed curated. Stephanie is a beautiful soul inside and out and I love the extension of her home in a building not belonging to her . This was really charming and funny all at the same time. She would remind a lot of us of the younger version of ourselves. Marie Darge , her language, her illustrations, her experience from Martinique in the Caribbean to Alexandria is just purely and beyond interesting

    8. 3 very different women with 3 very different styles. I love all of them. The simplicity of Stephanie's home, the color and aesthetic of Tatiana's, the opulence of Marie's. I relate more to Tatiana as I love old furniture. I can't choose between the dogs, they're both adorable.

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