1. The pedals will self tighten over time so you might need a longer Allen wrench to get leverage vs the short multi-tool. I have multipurpose grease from Walmart on mine, nothing fancy. Same with the lube, I use finish line dry. If the chain is getting excessively dirty it might be from over application.

  2. PhalconAvAtAr on

    You’re gonna need a bigger wrench. Pedals are tight, you’re going to want a proper Allen key at the very least. A cheap pedal wrench would be a good investment. Also make sure you are turning the proper direction. The left pedal is reverse threaded ( lefty tightly, righty loosey).

    You’re going to want to use a grease for the pedal threads, but this is something you’ll only need to do rarely. Really only when you take the Pedals off.

    That chain looks pretty normal, it is about time to clean then lube that chain, but nothing excessive there.

  3. I prefer Wiha or Wera metric hex tools for these jobs, I usually reach for my Wiha 8mm as you’ll have far more leverage. I also use Park Tool PPL-1 grease.

    For harder jobs I have a Park Tool PW-4 pedal wrench.

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