👁 INSANE Alien UFO Videos the GOVERNMENT are Hiding 3 – (UFO Sightings & Creepy TikToks)

    SKizzle Reacts to UFO sightings, ghosts caught on camera, scary videos & creepy tikToks that will keep you up at night and change your reality.

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    INSANE Alien Video got LEAKED – UFO Sightings & Creepy TikToks | That is Impossible

    Joe Rogan: “The Footage Wasn’t Supposed to be Released..” (unseen) – Joe Rogan Podcast on UFO

    Dr. Steven Greer “The Footage Wasn’t Supposed to be Released..” (unseen) | UFO & Alien Tiktoks

    10 Foot Tall Alien LEAKED VIDEO – Brazil Aliens, Miami Mall Aliens, Jellyfish UFO & Creepy Tiktoks

    UFO Jeremy Corbell Interview video

    Miami Mall Aliens Video & Miami Mall witness

    Creepy and Scary TikToks that might change your reality (That is Impossible)

    Joe Rogan / Bob Lazar on Aliens & UFO

    Ghosts Caught on Camera Scary Videos – BizarreBub

    Creepy Tiktoks & Scary Videos – Slapped Ham

    The Why Files –

    Scary Ghost Videos – Nukes Top 5

    Las Vegas UFO Alien Video – Men in Black | NewsNation

    Roswell UFO Aliens Video

    Arab Ghost Hunter Video – Ghosts Caught on Camera | Nukes Top 5 Reaction

    Like and Subscribe for more videos on ScaryAXE. Description may also include some affiliate links. #skizzle #scary #creepy #ghost #ufo #tiktok

    Well folks coming at you with an emergency video because today we have some of the best UFO videos that you will see these videos are combined from the public record shout out to Skywatch TV he put together all of the best videos that are out there in the public

    That you might not have seen these are very very rare videos like this video share this video subscribe if you’re brand new and let’s get into it roll it LOF UFO ow February 12th 1998 LOF England filmed by David Spore this footage showcases a stationary saucer-shaped object in the night

    Sky and I managed to get a shot of it with the camera actually propped onru car so it’s fairly steady that kept in that position for around half a minute or so a few moments later the unidentified object suddenly departs exhibiting an unusual acceleration then it suddenly sh off quite a pretty fast

    Speed I don’t know what it is but every time I see like an older footage it just cannot be me right like every time you see a footage that is from the early 2000s or late ’90s right I’m like more inclined to believe that I tell you it’s

    Probably because AI didn’t exist back then it’s also likely because people were less likely to lie nowadays people lie for that Tik Tok money to get attention you guys understand where I’m coming from you feel me or you’re like no bro like shut the hell H up boo I

    Want to know your thoughts of course there is a possibility that this footage was faked however faking videos back in the 9s was definitely not an easy task personal video editing software was way too limited back then drones are also out of the question not only because

    They were not very accessible back then but also because the shape of the object doesn’t seem to match fake footage or a drone The Mystery of the lowestoft UFO remains unexplained to this day man the there’s that saying right the worse the quality is the real it is

    The real how uh it’s more likely that it’s real now let’s move on to a place that’s historically known for its unexplained incidents the Gulf of Mexico recorded in 2015 this video showcases a pink light exhibiting rapid movements far from the shore the author of this video claimed that the way the object

    Flies resembles the way a drone moves but knowing that the platform is about 130 mi from the shore and the object is probably around 8 Mi away from the plat form the chances of the UFO being a civilian drone are slim to none since no civilian drone could go that far not to

    Mention the battery power required for such a long trip years have passed since this incident took place however the origin of the object or expl I’m like looking at the movements right so it’s Defying Gravity um it’s moving like no plane would ever be able to do that

    Right even if it’s like the super Advanced military jet it cannot do that super Advanced military jets can do a lot lot of uh Maneuvers but not like this explanation for this event remains unsolved to this Day the black object the black object uhoh next we’re taken to Israel on November 21st 2023 where an unidentified object was recorded while being completely stationary in broad daylight for a long period of time the author of the video claims that he drove by at

    Once and found it a little bit odd but didn’t give it much attention after about an hour when he was returning on the same road the object was still there in over an hour the object hasn’t moved even a bit taking a closer look at the video a black

    Elongated object can be seen even though it was recorded from afar it seems I I I hit my target like four or five times and it didn’t even budge it didn’t even move the UFO that’s crazy to be pretty big probably around 6t a military aircraft or an outworld entity

    The question remains as this mystery is still unsolved to this day I I’m inclined to believe that I shot it four or five times right there and it didn’t even put a dent into that thing bro that’s that’s insane and I was using hollow points Chicago

    Orbs Chicago orbs yeah let’s move on to Chicago Chicago recorded in June 2023 this video showcases six flying black orbs in broad daylight okay if it happened in Chicago then these uh UFOs were definitely bulletproof bro 100% they were bulletproof as soon as the person that was recording this incident

    Loses sight of the objects from his backyard he quickly moves to the front of his house only to witness the unidentified objects suddenly speeding up and departing in the same direction I’m not even going to I’m not even going to try to attempt to shoot it because these I know these are

    Bulletproof but the RIT user who found this video on social media claims that he took a look at the profile of the original poster to get more information about it but all he found were dirt bike and dog videos nothing about UFOs and the way it moved is insane okay so

    You’re saying that all of these are objects as well how many are there one two uh maybe not this one or maybe I don’t know like this one but these three clearly right here right yeah what oh [ __ ] yo they are moving oh my goodness this basically means that there was no

    Prior interest in the topic consequently decreasing the or can it be Birds it can be Birds but they don’t look like birds odds of that video being a hoax now to make things more interesting a Reddit user from England left a response to this video where he recalls a similar

    Experience which gives an extra layer of credibility to this incident I saw a UFO like this with my brother about 20 years ago in England I always described it as a coin flipping across the sky it was weird too because the next day on the news supposedly a helicopter crashed in

    The ocean even though I was like 10 I suspected it was a cover up for the UFO we saw could these two people have witnessed the same object the similarities between the video and how the Reddit user from England describes it are intriguing let me know your

    Thoughts in the comments but now if you made it this far into the video like And subscribe guys like And subscribe if you’re brand new it’s a pleasure to have you and before we dive into the next one guys I have started a brand new channel

    This is called skizzle 2 Link would be in the description and also in the pin comment it would be a pleasure to have you there uh I I do like various type of content from the internet on that one K videos cop videos what’s going on in the

    Pop culture and all that we have some uh entertaining content there as well so it would be a pleasure to have you but back to the content 19 1979 Stadium sighting Stadium sighting oh I want you to explain that to me I’m afraid now let’s

    Go back to October 28th 19 I want to rewind that I want to rewind that bro but I know I’m filming a video and you guys don’t like it when I rewind stuff so 79 a football game between the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers is taking place however something really odd

    Happened that day the commercial break was suddenly interrupted by the announcers to show two unidentified objects that were hovering over the stadium being witnessed by over 50,000 people the most reasonable explanation for this event was that those two objects were actually UFO kites which are commonly sold at football games

    However if kites are actually that popular during football games I don’t think that the announcers would act the way they did they seemed really confused damn there it is now what is that now taking a closer look they seem to be rotating pretty fast and don’t

    Seem that big probably just around 20 in which would probably align with the size of a kite decades have passed since this intriguing event took place and no definitive answer has ever been given while people I read some comments and some people are saying this was actually

    Debunked as RoR kite I believe that’s the word that’s how you say uh yeah so I would say take this footage as a like with a grain of salt or with 2 kg of salt around you were in person during the game claimed that those objects were not kites Skeptics stand their ground

    Stating the exact opposite yeah ow ow [ __ ] cockpit encounter the next video takes us to a 787 plane traveling from Japan to Canada on November 19th 2023 at around 4:00 a.m. three Pilots witnessed a few objects moving at incredible speeds the objects flashed blue orange and green lights after trying to make

    Something out of what they had just seen the pilots agreed those objects were not satellites or starlink flares since man like uh this it would be scary right like imagine you’re flying a you’re a pilot right and you’re flying at nighttime and there are just a huge

    Layer of clouds or you’re in a place let’s just say Sahara Desert or flying over Sahara Desert no lights it would be like completely dark though so you would have to just rely on on like your radar and all of a sudden you see like blinking lights like that uh it must be

    Like one of those things right like either you’re scared or you’re like uh nervous about it right and one of my dream is to become a pilot like I want to get my pilot license first I’m trying to get like that uh you know that that there’s like a motor thing I’m

    Forgetting the name it’s like parachute and you put a motor behind right you probably heard of it uh par paratrooper or not paratrooper paramor paramor paramotor yeah paramotor I’m trying to get that and then like in the future my goal is to become a pilot but uh yeah

    It’s just uh crazy man like if you see lights like that in the sky if you’re a pilot watching have you ever experienced something like that they were not only changing colors but also appearing and disappearing randomly the author of the video also claims that the speed of

    Those objects was around 10 to 20 times faster than an aircraft traveling in the opposite direction so planes can also be ruled out of this investigation given that this report came from three trained pilots it adds weight to this sighting mhm Pilots spend most of their lives in the skies so if a

    Flying object makes them rub their heads like this it’s definitely something that falls out of M honestly like if a pilot says that I’m inclined to believe it because these dudes spend more time in the sky than the actual Birds you know what I’m saying so I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Explanations for that reason this mystery still remains unsolved to this day uhoh yeah lights recorded in Claremont Florida on November 25th 2023 this footage showcases a set of orange lights flying in the night sky the author of the video claimed that he assumed it was just a

    Drone since there was just one light at first however a few more lights started to show up from behind his neighbor’s roof it’s also important to note that Claremont is a very small town and according to the author of the video they don’t have drone shows or anything

    Like that a man taking a closer look at this this is probably why UFOs were like okay so you guys get no drone shows let us uh come in and we’ll show you a real drone show flag formation it seems pretty similar to another video from Virginia that was featured on episode

    Two of the series oddly enough this video was recorded just days before on November what if it’s like an actual triangle right like one object or or you can say three UFOs flying information could be that too but what if it’s like an actual triangle shaped UFO and it’s

    Crazy right okay Tri one UFO or three UFOs doesn’t matter but it’s uh crazy that they fly sometimes information I’ve seen like so many videos where you would see like three uh or triangle shape you know just moving in the sky number six 2023 while the one from Claremont is from November

    25th could there be a connection between these two events let me know your thoughts in the comments yeah and guys this is the last episode that we’ve done if you love this video you’re going to love this one we had bunch of multiple UFO settings and they’re truly very odd

    And bizarre and they’re truly something that you probably have not seen because these videos are very very rare to find now on YouTube right check it out and I’ll see you there


    1. Well I do believe that Aliens exist, and all the old footage that has been captured for sure there was no editing softwares that add those UFOs into the sky, especially these 2 UFOs in 1979, the truth is out there, and they are still saying that there's nothing….

      Mate in the last video, it looks like skydivers with a flare, but still no evidence of course… It can be something else entirely.

      Keep it up bro, The Impossible Channel uploaded a video yesterday 😅, I still didn't watch it, waiting for your upload! 😂

    2. 2-3 years of studying and then also flying and you can earn your PL. Honestly bro you should see if any fans would allow you to use their plane while also going along with you as PIC. You probably have a fan out there that would love it and it would make the process cheaper and quicker, also probably more enjoyable for you and that lucky fan lol

      I have my license and I was able to use my grandpas plane to clock some hours. For health reasons, I'm grounded and will never legally be able to be PIC sadly. I was trying to be a commercial pilot and make some money but that dreams been burned down lol I'm on Gods plan now 🙏

    3. Also you forget not everyone had access to the technology or the common knowledge of how to make cgi at that time and if they did it wasn’t that great. I’ve realized this as I gotten older like when I was a kid there was maybe one or two kids who had cellphone now everyone has them. So the chance of faking These older video is much harder and especially if it’s a clear image.

    4. I know people who works in film and TV productions for over 15 years and they say it is very likely that video posted on youtube channel called ivan0135 from May 2 2011 of alien gray is real, because back then in 2011 or earlier it was basically imposible for someone to fake this on their PC at home, even now it is not like everyone would be able to do it

    5. You should pilot one of those new airplanes that can fly nonstop for 5 days straight. Only thing is they look like a giant butt!🤭 ; probably because it needs more gas😂🤣😂

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