Stephen Jenkinson describes the moment his Deliveroo delivery woman ‘launched an attack’ on him.

    #deliveroo #takeaway #shocking #crime #assault

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    Now coming up after a small boat migrant arrives at Dover with stab wounds have we imported foreign criminals to the UK but first I speak to the victim who had his thumb bitten clean off by deliveroo Rider it was just 10 days before Christmas and what began as a normal

    Saturday Night Takeaway for Steven jenkinson ended in a vicious roadside attack the 36-year-old had ordered a pizza which arrived at the wrong location a brief argument with the delivery girl that ensued before she chewed off his thumb like a Savage well Jennifer Rocher has now pleaded guilty to causing Grievous bodily harm and

    Could face jail when sentenced in May what makes matters worse though is that she was not actually employed by deliveroo but have been working as a substitute Rider using someone else’s account step meanwhile well life has never been the same since he joins me now Stephen thank you very very much what

    Happened well so so I’d just got gone back to work after paternity leave uh having my daughter and I said to my ex- partner you know should we order some food as you do you know there’s no food in the house you’ve got a brand new baby

    And so she ordered a pizza on delivery I went through the process of you know ordering the food waited for the driver to come as most know on a delivery app it send you a notification to say the the rider has arrived so I went to the

    Front door opened the front door no one was there went back to Jessica I said there’s no one there can you just send her a message and find out where she is so she sent her a message instantly replied saying at location of pin so I

    Walked back to the front door opened the front door nobody there went back inside I said she’s not there can I just see on the phone where she actually is now there was a pin on the on on the app that was about 50 m up the road so I

    Made the decision to just go and get the food yeah so as you would it’s 7:30 on a December night you just want to eat you don’t want to go to bed um walked up the road as I got there she uh she was standing off her bike I said to her I’m

    From that house can I have the food please and she just launched an attack on me um and as she started to swing punches for me I just put my arm out like that to keep her at a distance because the only thought that went

    Through my head at the time was this is a girl you’re a guy if you hit her in or try and do anything in any way you’re going to get in a lot more trouble than she is so I kept putting myself at a distance from her saying I’m going to

    Call the police I’m going to call the police it’s just unfortunately as I went like that the last time that I did it my hand hit her helmet my thumb went through the visor in on the helmet and she just clamped down until she bit it

    Off um can we just have a a look if you don’t mind so it’s that camera there is opposite you so that is now your thumb right yeah so that’s half my big toe um so when I went to the H you just keep it

    Up for us is that all right sorry just as you talk through it so that is actually a bit of your big toe yeah so that’s the inside of my big toe so if you look at a big toe they’ve now remove the inside of it so I’ve just got the

    Outer side of my big toe Goodness Me you to be honest with you you know unless you really know you can’t tell so it’s I mean it’s clearly not ideal you’ve lost a bit of your big toe and you know you’ve now got a slightly different

    Thumb but um so what like did it feel like did you realize what she was doing because it must have just been one of the most outrageous things you’ve ever had I would say it was in her mouth for a good 45 seconds to a minute you know

    It I was there shaking on a helmet to try and get her off chewing down on your thumb and as she’s biting and clamping and clamping and clamping and all I remember is my hand dropped and my brain said she’s let go and then I lifted my

    Arm up and clearly and sprayed her with blood because there’s an artery in your thumb oh so I sprayed her with blood and then realized that half my thumb was missing there’s there’s different layers to this story again so your life unfortunately hasn’t been the same since

    And not just because of your film no absolutely I’ve lost everything because of it you know I haven’t worked you know by trade I’m a plumber and a gas engineer um I haven’t worked you know my me and my partner have now separated you know I don’t get to see her or my

    Daughter you know it’s it’s um it’s tough you know in terms of debt because I haven’t been I’ve been out of work for so long you know that’s it’s a significant sum of money um and deliverer basically saying it’s not our problem and and this is an important

    Point because they I mean she wasn’t a deliveroo driver was she so she borrowed she had her husband’s account um so she wasn’t a delivery ride uh a registered delivery Rider so deliver had obviously didn’t know that she was she was working that night she thought it was the husband actually doing the

    Jobs um so and this is a big problem isn’t it because you know anyone can turn up at your front door essentially including in your case that LE someone who was wanted to bun your thumb off absolutely and you know there are so many different assault cases sexual assault cases against deliveroo Riders

    Um there was a case recently where a woman was getting stalked by a delivery Rider who was a third party again now that all needs to change you know the law needs to change reform needs to happen we have the technology to be able

    To do so in terms of face ID on your phone you open your phone with your face you know in the same way you should be doing that with picking up food right so I am Joe blogs I am picking up the food I am Joe blogs I’ve been you know I’ve

    Had all the relevant police checks and I the one delivering the food so you know that that person has gone through such a stringent process just to be able to have that position to be picking up your food and dropping it off and do you

    Think I mean do you think that you might be able to go back to work soon as a result I know it’s a very you know it’s a literally a Hands-On job isn’t it from a physical point it’s tough because for example things like buttons even shoelaces they’re so difficult for me

    These days so you know the amount of times I’ve tried to do things with copper pipe with fittings and everything else because I don’t have a lot of feeling and it is a lot more bulky than my original thumb yeah it’s hard to hold those fittings in just just quickly

    Sorry to ask you this but I think why couldn’t they just reattach your thumb so when she had bitten my thumb off in the time that my ex partner got out so she could spit it spit it into her hand she’d had a good chew on it she’d sucked

    All the blood out of it and she’d had a real um real go on it so when it got taken to hospital they said there’s no way that this can go back on you can see all the bite marks well look thank you very much for coming in and for talking

    To us about it and hopefully you’ve highlighted an issue there that gets sorted when certainly when it comes to delivery drivers and hopefully you get justice as well for what happened to you in a statement deliveroo said it’s Riders were self-employed a fact which has been confirmed by UK courts on

    Multiple occasions they added substitution uh is and always has been a common feature of self-employment it’s not specific to deliveroo ignore our sector the department for work and pensions they also said they couldn’t comment on an active case even though she’s pleaded guilty apparently they are

    Yet to comment on the general issue of substitution so unfortunately for you at the moment it looks like you’ve got a real F on your hand Steph but thank you very much for coming in it’s much appreciated


    1. Class, what a funny story . Did you "aprehend" her. Cause I would have ""aprehended her" in a very very very long and drawn out manner, wgats her name ? She been to court ?

    2. Theres two stories here, both about women.
      His girlfriend didnt hang around once the money stopped coming in, yeah really supportive, dodged one there, and why cant he see his child ?

    3. Could face prison? Are you kidding me?! She is clearly a complete savage and should be locked up indefinitely!! And the answer is not more facial recognition bs. It’s – stop using these companies that have no idea who is working for them and go pick your own food up, you lazy c…

    4. rider was wrong we know this but he hasn't said proper full story why this happened. for one customer supposed to give rider a code off the app so rider can confirm delivery. which he forgot to take phone or remember code. and the pin on riders app is quite a lot of times not at actual address. he probably refused to go back for code on phone. i do deveroo. you need code or don't get paid. yes she shouldn't of done that but did he try and take food without giving her code. and now he probably been getting paid from news people for story. his now ex probably had enough. this is just my opinion but there is more to it than rider just kicking off biting his thumb. i'll say again she was wrong to do that but was she trying to defend herself. bbc article on this says he forgot phone.

    5. He's been a pussy about it though. Why didn't he defend himself? Why can't he work? If i didn't have any thumb I'd still go to work.

    6. The fact she MIGHT go to jail is ridiculous in its self. If a man bit a womans thumb off he would be in jail faster then you can say stumpy. But the fact she is a women and as we know women barely get punished for their crimes and the fact shes an immigrant means she will escape with just a £50 fine and a warning. The account holder is liable and therefore deliveroo are liable.

    7. The racist should be deported as soon as she finishes a 10yr sentence !! Anyway, remember time you're watching spineless footballers kneeling… only Black lives matter 👍🏻.

    8. Sounds a bit sus, female delivery driver just launches an unprovoked attack? There was obviously probably an argument, who's to say he didn't threaten and put his hands on her, maybe he went for her throat but she bit his hand, in which case fair play.

    9. I am a Deliveroo and Uber rider. And I am shocked by these events!
      Back in the day (6.5 years ago) when I was onboarded by these companies we had to do a criminal check. It used to be an in person onboarding process where they even checked our ability to speak English. Now it's nothing like that.
      Now because of the substitute usage the business has become a disgrace.
      The only reason this is allowed by these companies is because this way they can flood the market with too many riders (whom sort of fight for getting orders) and able to push down the fees they pay to us.
      The problem could be easily solved.
      The goverment has to intervene and ban these companies from using substitue riders. For safety risk, and for national security risk (Yes, even for that. I'm not getting into that here).
      Face recognition to log in. Random face recognition checks of riders during the work hours.

    10. NOT EVEN A JOKE, Currently waiting for my Deliveroo order when this pops up on YT recommended!! I’ll be damned if they are getting my thumb I’ll tell you that, male OR female. What the actual fuck!! And Deliveroo need to take responsibility as it’s still representing their company, no substitute riders!!! Also means people can abuse the tax system and many other things while doing this and unchecked people like he said.

      Woman had to be mentally ill if she started swinging out of nowhere, did she think he was trying to rob her or something?? This is insane to the max!!

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