First gravel ride in my local park, it was an interesting one. Something I’m not sure to do is riding in the mud.


    Hey how’s it going guys yes we are here with another video and this is the brown Rider YouTube channel as you guys can see this is uh yeah this is a ride in my local park uh I took out my gravel bike the one I showed you in the previous

    Video the specialized diverge with the 105 um yeah I decided let me try gravel little ride with this bike so I was basically just riding in like low gear just trying to figure out how to ride gravel but anyways this video isn’t just for the purpose of talking about my

    Riding uh this is mainly to talk about what this YouTube channel is about what I’m trying to represent and obviously with the brown Rider sort of name obviously I’m an Indian uh I’m an Asian and yeah I love cycling um this as of this year late last year uh it sort of

    Has been sort of like a I guess a down scale of cycling I haven’t cycled as much as I would like to weather’s obviously come into play with it but also I think I’m kind of being a bit lazy so um yeah as you guys can see here it’s super muddy I

    Wasn’t expecting it to be this bad especially on this track from when I was a kid when we used to ride on here this track will was more grally than it was muddy obviously you got the the grass and stuff next to it so that obviously

    Comes into play but uh yeah um so my cycling Journey started in 2020 the main cycling Journey um obviously during covid and all that kind of stuff everyone sort of jumped on the bandwagon of cycling so my first bike was a hybrid bike which um which we had for a while

    But no one ever uh took out for a ride uh so I started with that and then I moved into riding a hybrid specialized um a specialized bike which I picked up during the lockdown uh from someone in pekam most likely the bike was stolen sorry for whoever it was stolen from but

    I fixed it up and made sure that it was running properly and had it had it configured to a point where it was I could I could basically ride it so like the first couple of rides I did was just small ones around the local area um so

    Yeah and then obviously started taking out further and further and further uh so that’s pretty much the beginning of it and then obviously I then built a specialized diverge which was a 56 CM frame and I’m not that big so it wasn’t exactly the right size for me but I

    Lasted on it for two years um and then I started dabbling with carbon fiber stuff so I ended up with ororo Venturi which you guys saw in the previous video and then I moved on uh after that broke I moved on to a rim break that green bike

    The shils one which you guys saw in the previous video so yeah um yeah super muddy in these areas and um yeah the bike is still muddy I didn’t clean it up after this ride because I was just I was kind of tired after after going out with

    This um with this bike uh but this is basically my commuter bike it’s what I’m using to go to work and stuff like that uh however the new bike is built is set up and I’ve taken it for like two rides uh two very local rides nothing too

    Crazy um and I have but I haven’t recorded any footage of it and I was hoping this week I could have recorded some footage however um I I wanted someone else to record for me I have all the equipment and stuff however it didn’t come to play

    As of yesterday we were supposed to go out and never did so yeah well today we were meant to go out but couldn’t couldn’t go out and I was just tired yesterday I did did a ride to work and back home and then went

    To the gym and it sort of wiped me out so I didn’t go out this morning normally I go out sometimes on a Friday morning to region Park obviously if you guys don’t know region Park is a huge a huge cycle spot for a lot of cyclists in

    London they all meet up there go out for ride so there’s a group I normally ride with in region Park however today was just not the day and yeah like as you guys can see here this is the main road which is the a406 or North circular so

    That’s a road that you can’t cycle on I have cycled on it once and um yeah it didn’t go that great people started beeping at me and stuff even though I was I was holding like 20 m per hour and and um obviously it’s a

    40 m per hour road so people it was it was during the day as well so it’s not like it’s super busy out so I don’t know why people were just like impatient and just didn’t want to go around me and to be honest I don’t mind cars getting

    Close up to me I haven’t got a problem with it just just because the simple fact that you’re using the road that is meant for cars not for bikes and I got to admit cycling in London is obviously an experience in itself however I find that cycling outside of

    London can be slightly better I’ve done I’ve done a ride in the Peak District that was amazing obviously there was no closed roads however I started on the shil bike and I had hadn’t ridden it I rode it once to bring it home and then I

    Rode it on the event and it wasn’t exactly an eventful ride just just because I wasn’t used to it I wasn’t used to the gearing I wasn’t used to the setup however it it was all right I had to stop a few times to to walk up like

    Some of these climbs and stuff um I’m not exactly the best at climbing but I I want to try and get better I think my strength is there it’s just the endurance of holding holding power during a climb uh which isn’t something I’m I’m great at so

    That’s something to work on I guess in 2024 and obviously with the new bike it’s super aggressive I jumped on it the first time when I picked out from the shop and it was super aggressive I had to adjust the seating because the seat was like flat and I can’t ride with a

    Flat seat because it just hurts my balls so that’s why I have like a a seat that’s dipped forward a little bit um so yeah as you guys can see here I am riding back up to where there’re supposed to be I guess a lake or a yeah

    Or a um yeah a lake um and that water has been taken out so that was that’s surprising I I mainly wrote out here to see that because it was it was a big thing like it was on the uh like local news and stuff like that and yeah on this bike obviously

    Is very different to running normal SPD cleats I’m running the Wahoo Speed play on this bike which I kind of want to not use anymore because I’m I’m super used to using the SPD cleats from Shimano and just switching over to this has just been such a nightmare and this was

    Actually taken yesterday when I went to work and this is obviously cycling in London the cycle Lane on the left has been blocked off so I had to ride on on the bridge on waterloop bridge uh on the main on the main strip luckily it was quite early so there wasn’t many cars

    Out and then this is just after the bridge uh near going towards souc Bridge London Bridge area um my GoPro was actually out of battery so these were just short clips and then I charged it at work so uh yeah so I think planning for 2024 I want to get into more quicker

    Riding so just be being faster rather than uh focusing on cycling uphills and all that kind of stuff I just want to get quick um and do I want to train like getting a coach and stuff like that hell no I don’t want to coach I want to just

    Be able to go out and ride um I think the I think my whole I I don’t know my whole thing about riding at the moment is just like not really I’m not in the mental state that I should be in when it comes to riding um so like going to work and

    Stuff like that is again that’s kind of like do I really want to take the bike out and cycle to work um or it’s so so so there’s there so many different things so yeah so I I I really want to try and get back into it as much as I

    Would love to I don’t know if it will work or not uh prior to I think but around this time 2023 I was doing Madness obviously I was working I was I was going to the office more often and then I was also I was also

    Cycling I was I was going to work more often I was going to the gym early in the morning and then finishing from the gym and then coming out and cycling to work and cycling home which was again 10 miles each way which to be honest it’s

    It’s a great little workout and that’s what I used it for I used to use it for uh it was basically my workout for the um for the day uh and obviously my gym workouts and stuff like that however now I’m going to the gym during the day or

    In the evening so that makes it a little bit more more like I can I can sleep a little bit more now so as you guys can see here I’ve rolled up to Camden so if you guys don’t know Camden is there’s this strip which is what I’m on now

    Where there’s all the shops and stuff like that and it’s always crowded with people and obviously people just like want to cross the road to be honest I don’t really care too much that people want to cross the road Road like in a random place but as long as they look

    Before they cross cuz I’ve had like a couple of people that want to cross they see me and then they stop so that’s good that they’ve seen me and then that they have stopped um and as you guys can see there there was a person Crossing um I overtook this car because

    I didn’t trust it uh and and yeah I caught up to this guy as well who was waiting at the traffic who jumped the traffic light um and also yeah I have been I I have been pulled over by the police for jumping the traffic like um

    Which was a crazy freaking event in itself I it was the like the last day at work and ended up that happening at the end of the day so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this little uh commentary video I’ll try and do some more I want to do

    More like iners videos um but yeah this is coming to the end obviously I’ve spoken about how I’ve started and stuff that I do want to go into more depth about my bikes um and potentially that’ll be in another video but definitely like like right here I see

    The red light and I and I jump it because I’m like hey hello I can go because no one else is crossing the road or no one else is uh or no no one else is there so that’s that those are the main things I look at when it comes to

    If I’m going to jump the light or not if there’s a car on the right coming out I’m not going to I’m going to stop or slow down at least and normally I slow down quite a bit before a um traffic light so I can actually actually stopped but anyways guys I’ll

    See you guys very soon peace

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