Welcome to UrbanNews #7. In this episode –
    00:00 – Intro
    00:20 – Tram plan for Leeds
    01:17 – Paris doubled number of cyclists
    02:05 – New tram depot in Lyon, France
    02:48 – Hokuriko shinkansen extension in Japan
    03:56 – Tram extension in Luxembourg
    04:14 – Protected bike lanes in Seattle, USA
    05:03 – New park instead of abandoned airport in Athens, Greece

    #cityforall #urbannews #publictransport #cycling #tram

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    Paris cycling numbers double in one year thanks to massive investment and it’s not stopping

    Japan opens Hokuriku Shinkansen extension


    Hello everyone it’s Sunday and that means it’s time to watch a weekly update of the world’s most interesting Urban news this is the eth episode and for some of the news in it I am once again very grateful to my subscribers so each of you can help me to make these

    Episodes more diverse and interesting the West Yorkshire combin Authority has announced plans to create two trim lines to serve cities of leads and Bradford this is especially good new for leits which is considered the largest city in Western Europe without a mass public transportation system its population is about 800,000 but its

    Public transport consists only of buses now it is proposed to build two lines one is to run from St James hospital through the city center to the White Rose shopping center and the other one is to connect the centers of leads and Bradford and in general the project is

    Estimated to cost2 billion if the plans are approved construction should begin in 2028 and will be financed by funds allocated to the region after the cancellation of Birmingham Manchester highspeed rail service that means the trm will be instead of High-Speed Rail so it’s a good news with a bit of sad

    Background according to research comparing data from October 2022 and 2023 the number of cyclists on the streets of Paris has doubled this is a result of intense cycling infrastructure development in the city which began in 2015 after the election of an idalgo as a mayor thanks to this the city streets

    Are being transformed and are becoming much more comfortable and safe for pedestrians and cyclists by 2026 the city should build another 180 km of bike lanes and 130,000 bike parking spaces this cycl Centric approach is designed not only to reduce pollution associated with car but also to promote sustainable and

    Healthy Mobility alternatives for residents meanwhile in the French city of Leon there are plans to build a new tra Depot according to the president of Greater Leon Bruno Bernard the new Depot should open in 2028 on the territory of the former Fagor Factory apart from that

    It is planned to lengthen the trams from 32 to 43 M just like in Lans which I talked about in the previous video purchase 35 new TRS and upgrade the old ones however when we talk about the old TRS we mean these ones creating conditions for high quality maintenance

    Is just as important as construction of tracks and purchasing new tramps so Leon is doing the right thing last Saturday high-speed trains started operating on the hakuu shansen line connecting Tokyo and fukui prefecture and this is a great news for Fuki prefecture which is suffering from a declining population and is still

    Recovering from the earthquake that struck on New Year’s Day because improved connection will help to revitalize the local economy and attract tourists the new connection will reduce travel time to Tokyo by 30 minutes and allow people to get there without changing trains the first plans for this line appeared in

    1973 in 1997 was opened a connection to Nagano and in 2015 to kazawa construction of the newest section between kazawa and suruga was difficult and during the process the project cost increased from 1.16 to 1.68 trillion yen if I’m not confused with the number of zeros this is about 11 billion US dollar

    At the current exchange rate as I’ve already said I really admire Japanese Railway and maybe I should make a separate video about it meanwhile Luxembourg is developing its tram Network the city council has allocated €135 million for the construction of several new sections with a total length

    Of about 3 km several other routes are also planned one of which will be in City good news from Seattle USA they have started work on the physical Separation on the bike lane on Fourth Avenue on a section of about 2 km between erson Street in the South and up

    To Wine Street instead of Road markings and ballards the bike lane will now be separated from Cars by concrete barriers which will make cyclist more protected at the same time the configuration of the bike lane itself will not change there are also plans to update traffic lights which will now have separated

    Phases for cyclists moving straight ahead and for cars turning and crossing the bike lane the creation of protected bike Lanes is a part of the city’s Vision zero plan and the center city bike Network plan which was developed with the involvement of residents and finally there is interesting news from Greece where an

    Abandoned airport near Athens is to be transformed into a coastal Park designed by the Sasaki architectural Bureau the alenin International Airport was closed in 2001 and since then the city authorities have been working to turn its 600 acre territory into a park by the way don’t worry Athens is not

    Without an airport the old one was closed precisely because a new and more modern one was launched at another location the 1960s terminal Hall designed by Aeros sainan will be preserved and adapted for events the new park aims to help citizens to reconnect with the nature after its implementation

    The area of open space per capita in Athens will increase by 44% the park is to be planted with 30,000 new trees of 86 different species and to solve the problem of water shortage it is planned to use a pond that will accumulate water during the wet season concrete from the

    Existing airport runways is planned to be reused throughout the park to tell the story of the s’s past in 2021 the Greek real estate company Lambda development was officially awarded the contract engaging Sasaki and other architects in the design Lambda estimates that the project will cost about 8 billion us including residential

    And commercial developments surrounding the park the first phase of the park approximately 250 Acres including the central Olympic Square the city’s triem line and the entire coastal line is expected to be completed by the end of 2025 or early 2026 and that’s all the news for this

    Time thanks for watching and see you in the next videos I


    1. France is literally going for it with large scale inter city connections and all sorts of scales of urban projects. In the meantime Rishi Sunak, the current manifestation of everything wrong with the Tories, tells us tales of a country built on motorways and motorists, hinting at protecting cars, echoing Thatcherism, when Britain was in fact built by railroads, from the first intercity railway between Liverpool and Manchester, to the first and one of the most famous subway systems in the world in London, the third oldest subway system in the world in Glasgow, Britain pioneered the omnibus, trams and buses, it established amazing speed records for steam locomotives, and now it’s a laughing stock competing with California for the shortest most expensive HSR built over the longest period of time 🙄

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