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    Instagram: Svenskamedmarie

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    Språkpromenader – Live


    A1 svenska för nybörjare https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5bWaa66VovMELL4S4f-TSh

    A2 svenska för avancerade nybörjare https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4ZQCrnRyzXcStMc61IdDQ1

    Ord, synonymer, ordförråd https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4dZlDIua4A9x5dsThwnEiZ

    Mat, kök, matord https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4JXujgsX1CnxnuF2rzChVs

    Vardag med Marie https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5PBrPRGvUlMmHFq4_HcVrk

    Grammatik https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5knm2qLI3wFVepxaPVEZFp

    Tips https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4uwk3lwv7yjL0V15IUrLyQ


    Yrkesord https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5LO_8ZNvpOEURcCeQs9VM1

    Svenska högtider https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ5ceT51sWWJPmY0x9uVLcXe

    100 svenska ord https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ6sgRIcepjtMXlrGiDuHmp3

    Dikter https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ6mWiwoCJN2nXRa1c68Ce30

    Svenska på högstadiet och gymnasiet https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ7MoMaPYYhMc6dR0a5bE9hQ

    Bildordlistor https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4mCKAU5pCj0qrdu6ZTzXPK

    Svenska lektion 1-42 + annat https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxaRTzbXYQ4bvhOZWQ_7w7E356ZEd5i-

    Ställa: https://youtu.be/fF-kKyKIOrc
    Se: https://youtu.be/f5DA2TW2u1w
    komma: https://youtu.be/yyNsXFmLig0

    ta: https://youtu.be/nl6lMSRPs9U
    gå: https://youtu.be/BPMO95DYfUw
    Partikelverb med på: https://youtu.be/YJVWuIG_n1s

    Idiomatiska uttryck


    That you speak up if you don’t hear anything. (subscribe and I’ll be grateful) There are always problems with mics (microphones). I watched Anastasia’s language walkthrough yesterday, and it was the same thing there. Problems with the mic (microphone). So if you don’t hear, write in the chat and I’ll read it.

    Yes, where am I? Can you think about it? Two weeks ago I made one, Now people come here but they have to put up with me sitting here. Two weeks ago I did a language walk and then I lost the key, I didn’t have the key with me

    When I was going to show where my husband worked. So this time I brought the key with me. This is an office, so other people can come in even if it’s Saturday. Can you all hear me? There are 25 of you there. I give the thumbs up to many Yes, how lovely.

    I thought I’d start with a coffee today. Serve friends! Yes, hello everyone! I hope you as viewers are friends with each other too. I thought I’d start with a coffee. Coffee is typically Swedish. It’s a little snowy today. There are small snows. I’ll show you. In Tomas’ office, there is a fantastic window.

    And here you can look out over Duved. There is the ski slope. And just today there are ski competitions there. So from my house you can hear everyone talking (in speakers) All time results and so on. It must be amazing to sit and eat lunch here with these incredible windows.

    I’m going to have a coffee. What is a Swedish fika? Yes, usually you take another bun. But I don’t have buns. But on the other hand, they have a pretty nice coffee machine here. You see a coffee machine. I press there and then there are different options. There is coffee.

    I’ll turn it over so you can see. Here you have a coffee machine. There is coffee, cappuccino, espresso. Milk chocolate. You can have a large, a large coffee, a coffee latte, a coffee au lait and hot water. But I want milk chocolate and I want pretty strong. Lets see. Pressing start.

    Very good with coffee machine. A full automatic? Yes, but this coffee machine is good because there are beans here. So then it will be good coffee. And now I’ve got my cup of hot chocolate. I’ve already had two cups of coffee today, so I’m not going to drink any more coffee.

    Then I get really sick to my stomach. So I’ll start by making a little coffee with you. I’ll make sure the light is good. What has happened since last week? Last week Erik and I did a language walk to Tännforsen. Tännforsen is Sweden’s largest waterfall.

    And it was so lame so many of you. Hello Thomas! Many of you thought we were going to fall. I got many comments that me and Erika were brave ladies and we are. We are ladies. Today is the 24th of March, the 24th of March. Twenty hundred and twenty four. 2024

    What happened this week was that it was spring day equalization with spring day equalization. So it is said that it is the start of spring. It’s right in between. If you think that December 21st is the darkest night of the year, and June 21st is the longest night

    And the vernal equinox is in between. I get asked where I live. I live in Duved in Åre municipality. Today is the 24th in the third. 24/3 The weather, well what kind of weather is it? It’s snowing, it’s snowing a little.

    It’s not very windy, but it’s about a maximum of one degree cold. It’s quite nice to be outside too. We’ll go out then, but I thought we’d have a little Swedish coffee first. Do you have anything to drink coffee, tea or juice or water or milk? I have hot chocolate.

    I can’t add subtitles when I broadcast live but about an hour after this live broadcast ends I will add subtitles in 135 different languages. Right now it is possible to put 135 languages ​​on YouTube as subtitles. Some of you have asked where I live and I live in Duved. Duvet is in.

    Barbara drinks a lot of coffee, she says. My stomach gets really weird if I drink too much coffee. Many have asked how big Duved is. Yes, it’s not that big. I looked on Google and there are about 900 to 1000 people who live here year round. Which are written here.

    You have to register your address and then you are registered at that address in Sweden and when you are registered at an address, you pay tax to that municipality. A lot of people live here who move here on the first of December and then they don’t register here, they just work here.

    But they use everything for which you pay taxes really. So we always want people to sign up here because it will be better for the municipality. The municipality. 900 people. Yes, I have the same hobby as Anastasia. I usually watch Anastasia because I think she is the queen of language walks.

    I think you agree with me. She has been at it for two years. This is my fifth language walk so she is good Anastasia. I started something new this week. I’ve been thinking about that for a long time, but I haven’t had time. I write books for Liber (a book publisher).

    I write French books for Liber and then I work at a school so the time is not always enough. But I did an audiobook last Thursday. I have an app (storytel) that I pay for. I listen to a lot of audio books and

    A very good way to learn a language is to listen to audio books or to read books. And I think it’s great to start with children’s books. If you don’t know a language very well but you want to get a much better vocabulary. Now someone writes: My son is watching your French.

    I also have a French channel where you can learn French. I don’t have as many subscribers there but listening to books. I remember when my son, who is now 17 years old. When he was three then I would read The Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs to him.

    Stefan writes that there is not a single Swedish book in my library. It’s a shame but I thought I’d tell you my idea and then I hope you’ll start reading and listening to books. When my son when we read the big bad wolf to him. Then it was the three little pigs.

    They were going to build houses. But the big bad wolf came and then he blew on the houses so that they collapsed the first two pigs. They had to run away and live with the third pig because he had built a stable house and the word stable.

    It might not be a word you use for a three-year-old. So then he asks: Mom, what does stable mean? and then we had to explain that we were allowed to build with Lego and then we knocked it over, then we said this is not stable

    And then we built other things and when it held, we said this is stable. But if you don’t read books from time to time, you don’t see all the difficult words or the words that you might not use on a daily basis. So I think it’s good to start with children’s books.

    In the book I published last Thursday. It’s called Duktiga Annika. It was written in 1941 by Elsa Beskow, who is a fantastic children’s book author and I calculated that there were 300 new words in that book. 300 to read a short story. There is an app called Biblio.

    If you read the comments now, I get tips on where you can download free audio books and that’s very good. On Thursday, a new children’s book comes out and since I read a lot of fairy tales when I was little, I choose my favorite fairy tales. I love Elsa Beskov.

    There is a man called Ivar Arosenius who has written a very sweet and charming book called The Cat’s Journey. It will. Now Barbara writes that she has watched my video. Thanks so much. I am so grateful and happy when you listen to my audiobooks. I’m working on Ivar Arosenius’ Kattresan now and

    It’s cute, really cute and I’m going to divide it into verbs and nouns and prepositions and all such good words to know. Yes, I actually have what I can talk about. I have collected some of these. Yes, what should I talk about? It will be like having coffee with me.

    This will be a little coffee with Marie. Then we’ll go out too. Sara writes Hello my dear Marie and hello dear Sara. Yes, I have cheat sheets. You have to have it sometimes. What has been? Well, I thought about learning a language.

    I have been in the same situation as all of you who are going to learn Swedish. When I was nineteen I moved to France. I moved to Paris and I didn’t know much French, but when I came to Paris, this is how everyone spoke. Right? I do not understand anything.

    Sure is a nice shirt of mine. Thanks! This is called a fisherman’s shirt. When there is a pattern like this on it, it’s called a fisherman’s shirt and I love the color blue and red. I have a red jacket and a blue fishing shirt.

    That when I went to Paris, I got a job with a family in the country. And I would work all September in a small town, village of 200 inhabitants. There it was, that there were two mothers and then there were three children

    And they were on holiday and I would be there and look after all three children. There was a three month old baby, there was one who was two years old and one who was two and a half. Stefan writes that he read the book with me. I am very happy about it.

    But when I looked after these children, I didn’t understand anything and I worked. I lived with the family. I was ten hours a day. Then I heard French, French, French, French, French. I wrote down every single word I didn’t know every single sentence I had a headache and. Yes, it was very difficult.

    Then something happened that is the most amazing thing in my entire life, I think. When I sat at a dinner. It was the mother and the father and the mother and the father and then they had invited some friends over. After three weeks, it went like this.

    Puff! It went so quickly, I understood. At first I didn’t understand anything. Then I understood almost eighty percent of what they said. And it just worked out. It can be like that when you learn to ride a bike. It can be like that when you learn to swim.

    That at first you can’t and then you can, and that’s exactly what happened to me when I learned French. So I think that if you listen to books, if you listen to podcasts, if you watch TV, Swedish TV. Very much so maybe the same thing happens to you as it does to me.

    So. Some call it a language bath if you expose yourself to a language this much. All of a sudden you just understand. Today is a very special day. I know he’s not watching. I will go out and leave soon. Today is the 24th of March and my half brother’s birthday is today.

    Why do I say half brother? We’re not even related, though. When I was four years old and he was three weeks old, he started as a daycare child with my mother

    . And then and then he was a day child, I think for eight or nine years he was a day child at our house. It’s kind of like preschool. Although in the past there were homes that took in the children and his name is Anders Lindblad. So he’s like my brother.

    So now I thought I’d do something. So, I’m not good at singing. I’ve never really been. But do you know how to sing the birthday song in Swedish? I’m going to sing for Anders now. Then I’ll send him this link. Then. We drive. This is the birthday song for Anders. May you live?

    May you live? Yes, may you live to be a hundred years old? Yes, surely you will live? Yes, surely you will live? Yes, of course you will live to be a hundred years old. A fourfold long live to Anders, who turns 1 today. Hip hip hooray hooray hooray.

    And then there is usually a trumpet. Anders lives in Brazil now Where I don’t know where there is someone who lives Is there someone who lives in Brazil who can tell me what time it is in Brazil right now. It was Anders. What else do I have on my list here?

    I thought we could start with stories at the coffee table before I go out I’ve written that. Yes. Sing, yes, we sing when it’s the King’s birthday too. We’ll do that. What says? How do you say? How do you say? Congratulations! Happy birthday in all your languages.

    Can you write it in the comments? Maybe Andreas streams from Brazil. What time is it at your place, Andrea? Let’s see if Andrea writes, then I’ll know. One more thing that I have signed comes from Finland. How do you say? Happy birthday in Finnish. Hearty birthday greetings in German.

    One can visit different countries to. Well, another way to practice your language is to talk to yourself. Oh, you say……. Not a good pronunciation for that one. Aisha Abdi had written how to say. It is eight thirty in Brazil. Yes, another thing I’ve been thinking about a lot this past year.

    …. that pronunciation for me might not be so great. I am so much a mother. I am very much a mother. I had my first son when I was thirty and my second son when I was forty-three. It’s quite old to be a mother.

    This meant that my first son he was twelve years old when my second son was born. So I have had children who have lived at home for twenty-eight years. But both my sons have moved when they were sixteen. It’s because I live in this little village you see in Duved.

    We have a high school in Jerpen, but there are not all lines at that high school. So many children move to Östersund. Östersund is approximately eleven miles away. A Swedish mile is ten kilometers. Not English miles, English miles. They are a kilometer and something. But the Swedish miles are ten kilometers.

    My son lives 110 kilometers from here in a small apartment. He is sixteen years old. Now there will be many happy birthdays in the comments. You can read them. Yes, 110 kilometers. In the beginning, he came home every weekend. But now he doesn’t do that anymore.

    For the first time in twenty-eight years, I have no children at home. It’s a lot of work. It doesn’t just take an hour by car. Shall I tell you why? We live in Norrland. In Norrland, the roads are like that. There are big cracks in the roads. It’s bumpy.

    All the way to Järpen, you are only allowed to drive 80 kilometers per hour. From the first 35 kilometers you can drive 80. Then you can drive 90. Driving eleven Swedish miles takes almost an hour and a half. How can I learn Swedish? I can’t speak but write a little.

    A good way is to imitate me. You can watch this live broadcast afterwards. If I say hello, how are you? Then you pause and then you say hello, how are you? There is a feature on many phones. It’s called voice memo. Feel free to record yourself when you are being imitated.

    Then you will hear how you sound. Many sounds in Swedish are difficult. For example u, light, how. Hello, from Russia. Then we have y. But it is possible to practice the new sounds. If you say a sound enough times. The mouth has a mussel memory. I would learn.

    In 2016, a guy from Syria moved into our home. Osama, the world’s most wonderful guy. Born in 1995, just like my oldest son. He lived at our house for 5-6 months. He would teach me some Arabic. In Sweden we speak in this part of the mouth. All sounds are in this part.

    But Arabic is even spoken down here. There are a lot of sounds here. If you were to say four, for example. It sits down here. It’s also down here. But I would learn to say cat. It was super hard. That sound is almost down here.

    It is the same when learning a new language. You have to practice the sounds. When I had said cat in Arabic 300 times. Then Osama said this. Now it sounds better. And I only 300 times. The pronunciation is the most difficult in the Swedish language. We have quite a singing accent.

    But if we practice. If we tell you to say a word. If you say it right once. Like I did with that cat in Arabic. If you say the right thing once. So the muscles here know how to say it right. And then it is easier to be right several times.

    Then you have a sound that is difficult. And then you practice it. Hundred times. We say that Swedish A and H are difficult. Then you practice and say. Has. Has. Has. And then you record yourself. And when you think it sounds good. Then you have learned that sound.

    And then all other words become easy to pronounce afterwards. There are short and long vowels. You have to think every time before you speak out loud. Start talking. If you just identify which words are difficult. Whether we say seven is hard to say. Seven. Seven.

    Then you practice it until you say it perfectly. I understand that you can’t relax when you talk. There are also studies that show that if you read aloud. If we say you take a Swedish book, a Swedish text. And then you read aloud. Five minutes a day. Just read and read and read.

    Then you practice the muscles of the mouth. So after just two weeks, you are much better at talking. In addition, the brain works so that if you read aloud, the brain itself sees the grammar. Because you read sentences, you learn sentence structure. Movement melody is learned.

    So it is how you talk, how the sound itself sounds. Read aloud five minutes a day. If you do, I promise it will be so much easier to talk. I have actually made two films about one and the same word. That’s 80 percent. 80 percent of all words are one word.

    20 percent is a word. I’ll link to the videos up here later. If you watch this again. I write in the description down here and I link to my films one by one. There are actually rules. I had to read a grammar from 1823 to find many rules about grammar.

    You can pronounce all the sounds but hard to know when. In my books that I will publish on Thursdays, I make a list of words at the end. In the book I posted last Thursday, I made a glossary of almost 300 words. Then I just said all the words. Never. All.

    In other words. And so on. That’s really good. I had a small space between each word. Then you can say goodbye and say goodbye and say goodbye. I think that is good. I talk so much. Do you think I speak very fast?

    If it goes too fast, you can watch after an hour this is over. Then there are subtitles. I’m used to articulate. If you pronounce clearly, you say you articulate. I’ve read that about 10% of everyone has some hearing loss. You cannot hear 100%.

    Therefore, I always have in my lessons even when I have Swedish students. If I have to explain something, I am very clear. I think a good way to learn a language is to speak very clearly when you speak. You can start with presentations. Hi, my name is Marie. No, they don’t say G.

    Hi, my name is Marie. How good, you watch my films Five words a day. It is good. If you learn five words per day consistently, then you learn a lot. Now 36 minutes have passed and I’m still sitting drinking chocolate with you.

    Jolanda looks at me from Spain. I am very glad you are here. Renate understands a lot when I talk. I speak clearly. A word that can be difficult is clear. You can practice at home now. Say clearly 10 times. I’ll see if there was anything else. Well, I would say an expression.

    I told you that my son has moved away from home. He doesn’t come home every weekend only on holidays. In Sweden there is an expression called that it is difficult to cut the umbilical cord. When one’s child has to move, it can feel hard in the whole body.

    Then you can say that it is difficult to cut the umbilical cord. I have had a hard time cutting the umbilical cord with my son this fall. Very difficult! In fact, I think I have now said everything on that note. And almost everything on that note too.

    Now I’m going to get dressed. I have to put this in the dishwasher. You must not leave dishes on the table. Then they won’t be happy. I have to turn the camera so you can read correctly. Here they have dirty dishes. Stefan says he works with an app called Nemo.

    Feel free to read the comments, because there you give the others a lot of tips. Here are dirty dishes and here are clean dishes. So I’m going to put my cup in the dishwasher here. Here, yes! I almost have to show. This is my husband’s office.

    Barbara writes that it is very difficult to cut the umbilical cord. Do you remember that two weeks ago I went to the paddling hall? No, it wasn’t an IKEA cup. I went to the paddle hall and then I couldn’t really show because I didn’t have a key.

    Here is the climbing hall. I will show. Check out this climbing hall. It’s pretty cool to watch from up here how to climb. My husband is a pacifier. Napparapat is like a chiropractor and he is the best in the world. As soon as I have a backache, he fixes me.

    So he’s absolutely fantastic. Now I thought I’d go into this thing I was going to show two weeks ago. But I didn’t have a key. Here is his treatment room. He has a bench here. Here he treats and he is fantastically good. What’s funny is that his window is an almost floor-to-ceiling window.

    I’ve always wondered when a pacifier needs self-help. Do you know what my husband does when he needs help? Either he goes to Sara who is in the next room who is also a pacifier. But for 20 years I have treated my husband. So I treat him two to three times per week.

    So my husband goes to me. My students, I have students who are from 13 years old to 19 years old. As soon as they have a headache, they tell me. Help me, can you press some points in the head? I have back pain. Barbara has back pain too.

    So you can come to Duved and go for treatment. It’s a bit cool here. The window goes from top to ceiling. Here there are two paddle courts, a paddle court and a tennis court. And Argentina is here too. Fantastic! So this is my husband’s treatment room. It’s incredibly amazing actually.

    He moved here a year ago and I think it is so… So the whole office here, there are many people who can rent space here. I think it’s absolutely incredibly beautiful. Now I’ll just lock his door. You must see the view again. Stefan must come here first.

    Or Barbara and Stefan will first come here and get language lessons and then treatment with my husband. It will be great. And then you can come here and do some skiing because we are… Oops, now it’s snowing quite a lot. I don’t know, you guys have spring everywhere right?

    But now you can barely see the hill up there. It is snowing so much that you can’t see the hill. The last… What will it be? In the last quarter of an hour, I thought about going out. We’ll see if I can go out. You practice pilates. It is good.

    There is a gym here. Lets see. I’m going to put on my red jacket. It’s a bit rough outside. I’m going to take this mike (microphone) and attach it to the jacket instead. This mic was awfully good. It’s probably the best mic I’ve had.

    I will take all my things with me so that nothing is left behind. You have to clean. Keys. I have with me a… Insane! Magnolia trees bloom here. You choose your places to live. I would like to live where the magnolia trees bloom. Absolutely, one hundred percent. I like red. I like red.

    I like red and blue. I won’t forget the gloves. I do that all the time. Here I have a backpack with me. I’ll go shopping later. Then I won’t take the car. I’ll go instead. Then you save on petrol. Yesterday was Earth Hour.

    Earth Hour meant turning off all the lights and saving energy. Did you do it? How many people turned off their lights yesterday? Between eight and nine I think it was. Now we’ll see if I manage to put the shoes on later. I dropped the glove.

    It’s not good. I need to see these that kids have. Now I’m going to sneak down. Here they have a gym. They have a gym there. I’m going down these stairs. Put on my shoes. Those are great stairs. There are wooden stairs. Now let’s see if there are any people here.

    Now I have to find my shoes. There are a lot of shoes here. Shoes. Shoes. Oh, hello! Like that! Now we’re going out into the snow. No, it’s not snowing that much. Hello! I’ve been talking about you. I run a live language walk on my channel.

    They wonder, who does your husband go to when his back hurts? Here is Sara. My husband goes to Sara when he has back pain. How good you were standing here. This is how I’m going to do it. Ölvestad’s pacifier. It is you. I go around talking loudly, you know.

    I get to do it. One hour every Sunday I will have a language walk. Why is the shoe horn called a shoe horn? You can actually think about that. I think, could it be that a shoehorn is shaped like a horn. That it is slightly bent. It can be so.

    Do you see that it is snowing? It’s absolutely incredible. I thought I’d take a quick walk. Just to show where the lift is. At our place. In the middle of the village there is a lift up to the mountain. So you can go skiing. It is very close.

    I thought I’ll go to the lift and finish this lesson at the lift. I will show that there is quite a lot of snow. We have big piles of snow. It’s snowing right now. In Sweden, you have Easter holidays either before or after Easter. It’s Good Friday this coming Friday.

    Many people have started their Easter break this week. Since I live in a ski resort, there are an incredible number of people who come here and ski. Now there are a lot of people here. It is only maybe 500 meters to the lift which I will show how it looks.

    Here is quite interesting. Lets see. Is that the little house? Where. Karin Härjegård lives there. She is a priest here. But she writes books. So if you search at Karin Härjegård, you can read books from a mountain environment. She is very nice. Now a car is coming. They drive fast.

    Although it is in the middle of the village. You can only drive 40 kilometers. I will post an audiobook. I will post an audiobook on Tuesday. And one of my favorite children’s books. It’s Katteresan by Ivar Arrosenius. I’m just going to have this lesson for maybe five more minutes.

    I’m going to go to the lift so you can see how close we have a lift in the middle of the village. Im there soon. What do you think? Is it good that I start sitting in my husband’s office and having coffee so that it becomes like a Sunday coffee?

    Is it a good idea? Or should I walk and talk all the time? What do you think? If I sit and have coffee, it’s like we’re sitting and talking to each other. How nice! I actually think I write down things that I think about.

    Then I can talk to you because I see what you write. It’s brilliant. Now I’m going to turn the camera. Here we have a hotel. Oops, there’s the Easter crisis. Here we have a hotel called Hotell Renen. Here, you see it has melted away on the way.

    It’s probably plus degrees now because now the water is running. And up here, you will soon see. Good thing I’m sitting in an office, but god how happy I am. Yes, this is a different design. We shall see.

    Today I had planned to try to go up with the lift and show you what it looks like. But it wasn’t a good view today. It’s too foggy and too snowy. Now I’m not going to get hit here. Yes, there is a lot of gravel. They have graveled.

    Here, right here, is the lift up to the mountain. A children’s lift. Yes, now I have almost spoken. Yes, it’s a cable car. From the village here, the only way up is a village lift as we call it. Which allows you to get up to the big lift.

    But then there is a cable car. And that was the one I had intended to go up with you. But I’ll choose a day when it’s a little sunnier. I live in Duved in Åre municipality. Well, that’s all for today. I hope you will join me next Sunday.

    I am so grateful you have watched. And in an hour, there will be subtitles in 135 languages. So I say goodbye to all of you. And we’ll see you next Sunday at noon. And on Thursday at four o’clock, an audiobook will be released.

    There will be an audiobook on Thursday again with lots of new words to learn. Thank you very much everyone. You are such a cute writer. Thanks for all. Allan, you have your exclamation marks. You always have that. Thank you Thomas. Then we’ll have coffee next Sunday. The dates are reserved.

    It makes me happy. Have a nice week. Bye. Beautiful you. We can bake together. We can do that. Some time. Bye. You are too wonderful. Sunday coffee next Sunday at noon. Hello Hello. Subscribe and I’ll be grateful!)


    1. Hej kära lärare, cool video🙏 , Tackar så jättemycket för all hjälpen, Du är bäst🎉🎉, önskar dig en riktigt trevlig dag samt kommande vecka. Cheers 🙌🏼✨️✨️✨️. P.s. vi persiska folk firar våren ( Den 21mars) som kallas Nourouz ( Ny dag) Happy Nourouz 🙏

    2. Hej Marie, tacksåmycket för den här Video, det var så roligt. ♥️ Jag känner svenska fika. När jag har varit i Slotsparkscafé i Malmö, jag fikade gärna. Det var så mysigt och allt smakade jette god. Hälsingar från mig , Barbara 🌺

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