I will be on the pace team at the Coventry half marathon.

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    Hello and welcome to the SP sh YouTube channel welcome to Saturday morning welcome to my long run yeah I’ve got I’m about 45 minutes in and I’ve got another hour to do so an hour 45 in total the goal is to keep the heart rate under 149

    Beats per minute which I’m doing yeah running along nice and comfortably getting some miles on the legs not stressing myself out yeah enjoying it so I’ve just got to the Ken Greenway so yeah that’s a oh that’s a big puddle oh so now we’ got over the horrible

    Puddle uh yeah as you saw in my last video it rains a lot so let’s uh probably have a chat at why I’m making this video and actually you probably already guessed well you not guessed you read the thumbnail you read the title you read the thumbnail and you know exactly

    What this video is about but I just thought explain a little bit more about it and why I’m doing it so as you can see I am pacing at commentary half marathon so that’s in conjunction with Jane Tomlinson and commentry Runner so thank you very much to both of them for

    Allowing me to to Pace at the half marathon yeah I’m looking forward to it so yeah just to do a bit of training towards that so why have I decided to Pace two hours well that’s because last year when I was doing Swansea half my main goal was sub two and the paces

    There were fantastic yeah they got me long yeah and without them I probably would have G sub two so so I really want to give back to everybody else sub two is a great goal as I say oh that was my goal last year and I want to get people

    There this year so if you want to go sub to if you’re going to be a commentary hard Marathon come and as yourself to me stick with me and what I’ll do is I’ll get you around and we’ll have a good laugh on the way around as well so yeah

    We’ll Vlog it we’ll have a chat we’ll tell some jokes it’ll all be good so down below I’ll drop a link if you want to enter commentary half marathon and they have got an awful lot of races as well to check out so yeah check out their events check out their races and

    What I’ll also do is I’ll drop a link to commentary Runner so you can see that shop and uh yeah go and check out comment only Running Shop so yeah go and uh follow the links down below yeah support them businesses yeah cuz it’s always good to support

    People isn’t it so yeah definitely going and support them so I have Pace commentary half marathon before yeah a long time ago I don’t know what the year was but I did it with Darren Chambers I put some pictures up for you to have a look at I

    Was hoping he was going to do it with me again but he’s got a bit of an injury so yeah he left me on my own there will be another two hour Pace I’m sure but I don’t know who that is yet so I’ve got previous form I will get you around for

    That two hours or sub two hours because what I found last time I did it people stuck with me till the end and I had to encourage them to drop me at the end so they went under 2 hours cuz I’m going to run bang on two hours so should be fun

    Looking forward to it yeah putting the training in so yeah the pace is off the train too so yeah I’m getting it done about an hour in now so 45 minutes left to go let’s crack on I’m now off the greenway onto the kenor road so running back from kenor to

    Centry it seems to be the longest road in the world always takes long to run down this road so this is going to be my first Vlog towards commentary half marathon I’m going to do a bit of a series on it so in the next few weeks

    I’ll be doing a video on the course I’ll be doing a course preview where to push it on the course where to take it steady on the course course uh so yeah it doesn’t matter if you’re running 2 hours or you’re running an hour 10 2 hours 2

    And 1 half hours it doesn’t matter I’m going to give you a course preview so you can have a look at that so you know to Target the race so subscribe even if you’re not thinking of two hours and you just want to learn a bit more about com off

    Marathon that is 10 miles done an hour 33 yeah about 12 minutes whatever now yeah feeling good enjoying it start to enjoy long runs again there we have it run done and dusted uh I’ll put the stats up on screen uh I didn’t look at any uh sort

    Of what pace I was doing how many miles I was doing all I was concentrated on that run was uh my heart rate so I concentrated my heart rate trying to keep my heart rate down uh the pace will be what it will be uh yeah I didn’t

    Really plan a route just sort of ran till I thought I was uh nearly time was up um yeah felt good obviously towards the end probably the pace probably slowed cuz the heart rate was going up but I wanted to get the heart R down so

    The pace slowed but that’s not a problem don’t worry about the pace everyone gets so obsessed with how fast they’re going on training runs and the rest of it just keep it in your zone two keep it nice and steady the speed will come you can always do your speed sessions another

    Time but yeah I really enjoyed that it was uh it was good I’ve just got a bit of a water now till I get home yeah I don’t carry any drinks I don’t carry I had one gel with me generally I carry a gel uh just to offset when I’m carrying

    The camera so I’ve got one in each hand so I can just sort of stay relaxed and uh and balance and keep my hands nice and soft brilliant so yeah beeping in the back of the video so so yeah I use it use it just to hold and then I did

    Actually take it today I don’t usually take it yeah I don’t have a drink on my long runs probably should also you can probably see I’m wearing a base layer I’ve got the cap on I’ve got my gloves on so yeah overheating uh on my training run so I

    Always like to be uncomfortable on my training runs so yeah it was a bit too warm for all this but put it on overheat just to make me sweat and struggle a bit more so the come race day yeah it always going to feel that bit easier always got

    Haven’t got my fast shoes on either so that’s another thing I can use on race day for either it’s just a placebo effect just putting some faster shoes on just always makes you feel a bit faster doesn’t it on race day so yeah I don’t train in there

    So thank you very much for watching this video uh please don’t forget to like And subscribe especially if you want to see me uh train towards pacing uh and what a Pacer sort of does yeah cuz we yeah you look at Pacers sometimes and you think oh they’re just uh amazing athletes and

    They can just run all day long but actually all Pacers got to train and put the effort in just got to put the same amount of effort in they might be a little bit running a little bit slower than their sort of goal Pace uh but yeah

    I’ still got to put the effort in so yeah please like And subscribe and yeah I hope you follow the journey and also I hope to see you on race day yeah if you if you want to get two hours come and join me we’re going to have a

    Smashing time but i s like a game show that didn’t I we’re going have a smashing great time so uh yeah know it should be fun so yeah I’ll leave it there thank you very much


    1. Great video Stu. Doing a 14miler on Friday going from Masseys club which will take in most of the Cov half route. Will be leaving at 9:30 and doing 9minute pace (ish) if you're free? Thanks for pacing. Big commitment just to help other people achieve their goals. It's not unappreciated 👏

    2. Hopefully that big flag doesn't slow you down too much, Stu! Good on you for helping out. There'll be PBs all over the place I'm sure.

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