🔴 [New] Po.lice Interceptors 2024 🚓 S22E01 🚓 High-Speed Chase: Porsche Cayenne Chaos 🚓 Full Episodes

    We stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police crime is on the rise armed with a axe and a machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour my unit cometh the interceptors out and running out and running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s

    Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact s on target with their Firearms unit with your heart in the air with their eye in the sky off and running off and running this is the front line in the fight against Crime get on the ground get on the [Applause] ground this is police

    Interceptors I cannot believe we get paid to do this yeah coming up turn the engine off one of the most epic Pursuits in Interceptor history speed currently 80 mph involving a Porsche ahead I’m trying to put a on he’s just determined to kill someone tonight in he eight police cars I’m

    Going to go past come across car two will try and get a near side block on and the Interceptor Eye in the Sky he going to be going northbound onto the bringing Carnage to the roads of West Yorkshire and putting officers lives in danger [Applause] n it’s a wet night in West Yorkshire an Interceptor Steve Oliver is showing the ropes to trainee Harry preville it’s Sunday night it’s uh it’s been rainy I’m double crew this evening I’ve got young Harry with me a student officer who’s on attachment I like taking students out it’s nice to just

    Sort of um bring them on and you get and Harry’s been enthusiastic all week um it’s nice when you have somebody who’s actually interested in what you’re doing Cricket fan Steve seen enough in his 18 years on the job to know that even the day of rest can be busy for the

    Interceptors Sunday night for most people is it is an early night before they go to work but obviously the people we deal with don’t generally go to work in the morning so anything that can happen at any time half an hour later officers across the county are tailing a motor that has

    Pinged their incar computer as being uninsured no insurance the drivers pulling over but he’s waving them past he saying go fast yeah don’t want to go fast The Man Behind The Wheel of this top end Porsche doesn’t seem to realize it’s him thereafter don’t turn his

    Eng mate turn your engine off and com in back but the driver does the opposite hits the gas and speeds Off pleas Ro towards Steve and Harry along with other units in the area are heading over to assist got another Traffic Unit um in Wind area vehicle failing to stop for him so we’re making his way towards at this point time vehicle fail at the stop we

    On RW EG white the 250 brake horsepower motor then spins around and heads back in the opposite direction trained authorized super vehicle yeah we’re 5 Z mes hour no traffic on road road is slightly wet having flawed it from the Cs he now decides to slow down for a red light

    Good traffic lights St by engine please turn the engine off turn the engine off turn get body out we now lead lead Ro towards your the lead Dr straight on yeah keep going keep going the driver may have been undecided but he’s now definitely testing the 2ton 150 mph Porsches

    Performance it’s now 70 mph 70 mph set to continue he then runs a red light at a junction on the wrong side of the road wrong side of B is Shue straight on straight on towards a 62 other cars have joined the pursuit as it heads onto the

    Motorway yeah we at m62 on at the m62 and watching from above is the Interceptor Eye in the Sky pass three on it m62 eastbound from juncture 27 with the motorway free of traffic it’s the perfect time to make their move but stopping this 2-ton sports car

    Won’t be easy and as the cops try to get in front the driver makes his intentions known 31 is’s approaching Junction 28 stand by Steve and Harry are now on the motorway and catching up fast thanks Romeo 51 just confirming are we still on the m62 I’m coming up past 28 now

    28 Steve’s Advan driver and Tac trained they’re helping to carry out a tack or tactical Pursuit and containment on the port psh which involves three or more cars boxing in a vehicle and forcing it to stop some getting vehicles ahead uh and trying to put a Bo on if we’ve got some

    X vies please they will be ideal but stopping a car as big and powerful as this Porsche isn’t going to be easy and at the next exit the driver refuses to play ball and Bullies his way of the m62 31 he’s come off at 29 uh looks like

    He’s going to be going northbound onto the one Northbound now committed Northbound on the M1 Steve catches up with his colleagues as they head on to the M1 51 a.m M car three now the pursuit is now heading north towards leads and with other interceptors in position it’s time to make their move

    Proceive control that’s c t unit can try and get a box on as the lead car tries to get in front the Porsche driver uses its performance to keep ahead and again swerves towards the cop car only the skills of the police driver have avoided a high-speed Collision the fleeing driver will

    Clearly stop at nothing to get away this Pursuit needs to be brought to an end before someone gets seriously hurt the interceptors are in a highspeed pursuit of a Porsche 4×4 which was pulled for having no insurance please turn the engine off turn the engine off after series of

    Stops and starts slowing down to try wave us fast through the town of Hekman W it’s now 70 miles an hour SE continue the driver headed onto the motorway yeah we at m62 on out the m62 where he tried to take out one of the pursuing cop

    Cars Steve Oliver and his colleagues are hoping to box in the Porsche and bring it to a stop with a car are this big and powerful it won’t be simple f one I’ll take Car 2 whoever’s in D said g if you take car one you’re the bigger car I’ll pull alongside you

    I’m coming up right now as they try to put the Box on the 4×4 boots it up to over 100 undertaking on the hard shoulder but the driver Slams on the brakes as the cops catch up can get on now he seems to be toying with them the cops don’t know what this

    Erratic driver will do next but once again he hits the gas and speeds away he then leaves the motorway at the next exit 31 he’s off the junction five off the junction five and he’s going right right right tons road towards the a61 roundabout 31 it’s not one it’s not two

    Not three he’s taken the fourth he’s turning back onto the m621 in the opposite direction the drivers done a full Circuit of the roundabout and gone back onto the motorway f621 clock West Direction back towards the Steve’s now lead car in the pursuit and as he gets close to the knen the

    Driver slows down once more this time to throw something out of the window they take advantage of the slower speed and attempt another stop XR Romeo 51 I am car1 if we can get a car up me uh up behind me I’m going to go past come

    Across car two come alongside we’ll uh try and get a near side block On in fact car two where it gets wider here I’m going to go straight up I’ll drag him to near side if you can go past in lane four Steve tries to go up the inside while his colleague goes to the other but it speeds up and manages to stay in

    Front than Romeo 51 yeah speed currently 80 80 mph the Porsche now dives off the M1 and onto the m62 heading back in the direction it came from once again coming within inches of hitting the pursuing police car at the next opportunity where you join the 62 I’d like the three boxing

    Cars to pass the subject vehicle and form a three line box 51 that’s received Steve just bear in mind it’s four lanes at the moment mate four lanes until we get past the next Junction they go for the box once more but as they get into position the Porsche again swerves into their

    Path on their next attempt it’s the traffic on the motor away that gets in the way the runaway driver seizes his moment and aims for the exit Road 31 is coming up at Junction 28 coming up at Junction 28 the driver runs a red at the roundabout and squeezes through traffic

    As he heads for a dual carriageway taking him back to where the pursuit first started now things have changed the pursuit and teac on a smaller and Tighter road is a much trickier proposition Steve’s colleague tries to get in Front but the driver Rams him off the Road deployed stes the lead car once again and as he gets close to the 4×4 it slows and swerves into it win 51 we’ve taken contact as well Steve’s car’s taking a hit but it’s still okay to continue now on a single carriageway and the fling Drive is taken

    Even more risks joh offside I’m just dropping back a little bit 31 is continue a650 keeps going up wrong side wrong side around the Ballard x-ray Romeo 51 we’re just approaching a traffic light junction ahead I think it’s Crossroad Junction standby for directions approaching red traffic light

    Standby the 4×4 has slowed at a junction with a colleague alongside and other cars behind and we are right right heading general direction of moley Steve goes ahead of the porch to try and box it in everyone all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah J out the 4×4 driver has smashed into

    Steve’s car spinning it around 180° and into a wall Steve and Harry are unhe hurt but their part in the pursuit is Over right yeah yeah sound sound the Porsche driver has taken out two police cars it’s clear that he will stop at nothing to escape yeah he’s just determined to kill someone tonight is he 51 we’re disabled back near Brunswick Academy you all right yeah we’re all

    Fine yeah coming back towards us no he’s going down that way he’s gone Victoria Road mate the pursuit has been on for more than 25 minutes there are now six police cars behind the 4×4 as well as the helicopter above the net is closing in left left Round

    Back pass 31 it’s still the a643 Victoria Road you’ve got six units behind you six uh units behind the Vehicle behind can get down the side try stop just keeps raming up so we’re going to have to stop it the driver slowed down and he’s Golding the cars behind him just for offic information he’s gesticulating out the driver’s window as they head onto a Jill carriageway the team decide to make their

    Move but once again the driver Slams on his brakes he speeds off but smashes into the cop car in front this time disabling his own motor the driver ditches his stricken Porsche and makes a run for it drive out and running we’re calling on camera onfor he’s no mat mat for the

    Interceptors and half an hour after he was first lit up they finally have him in cuffs m is detained it’s Beast Ring Road Junction Ellen Road here’s a car to put him in we got a car that works this way you know look I’m going get in the car excuse me I’m

    Going I’m your Fe in the student officer Harry certainly had a taste of what life as an Interceptor can be like first experience really of that kind of pursuit it was interesting uh to say the least I could see him all the way through a Pursuit he he didn’t

    He didn’t care had his arm on the window looking out he looks so casual and it just shows you with his intent how dangerous it can be for police officers Steve’s seen most things in his 18 years on the job but this has been one of his toughest Pursuits ever you’ll

    Have seen through Pursuit we’ve dropped back at certain stages we’ve come forward at certain stages and we’ we’ve tried to put the Box on when it’s been safe to do so or as safe as it can get we can’t be ramming Vehicles left right and center off the road uh it’s

    Dangerous the driver in this case is clearly no respect whatsoever for for the law or for anybody else around him and I would hope assuming that he found guilty a lat stage that he’ll he’ll be getting quite a lengthy custodial sentence so that he can uh think back on

    What he’s done the dangerous driver has been taken to the Nick he’s been dealt with by Interceptor Richard Whitley he was also involved in the pursuit apologize you apologize I think it’s a bit too late to apologize now pal isn’t it it’s not too late never too late police suspect he’s under the

    Influence of something what have you taken what have you been taken okay I want you to do a breath test for me okay see if you’ve got any alcohol in your system okay CH me now a lot of people have chased you you’ve had half of West

    Yire police chasing you take a deep breath and blow into that for me take a deep breath and blow into that like you’re blowing up a balloon blow BL keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep thank you stop zero there’s no alcohol in his system so

    Richard tries a different test right this is a drugs wipe test okay have you taken any drugs recently drugs any I’m asking you have you taken any okay stick your tongue out for me open your mouth stick your tongue out to do anything else you’re going to

    Stick your tongue out and let’s do this no you’re not going to do it okay the driver seems unaware of the seriousness of what he’s done yeah I have and I’m driving Chasing You 130 mph and I’ve got three kids to go home for you could have

    Pulled in at any time okay so don’t start saying if I’ve got kids or not cuz I want to go home at the end of the night the suspect who was driving his girlfriend’s car was taken to hospital for a checkup before being returned to the cells he was later convicted of

    Failing to stop for police dangerous driving and driving while disqualified and with no insurance he was sentenced to 14 months in prison and banned from driving for 5 years and 7 months once his current disqualification ends no action was taken regarding the suspected driving Under the Influence it’s just Beggar’s belief that

    Somebody can be in that state and willingly get into a vehicle and drive the way he’s done uh putting countless people at risk including myself that vehicle is capable of over 150 M hour it’s nearly 2 tons of vehicle the way that we saw it driving it was swerving

    It was nearly colliding with all the police cars it’s it’s written a three of police cars off these people need stopping and stopping quickly it’s the evening shift and interceptors Ben Pearson and Ben baraco are on route to the scene of a very unpleasant sounding accident there’s a a collision

    Up toall Lane the cows on its roof but they said they pulled a baby or a small child from the car when the small children involved obviously they like to get there quicker they arrived to find paramedics and the fire service on scene how you doing you all right Ruth

    Driver’s done one so no driver no done One S another car yeah do with some crowd control right okay the drivers apparently left the scene but Ben’s concern is with the baby that has reportedly been pulled from a car are you two in the same car cuz we got told there’s baby being

    Pulled from a car it turns out that the baby wasn’t in the car that flipped over but one of the parked cars it hit and most importantly she’s fine good right that’s all we needed to know right cheers now they know the baby’s fine Ben and Ben need to start an investigation

    But the crowds of people are making it difficult yeah it’s absolute bad L here there’s probably 200 people in street it’s on its roof please move back onto the pavement give us some space to work thank you it’s like somebody that squeezed a Cris packet and just people

    Everywhere you don’t know who’s a victim you don’t know who’s a witness you don’t know who’s a driver there’s belief at the moment that the driver of the far before that’s on its back is um has gone to hospital so unit’s gone there but you can you can see there’s just people

    Everywhere just everybody’s come out so at the moment what we need is we just need a sterile area to work in then some of the crowd come forward with some info yeah then on he come straight towards me I don’t know then he’s hit them cars and then he’s ended up on roof

    The crash has also been filmed on a shop CCTV let press it again press play again the 4×4 Clips a park car before flying across the road hitting another car then flipping over it’s a miracle no one’s been hurt M’s going to get a copy of it and else

    We need we’ll give you sh thank you another officers managed to track down the suspected driver of the car who’s in hospital no he’s got Lum on side of his head few there and he’s got CS to his knees but yeah um he’s been St in car

    Some guys come along help got him out car stra now the priority is to get the road open might to get vehicle recovered clear seen off if you just let travel link know probably going to be close for the next 40 minutes can you move on to Pavement please onun pavement lad please

    Thank you they need to get the fire engine out and a recovery truck in and as well as the crowds of people on the roadside motorists are still trying to drive into the street turn your car around now I I’ll give you1 fine for conten man listen stop

    Being stupid turn your car around now do you want to get out car now right turn your car around now Ben’s Stern words eventually have an effect and having spoken to eyewitnesses and watched the CCTV they now have a handle on what’s happened he’s come around this corner far too quick and

    He’s climbing with the rear of this car and the first car he’s collided with on the off side of the road is the VW Golf in front of us which I think caused him to flip and it’s come to land on its roof leaking oil and God knows whatever

    Else traveling far too quick for road conditions or distracted at the wheel until we’re spoken to him we’re not we’re not going to know which one it was the car the 4×4 hit smashed into a number of other vehicles causing thousands of pounds worth of damage and a massive cleanup preparation for the

    Recovery team but you can see it just DWS everyone out houses and uh it’s just harder to work when there’s people about everyone’s got the phones like this gentleman here you know right lad all going well is it you like filming yeah of course it’ll go around the community

    It’ll go on Facebook it’ll go everywhere it’s like it’s like bon fire night with fireworks we all we all take picture of fireworks and then a month later when we’re B looking and we delete them do we yeah different gravy and having spoken to Witnesses and collected

    The CCTV Ben and Ben can finally get away from the camera phones and get on with the shift I’d rather be S inside watching Coronation Street not that do watch Coronation Street but I won’t be sting on Street in drizzly Rain shouting at me mates so anyway that’s just my thing in

    It the cops were unable to prove who was behind the wheel however the owner of the vehicle has been charged with failing to provide driver detail else he awaits his day in court people treat roads like a racetrack they’re just not bothered no one’s bothered really and we do best we

    Can but people don’t want to be educated people don’t want to listen so anyway I’m going to go and have a bag of [Laughter] chips still to come we’re behind a taxi got a group of lads in it get it stopped an early morning chat with some

    Suspected burglars H fellas what are you doing going for a little drive and a late night stop in leads come on out you had a drink aren’t Here it’s the early hours of the morning and Interceptor Richard Whitley and rookie Jill Davidson are out and about on the hunt for burglers we’re up trying to catch these people who are out there uh breaking into houses and nicking cars got a tasking area which we’re heading to now

    Intelligence states that obviously that’s where the cars are going from so hopefully we’ll get up in the area and uh be in a position to respond to something we just got to be in the right place at the right time Richard’s favorite cop film is the Will Smith classic bad boys and it

    Sounds like there’s a few out and about this morning just uh come up to an area called Uh weatherbe there’s been two reports of uh somebody trying to break into two separate houses uh trying to steal the vehicles um got a description of a car

    Got no regge number no model uh just a vehicle at the moment with square plates stickers on the side of the car moments later a car fitting the description drives past hello here we are an unmarked units tailing it but if the car is full of burglar they’ll need

    Reinforcements we’re behind a taxi coming out of bramman with the plates on the side a silver estate got a group of lads in it we’ll get it stopped a taxi out at 4 in the morning may well not be doing anything wrong given the reported burglaries nearby it’s definitely worth stopping hey

    Fellas what are you doing oh going for a little drive going for a little Drive what you doing me yeah I’ve oh your job right is this a taxi taxi fair yeah this taxi and where about sayford so the tax is from a company in Bradford which is a good 20 mi away

    Again not necessarily illegal but certainly suspicious so what brings you to collingham then and and Braham the suspect’s story is taller than the Empire State but a search of the boot delivers another explanation we’ve got a widescreen TV a load of jewelry so the reason I’m searching is

    We’ve had um reports of some burglaries on going in the area so we’re just checking for anything that might be used yeah the search of the suspects and the rest of the car uncovers some interesting items got keys to a jagy running yeah well they can com for Burg with usely

    Yeah don’t see many of them it’s empty he’s denying knowledge of it though he’s saying his M just thrown it in one gentleman’s got some keys to a high performance Jaguar they don’t live locally so they’re not just coming back or going anywhere we’ve got number of

    Items in the boot we’ve got a flat screen TV loads of jewelry screwdrivers gloves under the uh under the car seats um so looks like we’ve got the little team that we’re doing the jobs that we’ve all been come to the area for well lock him up burgy

    Yeah Richard’s colleagues are at one of the houses that have been broken into only a few miles away do they know what maker Telly is just to Belt some braces lovely mate great stuff um they haven’t got a jaguar on Drive have they um yeah there’s been a bit more

    Development we’ve got some units up at one of the addresses the upvc door lock has been snapped off uh officers have gone into the address and the large TV is missing from the house uh there’s a large TV in the boot of this car there’s

    A VW Passat I think on the drive and one of the males that we’ve got has got some VW keys so maybe they were going to uh give it a bit of time and then go back to the address but uh certainly lots of questions to be uh to be asked by our

    Officers in in the morning the suspects were taken to the Nick for questioning all three passengers pleaded guilty to burglary the front seat passenger was sentenced to 30 months in a young offenders institution the second passenger was sentenced to 27 months in a young offender’s institution and the other

    Passenger was given an 18-month detention training order no further action was taken against the taxi Driver whilst people are asleep we’re out working and hopefully people can see that we are actually catching these criminals that are about causing misery people are going to wake up in the morning find the television nicked possibly a Jaguar nicked uh and unfortunately on this occasion we’ve

    We’ve struck gold and we’ve uh we’ve got him in the ACT which is always nice it’s what Bobbies enjoy it’s the early hours an Interceptor Steve suet is in the unmarked car on the hunt for a man who’s allegedly been overindulging in the Delights of the city’s NTI there’s a

    Report from leads City Center CCTV of a male seen stumbling into a car it suspected that he might be a drunk driver it’s been driving around but it’s now packed up again the occupants got out and disappeared but as’s a a likely that he’ll probably come back to it so

    We’re going to just make our way to the area see if we can get it in sight with a view to getting it stopped leads United fan nicknamed sugs has been a police officer in West Yorkshire for more than 19 years he’s seen firsthand the damage drink drivers can

    Cause the seriousness of this is that someone who’s so drunk that they don’t know what they’re doing is potentially going to uh seriously injure or kill somebody if they’re in a collision with somebody they have no thoughts for themselves or others as Steve approaches the city center CCTV are keeping eyes on

    The car but there’s no sign of the driver see phone can you still see it on camera yeah received it’s just around the cor from Lane P up on the right Fallen that’s saved just to let us know when it moves off Steve’s parked up around the corner he needs the driver to

    Be behind the wheel in order to arrest him for drink driving and doesn’t want him to know the police are watching I don’t want to drive onto the Road there you know if he looks in and sees me here in my police uniform he’s

    Not going to get back in the car is he so all Steve can do is wait see 4 One what’s the description of the driver he’s got on and basic shows 10 minutes later Steve’s plan pays off here we go L’s watch a man fitting the description gets in into the Car and after eventually getting it started he’s off Steve straight after him moving off from car L unit still nearby Le appreciated see 41 coming down call in Steve’s unmarked car gets behind the suspect vehicle and he now has a marked police car behind him

    His plan is to box in the car avoiding any possibility of a Pursuit with a drunk driver in the busy City Center so he needs to wait for a third unit to arrive any other preemptive trained units lat at Center another car is nearby and it soon

    Joins Steve it’s time to make their move I’m just going to uh see if we can get a stop we’ve got a couple of units behind us at the next set set of lights that go red I’m going to try and get in front of

    Him uh if they have he can just te up the rear and as the lights ahead turn red I’m just going to uh cut it right in front of him here Steve’s got his man turn your engine off HB kill you s Bel come on out yeah no problem you had a

    Drink aren’t you just come have a say over there sitting there the bloke reeks a booze so once he shifted his car Steve breaks out the breathalyzer I’m going to conduct a breath test with you okay thank you how much have you had to drink literally air pint just air pint

    Have you a pint of what please uh beer what sir beer beer yeah which beer strong beer medium beer do you know okay okay have you done a roadside breath test before um I so okay all I need you to do is blow through the tube

    Until I tell you to stop I’ll hold the machine okay I’ll just hold it there I I’ll have to hold it you just blow through It thank you very much it’s not good news for the driver you provided a positive sample of breath okay so you’re under arrest on suspicion of driving whilst St over the prescribed limit he’s clearly had more than one pint of beer he’s blown 107 that’s more than three times the

    Legal limit as soon as I looked at him I knew he would you know were well gone got him out of the car he’s a bit unsteady on his feet got him in there I can smell alcohol on his breath so I put him on a breath test machine he’s blown

    107 at the roadside which is really high it’s it’s been a textbook stop quick efficient and most importantly safe we’re in a busy City Center it’s nighttime economy there’s a lot of people walking about and this person’s driving his car the likelihood is it could have knocked anyone down seriously

    Injured or killed them likewise he could have hit another car back at the police station the man blows once more you hold this but don’t cover the top just hold it down the bottom that’s it and uh in your own time and once more he’s over the limit okay

    There’s no surprises there you’ve blown a lower reading of 98 micrograms of alcohol in 100 milliliters of breath okay which is uh double the more than double the limit okay so you will be charged with an offensive drink driving and you’ll have to appear at court that’s more than one [Applause]

    Beer the man was later convicted of drinking driving it was given 200 hours community service ordered to pay £170 and banned from driving for 4 Years luckily we got to him first um and stopped him from driving but it’s going to hit home now all the knock on effects of drink driving for that one moment of Madness really it could have quite easily left the cat at home got a taxi

    Or public transport and all at siake of a few drinks in town and then driving home coming up how the chuff have you managed to do that a stuck van but I didn’t see this one you didn’t see the sign leads to a deflated down yeah this is definitely most definitely what I

    Join the job For out on the evening shift are interceptors Dan Robson and Tom Powell who are on their way to an unusual road traffic collision it sounds as though somebody has misjudged the size of the vehicle they’re driving and has somehow managed to wedge themselves underneath the billboard and his phers said he’s scared

    To move his vehicle cuz he thinks everything’s going to fall down so yeah we’ll go and have a look and see how on Earth he’s managed to do that 11-year veteran Tom is a big fan of Thai food rugby league and real ale while his crime fighting colleague Dan

    Prefers Chinese food football and a Roman Coke though he’s not convinced the stricken driver has been on the source tonight when you get a report like this and it sounds like a bit of a strange one and on one hand you’d say it’s a decent shout that it could have alcohol

    Or drugs as a factor but the guy that’s crashed his car and wedged it under a billboard as cold as himself which can be a bit like a turkey voting for Christmas well the driver may not be a turkey but on arrival it’s clear that he stuffed himself pretty badly how the

    Chuff of you managed to do that is he pulled into a bay or a bus stop he pulled into a cycle Lane well done a luten van is well and truly wedged under a road sign Dan and Tom need to find out how and then get it

    Out safely hello how are you are you the driver yeah I’m the driver oh dear you didn’t want to do that so I didn’t see this one you didn’t see the sign well there’s only one thing for it what are you thinking he going to have to drive it

    Off as the Vans got in they’re hoping it can get out again though they’re taking precautions we’ll have to stop traffic in case it decides it’s going to come down we if it’s going to fall it’s only going to fall this way into it what I

    Mean is it’s not going to fall into house you’ve said it now Tom moves the police car to block the inside Lane in case the sign falls over well yeah we’ll see what happens but we’ll stand Back oops DB get it to go back hey get it to go back it’s it’s damaged already now you’re going to have to it’s going to have to get moved isn’t it whichever way the van’s meant to be moving it’s not going anywhere they need a plan B

    Like the tire pressure is down a bit front and rear yeah letting air out of the tires May lower the van enough to get out so the interceptors get to work it’s like the police an equivalent of watching paint dry this they don’t teach this at police training school Dan’s not a happy

    Chappie yeah this is definitely most definitely what I join the job for to uh let tire pressure down let’s not catch criminals and once the tires are as deflated as Dan it’s time for a second attempt guess you could give it another try the plan is going well but there’s another sticky point

    The problem is he’s got is there some down rods on the side and he’s got the cowl in at the front and it’s took down behind that front counting which is like the final little piece they’re going to need to be totally flat of these aren’t

    They I’m not so sure we’re going to get enough clearance letting the tires down to be able to get it beyond that to be honest I think it’s uh I think we might have to leave it where it is and uh get some professionals out I hope be stood anywhere near that sign

    When he as another girl put it that way and once the tires are almost flat it’s time to try again right come come forward just a couple of inches see if you can unhook It right now try going back again go on go keep going go go right just make sure you’re not going to hit anything that side now the van’s finally unstuck and the neighbors are impressed out upstairs in my bedroom in my M we were just listen to Will Smith

    You know all of a sudden we just had a big bang I think it was a good job very good job the firemen came the firemen came they just stood around and had to look around you know and then uh they just left it they couldn’t be asked and

    Then here these Lads came clued on made them take pressure out at Tires and that’s it job’s a good one good one yeah we’re going to go back to listen to our Will Smith now while the onlookers return to boom boom shake shake the Room the interceptors finish off with the

    Fresh prince of bat parking he’s obviously come here with good intentions um he’s done what he thought was the right thing which was to pull off what is a you know a busy carriageway um so not to inconvenience other motorists and he’s he’s misjudged it um by the looks

    Of that by about four inches so assume you’ve spoken to your bosses oh yeah oh yeah I think it they’re not very happy yeah they is very happy yeah defitely because it’s my fault but I didn’t see this one and you missed the 12T sign I

    Missed because I was busy it’s not very conspicuous though is it and it’s not like it’s lit by a Street Lamp either but I can see how you manage that and Dan decided that just like his van the driver suffered enough damage we’re not going to make it any worse for

    You by giving you a ticket please be a bit more careful yeah all right do that it’s all in a day’s work for the interceptors or Silly Billy we stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police Prime is on the rise armed with a

    Axe and a machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour my unit my unit cometh the interceptors get on the floor out and running out and running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact s on target with their firearms unit

    Your in the air with that eye in the sky off and running off and running this it’s the front line in the fight against Crime get on the clock get on the ground get on the ground this is police interceptors It’s Just Another Day in Paradise coming up I’m going to De time

    For a not so sharp exit chump versus Chopper damp two out and running driver said black T-shirt and enemies reunited for Benny boy oh Tommy C down C yourself Down It’s the witching hour Ghostbusters Nick Priestley and Luke Warren are hunting baddies By the Light of the full moon I don’t think werewolves will be coming out tonight but there will be a couple of uh monsters no doubt lurking around um we can get a few while they wait for the shadowy

    Underworld to show itself an important question needs answering you live in ghost no I don’t think so they must exist they must exist when you die you don’t just go away that’s it that you know you yeah well there’s an afterlife in there I believe but maybe not as GH this ghost like

    Casper yeah Luke mly convincing and Nick’s come armed with the tale of the Spectre of Toler Nick I I’ve seen a ghost man up at toan I actually it’s not a very good start actually but I actually having a way and um and I were

    Just minding me own business um and I as I looked in the mirror behind me at 45 degrees there with a chat behind me and it were uh I looked around there nobody there but there is definitely a a ghost at one of our Poli station to Le raford

    100% Nick might wary of ghostly goings on but he’s not afraid of hard work he started out at 16 as an apprentice panel beater at the Rover car group and he’s about to get a visitation from a past life right I’m just on work fi Road mate

    I’ll uh what sort of Rover is it5 the Rover 75 the executives wheels of choice in a bygone era but this one’s not bound for the boardroom there’s a Rover uh that’s done a commercial burglary um in Huddersfield um I don’t know if it’s today or overnight uh and

    It’s quite a rare car now is a Rover um I don’t if it’s a Rover 75 or a 25 but um either or it’ll it’ll stand out um and it’s just it one of our NPR cameras not a million miles away from here um so

    We going to go flood area and just see what we can pick up Nick awaits a reunion with the 5 another unit has picked it up we’ got it it’s going back into B There is they’re third in a cop car Convoy 5 car three the officer at the sharp end is

    Interceptor CLA gray who’s witnessing a turn of the Cent getaway car being pushed to the limit on right right onto stand left left inside a suspected serial burglar 79 we’re just approaching Tong street now stand by who are playing with fire he is left with ta they’ll need Nick’s panel beating

    Skill at this rate The Runaway Rover blocks the cops then ignores The Round In roundabout 7 still Contin we got 5ff the 75 isn’t known for its off-road ability 5 stand by heavy breaking but he’s not read the manual it’s just going offro it safe toover just over some grass area I’m

    Going it to DeCamp It’s Rover and out as the bad guys DeCamp like pinballs bouncing off into the darkness the cops are hot on their heels but not hot enough the friends from the Rover have vanished Into the Night we’ve come running down there there’s no one gone down that way but when they’ve

    Decamped I don’t know which I don’t know whether they’ve come down here or gone up there we had a bit of a foot chase but we lost them down to some back alleys so bit rubish but we got the car the CSI to examine it up so we’ll find

    Some uh some prints and L somebody to it it’s not good for us it’s full moons the full moon seems to have brought out some of the local characters getting your regist got no need to drive up grass there m Jas is already over find it in h if that were me I’d

    Get done for that so why why should you have right to drive on field cuz we’ve got exemptions got he’s got no need to drive on this to get it out then what we’re going to leave it there going to teleport out tort out first warning first warning yeah

    That’s exactly what it is that’s exactly what it is yeah not a problem I what again okay just go take a seat with me he might want to impress his friends with his vocabulary but insulting an officer is an arrestable public order offense what’s all that about don’t we

    Just s out attitude about big mouth and all that is it really appropriate for this time of night is it yes or no do you think apologize that make it all right let with all right no all right I don’t care it there for us all right no problem

    While the swearwolf cools off in the car Nick’s reacquainted with an old friend it’s a lovely car man is it imagine taking this out at uh our showroom when it were brand new lovely that’s bit of Walnut very class what is it it’s a Rover 75 mate it’s a

    Gentleman’s conveyance of choice but this one wasn’t conveying any gentleman as there’s a number of screwdrivers just in the um front seat passenger um and in foot well um which obviously tools that they will have been using um whilst out committing crime so we’ll get those recovered forensically

    And see if that can uh lead us to any possible suspects see if we can find out who was driving the vehicle as well swearwolf has returned to human form and it’s no longer being called a he’s now got a more familyfriendly nickname of sausage but he can’t resist a parting howl

    Bal now is that me being a bald dingy or him being a bald dingy you bald dingy boo I’ve got a full head so I’m all right clearly not talking about they’re just wanting a reaction out there you know and he can say whatever he wants uh we’re not bothered

    But one lad over Ste the mark he started calling us this and that and he just you know he can’t do that it’s midnight people are out watching these even kids about you know and it’s calling us unav I personally don’t mind you know don’t I

    Don’t care call me what you want but not shouting it so all and sunra can hear um it’s just a bit offside but you’re used to that it don’t matter what you’re doing they’re just playing up because they can it is what it is Welcome To Paradise

    Yeah the Rover turned out to have been stolen in a burglary and was returned to its owner in Qui iies as to the driver and passenger are ongoing still to come a jog in the park for Harry the human megaphone are a disturbing haul for the

    Pit team we just never know what we’re dealing with and it can be quite frightening and a handy hole belongs in the glove box oh my Lord The use of weapons is on the rise in West Yorkshire but the interceptors have their own secret weapon the pit team made up of seasoned Crime Busters like Steph luk and Harry Jeffrey we’re just making our way to Castleford along the m62 there’s been some information that’s been run in by a

    Member of the public about a silver seal tier that’s involved in the supply of drugs they don’t want to be caught with it because they know that they’ll probably go to prison if they’ve got a lot of drugs on them and they want to avoid that so if they get any chance to

    Run or evade us then they will take that chance I’ve got running legs on today though so yeah oh sweet this rugby playing officer has big boots to fill coming from a long line of West Yorkshire coppers fortunately Big H measures up with size 13 ft just an area of Castleford now we’ve

    Cited um possible drug users uh congregating so we’re just watching see where they’re going try get in the area where the car will will pop out and then we’ll uh we’ll try Implement a strike on it the suspect car is on the move and the boys plot up in their unmarked

    Beamer we’re at back of Escape just after train station it looks like they might be look escap is coming towards us you want me get thing out you know you have time it’s a false alarm Tak second exit not out continued on pass it’s lead Road the seat has taken a different

    Route but the pig Team hunting Packs oh come on and they’ve caught their prey up ahead 22 we’ve got vehicle got driver it’s passenger now the driver is detained but the passenger has legged It a colleague points the way he went that way get round and word is he might be armed apparently he’s got a knife on him as well this L give us description please buddy blackmail plenty of cops are on hand to point him out see get round but it falls

    To Harry to chase him down while Steph blocks the Escape Route St go for car with every second crucial Harry digs deep he spots a man matching the description casually walking along nice try the suspect could be carrying a knife give your hands keep your hands

    Out put your hands out so he’s going straight into cffs where you been running from think I got this mail Lee can you get to me how’ll get enter the cavalry fuzes with me hand what these mate have you got a knife in your pants there doesn’t appear to be a blade

    But there is something else of Interest this’s got a large wedge of cash on him the boys think he might have dumped something nearby there’s loads of wasteland there did you see where he ran on there I as soon as I pop through here he’s been coming this way from there

    Over there it’s come you see those houses over there I was there and it’s come over this fence he said that white white sign didn’t you yeah that area there I reckon by the time we’ve SED him has been walking uh so we think he’s he’s dropped some in bushes so fingers

    Crossed will find some the suspect was out of sight in a large area which means a lot of leg work luckily some interceptors have four of them uh dog’s far more effective at searching open area like that than we are just beware it dogs off lead so we looking for the knife that

    He’s he’s been seen carrying which he didn’t have when we detained him and drugs that he may have discarded but fingers crossed will come up trumps a thorough search turns up no trump card but cops at the car have been dealt a dodgy pair Cann of this alongside something more

    Alarming located within the vehicle we found a large hunting style Rambo style knife uh and also a baseball bat rapt would think is uh barbed wire we just never know what we’re dealing with you know one minute you could be dealing with somebody really really nice and then uh the next thing

    Is they pull a weapon out like that on you it and it can be quite frightening uh but it’s an ever increasing thing that we come in across the passenger was summoned to court for possession of cannabis and possession of a knife in public no further action was taken against the

    Driver it’s all going off in leads with multiple cops pursuing a runaway hatchback black theel flying through the outskirts to intercept Dynamic Joo Richard jaff Whitley and Steph rushworth so te right at the traffic lights come on this Advanced Driver dream mobile is an Aston Martin DB5 but he’s more than

    Happy today in his patrol car of choice the BMW 3 Series broad Broad Lane down here hour traffic stay here stay here can you get Stinger set but with the pursuit just half a mile away there’s no time to deploy the spikes Romeo 41 we are on broadland at

    The moment water it’s going to be coming up here incoming that’s it speed is 6 milph traffic Isis is do they want us to take over the fleeing Fiesta has an unmarked pit car breathing down its neck me out far one way out car number two there’s two white males in the

    Vehicle in a move straight out of the big book of losing the cops they head straight for a builtup estate Continue yeah yeah right right right field up ahead the fiesta hangs a left into a public park put your hand set on two interrupts it’s too risky for the police cars to follow go around there m but these criminals haven’t bargained on one thing the allseeing eye in the

    Sky the police Chopper picks up the pursuit in the nick of time just as the fiesta exits the path pass two and we have visual with him um is now um heading towards Fairfield creson back onto left left left Fairfield Cresent and then is going to right right right

    Fairfield Lane which is a dead end they’re on a road to nowhere but could be planning a DeCamp Jaffer puts his foot to the floor to catch up go around take your next left down here press right DeCamp two out and running drivers black T-shirt never blue shorts passing

    To wearing gray while the chopper tracks the suspects Jaffer and Steph are moment behind there can youve around I believe let me just take Keys FR [Applause] Car right I’ve got keymate now the Hunt is on for The Runaways the suspects have split up so the chopper tracks the driver yeah it’s back out onto staning the road and is heading in the direction of Hoff I believe it is and in a game of boy racer versus

    Helicopter there’s only going to be one winner yeah is um handing himself he’s on his knees standing the road three4 standing the road I’ve got two officers approaching him now that is your driver pit team officers arrive on scene with the passenger in toe as well it’s a full

    House was with the light go back to care with both teenagers captured and in cuffs they return to the fiesta 41 we’ll go back to the car can we start recovering bit of excitement for you they looked about 15 did them kids put some gloves on we’ll search it

    Yeah yeah we’ve just been involved in this Pursuit around uh Bramley could I check the Chassy number please and the regge number of the vehicle while chaffer checks if the car’s stolen Steph gives it the once over and there’s a body part in the back seat fortunately it’s plastic don’t know what that’s

    For oh my Lord got to hand it to you yes that’s the one give him a big hand fake fingers aside the car’s clean but is it a thumbs up or down for jaffa’s work behind the wheel what do you Reon for jaffer’s driveing

    St 7 half out of 10 the 7 hour cuz only I had to do was follow after the car in front cheek least I can drive and the icing on the cake yeah well it’s stolen stolen uh it turns out the car that we’ve just been pursuing is a

    Stolen car so even even nicer uh two two caught helicopter two detained stolen car recovered so yeah even better job now we’ve got that information the driver caught red-handed in a stolen car was fingered for Dangerous driving and no insurance he got 8 months and a young offenders institution suspended for 2

    Years 24 month supervision hours of unpaid work and a 2-year driving ban with an extended retest the passenger was cautioned for possession of a controlled drug still to come a repeat drink driver blames everyone apart from himself that’s what they aot you just wi right and another happy customer for Benny boy

    Nothing hey you’re nothing bro nothing Nothing although drink driving has dropped over the past three decades over 200 people are still killed in drink driving accidents every year and some offenders never learn you do get people that are repeat offenders um and you just think why you’ve been caught once before why would you want to do it again

    You know you lose your license and you potentially lose your Liberty so what’s what’s the point in taking that sort of a risk I don’t think these people ever sort of think to themselves well what if a drink driver hit a member of my family and killed him

    Um people have a drink and think they’re Indestructible officers Tom White House and Dave Robo Robson are acting on a tip off he regularly out drink driving um and usually sits at s l just po be nice to to catch up Jo with Gand the suspect apparently lives just 500 M from the pub it’s fair to say Tom

    Is less than impressed as far as I’m concerned it’s zero tolerance it’s ridiculous if you’re going to be drinking you have a walk or get to that FM it’s majority of collisions we see are from people that are under the influence of either drink or drugs just there left hand side that’s

    It don’t know the tip off looks legit there we go yeah that’s van it’s now a waiting game yeah if we plot up in car park on nearby there where about not side straight here we could cuz it comes this way B told usually lives about leaves

    About quarter to quarter to the hour so we’ll see and that’s only minutes away I’d start looking now I think if the suspect clocks the mark police car he might choose a stroll Home Instead but it’s perfect timing is that that it there yeah there we are oh look

    Perfect this driver is suspected to be under the influence they waste no time in pulling him over go up guys hello sir how we doing am all right so we flick engine off want to take a seat back of our car mate come drop s for me pal right I’ve got

    Information that you’ve just been drinking so therefore we’re going to require a breath test from yourself fine okay down to business so when was your last drink about 10 minutes ago 10 minutes that probably five as the suspect has just been drinking his levels may still be rising give another 10 minutes give

    It a couple of minutes and we’ll been stopped before for it then yeah out yes have you we’re being convicted in past then uh I’m next squading you I was an ex squ Mike the ex squaddy avoids the question maybe as he’s a repeat drink driver with three

    Convictions to his name how much have we had to drink today Phil I think two two two and a bit time to put the two and a bit to the test right buddy lean forward for me put your lips around here I’ll hold it and give me one long continuous breath until

    It’s TI to stop keep going lovely spot on right sir you have blown 77 which is double double the legal limit it seems the bit might actually have been a lot so this time you under arrest Under Suspicion of driving M over the subcribe limit Val okay fine you don’t have to

    Say anything but may your defense you don’t mention when questions something which led to rely in cart and if you do say may given evidence you should be used to this by now stand up for me mate really yeah I’m sure safe in cuffs it’s

    Off to the Nick the suspect is Keen to remind the boys he served in the forces you like to get me uh and me warrant card out my pocket it don’t matter who you are I don’t know you from Adam do I so no you don’t I’m just telling you

    What I’ve done for a living well regardless of what you done for a living TR everyone same quality yeah if it’s sympathy is after it’s in short supply and by the time they reach the Nick that’s sunk in job that is the I know I’m not trust me I don’t against

    It well thing is it’s not first time as well is it no no coup I but he’s still trying to justify his actions you not you’ve not been what I’ve been no you’ve not done what I’ve done no I’m not saying I have I’ve also been lot of traffic collisions where people

    Have died drugs and alcohol so it’s swings them roundabouts is it it’s more of a slippery slope he’s facing a fourth drink driving conviction if you just like to take a seat on there for me so I require you to provide two specimens of breath for analysis by

    Means of an approved device take a big deep breath seal a l on that and blow keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going that’s great thank you just have a seat again now please tell me the legal limit is 35 right results in two readings first

    One’s 81 second one’s 79 so you’re over the limit which one more than double in fact 79 on three the two and a bit has been topped up to three but Robo isn’t buying it just got to sure there’s more in his system than what we first thought it’s

    Going up says he’s at three points it’s be over double I think there’ be a bit more all this to avoid the six-minute walk home that’s end of my business that’s end of basically 10 at work for me uh obviously I’m going to now go a car I’m going to lose him

    License I’ll probably didn’t go into jail obviously because I did it before if that’s what 3bs cost me you just WIP your life out all right you just take your sh take your shoe off please thank you but but you’re going to lock up de that’s got more medal thank you

    He’s back on the blame game but needs to take a long hard look in the mirror yeah had every want to blame it himself didn’t he but end of day no one’s fast the beer down his neck no one’s fast him to drink and drive and you’d think you’d

    Learn after at first time never mind second third and far so no sympathy no sympathy for him the suspect pleaded guilty to drink driving and was disqualified for 18 months with £85 CPS costs and a 90 victim surgery charge let’s go find another it’s the middle of the night

    Shift all around town patrols are on the hunt for a suspected clone silver golf but so far their prey is proving elusive after light off we have S of it toward um get behind it rather than Chase Shadows Ben Pearson and Matt Ransom box clever and plot up and Sugar Ray Benny is

    Buzzing I’ve got more sugar in me now than a sugar poory has got in sugarville this sweet toothed copper is a secret tape that fan who used to love treading the boards at school but the only drama this evening is in his St St tingling me tum tum uh it’s just like

    That buzzing air knowing that something’s happening another one coming it’s just obviously back to this cat and mouse game the mouse in the stolen golf is proving hard to catch despite the number of cats on the prow there’s more cops in one little village now than there is anywhere else probably in England

    Drop but as the sun rises there’s a Breakthrough the silver golf has been spotted a couple of miles away in Halifax so we’re going to head towards the area he’s got a unit plotted up where it’s been seen Benny boy is Keen not to miss the welcoming party pass through now I’ll you a district unit is all already on

    Scene yes that’s my colleague we just pug it now what about is it SC around the suspect is still in the gulf and Ben bowls over for a proper Yorkshire hello he pal it right this copper comes bearing gifts he going to put some jewelry on you putting jewelry on me why

    Cuz first of all we’re going to search you search me for what well you’re going to be getting locked up pal what well first of all it’s a stolen car stol from where the lad denies stealing the car but he can’t deny what’s down his trousers right he’s been searched as

    Obviously that that down his pants it’s a bag of cannabis you just St that we’ll search car for you there’s another Discovery in the car hey J to rub AOS thank you front pass what’s the suspect tries to use his mobile and kicks off when stopped phone

    You’re not allowed to just grab my phone nothing bro you’re nothing understand nothing nothing Chuckles is in no mood to chill nothing what are you doing taking my shit off me she locked up pal about calm down calm yourself down calm down do you understand me bro

    You understand me you can’t bully me much don’t work with me do you understand they do not work with me much the don’t work listen you felt the power me get off the C no okay he’s clearly agitated but Benny boy uses his 20 years experience to diffuse the

    Situation he’s done it because you are getting aggressive with him what’s your name Tom Tom yeah Tom at this point under AR his name now Rings Bells Oh Tommy hello how you doing you CH you you do nor me yeah yeah you changed don’t you what Ben’s dealt with this lad

    Before and manages to calm him enough to hear the charges you’re under arrest in special of a test of a motor vehicle is a Nick car right all right possession of cannabis all right all right for possession of cannabis well yeah kind of Thomas and possession and possession offensive weapon what offensive weapon

    The for him Kos gate relights his fire Thomas Thomas a Thomas don’t start making charges up Thomas Thomas anything else on you out down middle your pents right just come over eat at vom for us P just time for a quick catch up I haven’t seen you in what 15 years 10

    Years been a long time it where have you been St out of trouble right up there lad before a trip into the van Benny boy again acts as Peacemaker cuz you cuz how you been that’s only reason what your one’s being aggressive with me bro on it’s like dealing with with a broken

    Record I haven’t grabb you come grab me grab me I don’t care about uniform you come grab me exactly right you just come grab me bro exactly let’s leave it another 15 years to hook up again yeah angry little man is he it’s been a long shift but with a

    Successful end bye guys see youat a lot of people if you think about a cat and mouse they know they’ve lost they’re in the stolen car they’re under arrest and they’ nowhere to go so the only thing they can do basically is get frustrated and kick off and because

    Wearing uniform it’s just a just a target for him but the gentleman obviously who we’ve been dealing with for a long time um that’s who he is he’s uh he’s been on our radar for ages so yeah it’s just bizarre sometimes how they can go from nothing to 10,000 fet in 2

    Seconds and his Free Fall continued back at at the Nick with the discovery of cocaine angry man was found guilty of possession of Class A and B drugs and was ordered to pay £170 in costs no further action was taken on the suspected theft of the car and offensive

    Weapon the golf was returned to its owner still to come why you not wearing your seat belt I’ve just keeping it up Ben’s BS detector is off the chart don’t lie to me cuz nobody plugs the seat belt in unplugs it puts it behind the back

    And then plugs it in again to the yeah so why you not wearing your seat belt an Interceptor chief aim is to protect the public and saving lives for a living is certainly something to sing about it’s just a little bit of Education just wear your seat belt and keep

    Safe over a third of car occupants killed in crashes aren’t wearing seat belts and Ben Pearson and baraco have been singing the same broken record for years see it’s not hard is it just to go click click click cck yet it’s amazing how many drivers fail

    To get the message don’t even feel right when you don’t what you coming to work without a watch on you know what I mean with no pants on I’ve done that before haven’t we all been but it’s the driver of a black Audi who’s been caught with his pants down [Applause]

    Today he’s buckled up but sat on the Belt hello are you all right yeah and to make things much worse the two kids aren’t strapped in car seats either you got a child on your lap what is it child child you know two arms two legs small

    Fragile why are they not in seats it’s to protect who you me or them are they your kids pick up right just let me pull behind you a minute is he a taxi I’ve got no idea you a taxi Sunshine two little bamb know in back at car hey there bamb let’s just

    Have a quick sneaky little look in a 30 mph crash the injury to an 8 kilo child thrown from a seat is similar to Falling three stories so it’s time for a sermon from the singing seat belt crew hello you all right yeah right the kids obviously they

    Need to be in child restraints don’t they so if they have a smash now what’s going to happen to the children just explain to me what’s going to happen to them they’re going to die yeah a dad who doesn’t strap the kids in safely can expect both barrels if mom finds

    Out but not this Dad are you Mom right mom why you got a seat belt on then course yeah for safety and what about the little ones hello you all right well Benny boy plays the broken record to Mom but that’s going to really hurt them that’s why they have child

    Restraints Baby Ben spins the bside for Dad hi pal why you not wearing your seat belt I’ve just keeping it up it’s plugged in yeah don’t lie to me cuz nobody plugs the seat belt in unplugs it puts it behind the back and then plug plugs it

    In again to the yeah so why you not wearing your seat belt his tongue seems to have been restrained what they do is they put a seat belt behind him plug it in and then it don’t beat so it gives the impression when you follow him from behind they’ve

    Got a seat belt on not only that he’s got two children uh under fivey old in the back of the car not restrained correctly correct child seat use reduces the risk of casualty by 75% don’t jump out and have a seat in my car on route to the Beamer the driver

    Loosens his tongue and locates the hardest word look I’m really sorry right I sure you I’m you take a seat in there and I’ll have a chat with you all right everything that we’re saying doing there’s recorded all right but the BS haven’t finished their well practiced number on seat belt

    Safety do you know if you were in a bump right what’s going to happen to them children and this performance is in Stereo they’re beautiful little girls you just don’t want them to get out do you do you know what I mean we’re not being unfair we want you to be safe don’t

    We they even preach to the kids you can bump your head there and then what’ll happen right so you need to be telling your dad he can’t drive he can’t drive with no child seat I wouldn’t never let him know but you did yeah we have a massive thing with people not wearing

    The seat belts if a car comes around corner that’s making off or just driving like an IDI as a CIS with a carow the children are going to be seriously injured it seems Petty to a lot of people but this is what fatal for is one of the Fatal for it’s the biggest

    Contributor to injuries or fatal collisions on the road it’s throughout education rather than prosecution if he learns kids don’t get injured and that’s all we want we don’t want kids to get injured on road please please please if youve got children in the car make sure that you have the correct fasinating

    Equipment you knew that you were going to the airport to collect these children yeah these children didn’t just miraculously fall off a plane and into your car did they I made a mistake you did make a mistake correct I would suggest that you walk the children home

    Yeah I would from here because you’ve got no equipment to continually carry these children as the family sets off on foot do I get an i5 go on do I get an i5 off you as well good can I have you a okay the message is well and truly delivered right see you

    Later for driving without a seat belt the driver safely secured himself a place on the seat belt awareness course in the meantime as long as drivers fail to buckle up the Ben’s broken record will be on continuous play in West Yorkshire it’s just a little bit of Education fore speee foree foree speee

    For fore speee fore speee Foree Spee Foree Fore


    1. 1:14:51 look, we all blame the cops when we get done for anything. But it’s us that’s makes the choice to drive after having a drink and nobody but nobody but nobody gets in their car drunk, and drives home or wherever , without the Police crossing their minds. I hope the Police don’t catch me etc.
      when that thought hits you, if you’re drunk and driving- pull over and call an Uber or walk . You’ll save yourself a whole lot of drama the next day .

    2. Again, not NEW for "2024", nor is this "S22E01". Skip it if you've seen old episodes and don't give this channel the views they're looking for with their bullshit.

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