This Is Why Wagyu Beef So Expensive – Modern Beef Processing Factory
    If we talk about the most expensive beef in the world, we will certainly immediately think of Wagyu beef, which costs up to millions of dollars. This is a dish considered only for rich people because of its expensive price and small supply. So do you know how people process and classify this beef? Join us to find out in today’s video!
    How millions of dollars worth of wagyu beef is separated
    True to its name, Wagyu cattle originate from Japan, where farms carry out the Wagyu cattle breeding process in a strictly controlled and selective manner, focused on creating beef that has the desired level of marbling. This breed of cattle is raised on a strict grain diet and is often massaged and fed beer to encourage the production of exceptionally delicious, well-marbled meat.

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    If we talk about the most expensive beef in the world we will certainly immediately think of wagu beef which costs up to millions of dollars this is a dish considered only for rich people because of its expensive price and small Supply so do you know how people process

    And classify this beef join us to find out in today’s video how millions of dollars worth of wagu beef is Separated true to its name wagu cattle originate from Japan where Farms carry out the wagu cattle breeding process in a strictly controlled and selective manner focused on creating beef that has the desired level of marbling this breed of cattle is raised on a strict grain diet

    And is often massaged and fed beer to encourage the production of exceptionally delicious well marbled meat There are many wagu beef farms around the world because of the popularity and quality of this meat depending on geographical location and regions wagu cows are raised in cared for differently wagu beef farms in New Zealand aim to feed their cattle fresh grass because the grasslands are typical of this

    Region and also to limit the fat content in the beef wagu cattle are never given growth stimulant hormones or drugs to help them gain weight faster all stages of raising the animals are completely natural to ensure the quality of their meat cows must be monitored and cared for regularly Hoof Trimming to prevent

    Hoof rot disease is one of the processes to ensure wagu beef quality when the cars have reached the appropriate Edge and weight they now brought to the processing Plant The classification is divided into two main categories yield grade and meat quality grade the quality grade of wagu beef is represented by a letter and a number letters can be from a to c and numbers can be from 1 to 5 you may see some products Mark Japanese wagu A5 but

    What does it mean this is the highest grade that wagu beef can achieve and is usually reserved for cattle that are fed the finest foods such as corn and Grains and receive special care during the breeding process in this grading system A1 is of poor quality A2 is below

    Average A3 is average A4 is of good quality and A5 is the Highest Here Wu beef also has a special technique for processing unlike Mass factories each processing worker is experienced and very careful in each step of the processing they separate parts such as tenderloin and pork belly and classify each part clearly perhaps most important are the regulations and Grading standards for wugu beef before

    Wagu beef is graded several measurements and observations are made to determine its quality yield is measured and quality is determined after evaluating marbling meat color and brightness the firmness and texture of the beef and the color luster and quality of the Fat The a specifically refers to the productivity category which is different from the quality category which is represented by the number grade A is awarded to pieces with a marbling percentage of 72% or higher while grades B and C are given to meet with lower Percentages The scale from a to c represents the amount of wagu beef that can be harvested from the cattle Grade B is considered the standard making grade A the premium and most sought after product before processing the percentage of meat fat and bone in the cattle can be calculated the more meat the better

    The potential ranking typic larger cattle have better meat quality but only after entering the processing plant can the true quality of the beef be known and a rank given to the Wagu La Some wagu cattle farms in Australia or the United States also have a classification system similar to that in Japan however considering that the breed originated in Japan the Japanese classification criteria are also lied in most processing plants worldwide once graded the wagu beef cuts are packaged typically in vacuum packs or in boxes

    Then stored at low temperature and transported to the place of Consumption many high-end restaurants prominently feature wagu beef steaks because they represent the luxury and convenience of that restaurant and attract many diners willing to spend thousands of dollars just to enjoy this expensive beef Dish Farms raising cows and pigs with about 1,000 heads a day will produce tens of tons of livestock waste a terrible number and if not handled well it will greatly affect the environment and the other organisms so do you know the effect of cow and pig manure as today let us learn how people

    Treat the cow and pig manure treatment of cow and pig manure or by Gas speaking of cow and pig manure ranches often use it to produce gas also known as biog gas which is often used use this gas for cooking therefore at many farms people build manure storage tanks with the purpose of making bio Gas biog gas is a natural gas made from organic materials such as animal waste and food scrap people will produce biog gas by incubating livestock waste this gas is flammable so it is often used as a source of gas in daily life this natural gas is considered a renewable energy source because the

    Organic materials used to produce it can be [Applause] replenished how to create biog gas is not something difficult and complicated on the contrary it is very simple as the biog gas is formed through many reaction processes and decomposing waste such as manure and waste water of livestock the livestock waste become raw material to be put into an alterite biogas

    Seller the substance decompose and ferment under the actions of microorganisms as a small part of other elements such as nitrogen phosphorus Etc is also through decomposition from biog gas the resulting gas is natural Gas do you know what biog gas is used for it can be used for various purposes such as heating cooking and generating electricity this generator is working very strongly and the main feel is biog gas isn’t it surprising because I’ve always thought that only gasoline and oil are the fuel

    For a generator to work with enough biogas gas it can help a larger generator Operate First the appli ation of biog gas brings many benefits to people especially the Farms that use cow and pig manure as fuel to generate the biog gas from a biogas generator electricity for the livestock activities as the first benefit we see is the ability to save cost Farm owners

    Can save thousands of dollars by building this biog gas storage tank a according to estimates and statistics the amount of electricity to generate from 1 cubic M of biog gas is 1.5 KW perh of electricity if you want to generate electricity you must use tools such as gas generators or biogas powered

    Internal combustion engines biogas technology is one of the initiatives that bring Great Value to people as well as to the living environment today as the residues and waste in the animal husbandry after being put into bias seller will hardly convert into biog gas the rest as the residues that

    Are not completely destroyed on the biogas seller are then used to as compost now as organic fertilizers to Preparing nutrients for plants and helping the soil to be more Porous using cow and pig mure to fertilize agricultural crops fruit trees and other crops help to increase productivity and limit the pests and improve soil nutrition so how will the cow and pigment for agricultural purposes be treated cow dong in the farm is crushed and

    Porous and it will be spread on the crop Fields with a giant machine spreading manure is easier than ever manure will always be spread evenly throughout the field to help the plants absorb the best C manure is treated by drying grinding to minimize the smell of waste

    Also helping the soil layers to easily penetrate You see this is a CLE waste treatment plant all kinds of cow pig and buffalo manure are processed by modern technology machines with many uses for the same purpose of Environmental Protection the treatment of lifestock waste is increasingly Focused the pig manure treatment process will help keep the B clean and hygienic thereby ensuring the health of the animals moreover the livestock waste as many uses to help save cost for the farm owners as today’s video comes to an end we hope to bring you interesting topics

    How do you feel about today’s video please leave a comment below to let us know don’t forget to click the like share and subscribe button to support the channel and for now goodbye and see you in the next [Applause] video Cherry is a premium imported fruit that is loved by many people because of its delicious taste and its great nutritional value but many people still do not fully understand the origin of this fruit as the Cherry also known by The Familiar name cherries is it native to Europe and

    Australia China and the United States that are the countries that export the most cherries to the market so how to make millions of tons of cherries every year let’s explore the video below with us how to produce millions of tons of cherries every Year The Cherry is a great plant for any size of a garden like other trees cherries are grown in many different ways but they produce millions of tons of cherries each year farmers will use the method of propagation by cutting As there are many varieties of cherries but they choose the cherry seeds that are suitable for the local climate as the soil in the nursery bags must be plowed and fertilized with manure and fully watered on the larger Farms they are willing to invest in both large green houses with thermostats and rooting

    Products specifically for cherries as this Cherry Nursery has many varieties of cherries that everyone can choose From but s choosing to nurse the cherry trees in the greenhouse the farmers ruse the cherry tree trunks undergo careful processing steps as the new cherry trees have been formed and they will undergo the growthing process of a new as the cherry trees will be planted

    At least 20 ft apart to allow space to grow and the next time they will take care of the Cherry As the water requirements of the plant are very average but for optimal results keeping the soil evenly moist throughout the growing [Applause] Season as a best time to prune the cherry trees a late spring late winter and summer as like many fruit trees cherries must be carefully pruned every 3 years as they prune to the top two thirds of a dwarf Cherry with a long handled pruning Shar and then trim back brushes

    That were crossing or rubbing against each other this will ensure the light and the air to penetrate the canopy resulting in more fruit and healthier footage as there are two ways to harvest cherries by a hand or by [Applause] Machine however because the cherries can grow up to 20 ft tall it will be more difficult for them to harvest by hand and use ladders that is why today are the farmers that specialize in only exporting cherries they invest in Machinery to harvest larger volumes as a cherry Harvester has a

    Powerful vibrator to make the cherries fall quickly as it then has a bin to store the food so it doesn’t need support from other [Applause] loaders and finally millions of tons of cherries will be brought to the factory to perform the steps such as washing weighing packaging and storing at the

    Right temperature so that the users can buy them at any [Applause] time As cherries are one of the few food sources of melatonin a hormone that helps control your sleep and weake cycle in addition cherries also help to reduce joint pain and diabetes this Cherry with its characteristic sweet taste can be combined with other ingredients to create a diverse and delicious dish such

    As cakes drinks or ice cream so don’t miss the cherry on your dessert menu as this is the end of our video for today do you find it interesting please leave a comment down below to let us know and don’t forget to click the like share and subscribe to support the

    Channel and for now goodbye and see you in the next [Applause] video


    1. I just have to know what the wee tune is at the beginning of this actual video and what’s the wee whistle tune near the end of the video when the friseian cows walk into the barn?thanks david

    2. In my village, we let cow & Goat give birth naturally…. not like this way, not unless if it is needed for some help, then thats the time we take necessary action to save both the calf and the mother.thanks david

    3. Scrolled pretty far to find this comment, which is sad, but this is their way of testing us. Do you really think YT doesnt know about these kinds of videos? They're simply testing how much AI can control our attention spans. Dont believe me? There are many other weird farming channels out here on YT right now.

    4. Seems like every second comment generated by ChatGPT, with same pretentious gibberish about “mouth-watering experience” and “culinary journey”, and all that bs. That’s just meat, nothing breath-taking, it’s expensive because cost of feed and livestock maintenance is high, and you need a specific genetics which is also limited. And not everyone like it, many prefer leaner meats, like black angus, which is much reacher in flavour.

    5. Meat = Cancer scientists say it, and after losing a lot of loved ones that ate a lot of meat, I'd recommend you to not eat animals at all… Think about it, let food be medicine and medicine be food.

    6. Приезжайте в Россию и просто шашлыка поешьте.хорош херней страдать😅😅😅

    7. My grandson would never eat that wagyu meat because there’s plenty of fat,he never like to see fat in any meat he ate,in other hands I was the opposite one I love beef with fat.. so I love to have some…

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