13 to 16 November 2019
    From Santiago de Compostela to Braga.
    Following the blue arrows to Fatima I left Santiago under cold, grey skies. The camino itself was deserted but it was tough riding in the wet conditions. The Spanish Galician section is relatively easy and there are cheap Albergue´s (hostels) if you need a warm shower, which is exactly what I did. Once you cross the border, the trail deteriorates considerably, becoming a rock garden in many places.
    Saying that though, it´s some of the best riding I´ve done. The landscape is rich and lush and at this time of year the there is plenty of fruit to be had – persimmons, oranges and even passion fruit.
    The people are super friendly plus a coffee and a pasti de nata cost about a euro, cheap!

    For the stories behind the film:

    https://www.instagram.com/kvbcycles/?hl=en #cycletouring #biketouring #cycling

    Santiago de compostela was a massive milestone achieved and it was time to start heading south my next destination South Africa and it felt freakin good to start heading south but first I needed to see one more place Portugal After crossing the bridge to you the Camino turned absolutely camino follows an old Roman Road which is paved with cobblestone surface is incredibly bumpy and difficult and uncomfortable to ride on this part of Portugal is also very hilly and very steep at times I barely

    Managed to push my bike up some of these sections and with the rain these couples because so slick and I was slipping all over the show by the end of each day I was absolutely shattered but looking back this was one of my favorite parts

    Of my journey it was cold it was wet but this countryside it was some of the most beautiful countryside I’ve ever seen it’s a very rural part of Portugal and it’s seemingly untouched by mass tourism people were ridiculously friendly and very curious always stopping to have a

    Little talk the farmers had also cut and pruned their vineyards and they were now burning the woods and it gave the whole country this this rich smoky smell and and the smoked wood would stay low we’ll just leave the mountainsides in the valleys in this white smoke and that

    Was just simply something beautiful Yeah yeah Sheep by the time I reach Braga I needed some rest and I also needed some new brake pads


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