You’re inside a small spaceship. You’re flying higher and higher, then leave the atmosphere of our planet. Hundreds of thousands of satellites with glowing advertising banners appear in front of you. One of them says: “Happy New Year 5699!” This year you have an anniversary. You will be 5,000 years old.

    Join us as we take a look at the future of mankind and Earth in the next 10,000 years. From advanced technology to potential environmental changes, we’ll explore the possibilities of what may happen to our world in the distant future.
    As science and technology continue to advance, it’s important to consider how these developments will shape our future as a species and the health of our planet. Get ready for a thought-provoking discussion about the fate of mankind and Earth in the coming millennia.
    Thanks for watching!
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    Animation is created by Bright Side.

    Happy New Year 56.99 this year you have an anniversary you will be 5,000 years old you press a button on the touch panel and activate the ad block now you can’t see any holographic banners through the glass you’re going to make a jump through space a black tunnel called a wormhole

    Appears in front of the ship you fly inside and the hole disappears the ship has teleported to the Andromeda galaxy you discovered it an exoplanet here recently similar to Earth it’s also blue has a lot of water but only one huge continent the planet is hidden in dense interstellar clouds

    And you hope that other people won’t find it soon but as soon as it’s entered into the intergalactic register you’ll definitely buy this planet you call it second home now you’re flying into the atmosphere going through the clouds and landing on a small green hill at the

    Foot of it you see several veral small houses made of clay and stone and thatched roofs near the houses locals are working in simple clothes they’re plowing the ground and cows are eating the grass nearby you have turned on your stealth mode so the locals can’t see you

    They aren’t real people you created them using cloning technology the conditions on this planet are now the same as they were on real Earth in the year 699 the year when everything changed for you you remember swimming in the lake at night and looking at the stars one star

    Moved from its place and began to approach a huge flash of light and something heavy fell into the water you lost Consciousness and woke up in the morning on the shore only a thousand years later you realized it was a meteorite the day after the star fell

    You noticed that any damage on your body instantly disappeared after a couple of decades you realize that you get older slower than the rest of the people in your village after another 50 years you understood that you didn’t age at all Knights Vikings the dark Middle Ages the

    Geniuses of the Renaissance you see it all with your own eyes you become an emperor of a huge Empire and then you get bored and decide to live in the slums to feel all the shades of this life you think that some magic gave you immortality but then you realize that

    Any magic or sorcery is really science you communicate with the greatest Minds on the planet make friends with incredibly bright people and really bad ones to understand the nature of humans around the 15th century you’ve got all the knowledge and read all the books that people could give you by this time

    You begin to explore the world yourself you discover the process of photosynthesis in Plants grasp the fundamental laws of physics conduct amazing chemical experiments and find out that you live on on a tiny planet in an infinitely vast Universe biology chemistry physics astronomy you learn and explore everything the results of

    Your scientific research in these subjects are ahead of humanity by a hundred years while the whole world is riding horses you’re already building a car with a steam engine to hide your identity from people you constantly change your name and place of residence over a thousand years you have learned

    All the languages of the world and even those that no longer exist you study all the psychologically known personality types your social and emotional intelligence is so developed that you can create a person’s portrait after one minute of talking to them you look into their eyes and understand what they want

    Are afraid of or are ashamed of you spend several years in continuous meditation to calm your mind and gain wisdom you lead the life of a Hermit and watch Humanity slowly develop but then the 20th century comes and the life of the entire planet changes dramatically the Industrial Revolution the first cars

    And trains Cinema radio and television in these 100 years people are changing more than they have in the previous 1500 years now it’s hard for you to keep up with the world new inventions appear every day and every hour the knowledge and experience of previous years help

    You become one of the most influential people on the planet world leaders listen to your opinion thanks to your developed communication skills you can negotiate with any person you go through expensive and highquality plastic surgery operations so that no one will recognize you you keep moving and

    Getting a new ID every 20 years you have a lot of money as well as gold and other valuable metals that you’ve collected for centuries you build houses and shelters in the most beautiful places on the planet you finance the development of new technologies sometimes time in

    The 1950s you predict that in the next Century there will be a unique Network that will allow you to store all the knowledge of the world in a small device with the help of this network all people will be able to communicate with each other from different points of the earth

    You’re surprised that the internet appears much earlier developers create virtual reality worlds with photorealistic Graphics artificial intelligence is smart enough to rule a small country genetic engineering allows us to clone people and mix our bodies with robots the first cyborgs appear with each passing Century there’s less

    And less space on the planet you get tired of people and consuming new technologies and you spend more and more time in your home on the top of Mount Everest humanity is taking over Mars and the moon soon these places Aren’t Enough For People Too in the fourth Millennium

    Scientists create a quantum engine to travel through space you’re among the first people to try this technology and make the jump to another group of planets orbiting a star similar to our solar system your ship breaks down and you can’t go back you’re left to live

    Alone on a new planet your body adapts to the conditions on it so you don’t need oxygen reserves then you learn to breathe without oxygen at all the cells of your body receive what they need for normal functioning from the surrounding gases your skin is getting rougher

    Because of the dusty atmosphere of the pl planet and with the increased gravity you develop Incredible strength you’d become a super person with such a body on Earth you manage to send a signal into space and you hope that Humanity will catch it you’ve been living alone

    For over 500 years without books the internet or any communication you spend most of the time exploring a lifeless desert World using parts and tools of the ship you create a vegetable garden you also have a lot of water reserves during all this time you realize that

    You missed the old world and your life before the meteorite fell some spaceship picks up your signal and comes for you you return to your home World travel between Solar Systems is now as easily available as travel by Subway or bus you decide to find a Planet as similar to

    Earth as possible to recreate human life there using the power of modern telescopes and your knowledge of astronomy you discover what you’ve been looking for in in the Andromeda galaxy nebula you arrive at the second home and live a human life there for hundreds of years You observe people and mentally go

    Back to your past you protect those people from external threats like asteroids but don’t interfere in their lives from time to time you fly to Earth and other planets for business life on the second home is becoming very similar to life on Earth there are more and more people and cultures Technologies are

    Emerging you you have completed your goal and now you want to discover other worlds you spend the next 5,000 years studying the ever expanding Universe you were lucky to find that 6×6 ft apartment after all none of your friends own one they mostly live in capsule modules where it’s only possible

    To sleep without turning and tossing much the price for what they call a mansion today is obscenely high and you still fully can’t accept it tomorrow you got to sign that contract and make the down payment actually you had the chance to buy it only because you won that

    Chance in the lottery this is how you live in $29.99 you and the other 100 billion people some people though invest in numerous New Millennium apartment blocks on other planets the latest real estate trend is to downshift somewhere on Ross 128b Mars or even Saturn you

    Were thinking about it too but you just love the Earth’s atmosphere and nature too much while you’re sipping your morning coffee a pop-up advertisement hologram instantly fills all the space in your capsule and it just won’t disappear dear earn don’t miss out on the chance to change your life once and

    For all check out the newest Department blocks on Ross 128b Mars Europa and Saturn invest in your new housing and brand new life bus tours available daily suddenly you realize this spam might be your chance you still have some time before signing that contract you’ve got

    Nothing to lose it’s just a one-day tour after all 11 light years from Earth to Ross 12 8B aren’t a big deal now just a couple of hours on that space bus the agency provides you’ll go there and see that there’s no place like Earth just to

    Make sure you’ve made the right choice you rush to the space bus station and you’re just in time 3 2 1 go the bus pulls out and 2 hours later you’re already there on Ross 128b wow it looks like a bit of oldfashioned Earth you’ve seen in scientific presentations at University

    The surface is Rocky with some green spots these must be the forests and Meadows scientists are trying to introduce it does have an atmosphere although artificial the real estate agent says it’s actually good no unpredicted weather anymore everything is controlled by the Dwellers the only inconvenience is that the better the

    Weather is the heft ti your bill you’re going to get next month the UV protection is essential on Ross 128b its index is 38% higher than on Earth so a regular sunscreen turns out pretty helpless they say this planet is like the Earth twin but you kind of disagree

    There’s some vegetation but it all looks so weird you feel like you’re in a computer game next to the apartment block there’s an orchard and a small farm producing organic food for the locals so you decide to pop in and check how it works the fruits and vegetables

    Look so odd there you realize this must be an apple tree but it has microchips instead of flower buds and the fruit are cubical there are are apples of all of the rainbow colors you go forward and stumble on a small rock one of the few things that belonged to this planet

    Originally and weren’t imported from Earth a butterfly lands on the tip of your nose you want to touch it but as soon as your fingers reach it the insect disperses in numerous pixels the real estate agent runs up to you helping you stand back on your feet she says all the

    Fauna on the planet is still represented in a form of holograms because transferring it all from Earth doesn’t seem possible at the moment all the fauna elements are tightly connected together and even the smallest butterfly can make a dramatic difference with the money you have for the down payment on

    Earth you can afford a two-story apartment on this planet the only problem is tiring commuting to work every single day come on y’all Mars is ahead we still have a lot of apartment block to show you Ah that’s the real estate agent calling you you hop on that

    Bus and sometime later you land on Mars by $29.99 it looks just spe spacular but a bit too Sandy the scientists still can’t bring liquid water to this planet even though the atmosphere is completely fine the planet is too warm now because they tried to make it habitable even

    Though there are glaciers all the water instantly turns to gas because of the heat you spot some large machines up in the sky the real estate agent says these are some essential pieces of equipment that trap the gas water up in the sky to make Martian pouched water she hands one

    Pouch to you to try it out looks like an air balloon weird you inhale it and you’ve never tasted anything like this before and you still can’t understand how that gas quenched your thirst the main plants on Mars are cacti of all forms they adapted perfectly to its atmosphere and

    Scientists even managed to blend other plant genes with those of cacti these tall plants are a martian type of maple you can tell it looking at the leaves here there are some pears growing on that large Cactus and you can see mangoes avocados and fruits of all kinds

    They seem to be thriving the Sun’s shining and they’re surrounded by water in the form of gas it almost feels like home here while Ross 128b still has to be developed it’s been over 200 years since the first Ranch on Mars was made the real estate is pricier here though

    So you can only afford a nice studio apartment looks like a bargain but it’s time to visit another planet you’re headed to Europa one of Jupiter’s moons you’ve been to this planet last year on vacation and you loved it a lot 1,000 years ago the scientists thought there

    Was water under its icy crust and they were right the crust melted forming a huge ocean twice the size of Earth’s World Ocean and the planet itself has been undergoing various changes over the last millenum all the cracks it had on its smooth surface form many small

    Continents all of them were named after European countries but you have enough time to visit only one of them Italy the continent is surrounded by Azure water and and there are endless fragrant lemon trees people cook pizza with freshly grown tomatoes though they’re as large as Earth’s watermelons one tomato is

    Enough for two pizzas you look through the Europa brochure to get more information about other continents on Norway there are mountains looking very much like Norwegian FS on France there are endless Lavender Fields and on the continent of Greece there are large Farms with olive trees you close the

    Brochure realizing that real estate here is almost as pricey as back on Earth no wonder too many people want to live there time’s up you’ve got one more planet ahead the bus is about to land and there’s an announcement welcome to Saturn put on your swimming mass and

    Dive in to see our ultimate apartment block the scientists spent over 250 years trying to solidify Saturn but it was in vain in the end they decided to try making the first settlements back in the 2980s when you were a kid the gravity on Saturn is a bit stronger than

    On on Earth which allowed scientists to construct large complexes under domes for people to dwell there in the depths of Saturn’s gas oceans there’s a wide variety of fauna jellyfish octopuses even sharks they look a bit different trying to adapt to their life on another planet their fins look way larger to

    Help them handle incredibly strong winds of 1,100 mph but the most incredible part is the Flora Saturn’s algae come in at at least 3,000 different colors at least the brochure says so you can also regulate their intensity and shade with a remote 2 hours later you’re back in

    Your capsule you keep tossing in your bed it’s the last night here tomorrow is the big day but you’re still in two minds you saw that studio apartment on Mars in your dreams you ate Martian pancakes to with cactus maple syrup the alarm goes off congratulations you’re

    Now the owner of your own apartment on Earth very few people can make it in in $29.99 Mr Sanders you’re holding a set of keys in your hand a notification beeps on your phone leas your apartment on Earth and move to Mars you won’t ever

    Have to work again you can’t help it and begin to smile this is Earth 335 million years ago I wasn’t around then but there’s just one supercontinent Pangia see let’s watch it shift around in fast forward okay here we go it just split into two huge pieces Australia goes This Way

    North and South America go that way Africa Asia Europe forming forming and there we go the planet as it is today let’s keep going I mean the continents are always on the move over time some of them will crash into each other others will break apart but that’ll take about

    100 million years better put it on super fast forward 100 years from now humans keep spitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the planet’s already warmed up a bunch the world’s ocean levels have risen about 4 ft the Bahamas they’ve totally disappeared 200 years from now the Earth’s population is about 19 billion

    People the climate’s gotten even warmer we’re packed in like sardines over here new medical Tech makes it possible to live to 180 but why fossil fuel Reser reses of oil and gas long gone oh and the continents have drifted over 16 ft the Voyager 1 space probes about to

    Enter an asteroid Cloud at the edge of the solar system it’s the most distant man-made object in the universe I guess a thousand years from now thanks to better quality food humans are now 7 ft tall on average technology solved the pollution and fuel shortage problem

    Humanity is doing just fine Ro robots do all the work we just play around all day ocean levels have crept up another 10 ft islands like the SE shells Maldives galpagos and many others have gone underwater Denmark the Netherlands Eastern England Thailand and Vietnam are only partially underwater there’s been a

    Huge human migration these last 100 years fast forward about 5,000 more years and it’s the year 8113 humanity is getting ready to open the Crypt of civilization it’s a hermetically sealed room in Georgia in the states bat Georgia it was created in 1940 and it’s full of about 800 books on

    Microfilm recordings of famous people’s voices it’s also filled with bits of Technology from that time like a toaster a radio and a typewriter some awesome people created the Crypt of civilization in case humans experienced a major catastrophe in the distant future and had to rebuild civilization from scratch

    We’d all go back to using typewriters 15,000 years from now our planet has changed its tilt and the Sahara Desert is now a Tropical Paradise years of rain turn the dry desert into a wild jungle 30,000 years from now the Voyer 1 space probe has finally left the

    Asteroid Cloud at the edge of our solar system if it doesn’t collide with anything it’ll be flying in the dark wide open outer space for a very long time 50,000 years from now the climate’s changing a lot the temperature on Earth is beginning to drop and we are

    Approaching the beginning of a new Ice Age the radio signal with a special hello all you aliens out there message sent into space in 1974 has reached its destination the message contained the human number system and data about our DNA and our solar system if there was

    Some someone on the other end to receive this signal we might have a response from them 100,000 years from now one of the largest known stars in our galaxy Canis Majoris explodes with enormous Force the explosion of this Supernova can be seen from Earth even during the

    Day and the nights are much brighter because of the new strong glow in the night sky what’s new on Earth super volcanoes start erupting all over these volcanoes spew colossal amounts of lava and Ash everywhere thick black clouds cover most of the sky this prevents the sun’s Rays

    From reaching the ground and the temperature on our planet drops even lower humans mostly live underground anyway so it’s no big deal because the stars are gradually moving in different directions the usual constellations are starting to change shape soon we’ll need to come up with totally new constellation names 250 years from now

    Oh a new islands on the map back in 2021 it was just an underwater volcano somewhere in the Pacific after thousands of years of spouting out lava it finally reached the ocean surface and busted out in the cool fresh air not much growing on it yet Niagara Falls has long since

    Disappeared and Lake Erie and Lake Ontario have teamed up to form one huge super Lake 300,000 years from now the triple star system wr10 4 is about to explode it’s spinning crazy fast and there’s a chance that radiation from the explosion could eventually reach her

    That would do a lot of damage to all life on our planet Voyager 1 reaches the brightest star in the night sky serious not a very funny Star at all it’s really serious it’s 8.6 light years from Earth 500,000 years from now scientists are pretty sure that a huge meteorite could

    Fall to Earth any day now it might be even the size of eight football fields the impact of such a massive meteorite would cause an explosion so powerful that its sound would be heard on every continent that would be followed by super strong earthquakes and tsunamis higher than the bright side Empire

    Municipal Building Tower thingy okay I just made that up but who knows what we’ll be building in the future 1 million years from now the rogar galise 710 comes very close to our solar system we’re surrounded by a huge Shield of asteroids called the or cloud and the

    Rogue Stars beginning to affect the asteroids hanging out in there it grabs them spins them around and throws them toward the center of our solar system comets start to fall on our planet all the time big ones causing more tsunamis and earthquakes 10 million years from now the Red Sea is gradually expanding

    Into the East African Rift Africa is now divided in two by a new oceanic Gulf the human DNA molecule has completely decomposed but it’s no big deal we’ve become totally digital without any pesky aging problems the really cool thing is that other animals have evolved a lot and changed ridiculously thanks to a

    Simple interface we’re actually able to talk to dolphins chimps dogs and cats turns out cats aren’t grumpy they’re just busy contemplating life 25 million years from now the San Andreas fault has been crazy recently and has caused the Gulf of California to flood the Central Valley there’s a new Sea on the west

    Coast of North America 50 million years from now Africa just collided with EUR Asia the Mediterranean Sea is totally gone there’s a new tallest mountain in the world it’s name Mount Everest of course Australia is continuing its Journey North it already collided with southeast Asia a few million years ago

    The few human colonies still left on Mars need to do some serious ping Phobos one of Mars moons is beginning to orbit at a lower and lower altitude that’s not good it’s about 14 Mi wide so that’s going to be unpleasant 60 million years from now the Canadian rocky mountains have completely

    Eroded it’s just one gigantic flat plane 80 million years from now all the remains of Hawaii is one Island all the others have long since gone underwater but just next door a whole new chain of Hawaiian islands has emerged finally 100 million years from now we made it the

    Atlantic shrinking down to nothing the Americans are almost rubbing up against Africa Africa’s already merged with Eurasia we’ve got ourselves a super continent again hello Pangia Proxima all traces of human life are gone or buried deep underground the the movement of the continents has destroyed tunnels roads buildings Bridges animals and plants now

    Reign supreme on Earth so where are all the humans well remember we made the jump to digital about 90 million years ago things are still going strong there are trillions of human Minds living on a huge hard drive on a spaceship orbiting Earth the super low space temperature is

    Good for keeping the drive nice and cool we have millions of different societies languages and cultures just like we had 100 million years ago the only difference we’re all little ones and zeros in the huge Digital Universe that we created and yes there’s still football Humanity will once again visit

    The moon the mission is planned for 2024 in This Crew we’ll see the first women step on the moon the main goal is to establish a lunar base for continued research that will help NASA prepare for an upcoming to Mars has been planning a crude flight to

    The red planet set for the 2030s robotic Rovers did a good job exploring the Martian surface but astronauts will have to dig deeper to find evidence of water and any fossils proving microscopic life was once possible on our planetary neighbor new data on earthlike planets since its launch in 2009 the Kepler

    Space telescope has discovered lots of EXO planets orbiting distant starss some of them have an earthlike Mass composition and orbits NASA plans to launch a new generation of telescopes in the 2040s they’ll help us find real twins of our planet and even get pictures of their surfaces the return of hi’s comet it’ll

    Be another 41 years before we once again see the most famous comet in the sky hies visits us every 75 years so some will manage to see it twice in their lifetime the longest solar eclipse 166 years from now I’ll still be around then the sun will go dark for 7

    Minutes and 29 seconds this is pretty close to the predicted maximum it’ll also be the longest Eclipse human civilization has ever witnessed in its 10,000 years arrival of the most notorious asteroid 1950 da was once the most probable candidate among neear objects we know to actually strike the planet

    Fortunately the chance was later estimated to be not even a tenth of a percent it’ll most likely pass by on March 16th 2880 mark your calendars and it’ll become a solid evidence that we’re safe for a while the asteroid is more than a mile in diameter enough to take out life on a

    Planet a new North Star the Earth spins like a top watch one of these toys closely and you’ll see how its tip starts to draw circles in the air the Earth’s axis an imaginary line going through the poles goes full circle once every 26,000 years it points at

    Different Stars along the way thus changing the North Star by the year 3000 the gamma SEI star will share this title with Polaris as the Earth’s axis will point right between them the first near Earth Supernova and ter is the 15th brightest star in the night skies it’s also an old

    Red super giant 12 times larger than the sun Stars this massive age to a point where they collapse in on themselves producing huge supernovas for anteras this will happen just 10,000 years from now which is nothing for a 12 milliony old star the resulting burst will be too

    Far away to affect life on this planet negatively but the light show will be visible here on Earth even during the day message to the universe delivered aasbo is the encoded message describing Humanity life on earth and the advancement of our scientific knowledge it was broadcast from the aasbo radio

    Telescope and aimed at the center of the m113 cluster 25,000 light years away from us in 25,000 Years it’ll finally reach its destination a new closest star about 36,000 years from now the Ross 248 star will become our new closest neighbor it’ll be just three light years away from us and

    Overtake the title from proximus centuri which is a bit more than four light years away Ross 248 will remain the nearest St for around 9,000 years and then move away once again so you didn’t like the neighborhood or what the first Interstellar human-made object in 40,000 years Voyager 1 will

    Reach a point within 1.5 light years of the Glee 445 star it successfully reached Interstellar space in 2013 but unfortunately it won’t be able to power up any of its systems somewhere beyond the year 2025 Voyager 1 has a message too a recording of greetings in 55 languages

    Music from classical to rock and roll and sounds of the Earth’s Wild life a bear Saturn 100,000 years from now Saturn will lose its beautiful Rings it’ll happen gradually over time as the planet’s colossal gravity pulls rocks and ice from this belt floating around it they’ll all eventually fall and get

    Crushed and burned by Saturn’s atmosphere well how rude the ring system is in the middle of its life cycle so we’re incredibly lucky we got to see it in its full Glory the most frightening Supernova the WR 104 star will burst into a supernova in 3,000 years this

    Star is 75,000 light years away from us and the blast won’t touch us at all but there is a small chance it’ll also produce a Gamay burst in the process if this stream of energy happens to aim right at us it will negatively affect life on Earth good news scientists say that’s very

    Unlikely colliding moons the moons of Uranus are part of a highly unstable system some of them have orbits that cross paths Uranus already has two rings of debris from past collisions of its natural satellites damona and cresa will crash into each other in the next million years and produce new

    Rings a star too close for comfort the Rogue gley 710 star is approaching our solar system and it will get just one lightyear away in 1.3 million years this won’t have a major impact on the planets but it could disturb the socalled orch cloud which surrounds our solar system

    And is full of comets from Earth the star will look like the brightest planets we see now and we’ll see many more comets in the skies the closest star to ever go supernova within a few million years the spika star which is only 240 Light Years from us will burst into a supernova

    Supernova are a problem for life when they’re three times closer than that but the Supernova itself will shine in the earth’s Skies as bright as a full moon a time capsule for future Generations the logios one satellite was launched back in 1976 to gather information about the exact shape of the

    Earth and tectonic plate movement but it also contained information about civilization on Earth at the time it’ll re-enter our atmosphere in 8.4 million years if humanity is around then they’ll learn how life on Earth was in our time well at least how it was some 40 years

    Ago rings for Mars Mars Moon Phobos orbits really close to the surface and it continues to get 2T closer every Century 50 million years from now it’ll collide with Mars resulting in a massive amount of debris going into orbit and forming a ring system around on the red planet oh can’t wait for

    That days on Earth will get longer no really 1.4 billion years ago the moon was much closer to our planet it made the Earth rotate faster so the day was only 18 hours the Moon is continuously moving away from Earth in 180 million years we’ll gain one extra hour in a

    Little over 2 billion years a day on Earth will be 36 hours long long no more solar eclipses 600 million years into the future the moon will move away from the earth too far to cover the Sun during eclipses those will become ancient relics the sun will get too bright it’ll

    Take about a billion years for the sun to raise its Luminosity by 10% this will be devastating for planets in the solar system and life on Earth won’t be possible beyond this point by then our species will likely have found a new planetary home the sun will swallow the inner

    Planets in 5 billion years the sun will begin to evolve into a red giant growing hundreds of times its current size it’ll swell up so much it will eventually engulf Mercury Venus and possibly Earth the new Goldilocks habitable zone May shift to the orbits of Jupiter and

    Saturn this process will take a bit under 3 billion years until the sun reach reaches its maximum size after that our star will shrink into a white dwarf the most epic event ever around the same time our sun is swelled up the nearest neighboring Galaxy Andromeda

    Will come too close to the Milky Way if we could watch our Galactic neighbor at this time it’ll get larger and larger as it approaches then the two galaxies will start to merge bright blue stars will burst into life new con stellations will form the two spiral galaxies will now be

    A single giant elliptical one wow I’ve set an alarm on my smartphone so I don’t miss It a space settlement floating out there in the cosmos it’s not sci-fi but as always there is a catch look at this tiny deserted as EST roid it may look lonely and Barren but if you peek inside you’ll see life blooming inside of it these days many people now live right inside these

    Asteroids it’s not sci-fi according to researchers we might be able to create futuristic cities the size of Manhattan on gigantic space rocks of course there’s a catch the asteroid we choose as our base has got to be at least 1,000 ft wide though it’s weird why life is

    Inside this asteroid and not on its surface you see we can’t really live right on asteroids that’s because we’re not the little prince who indeed lived on an asteroid according to the plot but because there’s too little gravity and too much radiation for us to handle if we chill outside there are possible

    Theoretical ways to stay on the surface but it’s going to be extravagant so the only option is living living inside asteroids nothing screams wildly theoretical like building an asteroid City living in space without any gravity isn’t as romantic as it sounds researchers show that when people spend

    Too much time in zero gravity things start getting weird their eyeballs pop out retinas detach muscles shrink and bones become as fragile as a potato chip but imagine this a space settlement floating out there in the cosmos if you watched enough sci-fi you’d picture a massive structure spinning round and

    Round it spins to create gravity for all the lucky folks living inside There’s an actual prototype of this Wizardry the O’Neal cylinder this device is named after a physicist Gerard O’Neal who came up with the idea for NASA in the 70s now there isn’t a ton of data on this but

    Humans need roughly 1/3 of Earth’s gravity to function properly an O’Neal cylinder may not be able to generate massive amounts of gravity but the genius behind it Mr O’Neal himself designed them to spin around their long axis this device creates a gravity-like force called centrifugal force so if we

    Ever get to use that we’ll be living happily on the inner surface of the cylinder feeling pulled downward away from the center but as always there is a catch when the team crunched the numbers they realized that the asteroids would break apart way before or they could reach the

    Speeds necessary to keep us grounded and to make matters worse most of these asteroids were more like Loosely assembled piles of rock than a solid chunk the small ones like less than 6 mil across are a mix of Sand Pebbles rocks and boulders they’re all held

    Together by the weak force of their own gravity if you were to spin one of these asteroid buddies all those parts would go flying off into space not cool however scientist didn’t give up and they elaborated on the idea they needed to find a way to keep the asteroids

    Together they played around with different ideas and they produce something crazy now if you were to carry all your personal belongings every day right in your hands at some point the situation would be out of your control you’d have to collect all your stuff from the floor but you’re smart and you

    Carry a bag right well it seems that if we want to control an asteroid all we need is a ginormous bag but not just any bag a massive flexible and super lightweight mesh bag made from teeny tiny carbon Nano fibers these fibers are like tubes that are only a few atoms

    Wide but boy are they strong so once we’ve got this cylinder shaped bag all set up we can start slowly spinning the asteroid using Rocket Motors deep within the rubble and as it spins faster and faster it’ll start flinging all those Pebbles rocks and boulders and guess what the carbon nanowire webbing is

    Going to go flying out with them this bag will be expanding and expanding until it reaches its absolute limit and then the rubble inside slams Into the Now supertight webbing it’s like a crazy explosion of debris compacting together to create this massive Hollow cylinder made entirely of concrete once all the

    Dust settles you can build entire towns cities parks and even Farm land on the inside of the cylinder this like something straight out of O’Neal’s designs you can even enclose the whole inner surface with a transparent roof outside of this incredible living area you’ve got these thick concrete

    Walls that are like superhero Shields protecting against radiation so not only do you have this space to live in but you’re also super safe from any harmful stuff outside we still don’t have this Magic Bag as those magic carbon nanowires aren’t aren’t mass produced yet but scientists claim that according

    To the laws of physics a tiny asteroid like a few football fields put together can be transformed into 22 square miles of living space as of now about 1.5 million people are living in Manhattan and there are like tens of thousands of asteroids just hanging around in our

    Solar system you do the math seems like everyone will have a sweet spot to crash in space building a city in space is is no easy feat the main challenge still is to create a self- sustaining closed system that can keep going for the long haul

    You see cities on Earth rely on a much larger area to survive than just our own boundaries but in Space the farther away from external resources a space city is the more it needs to close its Loops for oxygen water and food take the ISS for example it’s about 40% efficient in

    Recycling oxygen but even then it’s CO2 levels are always Sky High NASA is on the case though trying to figure out how to magically turn that CO2 back into oxygen once we’ve tackled the basics like protecting ourselves from radiation dealing with pesky gravity and finding some air to breathe it’s time to get

    Creative in space enter 3D printing and Rocket engines the dynamic duo that will pave the way for space settlements with 3D printing we can kiss goodbye to rely on Earth for spare parts we’ll simply whip them up locally cutting out the middleman we can even use 3D printers to

    Whip up a delicious pizza in a couple of minutes of course we’ll need some fresh ingredients but your dinner might just be a push button away in space to truly Thrive out there we’ll need to tap into the riches of asteroids these Celestial Treasures are bursting with raw materials perfect for creating

    Solar arrays building materials for our colonies and so much more and let’s not forget about comets these icy wonders are like Cosmic water fountains providing us with precious H2O for drinking bathing and even shielding ourselves from radiation plus we can use that water to produce hydrogen and oxygen for Rocket Fuel and fuel

    Cells so let’s say we pull this off can you imagine people living or born in space might end up being different from you and me like if humans can have babies up there these space colonies might develop some cool cultures they might even come up with their own

    Languages and get this they could even evolve new physical traits it’s wild to think that just after 300 years a colony of 2,000 people could look and act so differently from us they might have different hair textures skin types and even be taller or more slender to deal

    With that low gravity situation we might even develop new organs to protect us from cosmic rays or we’ll have gill-like structures to breathe carbon dioxide hey I know it sounds crazy but these scientists are working on developing these carbon nanot tubes as we speak so maybe one day we’ll be

    Living it up on our very own asteroid crib it might seem like asteroid cities are just too far-fetched but let’s take a trip back in time for a moment in 1900 no one had ever flown in an airplane but today thousand thousands of people are zooming through the sky comfortably

    Seated in chairs traveling at hundreds of miles an hour high above the ground unaware that their luggage is on another plane going to a different destination oh Well 15,000 years after the construction of the first space Colony planet Kepler 452b 1400 light years from old Earth hello firste students we’re glad to welcome welcome you to The Intergalactic University endless space is now home for us humans but thousands of years ago we

    Used to live on just one planet we now call Old Earth yes I understand it’s difficult to believe today it’s one huge Nature Reserve mammoths and stegosaurs walk on its surface and pterodactyls fly in its Skies it turned out to be easier to recreate animals that roamed it

    Millions of years ago than to understand how our ancestors lived the great cataclysm made them abandon the planet in a hurry leaving much of its Legacy behind and now we’re studying it a new but our excavations leave more questions than answers skyscrapers highways shopping centers coffee shops everything is

    Buried under sand and soil rust has eaten away the metal and time turns concrete into dust even the Hoover Dan Dam and the Three Gorges Dam in China have crumbled the Colossal structures turned into heaps of stones the remaining buildings have become overgrown with plants and turned into a home for millions of

    Living creatures but there’s good news as well faces carved into Mount Rushmore are still visible the mountain is granite and this rock is one of the hardest on Old Earth for over 15,000 years the faces of US presidents have deteriorated by only two in the monument

    Will stand for millions of years and the latest expedition to the Sahara Desert managed to dig out the Great Pyramid from the sand now any tourist can buy a ticket and look at that wonder which even earthlings considered very old surprisingly ruins and crumbling walls of medieval castles in Europe have

    Survived they’re built of massive stones and without metal fittings which expand and destroy the stone when rusting our ancestors left behind a huge amount of garbage empty bottles plastic packaging wrappers all this helps scientists to recreate the consumption patterns of people of the past thanks to

    This we know for sure that in the 2000s almost 8 billion people ate mostly chips chocolate bars and pizza and they rarely drank ordinary water they loved coffee though 60% of Earth Lings lived on the internet for 7 hours a day 2 billion websites worked 24/7 at first information was stored on

    Hard diss flash drives and compact discs but this kind of storage went obsolete after a couple of years the cloud took their place it was an online storage with servers connected to the global Network they recorded the entire life of Earth’s civilization and were stored in data centers in space space the Earth’s

    Internet didn’t work well apparently huge distances and lack of technical knowledge did their job imagine that a Pluto resident wants to know the difference between Margarita and czone pizzas they click the link and wait for a couple of hours for it to open if the Dough’s already in the oven no

    Good each colony organized its own internet by sending satellites to orbit their planets it took time to connect thousands of col iies into the intergalactic web we now know as uninet when the cataclysm struck people had to escape leaving their planet to its fate electricity went out no one

    Maintained the servers and data centers and lots of info about their civilization was lost we’ve scanned miles deep into the Earth and found many interesting artifacts students I invite you to look at this amazing thing the earthlings called it a camera people took pictures of their food

    Morning runs and new shoes on it one thing our scientists couldn’t comprehend though is that ancient people used to communicate with its help too one of the main Mysteries of the past are the dishes of different sizes archaeologists find them in almost every home they bear these names buddy Cosmo Rex princess we

    Know these were the things from which dogs and cats ate but we don’t know why why people pampered these animals so much for example archaeologists recently Unearthed a beauty salon for poodles in San Francisco I also love my dragon from the jungles of galisa 832c but I don’t perm

    Its fur and manicure its claws and this is my favorite artifact a book there’s nothing more valuable in the universe there’s only one sample in my antiques collection it’s a cooking recipes anthology I paid a fortune for it the ruins of museums are Treasures for archaeologists and all the new

    Humanity these buildings collapsed a long time ago and now look like ordinary Hills overgrown with trees and grass museums are like pearls in the ocean they lie at the bottom and wait to be fished from their shells and sometimes archaeologists manage that books paintings documents and clothes have mostly turned to D

    But we can enjoy the statues that were carved out of marble by masters of ancient Greece and Rome on the walls of caves around the world there are drawings of animals and handprints of the first people they didn’t know how to read drive a car or fly a spaceship but their paintings have

    Survived it’s incredible over thousands of years time has eaten up huge dams cities with skyscrapers and bridges and the palm of an ancient human still adorns the cold and rough wall of a cave space Archaeology is becoming more and more popular thousands of tons of space debris fly around old Earth the real

    Sensation is the discovery of the Voyager 1 probe earthlings sent it into space at the very beginning of their development I see your condescending Smiles today such a device can be assembled by any firste student from SP Parts in their parents’ garage but dear students let’s not laugh at our

    Ancestors they tried their best Voyager isn’t a simple satellite the device can be compared to a message in a bottle thrown into the sea and the cosmic sea is millions of times larger than the Pacific Ocean of old Earth Engineers of the past left a time

    Capsule with a message in the probe it contains photographs of people and the nature of the planet as well as scientific information about the Earth 90 minutes of recorded music are of particular interest this is a real gift from our ancestors to us to the people of space radio signals that humankind sent

    Into space have also survived we’ve tracked them radio broadcasts phone conversations even music charts continue their journey through space millions of years later they’ll weaken and leave behind only an electromagnetic echo in 2020 there were 1.4 billion cars on Old Earth unbelievable but they moved along asphalted roads on rubber tires not in

    The air when humans flew into space they left their vehicles on the planet within just a couple hundred years the cars went completely bust and turned into piles of metal plastic and rubber one that survived from Millennia was the lunar roving vehicle there’s no air no water and no

    Earthquakes on the moon anything that comes here becomes kind of suspended in time and that’s what happened to the Rover archaeologists have found a lot of other whole and crash spacecraft on the moon these devices are Priceless artifacts in the museum of primitive Earth Technology in the spard archipelago in

    The Arctic Ocean scientists have Unearthed the global seed Vault Earthlings built it in 2008 it became a real sensation the huge Silo contained 4.5 million samples of 500 seeds each billions of seeds have helped provide agriculture for the colonies now you can eat popcorn and hamburgers with real bread rolls thanks to

    Those for thousands of years the seeds were kept without human attention this isn’t a miracle but an accurate scientific calculation the vault is built underground at a depth of 390 ft there are no earthquakes or floods there and the permafrost provided the optimum temperature for the seeds to

    Survive most metals are mined from ore these ores don’t contain pure Metals but only their chemical compounds to get pure iron The Ore must be smelted first but there’s a problem metals from ore oxidize on contact with water or oxygen simply put they rust this is how metal

    Returns to its natural ore State that’s why Nails metal fences Bridges and houses rust and collapse but this doesn’t happen with gold silver and platinum things made from these metals are Eternal and will never lose their shape of course if you don’t start hitting the Rings and penants with a

    Hammer during excavations archaeologists find thousands of jewelry items earthlings love to wear them on their bodies crowns luxurious necklaces wedding rings all this jewelry is now history kept in Galactic museums imagine that it’s the year 2025 and our planet has completely changed rising sea levels extreme weather and the ocean becoming more and

    More acidic are just some of the problems people have been dealing with for years but in one of the world’s largest coastal cities the situation has become too serious it was a sunny day in June when a massive earthquake shook the city to its core the ground beneath people’s

    Feet heaved and Shook and buildings swayed dangerously people ran through the streets in panic trying to find safety but as soon as the ground settled the inhabitants of the city realized the real danger a wall of water almost 100 ft high was rushing toward the city propelled by the force of the earthquake

    The tsunami hit the city with unimaginable Force entire neighborhoods were wiped out out and thousands of people lost their lives but here’s where things get interesting in the aftermath of the disaster the city’s authorities realized that they couldn’t just rebuild the city as it was before they needed to be

    Better prepared for the next potential disaster and so they came up with an incredibly ambitious project to build an underwater city the goal was to create a self-sufficient sustainable City Beneath the ocean’s surface that could withstand any natural disaster the underwater city would be powered by renewable energy

    Using tidal power and underwater solar panels it would be designed to withstand extreme weather and would have its own emergency response systems the project attracted some of the world’s top scientists engineers and Architects they worked tirelessly to design the city and carefully considered every aspect of the project the underwater city would have

    Everything that a typical City had from schools and hospitals to stores and restaurants there would be underwater Farms where fish and other Marine creatures could grow the city would even have its transportation system Advanced submarines and underwater tunnels connecting different parts of the city project became a shining Beacon of Hope

    For people it showed that even in the face of disaster we could come together to create something amazing But as time went on the project no longer seemed so perfect the cost of the project turned out to be higher than planned there were also concerns about how long such a project would exist

    After all the ocean is very unpredictable and still the team of scientists and Engineers never gave up after years of trial and error they finally created the perfect underwater city a Marvel of engineering a self-contained ecosystem that could sustain people indefinitely the buildings were constructed from a material that could withstand the

    Immense pressure at the bottom of the ocean and the city itself was powered by a network of advanced hydroelectric turbines it wasn’t long before the first first wave of colonists arrived at the underwater city there were different people in this group and each of them had their own reasons for choosing to

    Live in this new world beneath the waves some were adventurers seeking a new world to explore While others were hoping to escape natural disasters raging on dry land but despite their differences all these people shared a common goal to build a new Society one that was in harmony with the natural

    World the underwater city flourished and new discoveries were made every day the colonists developed new technologies and ways to tame the power of the ocean they learned to farm the sea and started cultivating underwater Gardens that provided them with a steady food supply but living underwater was challenging people felt isolated and even

    Claustrophobic the situation came to a head when a group of activists started to protest against the city’s expansion plans they argued that the underwater city was a threat to the environment it was meant to protect and that the colonists should focus on reducing their impact on the the delicate underwater

    Life the protest sparked a heated debate among the colonists some of them argued that the survival of the city depended on its growth and expansion others claimed that the city needed to prioritize the protection of the environment above all else in the end a compromise was reached the city would

    Continue to expand but the main priority would be sustainability and responsible attitude to Nature the colonists would do their best to reduce their impact on the environment by using new technologies and following strict conservation rules and they would also remember the importance of protecting the ocean and its fragile

    Ecosystem years went by and the underwater city continued to thrive new generations of colonists were born and they grew up in a world entirely different from the one their ancestors had known they never saw the world on the surface but appreciated the beauty and complexity of the underwater world

    They called home and as the years passed the city became a symbol of Hope for a world struggling with the devastating effects of climate change it showed that despite all difficulties people could come together to create a better world it is a reminder that the future is not

    Set in stone and that we can build it sustainably and in harmony with the natural world


    1. The day that you said the last day on earth and it was not so now i dont belive you anymore with the videos tgat you say where gonna die in 2025 where gonna die in 2024 abd its 2024😡😡😡😡😡

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