In this weeks video, we take you on a tour of some of our favourite camper vans at the show. I almost have a heart attack at the prices of the vans and its probably confirmed to me, that if we did ever upgrade to a larger van, I would build it myself because I am a tight Yorkshire Man haha!!

    Enjoy this weeks installment and I shall see you guys next week where I venture out to a campsite that I booked the wrong dates for haha!

    Stay awesome and above all, be kind…

    Poo with a view excuse me do you mind £64,000 £1 136,000 RP £12,000 90 grand welcome to the 2024 caravan and camping show in Harrier we’ve been here for 3 hours and so far we’ve only filmed one van but we’ve got to speak to some amazing subscribers thank you so much if

    You came up to us let’s see if we can get some Vans filmed for you guys okay see youby don’t forget the wave hey you wonderful people of the internet as I’ve just mentioned we are heading off to the harria caravan and camping show where we have a good look around

    Some vans that you can buy if you sell most of your body parts and all your children we have actually started looking for a larger van and albeit a long way off these shows really do help with layout ideas and hopefully this video will help some of you to Shell cam

    Is back by popular demand and don’t forget the all important outtakes at the end stay awesome and above all be kind there were hundreds of vans on display in as much as we would love to film them all there just wasn’t enough time so we filmed the vans that stood

    Out to us on the day and try and give you as much information about them as we Can so we’re having a look around at a company called speed campers and their Vans I think they’re predominantly for Transit Customs they they do have a perso but there’s one I’m going to show you a bit of b-roll now they’ve got a pop top with the the bed platform itself

    Is um map and I think that’s a brilliant idea cuz you can mark off where you’ve been or where you want to go I think that’s a lovely idea I think that when I’m laying in bed it’s upside down see what you think oh yeah that mess with my

    F yeah now this is beige but kind of like it’s a beige that I like beige do you agree it’s kind of a nice beige it’s like a it’s like an oldfashioned sofa like a Chester Field or something a tan rather than beige I am going to stand up for beige this time

    And I don’t say it’s my age thank re I re I Reon you get to a certain age where beige becomes acceptable and Michelle’s teetering on the beige age I’m really not this beige yes that kind of creamy heing a beige no not a fan of that with all beige preferences aside we

    Continue to look around in a of the awesome Vans the show is jam-packed with amazing suppliers that solve solutions to problems you didn’t even know you had and if you don’t yet own a van and you’re as tight as I am outside there are use vans on display if you’re

    Looking for a bargain and when I say Bargain I mean you’d only have to sell one or two body parts to fund it all jokes aside the vans on display were very well built and the time and effort that’s has gone into creating these Adventure stations really

    Shows I’m on the way to the toilet he’s left me he’s let me loose in here and look what I found a bag stall perfect that’s exactly where I’m going never find me in there we decided to come outside because it’s just a little bit cramped in there at

    The moment and not only that they’ve got a lot of used vans outside so maybe a little bit cheaper so let’s go check them out we’re going to check some big ones out I am going to check out some used ones because why not and uh I think

    Michelle’s going to eat so see you bye so we just been talking to the chaps behind us that run a company called outlandish and it’s all like modular uh stuff in the van and it means that you can slide the kitchen out or slide different units in and have different

    Setups so what he can do is he can slide the unit in and have a double bed or a single bed or slide them out put his bike in on a slidy bench or have the kitchen unit slide out a little bit so it can cook outside I think that’s

    Brilliant for for those that don’t want to have their van always as a camper van and you want to use it as a van van then that gives you that option doesn’t it I quite like that really it’s really good and it every every unit had storage in

    It as well so uh yeah I obviously want lots of space for my blankets and everything that I want to keep warm and my makeup and my hair dryer and everything so yeah yeah there’s plenty of room for all that as well um but yeah it was a great idea great idea I’m going to have a look at uh Vans mainly like this I reckon today um because if we were to ever upgrade we’d go for something slightly larger uh like this van here don’t know what brand we’d go for it’d all be down to what is

    Interior like how many miles are on it things like that so uh that could be a thing but not for a while yet and definitely no beige Michelle’s just getting a a snack and a cup of coffee from down there and then we’re going to

    Have a a mooch around some of the larger Vans there is so much space up there it’s amazing and you’ve got sun roof sunroof on the pop top look at that mhm this is lovely got so much storage and then at the back here this turns into the bed

    You’ve got storage under here toilet in there cupboard it it’s just F technically is this beige I don’t think it is I think it’s kind of an off Brown it’s not beige so I still think that this is too large for something I want something in between this something that’s slightly shorter

    But can still have a bed at the back and maybe a toilet and a shower I don’t know I don’t know I can’t afford it so I don’t even know why I’m looking but I do like these size vans vline SE 636 and it’s an auto Trail lovely still 64 Grand though 64 ,000 You tell me what you think in the comments section whether you think 122 grand for a large van that holds a bike and a bed and everything like that whether you think that’s just too much now or whether you think that’s just the sign of the times and that’s what we all

    Have to get used to So I’ve not had to much time for Shell camp but I thought I’d do one just because you know you can appreciate how good Colin is when uh you compare it to what I’m about to do H this is a uh Fiat see I’ve even got the make of it down

    Now um it’s a Fiat jakata and it’s been converted where you’ve got at the back here um you’ve got the kitchen and covers above and then you’ve got a l in there and then you just reverse a little bit some no it’s not C well it is a cupboard

    But it’s where you start your bed um and then in this area here this converts into your bed has been looking for the next size up so if we do decide to um get a bigger van at some point this is the sort of thing we look for I

    Think initially not too sure about the the conversion layout of this one but it is a shorter wheelbase than the other ones that we’ve looked at anyway so this is the um another feat at jaato similar to the one that I’ve just been in um where they’ve got the

    Bed at the back which I think works loads better um but it is a longer wheelbase so you can see all all the way down to the bottom there um so at the bottom you can have a um a single bed if you wish to um so it is three birth or

    You’ve got the d double at the back which I think works a lot better because then you can be you can open your doors in the morning if you’re um you know at the seaside or wherever um obviously if you’re quite remote you’re still in bed

    You kind of look out um you maybe don’t want to open the doors if you just on a campsite because you’ll have all the people looking in with you in bed but yeah you may like that kind of thing um yeah and then you’ve got all the middle section with the

    Toilet and things like that oh hi um and then the front bit is where you would cook and do all washing up and things like that and it just feels a lot more spacious than the one that we’ve just been In hot chocolate time getting a bit chilly so I think we might go inside and have a look inside here what they’ve got going on there have a look at the snazzy Vans uh the ones that we can’t afford even more so than the ones that we can’t afford

    Here uh it’s been a good show actually it’s Qui and down now it was a little bit busy earlier U hi you all right hello hello right let’s go find some more beige stuff there’s a lot less beige here actually than last year I think what’s basically happened is all

    The manufacturers have um listened and watched my videos about me moaning about earin a beige and have changed it all up so thanks for listening guys it was nice while the sun was out and now it’s just gone really really freezing yeah t on it

    So we like this sink area don’t we yeah it’s very very nice it’s very Posh the only problem I’ve found with it so far is if you’re sat there chilling Y and I want to use the sink I think that’s a feature that’s I can pretty much it’s

    Squishy actually don’t bang your head cuz it’s squishy you can sleep there I can sleep there there and then and Bron Branston there yeah yes if we have one L yeah this would be the van I would love this exact one this exact one I love it it is nice

    I absolutely love it yeah it is pretty nice it has Mercedes written all of it I think I found actual Magics right wait watch this when you open a door normally there’s a there’s a latch there there’s normally like a thing that sticks out yeah and then when you close it then

    That latch is in I have turn the handle and it will open until I turn the handle I mean what’s happening there what’s happening there how does that even work there’s nothing we definitely have to win the lottery if uh you wanted this shell because it’s £1 126,000 I know £1

    136,000 RRP it is beautiful but if I spent that much money on a van I’d want to live in it fulltime I’d never want to leave it made in Germany fit for Scandinavia see you can’t even use them over Here poo with a view excuse me do you mind when you come back from your bike ride or you walk you straight basically into your pantry do you know what I mean so you can walk straight in get a shower get all your dirty clothes off and stuff

    Yeah get sorted before you go into the main bit of the van which is in there look look at that that’s really good isn’t it there we go she’s not really going it’s fine just Pretending Is that a toilet yeah of course it is can have a pool with a view on this one as well real look it could just be real Oak veneer not real solid oak no veneer in here no veneer don’t know Oak o Furniture Land is it yeah # there out

    Other Furniture product stores Available this little van really piqued our interest although it’s not something we’re in the market for it was a small business run by a lovely chap who traveled Iceland in this actual van and it’s a fully electric vehicle I think that the battery anxiety would be high on this one but superb conversion Nevertheless so the van behind me is a VW uh trans Porter t6.1 I think it’s a beautiful van I think that getting rid of the rear cupboard at the back yes you lose a lot of starage but you gain all that the light is just so nice um and

    Then obviously you get the extra cupboards going along the top and you still get that feeling of air and spaciousness uh I know I’m sounding like George Clark or something I don’t know if it’s going to fit a swimming pool in the pop top but another thing I really

    Like about this fan as well is the um pop top bed part itself bends so then you’ve got more height at the back really well kitted out uh however are you ready for the price lovely lovely van looks absolutely stunning great bit of Kit fully off- grid all electric lovely jely 90

    Grand if you’re into the uh the MOG draws Vibe then uh yeah definitely uh get this no I think they’re just like bunk beds and your legs would go in this section here we’ll go in and have a look and I’ll tell you what the brand of the

    Van is and everything like that but this is quite a good size I really like it and yeah definitely your legs go in that side and there there’s loads of room under there oh it’s Lovely this one is another duato another Fiat and by the same company that’s wild Aurora 6m volt fat decato 2.2 motor home automatic diesel uh so yeah nice and quippy short name there uh it does have a built-in uh fly screen lovely Joely that’s really nice I don’t want to break

    It so I’m not going to push it any further than that pretty much double bed uh in the back here already set up which I think you can fold away as well and you can use the garage underneath or the van as a full van once this uh bed is

    All folded out of the way and stuff pretty nice plenty of storage above which looks nice and snazzy and uh we’ll show you the other side because the other side not only have you got a little kitcheny bit here which is Ace uh with induction hob and sink and

    Everything but there’s another uh single bed just there for little ones or even if it was just you camping on your own you didn’t want to set up the big bed you maybe had your bike in there don’t know and uh a nice shower and toilet

    Area as well it’s nice and Aira in here which feels lovely loads of storage uh included the overhead storage as well and uh even the driving bit looks really nice too love it awesome one thing that we’ve noticed about these Vans is now on this van here that we’ve

    Just had a look at it’s lovely it’s really really nice um you’ve got the lovely kitchen at the back here you’ve got a shower area it’s proper lovely but you’re spending 80 grand on a van where you still have to set your own bed up

    Now for me I’d much prefer if I was going to spend 80 grand which I don’t have I’m about 9,999 short if I did spend that money on a van I would want my bed set up for me like you know like this one over here

    Let’s say for instance like no not like that one uh like this one here this one has already got its bed set up so you’ve got your living space at the bottom there so you can chill out and have your drinks or whatever or stay up a little

    Bit later while someone came to bed and it’s already set up ready to go so if one person wanting to go to bed not that everybody has to go to bed if that makes sense so yeah I think I much prefer if you’re going to pay that sort ofy money

    To have your bed already set up for You these Vans by yic and more of the type of van conversion we go for and quite possibly build our own to a similar spec however these are the only vans in this show that have this kind of look kind of an Instagram look if you

    Like they also hire out their Vans and at some point in the not too distant future I think we may hire one for a video and test it Fully I bought something we’re on his way back now but I bought something I always love buying something at the uh motor home show just in case and it’s never going to be a uh 800 Grand van but it’ll always be something that I’m going to

    Get use out of in the van and uh it looks like we’re the only van left in the car park too see you later guys it’s my turn oh okay see you later bye no I’m Jing did it wrong you did it wrong you did it wrong you’re not doing

    It you’re not doing it you’re not doing it see you bye yeah CU you just press record so it’s like instant record and then to stop it you know when you’ve got little kids and your kids are in the way of doing things and you need to work and

    Your kids are so you might give your kid a little pretend laptop I’ve been given the little camera so that I’m out of his way while he’s working that’s my theory I think it’s like bump back on a cat I’m getting stuck it’s good action that good action it’s just a see-through

    Cupboard what’s the point in that why are you Whispering I don’t know we’re not in the Library and I love coming places like this because it gives you so many different ideas for what to do in your Camp event and I always come with the idea that I don’t need much I just need my van and I need warmth and I need

    Water and I need food but then I might need a different top I need entertaining I need my hair dryer clothes I need the dog books what starts off as one little bag just turns into about 20 and it’s not Pig so Colin will be

    Happy I’m going to show you with the um the the one I’m going to show you with the what’s it called map yes yeah cool map the one your microphone’s not on oh no it is it is on it is on cool cool cool cool oh hi so close we

    Ready no onion has broken can you open the door somewh please am I inot oh I’ve just been talking to these guys behind thumb you I can’t say That


    1. Thank you for a very entertaining look around the show. We have the Wildax Pulsar 5.4m that Michelle reviewed and we love it. We do have to make the bed up but it’s really quick and very comfortable. We all have our own ideas and non negotiables. 4 seat belts is one of mine. Take care Gill

    2. Talking of beds…. You want a set up bed for that price….?? Why not have one that drops from the ceiling? Made up – up out the way on motor runners? Seen it done in self builds, so…..???😉

    3. Wildaxe must be fairly local to you Colin and they hire out vans as well. They also sell off their hire vans/demonstrators each year. Book if you are going to visit though. We went for a T6.1 California in the end

    4. That map would be like having the weight of the country pressing down on you – in the current climate, sod that.

      Not sure about your love of beige – thats a terrible idea.

      Bigger vehicles, not sure what the fascination is – I have just watched Chris Sloanes trying to get his crafter around the narrow roads of the Yorkshire Dales, and that didnt look fun. I will keep my T6 and enjoy its comforts and its compromises.

      Some of the prices are ridiculous – but if people stopped paying those prices, surely they would come down – this is a fact of life, and clearly people are willing to pay those figures. Its a bit like many things in modern life, people will pay colossal prices for stuff that isnt worth the cost – my inner Yorkshireman goes crackers seeing some of that stuff, and also notes the lack of decent haggling options in the modern world, where they try to force you on to a faceless website.

    5. Cloud cuckoo land. Just not worth the price, This is rip off Britain in all it's splendour. Think the dealer analogy is one born every minute. 😊

    6. Col, if you guys want a wander around ours (Autotrail fiat ducato) you are welcome to have a look. It's awesome having the headroom, bathroom and room for more jack and coke 🤣 I can pass you a finance company that does 10 year finance too, makes it affordable.

    7. If you want extra space but don't want to lose flexibility, parkability, go through McDonalds drive throughs after getting set up on a camp site or easilly park at the shops and still have the use of a daily driver van, that on it's own is perfect for roads like the NC500 and also don't want to sell your internal organs, do what we did. We spent an extra £12k on a 7.5 metre, 4 berth, fixed bed, second hand caravan and £600 on a tow bar for the campervan. We now have ultra flexibility, a daily driver van if we wanted it as that, not be stuck for getting a large van parked out and about and a brilliant large base ( caravan ) to park up at a camp site and set off from. Also you have much more space in a caravan than nearly any van out there and yet still have no parking problems and have a toilet as well as cooking facilities out and about beyond the camp site, with the campervan. You can also leave the camp site immediately, without putting the campervan back into driver mode, if you take the caravan with you. Big vans generally have on board tanks for drinking water and grey water, this means that you have to move the van from your pitch just to fill / empty them, with a caravan you dont. We have found it an absolutely perfect combination. There are compromises with a big van, there are compromises with a small van. We have no compromises apart from towing the caravan, when we want to take the caravan with us, which is easy. The only thing is, you get very attached to the comfort of the caravan.
      Another advantage is that the extra weight of a campervan and a front aspect that is only slightly smaller than a caravan makes a campervan a perfect tow vehicle right up to the 60 mph legal limit, with no caravan tail waggle or passing bus or lorry suck affecting your stability and steering as you get, when towing with a smaller and lighter car. As well as this, several of the camp sites you have been to, only allow small campervans, which you could still do solo, with your campervan on it's own.

    8. We bought our van (T5 .1) in 2016. It was three years old and 70,000 miles. £10500 for the van and £11000 for full conversion. Still going strong at 140k miles and lots of use. (It’s my daily driver) Can’t get my head around spending £90K on one!

    9. Thanks for a great video – lovely to see Michelle again. We’ve got the 2021 5m Wildax Pulsar which is great (used to have VW T6)- no problems except we can’t sleep in it with 3 dogs. Ideally I would love the 6m Wildax Aurora Leisure but OH says no, so instead we are just about to get a 2 year old caravan to tow behind the van (pre campervan we used to have a caravan). Always a compromise somewhere – now if I could get rid of OH……..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    10. I’ve just bought myself a Peugeot boxer and I’m about to start building exactly what you want 😁. It might take me a year or so but it’ll be much more affordable. And I’m keeping my t5 until it’s done so I don’t rush it. You should get yourself one to build. Realistic dreams 👍

    11. At one point, I had to pause the video, and look over my shoulder, because I thought actual George Clarke was in my living room.

      No joke!

      But if you want a joke….
      What's E.T short for?

      Because he's got little legs!

    12. Not sure I could swap my VW T6 LWB for a Fiat but I have seen a few with more permanent layout. I know the VW will last….

    13. I've just made the leap from a LWB T5.1 to a LWB Crafter and the extra space is great. Having a toilet and shower is next level. But if you're a hot young stud like me and you don't have a pre 97 licence I'd watch out for the weight.

    14. Colin at 3mins 47secs into the video you missed the celebrity that is Max McMurdo in the background in the red check shirt, and beard. He is famous off the telly for his work with George Clarke on modular living including shipping containers and so he must have been linked with that modular van team.

    15. Why on earth would you spend £90k! You could get a nice base van for £30k and convert it yourself for £10k, even 20k to be really lavish and still have £40k in the bank 🤦🏻‍♂️

    16. A campervan is still a van!
      I currently have a Transit van or ' day van' coupled with driveaway awning that does the job but I'm definitely cutting out the middle man and going for a small motor home when finances allow. So much more comfort and space! 😎

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