In this video I’ll go through my plan for the first part of the gravel racing season. Lots of cool gravel races just around the corner.

    My big goal for gravel racing in 2024 is to qualify for the UCI gravel world championships. I plan to do so at the UCI gravel race in Blaavands Huk.

    I have a few more races planned, but it’s all in on qualifying in Blaavands Huk.

    To qualify for the gravel world championships you have to finish in the top 25% of you age group. It will not be easy, but I’ll work hard to do it.

    00:00 – Intro
    01:09 – How has training been going
    02:54 – How to qualify for the gravel world championships
    03:10 – My plan for the 2024 gravel racing season
    07:20 – Maybe I’ll do the Gravel onefifty
    08:01 – Picking up my son
    09:14 – Training in the coming period

    #gravelracing #gravelrace #gravelbike

    The 2024 gravel season is just around the corner so I thought it would be right to make a video about my goals for the year my big goal for 2024 is to qualify for the gravel World Championships and in this video I’m going to tell you all about how I plan

    To do so I’ve got a short ride plan today and I’m going to combine that with picking up my son from daycare so I’m going to tell you all about it from the bike All right just uh pked the trailer locked it up saved it in the bushes have to say if you are a parent a trailer like this is a game changer huge efficiency boost you just uh combine it with a ride and then you save lots of time

    But uh let’s get back on the bike so since about mid January training has actually been going quite well uh I was sick most of December and uh fit into January as well but after that I got into a decent Rhythm and just been steadily gaining Fitness week by week

    And and uh I’m actually starting to feel quite good so that’s uh that’s nice um I would have loved to during this winter have ridden a lot more gravel and kind of work on my technical uh work on the technical stuff but it’s been a quite rough winter and

    Denmark very very wet uh so I haven’t written as much gravel as I would have loved to I’ve been doing some cycl cross training as well again would have loved to have been doing uh more of that but uh yeah you don’t always get exactly what you wish

    For uh besides that I’ve been doing some pretty cool training races made a few videos about them as well uh pretty short but uh very high speed and uh it’s been very good practice uh when it comes to how to ride in a group and riding fast on gravel and

    All that stuff so I feel good I feel confident coming into the season and excited can’t wait to get it going so in order to qualify for the gravel World Championships you have to finish within the top 25% of your Ace group and I am

    36 years old so I’ll be competing in the 35 to 39h category and the race I plan to do this set is at the Danish ICU gravel race in BL hook it’s flat which is awesome for me I’m not a great climber um as far as

    I know some quite slow gravel so it will be all about being able to push good power for for many many hours this will be my a race for the first part of the season and when I kind of plan out what I want to do uh I will often divide races into

    A b and c races and the a races will be the races where I’ll be no ex juus is fully Ted all ready to rock and roll so before the race in BL I’d like to do one more IO gravel race mostly to get some more experience racing these big gravel

    Events and so far I’ve been looking a lot at the German one in aren I think is the way to pronounce it um the race will not be like an aace for me it’s not ah you know the route isn’t great for me either so uh the plan will just be to get

    Some get some experience get some more experience racing these big big gravel events the race in aen is on the 12th of May and a few weeks before on the 4th of may we have the denish championship it will be pretty cool to make a great result at that race it will

    Not be like a top priority race but I will definitely uh race hard and uh do the best I can I’ll will not be like perfectly T and stuff like I will for the IU racing BL hook but I will definitely definitely give it a go I

    Will kick off the season at a local race a 150k gravel race not far from where I live a race called wulven or in English the wolf uh it will be pretty tough race lots of climbing but it will be a yeah valuable experience to gain and uh I’ll treat

    This one as more or less a training race so I will not be like uh aiming for top so or anything I will more or less take it as a great hard heart training of course I’ll uh go as hard as I can on the day

    But just like the other ones which are not like top priority I will not be like completely fresh and firing on all cylinders for that one so to sum it up my a race for the first part of the season is the ICU gr race in book 1st of

    June then I have let’s call it a b race hopefully in a aen uh in miday and then uh have the Danish championships uh on the fourth of May which is when I want to do a w and then a race on the fourth of April

    Irin and that will be the first part of the season so I haven’t planned out anything past the Racin blov hook uh hopefully by then I’ll be qualified for the World Championships if not I’ll have to make a new plan but uh for now I want

    To keep it open and flexible in order to have some time for family vacations and uh yeah keep it a bit open flexible to see what happens if I can fit it in around family vacation and stuff I would really love to do the gravel 150 in the

    Netherlands again did it last year made a video about it you can find it here on the channel had a there on the bike but the race was just super super cool and I would definitely love to give that one another Go this completely destroyed so it’s the it’s about time to pick up my son from daycare and uh after I do so I’ll tell you a bit about my plans regarding training for the coming Period Oh so it’s not like using this trailer can quantify as great training but it’s just so damn smart to pick up your son on your way home from a training ride all right we are back home yeah chilling out having a good time watching some uh bike racing you

    Got to teach him young right so I have two things I need to work on before the oh before the big races of this season the first thing is the endurance stuff I need to do a lot more long rides and then there’s the high intensity stuff I

    Need to do a specific V2 Max block and both of these uh things I like to work on in these kinds of mini blocks so it could be something like maybe three days of lots of writing maybe five hours a day or it could be

    Uh maybe a week where I do four or five high-intensity training session compressing uh either the high intensity stuff or the endurance stuff is something I’ve done a lot before and uh I feel like it is something that for me anyways really moves the needle I’ll try

    Making some videos about it when uh when I’ll do it so make sure to subscribe to the channel so you’ll be notified that’s actually it for today’s video hope you liked it until next time see you


    1. Maybe I didnt catch it, but in which age group are you participating?
      I will attend the qualifying race in Aachen and gravelonefifty later but this year no aim to qualify just to earn experience in such a race situation. Especially as my current age group 18-35 is soo strong, dont think I have what it takes to qualify here. Maybe in 3 years when Im in the 35-40 age group.

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