20 Things to do Porto, Portugal (2024) 🇵🇹 – Travel Guide

    Did you know that port wine doesn’t actually come from Porto? But the city is famous for this amazing drink and can be tasted on every corner of the street! Imagine sitting in the Portuguese sun tasting it. On this trip, I’ll walk you through the 20 best things to do in Porto. From tourist attractions like visiting the Livraria Lello to climbing Porto’s bridge. Are you ready to explore this amazing place?

    ALBANIA: https://youtu.be/-XHD1_X8cUE
    TANZANIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3mg9lqwDZ4
    TOKYO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTWf_UIlEkY&t=2s
    COLOMBIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMfCLBgZAt8&t=1s
    EUROPE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRYxnALXNLo
    NATURAL WONDERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEkeoHpfyRc
    USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKuRCakNP0Q&t=1s
    CROATIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBeafeSNWuw
    FRANCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk1UcL2hyRs&t=1s
    BALI: https://youtu.be/AA32CPVXwJA

    ✏️ TRAVEL GUIDE PORTUGAL: https://city-addicts.com/portugal/

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    0:00 – Intro
    0:41 – Visiting Livraria Lello
    1:31 – Azulejos Spotting
    1:42 – Tasting Pastéis de Nata and Francesinha
    2:15 – Visiting the Igreja de São Francisco
    2:46 – A Palácio da Bolsa tour
    3:21 – The Luis I Bridge at Sunset
    3:51 – Drinks at Cais da Ribeira
    4:21 – Port Tasting
    4:52 – Swimming at Piscina das Marés
    5:22 – Discovering Nightlife
    5:52 – Exploring Parks and Gardens
    6:22 – A Street Art Tour
    6:54 – Cycling Along the Douro
    7:23 – A Visit to the Sé Cathedral
    7:51 – Discovering the Wine Cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia
    8:19 – A Boat Trip on the Douro
    8:42 – A Visit to Mercado do Bolhão Market
    9:08 – Climbing the Clérigos Tower
    9:35 – The Crystal Palace Gardens
    10:01 – The Porto Bridge Climb

    #porto #portugal #bestthingstodoinporto #travelguide #travelguide2024

    Did you know that port wine doesn’t actually  come from Porto? But the city is famous for   this amazing drink and can be tasted on every  corner of the street! Imagine sitting in the   Portuguese sun tasting it. On this trip, I’ll  walk you through the 20 best things to do in  

    Porto. From tourist attractions like visiting  the Livraria Lello to climbing Porto’s bridge.   Are you ready to explore this amazing place? Visiting Livraria Lello invites you into a world   where literature comes alive against a backdrop  of breathtaking architectural beauty. With its   neo-Gothic facade, stunning stained-glass ceiling,  and the enchanting red staircase that seems to  

    Float in mid-air, the bookstore is a treasure  trove of history and inspiration, rumored to   have influenced J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.  Here, amidst the whispers of turning pages,   the boundary between reality and fantasy blurs. Azulejos Spotting across Porto transforms a   simple walk into a journey through Portugal’s  artistic heritage. These ceramic tiles, adorned  

    In intricate blue and white patterns, decorate  churches, train stations, and ordinary homes,   telling stories that span centuries. Each façade  becomes a canvas, where azulejos depict tales of   conquest, religion, and daily life, capturing  the soul of the city in their glazed surfaces. 

    Tasting Pastéis de Nata and Francesinha  offers a culinary voyage into the heart   of Porto’s rich gastronomy. The delicate, creamy  texture of Pastéis de Nata, a custard tart that   embodies the sweetness of Portuguese baking,  contrasts with the bold flavors of Francesinha,  

    A meat-heavy sandwich soaked in beer sauce  and covered in cheese, reflecting the city’s   culinary duality. Together, they offer a taste  of Porto’s complex and comforting cuisine.  Visiting the Igreja de São Francisco reveals the  opulent side of spiritual devotion. This Gothic  

    Church, cloaked in baroque interior gold work,  stands as a monument to the wealth and artistic   ambition of Porto’s past. The lavish use of gold  leaf, the intricate wood carvings, and the eerie   catacombs below the church floor create a space  that is as much a testament to faith as it is to  

    The city’s history of artistry and affluence. A Palácio da Bolsa tour leads you through a   neoclassical masterpiece, where each room  unfolds like a chapter in Porto’s commercial   glory. The highlight, the Arabian Room, is a  breathtaking space inspired by Moorish design,   showcasing the global influences that have  shaped the city. This former stock exchange  

    Not only celebrates Porto’s economic past but  also its enduring beauty and cultural richness. The Luis I Bridge at Sunset offers a moment of  unparalleled beauty, as the setting sun paints   the sky and the Douro River below in vibrant  hues. Designed by a disciple of Gustave Eiffel,  

    This double-decked metal arch bridge is not  just a feat of engineering but a symbol of   Porto’s connection to its river and the  world beyond. Watching the sunset here is   to witness the day’s end in one of the  most spectacular settings in the city.

    Drinks at Cais da Ribeira allow you to  soak in the essence of Porto’s riverside   charm. As the day fades, this bustling  district comes alive with the clink of   glasses and the murmur of conversation, set  against the backdrop of the Douro River and  

    The historic city center. It’s a place  where time slows down, inviting locals   and visitors alike to revel in the joy of the  moment and the beauty of their surroundings.  Port Tasting in the historic cellars of Vila  Nova de Gaia is an essential Porto experience,  

    Connecting you to the city’s most famous  export. Walking through the cool, dark cellars,   you’ll learn about the complex process of making  Port wine, from the harvesting of grapes to   the art of aging. Tasting these fortified  wines is not just about flavor; it’s about  

    Understanding the tradition and craftsmanship  that have defined Porto on the world stage. Swimming at Piscina das Marés, a  masterpiece designed by the renowned   architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, blends the  raw beauty of the Atlantic coast with modern   architectural elegance. These saltwater  pools, carved into the rocky coastline,  

    Offer a unique swimming experience, where the  man-made and natural merge seamlessly. It’s   an ode to the harmonious balance between  human creativity and nature’s raw power.  Discovering Nightlife in Porto means embarking on  an adventure through the city’s vibrant cultural   scene. From intimate bars hosting live Fado  performances to bustling nightclubs playing  

    The latest hits, the city transforms after dark  into a lively tableau of music and dance. It’s an   opportunity to experience the diverse rhythms that  pulse through Porto’s heart, each venue offering a   different taste of the city’s nocturnal energy. Exploring Parks and Gardens in Porto provides a  

    Serene counterpoint to urban energy. The Crystal  Palace gardens, with their peacocks and panoramic   views, offer a peaceful retreat, while the  Serralves Park combines modernist architecture   with lush landscaping. These green spaces are  not just places of beauty; they are vital lungs  

    Of the city, offering a tranquil escape  and a connection to Porto’s natural charm. A Street Art Tour uncovers the vibrant and  ever-changing canvas of Porto’s streets. From   large-scale murals to subtle interventions,  the city’s street art scene is a dynamic   reflection of contemporary issues, artistic  innovation, and the creative spirit of its  

    People. This exploration is a dialogue  with the city, where each piece tells a   story of resistance, beauty, and community. Cycling Along the Douro offers a leisurely   way to discover the landscapes and landmarks  that define Porto. Following the river’s flow,   cyclists are treated to stunning views of  the vineyard-laden hills, historic bridges,  

    And the bustling Ribeira. It’s a journey that  highlights the symbiotic relationship between   the city and its river, offering fresh  perspectives and invigorating experiences.  A Visit to the Sé Cathedral anchors you  in the historical and spiritual heart of   Porto. This imposing edifice, with its mix of  architectural styles, offers a panoramic vista  

    Of the city from its terraces. Inside, the  sense of continuity and devotion is palpable,   connecting visitors to the centuries of faith and  tradition that have shaped Porto and its people.  Discovering the Wine Cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia  is an exploration of the age-old traditions that  

    Have made Port wine a global icon. The guided  tours offer insights into the intricate process   of aging and blending, set against the backdrop of  ancient cellars and oak barrels. This experience   is a testament to the city’s enduring legacy of  winemaking, offering a deeper appreciation of  

    Porto’s cultural and economic foundations. A Boat Trip on the Douro presents the city   from a unique vantage point, where the ebb  and flow of the river mirror the rhythm   of life in Porto. As you glide past historic  quarters and under the city’s iconic bridges,  

    The connection between Porto and the  Douro becomes evident, a relationship   built on commerce, culture, and natural beauty. A Visit to Mercado do Bolhão Market immerses you   in the vibrant heart of Porto’s culinary scene.  This bustling marketplace, with its array of  

    Fresh produce, fish, and flowers, offers a  glimpse into the daily lives of the city’s   residents. It’s a place where food is not just  sustenance but a celebration of local flavors,   traditions, and the communal spirit of Porto. Climbing the Clérigos Tower challenges you to  

    Ascend to one of Porto’s highest points, where  the city unfolds in a breathtaking panorama.   This baroque tower, part of the larger Clérigos  Church complex, offers not just spectacular views   but a historical journey, as each step upwards  brings you closer to the sky and the city’s past. 

    The Crystal Palace Gardens beckon with their  lush landscapes, offering sweeping views of the   Douro River and an array of botanical wonders.  These gardens, with their thematic sections,   winding paths, and hidden corners, are a  testament to the city’s love of beauty and nature,  

    A tranquil haven for relaxation and reflection. The Porto Bridge Climb introduces an   adrenaline-pumping experience, as you ascend  the arch of the Arrábida Bridge. From this   unique perspective, the city’s layout, the river’s  path, and the distant sea merge into a stunning  

    Tableau. It’s an adventure that highlights Porto’s  architectural innovation and the daring spirit of   its people, offering an unforgettable  view of the city’s grandeur and grace.

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