… or at least trying to! Lets see if we can do it!

    Game: Infinite Craft
    Available on neal.fun

    What’s going on everybody welcome back to some more infinite craft and for today’s video I’m going to attempt to create as many countries as possible this is a way bigger challenge than my alphabet video in that video I only had to make 26 letters and I was able to use

    My main account in this video we’re starting from scratch so if you’re excited to see me craft your country as well as just take on this crazy challenge make sure to subscribe and let’s get rolling so since we have so many countries to craft in this run I went

    Ahead and made a little country counter in the bottom left corner just to make it easy to see how many we’ve done throughout the video but before we get rolling we kind of need to set up our game so we can craft anything we need because we’re going to need just about

    Everything so the three Essentials that we’re going to need are going to be numbers the alphabet and our basic colors and so I went ahead and made those and now we’ll make all the basics that go with them first country down all right and there’s all of our

    Basic colors now one other thing I do want to do is also pick up the shapes as well so there we go we got some basic shapes we have all of our colors so we have every tool we need to start creating every country and while I was crafting I

    Accidentally picked up Canada along the way pretty sure it was just like North America and United States yeah there we go what we’ll do is go ahead and start with North America first I mean we already have two so might as well get the rest of them okay so we have North

    America and how do you get North America into Mexico can we just drag the letter M over here that is Canada about me plus the letter X is question mark what we probably want to do is keep the words continent country maybe even City up at the top especially North America since

    We’re working on that right now and we could do flag as well how does it work if we take flag and just mix it with a color communism but we just go ahead and do flag plus all the colors I mean maybe one of them will hook us up with something good

    We got the Netherlands and then let’s do it with green Ireland another country and then did we do blue I don’t think we did I’m assuming if we do Union Plus continent that’ll get us Europe but we are going for Mexico North America plus green honestly we just need to start

    Creating more words compiling just a bigger set of tools we can have North America plus volcano is yellow Yellow Stone Yellowstone National Park Plus City it’s just volcano plus country Pompei country again boom we got Italy Trina North America plus island is Hawaii Japan let’s go we’re up to six

    Already melum that might be helpful later let’s just do melum plus country it’s just tomb North America nice we got Egypt maybe we’re trying to get two complicated and we just need to stick with like the desert basically desert cactus Hills I mean there’s a lot of

    Trees and stuff in Mexico but I have to think really generic sand plus plant is probably cactus cactus and country is Mexico let’s go so now we have Mexico so we can kind of use this word uh how we going to get to Guatemala okay we have taco that’s funny

    Uh can we just do like Earth and uh paper there we go is map I was going to say we need something to get to north south east and west map plus fire map plus wind compass compass is perfect so we have world map and Compass what about Compass plus

    Earth uh Compass plus more wind sail Compass Plus North America gives us North just gives us Canada about plus Europe does that give us anything wait we got North let’s go now how do we get like the opposite we just need South North plus Europe again is in England

    What about n plus o is no so what about no Plus North is South let’s go wait it’s just like North Plus South like okay there’s east east Plus South Southeast hold on we need to make a collection of these let’s bring North America back bring country back let’s

    Get Mexico now we’re just trying to go south of Mexico is Texas that won’t work Guatemala let’s go what we do Island plus Guatemala Atlantic is not really what we’re going for what about Mexico plus Guatemala guacamole that’s funny plus island is Guam technically a US Territory so not an additional

    Country for us wait I just realized we can do North America Plus South is just America there ain’t no way about continent Plus South Antarctica there we go there’s another continent off the list about country Plus South it’s just South Korea so there we go we might as

    Well just combine every everything with country then and see what comes up well we got Asia so there’s another continent for us we picked up Norway we get Asia again we have Russia now I mean we have a handful of countries here if we just kind of mix them does anything happen we

    Got North Korea we’ll take it North Korea plus Asia his War not what I was going for we got penguin plus Norway plus Russia is Putin plus nuclear war and I just thought about it what if we do the number 7 plus 0 oh I was wondering if it would give us

    Brazil 110 is just 11 plus zero is 12 just adding zero is giving us more and more words I don’t know what’s going on all right we don’t need any of those Bakers Dozen plus country is France there we go we do North America plus continent plus more continent I mean can

    We just combine continent and continent I get this Pangia South America let’s go so that worked out we do have South America now can we just do South America Plus North is America plus East Panama there we go this is actually progress for North America I think we just need to keep

    Thinking along the lines of like the physical elements of countries and just try to do the basics because like Earth and Earth is Mountain so Mountain Plus South America has got to be something okay Machu picu okay Peru there we go so just like that we went from the mountain to South

    America now we got Peru so now we have a little bit more of a foothold okay there we go Chile I like how we have definitely officially combined our North America search into a North America and South America search earthquake Plus West San Andreas Southeast Indonesia there we go not in

    Either of the two continents we were going for but maybe at this point we should just Branch out and go for as much stuff as we can there we go we got Malaysia because at this point I do not think we are going to be able to stay focused on One Singular

    Thing okay we got Singapore as well cuz I’m pretty sure we’re just going to get distracted all over the place anyways and we got Thailand Okay so yeah good thing I just mentioned breaking off the rule because we’re definitely on to Asian countries what about Egypt plus

    Southeast Sudan there we go if it does not give us South Sudan bro it gave us Africa it did actually did not give us South Sudan what about plus Southeast South Sudan thank goodness also while I’m going sometimes the spreadsheet won’t update right away I just have it

    Up on a different monitor so if it doesn’t update immediately I am updating it pretty much every time we get a new country we’ll have to combine it with all the directions and see what it gives us Southwest Sudan that is not a legitimate place okay what if we take

    Africa and combine some directions okay we have Madagascar this is actually pretty good wait communism is that going to get us something what if we do communism plus Asia we got China and here Zimbabwe two more countries we are cruising I tell you what there we go Vietnam

    Mongolia I mean after you get Zambia we have the two countries that start with the letter Z done so that is pretty solid so we also need some cultural things which that can be with food or like music so maybe we should get to the word food and also get to the word

    Music also side note I think I remember if I do Europe Europe plus island is Iceland not what I was going for but we do have Iceland now so if we do Asia plus the flute Snake Charmer about Europe plus a guitar is Spain I feel

    Like the country Spain’s not bad if we can get to the word like Spanish Spain but off to the east come that is not Japan we’re definitely looking for Portugal here you know this game about South America plus guitar Samba plus country Brazil let’s go finally got the

    Largest country down there Brazil Plus North plus Northwest is Amazon not what we were going for we’re actually getting kind of close to finishing South America we we have soccer that’s actually really good Europe plus soccer what country does that do football salsa Plus South America was Cuba

    Sweet Bo Plus South America worked out in giving us Bolivia I knew these letters were going to come in handy Bolivia plus Southeast is Paraguay Paraguay plus Southeast was Argentina Argentina to the southeast Uruguay I mean come on I am hyped like we are super close to finishing South

    America Bo Plus South America with Bolivia Co Plus South America is nothing of course so we have five left we’re super close what is each of these known for Colombia stereotypically known for the drugs Guyana and cam I’m not quite sure though wait I was able to get doctor

    From scientist there’s doctor plus we marijuana marijuana Plus South America cocaine cocaine Plus South America I was going to say it’s definitely doing Colombia let’s go and there we go Columbia plus Southeast was Venezuela heck yeah suram let’s go I just threw sir onto Venezuela and it’s like here you

    Can have it honestly we’re getting creative out here and it is paying off now we just need Guyana just do Cam and France now that we have this French Guyana plus suram Guyana wait do we finish everything in South America and we just need eador wait can we do math plus like

    The letter e for equation or what if we do e plus Q which should be EQ and then math plus EQ should be equation it did not like that EQ plus number about math plus number is equation hold on so if we have equation Plus South America

    Ecuador let’s go that is amazing so now we are up to 44 countries and we have everything in South America done that is insane all right we’re at a fresh clean slate again North America was giving us some trouble so probably Europe will be good to get rolling with let’s see what

    We can do okay okay I don’t remember every European country that I got but we have a handful here and I think what we’ll start doing is just mixing countries together because sometimes it gives us a completely different country when we do let’s start with Norway since we already

    Have England and Ireland and let’s just see if we can go off to the east of Norway Oslo what if we head towards the West Sweden perfect we got Finland let’s go also we need to try some of our generic words as well like mountain and

    Desert okay we have the Alps Alps plus Europe Switzerland wait we got lonstein there’s no way we actually got that one which is kind of crazy cuz it’s a small country oh we picked up Austria immediately after we got Austria Hungary but we just need uh Hungary CU it’s not combined

    Anymore Hungary there we go England plus Ireland United Kingdom let’s go I just realized we can kind of just make the country abbreviations with the letters and then combine it with like Europe and won’t that work all right after combining all those we got Czech Republic Belgium and Denmark so that’s three

    More see plus Europe is the Mediterranean Mediterranean plus country is Greece what we got Slovakia from Czech Republic and Southeast I think it was if we go northeast from Slovakia Poland there we go what about Poland but to the West Germany perfect okay we technically just got

    Turkey but it is spelled a little differently I say we’re going to take it all right I’m going to go through all these countries and I’m just going to mix a bunch of directional keys and we’re going to try to fly through this a little bit

    Okay so we picked up four new countries as far as I could get with those we got Bulgaria malova Romania and Ukraine also I got to remember to keep updating my spreadsheet as I keep going you just kind of forget wait Slovakia plus the letter L

    Was Slovenia let’s go okay so I think the next biggest country that we yet to have in Europe is Portugal still just Spain Spain Zania that’s actually funny can we like Brute Force our way into Portugal R plus T is RT okay so we have rt Portugal let’s go and what’s next on

    The list is bellus and I’m not quite sure how we can get to that I mean we can try to brute force it with the letters again we got b l a bell plus Russia bellus we’re getting Texas plus Southwest like how how does that even make sense Lou Lou plus

    X L’s this actually might not be too bad plus country luxemborg let’s go wait that was so smooth though we knock that one out all right that’s enough fiddling around with Europe and start Di into Africa a little bit and see what all we can get I’ll just combine with the countries we

    Have okay so after we combined basically everything with Africa we came up with Morocco Namibia Nigeria Jamaica which don’t ask me how we got that Kenya South Africa Algeria Chad Congo and Angola and that is going to help tremendously technically before we can count cono it’s actually two separate countries so

    Democracy is war oh no it’s the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo so I’m not sure if we can get both of those let’s try for a second all right since I couldn’t get it at first try we’ll have to come back to

    Congo so I won’t mark it as completely yet so I don’t forget to give it another try but all right let’s get grinding out these directions all right we were able to pick up Niger batswana Somali and mosambi yo I’m not going to lie to y’all

    Is taking a lot of work to figure out these countries I think we’ve just had some of the easy ones so far but we’re only at 80 honestly we’re not doing half bad maybe I will just freestyle a little bit and see if I can come up with any more

    Okay we picked up Australia maloi wait Lake plus mosam Beak was maloi a guarantee if we throw a q onto Iran it becomes I bro there ain’t no way oh Asia plus green got us Pakistan super good Pakistan plus some red India there we go go I feel like Pakistan’s

    Got to be pretty solid that is not a country as much as yeah then it goes to alpaca which is funny oh there we go now we got Afghanistan that was from Northwest he what about Asia plus mountain Everest plus country Nepal nice that was a good move Bangladesh perfect does that mean

    We can get butan no not yet what about here butan can we do Caspian Sea plus some more Lake the Caspian Lake plus land plus War the Caspian War we all remember that one I almost lost my Caspian Sea there plus oil wait we got aeran just from doing

    That oh we got Armenia let’s go we’re actually doing kind of good here we get to Dead do we have dead sea okay maybe we just need death plus water death plus the letter d dead okay we have dead and c I swear Cemetery there ain’t no

    Way the Caspian Dead Sea okay I see what we’re doing here what if we do this plus country Israel finally okay so we didn’t the game did not do what I wanted it to do but we got the result we needed all right let’s see if we can get to

    Something from Israel here we have Gaza we picked up Palestine we picked up Jordan what about if we do Jordan to the Northwest Portland Jordan to the Northeast come on and then Jordan River to the Northeast there’s the Dead Sea officially my goodness sort at a little bit of a

    Crossroad but we’ve made some progress but I think we’re going to take another reset and let’s see if we can get back to Oceania Greece plus Australia okay Oceania there we go all right we’re going detour from Asia we’re going to go to Oceania hey that was easy we got Fiji

    From just combining F and Oceania oh wait I just backed out of it but on accident but we got Polynesia maybe we’ll get a new country Polynesia plus Southeast Polynesia plus country oh Tonga wait we actually picked up another one that’s sick let’s go Samoa Tonga plus Southwest with Samoa

    Let me scroll through the list real quick and see if there is anything that looks kind of easy to Get wait if I add North to it it’s just Macedonia I say we take it and we’re taking it wait like just like that we got New Zealand let’s go wait I just seen we have pennant let’s do penet plus car race car race car plus Europe Race Car

    Plus country race car plus France Ferrari Formula 1 there we go Formula 1 plus Europe Monaco we actually got there let’s go please let’s go we finally got to Bahama Mama which is what I was going for by I had to create a whole new word Bahama which

    Almost sounds like it and can we just do country Nation please Cuba Florida spring break no let’s [Laughter] haha oh that one’s too good I have to keep that up there I just I just can’t we just get Bahama we have we have what about if we just add an s on

    Here wait we got Bahama Bahama just plus S I mean I’m going to be real with you I’m taking this I think this counts as bah cuz yeah it does not combine with nation or country we’re taking it that’s Bahamas and that’s officially 100 countries found off of

    The Bahama the bahaha Mama we’re great we’re doing good for those moments when you really I can’t even get it back out on the screen there we go those moments when you really just need to go way far down south let’s go we’ll mark another one off the

    List wait we got Dubai Dubai plus country we need UAE there ain’t no way we have Dubai and it will not give us UAE UAE finally let’s go it’s like pulling teeth around here just to get every last country Qatar now we’re rolling K plus Persian golf Kuwait we’ve got three countries

    Within the span of a minute this is like euphoric Yemen let’s go we made y man which made Yemen which is hilarious every step forward is so good please just give me Oman here yes un fact Oman is the only o country on the whole list

    Nothing else starts with letter o and we just need to get to Saudi Arabia wait we got Mecca earlier I realized pretty sure the city’s called meca but the thing’s called Mecca isn’t that in Saudi Arabia there we go putting two brain cells together and making things happen

    That’s another country down the only thing we don’t have over here is Bahrain but if we take rain plus the letter H you know how sometimes it just throws on the front of it I am not saying that word out loud oh wait we got it Kuwait plus ba bahin

    Dude I knew with ba we would get there eventually wait we got burum we just did B plus periodic table we got be let’s go so be plus n is Ben is this going to give us the country let’s go G and H is GH very useful plus Africa is

    Going to be Ghana there is no way it is so close plus Africa plus Gan Ghana let’s go so it was much easier to get to Ghana than it was to there we go another one off the list Kyan let’s go well there we go we got Kazakhstan we

    Just did NorthWest Plus K stand it’s l the first one I grabbed we’ve made so many different combinations already we got to Tajikistan wait that was Afghanistan plus kazak Pakistan how does that equal Tajikistan I don’t know the logic that this game has but now we need Tajikistan plus turkey turkistan oh

    My goodness it actually worked that’s so clutch that’s actually so clutch so we were spelling out all this cra crap and we already had the answer the whole time I think I’m going to have to call it also I had to update my total yet again because I forgot we already had

    Angola Honestly though after 119 countries I think we did a pretty dang good job we couldn’t get them all but without spending literal days trying to grind each and every individual country without using any cheats or guides I think this would take forever hopefully you enjoyed the video let me know what

    Challenge I should do next and I’ll catch you guys in the next video Peace


    1. Not gonna lie, I clicked on this video fully expecting to have to sit through at least 20 other countries before getting to the Netherlands… Devastated to see we really can just be boiled down to "Orange" + "Flag". 🇳🇱

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