We talk free expression in comedy and the unfortunate current climate, whats actually funny and on tv these days!! & this rollercoaster season that its been for our HASTINGS UNITED!!

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    It gives me great pleasure to introduce episode 119 of the sus spider SE podcast and I have got the returning wonderful comedian uh and all around lovely German Henning ven uh big big Hastings fan as well Henning how are you this evening no complaints Chris how are you I’m I’m a

    Sir uh well hing’s on uh we’re GNA talk a little bit about H but we’re also going to talk a little bit about comedy um anyone who follows Henning on um social media we know that he’s has tried I think as best as he can to uh kind of

    Push back against quite a lot of the uh how can we say the kind of more authoritarian uh stuff that’s going on in comedy uh where people are being particularly the the pre you know where you’ve got a sign oh I I won’t offend anyone all this [ __ ] yeah yeah I

    Mean there’s there’s one reported case there was one University and they booked a comedy night and and they wanted everyone to sign a long old letter with DOs and Dons and sent you there was no there there was nothing left by the end once you sign off that away well even

    Mother-in-law jokes we got yeah yeah yeah or father-in-law not even no oh Jesus no no couldn’t laugh about the husband nor the wife nor the children nor the grandparents so uh yeah but so no I mean as you say it’s just of of I should never attempt to say work with th

    In it but it’s authoritarian as you say so and the saddest thing about it is when say someone isn’t allowed to do his job like I don’t know say Jerry sovit last year at the uh The Fringe in Edinburgh when his run was canceled after one show

    Because some ashra uh didn’t like it it’s just absolutely bizarre and then the most bizarre thing about that is when you then see other Comics coming out in favor of St and saying oh it’s really good that he’s not allowed to do that said don’t you realize that you

    Might be next that’s what I don’t understand I mean that you know I mean anyone particularly Jerry svitz uh if anyone’s ever seen him the man he well he offends everyone uh in equal measure the show was called not for anyone yeah I mean and it does have a a Thum time

    Doesn’t he he does get his chap out occasionally and I’m seem to remember the uh I mean he goes he goes there see you you would expect that anyone seeing that performance would be kind of a little bit pre-warned that actually this guy’s uh pretty full on and then imagine

    Canceling his run because of someone who works there didn’t like it I know incredible and then and and and and and and and that is all because they all not paid the living wage so essentially they’ve got a lot more power because for the wages what the venue so certainly at

    The Fringe so there is lots of great venues up and down the country but The Fringe is particularly dodgy run so uh well pay pay your staff the living wage and then you w have nonsense like that and then if someone doesn’t want to work

    At that shift tell them to do one and get someone else to do the shift but I did actually Joe salich I saw something funny about him recently that he was uh sent a Q&A I don’t know if you’ve seen this one yourself one of the things was

    Um if you if you weren’t a comedian this one of the questions if you weren’t a comedian uh what would you be he said Frankie Bo which I thought was quite funny um yeah it’s not love lost there yeah yeah so I mean talking about that

    So we’re going into kind of in a roundabout way like I know that this stuff had been coming for a while I remember like say particular Rowan ainson back in the day well at least 10 10ish years ago was kind of talking about that kind of free speech type

    Stuff um me mentioning Free Speech doesn’t mean we’re all Nazis by the way anyone listening that you you cannot particularly a creative art for art form you cannot put boundaries on it uh the more and more you put boundaries on that the the the more homogenized and dull it

    Becomes um and I mean maybe I’m not the right age anymore but like I I seem to that particularly the great comedies have kind of faded over the last is sort of 10 to 15 years you know like I could reel off stuff up to sort of the end of

    The ’90s 2000s where you had some fantastic comedy that would last forever and it seems like those days have kind of gone in terms of the stuff that’s produced in England yeah I mean when people say that and I’m not saying at all you’re wrong but I sometimes think

    When you say oh yeah fascist fascist sorry back in the day was Hancock’s half hour or only Fon horses and then but at the time we remember only the great ones there were loads of [ __ ] ones being made as well back then and it’s remember the

    Good ones so and I think look going forward 30 years there will people will be remembering great sitcoms that have been that are being made now I mean I don’t know are you are you Ser really yeah are you in the maning is this a sitcom that you’re in or anything

    Because no no no but someone like not going out amusing okay okay you like Dairy girls definitely good this country absolutely fantastic so and the it crowd Good Father Ted is good few years ago yeah that’s what I’m saying that I I’m with you there and like toaster London

    Like toast to London yeah I think that was good I just like I theor that’s not a bad one is it which one the detectorist there with McKenzie grook no I’ve not seen that there I have to I have to check this one out I think all

    Times there were a lot of because a lot of the stuff from back in the day if you just tune in it’s not very good that just didn’t stand the test of time I mean even like Ernie and what what uh Mor and wise morom and wise I mean

    That’s borderline unwatchable isn’t it some of it’s all right okay well what’s your opinion on say someone like Les dawon then because he was at the same era enough of him to really have an opinion but he’s funny isn’t he he is funny yeah you’re not allowed to not

    Find him funny otherwise um you you you’ll get a free Match ban no um the yeah no I I agree I mean again it could be as you say I’m willing I’m prepared to take that on board that yeah you do remember that the the iconic shows that

    You say your black adders your red dwarfs I’m trying to young ones like particularly say someone like Rick the young ones that didn’t stand the test off time did it oh come on oh borderline unwatchable The Young Ones is unwatchable are we s Neil Neil Orange

    Peel are we serious how when any step to his mattress and all that I’ll give me a break and that is what about when he takes all the LAX to he’s trying to kill himself and his his bum’s like no come on come on H that’s quality comedy agree

    On it’s not as good as what people say how good it is you’re talking to I an absolute obsessively massive Rick mail fan so um yeah well you know filthy Filthy Rich and Cat flat may have not aged well but young ones but we agree to

    Disagree can we do that Hing we can always do that we can do that so I mean you as a as as I started off with you so you you you know you know we’ve talked about this this some that hasn’t been in comedy before which is the the kind of I

    Know it’s a strong word word authoritarianism or what whatever words we’re trying to say the the the it comes fromy that’s the strangest thing comes from within the industry and and so what is the impact there though because it must be like I’m sure like most things

    You you talk to fellow comedians that will without so informally we’ll say look I know this is this is a load of old rubbish you know but we need work so we got to kind of go along with it type stuff I mean have you found that because

    Obviously you’ve worked for you know you’ve done some work with the BBC and and and various other places uh do you find it’s kind of like I think there is both I think there is both I think there is some people who like you are saying calculating about it but I think there

    Is some people who genuinely think it’s a good idea really okay find they baffling yeah so do I comedy should be able to it isn’t about offending a certain group or anything it should just be free reign you should have free reign within reason obviously if if it’s hate

    Speech well that’s obviously I mean if if if something breaks the law or if someone depends what country you’re in if you’re in Scotland anything can break the law now so if something if someone says let’s leave the building and start a race riot now that’s not all right because that’s

    Breaking the law every V they’re obviously running their business so if they book a mixed Bill show with a promoter and they don’t know who is on that mixed Bill show that’s quite common so like say Chris lerick you book once a month you book a comedy night at White

    Rock so and then and it’s called Chris’s Comedy Club so and then you always book The Act and say then one month you book say gra linam or line he’s pronounced so and uh for the people that don’t know him that’s the person who did Father Ted

    And IT Crowd and was it it not black book black book Black Book wasn’t it yeah so and he’s very he he essentially he reckons if you have got to [ __ ] you can’t be a woman so that’s essentially what he’s best known for now if if your audience to 90% consists of that

    Demographic and then you throw him on in their venue well saying the number of Pines we’re selling that evening doesn’t it will be will be outweighed by the number of Pines we’re not going to sell in the future because our core crowd uh will hold the booking against us that

    You then cancel that performance from a venu point of view are fully understand so if it’s if it’s like for commercial reasons but if it’s for some reason some bizarre reason of of trying to be right on that is just absolutely absurd my my issue is it shouldn’t it shouldn’t

    Be that shouldn’t be the case it should be that you know what happened to if I don’t like an act I just don’t go and watch it absolutely and not I want that person to lose that booking I want that and I’m going to try and shut the venue

    Down by get contacting their advertisers and but like the how far it goes now I think we’ve seen it now again with um oh what Paul Curry and solo theater about what did or didn’t happen now I’ve spoken to the story about that he kicked

    To a few Israelis out the venue I don’t know exactly what did and what didn’t happen but I’ve spoken to him after about it and the version he tells me I mean he has been doing that show 200 times without any upheaval and five star reviews right left and center and all of

    A sudden because of an incident which might or might not have weon and certainly in in all likelihood didn’t quite the way it was portrayed by the media um he’s become Persona nraa and lost his gigs in the UK lost his tour of Australia lost his job at the clowning

    School in Belfast so and then you think over what yeah well when that culture is like you said like how it comes back and bites people but then you have to if I was the clown schol in Belfast and one of my teachers was implicated in being anti-semitic and that on a national

    Level on on an international level even well you would have as a business you have to make then the decision say we can’t have him teach here because it’s more hassle than it’s worse and then as a business you’re almost forced into cutting your ties well yeah but that’s

    Just because someone says someone is anti-Semitic uh but by the way there there is anti-Semitism in the world we you just before anyone uh thinks that I uh might not think that probably both agree on that that you know just because someone says something that doesn’t make

    It real um and perception um you like say that issue the Israeli issue any any like say Zionism things like that they should be you should be allowed to criticize those things like you could should be able to criticize other religions and and other ideologies point

    The broader point was more like that was trying to make is once the news is out there like that a business almost has got no other has got no alternative to saying I’ll cut me ties with with person X Y or Z because if they don’t it’s all

    Ending up on their doorstep well so and then you think as a business yeah you can be upstanding and you can be supportive of whoever is being accused but that will be at a great cost to yourself or to your business yeah but I mean it depends if you think they’re

    False claims or not I mean it’s it depends like as you know in the media there’s certain trigger issues that people will they will crack down on and there’ll be other issues which they will almost ignore and because it well because the world isn’t a fair place um

    But and and you know that we we have you know there has been places that have stood up for you know for for people and fought against this but they’re very few and far between um well and then that’s standing up is their business model yeah

    So so then you can say how IC is that because it’s just their business one say oh we’re booking all the people who are the outcasts now I I’m in favor of that because at least they get they can earn a living but it’s again just a way of uh

    Of working on your brand as a venue saying We are booking the people no one that aren’t allowed to perform anywhere else well that becomes your USB and everyone know oh there richy let’s go and watch what they’ve got on well well again it’s the power of the customer if

    If if you’re going to have V you kick people out and don’t have them because they upset whatever morality or ideology that um that they want to push all of a sudden in a comedy venue um all the power to the other venues that pick them

    Up and give them a platform in my in my book it’s you know again absolutely absolutely but again it’s uh it’s a business decision as well isn’t it well if it makes you money yeah does pick you then up because the the venues that are going to be like that well personally I

    Hope that sort of thing I mean if you’re going to sit there and ban people for whatever reason be it left wing rightwing whatever uh because of ideology or or or or what whatever because it’s not a safe space for them um if you lose money because you less

    People come to your Venue because the place isn’t as funny or people get the perception that that you’re killing the comedy Market you’re you’re you’re killing creativity well that’s on you isn’t it really I mean it’s um more the power any venue that does it and and of

    Course they’re going to try and monetize it because I mean well that’s well that’s actually we’re moving on to something I wanted to ask you which was what is the comedy scene like at the moment I know that obviously that uh you coming back from covid you know in terms

    Of venues in terms of has it picked back up you know I know yeah and know there is certain other issues uh sales have picked up definitely because the during Co and postco the difficulty was that a lot of people still had Frid tickets as they were known fridge tickets because

    It was tickets that were bought long time ago for shows that were then being uh postponed postpone postpone and on someone had five sets of fridge tickets and how they were unlikely to buy another pay of tickets for something so they waited until they had all gone so

    That meant if you listed a show or put a show up for show up for sale tickets for sale after Co they didn’t go very well because people still had so many unused tickets at home so but theyve all been used up and I would say the market is in

    Rud Health um a lot of the venues do struggle with the uh Energy prices okay because their overheads gone up massively and if you have got a theater which got knows how much light and God knows how much heating um the their overheads are Sensational like electricity prices which is one of the

    Main expenses in a venue if that’s been tripled which which has in many cases then all of a sudden well you there’s a good chance you you go under and a few few venues have gone under okay okay and so like I know you had some issues with

    The Fringe is it is that a place that you would go back to or what’s your situation with the Ed Edinburgh Fringe at the moment uh hany look I’ve been there from 2004 I’ve been there every year from 2004 until 22 and last year was the first year I

    Didn’t go because two years ago I thought it was I didn’t enjoy it for the first time if you don’t enjoy something it’s no point going so and I’m not saying I’m never going back on nothing I like edinb I like watching hearts and uh I like it for cycling I like playing

    Pitch and put they in the Town Center um that’s all great but they’ve got massive housing shortage in we obviously know about that in Hastings as well but they’ve got massive housing shortage and um that’s now showing its face uh rearing its face definitely with the

    With the with the rent for the manth so I was looking uh for this year just to get an idea yeah and I saw two bedroom flat normal flat so nothing special nine grand for the month [ __ ] hell oh okay all right I thought it was a bit pricey

    There but not that so and then I S out yeah 10 so it’s a tent well they have got what they have start you laugh they have in musle which is a good few miles outside Edinburgh they have Unearthed some student accommodation uh where you can then stay

    But the difficulty there is obviously then you rely on public transport to get in and out late at night that’s a non no stter if say you have got two shows a day your own show in the evening and you want to do something else workwise

    Midday you have got nowhere to stay in between so that’s not not really feasible either what’s what’s happening with the fren I I mean we we you know we touched on the kind of well it’s getting bigger and bigger’s more shs on I know but like if people can’t afford to to

    Stay there and and have a run which is like obviously there’s lots of comedy and and and performances that go to The Fringe that are should we say out there and that if you can’t afford those types of people that that more and more will

    Not be able to go there if if no that’s right you have to be moneyed you have be you have to be moneyed either you have to have the money from home that your parents give you the money or you have to be on good earnings you have to be a

    Fully established act so if you’re not taking either of those two boxes I can’t see how you can afford it and and the Fring are not trying to do anything about that I mean or is it they’re just more interested just making a bit few quid or they try something here or there

    But if there is no accommodation there is no accommodation so they could say yeah we build it we build lots of tents we pitch up lots of tents on the on the medows but be shite as well wouldn’t it let’s be honest let’s live in a tent for months

    That’s rubbish so uh yeah so I don’t know what I don’t know what they can do could um comedy prison uh ships comedy prison ships uh you know could yeah send the one from Portland send that up to now we’re getting on to the goodu off talking of things that Henning loves uh

    Henning uh bit massive Hastings fan like me so um I do bump into him occasionally uh last time I bumped into him we were with some annoying ham fan yes that’s right yes what and I still haven’t made it up to your box hey well I guess it goes straight to a

    Question that uh old Wendy gal John gal asked me um because I I I reached out to the Hastings fans and as usual in their masses of one person that sent me um a request I I said what we were going to be talking about and all all he says is

    This are you main stand I’m main stand all day every day just sweet main stand so you need what you need to do Henning is you need to go to the PA box uh where um flat white Andy is who does the videos you know with I don’t know if

    You’ve seen any of those uh videos yeah yeah and get your um J main stand badge as you definitely that absolutely so uh funny enough the nut us and their drum no no that’s we we don’t we’re not in the main we’re not allowed there oh yeah sorry I didn’t near you

    Yeah well talking of Nutters uh we’re all lovely but Ashford was the last game Hastings played unfortunately we lost on P it’s so funny that I’m now talking to you as obviously the famous game where you were in cycling shorts and and the wonderful fans of I and the

    Wonderful awesome uh sary his dead was uh in his manini since then we’ve had no games um so we we not we got not anything to talk about you taking fans away Sor hey yeah um you had to be there for that one um the but I’m asking is are you [Laughter]

    Taking oh God what what a day that was what a day an awesome game and uh yeah oh I saw the footage by the way from the Ashford game where you got the Ashford fell and he was doing all the singing for Hastings as well oh oh that was

    Beautiful yeah I mean yes um he was a really really nice guy actually uh he just he wouldn’t go away he was like a uh like you know like one of those sort of relatives at Christmas who just just just won’t stop talking to you but he um

    Was uh he joined in with our songs uh cuz the Ashford lot weren’t really making much noise unfortunately the buggers beat us but you know that’s uh that’s where it goes sometimes um heading let’s talk this season now this season has been well uh the beginning what what

    When you asking you because I’m completely biased asking you what did you think about the changes Paul barns coming in and what how did you feel that all went well when they put out when when barns put out Paul BS when he put out all accounts lovely fell but then

    When he put out that statement before his first game on the mission statement how how he wanted it all to go in in writing and it was littered with spelling mistakes and then it and and then like it all made very little sense and you think out May just get to biip

    Out so and then just really over complicated nonsense so and then they decided then to so they lost all the players when they told them that they’re going to train in London yeah and then they train in London then they lose obviously all the Hastings based players yeah and then

    Paul Barnes leaves they train back here again they’re essentially on their third squad for one season I know it’s it’s crazy so uh and and considering that it’s going very well with the playoffs still in in reach and it’s great to have agie back where I still don’t quite

    Understand how that happened because when Chris left he essentially he left with a reputation to rival Guardiola that he love to hear that I have to tell him that so and then he goes to stevenage then he he had just started at stevenage the sector manager all of of a

    Sudden he is leading out their uh uh uh their first team squad in the was it League game or Cup game I think F cup I think it was and then you think is he going to be the manager now and because he still in your in your head that he

    That that he’s essentially level power with Guardiola so and now he’s back at Hastings what’s that all about he he couldn’t get away from us he couldn’t get away from us hanning could he I mean what an awesome fan base we are absolutely absolutely abolutely more supporters than stevenage that’s uh yeah

    AB sure and what with agie I found funny when I’ve got a good mate who um used to be do you remember the story in har pool when they voted the mascot in hang as the monkey and it’s Stuart Drummond and he’s a good mate of mine oh excellent so and

    Um They Se their manager har pool and I had uh St on the phone and I said get a rumor going then because it was like who are they looking at so and I said get rumor going they’re looking they’re looking at Chris AGA from Hastings and

    He managed to make that so successful that by the end agie was six to one six to1 to become manager of that’s what I mean the power Henning the power you have you would just um yeah well what does that well what does that say about

    News in general if uh yeah just start a rumor and uh but yeah so I mean would you I mean we’ve got the Sussex Cup game coming up against little Hampton the might of little Hampton little Hampton it always reminds me of a spite Milligan

    Joke but I I don’t know how much of a fan of [ __ ] migan you are uh do you remember okay do you remember the one where there’s a man having a bath and a and and Spike comes through the water no and okay it’s it’s but I’ve read his

    Book the other day they said which one oh which one though because he’s wrote loads oh the uh uh my part in Hitler’s downfall yeah okay yeah because it’s my part in his in his downfall his part in my downfall ah and then yeah I’ve got a

    Few but yeah yeah no he’s um he’s absolutely brilliant yeah so we’ve got um Lil Hampton in the cup I mean can you can you see us can you see us making the playoffs can you see us getting to that Sussex Cup Final yeah I don’t know about

    The Sussex Cup final but the playoffs yeah they’re well was in reach I mean they they’ve changed slightly the last two home games the attacking play seem to predominantly be OE black throwing balls into the box well he’s got such a a weapon on him he can throw balls into

    The box easily yeah but then you think after that happened for the third time the the other team uh are aware of it so and then there’s like 20 20 players in the box and then very difficult then to score from that and it’s all I found that and Chris will have perfectly

    Sensible reason I was 100 times more about football than me there will be very good reason they’re doing it but I felt that was a bit uh was a bit underwhelmed by that approach well yeah you in the main stand so yep the boo boys it is an exciting end of the season

    I I never thought after the what I consider a nightmare and and any fan that knows me knows that I thought the whole Paul bar stuff was was well let’s not go there but like for us to be in this situation I find incredible I just think we’re really lucky

    I I just think we’ve got away with it there um a lot of other clubs could be would’ be rooted to the bottom but it’s fantastic that we got people that actually care absolutely you know involved and and yeah so um well hen look listen what what what what um

    Wonderful because I A little birdie chap chep was in my ear telling me that you’re testing out some uh new material for your tour where are you going to be out and about here there everywhere new peace hav Louis oh you name it Brighton so all over is Sussex but not Hastings

    No never [ __ ] on your own never for anyone listening or who’s going to be watching what do they go on to have a look at your your tour dates and things like that it’s just me website hening v. de okay lovely uh before you go how’s

    Your um how’s your Sher getting on I mean if you think you’re getting 60,000 people every week and you’re almost r to the bottom of the table in the second tier that is just not very good I mean we will be staying up now I think we’ve

    Got a four-point gap I think that if anything will start to increase but uh very disappointing okay who’s in charge at uh sha these days H who’s in charge at sha well on board level an old schoolmate of mine oh really Axel heer yeah yeah he’s the uh the chairman of

    The board and is uh that’s also is great for him and whatnot because he comes from the ultra side of things um so he’s a bit emotional and he probably lazing with people yeah you wouldn’t want in charge of anything so that is so entally like if

    The blog was the drum became what George chairman yeah if George became chairman Yeah well yeah that could be he’s he’s lovely George yeah he’s he’s he’s a a classical teacher he is he School music teacher thank you oh oh yeah you can hear you can hear yeah no but um no

    Nothing nothing G Geor but it’s just like I think the chairman wants to come from the main stand on that bombshell on that b um no henik thank you for coming on and uh it’s always a pleasure and what when’s the next Hastings game you can make I know you

    Weren’t too sure about the semi-final but um I looked it up um the um put it in my clever book I can do the um the 16s yeah that’s that’s the Saturday isn’t it yeah yeah yeah because we we’re GNA have about a Million Tuesday games

    As well so I don’t know which which is very handy for me oh excellent okay well 16 I’ll give um I’ll give Andy a shout and I’ll tell him to get your badge your mainst badge ready yeah yeah yeah I’ll be wearing it with pride yeah we’ll have

    To get a behind the gold badge going but but um I I don’t know how well that would go down with the rest of them Henning thank you very much always a pleasure chis take care agie I love you thanks for coming back all the way from

    Stevenage all right right take care bye thank you bye stand By by good see you can tell them all that was stand on something by the


    1. Graham Linehan is best known for Father Ted not for telling what everyone considers the truth until 5 seconds ago. The broader point is not business cowardice.

    2. I'm with Henning on Young ones being unwatchable now, even Spike Milligan doesn't make much sense. The puns are simplistic, based on outdated phrases and forgotten cultural references 'Depth charges? They're charging us for depth now?' Round the Horne or two ronnies for example has aged much better

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