
    I went to north korea and i cried after i left it because this is the most depressing country you can enter north korea on a guided trip only because inside there is no wi-fi no facebook no tiktok no christianity no islam and no connection with the outside world the

    Streets are so empty because people cannot afford cars the tv is all about praising korea and the festivals are all about the army but do not be fooled they are still poor that every now and then electricity is gone north korea is like an open-air prison and when you leave it

    Soldiers have to check your phone we just got checked luckily they didn’t steal our videos on the train out i cried of sadness because there is no solution to the average north korean their country is and will remain a prison that’s one minute see you tomorrow


    1. That's not true. Some people may be able to afford cars but they can't. Only men who are like associated with like the government or something like that, can get a car.

    2. Except for following the established rules, I can't find the reasons and benefits of a leader in the reign in this way. It looks like Orwell 1984’s become real

    3. Turkmenistan is Nas bro why you didn't come to visit me cause I am much less harsh than north Korea and you go around freely without any guard 😂😂😂

    4. It’s worse than prison. Even in prison you do have rights such as visitation days, conjugal meetings, watching tv, right to practice your religion, phone calls, walk around the prison outside the cell, socialize with the other inmates,

    5. The north Koreans are in prison due to their own wish , the common people don't want get out this life … otherwise its not possible for a single person to control the masses.

    6. People are sad thinking about North Korea and wish not to be born there. What about other countries whose living with no foods and shelter? I guess north Korea people still have foods on the table and shelter above their heads..

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