Woking is a fabulous starting place for growing your cycling confidence; the canal gives you an excellent inroad to places you may have only considered driving to in the past…. for example, RHS Wisley is a very simple route, almost traffic free and “beside still waters”. In today’s video we look at ideas of places to visit that you can then look up the video for.
    Wisley, Staines, Hampton Court, Hatchlands, Newlands Corner, Aldershot, Seal… and many, many more
    Welcome to THE TANDEM CHANNEL (aka T4 – TakesTwoToTandem); we are a couple of pensioners based in the South East of the UK that love to travel and take day-trips on our tandem. The channel is a means of sharing those routes and experiences with others – you don’t need to ride a tandem to do the rides….. but it is much more fun if you do

    Our tandems:
    Dawes Horizon from early 1980s
    Orbit Velocity Sport Disk provided by JD Tandems of Gargrave in Yorkshire

    Our Website: [under construction]
    JD Tandems: https://www.tandems.co.uk/
    The Tandem Club: https://www.tandem-club.org.uk/

    Follow us on Komoot:

    Hello well a lot of people have asked us to summarize what are some really good and safe rides around woking so we’re just going to list a few here now and most of them are based around starting from the basing Stoke Canal so if you live anywhere sort of sheer water West

    Ble nap Hill Brookwood Bisley we all have access to the basing Stoke canal and most of these rides will link up with that now wogging is beautifully cited with all sorts of activities around so we’ve got as you can see on here we’ve got the basing Stoke Canal

    Connecting us to London and theer via the river way and the temps to Windsor via the way and the temps but in the opposite direction on the temps If You Carry On from Windsor you can get to the kenet and aen Canal B and Bristol head

    Your way off that way we’ve got all the Su heaths around beautiful off-road cycling around there and then south of us Su Hills the Su Hills linking into Sussex and Hampshire and also the Downs link which is runs us all the way down to Brighton so a huge amount of

    Connectivity and woking lies in the very heart of this area beautiful countryside and beautiful connections so it doesn’t matter whatever bike you’ve got or whether you’re riding with your family or on your own there are wonderful wonderful trips available to you around the woking area short ones long Adventures whatever you’re after they’re

    Available so why are we doing this well we really want to get the whole of woking cycling as much as we can and for many people they just don’t think that they’re up to it they look at distances like 10 km and they think wow that’s miles but actually it’s really very very

    Manageable there are lots of opportunities around and we’d love to get you out of your car and doing the similar sort of Journeys using your bike cycle routes are often shorter because they take cross country more direct routes they’re generally much much safer on the cycle route than cycling on the

    Roads and as drivers we tend to only picture our Journeys via the roads ignoring all the little back routs and Quiet Things riding documented routes as well helps us to learn what is possible and what we’re capable of doing because they’ve been tested out by other people

    We know they’re much safer and other people have made the mistakes and that’s what our videos do give you a meter by meter view of everything that’s taking place so that you can see for yourself going well I don’t really fancy that bit or maybe I’ll have to find a way around

    That so just before we carry on just to remind you that we’re residents of woking and we want to get everybody out cycling safely to break the myths and to discover new places all the way around we ride a tandem and if we can manage a

    Trip then we know that you should be able to because randoms are much more difficult to get around so we want to get you to know your local area and maybe save some money parking your bike and woking is free so you can help us by

    Liking our videos i’ love you to like this one to click the little thumbs up to subscribe for us so that we can keep you informed of all the routs that we’ve got and new ones when they get added and also comment on the rides it’s great

    When you pass comments you say well we’ve tried this one or have you had a go at that or no this is brilliant and it helped us get here and there it’s very encourage encouraging for us and we’ve got literally dozens and dozens of rides available to you and we’ve started

    Color coding them to make them a little bit easier so you can find your way around so here is a summary of many of the places that we’ve already got rides for and we’ve based it geographically around woking using the basing Stoke Canal as that horizontal line and using

    North south really to divide up the left and the right side and you’ll see that wherever you live there are loads of places that you may not have considered from National Trust buildings to uh beautiful roads the open Countryside the hills hill climbing on your bike then

    There’s some great rides around if you just want to be off-road if you want to take your children loads of places to go and even towards London if you look on the top right there loads of rides towards London so if we start on the

    Canal and head east then if we go north of that and and pick up maybe the river way we’ve got London you can get to Kingston it takes about an hour and hour and a half maybe two Richmond Hampton Court Bushy Park a great ride we’ve got

    One there available for you when you get up to the temps you can turn left and go towards stains then you’ve got th Park and Heath row opening up wal on temps is a great place to stop and a lot of people just sit there and watch the

    Boats if you may not have even encountered Cox’s lock at Adon well that’s a wonderful place to stop and have a look around and we’ve got Newall all places you might have driven to but we can go there on the bike so if we follow the basing Stoke Canal East and

    Then head south from there we can get down to the rhs wisley great way to get to wisley Gardens actually new prior along Ong the Riverway we’ve also got new’s Corner that we can get to very easily we’ got some nice routes to that several different Journeys hatch’s National Trust Park it’s surprisingly

    Quiet to get to hatchlands Via cycling we also go to clandon park we have a a bit more of a traffic heavy route to paines Hill Park but it’s still not that bad if you’re a confident cyclist and you’ve got access to all the Su Hills

    Over in the East and of course there’s nothing to stop you extending your ride way down into the Su Hills all the way down to Brighton or across to Gatwick there’s some lovely rides on the outskirts Gatwick beautiful parts of Sussex available to you there or off to

    London or you can pick up at stains and risbury you can head off towards reading as well as Windsor so if we head West along the basing Stoke canal and look at the places that are available to us north of that with some great rides towards Virginia water if you want to

    Visit Gardens and uh just generally a great place to take the family for the day we’ve got swindley forest for those of you that into off-roading and Mountain hiking and trails is absolutely superb there’s lightwater Country Park a great place for the kids and you can get there almost completely without going

    Anywhere near any roads with any traffic we’ve got Ash Vil and perite and the Commonwealth wargrave Cemetery in perite which is a wonderful place to visit to be peaceful and to just have a look around there’s nothing morbid about it at all it is really a glorious celebration of those lives that were

    Given and you can also just get access between St John’s Bisley nap Hill all the way along and similarly if we head south from the western side of bising stoke Canal you can get through perite and then to a wonderful place called Henley Park Lake which is great for the

    Kids and for fishing there’s WRA and Normandy wonderful views across there Mitch the ash ranges and the canal Center definitely worth visiting there’s Guilford and all the Su Hills to the West so uh all the way around to places like seal and hind head and frencham with heathland as well we’ve got

    Greywell and odium if you just keep going up the canal there that’s about 45 kilm each way so that’s quite a long ride then you can actually go beyond that into basing Stoke I wouldn’t necessarily recommend going further than old basing really because basing Stoke is pretty Grim so some wonderful places

    To visit and you can go on to Blackwater Celly Sandhurst or down all the way to Brighton if you wanted via the southdowns links so do you need a special bike I think the answer to that is no but it may restrict the sort of terrain that you can ride across so if

    You’ve got a road bike generally we would suggest sticking to the back roads that we’ve got but be bear mind that for instance the basic Stoke Canal has got such a smooth surface along it that it’s pretty good for road bikes particularly modern road bikes with the wider tires

    If you’ve got a gravel bike or a hybrid bike there’s not much difference between them gravel bikes generally have drop bars uh or an MTB then you can take nearly all the roots some of them such as the Riverway particularly in winter is best on a mountain bike same with

    Swinley forest and we ride a tandem and there’s nothing more awesome than trying to get the tandem everywhere every ride that you can find on our site has been done by us on a tandem sometimes at the most inappropriate times and in the most inappropriate conditions so bear that in

    Mind when you’re selecting your list so how can you get a copy of these roots well you can look them up on our Kimo page it’s known as Paul and Diane on the tandem we’ll put a link in the description below but once you get there you’ll find that we’ve got 363 different

    Rides some of them in different parts of the country as well but search through put in a place name we’ve tried to use those wherever possible and you can also just use this to plan your own route and you’ll also see there on the page that

    You can download a GPX file and you can load that into a maybe a cycle computer or onto your phone or into straa or whatever it is that you use for navigating but Kut actually does a pretty good job at talking its way through so you can use it just as a

    Satnav and if you’ve got an earphone you can pop that in and you can listen as you ride you will also see that we’ve got here a map of the terrain so you can see when it goes up and down and there is also overall map of the route so that

    You can look at it in more detail and you can always use edit to replan so thank you for joining us and we hope that we’ meet up with you on another ride some point okay take care and bye for now

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