Join Sarah and Deenie from The Property Marketing Strategists as they launch their latest piece of research looking at the global perspectives of student accommodation.

    It was a really valuable discussion where we spoke about the following points in relation to international students:

    👉 Profit and segmentation
    👉 Evolving student needs
    👉 Changing the PBSA model
    👉 Getting students to collaborate with the sector
    👉 Communication with international students
    👉 The role of universities
    👉 Importance of data

    Thanks once again to all of our panellists: Saurabh Arora, CEO, University Living- our data partner, Joe Persechino, Chief Operating Officer, Yugo- our strategic partner and Martijn van de Veen, Chief Business Development Officer, ICEF, Simeon Anyalemechi, President and Chair of the Board of Trustees, University of Salford Student Union and Robin Walsh, Head of Residential Services Bournemouth University

    Get the full report on The Global Perspective of Student Accommodation here:

    Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this  very exciting launch of our new research the   Global perspective of student accommodation a  big special thanks to our partners University   Living who have supported us in the data and  Yugo for being our main partner who without  

    Which we wouldn’t be here today so a really big  thank you to you guys for supporting us we did a   big piece of research in 2022 which which many  of you um might have been involved in and read  

    And it was about what gen Z want from their  student accommodation um but the majority of   the responses came from a domestic audience so we  were asked from quite a lot of people if we could   provide Insight from International students and  when we were looking for partners to support us  

    With this Yugo were the obvious choice with their  variety of student accommodation across the globe   we knew we could rely on them to provide their  unique experience and knowledge with buildings in   multiple Continence we were able to tap into their  database to bring the international perspective to  

    The results um and with University Living we’d  been looking for project to collaborate on for a   for a while and when this idea came about and the  opportunity came along they were just a perfect   fit for for working with us on this data set um so  together with both ugo’s database and University  

    Living’s database we’ve been able to um survey  2,000 uh Global students um full 60% of that   coming from the University living database and 40%  coming from Yugo um just so you’re aware for the   purpose of this report and this webinar when we  talk about an international student we’re talking  

    About a student who is living away from home um  from their home country and a domestic student is   those studying in the country that they were born  and grew up in um so along with representatives   from our partners um Joe from Yugo and Saurabh  from University Living we also welcome Martin  

    From ICEF Robin Walsh from Bournemouth University  and Simeon representing the student voice as the   president and chair of Trustees from Salford  students union sadly Rebecca roare was unable   to join us today as she’s got called away to  important Student Business at leads so big thank  

    You to Robin for stepping in last minute to ensure  we had the university perspective in this session   um please can we ask our panel to introduce  themselves and also to share with us um what   it was about the international student landscape  that attracted you to be part of this report and  

    Webinar um let’s start with you Joe thanks Sarah  and good afternoon everyone pleasure to be here   today uh I’m Joe I’m the CEO of Yugo it’s pretty  much the class leading Global student operator   and brand um for globally for students and we are  operational in around nine countries and over 110  

    Properties and this this the opportunity to be  able to talk on this webinar and to be part of   the report is absolutely fascinating for us uh  as data is king and the more we can learn from  

    Our students about what they want and what they  need that will certainly help us in terms of a the   types of properties that are built in the future  but also how how that can dictate the service that  

    We provide to those students so really excited  to be here today and uh looking forward to the   conversation thank you Joe um SRA would you like  to introduce yourself sure thanks thanks everyone   and uh look forward for our insightful learning  session you know with with with all the great uh  

    Stars of this industry you know uh I guess I’m the  most rookie in the in the ecosystem so it’s been   12 years been doing this uh love this to the core  you know for my international student to someone   who is trying to help International students with  their accommodation uh been breathing eating and  

    Literally sleeping student accommodation all  across the globe so can’t be more happy to be   part of this uh this panel and we know this for  last 12 years we realized that everyone is talking  

    You know we can do this we should do this but most  of us need to take decisions and that’s where the   data and and these reports and these sessions are  important you know so thank you to Sarah and and  

    All the awesome work you’ve been doing of going  out of the way literally walking the talk going to   each cities meeting property managers uh speaking  with platform speaking with students and putting   across students um insights as well as what  exactly is needed do we need those fancy cinema  

    Halls or do we need extra one square meter in the  room you know and and both are important you know   but uh if we have data points which can help take  decisions you know I believe yeah so that’s what  

    Make me excited to part of this event and being  data partner for for for SAR and Denny um I can’t   I can’t forget s you know when we started early  on Sarah was one of the very early supporter of  

    Unity living you know and it’s been you know a top  SEC Journey for Marketplace wherein you know from   a from a one country destination to probably  12 countries all across the globe you know   from providing pbsa to home stays from providing  shortterm to long term I I mean love the journey  

    And thank you for being part of the journey s and  Denny over to you guys thank you sir that’s very   kind of you um Simeon would you like to introduce  yourself hello everyone lovely toet you all my   name is Simeon I’m an international student myself  originally from Nigeria a returning sabatical  

    Officer that was business and law officer last  year but returned this year as president of the   so students union have been a huge advocate for  international students especially uh towards   inclusion of international students and yeah  what’s attracted me to this important project  

    Is we all know that universities are really  ambitious towards recruitment of international   students giving the contribution to University  finances however not much thoughts has been put   into planning for them especially given their  unique circumstances and uh giv that they’ve  

    Traveled far to come study here in the UK the  Baseline for their experience normally um uh for   it’s normally the planning done for home students  but in reality that’s not sufficient and does not   meet their expectations this is why I’m really  impressed with this research I wanted to get  

    Involved share my views on the findings based on  my personal experience my experience as president   of the S students union thank you and lovely to  meet you all once more thank you in um let’s go  

    To Martin now would you like to introduce yourself  yes thank you very much Sarah and DEA lovely to be   here and be surrounded by such uh Professionals  in accommodation and International Education I   think that you know ISF is one of the leaders in  international student recruitment so we provide  

    Publications on what’s happening in the market but  we’re also very well known for our B2B networking   events where we bring together the education  providers who recruit International students   and connect them with any organization that can  help them do that and with anything around that  

    Which of course includes uh accommodation we have  an event on that topic coming up in in London uh   where you’ll be there as well Sarah and Dei but  um you know technically anything that involves   International students and accommodation has  my interest and what I really liked about your  

    Report and your approach is that you are looking  at students as individuals rather than a bunch   of numbers and statistics um because in our  sector the student recruitment industry the   focus is always on the students individual needs  and interest in terms of their study and their  

    Career opportunities and their Ambitions and  I believe that we should also be more aware of   the students individual needs and desires of in  terms of student accommodation their their home   away from home and I feel that your report is an  important ingredient to help us be more aware of  

    Those individual needs so thanks also for putting  that report together and for putting this webinar   together on such an important topic I look forward  to the conversation thank you thank you for   joining us and last but not least least definitely  not least Robin thank you um yeah as say stepping  

    In here um kind of at the last minute for Rebecca  but um hopefully I’ll I’ll be able to to fill her   large boots um I was coming along anyway so  really interested in in this uh this topic so  

    I was going to be in the audience listening  to the conversation so I’m really pleased to   be able to sort of be be on the panel and be a  part of the conversation um I’ve worked in the  

    Sector for over 20 years now for universities and  for um private pbsa organizations um currently at   Bournemouth University but I also sit on the the  Cubo um executive board um they’re their lead   for housing codes and standards so for people that  don’t know Cubo they are a membership Organization  

    For um for the sort of uh University Services  the sort of Commercial Services income generating   that are non-academic so things like um retail  catering conferencing Sport and then accommodation   accommodation obviously is a really important um  part of of of of what we do to support our members  

    Got 118 members 118 um institutions as members of  Cubo um so yeah so you know I think let’s get into   the conversation and uh see where we go great and  thank you everyone and I’m sure the audience will  

    Agree that is we’ve got an amazing panel a lot of  expertise and um we really appreciate you being   with us today um and joining us um before we the  discussion um we did just want to share some stats  

    Around those who responded to the survey um as  just by signing up to this webinar you will all   receive um an email into your box into your inbox  shortly after this with the actual report um but  

    Just so you’ve got a bit of a a headline kind of  findings about who has responded um we had of 2000   of the 2,000 respondents 40% of them were male 57%  female 1% non-binary and 2% preferred not to SA um  

    55% of those that responded were studying um away  from their home nation and 45% studying in their   own country 25% of all the respondents were Indian  um with 49% studying in the UK and they’re all   currently living in different settings uh with 47%  in a room with shared facilities 18% in a private  

    Apartment with no shared facilities 4% share of a  room 24% in a shared house or apartment and 5% of   living in a house they own or with their family  um as de said at the valued audience you’ll all  

    Receive the report after the webinar um we are  Keen to get the data in front of as many people   as possible so please share it far and wide  um however it’s a rather big document so we’d  

    Prefer it if you didn’t print it um so without  further Ado we will begin our discussion on the   global perspective of student accommodation um  for international students if you’ve got any   questions please use the Q&A facility um on your  screen as we will keep an eye on on this and we  

    Won’t be keeping an eye on comments Until the  End um so let’s start the discussion um so do   you think the accommodation sector thus far has  considered the needs of individual cohorts and   their specific Lifestyles demands and budgets  um this is about the segmentations of students  

    Rather than looking them as as one body who  would like to start I can start um yeah you   know to be honest I actually do believe that  the accommodation sector itself does provide   a wide range of of different housing formats and  solutions but we have to ask ourselves to what  

    Level the accommodation sector can and should be  uh considering each students specific lifestyle   and demand I would argue that this is more of a  joint responsibility not just of the accommodation   providers but also and especially of the education  providers the study abroad agencies and of course  

    Of the students themselves who find that that  destination that school program and of course   of accommodation that together as a mix provide  access to to their different individual needs I   I just think of amenities like a a gym washing  facilities quiet study spaces a lot of these  

    Things that came in that I saw in your report uh  areas for social interaction entertainment prayer   facilities a lot of these are provided also by  the institution the school the municipality the   local library perhaps and they can be found in  the the city center so you know to answer that  

    Question I I do feel that the accommodation sector  in many cases does have an answer to the needs of   individual students but it all comes down to it  all comes down to price and many of those can be  

    Satisfied outside of the accommodation uh that  is available yeah can I go yes sir so first of   all thank you I mean again I feel so blessed and  and fortunate to have a model which is by Design  

    And by choice you know have the opportunity to  you know provide what students wants you know we   are no one to tell that okay this is what you want  to book we Are we always say that okay these are  

    The options take informed decisions you know by  virtue of that you know at least you know we are   fortunate even if we have Studios so we can give a  student Studios a private room or home stay depend  

    Upon their location price point whatever they look  for right so segmentation is very important and in   fact one of the reason the sector has been doing  well in spite and despite of Co inflations and   depressions in last 15 20 years because we’ve been  as a ecosystem been listening to students and and  

    And universities right so segmentation important  and we’ve been doing it as a ecosystem and   webinars and reports uh surveys like this ensure  that we’ve been listening to the core you know we   are not listening only one side of the ecosystem  you know if you look for if we listen for  

    Investors of course we all need to have Studios  because that give the best Roi if you look for   University Partners they need most of the private  rooms you know as as price point or budget that   can be and still walking distant to universities  not possible in this in this era and ecosystem so  

    With these segmentation surveys we all can listen  to everyone and eventually we always say that we   are happy only and only if students are happy  you know as I as I mentioned that it’s not the  

    Market which is what a available but it’s always  been run by a market what is needed so sooner or   later in this market if if some investors are  pushing Studios but if it’s not budgeted in the  

    Right location it will not be filled so they are  forced to you know look out for option which is   used by the students and universities you know so  so yeah I mean this this is a market which is run  

    By demand then by the supply I’m roing I guess  from your point of view um back to martine’s   point I think what martine’s saying is that it’s  not just about accommodation you have to look at   the whole ecosystem and I guess probably that’s  quite true in Bournemouth because you rely on  

    External providers your accommodation um and also  it’s quite spread out amongst the city so I guess   how how how much should the students needs be  met through just accommodation I think from a   from an accommodation point of view it’s um yeah  it depends on it really depends on the picking up  

    On stup’s point of R about demand and you know I  don’t my my view is I don’t think it’s by design   that we are offering any kind of any sort of uh  consideration for the individ you’re going actual   question about the individual sort of needs and  cohorts of these these particular different types  

    Of students I don’t think I don’t think anybody’s  actually doing that by Design I think that what   is driving this and what’s driving the bulk of  of the accommodation offer is it is about return  

    On investment and it is about is it is a profit  making or you know business and that that’s what   it is you put the cards on the table that’s  what private pbsa is and universities rely on  

    That because without private p SAA they wouldn’t  be able to have got to the stage where they are   now with regards to recruitment now I think that  I think that maybe you know this is becoming more   of a topical issue right now because potentially  you know people have talked about sort of price  

    Tipping points for many years and maybe we’re  getting to that point now where actually for   for certain cohorts of students and we know that  you know Simeon here from Nigeria I’m sure he   can he can talk from that point of view there  are different cohorts of of students who come  

    From different parts of the world who have very  different levels of sort of budgets which means   they have very different options and they’re going  to be looking for different types of accommodation   if there was if there was if if there were the  options out there we wouldn’t be having this com  

    We wouldn’t be having this conversation I don’t  think because there wouldn’t be any issues that   we’re having this conversation shows that there’s  a problem and I would Challenge and throw it out   there that the problem is price now how we how  you deal with that is a real is you know that’s  

    The golden ticket isn’t it nobody knows right now  everyone’s talking about you know there’s this I   I what I see now happening in the market is that  since you know since covid you know everyone talks   about sort of pre and postco no one was doing  anything postco because you know inflation’s  

    Running High um you know everyone’s sitting on  their money everyone’s sitting on their hands   watching and seeing what’s going to happen to the  market things are starting to ease up now that   inflation’s coming down and you are starting to  see interest coming back into the market however  

    That interest that’s coming back into the market  is still on a preo model of what sora’s talking   about you know it’s that classic mostly on suites  with some studios and that still seems to be the   model and that’s probably because that’s the  model that investors understand and that’s the  

    Easy one to sell to funds but but actually it’s  not what students need it’s not what universities   need either and ultimately I don’t think in the  long term it’s not what private companies need   because you obviously need to you know need to  provide a product that that that students want  

    And I think this the demand that the the landscape  of students has changed now and it’s changed maybe   you know again it’s a sort of it’s just a thought  is that it’s changed and we’ve not realized it’s   changed and we don’t really understand the  extent of how it’s changed so you know we’re  

    Here having this conversation now which is a  good thing let’s bring Simeon in because I’m   sure based on that Robin what’s what’s your view  from a a student per perspective you mentioned   in your introduction that you feel like sometimes  International students are may be not considered  

    As any different to domestic home home students  you know how far should accommodation go with   segmentation thanks Sarah and yes I completely  agree with Robin that at the moment uh it’s about   it’s about return on investment um there’s a  demand and Supply issue and that takes away  

    The core focus of the experience students are  supposed to get out of um accommodation and for   me uh this is the first research I’ve come across  that segments you know a minor a minority that’s   most often forgotten and that’s International  students um accommodations are mainly designed  

    Um you know with accommodations are mainly  designed you know with with the core focus   on profits is it is it making profits and all that  so early this year I was on a trip uh to Europe on  

    A 1K trip we visited over 15 organizations across  the baltics and Finland and I was quite impressed   with the research driven approach taken by one of  the organization we visited called HOAs HOAs is a   housing accommodation originally founded by 16  students but currently what over um 429 million  

    Um sorry what over 587 million as its balance  sheet and has a a turnover of over 82 million   so uh the the government is subsidizing this  scheme but one thing that’s intriguing about   it is the inclusivity by Design like how they  include students in the design how they consider  

    The diversity of their student population and  how it’s done with and for the students so uh   maybe if we solve the demand and Supply issue uh  then I I know I I’m confident that this important   piece of work would be would inform you know  decisions of universities um universities  

    And housing providers thank you that’s really  interesting we we’ll look those up that sounds   really interesting I guess Joe nothing really  exemplifies segmentation of different National   than the Yugo product because you don’t have the  same product all across the globe you know we I  

    I know that personally I used to to work with you  at Yugo um there’s not one product that’s the same   in in you know in every country because you’ve  been able to to kind of look at the individual  

    Needs in each country yeah that’s right Sarah and  when we use the segmentation word I think we need   to be need to be careful that you know we’re here  to to be inclusive for all students as as everyone  

    On this panel is we want to Ure that all students  are served catered For and and have somewhere to   live that’s appropriate for them and for their  needs and I think the the difficulty we have as  

    An industry is that when you start to segment you  know it’s it’s not an easy thing to do um you know   you’ll know yourself s industry a long time that  way back when the first sort of Internationals   that started to flourish and come through were  traditionally regard as the Chinese they were  

    Wealthy so suddenly you were catering for that  that high wealth Chinese cohort then we’ve seen   the rise of the middle classes um from Asia and  then now we”re seeing the working classes rise   through so you look at the international students  and the stats and where they’re coming from and  

    Those numbers are changing we’ve seen you know  Sora will will attest to this that India is   growing exponentially versus China in terms of  student numbers each year but now you’re seeing   Vietnamese Indonesian African students that are  you know there’s more more coming through the  

    System and so to segment to a particular type of  student is very difficult because you can’t just   say that all Indian students want cheap rooms non-  on Suite bunk beds for example versus Chinese who  

    Only want Studios it’s not as simple as that so  you throw that into the mix and it makes it very   very difficult to be able to build something and  operate something for everybody because the needs  

    Are always changing and you know put on top of  that layer on top of that you’ve got gen Zeds   will be moving into gen I gen AI in the next four  years what are the what are their needs going to  

    Be and if you’re building today and then it won’t  be open for another three or four years you know   potentially your your room mix is already out of  date or your service offerings out of day so we’ve  

    Got to be really mindful about the key themes that  you pull out from what students want to be able   to build something that is as close to what they  want whilst obviously being profitable like like   Robin’s mentioned but enabling a you know a true  offering for everyone I think it’s very difficult  

    And you know the biggest thing that certainly I’m  I want to avoid is that you you create one type   of housing or student housing for a particular  cohort and then suddenly you’ve almost you know I   don’t know if you’re attracting Indian students or  Chinese students and suddenly your whole building  

    Becomes populated by those Asians or Indian  students the whole point well I think that you   know big a large part of being an international  student is that you want to immerse yourself in   in the culture and the community of a different  country and I’m not sure that putting all Indian  

    Students into one building for example is really  going to encourage that and you know certainly at   Yugo we want to so we we’ve been pushing through  our through our pillars that we have to to ensure   that we get that connectivity between different  cultures between students from different countries  

    To to ensure that that that mixing happens because  that’s that’s part of the journey isn’t it of life   and being able to understand different cultures  and and where people are from and and making new   friendsross borders so I think we need to be  careful about segmentation and how we actually  

    Apply that in real life come in if that’s okay  just some thoughts Ste I thought that um I think   you’re right Jo I mean I couldn’t agree more Joe  about about sort of um you know social kind of  

    Engineering I can’t be more against that you know  I think that um I think yeah students part as part   of their student experience it should be about  about sort of you know additional to their kind   of academic it’s about broadening the experience  and meeting people that you know that you’re never  

    Going to kind of probably meet that broader range  of people anywhere else you know um even within   the workplace so so that’s a really important part  and I agree with that part I think that um I think  

    The the key thing here is that this this is not a  problem that it’s it’s not PBS’s um um problem to   solve you know PB private pbsa are limited to what  they can do to increase the supply of of of of of  

    A broader range of accommodation you know the UK  itself is struggling you know across all tenant   classes you know the students are just one and  and actually and actually pbsa is you know you it   would be really interesting and we’ve talked about  this many over many years be really interesting  

    For somebody to come up with a different type of  model for pbsa that could you know could could   offer a a broader ladder of rents within within a  property you know um so you could it could be more  

    Appealing to to students who are on a on a tighter  budget who could have that pbsa experience and all   the great things that Joe has talked about that  you get within pbsa because it’s it’s a fantastic  

    Product and and and a lot of students love it  but because of the model the kind of commercial   model of PBS is not going to be for every type of  student so rather than than thinking about having   the conversation around sort of different cohorts  of students around the different nationalities  

    More this is about kind of budgets really when it  comes down to the Brass tax of what students can   actually afford if they can afford to go to pbsa  they can go and explore enjoy all these on-site   gyms and Cinema rooms and roof Terraces and 247  maintenance and you know residential life programs  

    And all that great stuff that you get within those  you know but but the the the the hard fact of it   is a lot of these students can’t afford that so  they need a different type of accommodation and  

    That’s not as say that’s not pbsa problem to  solve that’s a broader issue around the lack   of um housing in this country and you know and  and that and that goes back to central government   doesn’t It ultimately and local authorities  you know universities I think have a have a  

    Much stronger position um you know they they they  they they should be playing their hand much more   strongly in in for what they do you know talking  to local authorities and there are some some good   examples out there of how you know um universities  are now starting to take take those take those  

    Conversations to local authorities um but yeah  but really you know Central government’s the   one that that needs to get a grasp with this and  they are just not you know I mean they’re looking   to they’re looking to to bring in this renters  perform act which is you know Cubo and many other  

    Sector organizations can’t tell them more directly  what what the what the potential consequences are   bringing this renters Reform Bill is going to be  on the HMO sector we’ve seen it in Scotland you   know the HMO sector has been has kind of massively  reduced in after 2016 when the Scottish government  

    Brought in their new tendency they’re looking  to do this very similar thing in England and you   know and that the HMO sector unfortunately that’s  where you that’s where a lot of the the students   on these lower end budgets are they look to go in  because they control their costs more you know and  

    They can you know two to a room and or three to a  room I don’t you know they do they they they find   a way um they shouldn’t have to find a way but  they do no and that’s probably a good point to  

    Bring signing because I think we can talk a lot  about kind of what’s happening in the UK but I   know from kind of our recent travels this summer  across Europe that it’s not just a UK problem  

    In terms of housing it’ be interesting to hear  you your Viewpoint Martine from kind of the the   global persective of people struggling with this  housing and and where good ideas might be working   yeah it’s it’s such an interesting point because  you know the in student accommodation crisis is of  

    Course major Topic in all major study destinations  and I hear a lot of these conversations and wears   where people are pointing fingers at um well the  accommodation sector is not doing enough of ABC   or the government should be more flexible and  their new law has has made things worse or the  

    Education providers and everyone’s pointing their  fingers and what I like here in the Netherlands   where where I live is that the the government  here who has also been criticized on many fronts   um and let’s not talk politics it’s go there but  what they have done is they actually have set up  

    A steering committee with a um with one person’s  called the uh beautiful Dutch word uh student and   house festing regur which is kind of the kind  let’s say the director of this of this project   his responsibility is to actually bring together  the stakeholders in um in international student  

    Commodation in student accommodation so you’ve got  your your pbsa providers you’ve got your student   housing associations you’ve got representatives  of public universities and Comm and um and private   institutions student unions uh government bodies  local governments all coming together and uh so  

    Rather than having these separate conversations  with groups of people from the accommodation   sector complaining about all the others or you  know actually everyone was in the room and you   know some some interesting Solutions come out of  that but my M main point here is that um it’s one  

    Thing to talk about oh we can’t do this or that is  so bad I think as a sector and as as stakeholders   in the sector we need to look at ourselves and  see what we can do to improve the situation so  

    Obviously we need to be aware of what we cannot  do but it’s more interesting to see what can we   do and how can we help influence the other areas  where we are not that what we can’t do how can we  

    Influence those areas so my recommendation is  really that actually like you’ve done on this   webinar you bring together different stakeholders  representing different perspectives in this very   important topic thank you and Simeon I don’t  know if you’re able to talk a little bit about  

    What you’re involved in at University of sford  as part of the wider kind of Manchester sort of   I guess housing task force so yeah um I I suppose  you want me to talk about the work we’re doing at  

    The greater Manchester level on housing right yeah  if you can okay great so uh well well as we all   know accommodation is a challenge in manchest not  just in Manchester but across U major is um in the  

    UK and in my first term as officer uh we wanted we  wanted a greater Manchester solution to this and   we visited Nottingham to learn from the experience  of what a good example of proper planning and   coordination between the university and the  local community uh looks like and how we can  

    Also design a similar strategy so uh We’ve also  we’ve also drawn Insight from uh uh our visits   to the baltics as well specific reference to the  Student Life strategy at temp um yeah I I would   double check that but mainly um what’s happening  in Nottingham is a bit of information sharing that  

    Would help shape the plan the future of planning  in terms of housing provision availability cost   safety other amenities and you know just basic  issues like noise sustainability so we’ve come   back with good insights um students in Manchester  have United and we formed what we call the greater  

    Manchester student partnership and we meet about  five times a year with the mayor of Manchester   where the legitimate voice of the students here in  Manchester but early days some of the outcomes of   this is that we’ve been able to feedback on the  good landlord chatter consultation and the the  

    Mayor has made a commitment in his Manifesto to  co-create a student living and staying strategy   with us uh we are working you know alongside  the universities and uh the greater Manchester   combined authority to write a blueprint for the  general public on what students need on housing uh  

    Safety and transport in Manchester um yeah I don’t  know if that provides good Insight on what what   we’ve done at the greater Manchester level that’s  really interesting yeah I think that’s really   positive you know it’s great to hear it’s great  to hear those stories I you know I know I know the  

    Nottingham student living strategy quite well um  you know we’ve um we’ve done a we’ we’ve done a um   accommodation strategy group presentation when we  had we had the Unis and the local Authority come   along talking to the rest of the Cubo members  about that Durham’s also another really good  

    Example of of of where they’ve worked very closely  with their local Authority um and they’ve they   they’ve you know they they’ve managed to to to  pull together a whole whole broad range of data   around the the student accommodation Supply to  try and understand the um you know exactly how  

    Many beds they’ve got across all the different  types of accommodation so not just pbsa but all   the hmos as well and they’ve been able to gather  all of that and and use that to inform their their   student number strategy so there’s some there’s  some really good stuff you know in in Bournemouth  

    We are you know we’ve you I’ve been reaching out  our local our local council is currently doing it   it’s draft local plan um they have just employed  for the first time a pbsa planning officer you  

    Know so I’ve met with them you know essentially  kind of brought them up to speed on from the   point of view of the the three universities that  are in Bournemouth three universities in Bourn   withth people don’t realize that so all three  of the universities have been sort of involved  

    In conversations with that and and we’ve informed  and influenced um the the policy there so there is   some good stuff here and you know this isn’t  and and going back to kind of Martin’s Point   around sort of finger pointing I don’t believe I  don’t think this is finger pointing I think this  

    Is what what you need to do is State the facts of  where the problems lie because if you don’t then   then you know you’re kind of bang banging your  head against a brick wall or you just you just  

    Blinkered and you’re just trying to you you know  and I think and I think that that that really does   you know there’s there’s a fundamental problem  with in the UK um around the around the housing   strategy the long-term housing strategy we’ve had  somewhere in the region 15 or 16 housing ministers  

    Since 2010 how can you have a long-term strategy  it’s great to hear in the Netherlands that you   guys can get together and you know you’ve got  a much more collaborative um sort of system of   government over there you know we’ve got first  P the post majority Le what you know two-party  

    System that is fundamentally flawed for long-term  planning and and strategy you know if you’ve   got you need collaboration you need cross-party  consensus on things like housing Education Health   we just don’t have that and that’s not pointing  fingers that’s stating the facts actually I think  

    One thing we’ve all we’ve kind of mentioned a  lot and and it seems to be Global is that the   the housing crisis crisis in inverted Commerce  I mean from a Global Perspective how how aware   are students inter you know globally aware of that  and how is that driving their behaviors regarding  

    Booking you know is that driving Panic you know  should we be looking at more of an organic kind   of you know less of a cyclical you know boom and  bust kind of you know book booking system you know  

    What’s what’s kind of I guess the view that you  all have from how how International students are   behaving when they’re booking accommodation so  you can probably take the lead on this one so   first of I’m very happy again that now we all  talking about student hous student housing and  

    But it pains that we talking about housing crisis  so there’s no housing crisis crisis happens when   there’s no solution it’s not housing crisis you  know of course there’s a real journalism happening   all the media been talking about housing crisis  but there’s no crisis there’s a solution and  

    The solution is panel like this you know last  week I was speaking London in one of the panel   wherein there were there were all the ministers  in the house so Robin you will be happy you know   there are ministers who are talking about you  know taking a stand on housing crisis or even  

    Po post study Visa or Indian or International  students rights you know in UK so they are aware   of course this year is very interesting with  elections and let’s not talk about politics   Martin but that’s a fact you know so there’s no  cing crisis but every have faced last two years  

    That it’s real you know I mean I’m the last one  to say about this because I was the last why the   stupid guy came in Nottingham back in 2011 didn’t  book my accom stay in a hotel you know of course  

    I’m not complaining now because I’m making a you  know CER out of that but not the right way to do   it you know you need as much as you book take  time to apply two universities housing needs to   be sort out and that’s where education Partners  education agents universities platform like us  

    You know education accommodation Partners needs to  talk about housing you know but there’s no housing   crisis and it’s all across it’s not in UK same  is in US Indian students or international student   don’t over housing till then they don’t get Visa I  don’t blame them that’s where the education needs  

    To be done same thing happened Australia I still  remember you know um someone booking accomodation   in Melbourne looking for 15200 AUD per week the  the market price is of 400 500 AUD you know and   I don’t blame students because nobody talking  about housing and nobody telling them that you  

    Know don’t don’t have that UNR expectation because  that’s where the Western interest of universities   and education partners are but eventually if  collectively we come together eventually if   student apply to a university and then he or  she struggles for recommendation they’re not  

    Coming to that City we all know what happened to  glasow right so there’s no housing crisis we all   need to educate the ecosystem and these are  the ways we can educate there you don’t need   to have lavish parties you know we don’t need to  encourage housing crising happening in any part  

    Of the world there’s no crisis there’s a solution  we have been forced I’m a big big evangelist of   pbsa but if you know if there’s a limited pbsa we  need to add hmos you know if student looking home  

    Stay we need to add home stays like if people  are looking for flexible contracts not only   fixed contract you know we need to add if you  only believe that okay this is a solution and  

    We try to push across the throat that okay this  is a solution book it I mean either they will   not come to that City or they not coming to that  country choice is our so so high time talk about  

    Housing crisis and there’s no housing crisis over  to you I I would strongly disagree that obviously   there is a student housing crisis as long as we  still have students that need to go go camping  

    As long as we have students that on our Bridge as  long as students need to sleep on a couch as long   as give up their dream no no I’ll get i’ll get  where I agree with you yes but not in UK not in  

    London not in let’s agree to disagree I think  you know clearly there is a road to a solution   here but you know I guess I guess it starts  with uh I think the question also start with   that with being aware that there should at least  be transparency to International students about  

    Student accommodation issues or opportunities  that exist in the different study destinations   I see all too many institutions happily recruit  students without considering the fact whether that   student will indeed have access to to any type  of accommodation um you know any institution that  

    Doesn’t offer any type of housing solution or that  doesn’t work with any type of housing provider a   booking platform or Worse even stays muted on  the topic of accommodation while shame on them   because it’s really important that the students is  at least aware and then it’s of course in the end  

    It’s the choice of the student as long as they  are transparent um but accommodation should be   part of any student recruitment process from the  very beginning um and transparency so you know   so I share your optimism there are solutions  out there but we’re still dealing with a lot  

    Of issues that need to that need to be addressed  uh by this industry and the stakeholders all all   together yeah I’d agree I think that um talking  I think universities have have a really Prime   leading role to play here around providing that  information um to in in a in an accessible way  

    You know if they’re using if they using agents  to recruit overseas then those agents need you   know they need to have the right information and  we need to make the universities need to be making  

    Sure that the agents are you know are using that  information in the right in the right way at the   right times and not over promising um and um you  know and also as well accepting accepting that and  

    I think actually from my experience certainly over  the last few years you know we’ve seen definitely   you know universities sort of stepping up and um  and and and um improving the information that they   are using because it’s in their best interest  ultimately um so I think we’re heading in the  

    Right direction on that but also you got to accept  that you know you’re dealing with you’re dealing   with people who who are applying to come to a  a new country potentially for the first time um   you know leaving their families you know they’re  going to be bombarded with information and pick  

    On sora’s point you know we see it all the  time International students coming they’ve   had all the information sent to them they’ve  not opened a single email uh or if they have   they’ve not understand understood the language  that that we’re using in those emails you know  

    We’re talking about we’re talking about a housing  housing sector that’s that’s completely foreign to   them um and using terminology that they just don’t  understand we at Bournemouth we run um we we run   housing workshops um that where basically just you  know we just invite students in and and just take  

    Them through everything around explaining what an  as is you know explaining you know that you can’t   just leave a you can’t just kind of hand over a  property to somebody else you know when when you  

    Move out and you know there all these things you  know and you hear this stuff around sort of you   know you know oh back in my country it works  like this and it’s like yeah you know get you  

    Know we get that so that people are coming with  these with the with the you know the it’s a lot   for them to take on board so I think universities  kind of you know they need to they’ve got a big  

    Job in in in trying on that Journey at some point  you know trying to sort of make sure that those   students kind of get the information they need in  the most accessible way um but yeah you know it’s  

    Uh it’s an ongoing challenge particularly going  back to the cyclical Point around that that you   were making I think that at the moment we are  universities most universities that I’m aware   of are going year to year right now you know they  they’re forecasting you know you know gone of the  

    Days you know 10 years ago again pre-co a lot of  universities would have sort of 10year student   number plans and they could pretty much you know  with some some confidence say yeah that’s that’s   that’s a trajectory of travel on you know right  now I think all of that for a lot of universities  

    Has pretty much gone out the window and they  are going year to year right now um and when   that and then obviously that has a huge impact  on accommodation because you know a couple of   years ago Nigeria was seen as as one of the  big growth countries you know the naira has  

    Completely tanked the economy is flatlined all  of a sudden the Nigerian Market has dried up and   everyone’s going we’ plan to bring in X number  of Nigerian students suddenly they’re gone you   know so so you know the international market  is is very you know you’re exposed to lots of  

    Different risks as a university and you can’t you  can’t build a strategy around that and Joe what   are you seeing you’re across the the the globe  what are you seeing around those cycles and the   shifting changes across across the world I think  it really does differ by Market by country um and  

    How how students behave in terms of when they  book how they book how early or late they book   uh and it’s suppose it’s a wider question because  a lot of factors come into play such as government  

    Policy if you think about visas for Internationals  how long do they take to process when do they get   that certainty that they can actually come in you  know how are they allowed are they allowed to to  

    Hold rooms until they wait for those visas or not  um it’s it really does vary so and also whether   they they’re happy to book just online or whether  they need to visit because as as we’ll all know   Europeans for example Southern Europeans will  be more likely to visit whereas Internationals  

    From Asia will be predominantly online rather  than flying all that way to visit so you’ll get   each market will react differently in terms of the  types of bookings they get and when they happen in  

    The cycle um and I’m not sure you can even from  our perspective how you can plan when a certain   cohort from a certain country will book I think it  is it’s very difficult to do that and it depends  

    On you know the level of re Bookers and renewals  that you have in country as well as to to skew   the numberers so you know I said at the start the  data is king and the more information we can get  

    Year on year and and you know surveys of this type  that you can build upon and start to see Trends   and what’s happening will will influence decision  making going forward I think Robin and and and   martine’s point that they just made you know from  my perspective who who do International students  

    Trust the most it has to be universities has to  be that’s where they’re enrolling for the course   or wish to go to for the course and and Robin said  that you know it’s universities need to do a lot  

    More in terms of informing International students  we can’t make them open emails or Robin can’t make   them open emails that’s true but you know how do  how do we get through to them and if we think of   pbsa it’s it’s just one option it’s just one  option across the many different options that  

    Are out there whether it’s HMO co-living private  sector BTR whatever it may be we you know students   don’t just live in pbsa there are other options  out there like and and sorup mentioned the point  

    As well it’s just figuring out are they fit for  purpose and I think you know what we all want is   a is a standard where every student feels safe and  secure in that home and is able to study properly  

    Um and have that that that space to be able to to  get their head down and study as well as you know   not worry and you know the mental factors come in  um as well in terms of that pastoral care element  

    And well-being element so it it’s a far greater  problem than just putting it at pbsa door like   Martine said and that collaborative approach  um which Simeon outlined earlier I think is   is certainly the way forward you know we’ve seen  it in other cities in Milan for example the the  

    The new not new now but the the the the planners  and the mayor that are in place there are really   consultative on that and they talk to universities  they talk to local businesses they’re looking at   how they divide up the city of Milan and where  can they put student housing normal housing  

    Affordable housing um and Commercial and really  trying to sort of create a fabric of a city where   everything is sort of intertwined you don’t create  ghettos of just students only for example you know   more that collaborative approach is really needed  moving forward and you know hence why certainly we  

    Do and other pbsa providers are always trying  to partner up with universities and it’s not   necessarily just about nominations agreements  but it’s you know offering that awareness of the   product that you have that the universities can  then pass on to to students because I come back  

    To my first statement who do the students trust  in its universities Simeon how prepared do you you   think students are about the options available to  them when they’re coming to a particular country  

    To study guess what you’re on mute again well for  me I’m really sorry um for me it’s um sorry I just   remember that my mentor always say don’t say sorry  yeah for me is fundamentally about looking at the   entire student journey and what would mean value  for money for students especially International  

    Students that you know pay huge amount of money  um to get the education here so for us the first   few weeks of the student journey is is really  crucial to the entire student experience if they  

    Don’t have a good experience within that first few  weeks then um you know they would not forget they   would always remember and regardless of what  happens later because you know the first few   weeks they get to integrate themselves into the  Community find friends join a club and Society get  

    A part-time job and and you know that cycle of the  student Journey so the question I usually ask is   Imagine going to traveling to Lagos and you’ve got  nowhere to stay um for us you know culturally it’s  

    It’s extreme very extreme for us and um uh the  work we’ve done is to get the University reflect   on messaging um transparency is key a message  like this is the current housing situation in  

    X City or Y City and uh this is what you need to  do to get a space of you know these are the spaces   available and this is what you need to do in terms  of Readiness from their home country as you know  

    International student would need a different level  of support to you know that pre Aral support uh   you know at the start of the relationship until  they arrive until they integrate to their studies   you know they leave they need a different level  of support so for example if the communication is  

    Not right there’s a lot of scam accommodation  scam going on a lot of money is lost in that   and any student that loses a huge amount of  money to scamers would not forget that would   be like a turnaround in their experience in in a  negative way so um for us it’s about transparency  

    Communication to uh in international students and  some level of resourcing and responsibility from   the University specifically for accommodation  for international students so um for example   uh I I don’t know if it’s Scotland that I don’t  know if it’s in Scotland where the government has  

    A certain level of response not the government  but you know it’s a policy that the university   is has a certain level of responsibility for  housing International students uh cuz you’re   sponsoring the student and you know uh they need  that extra layer of support to be able to settle  

    In to have a good experience 10 years ago it was  different from what I heard you know International   students arrive and they are put in student  accommodations now is it’s it’s it’s changed   it’s a different story totally so yeah that’s my  view thank you Sim and there is a a comment really  

    In the Q&A Box about that quite often students  are only told very very late on that they’ve got   a place at their University so I guess from their  point of view the the kind of the mechanism of of   booking accommodation probably comes into their  mind quite late because they haven’t been given  

    A a secure place at University we’re not going to  solve that problem on um on this webinar but it’s   um it’s an interesting point and it comes back to  that jointed up approach really that collaboration   that you know understanding the relationship  that universities have with accommodation with  

    The wider city as well and and from what we’ve  heard so far it does sound very much like there   are some really positive conversations starting  to happen Citywide so you know if we were to  

    Have this same webinar in um you know in a few  years years we we would hope that things have   have improved massively for international students  um can I just make one point I know we’re nearly   at time I think that I think again just about  collaboration you’re absolutely right I think  

    It’s really there’s a there’s an open goal for  universities and pbsa to work together um you   know regardless of whether there’s nominations or  leases in place you know direct lets as well you   know it you know as a university you know they are  the pbsa are right there they’re in your city you  

    Know your students are in them go and talk to them  and develop a relationship with them you know you   don’t have to have a nominations agreement or  release with them you can do this with direct   they’re your students you should work with the  pbsa and pbsa operators they need to reciprocate  

    And give give their site teams the space and  time to be able to develop those relationships   and not just bombard them telling them to sell  all the time so there’s a bit of given there’s   two things that universities and pbsa need to do  the big problem is the students who don’t live in  

    Pbsa where do they live you know and there’s a big  problem you know students who who who go and live   in different cities and commute because they’ve  got friends and family they’re you know they’re   the ones they’re the they’re the students who are  out there and not benefiting from these kind of  

    Residential life programs well-being support that  the pbsa and the universities can offer in in in   partnership with each other that’s the big area  of kind of concern for me um is is where those   students are and what kind of experiences they’re  having yeah absolutely really really good point  

    Thank you for raising that um as Robin said we are  out of time time um it was an amazing discussion   thank you to our panelists and everybody who  listened um we hope that the points that have  

    Been raised here is is just the start really um  you know for us certainly with the report that   we’ve we’ve produced in partnership with Yugo and  University living it’s the start of a conversation   um and we didn’t solve any any issues today but we  certainly started the conversation so we hope that  

    You take these away to your peers within your own  organizations and hopefully um when you receive   the report very shortly you will add to those  considerations as well the report will be sent   to everybody who registered for this webinar um  and there’s also a link that has been posted in  

    Our chat um so you can share the link with anybody  that hasn’t registered so that they get it um as   well um it’s a free report we’ve created it to add  value to the shared living landscape so we’d love  

    To know what you think once you’ve digested it  and finally a big thank you to our partners Yugo   and University living for sharing our vision and  helping to bring this research to the sector we   really appreciate your help in um making it happen  and I know I’m pretty sure the sector will and  

    Everyone that’s watched will so a really big thank  you to that um as marketers we do believe that you   can’t communicate your product your audience  if you don’t really understand what they’re   thinking feeling and doing um and the product  can’t evolve in the right way if you aren’t  

    Engaging with your customers um along the way and  Consulting with them um and that’s for us where   the Strate strategists come from in the property  marketing strategists um it’s about the who the   what the why the where and the when um and we hope  that we can continue to have these discussions and  

    Work with many View and and help the sector to  collaborate because I think that is is a really   key point and one that is only going to be the way  that we solve the crisis or not crisis however we  

    Want to uh want to view it um so thank you for  those um who value the Insight we provide to   the sector and we look forward to seeing you all  next time and thank you so much for joining us

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