Join me on my journey driving from Nottingham to the furthest point on the East coast of England via Porsche Nottingham to enquire about my 40,000 2 Year Service on my Electric Car where they give me a quote. We are always bering told that Electric Cars are Cheaper to run and that Servicing them and charging them are cheaper than the equivalent Petrol and Diesel Cars. Well prepare to be shocked as I rEVeal the cost of servicing and also the cost to get my EV FULLY CHARGED! You’ll also see on my journey how poor the EV Infrastructure is and how astronomically expensive it is if you are not charging at home. Also joining me on my journey is @GeoffBuysCars

    #evs #electriccar #electricvehicle #evcharginginfrastructure #evchargers #evcharging #evchargingstations #evcharger #electriccars #fullycharged

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    Right in today’s Vlog my friends got a bit of a long drive because I’m going to take my all electric car the Porsche tyan from right here in Nottingham all the way over to lowestoft because it’s going to be the start of a journey where we’re going to chase the sun because

    Tomorrow I’m going to chase the Suns from lowestoft all the way over to the West Coast so we’re going for the from the furthest part of the East Coast right over to the furthest part of the West Coast it’s going to be fun but before that I’m going to take you with

    Me on the journey to lowestoft I’m in The Barbers by the way I think that’s a little bit obvious as I’ve got baz the barber behind me here cutting my hair you know you do get some wrap for my haircut bash you do he’s not saying a word anyway if you

    Want your haircutting like the MCM and get yourself over to bfood barber shop and come and see baz the barber I’ve also got somebody behind me there as well in the mirror can you come over and say hello can’t see you you’ve come to get your haircut as well

    Haven’t you come down this side of me just here he’s come to see me off to lower stff there we go it’s JB it’s Dave are you all right yeah hour and a half early but I’m all right now do you know I’ve picked right just come this side

    Bus right got I got a gang here going on right you don’t have to say do you know that I’ve picked the busiest days of the year the busiest days of the year to drive an electric car from the east coast to the West

    Coast I must be out of my tiny mind so if you’re new to the channel come on like subscribe click the click the little bell down there that’s it after three now without further Ado my friends let’s Go Just W stop just stop the music a minute right that last shot that was absolutely terrible i’ve got a BAL patch nobody even told me about that looks like a mapa tenie Dave said anyway come on Onwards no product placement there then carry On Right time to get him back hello you all right Dave no I’ve always wanted to be a barber and get him back he was cutting my air so now it’s my turn isn’t it this is supposed to be a video about electric cars but we’ll have a bit a little bit

    Of fun what do you want Dave grade what two a grade two all over brilliant anything for the weekend sir here we go are you Ready I am all right at this I’m not bad at this I think it’s looking all right stop crying can wipe that blood off I’m giving you an I’m giving you a Mac cut a m master cut hey I reckon I reckon I’m about done there is turn in the off I’m Done right how’s that that all right for you D sure is that all right sorry about your ear yeah very that all right anything for the weekend yeah New Year there you go New Year right you’re all right Dave sorry about that I’m here right this you’re here

    Right I need to get to lower stuff but before we go to lower stuff right I need a coffee a little bite to eat and sit down we’ll take you with me you going to come with me I think I need to treat you to a coffee compensation at least yeah

    So we’re going to have a quick coffee I’m thinking how about porting him or portion Notting him and get free coffee it’s not actually free really though is it no not really it’s a dear coffee isn’t it it’s a dear coffee when you got

    My a to have it so let’s go over to Porsche see what cars they’ve got in have a coffee have a biscuit and then I’ll then you can send me off to low stoft work how miles it is sounds good to me no but just before we before we go

    Onwards right we’ve had a bit of a laugh I’ve got a serious question to ask you go on then think about this one and we’ll talk about it when we get to Porsche okay then electric lorries electric lorries don’t say anything right electric lores come on onwards

    Right okay my friends so let’s get to Porsche Nottingham or Porsche Nottingham why is this lady walking on the road uh I need the road one second let me get out of here it’s not walking on the pavement it’s walking on the road I’m

    Going to give you a bit of a update on basically what we’ve got in the car so we got 93% uh of battery 203 M of range um we’re going to nip to Porsche first have a coffee I need to find out exactly how much a service is because my car’s now done

    37,2 74 miles and I need uh a service in about that’s about less than 3,000 miles now now the last service that I had I think was about 700 odd pound and that was at Porsche leads I’m just going to see if Nottingham do it any cheaper and

    Whether they can do me a deal on it and also unfortunately as well uh this January I’ve got to reinsure my car now we all know that insurance policies for electric cars have gone through the roof uh because of certain things that have happened with them uh supposedly car

    Fires Etc we know all about that so the insurance companies have put insurance premiums up but also uh across the board as well uh they’ve increased the insurance policies right across the board because my daughters ended up paying more my girlfriend’s up ended up paying about 100 odd pound more for her

    Diesel this year so insurance companies are raking it in at the moment they’re taking the Mickey I reckon Anyway come on om let’s get out of Here right so plan of action we’re going to go to lowestoft we’re going to drive from the furthest point of the east coast to the furthest point on the west coast tomorrow on the shortest day of the Year myself and Jeff bu’s cars Jeff bu’s cars we’re meeting up with later in

    Low stoft I’ve booked as a hotel for the night and then we’re going to set off at Sunrise we’ve literally got to get to the furthest point on the west coast uh Jeff Bry cars will explain all this to you uh later and we’ve got a beat Sunset

    So sunrise and sunset now the interesting thing is that we’ve only got a certain amount of time to get across from the East to the west and and that is going to prove difficult not for Jeff because he can get straight there obviously having a diesel or a petrol or

    Whatever car that is actually got I however have got to charge for at least 30 to 40 minutes to have enough charge to get to complete my journey the only issue is I’ve got 30 to 40 those 30 to 40 minutes are going to be imperative because the amount of time from sunrise

    To sunet literally is the time to get across there uh including the 40 minutes for me to charge so we’ll go through all that with Jeff so I’m going to find it very difficult so I’m going to have to find a charging point that isn’t taken

    Up that works okay and charges fast and then get on my way to catch Sunset so it’s going to be a close call we’re going to go through all the technicalities with Jeff bu’s cars later uh today’s video we’re just going to get over to lower stoft uh and work out and

    Find out what the charging points are like because it’s the busiest time of the year at the moment when I’m filming this so it’s going to be absolutely insane and crazy so it should give me a bit of an insight into what it’s going to be like along my journey tomorrow

    With Jeff bu cars Anyway come on Onwards Right here we are Porsche Notting him go and get a free coffee it’s not free is I always say that it’s definitely not free although I guess you could walk in off of the road and get a free coffee but they might in fact I would say I was

    Going to say they turned the nose up at you but I have to say I don’t think porion Nottingham would I think they’re really really good actually um they’ve always been great with me and I wonder whether I’m going to hit that bar there it’s not showing up on my sensors I’m

    Not not I’m not going to push it I don’t want to dent in my car right milk float off and let’s get in there for a coffee let’s have a look at the cars as well I can dream of a 911 right you know it’s amazing that I’ve

    Actually got my own cameraman there waiting for me to get out of the car and it’s JB behind the camera with one ear let’s get in there and go and have a go and have a coffee come On Just look at this car this is absolutely mental this is right this is a road legal 911 it says here do not fit what plint plate but look at all the air intakes here right look at these all here right now follow me this way come this way come here there’s more right

    Look at the size of this spoiler on here this is absolutely Nots just look at the depth of that right just look at that how mad is that absolutely not GT3 RS now come around this side look at this absolutely mad roll cage in the back there’s actually I don’t you can’t

    You can’t see it through there really but there’s actually a roll cage in the back there unbelievable and just look at these air intakes here look at that absolutely Mad veneers World Dave no thank you I’ll leave those for you can I have them for the journey you can have it for the journey thank you right Dave so got a quote from my Tian for a 40,000 mile uh service you ready for this one do you want to guess how much

    It is for 40,000 Mi service on a TI cam 40,000 M service on a TI cam there’s not a lot you can do is it really been electric um 355 quid okay so it does entail quite a little bit because uh it’s they have to replace the window cleaner for the

    Outer which is basically the the window screen cleaner uh the dust and pollen fil filter they replace that and also the brake fluid uh and they check the battery compartment which means they put it up on a ramp and they just check that there’s no damage underneath uh and that

    Comes to a total of uh £ 67140 so uh I wonder how much the window cleaner actually is and the dust and pollen filter in the BL R fluid so H it’s actually cheaper than I believe it’s cheaper than the one that I had done at my first service at Le I think

    That was £750 the one that leads so slightly cheaper but correct me if I’m wrong I bet if you look at all those they’ll all be badged up Ali Ali oh aii Ali AI probably I mean that’s it basically so there you go £ 67140 for 40,000 Mi service on a Porsche

    TI so you saved the planet but you bankrupt yourself fine I know what people are going to say should have got a Tesla should have got a T Right if it’s a bit windy I do apologize filming on my mobile phone I’ve got to get to lower stuff now M right just very quickly electric low is ooh yes what what about him well they’re coming in fast now you got Renault you got Mercedes are all doing them apparently

    They’re good for for urban work cities and around that degree what’s the range I I think it’s renault’s got one it’s 500 odd kilometers 500 odd kilometers yeah ah but the big question is how long does it take to charge and where do you charge it yeah where do you charge it

    Yeah there’s that one or electric L is the future before I get to load off hydrogen all the way me hydrogen controversial can you say onwards my friend onwards my friends right okay my friends so uh we have got 180 mil to go to lower stoft 3 hours 14

    Minutes we know that’s not going to happen uh because I’m going to have to charge up um I could get there without charging 195 M of range 89% of battery uh 11 minutes past two arrival and it’s 1057 so let’s get to lower stoft what I

    Want to do is I want to try and charge up on the public charging infrastructure just to see what it’s like um at Christmas time at the festive season because it is an absolute nightmare apparently so there we go so let’s get out of here I’m going the wrong way

    What’s that am I going the right way here no there we go go right that’s it okay so let’s get on the road and let’s get on the way and let’s get to lower Stu and go and meet Jeff bu’s Cars Oh right so just had a message off Jeff by’s cars he’s getting the train now he’s on the train picking up his car not sure what it is yet uh and then he’s going to head to lowest off from there uh interesting as well because he’s told

    Me that he’s had an email off of a viewer called Morag and if you watch the electric car videos that I do you will know that Morag is the ultimate evangelist and what she’s doing is she basically Al goes on to any of my videos

    Saying the opposite of what I say so if I say that electric cars aren’t the future which is what I believe she goes on and puts a massive great long comment to say why electric cars are the future and that I’m basically lying and I don’t

    Have a clue um but this time she’s being a little bit more underhanded because what she’s doing now is and Morag I know you’re going to be watching this uh uh this episode episode you are now going into all the comments cuz some of my viewers have told me and going into the

    Thread of the comment and talking to other people on their comments trying to get past me so that I don’t see them and I can’t understand why she’s actually doing this it’s somebody who is a member of the public supposedly not being paid by the powers that be spouting off about

    Electric cars and why they are the future and I can’t get my head around it I’m going to ask Jeff when we get there what his opinion actually is on her but she is the ultimate evangelist and loves her electric car she’s got an mg and she basically counteracts whatever I say now

    I’ve owned an owned an electric car I believe for longer than Morag Morag uh correct me if I am wrong but she’s saying that I’m wrong electric cars are the future and I’m out to make the fact that electric cars aren’t the future and I’m lying about it I’ve even had people

    Say that I’m actually paid by Big Oil and the major oil corporations to promote the fact the electric cars are rubbish now that’s absolutely absurd believe me if BP shell or Texico or whoever want to sponsor me and pay me to say how Naf electric cars are then I’m

    Happy I’ll take it just drop me an email and sponsor me happy days I’ll do that but at the moment I’m not sponsored I’m just telling you my experiences with electric cars and it’s the infrastructure a lot of the time that lets it down but also the fact there’s

    Other negatives about them as well uh like the weight of the car for instance a lot of the weight of the car the energy that you’re using to actually power the car you’re using the energy to carry the heavy batteries so it doesn’t make any sense at all and I’ve said it

    Time and time again and I’ll say it again now and listen to me on this your Presidents your Prime Ministers your your governments are telling you to drive electric cars like this or an mg or cheaper versions of it they’re still not cheap but they’re not doing it themselves they’re still flying around

    In their jet they’re still being chauffered around in their R gas gozzling Range Rovers yet they tell you to drive an electric car to save the environment they’re not saving the environment so to me in my opinion it’s nothing to do with saving the environment at all I’ve said it all

    Along and I’ll say it again it’s all about control that’s it in my opinion but I could be wrong right quick update for you so 69% of battery 150 M of range um we’ve got 130 mil to go to lower stoft um 26 minutes uh left to get there I’m

    Thinking what I might do is because I need full range to get from lowestoft over to the uh furthest point on the west which um Jeff by cars is going to tell me the whole uh the whole sort of like route later on exactly we’ll get him to explain all that I’m thinking

    What I might do is just wait till I get two lowest offs it’s going to be tight I think but try and find somewhere to charge in lower stoft then I’ve got a full range as as close to 100% battery as I possibly can when I start off

    Tomorrow to Head West because that’s what I need I’ve literally got no more than 40 minutes to play with um along the way because of the otherwise I’m going to miss uh Sunset so we I think sunrises about 8:00 and then we’ve got I’ve got half an hour to play with to 40

    Minutes but we’ll go through all the um technicalities that’s the word I’m looking looking for with Jeff bu’s cars he’s got all them he’s got he’s done all his research he’s done all his he’s into his Excel spreadsheets and his charts and all that and he’ll have done all

    That so we’ll know exactly what we’ve got to do right come on Onwards now then question for you not car related not electric car related still there right that Junction takes you to Stilton is Stilton where the cheese that came from did Stilton the cheese come from Stilton or did it come from Melton mry there’s a cheese that

    Comes from Melton mry I know Melton mry is famous for its Pork Pies but I’m pretty sure Stilton came from Melton mry and not Stilton or am I wrong let me know in the comments section down below I’m pretty sure Stilton came from Melton mry and I already I thought it came from

    Stilton don’t know pop it in the comments section don’t Google it though do not Google it don’t cheat let me know your own Answer Sh Right okay so little bit of an update by the way I’m on the A14 going down to thatford towards Norwich Etc uh 9 mes to Junction 38 and my car just started veering all over the road I what’s all that about something wrong with the car but it isn’t it’s the actual Road

    There’s like tracks in the road of where it’s obviously being worn and my car’s like dragging from side to side in it which is was a bit scary actually I’m thinking what’s going on but it’s weird isn’t it makes you wonder as well because lots of people on all the forums

    Etc say the weight of these electric cars that the roads can’t handle the weight of all the electric cars cars so the road is getting damaged a lot quicker because the roads aren’t made for the weight of these cars now it also makes you think is there any truth in

    That because we’ve got lorries that are on the road which weigh even heavier than electric cars so is it all spin that is it all fake news we don’t what do you think let me know in the comments section down below but mate I’m in a bit

    Of a dilemma because I need the little boy room I need a we um and I’m at 49% 109 mes of range now you’ll get all the evangelists saying see see you need to stop off anyway to have a Wii and a comfort break so that’s when you charge

    Yeah but I need a we get in get out get in my car and get off I don’t need to be waiting around for people to get off charges Etc so I don’t know I may have to pull in at some point because I don’t want to be driving cross-legged so uh we

    Shall see Right well I’m going to stop for a quick Wei I think I’ve stopped here before have I that was Starbucks and Gregs um I’m going to stop for a quick Wei here and then oh my word we’ve got an electric car next to me an mg Morag will

    Be getting excited if she sees that right here we go we’ll pull backwards an electric mg what happened to the really nice MGS like the little MG [ __ ] or whatever it was and now we’ve got these electric oh God I’m the guy in it yeah he looks like an EV owner an

    Evangelist yep and he’s he’s got his glasses on his forehead and he’s trying to work out looking at his screen he’ll have his sandwiches packed in a little box crusts cut off and he’ll be off to the swingers party later right toilet and then I’m get back on the road Again He’s still messing with his mg with his electric toy you Mor let’s try and get a let’s try let’s try and get a shot of it for you Mor oh right come on onwards 80 mil left to go 1 hour and 31 minutes mg what what has happened to

    Cars now honestly I used to look at cars and used to think as a child you’d think oh yeah you know it’d be like they’d be sexy wouldn’t they whacking great pot all there um they’d be sexy you’d love them you you’d you’d want for one when

    You grow up when I grow up I’m going to have a 911 when I grow up I’m going to have a an mg or whatever an MG [ __ ] or whatever but now hgv Lane only well how am I supposed to get through then how do

    I get out of here I’ve got to go through the petrol station part of it hang on hang on where’s this guy going I just want to get out I just want to get out thank you there we go um let’s get back on the road H electric car going through

    A petrol station oh if only look at them all you know what who would have thought that was a great idea going into a petrol station filling up with fuel paying and getting on your way paying with cash as well if you want because with electric cars you can’t do that

    You’ve literally got to pay with card or with an app right let’s get out of here acceleration which is one good thing this car is good at let’s get out of here anyway but cars I mean I’ve said it before I’ll say it again and it’s like

    Like I love the Ford Capri and the new one it looks abysmal I mean just leave the leave it alone if you’re going to make Naf electric cars give them a different name don’t try and fool Us by calling them the Ford Mustang because we’re not that thick that we actually

    Think oh it’s a Ford Mustang yeah we’ll have one of those always wanted a Ford Mustang cuz it doesn’t look like a Ford Mustang it it looks just like a box anyway that’s my rant over let’s get there get charged up 105 M of range 47% of

    Battery um and 79 mil uh to the destination so should have about 20 mi left which is good cuz then we can find a charger uh at lowestoft charge up get fully charged fully charged no pun intended Anyway come on onwards less said about fully charged the better I’ve got to say there’s one thing that I love about electric cars now it takes me a lot to actually admit this however I do like the instant torque of electric cars when you put your foot down there is no lag it literally just launches you

    Into the back of the seat and that’s with most electric cars the underpowered poar that I did a review of not so much but that was the uh less powerful poar apparently there was a more powerful one that I should have used um but I love the actual instant acceleration and

    Torque of it but on the flip side the crazy thing is the power that these give out should we be giving youngsters and young people who’s just passed their test electric cars with this much power should they be limited with limited bikes if you have an electric bike in

    This country they are oops want to go there they are limited but they’re not limiting cars you can give a person or a youngster that’s just pass their test or anyone uh really that’s just passed their test an electric car that launches you from not to 60 in 3 to 4 seconds

    Should we be limiting them for people that that’s just passed their test that’s actually a valid question and rather sensible for me actually pop it in the comments section down below what you Think hello Jeff B cars oh the back Master how are you I’m very well how are you I’m good you are on camera am I on camera you are on camera oh we’re both recording each other well that’s the legalities covered now then the big question is don’t tell

    Me have you got a car that is going to get you from lower and I keep saying to people to the furthest point on the west coast because I don’t know where we’re going uh I I don’t know where we’re going either we should probably look at

    This um yeah I’m pretty confident this car’s going to do all right actually is my car going to do all right I’ve not had it serviced because it was 600 odd quid 600 what was the quote 671 pound yeah but to be fair that was to replace the washer fluid clean the Windows

    Replace the brake fluid that that hasn’t really been used because of the regenerative breaking uh and check the battery compartment underneath to make sure there’s no dents in it which will take all of about probably a minute well I could do that with a mirror I think you’ve been taken for a

    Ride I see what you did there taken for a ride brilliant I mean there you go I tell you something funny right you know I sent you that picture of me with my little suitcase on the train yeah guess where I left my suitcase oh no you

    Didn’t leave it on the station did you I left it on the train but amazingly I got it back how how did you get it back come on tell me how you got it back basically I I was listening to your voice though as I climbed off the train

    And I was holding a coffee and I never ever ever take a suitcase on a train with me whenever I’m collecting cars I’ve got my rug sack and that’s usually it so I grabbed my rug sack I grabbed my phone I grabb my coffee and I got a

    Train so I didn’t realize until I was in the car with the gentleman who picked me up that I’d left the suitcase I then um what did we do oh I went back to the station and uh they said oh yeah we’ll see what we can do then we left they

    Phoned me and said don’t worry we’ve got it we pck it they picked it up suitcase they somebody had actually handed it in then I think you’re breaking up a bit there I can’t believe that we’ve only just started and the phone problems have already beg do you know what the phone

    Signal over the last year has got worse yet there’s more 5G masks been put up unbelievable and the phone signals got worse H yeah we see what we can salvage from that section of video uh but yeah basically I left it on the train and

    Then I did manage to get it back which good CU that was all my clothes oh that’s good then uh you so you can you what you’re saying is you’ve got clean underwear for the journey I have which is a result where about are you then sir I am now I am 46

    Miles outside of lower stoft of what of lower stoft oh okay so you’re quite a bit ahead of me then yeah but I’m going to go and film something first I thought I’ll get to lower stoft the actual Seaside try and find a charger film some

    Fish and chips uh and then go and meet you and then eat again later with you and do some stuff so I I’m I’m I’m cool I can go and find a charger is my main thing because I need a full charge to beat you because we’ve only got 40 odd

    Minutes I’ve literally got 40 minutes to play with tomorrow before I miss Sundown which we won’t see anyway because of the clouds yeah well we won’t talk about these Cloud um yeah there’s not much in it is there I just went to indicate the change lane and accidentally adjusted my

    Electronic steering wheel o electronic steering wheel okay I’m intrigued now I’m going to guess that it is I’m going to guess that it’s um I’m going to guess I’m I’m going to haszard to guess it could be an Audi but then guess told ising I think it’s the

    Latter uh I’m yeah I’m here I’m going to guess that it’s an Audi an Audi well we will see in about I think four hours my de so you’re going to be well that’s fine because I’ve got stuff to do so I do need I do need to charge

    But tomorrow I am out and I’m on the side of the evangelists and once again I’m going to try and prove that the electric car can win the game well it should do uh but we’ll go through all the numbers and we’ll do that chat later on which are you are you

    Looking forward to this I am looking forward to it it’s going to be easier not as difficult as Johnny gr to Land’s End um not as uh more so than the Wales one as well because that put me on edge because of the infrastructure in Wales

    The only difficulty is that we are doing this on the busiest day of the year so it’s going to be difficult that’s going to be the yeah that’s going to be the point I need a charge point that is free to charge get on charge and go because

    My ultimate objective is on this one being a little selfish is I just want to get to where we going and have a drink and then that’s it and why I fully agree I I fully the bit that concerns me is the roads east to west are not Motorway

    They not particularly fast and the traffic so I I think we could be in for an interesting day put it that way well I’m I’m going to put something out here we normally follow the same route and said route then normally follow the same route however I want to if you’re okay

    With this I want want to go with my ways to try and get me there and give me an advantage over you all right well I’ve got an oldfashioned SAT now but I’m going to use that so that’ll be an interesting test as well can a man in an electrical

    Car with a modern mapping app get to a destination faster than a man in an old car with an oldfashioned Tom you’ve got a tom tom blim me good grief that must be that must be an old SAT now yeah exactly I’ll uh I’ll watch the

    Justce off it and uh that’s what I’m going to use but I’m I’m I’m feeling good about it looking forward to it I think after firming it’ll be all right well I I could have be with a Chance of this because ways uh goes with live traffic updates I don’t think your

    TomTom will do that no so ha ha I’m armed with a secret weapon wait wait yeah we will see but I I’m looking forward to doing the the pre-trip chat on this one’s going to be interesting as well because there’s a lot of variables for this one aren’t

    There it’s not going to be a straightforward thing so um I’ll see you in about four hours I look forward to some fish and chips excellent well I’m I’m going to uh have I’m going to go and get some fish and chips but I probably won’t eat them all because I’m going to

    Have some more later with you if you could find us somewhere Scenic with maybe a harbor and some water or something I’ll try I shall try my lowest off I shall try I’ll try my best I’ve never been I’m picturing the C I hope it looks like the

    C uh if you close your eyes then [Laughter] maybe that case I’ll see you in a bit catch you later drive carefully in your Audi if that’s what it is I will I’ll drive very carefully in my Audi all right see you later taada bye bye

    Right there we go Jeff bu car am I right has he got an Audi I’m looking forward to this because ways I’ve got live traffic information maybe that maybe technology will save me with the electric car this time and also tell me which charge points on here are in use

    Etc Maybe This Time technology will save the electric car who knows don’t forget make sure you hit the Subscribe button if you’ve not already and uh don’t miss the next exciting installment of driving from east to west chasing the sunset well sunrise and sunset Chasing the Sun come on Onwards Right you know what I am now at Great Yarmouth so I think I’m going to actually stop here for a little bit see if I can find somewhere to charge around here just have a little break and then head on over to lower stuff take you

    Guys with me and we’ll go and meet Jeff bu cars but I’m just going to have a little stop over in Great Yarmouth and just have a little break here see if I can have have a little snacket and find somewhere to charge here as well uh because it’s saying there’s a charger

    Here in Great Yarmouth and Great Yarmouth I kind of like right ironically my battery R out on my GoPro that’s because batteries they’re a little bit you know they’re a little bit iffy aren’t the batteries and it was only at 8% and it cut off because of the battery

    You can’t trust batteries now then I’m going to have a wand around great y armouth go and see what there is I’ll see you guys in a minute then we’ll go and charge you’re going to ask me why I’m not charging now because I want to

    Come to the seafront get what I’m get little bite to eat go for a little boys room and then get on the road to LOF and go and meet Jeff because we’re just outside of LOF to where we’re staying so uh I’ll see you guys in a

    Minute right okay I am back sorted I tell you what that was a close call anyway nearly got a parking ticket uh but the guy let me off so there we go uh right okay so let’s find a way out of here now and get over to lowestoft and

    Meet up with Jeff by’s cars and um get a good night’s sleep have a couple of beers that’s it cuz we’re driving tomorrow oops that’s not the way out is it there we go that’s barded off hang on just want to get out of here um what I’m

    Going to try do first is charge up and then go and meet Jeff Jeff’s going to be another hour anyway so it gives me time to charge up and get ready for tomorrow um I just need to find a charging point that is near the premier in that we’re

    Actually staying in so uh there we go right where am I going here am I going left or right I’m going turn left okay turning left okay so come on onwards my Friends Oh right so I can see a McDonald’s over there and a Pizza Hut and a Tesco so I’m actually going to pop over to and please check ranges just come on as well so I’m actually going to go over there I’ve got another 7 and 1 half miles to go to the

    Hotel but I’m going to go and try and find a charge point just here because there’s also a mar as well and normally you get charges there so I’m going to test my look and I’m going to get all the evangelists saying huh think you’ll find thatth you didn’t plan your journey

    Well I don’t want to plan my journey I just want to find um a charger pull over and find a charger there’s got to be one here anyway hopefully fingers crossed for Me Right so there’s a bank of ospray chargers here so hopefully these should work let’s have a look right so electric vehicle rapid charging uh none of these are working so back in the car and let’s try and find some more should have planned your journey should have got a Tesla should have got

    A petrol car or a diesel and just nipped into the service station over there and filled up come on right okay so that’s not uh they’re not in not in working order so let’s switch the car back on hang on switch on milk float on come

    On um yes please check range I know um where’s the nearest charge point fingers crossed come on fingers crossed in London would you like to start rout guidance no [Laughter] no where’s the nearest charge point sh sh sh pod Point Tesco extra Great Yarmouth 50kw in great yoth would you

    Like to start route guidance no I want the 150 kilowatt one which is a half a mile away Hall but ah Jeff buys cars here right Jeff how are you I’m great Le I am I’m so good you’re good good I’m not what’s going on I’m trying to charge

    Up but I’ve got to a bank of osprey Chargers on a in Great Yarmouth which is about 6 miles away from the hotel um and I’m just recording it now and they’re all not working They’re All Dead really yeah so uh so uh I’m going to go and try and find

    Some more it might be that they’re new there is a skip next to them so I don’t know whether the just installed them but then there’s another one that’s half a mile away but it’s on a limited access road so I may not get down there you’ll

    Be right you’ve just had your battery inspected oh no you didn’t you didn’t have your oh hang on I’m not filming I’m G call you back good I’m gonna call you back hang on okay I didn’t click the Button he’s going to call me by anyway

    I’ll see you guys in a minute I’ll talk to Jeff uh and I’ll see you in a minute right now I found a pod point in Tesco around the corner the only problem is you can’t pull either side of it and my high powered charge point is on the

    Left so I don’t know whether it’s actually going to reach or not that’s the problem and I don’t know whether it’s a high powerered one either so we can give it a go here we go let have a look let’s pull in you know the problem is with these charge points cars are

    Putting the charg is on the front the charg is on the side I think actually in all fairness the Nissan Leaf where it’s actually on the front is the best place to put uh a charger the charging connection right okay let’s park up and let’s go and see

    Whether this actually reaches milk float off come on right no I’ve pulled it in this way because my charger is there so it won’t fit if I pulled it in forward I wonder whether it’ll whether it’ll reach if I pull up forwards and then if I pull it around

    This side I don’t think that’s going to work either I don’t think that’s going to work no oh blast right okay uh going to have to try and find another one pop that one back it’s only 50 Kow anyway so we need a higher power but there’s an issue can’t

    Get the charger in come on onwards right I don’t know whether you can see me now actually losing light um so we’re going to try and go to another one uh on a retail park it says limited access so fingers crossed that’ll be all right so come on Homewards Right now the problem I’ve got is I’m at the retail Park but I don’t know where the charge points are now so I’m going to drive around and find the charge points which is the issue isn’t it that’s the thing thing I might I may

    Have to ask maximum stay 3 Hours come on where are the Chargers we need the charge points it doesn’t tell you right here we go charging Hub um with McDonald’s so could have a coffee while I’m waiting um let’s pull in here make sure I’m all right there okay don’t know how

    Much this is going to be but let’s get charged up here we go let’s have this come on now then what’s it powered by whose’s is this gapon Hall EV Hub have it there we go that’ll do milk float off let’s go charge up right okay choose payment

    Method choose your charger first so that’s what we want then choose a payment method so select pay method card payment okay choose an option start charger but you put the charger in first choose a or b plug it in and then press start so we need to plug it in first by

    The looks of it so or do we just press Start charge oh error we apologize for any inconvenience okay let’s try plugging it in first and then we’ll give it a go there’s a few more charges so we’re all right let’s plug it in first good grief that’s heavy pop that in

    There get in there we go okay right select card payment choose an option start charge initiating card identification so uh the operation will reserve £25 on your contactless card so let’s give that a go okay select your connector there we go select that connect your vehicle and

    Press the start button so I’m going to press start now the problem is here is it’s going to take £25 off of you which it sort of like reserves on your card now you don’t get that back say say you only put 10 worth of electricity in and

    It’s taken £25 off of you sounds like it’s doing something then you’re not going to get that back for a few days they keep that that’s the issue I’ve had that before where I’ve only put like a tener in and they’ve kept that that authorization cost there we go okay so

    It’s charging so I’m going to get a coffee inside McDonald’s and wait for this uh to charge now hopefully it won’t take too long 79 Kow don’t tell you how much kilowatts though does it per kilowatt doesn’t tell you the price where’s the pr oh no hang

    On up to 75 kilowatt Peak 150 kilowatt when single EV is connected so you get less if another EV it’s connected to you uh but I’m getting 133 should be all right 132 okay there’s another few Vehicles over there it’s not telling me the price though that’s the thing where’s the

    Price how much is it right it’s 446 it’s finished charging how much 54 54 what that’s just gone off £54 and 54 that’s just said mental right let’s get it unplugged get in there it’s 69p per kilowatt look there we go let me just change the aperture for you there look 69p per

    Kilowatt right there you go look Blair Witch where are they they’re coming for us he’s in the woods um I don’t know that’s I’ve gone nuts from the price 5454 230 Mi of range now 100% charge uh 7.9 mil to the hotel so you’re not going

    To see much on the way back we’ll go and see Jeff and I’ll see you in a minute when we get to the hotel I’m in shock that’s mental I’m in shock £54 54 I’m in shock that’s absolute that’s I mean at least dict TP and wore a mask where the heck

    Do these evangelists unless they’re charging at home think that this is the future they must be out of their minds if they’ve got One Right okay Premier in in lowestoft I know I stay in all the best places me let’s find Jeff bu’s cars um and then find out what car he’s actually got for tomorrow’s journey and then we can have a beer and relax and he can tell you a little bit about where we’re actually

    Going to go what route Etc well we know what route we’re going to do I’m going to do ways and he’s going to go with his TomTom so hopefully technology will win this time anyway let’s go and find Jeff by’s cars right action pretend that you’ve not walked in already Jeff I

    Didn’t walk in already you didn’t walk in already here he is again look I’ve got my suitcase you’ve got your suitcase left it on the train earlier didn’t I you are Jeff bu cars I am your surname is BU cars thank you cuz I could do it

    As two separate I could be Jeff bu your middle name and then car well I did buy a car today I all what did you buy it’s a secret the ladies have been waiting for you here do you want to say hello to your friends Hi ladies these are the best best ladies of any Premier in that I’ve been to thought the most westly point was Penance from the most easterly point depends to be honest there’s a few different ways of looking at it but like that yeah you could look at it like that

    Or you could go I don’t want to go to pans we’ve done that before um so I reckon it is the one inant David but we have haven’t booked a hotel yet so if it’s Up For Debate then it’s Up For Debate no I just thought if you were

    Doing from the most easterly point to the most westly point it was no of to near pin s so that’s what I thought that’s Top Gear done it didn’t they yeah they did yeah but Top Gear’s already done that we don’t you don’t want to copy people Harley Dav do every

    Year 60 Harley Davidson start here yeah they wait 3 4 in the morning from the most easly point and going to pen all right so either all of those people are going to the wrong point or we are what car have you got Jeff what car have I

    Got do you actually want to know yeah I did he did say he was going to gift me a mini yeah he’s over promised and I will underd deliver you’ve literally walked into this haven’t you you’re just going to check in quietly didn’t know I was

    Giving car the Trav lodes down the road get them they are making a fair point though but I don’t want to go to panz it’s miles away point that you can go to is there a North well I thought it was I thought it was the lighthouse David in nor point

    And the safe point though most well there’s different points in there but we’ll have a little Wikipedia tonight and if we’re really wrong then we’re going to do it anyway is that what we planned um I’m pretty confident it’s the lighthouse on the end of pen Brook year

    Oh oh I have a little Google have go have a little Google have a little Google he can you say see you in a minute see you in a minute Jane and Karen Jane and Karen Jane and Karen right Jane and Karen so Jane Jane and

    Karen are loving it Jane and Karen great look at Jane and Karen look at Jane and Karen what cars you got Jane and Karen what cars he got what do you think Porsche no he would have a Porche you got you what your husband got my

    Husband’s got a Merk okay which MK a good one a little white one a little white one what have you got Jeff what have I got I am driving a 3 ler diesel BMW X5 an X5 yeah that’s a massive car yeah huge how many fill ups are you

    Going to have to do uh I’ve just filled it this evening it’s got a 90 L tank 90 0 L how much did that cost you to 120 quid 120 quid and I was how many miles is that going to get you though more than 600 all right well I paid what

    Was it 505050 for 200 miles yeah so i’ I’ve effectively put the equivalent of three charges in my car but I’m I’m going to be held back by fuel economy and the fact that it’s weighs 2.6 tons ah how much does mine weigh uh for once were’re almost I know

    Yours is 3 point something isn’t it I think mine’s 3 point something yours was 3.6 or 3.8 wasn’t it so your Tian is still heavier than my i’ got an SUV this time mine’s heavier yeah right so tomorrow we’re going to be driving from the we’re on the East aren’t we from the

    East and we’re going to chase the sun sunrise all the way down to the sunset on the west not the most westerly Point technically the most westerly point is Corall but we’ve done that so we’re going to PM Brookshire which is pretty flipping West yeah in Wales St David

    Wales Wales got to get to the lighthouse at St David’s pen Brookshire you’re always taking me to lighthous I like a lighthouse I’m not going in the middle of the sand this time you won’t be there on time probably won’t actually that’s a good point right so um

    Going I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what do you know how we finish this one right right I’ll tell you how we finish this one right you ready okay I want you to say like subscribe like And subscribe and I want you to say click that little bell for

    Notifications click that but click that little bell click that little bell for notifications for notifications when you upload new videos when I upload new videos when this man uploads new videos also Al subscribe to Jeff bu’s cars he will be on the end also sub subscribe to Jeff bu’s cars him

    On the end him on the end and I’ll see you guys these girls are good you should put them on the payroll I reckon we should yeah we’ll see you is Lenny Henry anywhere I don’t go find him he goes to travel really have to beat that bit

    Out I I thought it was the I thought it was Angy Harriet Angy Harriet I don’t know he’s the chef there one second are you ready say subscribe subscribe and click the bell end for notifications that’s it


    1. Think I know what is going on with the 20mph zones, they are slowly preparing for the all electric future. Instead of better EV range, slow every road down so you physically can’t travel far in a day.

    2. What a joke the service cost is, 1.5L of brake fluid is about £30, depending what Audi cabin pollen air filter they use, will be £11-30, 5L of windscreen fluid (if that's what they are referring to) about a fiver, and they'll buy it in bulk so will be less. So parts, it's costing no more than £65. A brake fluid change is less than an hours work, going rate is around £150, the cabin air filter probably a 10-15 minute job, so add £50 labour say for that. Filling the wash wipe bottle, free, com'on now, takes 1-2 mins at most including walking to get the liquid. And the battery inspection seems like they just do a visual damage inspection,, quick walk round, 5 minute job right? Complete rip off, shouldn't cost no more than £300! And the EVangelists keep telling us EVs are cheaper to run.

    3. What happened to your mate from the barbers he was not in the passengers seat !!! Ooh he went in his own car !!! My Son had a crap spoiler like that !!! ( His Dad Did not let him fit it and someone got a good scrap bargain !!!) Hope The Coffee & Cockie!!! Opps Cookie was Cheaper !!!! On Wards My Freinds !!! Ev' s are not the future !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put this in and took me somewhere else !!! had to retract !!! And come back to what i was watching !!!!!Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I didnt have to google it just went weird on me !!!!!!( as you can see like to comment as watching !!! ) Thetford Road is crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Norwich & Gt Yarmouth !! Good with the charging !!!!!!!!!! Alot of the roads in Norfolk are built on the roots of trees !!! Otherwise you would be in the Marsh !!!! A47 is even on the Darkness Tune !!!!!!!!!!! Acle Straight !!!!!!!!! Sorry its been 5 days later !!!!!!!! like the chargers in Gt Yarmouth!!!

    4. Being an old codger, I think in this climate crisis all cars should be limited in size and power. Car parking bays are not getting any bigger. For decades I have only bought old cars. Because all the stupid careless drivers out there, open their car doors and bang them into yours. Small EVs are good for inner city driving, to keep pollution down. But for longer journeys a hybrid or full ice vehicle. I am so fed up of twats in big cars, especially those self entitled twats who cut in and out,cut corners and run over cyclists. Having been run over myself and standing ( legally in the middle of a road with my right arm out (and dressed in high vis and lit up like a Xmas tree) have both a motor bike and cars pass me and hit my arm. I'm sorry for the long rant but the cars that passed me were EVs!

    5. The reason why the evangelists (and that's an excellent word for them) are so adamant is because they don't want to be wrong. Part of the evangelism is looking down on people like me that drive regular cars I think regular cars are just fine. If electric car is wind up not working out and they're not going to then these people would have fallen for a false prophecy and they're not smarter than you which is the thing that they care about the most.

    6. So those banks of batteries inside are invisible and that is where the “fun” begins as they get “exited” and “warm up”In silence! awaiting the time they surprise you with a loud bang!!!!

    7. Bloody hell Lee, we didn't know you chose that haircut, we thought a big boy did it then ran away. I was going to ask who'd done it so we could get him back for you …😂😂 Btw, if you could afford to lease a Tincan, couldn't you have got a 911 instead? Just asking for a friend.

    8. You paid a $100k-ish for that 'car' and they charge you for a battery inspection at the 40k service interval? They have the gall to charge you 600+ for a 40k interval service with zero fluid changes?

      Only the best in Germany service, I suppose.

      Meanwhile, I just dropped my Ram's oil last week at 45F in the back yard. 🙂

      Good luck, my British cousin.

    9. Nice GT3. As for the MG user . Cobblers…. I have experienced exactly the same using an ev at work.. i always try to grab a petrol company car 😅 simply i Dont worry about charges ..

    10. Nice GT3. As for the MG user . Cobblers…. I have experienced exactly the same using an ev at work.. i always try to grab a petrol company car 😅 simply i Dont have to worry about charges ..

    11. Wee wee wee wee wee wee
      yes we get it 😂😂 just once is sufficient to let us know you’re stopping for a comfort break or even the old-fashioned word toilet
      PS I’m a newcomer to your channel and thoroughly enjoying it having no idea what electric cars are all about very interesting 👍☺️

    12. I love your videos. You have a lovely looking Porsche. No one with a brain would buy an EV car. But having said that, there could be some advantages over a normal petrol or diesel car. Still thinking…..still thinking.. onwards our friends, still thinking cost to running….no way would I pay for an over priced, high cost to run, time waister, tyre costly, ugly looking, poorly designed, over hyped by politians who do not have them. I am so glad you do these videos. I have an Audi. I do not have a leased loan. If I replace my car, it will be for another Audi, but not Electric. BTW it is politians and not the civil service who have to follow those idiots

    13. In a way I agree about speed and power for new drivers to a degree. Mine is fast, but it is really not for speed, in a way more for safety as can get out of problems, but the brakes are great. So it works both ways. Only in Germany can I really go fast, but even there are speed restrictions. Here in UK mostly it is heavy traffic, but you are wrong about TomTom. Better routes and changes. Mine is top of range live 30sec. Maps updated monthly. Speedcams live and updated 2 times a week. Mobile speed cams live at the time

    14. For Pete’s sake lee! Don’t give em more ideas on how to screw us over. It’s bad enough that one day we’ll all be forced into driving these things and you wanna make em slow as well. It’s starting mate, won’t be long until you go full evangelist.

    15. Wow 54 quid howwwwwwwwwwwwwww mucccccccc I’m a Yorkshire man I did Llandega in my Toyota chr for 20quid with 2 bike on back from greengates Leeds it would cost me fortune time weigh that trash can in lad

    16. EV's are dead, full stop! countries are now building more nuclear and coal fired power stations than ever before, oil exploration is greater than ever before, why? because the powermongers know they are wrong and and … are going to slowly backtrack big time, on their stupidity! how do i know these facts, well i work in an industry that knows.

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