Top 10 Cursed Objects From History With Disturbing Backstories
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    Dive deep into the chilling world of the supernatural with our latest video, Top 10 Cursed Objects From History With Disturbing Backstories! 🌟👻 Uncover the eerie tales and sinister secrets behind history’s most infamous cursed artifacts. From the haunted Hope Diamond to the ominous Annabelle doll, each object harbors a story so unnerving, it will leave you spellbound. 🎥💀 Whether you’re a history buff, a paranormal enthusiast, or just love a good scare, this video is a must-watch! Prepare to be enthralled by the dark side of history and discover why these cursed objects have captivated the imagination of millions. Don’t miss out—hit that subscribe button, ring the bell for notifications, and join us on this spine-tingling journey into the past. 👁️🔮

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    We’re starting off the list with the Vango statues Vango statues are sacred wooden sculptures created by the mijikenda people of Kenya made not just to honor the dead but are also said to hold the spirit of the deceased within them they’re an essential part of the burial rituals within the magenda

    Community and one of the most important rules about these statues is that they cannot under any circumstances be moved from where they were erected if this happens it’s a bad Omen for the tribe droughts premature deaths the liso on this is because removing these Memorial markers disrupts the spiritual Harmony

    Between the living and the dead leading to a curse the worst part about this is that it’s not affecting the individual thieves or buyers but the entire tribe or Community from which these statues were taken some of these statues have found their way into the Art Market they’re often sold to collectors or

    Displayed in museums both locally and internationally many argue that these artifacts should be returned to their places of origin and uh they would be right sure it’s cool seeing these things in person but is it worth tormenting an entire community of people over I don’t know it doesn’t really seem a fair

    Trade-off to me number nine the Ring of sinanis also known as the vine ring this is an ancient Roman ring associated with a curse it’s said to have a curse inscribed right on it the Latin inscription reads sinan Vivas andam which translates to cinus may you live

    In God the curse is believed to have been invoked by a man named named sylvenus who accused sanus of stealing the ring sylvenus seeking divine intervention dedicated the curse to the god noens a Celtic deity associated with healing and the sea in an effort to recover the ring the last known record

    Places the ring at the vine a historic estate in Hampshire England The National Trust which manages the vine displayed the ring for public viewing the curse associated with the Ring of sanus is thought to bring Misfortune and suffering to anyone who possesses or wears the without rightful ownership if

    This is reminding you at all of lur of the Rings by the way you’re not alone the ring was definitely a part of JRR token’s inspiration for the story next up on the list is the Hope Diamond the Hope Diamond is a famous blue diamond with a long and storied history it is

    One of the most renowned gems in the world known not only for its exceptional size and color but also for the supposed curse associated with it the Hope Diamond is currently housed in the National Gem and mineral collection at the National Museum Natural History in Washington DC a diamond has been on

    Display there since it was donated to the Smithsonian institution by Harry Winston in 1958 The Story begins when the diamond was stolen from an idol in India though according to the legend the curse would bring Misfortune tragedy to anyone who possessed or wore the Diamond King Louis I 14th and Mary Antoinette

    Are two of the most notable historical figures believed to have possessed the Hope Diamond during their Reigns both faced tragic ends in 1839 Henry Thomas hope purchased the diamond and gave it its name his untimely death LED his family to sell the gem to settle gambling debts Jeweler Wilhelm false

    Acquired the Hope Diamond and shortly after died at the hands of his very own son who then went on to take his own life Evelyn Walsh mlan an early 20th century owner experienced a series of tragedies as well including the premature deaths of her son and daughter

    And then her husband left her went insane and eventually died at our number seven spot we have the Unlucky mummy mummies one of the Staples of museums this mummy is believed to bring Misfortune to those who come in contact with it it’s said to have been the cause of various unfortunate incidents

    Throughout its history I’ll let you in a little secret that’s how it got the name unlucky mummy it was excavated from a tomb in thieves during the 19th century and because the tomb was fiddled with disturbing the mummy’s final resting place often considered a taboo in ancient Egyptian culture really it’s

    Probably taboo to mess with anyone’s tomb I think but anyway a curse was said to be Unleashed individuals who were associated with the excavation or possession of The Unlucky mummy have experienced A Series of Unfortunate Events like dying there have also been accidents and financial ruin which this

    Mummy was said to be responsible for the mummy has been on display in the British museum since 1889 number six the woman from LM the the woman from Lem is an archaeological artifact a small Limestone statue representing a woman The Story Goes that it will bring Misfortune and death to those who

    Possess it the woman from Lem is believed to have originated from a burial site in Lem Cypress dating back to around 3500 BC the origins of this thing are pretty murky which just makes it even more mysterious and Eerie it’s currently on display in the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh the curse

    Is said to affect those who come into contact with the statuette leading to A Series of Unfortunate Events including illness and death and just like with any ancient cursed object the bad stuff started happening when it was taken from its original location accidents Financial ruin and premature death have

    Been said to plague those who have interacted with the object which is why the woman from LM has earned its nickname as the goddess of death at our number five spot we have the Catskills Crone about 7 years ago a pair of hikers were traversing the Catskill mountains

    Of New York State when they came across an old looking statue in a cave the object had Nails driven into its eyes and a rope around its neck they decided to bring the thing home with them for some reason and things got weird they began finding muddy footprints that

    Would randomly appear in their home and at one point they even saw The Apparition of a ghostly hag they posted their experience on Reddit hoping to gain some insight and one of the folks who chimed in known as New Kirk on Reddit is the director of a museum

    Specializing in cursed objects and this is what he had to say hey everyone you guys might remember that about 6 months ago there was a post in the sub from a hiker who claimed that he and a friend found a strange carving in a New York

    Cave long story short they took it home and boom bad haunting Poltergeist activity Apparition and wet Footprints manifesting long with a strong scent of pond water a full-blown haunting if he was to be believed there were lots of great responses in the thread and after getting a few emails from friends who

    Know what I do for a living I logged in and threw my two cents into the ring I’m the director of a paranormal and ult Museum based out of Cincinnati and he ended up sending the item to me half a year later I can say with a good amount

    Of certainty that the carving which we’ve nicknamed the Crone is definitely haunted I don’t say things like that lightly but within hours of the object arriving at my office I’m fairly certain it pulled Jesus off a crucifix hanging on the wall was the cause of phantom

    Knocks wet footprints on my couch and we even caught it moving with a motion activated camera the last straw was when it tried to drop a television on my head next up is the coor diamond this is a highly famous diamond with a long and storied history originally mined in

    India the diamond has changed hands multiple times over centuries right now the coor diamond is part of the British crown jewels and is set in the front of the queen mother’s Crown it’s on display in the Tower of London there are tons of tales of the bad stuff that’s happened

    To those who have had this diamond in their possession specifically men the diamond brings Misfortune to male owners while bringing Good Fortune to female owners it was in possession of various rulers including the malls the Persian rulers and the seik maharajas before being seized by the British East India

    Company in the mid 19th century the coonor was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850 and since then it’s been part of the British crown jewels and number three are the Mari Warrior masks Mari Warrior masks originating from the indigenous Mari people of New Zealand are traditional artifacts that hold cultural and spiritual significance

    These masks were created for the specific rituals and ceremonies often serving as representations of ancestors and embodying spiritual power so when these masks are removed from their sacred settings it’s said to disrupt the spiritual balance and invoke Misfortune on the people possessing or displaying them the curse is thought to bring bad

    Luck illness or even death to individuals or institutions that have acquired The Masks without proper cultural respect some claim that returning the masks to their place of origin is a way to break the curse in at number two is the Black orav Diamond the Black orav Diamond also known as the eye

    Of Brahma has a history steeped in Tales of Misfortune its Origins traced back to India where it was believed to be part of a larger Diamond known as the eye of Brahma set in a sacred Idol in a temple Legend has it that a monk in defiance of

    The Sacred setting stole the diamond from the idol leading to a series of tragedies and untimely deaths the diamond was eventually cut into three pieces to dispel the curse one of these pieces became the black orof named after its owner princess Nadia ven orof a series of misfortunes are said to have

    Befallen its subsequent owners Tales of people taking their own lives Financial ruin and tragic deaths circulated I think what I’ve learned from this list is it diamonds or bad clay finally though we have the cursed Assyrian Stell this is an ancient artifact that was split into two pieces one piece was

    Found in 1879 in Syria and now sits in the British museum the other went to the bottoms auction house in London the British museum had an opportunity to purchase the other half in 2014 but they decided against it this lower half which was up at auction didn’t have a whole

    Lot of information behind it it wasn’t said how the Stell left Syria just that it had been gifted from father to son in the 1960s so this led to some speculation that the artifact may have been taken illegally from its Home Country I wonder if that’s true there’s

    Also a curse inscribed onto the Stell which may have also been a factor in not wanting to unite the two halves the inscription translated to English reads whoever discards this image from the presence of Sal Manu puts it into another place whether he throws it into

    Water or covers it with with Earth or brings and places it into a taboo house where it is inaccessible May the god salonu the great Lord overthrow his sovereignty may his name and his seed disappear in the land may he live in a contingent together with the slave woman

    Of his land and we’re starting off the list with Van Go’s self-portrait with a bandaged ear on the night of December 23rd 1888 Vincent Van go suffered a severe mental breakdown and cut off a portion of his ear uh with a razor blade he wrapped the severed ear in newspaper

    And gave it to a woman at a nearby brothel before returning home the exact reasons behind this act and even the sequence of events themselves are still a bit foggy but it is widely believed to have been a result of his deteriorating mental health he’d also been having an

    Intense argument with a fellow artist that night Beno was taken to a local hospital in Arles France where he was treated by Dr Felix Ray in an attempt to understand the extent of his injuries van go created a self-portrait with his ear bandaged up he painted this self-portrait as an attempt to convince

    Doctors he wasn’t insane and as a way to document his physical and mental state during the time at number nine we have the fairy Fellers Master stroke this is a famous painting by English artist Richard dad took him 9 years to complete painting it between 1855 and 1864 it’s a

    Pretty spectacular piece depicting this Fantastical scene with tiny fairies elves and other mystical creatures highly detailed and very intricate at first glance it looks like a Whimsical fairy tale kind of scene but behind its Charming facade lies a dark and tragic backstory involving the artist himself Richard dad was a talented and promising

    Young artist but his promising career was cut short due to his deteriorating mental health 1843 while traveling in the Middle East dad suffered a severe mental breakdown it was convinced that he was under the influence of the Egyptian god Osiris in a fit of madness he believed he needed to take the life

    Of his own father which he tragically did following this incident dad fled to France but was soon arrested and extradited to England in 1844 he was declared insane and committed to the bethleem Royal Hospital a psychiatric institution in London it’s during his time at the hospital that he began

    Working on the fairy Fellers Master stroke the painting is intricate details and elaborate composition really reflect dad’s obsessiveness he worked on the painting meticulously spending years perfecting every tiny figure in element you could see those those flowers in the backround they look like real flowers it’s insane it’s an amazing piece but

    Knowing the context definitely takes on a different meaning next on the list we have Saturn devouring his son and by extension the black paintings by Francisco Goya the black paintings are a series of 14 paintings created by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya between 1819 and 1823 the paintings are dark and somber

    Scenes depicting intense suffering violence and just despair Goya painted these works directly onto the walls of his home sometimes outside Madrid there was a lot of political turmoil at the time when he was creating these Works he also experienced a serious illness in 1819 which left him deaf further

    Isolating him from the world the paintings in the series reflect goya’s growing disillusionment with Humanity he just became very negative the subjects of the paintings are varied he didn’t intend for them to be a part of a series in fact they weren’t even supposed to be

    Publicly viewed at all it was only after his death that these paintings were lumped into a series and given the name the black paintings Goya created them in the privacy of his home as a way to cope with his own fears and anxieties a form of therapy really for him allowing him

    To express his darkest thoughts and emotions number seven the woman of the rain the woman of the rain is a mysterious painting created by the Ukrainian artist spana talet in 19 1996 tet described experiencing this unusual unsettling sensation before she even started working on this piece she

    Claimed to have felt as if someone or something had been watching her for about 6 months leading up to the creation of the painting during the painting process she felt a strange sensation like her hand was being Guided by some other Force as if she were not

    In complete control of her own movements the painting with its haunting depiction of a woman with a melancholic expression standing in the rain quickly gained attention in the art World it wasn’t long before a series of disturbing incidents began to unfold among the people who had the painting in their

    Possession several buyers reported an eerie presence in their homes they’d complained of insomnia having these terrifying nightmares and very negative emotions that seem to emanate from the artwork itself many of these Disturbed owners were so affected by the painting’s presence that they ultimately decided to return it hoping to rid

    Themselves of the disturbing energy that seemed to surround it and Legend has it that the woman of the rain depicted in the painting is more than just a figment of the artist’s imagination she’s believed to be an actual entity capable of leaving the confines of the canvas According to some Tales surrounding the

    Painting The rainwoman has the ability to manifest outside of her painted world roaming about the homes of those who own the artwork at night and I got to say this is there’s something really eerie about this painting I agree I just I don’t know if it’s the hat or something

    But I yeah I don’t know I don’t like this one I don’t like looking at it for too long next on the list we have the anguished man the anguished man is an Infamous painting known for its Eerie reputation and the urban legend surrounding it according to the legend

    The unknown artist who created the work mixed his own life fluid with the paint and not long after completing the work took his own life the painting was then stored away hidden from public eye until it found its way into the hands of Shawn Robinson its current owner sha Robinson

    Received the painting from his grandmother who had kept it hidden away in her attic and she would often share stories about hearing disturbing noises emanating from the attic like wailing and crying during the night after inheriting the painting Robinson claimed to have experienced unsettling occurrences in his home his son reported

    Falling down the stairs feeling as if he were pushed by unseen hands objects in the house would occasionally move on their own just get rid of that painting my God and in our number five spot we have man proposes God disposes by Edwin laner the painting depicts two polar

    Bears surrounded by the wreckage of a doomed Arctic Expedition one of the doomed Arctic Expeditions we probably talked about on this channel a title of the painting suggests that while humans can make plans and propose ideas ultimately fate or a higher power represented by God or nature decides our

    Outcome the painting itself is not associated with any Supernatural or malevolent Powers but there are urban legends and myths that surround it particularly among students at Royal Hol way University of London one of the the biggest stories here is that students who would sit in front of the painting

    During an exam would fail it another urban legend involves a student who uh took their own life after an exam leaving a message that read the polar bears made me do it on their exam paper number four the Virgin Mary painting there is a painting in St charbel’s

    Church in Sydney uh where a painting of the Virgin Mary seems to be moving its lips during a prayer one day which churchgoers claimed to be a miracle this would be a pretty creepy miracle in my opinion the idea of pictures or paintings moving that’s always just

    Giving me the creeps if this is indeed a miracle kind of a pointless one too I me like what would the Virgin Mary making her lips move and a painting be accomplishing exactly anyway there’s a video of this moving painting online I can kind of see some movement but it

    Looks to me like the video itself is moving everything in the frame seems to be distorting uh but apparently there were a lot of witnesses who claimed to see the same thing that her lips were moving so I don’t know in at number three we have portrait of a lady by Juan

    Luna completed in 1890 the artwork features a woman said to be Luna’s wife Paz Paro deava who he took the life of there are stories about unfortunate events that occurred around the painting and to the various owners people who have owned the painting have experienced accidents and even death one incident

    Involved its first owner who suffered a tragic death shortly after acquiring the work the painting then passed through a bunch of different owners each reportedly experiencing unfortunate events leading to the belief that the artwork carries some kind of curse said that P’s spirit is trapped in the painting bringing Misfortune to whoever

    Comes in contact with it next up we have the scariest picture on the internet so looking at this image you wouldn’t think there’s much to it kind of looks like an AI rendering actually looking back now but there’s an early Creepy Past associated with this image that started

    Going around the internet in the 2000s there are a couple versions of the story but basically this portrait is of a woman who supposedly took her own life there’s a version of the tale where she painted the portrait herself another goes that her boyfriend painted it no

    Matter what the version the image is said to be so cursed at staring at at it for too long can bring some bad stuff your way some say that after a while her face will start to contort becoming disfigured and monstrous another goes that a man became so intrigued by the

    Image that led to a bit of an obsession he just couldn’t stop looking at it and eventually he took his own life finally we have Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan by Ilia Reen this is a painting created by Russian artist Ilia Reen in 18 85 the painting depicts a dramatic

    Moment in Russian history capturing the SAR Ivan I fourth cradling his dying son Ivan Ivanovich shortly after delivering fatal blow to him in a fit of rage the painting by Reen shows this heartwrenching moment in hyper realistic detail emphasizing the grief and remorse on IV the Terrible’s face as he realizes

    What he’s done it’s all in the eyes here pure torment like Terror and regret when the painting was displayed people began to have these very visceral reactions to it some would cry others would have panic attacks some people would reportedly faint and some would snap into bursts of

    Rage one story goes that a painter by the name of Abram balashov freaked out on the painting slashing the canvas with a knife while screaming stop the Bloodshed it is a very disturbing painting those eyes I cannot get over those eyes number nine the Iceman The

    Mummy of OT AKA The Iceman was found in 1991 in the oel Alps Italy is believed that the iceman belonged to 3000 BCE and his body was preserved because of the glacier that surrounded him after he died however soon after his Discovery people who were involved with his

    Discovery began to die due to Violent accidents forensic pathologist Rainer hen died in a horrific car acci accident Mountaineer Curts Fritz died in an avalanche and hiker helmet Simon died after falling off a dangerous hidden path the Iceman then claimed three more lives in quick succession between 2004

    And 2005 it’s not that anyone who comes into contact with the Iceman will die and people believe the discovery of Iceman is a curse and has the power to destroy mankind now that does sound extremely cursed and I would not want to go near that ever number eight the

    Little Manny a 3-in tall Stone head is known as the little Manny with his daddy’s horns strange name I know after a cleaning lady stumbled upon it in a basement floor in Manchester England local Scholars Tony Ward and Pat Ellison Reed explored the site and found evidence of a strange ritual as

    Manchester museum curator John prag said it was around a circle of candle holders and inside the circle they found the remains of chicken and hair bones Ivory counters used for scoring at Billards and other offerings including a mother figure whose head had been broken off accidentally since the little Manny

    Looked a lot like a Celtic ston heads everyone generally assumed that’s what it was but when it was displayed at the Manchester Museum in 1991 a visitor identified it as namali a type of figurine from Sierra Leon while namali is known to bring strong Harvest and other Good Fortune the little Manny

    Seemingly brought a fair amount of bad luck to its British handlers Manchester Museum staff members suffered car accidents bike accidents burglaries broken pant zippers and all other manners of trouble number six the conjure chest the conjure or conjured chest is a chest of drawers that has

    Taken the lives of about 16 people as The Story Goes an enslaved man named Remis custom made this item for his enslaver Jeremiah Graham in Kentucky Circa 1830 Jeremiah dispas with rem’s work beat him to death now in retaliation rem’s friends then curse the chest by scattering dried owl blood in

    Its drawers but the Grahams used this chest and passed it down to their family for 140 years and death or injury came to anyone who stored their apparel inside in the mid 20th century Virginia Carrie Hudson Cleveland had two of her Offspring die and her husband die after

    Being rushed to the hospital for appendicitis now a neighbor also died after an accident involving a weapon and all had used the chest so Virginia Enlisted the help of her maid Sally to undo the curse they followed the steps that included procuring a dead owl and boiling willow leaves Sally said that if

    She or Virginia then died it would prove that the CSE had broken and months later Sally did die when Virginia’s daughter inherited the chest she opted not to use it which is why she’s the smartest person in that family because why wouldn’t they just get rid of it number

    Five Scarab rumor has it that the Smithsonian is the home to many ancient Egyptian treasures and artifacts and now were they stolen that’s a completely different story but it is said that these items are cursed and I mean with all those movies about Egyptian curses this really doesn’t surprise me they

    Have a Scarab believe to be from King Tutt now if you don’t know what a Scarab was like me they were popular amulets and impression seals in ancient Egypt there are many of them and through their inscriptions and typology they are an important source of information for archaeologists and historians of the

    Ancient world now it’s said that bad luck will follow anyone who touches King tutt’s body or anything in his tomb and since this amulet belonged to him I’d say watch out now in 1922 when King Tut’s tomb itself was Unearthed after more than 3,00 thousand years of uninterrupted rest some believe the

    Pharaoh Unleashed a powerful curse of death and destruction upon all who dared to disturb his internal Slumber so since the Scara belonged to him it’s believed to be actually cursed from King Tut himself so I’d say away number four Black Aggie black agie is the name given

    To a statue formerly placed on the grave of General Felix Ines in Druid Ridge Cemetery in Pikesville Maryland beginning with its installation in 1926 it was surrounded by many urban legends these included that the the spirits of individuals buried at Druid Ridge would annually convene at the statue that no

    Grass would grow on the ground where the statue Shadow would lie during the daytime and that the statue would animate itself during the night whether by physically moving or by showing glowing red eyes it was said those who saw her eyes were said to have had their

    Lives ended by her or she would cause you to go blind oh and one last thing if you sit on the statue’s lap at midnight you will die in 2 weeks so due to these urban legends it led to much unwelcome attention towards the stat and many people were caught breaking into the

    Cemetery at night to visit it and the pedestal was frequently vandalized so in response to Agnes family disturbed by the attention the statue received donated it to the Smithsonian in 1967 besides these Legends there apparently are real stories about the Statue taking people’s lives one man put a cigarette

    On one man put a cigarette out on the Statue which is just disrespectful to begin with and he was later found dead due to him getting shot in the head another man was found dead at the foot of the statue and no one notes his cause

    Of death so if I were you I’d stay far far away from Black Aggie number two The Unlucky mummy The Unlucky mummy is an ancient Egyptian artifact in the collection of the British museum in London the identity of the original owner is unknown and this painted wooden

    Mummy Board of an unidentified woman was acquired by the British museum in 1889 so the Unlucky mummy isn’t actually a mummy but the mummy board or coffee lid of a high status woman who lived around 950 to to 900 BCE discovered in thees in the 1800 the four young Englishmen who

    First purchased the mummy all died in unfortunate circumstances The Mummy board has acquired a reputation for bringing Misfortune as it has been credited with causing death injury and large scale disasters such as the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 thereby earning the nickname The Unlucky mummy The Unlucky mummy has also been

    Linked to the death of British writer and journalist Bertram Fletcher Robinson he conducted Research into the history of the artifact while working as a journalist for the Daily Express Newspaper during 1904 he became convinced that the Unlucky mummy had malevolent powers and died just 3 years

    Later at age 36 years old with a name like that I’d stay away from it too and coming in at number one is the grand grimoire the grand grimoire nicknamed The Gospel of Satan isn’t really a book I’d want to read and I think a lot of

    People wouldn’t want to read it due to this either the book is said to be written by a man possessed by the devil the 16th century book is known as one of the most terrifying occult books in existence it contains dark incantations and instructions on how to summon demons

    And raise Spirits from the dead that last part might sound appealing to those who are grieving or suffering from loss but this book’s dark reputation makes it one of the most feared medieval manuscripts of all times even opening the book is considered equivalent to selling your soul to the devil now

    Thankfully the grand grimoire is not available for purchase due to this and I mean who would even want to buy that it said that the original copy is currently kept in the Vatican secret archives and not currently available to the public and I think that’s a good call coming in

    At number 10 is the magara Cave the marara Cave is located in Northwestern Bulgaria cave paintings there have been estimated to be made between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago the drawings represent important events of the society that had occupied the Meara cave such as religious ceremonies hunting scenes and

    Depictions of deities which are unique on the balcon peninsula the fertility dance in the hunting ceremony rank among the most noteworthy paintings one grouping from the Bronze Age has been interpreted as a solar calendar according to Alexis stoev and Pena valova stovia hope I said their names right Bronze Age paintings of staggered

    Black and white squares used to count the days in the calendar month permit to describe fairly accurately the number of days in the Solar tropical year so did this cave painting predict the used of calendars I think so the cave paintings allowed storing information about Regional solar calendars Customs

    Religious festivals and rituals of the society which is the earliest representation yet to be discovered in Europe number nine astronomy a new study says that some of the world’s oldest K paintings reveal that ancient people had relatively Advanced knowledge of astronomy according to the new analysis some of the paintings are not simply

    Depictions of wild animals as was previously thought instead the animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky and are used to represent dates and Mark events such as Comet strikes researchers from the universities of Edenberg and Kent studied details of Paleolithic and Neolithic art featuring animal symbols

    At sites in Turkey Spain France and Germany they found all the sites used the same method of datek keeping based on sophisticated astronomy even though the art was separated in time by tens of thousands of years according to the study published November 2nd 2018 the cave painting suggests that perhaps as

    Far back as 40,000 years ago humans kept track of of time using knowledge of how the position of the star slowly changes over thousands of years the findings indicate that the astronomical insights of ancient people were far greater than previously believed their knowledge may have aided navigation of the Open Seas

    The researchers say with implications for our understanding of prehistoric human migration Martin swatman the University of Edenberg School of Engineering led the study and said early cave art shows that people had Advanced knowledge of the night sky within the last ice age intellectual Al they were hardly any different to us today

    Researchers reinterpreted earlier findings from a study of stone carving at one of these sites in modern day Turkey which is interpreted as a memorial to a devastating Comet strike around 11,000 BC this strike was thought to have initiated a mini Ice Age known as the younger draws period number eight

    Willinga rock art panel in Australia this rock art panel contains more than 200 motifs stylistic changes in the layering of the painting suggests that they were painted in the last three broad painting phases changes in Social political economic and religious life are often marked by changes in visual

    Expression such as found in this cave although the rock art is yet to be radiocarbon dated some of the layers are likely to be at least 3,000 years old and may have much earlier Origins the oldest paintings have recently been called wena figures since this particular style of figure has only been

    Encountered in this rock art shelter these figures have elongated bodies and large round heads circled with headdresses they have eyes and noses but no mouths most are painted with white outline and black infill now what do these faces mean are they even drawings of humans or are they aliens or some

    Sort of other worldly creature seems like we may never know number seven Cave of swimmers the cave of swimmers is a cave with ancient rock art in the Libyan Desert section of the Sahara the cave in rock art was discovered in October 1933 now the drawings include those of a

    Giraffe and a hippopo and they’re estimated to have been created as early as 10,000 years ago with the beginning of the African humid period when the Sahara was significantly Greener and wetter than it is today on the wall there also looks like there’s some sort of humanoid creature swimming

    Physical scientists who have been conducting research in the area drew a provisional link between the proposed swimming humans and two lakes that are 124 miles south of the cave however Andress zore an archaeologist who is doing the research in the area questions whether the figures are swimming or not

    He believes that the drawings are clearly symbolic with an unknown meaning now I’m going to say what we’re all thinking these are drawings of mermaid right perhaps mermaids were around at that time and then they went into hiding and hopefully one day they’ll reveal themselves to us again number six l gil

    L gil are cave formations on the rural outskirts of heresia smali end they contain some of the earliest known cave paintings of domesticated African arcs in the horn of Africa Les Gill’s rocks art is estimated to date Circa 3,500 to 2,500 BCE during November in December 2002 an archaeological survey was

    Carried out in Somalian by a French team of researchers during the course of the survey the excavation team discovered last Gil cave paintings that Encompass an area of 10 Rock caves in an excellent state of preservation the rock art depicts wild animals and decorated cattle Cows and Bulls now could this be

    Them trying to honor the animals or showing us that one day cows will rule the world unlikely but I’ll put it out there they also feature herders which are believed to be the creators of the painting number five the great Gallery the Horseshoe Canyon in Utah contains some of the most significant Rock

    Markings in North America the great Gallery includes well-preserved life-sized figures with increte designs this well-preserved site includes both pictographs painted figures and petroglyphs figures etched in rock with a sharp Stone the tampered life-size figures lack arms and legs but but frequently contain intricate designs now

    Was the lack of arms and legs a choice or did they have some people who were a part of that community that didn’t have legs or arms I’m not too sure but other impressive sites include spring wild flowers sheer Sandstone walls and mature Cottonwood Groves along the intermittent

    Stream in the canyon bottom artifacts recovered from the site in this area date back to as early as 9,000 to 7,000 BCE number four big rock the paintings on the big rock near okok Alberta are estimated to be anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years old the Blackfoot

    People use the rock as a landmark for finding a crossing over the Sheep River before European settlers arrived there are countless First Nation Legends associated with The Rock some of which were relayed through pictograph painted onto its surface now according to local Elders one such painting depicts a

    Journey the arrows point in the direction of travel North while moons or circles till the time it took to complete the journey there are 17 moons in total meaning it likely took 17 months to complete the track the symbols and figures at the top of this pictograph May indicate why the journey

    Was made this is essentially a map with instructions made out of pictures which is pretty cool number three the UFO chattusa State Department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from NASA and ISRO for research on 10,000-year-old Rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Chara region of caner District

    According to archaeologist Jay bagot these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood Films located about 130 km from rer bagette said the findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers

    Extensive research is needed for further findings chaisa presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give Clarity on the subject now there are several beliefs among locals in these Villages B few worship the paintings others narrate stories that they have heard from ancestors about roila people the

    Small-sized ones who used the land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of the village who never returned now the paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years the strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not

    Have clear features specifically the nose and mouth are missing in a few pictures they are even shown wearing space suits we can’t refute the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things the archaeologist said number two Lasco caves Lasco caves is a network of caves near the village of

    Monna over 600 wall paintings cover the interior walls and ceilings of the Cave the paintings represent primarily large animals typical local contemporary fauna that correspond with the fossil record of the upper Paleolithic in the area they are the combined effort of many generations and with continued debate

    The age of the the paintings is usually estimated at around 177,000 years an amateur researcher assembled a team that included experts from the fields of mathematics archaeology and psychology who analyzed the data compared it to seasonal behaviors of modern animals and agreed that the numbers represented by

    Dots and slashes are not Cardinal but rather ordinal representations of months as to the frequent occurring symbol that represents a y it indicates the month in which various female animal birth their young the team theorized in the Cambridge archaeological Journal that this Mark May constitute the first known

    Example of an action word I.E a verb to give birth taking together the cave paintings and non-figurative markings tell an old AG circular tale of migration birthing and mating of birds bison fish horses mammoths rhinos and others did these paintings create the first fertility app I don’t know but

    It’s pretty impressive that they were able to keep track of all of that and coming in a number one is hunting paintings an Indonesian splunker named hamara was exploring the grounds of a concrete plant on the island of swalla in 2017 when he found a cave full of art

    The painting depicts two pigs and four small body relatives of water buffalo as well as what appears to be eight humanoid figures that are 2 to 4 in tall some of the human figures are holding long spindly objects pointed toward the animals that might be ropes or spears

    The humanoid figures bear usual features including one with a stubby tail and another with a birdlike beak now why would they draw humans like this were they thinking of what a cross of a human and an animal would be like our present day crossbreeding experiments or dare I

    Say did they come up with the concept of fures whether the art depicts a hunt or some other event it’s likely the oldest known story told through pictures and the researchers say as the mural dates back to at least 44,000 years number 10 diic box in Jewish folklore a diic is an

    Evil spirit supposedly someone accidentally summoned the demon while using a homemade Ouija board but managed to trap it inside the wall wine cabinet the dipic box came to light in 2001 when Kevin Manis purchased it and started having terrible nightmares he then decided to gift the cabinet to his

    Mother who suffered a stroke the very day she received it not just this but every person who ever owned that wine cabinet has reported experiencing horrible events the last owner of the cabinet Jason Haxton found out the box possesses a spirit of a malicious Jewish creature called a diic who has the

    Ability to haunt and possess the living Jason not only only had nightmares but also developed a strange skin disease and began coughing up blood at that point Jason contacted his local rabbis and sealed the debic back in the Box Jason later wanting nothing to do with

    The Box gave the cabinet to Zach to display it in his Museum you actually may have heard of this box before because in 2018 fans of rapper post Malone claimed that his spat of bad luck was caused by his contact with the cabinet number nine Charles Manson’s

    Cremated ashes Charles Manson was was a criminal who created a cult called the Manson family he was active in California in the late 1960s and early 1970s another group consisted of approximately 100 followers who had lived an unconventional lifestyle and frequently used psychoactive substances now the members of The Cult beli that he

    Was Jesus Christ and followed everything he did that some members committed a series of nine deaths at four locations in July and August of 1969 in 1971 the Manson was convicted of first-degree homicide and conspiracy to commit homicide for the deaths of seven people including the film actress Sharon Tate

    When Charles Manson died his body was cremated and some of his followers actually took fragments of his Ashes to keep as a momento this led to such Creations as the Ryan Almighty blood paintings of Manson in which the eyes were filled in with Charles’s own cranes painted in Ryan’s own blood the Artistry

    Has to be appreciated but the morbidness of the painting with the cremated ashes included makes for a Unique Piece to say the least this very painting is on display at the Museum along with other Charles Manson memorabilia including a prison wor outfit Manson’s own TV and

    Even more ashes in a display case along with Manson’s Dentures number eight love ranch bed Zach acquired the bed and bedroom furniture a bunny ranch and love Branch owner Dennis Hoff which eily includes the mattress Dennis died on Dennis died in that room of a heart

    Attack on October 16th 2018 he was 72 years old now this just so happens to be the same mattress Lamar odm was on when he overdosed 3 years prior in October 2015 safe to say a lot of bad things have happened on that mattress Zach says they never swapped out the mattress in

    The Love Ranch room and now Folks at the legal Nevada broo believe it’s cursed Zach said that he was told that the bed was cursed so of course he wanted to add it to his collection number seven Dr Jack kavor kean’s Van Jack kavan publicly championed a terminal patient

    Right to die by physician assisted suicide embodied in his quote dying is not a crime it said that he assisted at least 130 patients in ending their lives for this he was convicted of homicide in 1999 and was often portrayed in the media with the name of Dr Death Jack who

    Died in 2011 lived out of a van for periods of his life and used it to carry out some of his crimes Zach found this van and paid $32,500 for the rusty 1968 Volkswagen van which has been parked in storage at the American Jewelry and Loan Pawn Shop

    On 8 Mile in Detroit now it sits at his museum for all to see Number Six Demon House staircase from a very intriguing Standalone documentary of the same name the demon house was an investigation undertaken by Zach and the team at a home in Indiana where the family claimed

    That numerous members of the family had been possessed by a spirit the local police department and even social services within the local area were convinced that the house was some way haunted from Footsteps in the corridor to full on body possession the Demon House creeps Zach and the team out more

    Than anything we’ve witnessed on the show before now Zach actually purchased the home for himself for investigations back in 2014 and used it to film the documentary before bulldozing it entirely in 2016 taking pieces of it including the staircase back to the haunted Museum number five the house

    Itself the Mansion housing the museum has supporty been haunted for years it was built in 1938 and owned by businessman surel s wer and rumor has it dark ritual took place in the basement in the 1970s there was a pentagram found in the basement and this is where

    Supposedly a young boy was sacrificed it is some kind of Sanic altar supposedly to invoke the spirits down there and it’s an extremely evil place in the house during the tour they try to Usher people through the basement as quickly as possible because it’s so scary now

    The Mansion at one point was turned into a law firm where it strange occurrences continued before the place was purchased by Zach and was eventually converted into Zach Bean’s the haunted Museum number four Bella Lugosi mirror Hollywood star and Dracula actor Bella Lugosi is one of the world’s most famous

    Horror actors but did you know that he once owned a mirr believed to be haunted it is reported that he was obsessed with practicing a form of Clairvoyance which would involve him staring into inanimate objects to try and conjure messages from Spirits one such object reportedly used

    By the actor for such practice was a mirror which hung in Bella’s Hollywood Hills Home Zach was given the Mirror by the niece of lawyer and be movie producer Frank sultry who formerly lived in the home once owned by Bella however Frank tragically died at the Home in

    1982 and following his death the producer’s family inherited the mirror soon after bringing the mirror home though the family began to notice that Paranormal Activity began to occur in their own home believing Bella’s own practices and her uncle’s death to have affected the mirror she later took the object of paranormal investigator Zach

    After taking the mirror from Frank’s niece the star also encountered his own paranormal experiences around the mirror when he investigated his own museum for a 2017 episode of Ghost Adventures this included seeing a ball of light that appeared on the opposite wall of the mirror which Zach said traveled across

    The room and went inside the mirror now that sounds extremely haunted to me number three edene cauldron edene ended the lives of people and was a grave robber he created costumes furniture and other keepsakes from the bodies of his victims a police raid on his house turned up mask literally made from human

    Faces a belt of nipples and of course it created from a skin torso to be clear he never wore these costumes when ending people’s lives instead he dawned them in the privacy of his home now some masks appeared to be mummified almost dried out while others were more carefully

    Preserved a few had lipstick applied and looked more lifelike and four had been stuffed with paper and hung on the wall of his bedroom almost like hunting trophies leather face from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs and Norman baates

    Were all based on on Ed Zach paid $2,800 at an auction to take possession of the 25 gallon cauldron Ed used to discard his victim’s entrails when he gutted them the thing had been sitting in a Wisconsin woman’s home used as a flower paaw ever since Ed’s 1984 death in

    Prison when she died her son wisely believed The Cauldron was cursed and wanted it gone so now it’s Zachs number two Peggy the doll warning looking into this doll’s eyes can cause you to have health issues or even get haunted please watch at your own risk now Peggy the

    Doll is a 3ft tall doll that has a blonde hair bob with glassy blue eyes and is considered to be the most haunted and dangerous doll in the world after being purchased at a car boot sale the owner began having nightmares and felt as though she was being haunted by the

    Doll she contacted Jane Harris a paranormal and haunted doll investigator and eventually sent the doll to her Jane and her team of Psychics began working with the doll running experiments or having paranormal sessions with it and began posting photos and videos of the doll online that is when she began to

    Receive comments from people who had seen the video and immediately after viewing began to have chest pain nausea and or crippling headaches so yes she can haunt you through a screen Jean has come to the conclusion that the doll is possessed by the spirit of a woman who

    Was born in 1946 who died of a chust related condition like asthma now Peggy’s picture alone is said to cause anxiety heart attacks and headaches now Peggy is treated with extreme respect in the museum she has her own room and a Spirit box which is linked up to the

    Room so guests can interact with her if they wish many guests have received very strange feedback through the Spirit Box including being called out by name and conscious replies to certain questions asked on her guided tours now looking up information about Peggy was absolutely terrifying and Peggy if I accidentally

    Looked into your eyes I am so sorry and coming in at number one is the Devil’s Chair edin line Warren helped exercise a possessed boy named David glatzel in the early 80s they did exorcisms on David and Lorraine said that David levitated ceased breathing for a time and even

    Demonstrated the supernatural ability of precognition during his exorcisms there was also a rocking chair in the room that would allegedly rock on its own levitate and even vanish and reappear David and line also claimed to have seen the devil sitting in it now Zach purchased the chair to be on display in

    His Museum but he had been forced to shut down his haunted rocking chair exhibit why well Zach and his friend noticed the door to the chair’s room slowly creaked open all by itself Zach also says a light focused on the chair went out when a power cord was

    Mysteriously yanked out of the wall 2 hours later he said a woman collapsed began balling and asked what is happening to me shortly thereafter she fell unconscious according to Zach who adds that the woman was upstairs directly above the rocking chair exhibit later Zach said five of his tour guides

    Throughout the museum started crying uncontrollably after just a few tours on opening night the stress was too much for Zach and it forced him to shut it down alt together for the night for now Zach says the haunted rocking chair exhibit is closed until further notice

    But in the middle of 2022 YouTubers Sam and Colby who are paranormal investigators that I love by the way were given special permission to not only see or touch the chair but to sit on it the results were insane and let me just say they are braver than me because

    Wow number 10 memorial memorial is the name of this painting by Benton spru made in 1951 now just looking at it makes me feel like it’s haunted I don’t need any backstory here the painting is of head skulls and creepy mask on what appears to be a stake in the ground and

    There’s a cross in the background it’s just unsettling and one of those faces has black eyes and only two teeth and I do not like it benon was known for making creepy work so it’s not shocking that he came up with this a number of guests and staff believe that this

    Painting is haunted and I believe them looking at the painting gives people an uneasy feeling and apparently there was a cold spot on the painting which was strange because it was never near a vent or window that could cause a breeze the painting was a gift from John B Turner

    And I suspect that he knew it was haunted and wanted to get rid of it number nine Scarab rumor has it that the Smithsonian is home to many ancient Egypt treasures and artifacts now now were they stolen that’s a completely different story but it’s said that these

    Items are cursed with all those movies about Egyptian curses this really doesn’t surprise me they have a Scarab believed to be from King Tutt if you don’t know what a Scarab was like me they were popular amulets and impression seals in ancient Egypt there are many of them and through their inscriptions and

    Typology they are an important source of information for archaeologists and historians of the ancient world now it said that bad luck will follow anyone who touches King tutt’s body or anything in his tomb and since this belonged to him I’d say watch out in 1922 when King tutt’s tomb itself was Unearthed after

    More than 3,000 years of uninterrupted rest some believe the Pharaoh Unleashed a powerful curse of death and destruction upon all who Dar to disturb his eternal Slumber so since this Scarab belonged to him it’s believed to actually be cursed from King Tut himself so I’d stay away number eight mummified

    Cat head yep you heard that right a mummified cat head only the head though we don’t know where the rest of the body is it’s a cat from 332 to 30 BC it’s wrapped in linen and the ears are elaborately painted and modeled on the

    Face of this cat mummy to give it the look of a real cat the head contains a cat skull and it was originally part of a complete Cat mummy many were workers have claimed to have seen a cat operation move around this display it’s also seen around the halls and other

    Exhibits as well now it’s probably just trying to find the rest of its body and doesn’t mean any harm but I feel like having a ghost cat though would be fun number seven the Weeping Woman the Weeping Woman AKA Laona is a legend that has a wide variety of details and

    Versions in a typical version of The Legend a beautiful woman named Maria marries a rich man to whom she Bears two children with one day Maria sees her husband with another woman and in a fit a blind wage she drowns their offspring in a river which she immediately regrets

    Unable to save them and consumed by guilt she drowns herself as well but is unable to enter the afterlife forced to be in purgatory and roam this Earth until she finds her Offspring The Legend of Lerona is deeply rooted in Mexican popular culture it’s said that if you

    Hear her cries being distant it means she’s close and if they seem close that she’s far she usually has a loud cry kind of like a coyote or owl now the Smithsonian has this terrifying Weeping Woman doll which currently isn’t on display anymore and you know I wonder

    Why apparently it was freaking out too many guests out and just by looking at it I can see why it’s also been reported that staff have heard sounds of weeping coming from the doll at night some people believe that the Weeping Lady is trapped in that doll and all I got to

    Say is that doll is in the wrong Museum it needs to go join Annabelle and other cursed objects in Ed and Lorraine Warren’s Museum number six the creeping doll the creeping doll which is a creepy doll is a prototype for a doll that could crawl on its own it was invented

    In 1871 by George P Clark the goal of the doll was to make it crawl exactly like human babies do the dolls arm legs and heads were all made of plaster and were painted they were then attached to a brass Clockwork body and moved along with the gears to be honest it looks

    Like that creepy robotic baby like the one in Toy Story Sid has does anyone else see the resemblance now with this just being creepy already it gets even creepier staff have seen this doll creep forward on its own and others have heard the sounds of children laughing and

    Crying near it although I think what’s truly haunting about this is how many times I’ve said the word creepy number five Mary Todd Lincoln’s dress Mary Todd Lincoln served as the first lady of the United States from 1861 until the death of her husband President Abraham Lincoln in

    1865 Mary Todd married Abraham Lincoln on November 4th 1842 at her sister Elizabeth’s home in Springfield Illinois she absolutely loved her husband and was completely distraught when he passed away she was in morning for a long time and stayed in widow’s clothes up until her own death due to this she never wore

    Any of her other dresses she had a beautiful purple dress lined with lace and she gave this dress plus others to her family members the purple dress was given to her cousin Elizabeth Todd Grimsley in 1916 Elizabeth’s son sold the dress to the Smithsonian where it is

    Today it was to be a part of the first lady’s collection now it’s said though that this isn’t any ordinary dress oh no it is said that the dress is haunted by Mary Todd herself people have heard weeping when they have been near this dress which is just sad there have also

    Been times where people have claimed to see Mary Todd’s Apparition standing beside the dress she means no harm I guess she’s just there to mourn but that would be a sad and creepy sight number two Abraham Lincoln’s hat yes the Smithsonian has acquired one of honest

    Abes hats but just not any hat the one he died in so of course if you have item of clothing that someone died in I’m sure it’s going to be haunted the last time he put on this hat was to go to Ford’s Theater in April 1865 after he dyed his hat and

    Everything from Ford’s Theater was preserved in 1867 it made its way to the Smithsonian and it was originally put in the basement and not on display because they thought there was too much excitement at the time and kept it quiet the Smithsonian didn’t even reveal that they had the Hat until

    1893 it’s now one of the the smithsonian’s most treasured objects and obviously it’s haunted by Abe himself a number of people have seen his operation around the museum and does that mean that him and Mary haunt the Smithsonian together cuz that’s a couple goals and coming in at number one is the founder

    Now this isn’t any type of art or artifact but it’s said that James Smithson the founding donor of the Smithsonian Institute has been spotted wandering the organization’s castles home to its administrative and information headquarters on numerous occasions this starts to make a lot of sense when you learn that James’s

    Remains have been kept at the Museum since 1904 James frequent appearances were supposedly causing such a Ruckus that in 1973 his remains were briefly dug up for investigation his skeleton was in fact still safely in the cofton though but there’s nothing to say of his Spirit

    Other motiv for him being dug up might have been to search for documents rumored to been buried with him but I want to think it’s because they actually wanted to make sure that he was dead he’s not the only ghostly worker found wandering around though as it said that

    Other former employees apparitions have been spotted too which is scary number 10 curse Maui Warrior masks Maes are indigenous people of New Zealand and according to Maui tradition the Warriors carve and paint masks before a battle and it said if they die their Spirits live on within the mask the warrior mask

    Is an important part of their Tradition now mariad tradition dictates that a minrating woman is tapoo or taboo and so are the masks so if both of them come into contact with each other it would invoke a curse also pregnant women are considered sacred so a Maui Museum in

    Wellington New Zealand tells pregnant and menstrating women to stay away from several sacred Maui artifacts including traditional Maui Warrior masks as they could invoke a curse if this could happen why would they even show it off this would stress me out if I went or even worked in this Museum number nine

    Thomas Busby’s chair popularly known as Busby’s stoop chair this wooden chair is cursed by the spirit of Thomas Busby who by the way was known to end the lives of many people in 1702 before being put to death for his crimes he requested to have a meal in his favorite local pub

    Upon finishing his meal he stood and said my sudden death come to anyone who dare sits on my chair and ever since then 63 people who dared to sit on the chair met untimely and terrifying deaths World War II pilots who took turns in the chair perished during battle a

    Delivery man died in a car crash right after trying the chair out in the 1970s and so on in 1978 the Pub’s landlord gave the chair to the thk museum along with strict instructions for it to be suspended above the floor and it has been hanging there ever since number six

    C first mirror at Myrtles Plantation a historic home and former Plantation the Myrtles Plantation in St Francisville Louisiana is considered one of America’s most haunted places the plantation house is rumored to be on top of an ancient tuna Indian burial ground which is just like duh of course it’s haunted it is

    Home of at least 12 ghosts and it’s often reported that 10 people have their lives ended in the house there are many creepy Legends surrounding this property and the tale of the Cursed Mirror is one of the most famous according to Legend the former owner of the house Sarah

    Woodruff and her two daughters were poisoned by their slave and are trapped inside the mirror visitors of the house report seeing handprints strange marks and even figures dressed in old-fashioned clothes lurking in the mirror I feel like being trapped inside a mirror would suck number five screaming skull of Burton Agnes Hall an

    Elizabethan Manor House in the village of Burton Agnes England is home to a paranormal object known known as the screaming skull okay just the name of the screaming skull terrifies me because like how well the skull belonged to Catherine an Griffith who died in the house in 1620 after being attacked by

    Bullies every night a terrifying ghost is seen roaming around the skull making tremendous noises and scaring out everyone who tried to remove the skull now why does Ann do this well she was somewhat of a troubled girl and she told her sisters that she would never rest

    Unless part of her could remain in our beautiful home as long as it shall last She Made Them promise that when she was dead her head would be served and preserved in the hall forever and the sisters hesitantly agreed but when Anne died she was buried in the churchyard

    Then the ghost would come to the house at night and scare everyone but remembering an’s dying words the sisters took counsel with the vicar and eventually agreed that the grave should be opened this SK was brought into the house and so long as it was undisturbed the hall was peaceful and untroubled

    Many attempts have been made to get rid of it but they never could and it should honestly just stay there forever number four Annabelle doll okay it’s not a haunted list without a haunted doll now is it the Annabelle doll is probably one of the best known haunted dolls in

    History bought in an antique shop in 1970 a woman gave a raggedy andall to her daughter Donna who was in nursing school let me just say I had my own raggedy andall growing up and it always gave me the chills now Donna and her roommate Angie kept coming home to find

    The doll in different positions and different locations then the doll began leaving them notes reading help a psychic told them the girl was possessed by the spirit of a girl named Annabelle who had died at the location where their apartment complex had been built but the girl’s friend Lou thought there was

    Something more Sinister about Annabelle and she levitated up his body and strangled him until he passed out the next night the roommates heard what sounded like someone in the Next Room BL investigated and he was found screaming scaming with two massive claw marks on his chest although no one else was in

    The room except Annabelle the girls called Ed and Lorraine Warren who decided the doll was actually a conduit to hell that a demon was using two exorcisms didn’t work and the warrants took Annabelle home upon ring home ed and line placed the doll in Ed’s study and the doll levitated and around the

    House even when placed in a locked office in an outer building the warrs claimed that she would turn up later inside the house finally the warrs decided to lock Annabelle up for good the warrants had a specifically made glass and wood case constructed upon which they inscribed The Lord’s Prayer

    And St Michael’s prayer for the rest of his life Ed would periodically say a binding prayer over the case ensuring that the Sinister Spirit and the doll remained good and trapped number 10 Pompei artifacts once a flourishing Roman city located near the Bay of Naples in Italy that was of course until

    79 ad that’s when Mount duus erupted and it buried the entire city and sadly at all of its inhabitants under layers of Ash and pmus now the eruption was so powerful that it wiped out not just life within the general vicinity but all life within a 16m radius yeah it makes you

    Think about Yellowstone National Park a bit doesn’t it like oh that’s that’s close Earth is scary I don’t know Pompei remained buried and forgotten for almost 1700 years that is until it was rediscovered in 1748 now today Pompei is an archaeological site that offers a glimpse into ancient Roman Life with of

    Course well well preserved ruins of homes public buildings streets artwork restaurants they even opened a recent restaurant there I don’t know it’s a fun time now and there’s a great amount of people who steal from this ancient Landmark yeah how to get cursed 101 here’s how you do it folks steal from

    Pompei why would you okay tourists would come and steal fragments of monuments literally pieces of the city they would just pocket it and then dip yeah I’ll just put this ballista ball on my fireplace that looks lovely for sure not cursed right 100 packages a year end up

    Getting sent back to the archaeological superintendent in Pompei most of them accompanied with a letter explaining the bad luck that occurred they’re like sorry we took this break my grandmother died that sucks I feel bad let’s move on number nine portrait of Bernardo de galz art is subjective but I never knew was

    Haunted my gosh here we go Bernardo dealz was a nobleman and military leader who played a significant role in the American Revolution widely regarded as a hero for his efforts to Aid the American colonies and their fight against British rule some believe that there is a curse attached to his portrait yeah haunted

    Portrait that’s terrifying according to Legend anybody who looks directly into the eyes of bernardo’s portrait will suffer a terrible terrible fate the curse was born during the Spanish American War when American soldiers looted gz’s home in Louisiana they took his portrait as a trophy again how to

    Get cursed 101 here’s how you do it since then several people who have come into possession of the portrait or stared deep into the the portraits eyes all have experienced Misfortune in some way or another one man inherited the portrait from his grandfather and then

    Hung it in his home not long after he lost his job and then his wife left him maybe he’s just bad taste in art I don’t know another tale involved a museum curator who displayed the painting and then soon after suffered a heart attack now even those who have seen photographs

    Of the portrait they claim to feel uneasy or experien strange occurrences I should have led with that whoops my bad number eight James Dean’s car James Dean’s love for fast cars was of course welln and sadly because one of them took his life one ultimately led to his

    Tragic death at the age of 24 and some are convinced that his cars were cursed all these vehicles are the reason for it Dean’s first vehicle was actually a Triumph Tiger it was a t110 motorcycle and it was involved in an accident that left him with a broken leg rough start

    It gets worse his next car a Porsche 550 spider is the one that he famously died in right after colliding head-on with another vehicle I don’t know if that one was cursed but but we should look into that maybe that’s already tragic that’s dark history right there but after

    Dean’s death the Porsche was sold off and then quickly became Infamous for causing more accidents and deaths one of its owners even reported seeing James Dean’s ghost sitting in the passenger seat shortly before crashing that’s so jarring I couldn’t imagine I’d be like ah ah ah I don’t even know where to

    Start with that that’s two bad things happening then the car disappeared from the public view in the late 1960s and has since been rumored to be hidden away by collectors who also believe it to be cursed yeah Fair keep that away locked up I don’t even care what that is I just

    Look directly into that light twice now three three times I got to stop ah another Porsche that he owned was destroyed when it caught fire while being transported on a trailer and a third Porsche that he had ordered well never even made it to him it was involved in an accident during transport

    That killed that driver whether you believe it curses or not there’s no denying that you know this car collection has some dark tragic history some sort of bad juju going on I don’t know that’s why I don’t have my G1 personally that’s why I don’t drive so I

    Don’t know number six the Bano vase also known as the vase O Death that’s a good one Legend has it that this vase was crafted in Italy during the 15th century and was once owned by a powerful Noble family it’s how it all starts right then the curse comes however there it is

    However tragedy struck when several members of the family died under mysterious circumstances now at that point curse confirmed right absolutely the curse of the Bano vas is said to cause anyone who possesses it to suffer from physical or mental afflictions sometimes both and sometimes even bringing death despite its reputation as

    A cursed object some are fascinated they want this vas or vase I’m not really sure yet but they want it in their home for some reason they want to crack the code they want to break the curse right a pharmacist an archaeologist both of these owners died shortly after

    Receiving the vase so I don’t know to believe anymore the Italian police apparently they buried it in a lead box somewhere out there so that’s great I mean it’s going to suck when we find it in 600 years but for now we’re okay number two Elmo this guy not so innocent

    This guy’s done some stuff I had like eight Elmos growing up I loved them none of them talked to me none of them knew my name thank God that’s a little personal the Sesame Street icon has been in homes for many many years there was a literal Stampede when Tickle Me Elmo was

    Released an employee was trampled people go nuts for these little red guys when the Elmo knows your name toy was launched by Fisher Price in 2005 that was gamechanging right this guy’s intimate now he’s learning things there were 15,000 names ready to go only one family was traumatized only one not bad

    The Elmo toy apparently spoke on its own threatening to harm the family in the Elmo voice which is half hilarious half terrifying so they tossed it out immediately but this happened more than once the audio sounded off for some of these devices be like Elmo sounded like

    Beat up Elmo the Elmo phone released in 2009 often said 456 but in some cases it sounded like who wants to have right six and sex they sound kind of similar I guess very different things we’re all learning with Elmo whether you like it or not we’re just learning some uh

    Intimate topics I like touching this today I’ve been doing this a lot this is cool feel like I’m at a museum I’m like hey what’s this you can be whatever you want it’s a green screen number one the great bed of wear all right we’ll get

    Nice and cozy for our last one here and then we’ll put it to rest we’ll put it to bed just not in this one that’s for sure the great bed of wear it’s massive it’s cozy it looks like a bed a king would certainly sleep in and rightfully so you know

    It’s yeah sure I wouldn’t I’m not a king but yeah go get itchy the great bed of wear was built for the royal family back in 1463 it was 12 ft by 12 ft plenty of space to cut your toenails and get all dirty like a Kingwood Jonas fosbrook was

    A carpenter from that time and they impressed the King which was King Edward IV at the time with his work so much so that the king gave him a pension for the rest of his life yeah you’re set there you go you’re laughing you’re rolling in it people would travel all across the

    Land to see this beautiful bed yeah what a fun family vacation yeah we’re not going to Disneyland we’re going another great bed of wear sorry I don’t know I got laid off all those who stayed in the bed did not have a good night’s rest no instead they woke up scratched and

    Bruised or they would wake up on the floor somehow they would roll out of a 12T bed right unless you’re lanky and 62 like me I don’t know how that’s possible it’s crazy today it can be found in the Victoria and Albert Museum would you stay the night in this old haunted dirty

    And probably bug infested uncomfortable bed sound off below I probably would I don’t know I would starfish the whole time be like yeah I can whatever and ghost nice rest and a show we’re good to go starting soft number 10 is the watch now this one genuinely freaked me out cuz

    Everything was just way too coincidental but let me know if you guys actually believe it or not so on the listing for this watch the seller said the watch was owned by a 24-year-old woman called Julie the watch was a gift from her dad and he gave it to her before he died

    Saying whenever she wears it he’ll always be looking over her and she used to basically wear her every single day no matter what she was doing doing like you know that kind of accessory you only really take off when you’re showering like that either way one night she left

    The watch on her nightstand while working and decided to go for a cheeky midnight jog either way one night she left the watch on her nightstand while working and decided to go for a jog but she never came back from her jog Julie ended up getting abducted and killed by

    A delusional person at around 11:29 p.m. and the watch has actually been stuck on that time since that night its batteries are fine it’s not broken it just doesn’t move its hands Julie’s friend took the watch to a medium who confirmed that Julie knows for a fact that if she had

    Been wearing the watch she would have been safe and so she just refuses to leave it now the seller shared that whenever they hold the watch there’s sometimes a really abrupt temperature drop and at one point they felt freezing in 80° weather and apparently this whole backstory didn’t really hold much appeal

    Since it was bought for a whopping $17.5 talk about cheap coming in at number nine is Joey yeah so this seller literally listed this little boy called Joey on eBay for $100 and I’m like talk about selfworth and the legality and the humaness of that now I’m kidding Joey

    Isn’t a little boy it’s actually just a vintage teddy bear plot twist the seller wrote that his grandma visited an antique store in San Diego as a teenager and bought this creepy teddy bear she took it home named it Joey and then very quickly started having really horrific

    Nightmares she’d go to bed with Joey on her bed stand facing One Direction and when she woke up he’d be facing a completely different direction and last time I checked inanimate Bears can’t move on their own how does that work other instances she’d leave the room and

    Come back and the bear would have one of his arms in the air and despite how freaky it was she never told her parents about it because she didn’t want them to throw Joey away which honestly you know like fair enough you start getting attached to creepy cursed Bears over

    Time it happens can’t help it either way time passed and on the Grandma’s 90th birthday she told the seller to take some of her things in cluding Joey he put the Bear in his room and soon after started having really bad nightmares we’re getting a sense of deja vu here

    And he started feeling this constant sensation of being watched all the time his body parts would move randomly and at a certain point the seller’s kids started crying and begging him to get rid of the bear he decided to store him in their garage and then items in the

    Garage would start falling from their shelves and moving out of place and for all those reasons the seller refused to have this curse bear in his house and he lost and listed it on eBay where it was bought for a whopping $180 at number eight we have Eve Now Eve

    Is listed on eBay by Las Vegas base seller Angel Fire lights for $1,666 I love how they could have easily just kept the price at 666 which would have been a lot more creepy but they were like you know nah I want the extra Grand either way Eve is a cursed doll

    Who said to have a murderous spirit inside of her the doll itself is extremely pale she has tied up red hair and is wearing a very fancy grayish white dress and she sort of looks old timey like she’s from the early 1900s I could be overthinking but she really

    Does look like that anyway The Story Goes that human Eve’s lover gave her this doll but then she went on to murder her lover and sister after they ended up falling in love with each other she then took her own life and her spirit was doomed to curse this doll

    Forever scorned women you guys you can’t mess with us honestly the Cella said she can hear broken heart Ed cries during the night and that Eve causes the worst migraines I don’t know why you’d include that since that’s just not a great selling point but sure like no one’s

    Going to pay nearly two grand for a migraine I certainly won’t coming in at number five is the photo listed by the Asylum attic the historic darger type is apparently cursed by a Victorian man named Martin and if you don’t know what that is it’s basically the first type of

    Photographic process that was invented so just imagine black and white old creepy men photograph looking like they have something stuck up their and that’s exactly what it is the seller said they randomly found it hidden in the Attic of their house and kind of entertained by

    It would bring it out for their guests to look at the more they did that the more guests started noticing certain smells that would appear along with the photo the smell of roses the scent of cigar smoke even the musty smell of smoke from a fire The Cellar became so

    Curious about the photo that they bought a Ouija board and spoke to the spirit inside they claimed Martin was quite talkative and playful but would suddenly become closed off at times sounds a bit Moody to me either way the seller liked Martin so much they moved the painting

    From the attic and hung it in their living room after that items in the house literally started disappearing and not just moving around which was happening too no no just straight up disappearing they’d hear Footsteps in the living room when they were trying to sleep and these things just started

    Happening more and more that they ended up wanting to sell it and there we have it out you go Martin you play too much at number four is the juice container this one is probably the cutest thing on the list it’s like a little deer carrying a moonshine bottle but it’s

    Obviously not for moonshine it’s for juice or water and there are a bunch of little cups attached at the bottom all around very cute anyway the item was listed by griffy 911 Andy and they described it as a donkey juice container when like it is not a donkey from any

    Angle it’s so clearly a deer the thing looks like exactly like Bambi either way the listing said it randomly fills up with water the seller inherited it years ago from their grandma and it’s been showing him weird sh all his life now originally he just assumed his grandma

    Would fill it with water every day but after she died he realized it was still happening and no one else was doing it he’s always been skeptical of The Jug I mean he doesn’t find the occurrence scary or anything he just doesn’t get how it happens or why it happens he has

    A strong feeling that jug had a big backstory involving it being cursed since his grandma was really into the occult but she never trusted him enough to actually tell him the story either way if that’s cursed that’s a very good curse to be like free water for Life

    Unless it’s from the baths of hell then then it’s not so good filling on three slot are the gentleman’s shoes so doors are up there and SE a shoes apparently so the seller said he found these black leather shoes at a local thrift store and when he got home he realized the

    Shoes had been engraved with the previous owner’s name c ious the seller decided to search up the name and found the man’s obituary the more he read the more he found out and he realized the man had been reported missing and his murdered body was found a month later

    Now here’s where it gets weird not that that wasn’t weird cuz it was as soon as he finished reading the article his computer randomly shut itself off weird but he brushed it off but then that night he had a massive crash in his kitchen and found one of his blackboards

    Just on the floor thinking it was a freak accident he just went back to bed the next day he woke up and his son told him the electricity in his room had gone out for 30 minutes even though the rest of the house was completely fine he even

    Had two Blessed Mother statues and they were facing different directions even though no one had moved them he opened his fridge one day and five things fell out even though they were always pushed to the back and never at the edge so after all that he was like these shoes

    Are going cuz my life was completely fine before I bought them so he ended up listing them on eBay and they were sold for $125 these are the second cured shoes on the list now ain’t nobody got time for debt and finally at number one is the

    Jewelry box it looks like the most antique jewelry box ever like honestly who needs a jewelry box that big it’s genuinely massive I could put clothes in there if I tried mine’s like three dainty glass boxes but anyway that’s relevant the seller claims the Box used

    To be owned by a lovely young woman who ended up dying in a horrible plane crash after she died her mom kept the box and started hearing bizarre noises coming from what used to be her bedroom the days went by she kept hearing it and finally bringing herself to enter her

    Daughter’s room again she went in to see a full body Apparition of her daughter screaming in the middle of the room now she couldn’t hear anything the daughter was saying but the hum she’d been hearing for the past few days the current cell used EVPs to see what was

    Ready up and they reported hearing the words take me home and hello when they used an M the Box triggered even higher ratings so the box is most definitely cursed by the girl soul and I hope whoever buys it knows it’s like a buy one get one full screaming ghost girl

    For free package deal it should say that somewhere like a little you know like in fine print starting off this countdown we have the used false teeth Lord I don’t know why anyone would list this let alone buy it but I searched eBay and apparently there’s a hot market for

    False teeth specifically use used false teeth anyway this item was listed and sold for £25 take a look why would anyone want those are they a collector’s item or something not only that but the teeth were listed as well used and in need of a clean no sorry that’s where I draw the

    Line coming in at number nine we have William Shatner’s kidney stone you heard me correctly if you guys are liking this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up because it really helps us out in 2006 William Shatner passed a kidney stone and put it up for sale on eBay

    Okay like I get that he’s a celebrity and all but who wants a kidney stone not me even if it was from Harry Styles or someone else no thank you anyways the stone ended up selling at $115,000 I just wonder where the stone is now moving on to number eight we have

    The possessed bartender doll according to this next eBay seller this doll is possessed and would often move on its own even when it’s got no batteries in it apparently she received this doll along with a number of other haunted items from a friend the friend had a

    Relative that passed away and she was a witch that practice dark magic in the description of the item she wrote honestly it just gives me the creeps and I don’t like the energy it gives off yeah that thing looks creepy AF but it’s sold for $90 so someone’s got a

    Possessed doll on their hands in our seventh spot we have the haunted zombie doll so I don’t know why anyone would want to buy GRE real haunted or cursed items on Ebay like do they have a death wish or something anyways this woman decided to buy a doll on eBay titled the

    Haunted zombie doll it was labeled as a very active doll the seller said it’s as if she’s almost alive it also came with specific care instructions it was to be locked away in a silver viewing box but this girl ignored all that she intended on having it as a Decor piece not

    Judging but I’d say just stick to Ikea Decor so she did what she was not supposed to and took the doll out of the box and what do you know the doll repeatedly attacked her which left her with cuts and bruises on her legs one night she heard tapping noises

    Downstairs and when she went to explore she found the doll on the ground this continued constantly then one night she was sitting on her porch and felt a stinging sensation on her leg she looked down and she had three claw marks on her ankle not from a raccoon every night she would

    Wake up with a new scratch or mark on her body she then locked the doll back in the box and put it in her basement but that didn’t stop it the doll would haunt her in her dreams and sometimes she could hear like an evil laugh and

    Giggle coming from the basement now she eventually resold the dog on eBay but the haunting didn’t stop until she got herself and her home cleansed in our sixth spot we have the diic box yes this next eBay seller sold a diic box basically it’s a box that contains a

    Malicious spirit that can and will possess you so you really don’t want to be messing around with these types of things the box was listed with the warning demonic entity attachment do not open I don’t know how eBay lets people sell cursed items like hello that’s a

    Lawsuit waiting to happen we are now at our fifth and halfway mark with the haunted cane in 2004 a 6-year-old boy was convinced that his grandfather’s ghost was Haunting him so his mom decided to sell the grandfather’s cane on eBay to try and get rid of the ghost

    She thought maybe he would go where the cane went so she listed the cane on eBay and explained her situation best business move of her life the cane sold for $65,000 seriously I’m about to go to the thrift store and pick up a bunch of weird items and claim that they’re

    Haunted cuz damn I need that kind of money in our third spot we have the mummified tongue yeah yes this person sold a mummified tongue in fact eBay took it down once because they thought it was a real human tongue but then the seller reposted it and clarified that it

    Was a nonhuman Taxidermy specimen but still they didn’t say what animal or thing it belonged to anyways the listing read as so interesting mummified Dorset tongue in a simple white matted and red textured background shadow box the tongue is very detailed with taste buds visible specimen is correctly preserved

    Deserved and will last indefinitely sure to be a great conversation piece great for your collection first off the whole taste buds visible part TMI I just I didn’t even to know that and sure yeah great conversation piece if you own a museum not for hanging in your home but

    It sold for $51 so clearly someone liked it in our second spot we have the ghost in a jar so if you wanted to you could buy a ghost sounds crazy but it’s true so according to this seller back in the early 1980s while out metal detecting he

    Came across an old abandoned Cemetery while searching around his metal detector started going crazy so he took his shovel and started digging that’s when he came across a rotten wooden box when he opened it he found two jars the jars had weird writing and symbols on it

    While trying to get the jars out he dropped one of them and it broke that’s when a black mist seeped out of it after doing research he found out that he probably let out someone’s spirit or a ghost the other jar he put up for sale and you won’t believe how much someone

    Bought it for $50,000 that’s insane for all we know it could just be a bottle of dirt and not even a real ghost so and in our number one spot we have Jeffrey dmer jacket okay this one is absolutely crazy but this one eBay seller claimed that he

    Owned a jacket that once belonged to serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey dmer according to the seller he was in the same class as dmer at Riv high in bath Ohio in senior year the seller was doing a comedy act and needed an army jacket for the sketch they didn’t have one so

    Jeffrey loaned him one from his car after the show he said for him to keep it some even remember Jeffrey wearing that exact jacket okay are we sure that that was one of jeffy’s jackets or was it one of his victims who knows but the jacket ended up selling for for

    $150 number 10 Han Solo no Han Solo did not get possessed he was the thing doing the possessing one look at this Stormtrooper toy is already enough to make you feel like it’s cursed Han Solo’s lifeless eyes staring out into space are enough to put you on edge and

    As much as I thought Harrison Ford was a hottie in the movies I just can’t get past those eyes so take in its unsettling visual appearance and then the way it apparently haunts the people who own it the person selling it said that when they came into ownership of

    The toy they started experiencing strange and terrifying things that’s because there is apparently a spirit trapped inside the toy who perished in a house fire his soul coming to possess the Stormtrooper as a result anyone who owns the toy will be haunted by hallucinations of a house on fire and

    You apparently can’t escape it when you go to sleep either it will reportedly give you nightly Nightmares of the man who died screaming while the house around him is engulfed in flames number nine doorknobs asylums are often known as being incredibly haunted this comes from the fact that many people believe

    Ghosts and spirits come around from having a traumatic death or having unfinished business on Earth with the history of Mental Health Care practices as scary and unethical as it is it’s no wonder that these sort of places are busy with spiritual activity especially after they’ve been shut down and

    Abandoned this seller on eBay had two door knobs that he claimed to have taken from an abandoned Asylum that apparently had many reports of strange noises and other Paranormal Activity taking place these aren’t just nice antique knobs but instead hold the trauma of angry ghosts who will want to make your home as

    Terrifying and haunted as the Asylum they came from the person who owned them said that doors in their home would often open without cause and they could hear people’s voices when nobody else was there number eight teddy bear well some haunted items May definitely look the part being torn up withered and

    Maybe having that soulless look in their eyes there are some possessed artifacts that actually look pretty unassuming for one this adorable little teddy bear that I found his name is Joshua and he’s pretty cute but he also apparently sets off EMF readers and is possessed by an angry Restless Spirit the people selling

    It found him at an estate sale and apparently when they held the teddy bear they immediately started to feel upset overwhelmed and anxious they used a Spirit Box to try and communicate with whoever was possessing the doll and it responded that he felt alone apparently being an old man who had recently passed

    Away and has been unable to come to terms with the fact that they’re dead because of this they are apparently trying to latch on to someone to continue their life and not need to accept that they’re dead number seven haunted bra let’s follow that up with something a little bit weirder not a

    Haunted teddy bear but instead a haunted bra while possession is a big scary word it may not always have to be a bad thing as this item claims the person selling this size 32A bra says that it is haunted by woman who lived a life of many romantic adventures and wild

    Partying when she died she somehow attached her spirit to the bra if you wear the bra you will find yourself having the same romantic success that she did in her life it’s also said that if you light a candle by the bra the woman’s spirit will appear and if the

    Candle is red the woman will possess you and you will have a quote erotic encounter with the spiritual world I’m not quite sure exactly what that would be and what it would include but I’m about to place an Amazon order for a bulk pack of red candles for a totally

    Unrelated reason number two haunted statue next up we have another artistic piece that is apparently haunted by the Restless and angry Spirit of its deceased Creator the sell said that this piece was created by a man named William who worked construction and would spend his spare time making statues out of

    Clay this specific statue which is pretty creepy on its own by the way was made the same day that William passed away in a freak accident on the construction site when a coworker later return to the site they saw that the statue was still there so he decided to

    Pick it up and take it home with him as soon as he got home strange things started happening doors would slam with no explanation lights would turn on and off decorations near the statue would be shattered and destroyed and sometimes the statue would turn around and face different directions he said he also

    Felt unwell mentally and would sometimes see a strange Shadow next to the Statue deciding he needed to be rid of it and putting it on eBay related anecdote from my childhood when I was a kid I had a 2×4 piece of wood that I painted a face

    On and I named it Steve and he was absolutely terrifying so me and my siblings would hide him around the house like in cupboards and under pillows in order to freak each other out I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but I was a pretty weird kid number one

    Haunted dolls finally we get to talk about the haunted dolls that will apparently try to ruin your life and possess you in researching this video I went down a rabbit hole and learned that there is an entire Market on eBay dedicated to selling dolls that have apparently become the home of various

    Different Spirits they are listed with what kind of spirit is inhabiting them whether it be a happy one an angry one or even one with motherly intentions the descriptions usually tell stories of where they found the doll how the spirit died and what things will happen to

    People who own it they are also sometimes stated to be beginner friendly or not beginner friendly I guess basing that on how much experience you have with with dolls with ghosts inside of them there are just so many of these strange and insane stories that range from terrifying to hilarious that I am

    Actually going to be making a full top 10 video of just haunted eBay dolls so if you’re interested in that keep your eye out over the next week archaeologists have really cool job but also quite a daunting one with all the time human beings have been on this

    Earth most of those years being violent and tumultuous there are a good number of objects that have a pretty dark history behind them so uh let’s talk about him we’re going to start off the list with mummy Juanita if there’s anything in the world that is likely

    Cursed it’s got to be mummies and I don’t even care if curses are real mummies they’re creepy as hell anyway so it doesn’t really matter so back in 1995 on a casual day of mommy hunting as one does anthropologist Johan Reinhardt and his gang stumbled upon something pretty

    Mind-blowing on Mount empat in the Andy mountains of Peru enter mommy wiita also known as the ice maiden or lady of vato Anita was a teenage Inca girl making her way to about 14 years old before meeting her unfortunate end the crazy part was that this discovery was accidental

    Reinhard and his crew were on a mission to find another incam mummy when whoopsy Daisy they stumbled upon Wanita in a crevice at a whopping 20,600 ft above sea level quite the surprise she was wrapped up in layers of vibrant textiles lying there with all kinds of goodies around her ceramics

    Metals food even tiny statues all of these extra items she was adorned with made it pretty likely that she had been sacrificed likely to the gods next on the list is the screaming mummy yeah if you thought your regular old mummy was unsettling how about one who died in

    Pain and Terror with a face eternally stuck in a scream that is the screaming mummy also known as man e this mummy was discovered in 1886 by Gaston maspero the head of the Egyptian and service man e didn’t seem to go through your typical mummification ritual for one his

    Internal organs hadn’t been removed and his hands and feet were bound so that combined with his terrified expression meant it was pretty likely this guy had been buried alive which is absolutely horrifying that’s one of my worst fears at the very least though he’d been in

    Pain when he died so is this mommy cursed let’s just say I’d be far more surprised to discover that it wasn’t next we have a story about a disturbing music box this story was shared to Reddit by Majestic Park who talked about a music box her ex-boyfriend had that

    Was passed down to him from his grandmother after she passed away Majestic Park talked about how off the thing made them feel they couldn’t even play the thing and tried to stay away from it as much as possible it just had a bad Vibe about it they went on to

    Write the boyfriend moved out of the house and when he left I put all the things he left behind out in the store room including the music music box I had hell after that I had health problems both of my dogs got cancer and had to be

    Put down my car constantly broke down my mother took ill and died a mentally ill neighbor started stalking and harassing me and I was constantly at odds with my friends and co-workers plus I started having money problems finally I decided to move and get rid of all the old

    Boyfriend’s things I threw that effing music box in the back of my pickup with all the other stuff and hauled it to the dump I have no idea it had anything to do with getting rid of the music box my life started to even out and got better

    I was able to get a new car I got another boyfriend I bought a house and my troubles with my friends and co-workers started to subside the crazy neighbor was sent to a treatment hospital and a friend gave me a wonderful dog I had a good run of about

    10 years before anything else bad happened to me next on the list is the cursed spear point so another redditor talked about an artifact that may have been responsible for some bad stuff as soon as they found it user grock 23 wrote I found a spear point in a really

    Old medicine wheel here in Wyoming I took it and instantly got bad vibes a lot of creepy happened until I returned it don’t mess with Native sacred sites and that’s where the post ends so then someone else asked them uh what creepy stuff happened so grock 23 continued

    With on the way home my motorcycle’s tire blew up and threw me off and I almost stabbed myself on the Spearhead head obsidian so pretty sharp that night I kept hearing banging noises on my wall and had sleep paralysis where I saw some shadow figures the next day I apologized

    And placed it back in the medicine wheel which looked like this and he attached this image here yeah that that is actually a lot of stuff to happen in a very short span of time I’d be getting rid of that thing too we’re back to mummies again this time with what has

    Been dubbed the Scottish Frankenstein mummies so in 2001 archaeologists were doing a dig in a Bronze Age settlement in Scotland where they dug up a pair of 3,000-year-old skeletons one was male the other was female they’d fully decomposed at this point and were just skeletons but the team performed tests

    On the bones and discovered that they had been intentionally preserved initially this was pretty cool on its own because intentional mummification in Europe was rare but the creepy part comes next turned out that each of these skeletons were cobbled together like Frankenstein style Creations the male skeleton had

    Parts belonging to three different men a torso from one a skull and neck from another and a lower jaw from some other guy and the female actually had a male skull a female torso in the arm of somebody else until this day researchers don’t know why these bones were pieced

    Together like that next we have the knife handed skeleton all right I’m not actually sure if this next thing is cursed but it’s so damn cool I couldn’t help but throw it on the list I mean I I wouldn’t be surprised if it brought some bad luck what did folks in the medial

    Times do when they had a limb lobbed off in battle well most of them just died uh some of you may be shocked by this but folks back then didn’t have quite the same quality of medical care that we do now apparently people wouldn’t always die though after having their hand

    Attached from their arm with the help of a battle axe in the early ’90s Italian archaeologists dug up a male skeleton with a missing right forearm and to compensate he attached a knife to his forearm with some sort of medieval style prosthesis likely made of buckles and

    Straps you see the teeth on the right side of his mouth were super worn down meaning he was most likely tightening the prosthesis with his teeth you know kind of like going like that now of course people are sometimes born missing limbs but that was not the case here

    Researchers made a 3D model of his right arm with a CT scan and discovered that there had been severe blunt force trauma to to his forearm so this guy had his forearm removed survived the procedure in a time where Medical Care was a total joke and then attached a blade to his

    Arm to keep fighting another day someone needs to make a movie about this guy next on the list we have the cursed Stila this is an ancient artifact that comes in two parts so back in 1879 one half was in Syria but today it sits in the British museum the other half went

    On a different Adventure Landing at the botoms auction house in London now the British museum had a shot at reuniting these two long lost halves in 2014 but they decided against it and why was that well there were two reasons for one it

    Was a bit of a mystery as to how the L half up for grabs at the auction left Syria all we know is that it supposedly passed from father to son in the 60s cue the suspicious side ey and conspiracy theories about it being swiped from its home country and secondly there’s the

    Curse the inscription on the art fact when translated to English is a warning that reads whoever discards this image from the presence of Sal Manu puts it into another place whether he throws it into water or covers it with Earth or brings and places it into a taboo house

    Where it is inaccessible May the god Sal Manu the great Lord overthrow his sovereignty may his name and his seed disappear into the land may he live in a contingent together with the slave woman of his land so housing it in a British museum certainly counts as putting it

    Into another place so uh they opted not to purchase the second half perhaps partly in fear of angering Salman new even further the Terracotta Army in 1974 a group of farmers in China stumbled on something big while digging well they found this massive pit filled with thousands of life-sized Clay Soldiers

    Horses and chariots these clay soldiers were made over 2,000 years ago to guard the tomb of China’s first emperor the emperor wanted an army to follow him into the Afterlife so his followers made this incredible Army out of clay and each Soldier was unique with different faces hairstyles and even uniforms it’s

    Incredibly impressive to look at even just in pictures but back to the curs part some people claim that disturbing the emperor’s tomb which probably includes finding and digging up the Terracotta Army brings bad luck and the farmers who discovered it in 74 had a pretty tough time afterward first off

    Their Village got moved but because of all the fuss about the discovery and then a bunch of the farmers faced hardships like illness and financial troubles Now we move on to a Cursed Mirror known as the dark mirror it’s said that this scrying mirror which is now housed in the traveling Museum of

    Paranormal and ult shows disturbing Visions when you gaze into it the most common thing people see is their own corpse staring right back at them people have also reported seeing themselves rapidly aged some have seen their reflection move on its own like wink or smiling at them or sometimes people’s

    Reflection will just vanish altogether a Man donated the mirror to the museum after buying it at a Columbus area psychic fair as soon as he took the thing home he started experiencing some disturbing stuff I.E every time he looked at the mirror things just looked off almost like the mirror was Conjuring

    Up his deepest darkest fears and taunting him with them suffice to say he didn’t want the thing in his house anymore and we’re to start things off at number 10 with the satanic Idol this item was once housed at the Warren occult Museum and according to the

    Warren the idol is about as pleasant as it sounds now regardless of your opinion on these two paranormal investigators the tale behind this object is pretty entertaining so in Sandy Hook Connecticut in 1991 a hunter stumbles upon something a mysterious Idol just chilling in the middle of the woods

    Feeling off about the whole thing the hunter wisely decides to make a quick exit but as he’s walking away a cloaked figure an elderly man in Black robes shows up walking beside him the robed man doesn’t say a word doesn’t even glance in the Hunter’s Direction just a silent unsettling presence now fast

    Forward to paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine warn the hunter reaches out to them feeling the need for some Supernatural expertise Ed and Lorraine follow the hunter into the woods lone behold they confirm that the strange object is no ordinary artifact it’s an idle used in Satanic rituals so they

    Decide to bring it back to the occult Museum within just a couple days though things got even weirder Ed finds Lorraine curled up in a fetal position in their driveway she’s completely unresponsive and is baffling even to the doctors who tend to her Ed claimed it

    Was the work of the cloaked figure a supposed satanic high priest according to him this figure sent a warning message by unleashing some mysterious Force upon Lorraine and number nine is the mirror in this story posted to Reddit by user coffee in Jesus 1986 she tells of a mirror that seemed to bring

    Misfortune to her family wherever they went she writes we had a mirror I have no idea where we got it it was fine before we moved but when moving from our first apartment a friend who dropped it and cracked it ended up with prostate cancer we moved it with the crack still

    In it and hung it up everything went wrong I had a miscarriage my husband lost his job I got sick we decided to pack up and move yet again everything went wrong miscarriage lost three family members it was horrible final place we moved with it hung it up ended up being

    A cockroach motel and yet again everything went wrong it was like bad luck kept following us got rid of that blasted mirror and half our roach infested belongings no problems 6 years and counting I haven’t told anyone about that stupid mirror it was bad luck and nobody can convince me otherwise

    Interesting story as for the mirror having belonged to an evil person we don’t really know that as she didn’t know where they got the mirror but if you do believe in cursed objects certainly seems like this mirror falls under that category and cursed objects are rarely a sign of a friendly original

    Owner number eight the Codex gigas the Codex gigas also known as The Devil’s Bible is a gigantic manuscript believed to have been penned between 12:04 and 1230 currently housed in Sweden’s National Library since 1768 this ancient book is a hefty compilation of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as well

    As a trove of other Knowledge from its time but what makes it Infamous is its association with magic spells and a striking image of the devil leading to a widespread belief in a curse surrounding the book according to Legend the Kodak gegas was supposedly written by a monk

    Who found himself facing a death sentence after breaking his vows in a desperate attempt to save his life the purportedly struck a deal with the Devil the task the monk was to complete was seemingly impossible he had to transcribe all of human knowledge in a single night with the devil’s assistance

    The monk accomplished this Herculean feat but the cost his own soul of course the Demonic portrait featured in the Kodak gigas is said to be the devil’s signature or possibly a tribute to the devil drawn by the monk himself this book is believed to hold a curse to this

    Very day with stories circulating The Misfortune befalls those who possess or interact with it next up on the list we have the cursed phone number so this is a peculiar story linked to the Belgian phone number 359 888888888 this number was active for 10 years before being disconnected the

    Number passed through the hands of three successive owners and all of them met on timely deaths the initial owner got cancer and the subsequent two owners both died as a result of gun violence the streak of untimely deaths actually caused the Bulgarian mobile phone company to suspend the use of the phone

    Number and that part is much stranger to me than the coincidental deaths and at number six is the cursed car so either the car in the story was cursed by some malevolent Spirit who really wanted to harm whoever was driving it or the car just wanted to end it you be the judge

    After you hear the story Undead gorgeous posted the story to Reddit writing the following my mom had a red Camaro yes Christine jokes were made that was literally cursed someone crossed three lanes of traffic and hit her while she was driving she fixes it someone else driving the wrong way down a one-way

    Street hits her dead on she gets it fixed again her sister borrows it Parks it outside at 7-Eleven and garbage truck backs into it smashes the whole back end she gets it fixed again mind you this is the third time in 6 months driving at home from the shop someone runs a red

    Light and smashes into the side of it she gives up and sells it to a friend the friend takes it into a car wash the car wash malfunctions and the whole front end gets crushed SL partially impaled by a piece of Machinery friend wins a lawsuit and scraps the car ending

    The cycle at our number five spot is the doll of Shadows this is another supposedly cursed item that was housed at the Warren ult Museum unlike a lot of items said to be cursed that look kind of innocuous until you hear the story behind them this thing doesn’t do a

    Great job of hiding the fact that it’s evil the individual who put this thing together didn’t have much of a taste for the subtle seemed like they were really leaning into the whole evil thing and you know what I’m into it sure sometimes less as more but sometimes more is more

    The Story begins with two unsuspecting doll collectors who intrigued by this grotesque creation acquired it from a dealer at an eerily low cost little did they know they were inviting something malevolent into their lives on the first night both collectors woke up with inexplicable scratches on their bodies

    But that was just the beginning the real terror struck on the following night when they shared the exact same Nightmare and they’d awoken up to find even worse scratch marks on their bodies they turned to the renowned paranormal investigators Ed and ly and Warren for help they determined that the doll was a

    Conduit for something more Sinister the doll’s malevolence extended Beyond the realm of Dreams causing physical harm to those unfortunate enough to cross its path Ed Warren famously stated that the doll of Shadows had been known to stop people’s hearts while trapped in the nightmares conjured next up on the list

    We have the clown doll in 1966 a man in California stumbled upon a creepy clown doll at a collector’s sale The Collector practically forced it into the guy’s hands blabbering about needing to get rid of the thing supposedly belonged to a man who had taken the life of of his

    Own mother why someone would want to bring something like that into their house regardless of any paranormal beliefs uh is beyond me but I digress weird stuff started happening in the guy’s place the doll’s eyes seemed to track him and the air around it just fell off one night he could have sworn

    He heard faint laughter coming from his living room where the doll was displayed of course he was the only one home and stuff like this just kept happening he’d find things sitting in places he didn’t remember leaving and when he had friends over they describe having an eerie Vibe

    About the doll as well even his dog usually Fearless refused to go near the thing sleep became a luxury as he’d wake up hearing that same slight laughter from the living room was it just part of a nightmare was there actually something chuckling in his living room in the

    Middle of the night he didn’t want to wait to find out enough was enough and he chucked the thing out with the trash the very next morning and at number two we have the horrendously awful paintings by one of the most despicable monsters to ever waddle the face of the Earth

    John Wayne gasy if you don’t know who John Wayne gasy is uh you’re probably new to this Channel first off but if evil truly does exist I’ll just say this guy was a perfect example he was sentenced to death for his crimes in 1980 and while on death row he decided

    He’d take up a new hobby painting a number of his pieces can be found online but his most well-known work is his Pogo the clown painting which is a self-portrait of sorts when gasy wasn’t committing his disgusting acts he worked part-time as a clown I I know that there

    Are good hardworking decent clowns out there trying to eek out a living putting smiles on faces uh but the whole gasy thing really doesn’t help make clowns seem any less frightening and neither does this awful painting and we’re finishing off the list with a tale from

    Reddit once again I’m going to call the quilt the story was posted by Mom donger who wrote hijacking myo story since he doesn’t have a Reddit his mom bought an old quilt at a flea market it was a nice one handmade and dirt sheep she put it

    In the guest room which was pretty much the dog’s room at that time they loved to go in there to play nap Etc as soon as the quilt was put in there they stopped going in they would stand in the doorway and growl and bark something

    That’s very out of character for both of them things would also fly out the shelves you would put something up and then find it halfway across the room sometimes you could hear banging on the walls one night they had my eso’s grandmother over she have bad back so he

    Gave her his bed since it was a better mattress he slept in the guest room with the quilt the next morning he woke up completely covered in scratches his mother eventually had a dream where her grandmother appeared by her bedside and woke her up she told her get rid of the

    Quilt you need to get rid of it now next morning she woke up and threw it away stuff stopped flying off the walls dogs returned to normal never had a problem since though sometimes the antique Radio turns on by Itself oh


    1. Every time i see ms. Hassan the more i wish i had the opportunity to take her out on a date….. Maybe one day I could have a chance with her at marrying her…😍💔

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