Not much time left in London so we decided to see it on a bicycle. Come ride with me around Hyde Park and over to the Palaces. We also saw some of King Charles’ Royal Carriages, but not sure who was inside…

    Show not Tell

    My kid’s FORTNITE Creator Code is : DYFTLOL


    PenguinSix is an apolitical guy in a political town who likes to walk a lot. He has hiked over 17,000 miles (27,000kms) in the past six years and is still walking today. He is an American expat who spent the last decade in Hong Kong with his family and is now back in Washington DC, continuing his daily ritual of taking very long hikes around the city catching the sights and sounds of the city while live streaming to share with others. History, culture, life as an expat (with reverse culture shock), and the pitiful Chinese food in Washington DC are regular topics of discussion. Feel free to follow him on other social media accounts such as:

    2024 Camera Gear

    Camera 1: DJI Osmo Pocket 3 — (used when walking and biking)
    Camera 2: iPhone 14 Pro (used when stopping quickly and filming something)
    iPhone SSD Drive:
    Camera 3: Sony A7IV — (used for long-distance shots and still photography)
    Big Lens: Sony 100-400mm —
    Camera 4: iPhone 14 Pro (backup camera)
    Camera 5 360 Camera: Insta360x3 — (360 VR camera)

    Shoes: ASCIS Gel Kayano 29

    Tracker: Fitbit Charge 4

    Winter Jackets:
    Rothco US Army M-65 Field Jacket.
    Barbour Sapper Jacket:

    Miles I walk per day:
    Stay at home day: 3-4 miles
    Normal day: 4-7 miles
    Good hike day: 7-10 miles
    Best day: 25 miles

    Twitter @penguinsix
    Instagram @penguinsix
    Facebook – PenguinSix
    Twitch – @ThePenguinsix

    Hey guys greetings from London one last time yeah we’re on our way to the airport shortly but we decided we would rent a bicycle and we’re going to go for a bike ride around Hyde Park yeah I’m going to show you around hide Park uh right now we’re up by Marble Arch which

    Is the north northeast corner of Hyde Park and I think this is Park Lane this is where all the fancy car dealers are there’s like a big guy dealer McLaren over there some like vintage Porsches and Ferraris um yeah there’s a bunch of Po the Aston Martin bunch of Posh car

    Dealers bunch of nice hotels here at Park Lan there’s a bunch of phone booths yeah and the phones are still in there I thought they were all fake that Memorial there you see those horses over there that’s a memorial to all the animals who died in wars all right not just the

    Horses in World War I but dogs and all the other pets that died animals that died in service of their country how you doing mate you all right it’s on your left hand twisting that thing twist twist to your left hand there you go that’s the Bell why it C

    It’s cold because it’s uh no sun yeah it’s England right what know where the Bell was and wanted to know why it’s cold all right now we got to deal with tourists in the bike path all right ooo it is windy zip up the coat a little bit so

    Muffled a little cuz it’s so cold it was not this cold when we went out to breakfast we had a big big British breakfast full English and now we’re out biking It Off High Park is huge it goes way down there we walked through here yesterday a

    Little bit when I took you over to the Victoria and Albert Museum and uh Royal Albert Hall playing with their Dog this uh whole speed bump thing for bicycles is pretty annoying oh there’s some little one those coris how very Royal not corgis Scotties or something I think that’s the Hilton or the H highed or the am I it’s some big Posh Hotel American brand all right we’re coming up to

    Wellington Arch which is the southeast corner of hide Park this is hide Park corner is what it’s called it’s a big traffic Circle if you want to go down to padil or you want to go out to the West End or uh the West like to the West like

    Kenington kns Bridge or if you want to go the South down to Victoria they come through this big traffic circle needless to say it’s a big of a traffic mess most days now over there you see that white building on the other side that’s a lboro that was uh formerly a children’s

    Hospital and then these guys bought it and said hey we’re going to convert this into an ultra Posh Hotel in fact Michael Jackson stayed there so they spent Millions tens of I don’t know hundreds of millions of dollars converting that place into a hotel and then the Duke of

    Wellington’s office was like oh by the way there was a small clause in the lease to the land that says should this property ever cease being used as a children’s hospital it could be reclaimed by the Duke of Wellington for 50 lb and he did yeah it was one of the

    Biggest legal malpractice suits in history the lawyers they were disbarred and they’ve been uh driven out of the law people lost hundreds of millions of dollars on that one that was crazy woo it’s windy all right let’s go down by the barracks see if this kid can catch up with us nice

    Tres it’s pretty GLS is the Boost is awesome yeah this is his first time on an electric bike he’s like whoa yeah you can really crank but there’s a governor it gets up to like 20 M hour and then you like it won’t let you go any

    Faster the gear the gearing is internal to it it just does it’s it’s automatic this is like an automatic shift depending on your speed yep I was the police oh this guy’s stopping guys are crossing we had a green light there yeah we did that’s by the way is the French

    Embassy right over there pretty Posh Place yes the more Wind Blows we’re just going to go up here to the uh the Armory here not the Armory the barracks the The Stables because the horse guard their base is right up here and their horses out and about in fact that brown stuff you see on my right the

    Dirt that is the horse track more fast more cold yeah you have to like you have have to reach a happy medium yeah it’s a pretty wild statue uh up here you can see the horse trucks let’s see if I see any horses now I was right along this road

    That about 4 40 years ago the IRA planted a car bomb and killed I don’t know what was a dozen horses 18 horses and several soldiers and one of the worst terrorist attacks of the war the troubles but this is the horse guard’s parade on the on the left this is the

    Horse guard stable yeah right here all this and this is where the bomb was blown up by the IRA that killed all those horses and soldiers that’s the guy the household coverly mounted regiment and I suspect the horses themselves are down here where these fans are blowing don’t see any horses

    Yet I think they go out for they go out for a workout in the morning if you know how to ride a horse and are a cute American female uh you can come out here and pretty easily help them out they’re quite shatty and always willing for

    Another Rider to help them uh keep the horses exercised boy that was AER that was a proper gust what do you think we uh cut back up over There maybe we should just go a little slower yeah what we just go a little slower yeah slower so we don’t freeze to death yeah but they got proper coats on Mate my son watches too many UK YouTubers he’s been saying brv he’s definitely going to pick up a bit of an accent if he goes to school here all Righty that guy’s booking now over on my left you see the row of white tow houses yeah those are a lot of embassies and one of those was the Iranian Embassy and I think it was 1979 1980 a group of dissident maybe was 81 a group of dissidents took control of

    The embassy shot some P pool held them hostages and then all of a sudden these men in black came off the roof kicking in the windows and taking out all the terrorists and that was pretty much the first time the British public learned of the SAS the Special Air Service taking

    Out the Iranian Embassy it was just one of those houses right over there on my left not exactly sure which one fun stuff all right this say keep going in the park for those who ever been to England they do put like look right look

    Left uh straight I guess uh so you don’t because they have so many European tourists and American tourists yeah actually you know what we can just go down that way can we sorry let’s go down this way we’re going to cut across the park because I showed

    You that yesterday that was the Albert Memorial I think I lost my kid there he is he’s back there some of these people are like being healthy and stuff not just having fun used to be this video game where you could drive through London and the hyper accurate street maps that you were

    Getting chased by the cops and I remember you could always come into hide park in that video game and just get totally lost on the sidewalks and such it’s quite mental you know what let’s go off on the sidewalk here Conor let’s go this way yeah sorry but

    O some pedestrians had the right away and I think dogs as well there are many many dogs here there’s one in my way there’s two of them hey we got bells on both sides I thought there only bells on one side oh I guess we can ride over to the

    Museum no we can’t it says no bikes cycle we’ll go down to the Palace City okay this is a big Swan Lake down here this is not the big lake the big lake was back behind us looking right over there doesn’t say we can’t might as well try

    It oh it does say we can’t nope no cycling the sign was not very clear look at all the swans over here guys can you see them all bumpy bump bump bump Here There’s the palace this is where lady Diana used to live the Princess Diana after they were kind of uh separated Victoria that’s when she was young Kensington Palace and behind Kensington Palace are some of the most expensive houses in London like this like the guy who owns Formula 1 he

    Like he lives there or his daughter lives there I don’t know it’s just crazy money back there I think the US ambassador lives back there a lot of other diplomatic places buches school kids taking a tour of the palace all dressed in their little Blazers and jumpers got to use the proper

    Turns dog Walkers you’re right mate how you doing freezing it’s pretty easy to ride a bike when it’s like this yeah yeah he just like shoots you away up ahead we’re coming up to the northwest corner of hide Park this is a neighborhood known as baz waterer and a

    Little bit more Notting Hill yeah I know a lot of you guys have seen that movie maybe we’ll go bike through nding Hill for a little bit yeah that’s where the nding hill Carnival takes place every fall which is absolutely Insanity on the streets it’s a huge uh Jamaican

    Caribbean Festival it’s sort of taking over all cultures all cultures take place it’s a big party some of you may asking why do I know so much about London it’s because my company that I had long ago was funded in London we had an office here spent a tremendous amount of time here

    Didn’t technically live here because you don’t really live here if you’re in a hotel but uh I’ve spent months in London over the course of my life months and well you have to get away from pickadilly and find yourself something more interesting every now and

    Then all we’re going to go out the park all right we’re on the sidewalk which is a bit of a no now but it’s all right we’re going to cut up on this street here so this baywater station is down here there’s actually used to be a

    Really good Chinese down here let’s uh get on the street [Applause] all right let’s get out the way this bus is coming so this is the neighborhood of Bas water it’s a bit more local neighborhood far less tourist attractions and all that and more sandwich shops and delies pizza pilgrims

    I ate there in Cambridge that’s a good pizza it’s a chain it’s all over London now and Five Guys yeah America woohoo saberes Saints Beres that’s the grocery store Tesco Express now if I recall yeah it’s down the end there’s a giant shopping mall down here it’s got like a movie theater and

    Stuff I think I saw Judge Dread the one with Sylvester Stallone in this theater down here that’s how long ago I used to hang out in this neighborhood boots that’s kind of like CVS in fact I think boots and Walgreens might be owned by the same company I’m not sure there’s a post

    Office yeah this was the old this is the old shopping mall or is it still a shopping mall I guess all right let’s let’s weave our way through traffic Kensington Gardens square look at all these merry popping looking Houses places are huge now all these they have basements that’s where the servants used to live and then the people that live here are given a key that gives them access to the park which is here on my left so if you live in this neighborhood you can

    Use this basically private park there is the private garden and it’s belongs to the residents of this area pretty Posh we going to go right dude we’ll try to go right it’s a car coming now we’re Good o chilly princess Square you know actually let’s go this way mate I actually live down here for a summer when I was a law student and studied over here I think it was this next Block Honestly though I can’t remember the address he’s got a learner permit on his scooter it’s possibly a guy learning the streets for the knowledge a taxi knowledge we have to know every street in London hi Park is 3 minutes away all right we’ll head back up to High

    Park this neighborhood by the way around me this is nodding Hill in fact nding Hill Gate station or nding Hill station is just up Ahead the side Sidewalk look lot of flowers the valy flowers not sure why why here nalii so down there is ning Hill Gates Hill station and back oh that’s why it’s the Russian Embassy that’s why Russians is that the embassy or the ambassador’s place it’s pretty run

    Down that’s the Hilton that’s one of the smallest Hilton Hotels I’ve ever stayed in you’re on baywater road so if you want one of those rooms where like the bed can only fit in the room One Direction and your suitcase can only go in one place that’s that’s it that’s your Hilton all

    Right we’re going to go into the park again ah no cycling no cycling no fun see that gray building over there yeah that’s the uh Royal Garden hotel or something like that that’s where the England 66 team stayed during the World Cup that was here in London and uh they just mobbed

    That hotel after England beat Germany yeah so that was like their headquarters why did they say there it was a nice hotel that’s where I used to stay all the time too that’s where visiting Rugby teams stay too when they come to twickingham uh let’s go down to the road

    Yeah you see all these taxis yeah this is a taxi stand right here that’s where taxi drivers get a quick breakfast or a drink and all the spots around it are reserved for taxis and there’s a lot of those little taxi stands around the city just for places that I

    Meet there is the Royal Albert Hall where Roger do tree and Pete Townson are playing right now the who their last show of last shows of many many last shows how many times do all these rock bands retire I don’t know and that’s the Albert memorial for Prince Albert

    Man who help build Crystal Palace there is the Royal Albert Hall Imperial College is just behind there I think I showed you that yesterday wow there’s a herd of school kids up here that’s the only way to describe it all under the high visibility jackets there’s like a herd

    Of little kids up there there’s like a herd of kids up there in those little high VIs Jackets so many kids out and about I mean if you went to school in London it’d be just kind of crazy just to stay in a classroom all the time the whole City’s your classroom maybe we should go for those are cops not like horse rides that was fun there’s some folks

    Taking the horses back in told you it was the young ladies would uh take the horses out for walks those are some young horses though here’s the memorial I knew it was somewhere on July 20th uh 1982 at this spot a terrrace bomb exploded as the Queen’s lifeguard was passing four

    Members of the the blues and Royals lost their lives 12 soldiers and six civilians were injured and seven horses died and these are the names tenant daily staff Corporal brigh lance corporal young and Trooper Tipper this is the memorial ambulances I see a lot I have not seen any fire trucks Though OH police have stopped traffic for some reason oh it’s the Royal carriages Conor I knew it was something unique coming Up this will be Cool get your camera really Get your camera Let’s go what’s up they’re going around the Back the back doors are where the carriages go it’s kind of a serpentine route to get there let’s go out to the Palace down follow this bike this way on the ra all right in back is in Nepal Africa Caribbean all the different colonies let’s go down to the Palace this is Buckingham Palace on my right this is the backyard of Buckingham Palace over here on the

    Right and this is Green Park over on my left and then St James Park is up ahead all righty back in front of the palace with all the tourists and all the pickpockets that look like tourists pickpocket is a big deal here it happens a lot everybody getting their picture Standard okay we’re going to go over to St James is now which is just up the mall here on the left all the TV Crews talking about the missing King uh I guess we just go this way let’s go so back up here is St James’s Palace and various Royals have lived

    Here at different times I think the Queen mom used to live here I think Charles used to live here our guards down there we’ll go around the backs All right got a bicycle light then we’re we’re turn left Conor maror Road that’s a lot of police there more guards that’s the Queen’s Chapel of St James’s place They used to have a guard on duty back here long ago and you could go up and stand next to him I think we can drop our bikes here this is a memorial to the Airmen who lost their lives of all Nations 5 5 573 United Kingdom the British

    Commonwealth and Allied Nations serving with RAF bomber command fighters of the Salvation but the bombers alone provided the means of Victory okay guys at Heathrow Express Station Paddington yeah this is London Paddington just think of the Beatles running through here let’s grab a train this is the he Express train to he

    Terminal okay guys that’s my plane we’re going to go somewhere new uh no hints but that’s my PL thanks for watching see you tomorrow


    1. We knew you would find a bike some way to take a tour! How do they compare to your normal rides? Pretty cool you had a run in with the carriages. So now heading to Australia? 🤣🤣

    2. We love it! Keep it coming. Fin Air is the hint on where they're going next. Chilly. A little cold weather doesn't stop people from going out over in European countries for they're walkers. When I was stationed in Germany some years ago, it was common to see throngs of people on walking streets in Winter, some eating ice cream cones. I remember when Princess Diana was killed. The first big flat screen TV's were put up in train stations where masses of people like had funeral or grieving. It was super sad and very different. She was the people's princess. Lots of horses and dogs served in war. Many gave some and some gave all.

    3. If this photography or lawyer thing doesn’t work out for you , there is always tour guiding on a bike! You have proven to be very good at that! Thank you! I’ve never seen most of your tour! ❤

    4. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't point out the balcony at St. James Place when you rode by. It's where the new sovereign is announced by a Crier and trumpets blare. In one of the windows on the right on an upper floor is where King Edward III and Wallis Simpson watched as King George VI was announced. It's one of the oldest London historical places still in use.

    5. Delightful tour! While you were riding and pointing out various different embassies and historical buildings, there were moments I had to remember we're not in D.C. – but London! Looking forward to your next destination!

    6. Some talk online. Others missing as well. Maybe it's time to forget the Monach and do something else. Interesting tour. Stay safe and warm. Thank you.

    7. I've wanted to travel to London for a few years. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit there. I wanted to do a little research into the Lanesborough Hotel and the Duke of Wellington's ability to reclaim the land for £50. I haven't been able to find any information on this. Does anyone have any details that may help? It seems like an interesting story.

    8. Such a cool video of London. Cant wait to see where you end up next. Pretty impressive that your son kept up with you being it was his 1st time on an E bike.

    9. I have noticed that I do not see homeless people in parks and streets of London. I think this is because of stronger social safety nets, a universal healthcare system in UK are reasons why there are hardly any homeless encampments in London. I am sure there are homeless people in London as well, but not as many and the ones who do go homeless in UK, their homelessness lasts FAR less longer than in the States due to the stronger social safety nets, the NHS system of UK, and much less oppressive laws in government and business in UK and rest of developed world to beat another down unlike here in the USA. Makes me ashamed of the USA of 2024.

    10. Speaking of July 20 1982, I was a child at time and I remember that day very well. Didn't know about this terrorist attack on Queen and Horsemen then, while at same time, I remember playing with neighbors kids and siblings the day all playing softball together at a neighbors house on a bright sunny day with cumulus clouds. Then later that day, eating blackberries with my then toddler sister on the farm we all grew up on by the barn on farm.
      On a note: The day before on July 19 1982 is when Jared Padelecki, the future star of Supernatural was born. I will have to look up about the attack on this day about the Queen here.

    11. The trains and train tracks on video of London here reminds me of certain music videos from the 80s that showed places of London UK with railroad tracks and cars running through the city. Love the ultramodern look of train station as well.

    12. Thank you for showing us Hyde Park and everything else in-between. Loved seeing the horses.
      👍👍P6. See you in Finland.
      Safe trip. Take care.

    13. King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla live in Clarence House. The Queen mother lived there before she died. Queen Elizabeth and Phillip lived there after they were married before she ascended to the throne. St. James Places is used for administrative purposes. When King Charles was Prince Charles he had offices there. I think Anne has offices there too.

    14. Good footage there Andrew, and great timing to see the carriages. A few places on there that I’ve not been past before so I may have to take a trip down in the summer.

      Hope you both enjoyed your time in England. If your son does go to school over here, as well as calling everyone “bruv”, he’ll also call everyone “mate” too 🤣

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