Primož Roglič Is COMPLETELY TRANSFORMING Bora-Hansgrohe

    We all know how Primož Roglič’s 2024 season started: not great. But despite the slow Paris-Nice start, the Slovenian rider’s move to the German team in pursuit of Tour de France success is motivating the team, and they’re fully there for it. But how good could Bora-Hansgrohe get in working with each other until the Tour de France begins? And is their Tour success even possible?

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    We all know how Primo rit’s 2024 season started not great but despite the slow Paris n start the Slovenian Riders move to the German team in pursuit of tour to France success is motivating the team and they’re fully there for it but how good could Borah Hans grer get in

    Working with each other until the tour to France begins and is their tour success even possible see in his quiet debut at parin it’s clear that Primo RIT isn’t performing at his best yet but his presence has already had a big impact on the Borah Hans grower team the champion

    Of several grand Tours joined the German team this winter on a lucrative 2-year deal all with one big aim to win the Tour to France at last coming in second in 2020 he staked everything in his power on achieving that goal in 2024 and that’s exactly why he decided to leave

    The babysitting Powerhouse of vimma Lisa bike and went all in on Borah Hans groa a team that has only managed to win one grand tour in its history but still promised to offer him Limitless leadership that’s why he’s had such a big impact on the team their Sports

    Director says that everyone not just the Riders has improved their performance ever since rogich joined the team in his words it’s pretty impressive what he did in his whole career that’s the first thing we have to say I always remind the boys that this gentleman flew I think

    The equivalent of 196 M out of a 10-story building so that is already pretty impressive what he brings to our team is the drive and also that dedication it’s no secret that borans gr’s approach to the tour to France has changed in recent years after initially focusing on winning individual stages

    With some incredible Riders like Peter Sargon the team has shifted its focus to aiming for success in cycling’s major race with riders like 2022 jro dalala winner ji hindley and Stage race specialist Alexander vlasov that goal has changed how the team sees things and made them aim higher the team staff

    Thinks RIT saw their ambition and commitment to this goal as a big reason to join they said we worked really well I think that was also the selling point to him he he saw it as something happening that it was definitely what he was looking for and so we are stoked to

    Have him we have a really good GC group already but he brings just this extra bit out from everyone to give a little bit more to drive to step up their game they know what is expected of them we know that they will give their best if

    They have to ride for him not to mention Danny Martinez and his recent performance at Volta a alave are another example of a rider stepping up his game after RIT joined the team he took two stage wins and second place in the GC and over at Bora they think this all

    Comes with one Superstar like Primo rogl who’s there to elevate the team in general see the fact goes like this if things go as initially planned roget’s move will be a dream come true for both him and the entire team VIs a bike won the last two tours with yonas vagor who

    Is committed to the team until 2027 so unless something unforeseen happens he’ll continue to lead the team in the tour for a while then we’ve got sepkus winning the welta at espa last year which added to the team’s success making competition at the top even tougher the team achieved an extraordinary feat of

    Winning three grand Tours in the same season each with a different Rider which doesn’t happen very often and for the itics rit’s victory in the Jalia showed he’s still capable of winning a 3-we race he also performed well in the VTA showing his eagerness to compete for the

    Overall win even when his teammate cous was leading the general classification yes his ferocious attack on the Ango caused a lot of debate and even though the team supported cous in the end RIT finished third in Madrid behind cus and vagor this showed how having several leaders can make things complicated for

    A highly ambitious Rider and switching teams was a logical thing to do especially considering that Borah Hans grower has wanted to win the Tour for several years already being given the role of clear leader was just right for RIT and having a champion like him on the team is great too winning three

    Welters and the Jiro ditalia makes RIT one of the top riders in the sport but according to new teammates Sam wellsford and Ryan Mullen he’s not at all like a primadonna wellsford for example said I haven’t had too much to do with him so far the team is obviously a little bit

    Split with GC and Sprint squads but we’ve had some time with him in the training camp in December and he’s a really nice guy he’s really laidback in training and in the environment and then when he gets on the bike he’s a pretty focused guy it’s always nice to have a

    Guy like that in the team it creates a really big boost and for us to feed off that is really nice Mullen also didn’t have anything negative to say about him obviously there is a bit of hype around him joining the team and rightly so but

    He’s a really nice guy to work with he is really Pleasant really friendly both Riders pointed out that RIT is a calm and determined leader he might not demand things loudly but it seems like the team is stepping up to match his ambition which is just great to see

    Bora’s Sports director said he is focused he just needs what he needs and the rest is up to the different departments he knows what is expected of him and he only wants to be the best that he can be he’s not a very demanding man but it’s all about trust not

    Indifference rogl is determined to win and he trusts that borans grer shares that goal but perhaps the biggest question out of them all is whether their tour success will be possible in 2024 can the Riders get used to each other to a point where they can dominate

    All the other Mega teams in the first season with rogl well rogl is now 34 years old which might sound old for a cyclist especially when you realize both eapo and pogar are almost 10 years younger than him rit’s runner-up slot in the tour was back in 2020 4 years ago

    When he led the race all the way till the final time trial where his performance drastically decreased out of thin air and pogacha managed to swoop his first tour to France Victory he also couldn’t really match the Watts of other favorites at this year’s Paris niece where he suffered badly in the cold

    Rainy weather of the final stage after the race though he still insisted there was no need to panic and that everything is perfectly fine well Paris nie wasn’t what he’s going for this season was it at a recent interview bora’s Sports director was asked whether he thinks

    Rogich truly can emerge as the final winner of the tour to France this season long four years after coming in second and his response was we have to believe in it that’s 100% we absolutely buy into it otherwise you fail if the team doesn’t believe in the leader you are in

    Trouble even if your chances in the classics are not the biggest you still have to believe in your boys and have to give everything you can to prepare the Riders as if they could win the race and that’s what we’re doing with him we definitely have higher Chances with him

    To win the Tour and we will have very strong guys around him we are definitely going to bring a lineup which nobody expected to be there and for those who are saying he’s out of shape after his Paris nce performance he did say the following before the season started

    Until now I have almost always gone into a race to win but that might change this year if I have to go to a race to train this year I will the focus is on the tour we are not the biggest team at least at least not yet I want to make

    This team as good as possible as quickly as possible and everyone here is enthusiastic time will tell if we can win the Tour but we can wake up every morning dreaming about it for me the key point is to go into the tour ready to win you can just see that he’s not

    Nervous about his legs so far in the 2024 and jokes about every question regarding his performance at one point he even admitted he’s so far back he doesn’t even know who’s leading the GC but he knows that he’ll go all out no matter what when the tour to France

    Comes and with that mindset and a team that follows literally anything is possible and we’re in for an incredible summer filled with some of the best racing we’ve ever seen


    1. Great video and I'm really hoping he will be able to put up a great fight in the TdF. I fear that he might not be as great a he was in the past but I hope that I will be proven wrong!

    2. Huge fan of Primoz, and I wish him to win this year's Tour. Winning the Tour would complete a magnificent career…. He is probably the best rider ever to not have won the Tour the France…

    3. Das einzige was Primos Roglic bei Bora Hansgrohe gewinnt ist Erfahrung.
      Er kassiert zum Ende seiner Karriere nochmal kräftig ab und lacht über Ralph Denk und Willy Bruckbauer in 10 Jahren noch.
      Größenwahn mehr nicht!

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