48 Hours was enough 😂

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    #dadbob #fitnessmotivation # marklewis

    If you have spent any time watching Fitness YouTubers you’ll have seen some of them trying on fat suits and making very entertaining videos about life with a little extra weight but I know there’s more to the dad bod experience than latex and extra large t-shirts while ignoring that underneath you still look

    Like you’ve escaped from a boy band so I thought I’d make my own video and get myself a genuine dad bod constructed not from rubber but weeks and weeks of calorie Surplus so buckle up with a seat belt extender if you require it and enjoy the 48 hours that I

    Spent exploring the pros and cons of a physique you just can’t buy on Amazon and with a way more complicated returns Policy so here’s the plan I spent a lot of time last year pushing my fitness to its limit so I’ve got a pretty good idea of what in Peak condition I can do therefore I was curious what impact would a dad bod have on me to find out I

    Wanted to try one on for size get a feel for it maybe visit the gym the track put it under a little stress so this week I did just that Lots planned over the next two days and about to show you what I’m dealing with here but first the specs on

    This4 kilos it’s about 230 uh it’s got a body fat percentage that is a long way from single digits this model doesn’t come with visible abdominals it’s got all the the definition of a TV from 1987 and it’s expensive to run this cost me around 5

    To 7,000 calories a day for the last 6 weeks just keeping this thing fueled is a full-time activity the only good news is that you can fuel it on anything you like this is not fussy so this is it uh going to stick up some footage of my

    Regular body so you can see what 8 kilos lighter looks like um no visible ABS there will be those that say that Lena body my regular body is a dad bod and stop making excuses for people to drift away from full-time sixpacks but let’s be honest it is not the bod adopted by

    Most fathers or indeed humans so by far the more common criticism is going to be that Dad bods are bigger uh and yes you can get you can get these in a larger model I could have gone for one of those instead here’s my problem with that so

    I’ve had one of those larger ones in the past and I was never super comfortable with the idea of something so unhealthy being something that a dad can just have and everyone should be fine with it please think of the children and then I am slightly reassured by my choice here

    Because this is the model also used by guys like Jason Mamoa Gerard Butler Ben Affleck and they then just bounce back into shape when a movie Paycheck is coming I don’t touch a weight unless they’re paying me to do it and it’s nice to know that can be done because I’ve

    Got a photo shoot coming up in April to show how a great photographer can make your social media favorite look quite incredible but the guy did say you still need to show up half decent it’s like you’re photoshopped and then the final reason why I didn’t want to go any bigger than

    This is because my wife she said 104 kilos but no more for this video otherwise you’re going to have to edit this recent holiday photo to make the colors pop a bit better I said that’s a a weird request I can do that for you

    Anyway you want to print it out and she said no no she just might need it for a Tinder profile I said 104 kilos is it so if there is anywhere that I’m going to notice having to Lug a bit more weight around it’s at the track weight is never

    More obvious than when you’re trying to make it go quickly yes science I did quite a bit of track work last year I got to the point where I was doing 400 met repeats so so one lap few minute rest one lap few minute rest I was doing

    About 1 minute 5 1 minute sixes so yeah the plan is just to warm up and then have a little run around and see if I’m still able to do that I would be very disappointed if I wasn’t breaking 110 quite comfortably but we will see okay already something that is very

    Evident is I have more on me it feels like a suit I can feel my my midsection and my chest just bouncing up and down it’s not helped by the fact that I’ve got the t-shirt on underneath that I was wearing when I was running last year and it’s

    Tight and looked quite cool last year now it just feels uncomfortable I’m not sure how it looks but I don’t think it would look very pretty so I’m going to put on a baggy t-shirt last last year I was running around this thing shirtless hoping people would see me ego turned up

    To 11 I’m now looking around just to make sure there’s no one here before he chain shirt for 5 seconds just on my kind of moderate fast lap horrible horrible everything’s moving in ways it shouldn’t I’m carrying weight on my back it’s weird that moving up and down it’s

    Almost like I feel like I’ve been punched in the in the kidneys or something feels horrible Jo my plan was to do like a like the workout I would be doing last year four laps with few minutes rest in between each one and see if I could hold on to those sort

    Of 105 106s I have a feeling I might just do one we’ll see what I do if I go comfortably under 110 like comfortably under I’ll do some more 1 minute 12 dead going along the back straight feel good I feel big heavy but I also feel powerful and then oh man

    Suddenly it hit me it felt like running with a rock sack on or something it horrible and and it gets worse because coming down the last 100 met the last 70 M certainly I mean I was just dying absolutely dying I was smoked at the end

    Be interested to do a long longer Run 5K drop the pace how long does that bouncing last before it becomes really annoying oh that was Grim home right horrible track session over gym is next first just got to walk the dog Thermo regulation okay here’s how it works I’m

    Outside in the cold in my double layer winter jacket perfect I start walking 2 minutes later I’m cooking I’m boiling now got a t-shirt on underneath that’s all which is too tight I I had this when I used to be stupid big I would spend all my

    Winters sweating and then all my Summers sweating even more it’s permanently hot it it’s as though the body struggles to regulate temperature when you cover it up in stuff it shouldn’t really be covered up in dude that you can’t carry you’re welcome to carry a stick but that’s a

    Tree I’m at the gym and I’m driving over here haven’t gone in yet and I’m thinking is the dad bod really going to make much difference here I’m fairly optimistic that I’m going to walk into this place and I’m doing an upper body session today and it’s going to just kind of be

    Fine and literally as I’m parking I’m suddenly realizing why it is going to be different too silly right I’m back and exactly what I thought would be the problem was the problem it was horrible but nothing to do with my body as such it’s my head

    I’ve got dad B head okay the workout was fine here’s the problem let’s go back when I first started working out years and years and years ago I would walk into a gym and I hated it I I I wouldn’t even look into the mirrors I would I

    Would worry that every single person in there was looking at me and thinking what a loser what’s he doing here and then when I got in shape I realized that no one’s looking at anybody else I mean it’s ridiculous last year I’d be coming home from the gym Jim would say was it

    Busy I don’t even know I didn’t even pay attention to whether there was one person in there or 100 no idea I’d probably spoted 100 but I didn’t care and I thought oh this would be quite useful if I ever talk to someone that’s overweight and saying they hate going to

    The gym because of how people are looking at them or if I ever find myself back in that place I’ll remember no one’s looking I walk into there and I’m thinking everyone’s looking everyone’s looking and thinking that guy looks like he’s had too much to eat over Christmas

    And there’s mirrors everywhere in there um I’m thinking everyone’s looking at me I say everyone the place is pretty much empty I do not look athletic anymore so it’s just horrible I did not feel like I belong and of course I do I mean being an idiot being a big

    Baby and I should probably just quickly add anybody thinking what are you talking about you’re not that big how can you you know you’re kind of making a mountain out of a mole hill I understand point is it takes so little to screw with your head yeah it is very very easy

    To uh put hurdles in front of yourself that just don’t need to be there very very easy today’s challenge is the one I’ve not been looking forward to the 5 km run I mean I got myself in shape originally by using runs around 5K in length park run

    Stuff like that so I know it’s quite possible to run heavy I did just fine um but it’s not as much fun as running when you’re lighter uh Nixon unfortunately also going to suffer a bit he hasn’t had his regular shave down he is looking like a little furry sheep right now so

    He’s going to start off warm and cook so we both have similar problems to deal with although he’s not fat so not quite the same are you ready okay it’s cl to one 410 don’t feel too bad apart from all the bouncing 1K to go the dog demonstrating how hot he is okay

    We’re done 21 2120 I don’t know it’s not a slow slow time and there were there were years where I would have couldn’t have dreamt of running under 22 minutes but it’s it’s slower than normal and not only is it slower than normal it just feels oh like when I did my

    1830 that I did in training during the summer no Autumn I came off of that and then hit the ski urg for 10 minutes I’m kilometer from home I’m tempted to find Jen to come and get me right I’ve just realized the best way to describe how I feel

    About all of this stuff here’s how sums it up perfectly I walk into the bathroom this morning look in the mirror first thing I do in the day and it’s it’s what I’ve got used to doing over the last 6 months walking in there looking at myself in the mirror and thinking yeah

    Looking looking all right looking forward now to a day of maintaining this above average at least 50y old body I walk in this morning look in the mirror and I just think it’s a shame and that just sums it up I’m not looking in the mirror and thinking oh my

    Goodness you disgusting lob of a man cuz I’m not I’m not I’m just thinking hm I know what that can be with not much extra work so it’s a shame okay I got a jog cuz I’m freezing I’m not sure I’m ready for anything dog is always watch this

    Next are you ready are you ready are you ready time for the last test and I’ve have no idea how this one’s going to go I I am on Alp the zwift um if you’ve not used zwift it’s online cycling World think uh a Counter Strike with Lyra

    That’s the back end this is the bell end there is a mountain on it Al theift I have climbed it previously in under an hour and that’s regarded as being reasonably competent I’m going to ride up it now not in a million years will I go under the hour for two reasons one

    You have to tell zift how heavy you are and the minute you tell it you are 104 kilos basically causes your cyclist to go very slow when he’s going uphill as he would in real life uh the other problem is that I’m not cycle fit right

    Now uh the all the training I did last year was pretty much for hrock so I’m not I’m not kind of fit for this to be honest if I’m an hour 20 if I’m under that I’ll be delighted it took me 10 minutes to cycle to the beginning of the

    Hill and that just about killed me I’m dripping with sweat I’m going to put both the fans on going to open the window I’ve got my fluids electrolytes I’ve also applied lots of lube uh this body this heat this challenge has the potential to be a chafing disaster I want to start burning

    This body off but not literally layer of skin at a time okay just over 16 minutes in this Hill has 21 Corners I’ve just started Corner 15 and dying okay just gone through halfway roughly in 30 just under 38 minutes that puts me on track for 1 hour 16 but that

    Is not going to happen I am absolutely dying here absolutely dying I I have no idea I have no idea if I’m going to finish it to be honest okay Sprint to the top 700 M to go I’m not going to break 80 M 80 minutes I’m on 78 already

    But but we are not slowing down not now let’s go 82 minutes is what I need to do is take this discomfort which is extensive and every time I’m on the sofa watching telly I think I’ll have another snack I need to experience this I need to be able to take a discomfort

    Experience and it would remind me too I’d probably still eat the snack 48 Hours what did I learn well I learned that Dad bod was less physically able than my FIT dad bod but not massively so and actually still pretty above average in many ways in fact I could happily

    Live with it I would need to get a lighter winter coat and I’d probably regret it come summer but it wasn’t all negative I’m still in okay shape for 50 I can whiz around a park run eating out without calorie counting is lovely in fact the only concern I have about this

    Body is that it’s too close to my old body I can easily imagine from here slipping backwards and to steal inspiration from The Wire I know I have plenty of donuts left in me I’m not sure I have another obesity recovery left in me so my biggest motivator to return

    Quickly to My Fit Body aside from that photo shoot coming up is to put some daylight between me and how I used to be in fact one of the reasons I wear permanently too tight t-shirts is that when they become ridiculously too tight and I have to

    Resort to dark colors only I’m reminded to go no further backwards so if you are exactly where you want to be congratulations enjoy it but if you’re not understand that there might be a place between your current state and what social media tells you is ideal and you might find

    That place pretty cool anyway consequently your journey might not be quite as hard as you envisage and also know that worrying about how you look and how other people are looking at you is 100% normal it’s 100% not necessary to do but it’s normal right that’s it I’m back into training immediately I

    Should point out now if you want to suggest that rapidly gaining weight and then intending to lose it again is not the healthiest or indeed safest thing to be doing I’d agree but also point out that YouTube might have a few more riskier activities taking place to turn

    Your attention to before The Old bloking Pink Shoes the only real risk I’m worried about is delaying my comeback and then accidentally adding a couple more kilos on just in case that happens I should probably edit that photo for Jen one more time Oh


    1. It's funny because I've also put on weight during the holiday season (not on purpose) + other life stressors. I kept working out a lot just as before (I run almost every single day) + play high level tennis twice a week + lift 3 or 4 times a week + the odd biking here and there. Despite working out 10+ hours a week, I managed to gain 6kg (a part of me wants to think it's muscle but it's clearly not) and I can still manage to run close to the running paces I could run before. I've been eating everything in sight and drinking almost every day. It will take a lot of effort to come back to the eating routine that I had before. At one point I was eating the keto diet and was close to 10kg leaner than now. It's tough to be disciplined in all areas of your life and this has proven true for me as I'm dealing with some family issues. Something has to give…

    2. I powerlift and run on the side. 2% of body weight makes a HUGE difference. Anyone that says otherwise has never been locked in enough to be able to match body weight changes to performance outcomes.

    3. Who doesn't do a mini-bulk Nov/Dec? Make sure to lift properly to best leverage that energy surplus such that the composition of the mass gain is at least more muscle/LBM! Haha

    4. It's an interesting exercise, but a Dad bod is generally the result of insulin resistance and high insulin levels over time i.e heading towards T2 diabetes – which of course you can't do super quick – thankfully. Those metabolic problems will make you feel a lot worse than just adding the weight!

    5. What I find interesting is a Youtuber who seems to have no problem broadcasting their spare tires to (atm – 4000 viewers) and then gets self-conscious in a near-empty gym! Great way to make a point though.

      I definitely share this feeling. As a cyclist mesomorph who lifts for all-round health, I'm nearly classified obese (BMI-wise 24+) even with sub 10% body fat. If I go without riding/lifting for a week or two, I'll be sporting a 35" mudder on the middle.

    6. I'm doing this but not intentionally. For perspective I'd lost a bit over 100 lbs and built up a respectable level of fitness. Hit a rut last year and went from 6 days a week to maybe 2, usually 1, then none. Up 20 lbs from my lightest haven't touched the bike in a good 6 months. Worst part is knowing what my body used to be able to do, and that it's no longer able to come close, and even going "easy" leaves me sore for days. The restart sucks.

      Also best alpe time was 59 minutes. I don't even want to know what it would take me now. I probably can't even handle sitting on a bike for the two+ hours it would take me to get to the top and back down.

    7. just about to start the come back journey , recovering from a broken femur with bad surgery . 5 months on cakes tasted a little to good 😂.. great content as always 👍🏻👍🏻

    8. You ar few years yonger then me , I would not be brave enough as you to stack it as you have (honestly too hard for me to lose it even when training ) , will be intreresting to see how easy it is for you to drop that weight

    9. Hi Mark, Little Ol' Lady from the USA here (Jen). This video of yours REALLY came at the right time. (How do you keep doing that?) I, too, 'enjoyed' my holidays…to the tune of a 4% weight increase (117 to 121 if I did the math right, that's US pounds, btw, so about 54kg?) Anyway, went out jogging yesterday YIKES. Might as well have strapped a few bags of flour on my ass. VERY slow, too. And I mean S L O W. I ran a 5K in 48 minutes, LOL!! But, ever the "I just want to be above average" devotee, I'm just going to congratulate my 62 year old self on being ABLE to jog for 48 minutes straight, no matter how far I get. Thanks for your never-ending encouragement and realistic approach to a very healthy physical and mental attitude, "Above Average". Waiting for your next vid, Hi to Jenna, Jen.

    10. Love your content Mark. I’m on my own journey at the moment similar to where you were. Down 5kg from the start of the year, and on the bike 3x a week. Flirting with the idea of starting running (I was an XC runner in my yoof)

    11. I’ve got the xxl (I’m also 6ft6) version of this at 120kg. It’s been nearly 40 years since I was 100kg. It took over 2 hours to get up the alp for me 🙂 Think I’d like to crack 100mins

    12. I am having to deal with this right now, and unfortunately I didn't do this as a test to see what it was like! I have just fallen off the wagon over Christmas and I am really struggling to get the motivation back to start the process again. It is a constant difficult mental challenge that I often struggle with. Thank you for making these type of videos, and trying your best to help motivate people to keep on going.

    13. Mark, its like you read my mind…
      I also now try and stay at "hint of 6 pack" all year round – not withstanding some loose skin around my waiste from the "large 50 year old man" onesie i now have to wear despite really needing a size medium 50 year old man onesie.
      its not because i'm vain, its just to keep plenty of daylight between "me" and "old me", i'm still more than capable of putting on 10lb in two weeks, its good to have a buffer, i'm a lot smaller than you so 10lb on me is probably more noticeable.

    14. You actually still look ok lol.. good skin complexion not much weight on the face.. most men in their mid 40s would be happy enough with your bod lol.. but a nice video on how quickly you become insecure great work!

    15. I'd be scared of not getting back to the level I was at before the binge. That's supper ballzy. I wish you a speedy return to peak fitness. For me cycling is my go to for getting in shape. I find the amount of energy burned in a good long ride can't be matched with anything else and I love it which also makes a big difference too. I can't wait to recover so I can do it again which makes me won't to eat and sleep right and the cycle continues. Just getting back into it after to long not living right

    16. I can relate to this video so much. New job, back injury and snowballing lack of motivation has left me almost 20kgs heavier than i was a few yeras ago. I've found weight training hasn't really changed. I actually got stronger being in a constant calorie surplus.
      However anything cardio related is terrible. The extra impact while running is horrendous. The bike is also much harder cause my quads hit my stomach while peddling, creating extra resistance.

    17. Well being 120kg my gut is a sight to behold!..

      It's a point that I think is overlooked.. the effort it takes to exercise while fat.

      Any activity someone does when fat is hard, you could argue that it's a better idea to do nothing but diet and walking until you are lighter because the chances of keeling over with a heart attack while trying to sprint-fat is a real possibility!

    18. „I‘m not sure if I have another obesity recovery in me…“ That really struck me! Coming from being overweight with lots of alcohol from age 15 until 44 (while doing lots of sports like weightlifting and different martial arts) that sentence reminded me how fast I could slip back into my old habits and what to avoid to do so, so I can stay sober and run around with 10% bodyfat at the age of almost 46 now.

    19. Problem is I’ve got 66% burns and people do look at me in the gym, so I stay away and pretend my Dad Bod, which I detest, is fine. Now at 52 and 224lbs I guess I’m stuck.

      Mark keep doing what you are doing, you have inspired me to become a member of your Patreon so you can keep helping people.

    20. I ran 5km in 17 mins. Then i got a knee injury that lastet for years. Impossible to do anything, especially running. I tried every single thing i could to make it better. I got 4 different doctors and psysio's to figure out why my knee hurt so bad. I even got all sorts of scans. I did a million different exercises with rubberbands etc. 3 years. i couldn't even get up my stairs at home some days. Suddenly, out of nowhere, it was gone. after a week or two, i went out for a slow run. Amazing. i almost cried. what a wonderful wonderful privilege i was given back. The ability to move. I'm now totally hooked on trail running. It's definetely not 17 min 5k anymore. but i could not care less. When the sun is shining and the forrestfloor is damp and i jog slowly and silently through the fresh forrest i feel so lucky. oh the joy of movement.

    21. I wish you had an app like fat secret, where all of older, fatter folk can share our journeys and post our times.

      You spoke of accountability, and that would help

    22. Great video. Unfortunately I'm 125kg and in desperate need of losing the sofa donut years! Might try a few laps round that track tomorrow as at that leisure centre. Is it free to go on for anyone or you gotta tell the leisure centre you're going on it?

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