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    00:00 Dragon City Ad
    01:19 Teenager Puts VIDEO GAMES Over SCHOOL

    Idea: Dhar Mann
    Writer: Dhar Mann
    Director / Cinematographer: Carlos Orellana, Vaibhav Arora
    Senior Managers: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini, Christopher M. Brown
    Assistant Director: Justin Doyle
    Editor: Leonita Zhdrella
    Assistant Editor: Javier Martinez
    Composer: Nicholas Jones
    Colorist: Mario Pantin
    Sound Editor: Lucca Mendes
    VFX Editor: Fabian Perez
    Trailer Editor: Brian Burkhardt
    Office PA: Presley Burgess
    Casting Associate: Kevin Svec
    Pre Production Managers: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz
    Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
    Bookings Manager: Kevin Acciani
    Bookings Associates: Nix Villarubin, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala, Lea Leysis
    Gaffer: Vaibhav Arora, Logan Regnier
    Key Production Assistant: Colter Angel
    Makeup/Hair: Brittany Fontaine, Bunny Armendariz
    Wardrobe: Nadia Tulin
    Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Travis Hatcher
    Production Designer: Marco Chiong
    Set Dresser: Cory Maracle, Emmett Lee Merritt
    Props and Inventory Manager: Manuel Alcaraz
    Props Associate: Armand Bashar
    Art PA: Jillian Fudali
    Inventory Associate: Joshua Bogert

    Ken – Jackie Tran
    Mom – Grace Asakura
    Dad – Dale Edward Chung
    Fred – Alexis Enrique Silvestre
    Joe – Ryan Wayne
    Teacher – Rita Sehmi
    Co-Worker – Paula Rebelo
    Angelo – Qi Gu
    Jenny Delgado – Shekinah Austria
    Student 1 – Mariana Leal
    Student 2 – Jin Choi
    Student 3 – Daria Kokora
    Student 4 – Anthony Topsfield
    YouTuber – Tanya Hahka

    #DharMannFam #Inspirational #Motivational

    [Applause] this class has had five new teachers in 6 months good luck think F hello class I’m Mr Wayne yo be quiet teacher busy playing Dragon City Dragon City it’s a game you dummy you collect dragons and make them fight and stuff bar as the Darman Dragon it’s super

    Powerful no one in the class can beat him why are you guys even speaking to this loser clearly has no idea what we’re talking about I wouldn’t know anything about the Darman dragon not since I hacked the Scarlet Darman Dragon the Scarlet dman dragon is more powerful than his predecessor even Barry’s outdated

    Dragon are you guys going to listen to this old Boomer why don’t you meet me in the battle arena and find out unless you’re Scared and Mr Wang the winner Mr wayang you to go man whatever I don’t even like Darman anyway what Darman I was just kidding hey darm man fam download Dragon City by clicking the link in the description or scan the QR code to get a free starter pack with

    15,000 food 30,000 gold and 10 gems now let’s go ahead and start today’s video get him yes let’s go you killed him that Super dman Dragon never fails yeah uh thanks boys but I’m I’m still pretty far away from getting his new Scarlet Dragon it’s way more

    Powerful you could just buy him you know yeah right my dad would kill me if you saw me making another a charge plus I rather just earn it you know uh you know I I’ll see you guys online tonight can’t and U we got that party to

    Go to oh oh okay yeah no worry so whose party are you guys going to Jenny dados oh I mean hey uh if if you don’t want us to go you no it it’s cool you guys should go um maybe we can play after you guys get back yeah yeah maybe

    Um but you know um might be a little late and kind of 3 hours ahead so okay uh oh crap crap crap oh no it’s already eight I I don’t have late days on Friday in my new school guys I’ll catch you next time okay I’ll see you

    Later no no no no no dad no no no dad dad dad dad you can’t just pull out dad do you know how many times you’ve been late to school this year because of this dumb game it’s not a dumb game it’s Dragon City and what else am I supposed

    To I don’t want to hear it this game is ruining your life and look at this you used to get B’s and C’s in all your classes now it’s de and F hey hey what’s with all the yelling and why aren’t you in school Ken I’m going to get a lock on my

    Door here’s the challenge who can tell me the derivative of the nice of you to join us this morning Ken as I was saying who can tell me the right order in order to find the derivative of the function bro I didn’t know you like basketball if you want to come to my

    Party it’s at the arcade you play Dragon City do you look um since you don’t know that many people here you can bring a couple friends if you want to Angelo ah want to tell us how to solve the problem uh sure you start by finding the uh derivative of

    2x close but there’s a step before for that anyone else Ken care to Try Ken uh Hey teach so what do you guys think of Amanda mhm I’d probably give her a seven what about Jenny do not bring up Jenny Delgato man you know Kenny has a huge crush on her no I don’t yeah you do okay we both know

    It man when are you going to tell her I mean we’ve all been friends with her since forever anybody figure out the last extra credit question I mean this one’s really hard bro you’re already there I’m only on seven Ken if you’re on six why aren’t you finishing who cares about school it’s

    Not going to do anything to help me become a gamer or a YouTuber right anyways uh a quadratic function is given by f ofx = a x / 2 + BX + C the vertex is located at 3 and 17 find the value use of a b

    C yeah this just sounds like a whole other language I mean who the heck even understands this AAL 0 Bal 0 and C = 17 how do you know that you haven’t even answered the question well you said the question out loud I mean since the

    Vertex is 3 and 17 you just use the quadratic equation and plug those numbers in it’s pretty easy you’re telling me you did all of that in your head yeah then why don’t you answer it on your homework I said I didn’t care about school I didn’t say I wasn’t good at

    It you guys want to play some Dragon City yeah I’m down there yeah let take a break oh uh come in hey boys smile why are you taking photos mom just for memories oh that’s random uh Kenny your dad got that new job we told you about right and you need to

    Pack up your stuff Ken we’re moving what what are you talking about moving where to California to no I I I don’t want to move all my friends are here and I don’t know anyone in California you don’t have a choice the movers are on their way what Mom Dad you could to

    California hey I’m worried about him he’ll get over it so you see Mrs Harper the move was just traumatizing for him especially losing his friends he’s a smart kid for whatever reason he just doesn’t apply himself even more so now he barely talks to anyone he hardly even

    Talks to us all he does is play his game Ian took his power cord from his computer to try and stop him if he’s having a hard time meeting new people then it’s not that people want to be Ken’s friends at school in church we tried to get him to go for basketball

    Other sports School clubs he says no to everything it wasn’t like I wanted him to move I had no choice it wasn’t easy for us either now that I know this I’m going to keep a closer eye on Ken it seems that him constantly being late and doing

    Worse in school might just be an act of rebellion because he’s mad about the move the thing is he has to improve his grades in every class otherwise I’m afraid he’s going to be held back that’ll make it harder for him to have friends kids will make fun of him and no

    One will be his age I know I’m worried about that too dad dad why is this door lock you know we don’t allow locks inside the house oh well too bad what are you going to do huh take away my power cord oh whoops you already did that what are are you

    Going to make me move too oh that’s right you did that Too maybe we should give him the court back and what’s that going to do make him just never leave his room and focus even less on school you heard what the teacher said about him staying back absolutely not Ken Ken honey wait you left your lunch and if you want me to come pick you up later I can be I didn’t even want you to drop me off Ken I know you’re upset that we moved but at least we got a bigger house right I

    Don’t care about the house mom I miss my old life my old school my old friends I want to go back home this is home now K can I go now thought you said you didn’t want me to be late oh wait one second I

    Met this nice mom then her son is having a party oh yeah uh his name is Angelo and she said you could bring your friends I’m good but it’s at an arcade uh you love video games and the theme is that that one game you play a lot uh

    Serpent City uh no um dragon dragon Town Dragon City I said I’m good Mom thanks oh hi Mrs Harper hi I am so sorry to scare you I just wanted to talk to you about a crazy idea that I had you know how your husband mentioned

    How he took k power cord away because he’s been playing video games too much yes he’s always glued to his computer at least since we moved here um why have you ever heard the expression that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar I don’t think so I’m

    Confused what I’m trying to say is instead of stopping Ken from playing games what if you play with him oh oh no no no the last game I played was Candy Crash and that was years ago and my husband would never go for it he barely

    Knows how to use a computer well do you yes but I don’t have time to learn how to play games between work and taking care of the house and Ken and just it was just a suggestion I mean if Ken is having a hard time adjusting and making new

    Friends then maybe you guys need to be his friend and the best way to do that is to find out what he’s interested in to relate to him just think about it Okay let’s go lunch can you drive my husband dropped me off today no problem actually sorry I think I’m going to stay do you mind asking someone else yeah no Worries hey honey are you making dinner tonight or is that the game Ken plays Mrs Harper thinks we should learn how to play as a way of relating to him so I was thinking we could learn together right we’re going to start playing video games at our age there’s

    No way and I’m not giving him that power cable back until he gets his grades up oh sorry I got another call coming in I’ll see you tonight honey Uh yeah yeah I just I just got home do you want to stream your yourself playing Dragon City dude did you forget oh yeah my back can I forgot your dad took your cable oh uh no it’s cool you guys um you guys play I I know it’s

    Getting late over there hey uh I’ll hit you guys up tomorrow though yeah all right peace Later Regina and I are going to grab coffee across the street you want to come is it break time already mhm actually can you get me a chai latte please I’m going to St back okay you’ll need higher level dragons to complete higher tur rescuse you’ll have

    To work slowly over time to level up your dragons I know it sucks waiting but all good things take time right H now who would have thought these games can actually be educational the new special dragon is called The Scarlet dman Dragon which is pretty hard to get you can

    Either buy it or you can earn it one way you can earn it is actually by accomplishing daily goals once you’ve accomplish your daily goals then you get rewarded with gems Invisible invisible yeah invisible picture this what what Mom ready to play Dragon City but you don’t know know how to play Dragon City I’ve already gotten 15,000 food 30,000 gold and 10 gems how long have you been playing there’s no way you’re getting all that

    That fast maybe I didn’t or maybe I used the QR code I found to get a free startup at doesn’t matter are we playing or not okay all right let’s let’s do it QR code you’re funny oh he got me Mom this isn’t even a challenge to me really challenge accept It yes you got me again you know what Mom I I think you should just stick to Candy Crush that was so mean you what the heck where did you get that dman Dragon I got enough CHS now I’m going to finally beat it well still no match for my super Darman

    Dragon how many dragons does he have more CHS oh come on come on come on what no way when didd you get the super dman dragon and now got you now I can’t believe you beat me oh why because I’m a girl no because you’re like 70 years

    Old ow ow God you’re so aggressive I’ll to you by the way sure okay hey I’m going to beat you again no no you’re not I’m off what is going on here Dad uh you bought another power cord oh no I brought him mine from work he shouldn’t

    Be playing video games he should be doing his homework what you shouldn’t be encouraging this I I don’t I don’t care about homework you know what you better rethink that young man cuz calm down we’re not going to get anywhere by yelling at him we catch more flies with

    Honey than vinegar we need to relate to him just trust me okay um sweetheart let me ask you something I know you are smart how come you don’t try harder in school because it’s not going to get me anywhere Mom how is gting a going to help me become a

    Gamer or or or a YouTuber how many times have I told you you are not allowed to so in Dragon City can you just send your dragons to fight ones that are lower level of no no they can’t win especially in harder battles and how do you win harder

    Battles by training them to level them up well that and also by unlocking super special dragons like the Scarlet Darman Dragon you have been working really hard for right and one of the ways to get it is by accomplishing daily goals to get more gems right yeah

    I’m sorry Mom where are you getting at with all this my point is Ken if you want to be anything great in life you still have to work hard and accomplish daily goals to get there uh so you can keep leveling up and if you don’t level up you won’t win at

    Anything whether that’s collecting gems in Dragon City or getting subscribers as a YouTuber or getting good grades in school first you level up and then you can Win I guess I never thought of it that way can you finish your homework sweetie and then if there’s time we can play again before bed okay Mom Mom hey what what are you doing home so early well I’ve got a little surprise for you what really you know what I actually got a little surprise for you too oh Mom I got an AM m oh really that’s wonderful I’m so happy for you thank you

    Now are you ready for your surprise guys what what are you doing here your mom talk to our moms and they said it would be cool if we came to visit you yeah man so we’re going to be here all spring rman we can watch movies play basketball video games let me show

    You guys my room yeah yeah Sho shoot shoot shoot Actually would you guys be down to go to this birthday party at this new arcade I met this new guy and he plays basketball Dragon City yeah I’m down yeah are you sure it’s okay if we come I I think so yeah uh let me call him

    Though hey Angelo what’s up listen I I want to ask if I can actually bring some friends over yo yeah man for sure oh by the way my cousin’s visiting from Boston I think she might know you hey Ken I’m so excited to see you at the party tonight

    Oh yeah yeah me too uh I’ll see you tonight see you tonight bye dude what the chance my no this is the sign you got to take your sh I I will I will what’s that is that a computer Is that Dad are you playing Dragon City right now so what it looks like a fun game let me check this out wa how did you unlock the Scarlet dman Dragon dad I earned it by completing all the challenges and getting enough gems duh okay fine I paid for it

    Hey Dar man fam don’t forget to download Dragon City by clicking the link in the description or scan the QR code to get a free starter pack with 15,000 food 30,000 gold and 10 gems start playing now to get the Scarlet Darman Dragon through special offers I hope you love

    This message and I’ll see you in the next Video


    1. what do u even miss in the first 10 mins of school?

      ionget why ppl and teachers so mad abt others being late like u arent missing anything in the first 10 minutes
      mayb it jus american schools cause yall suck fr

    2. I actually have the same story I’m born in oman when I was two years old I went to the uk for 5 years after those five year the second I came back I became depressed then I saw this video your the best youtuber


      The teenage: It’s not a dumb game it’s Dragon city.


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