Today we take a look at Waitrose Head Office Campus, Taylor House, Bracknell RG12 8YA.

    We try to take a look around all the gates but then we bump into security where it all went downhill.

    Link to SIA Licence Conditions to help security get better –,operative%20(see%20covert%20activity%20below)

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I just thought that as long as I don’t go on it’s okay no if you’re filming into a private property you’re not entitled to film the private property are you who that though it’s part of the law the law Yeah about you filming on site watch filming yeah I had a few reports M People so be filming on side what with that yeah all right can ask why you’re doing that I don’t understand is it a problem this is a private premises is what is this whole

    Site now no but if you’re filming into the premises these cles are private oh they’ve said I’ve been on the premises no they said been filming into the premises which obviously is an issue cuz you can’t film it on private premises camera why not well cuz it’s private

    You’re not allowed to film it there’s no reason into film it is it I just thought that as long as I don’t go on it’s okay no if you’re filming into a private property you’re not entitled to film the private property are you it’s part of the law the law yeah

    You’re not you’re not allowed to film private property prob premises it’s not your premises you’re not a member of that company so you’re not able to film on to it are you serious yeah I’ve never heard of that one before is a can I ask why you’re filming there oh it’s wos

    Isn’t it okay but you see from my point I’m from security see from my point of view that could be seen as suspicious activity why someone want to film one to a site no not really I don’t think supicious want do people by you deite obviously an

    Extreme case you think about maybe a terror inant they might be filming it for weaknesses or some filming it for wanting to steal something or that you what I mean that’s why it’s suspicious to us so there’s no sort of real reason why someone would want to film on a

    Premises like this you’ve obviously got a good security team have you so that if anybody does go on and and try and commit theft or whatever you’ll step in W you well yeah but at the same time we’re not allowed to have people filming it’s well I’m trying to understand that

    One I don’t know whether you’re right there so it’s illegal for me to stand out on the public highway but film into your premises oh yeah cuz you’re filming not just private premises but there’s people that you haven’t got permission to film obviously going be on your

    Camera as well it’s not a public domain is it yeah it no inside premises isn’t if you’re filming into the public premises that’s not a public domain I’m the filming the wait site I’m not interested in people’s faces but yeah as you say you might catch them accidentally but it’s not my understand

    That but like you’re in the public and you’re filing public yeah you’re in public people are in public that’s fine but because it’s private they haven’t given permission so that’s where the the c s crosses that line so you don’t mind me fil filming the buildings and stuff

    But try and get people out the way yeah well ideally we don’t really want anyone filing at all because it it is suspicious and it can be regarded as CU obviously I don’t know who you are we don’t know who you are right and that could potentially lead to something

    Further down I’m not saying it would okay well I I think I’m okay because my intentions are not what you think they are you know I’m not saying I think that but my no you’ve mentioned like um loss prevention you know you mentioned that you’ve mentioned terrorism so if there

    There multiple reasons why not want tell me them then and I’ll reassure you that it’s not me understand that I just don’t know you do I so I can’t just take your word for it you’re going to have to cuz I’m here today to make a half an

    Hour video on all the waitr gates and what’s behind them so I do need to film the buildings because I’ve gone down to gate number done seven so how many gates are there 12 14 or yeah so I’m just visiting the mall getting some footage and then

    Going to fly the Drone around and get it for YouTube is it is it yeah well you got a channel you just make I have the contact my manager just to like yeah his reassured know what he’ll know more than me even if he says no I’m still going to continue that’s

    Fine I’ve spoken to you that’s what you’ve said so I’ll speak to him and it’ll be up to him to act on how he feels if he thinks okay leave it if he wants to report it I don’t know it’s it’s not illegal though that’s why I’m

    Going to double check with him we’re going to find where we stand on that shouldn’t you have double check first well no but let them still suspicious activities we have to be yeah but you should be telling people it’s illegal CU I don’t think it is do you still think

    It is oh yeah I don’t think you can film on a private permes people that aren’t given permission for filming so when you check it’s a secure side when you check hopefully your bus tells you otherwise let let me give you an example the Google street car yeah has that

    Filmed your buildings they blur out people though don’t they how do you know I’m not going to blur out people well yeah but I don’t know that do I you’re telling me it’s illegal it’s not to film it to film it it’s perfectly fine if you go and put people’s faces on the

    Internet they can get their face removed can’t they certainly but I don’t what you you’re planning to do with that so that’s why I’ve got to do my job as soon as you as soon as you said if you got YouTube I said yes yeah that’s what I’m

    Saying I’m just doing my job and asking questions yeah but don’t tell people it’s illegal cuz it’s not I think there are certain legal rules around this but obviously you properly know about certain things you can and can’t do well I like we have the F about how we film

    On our premises because we can’t film certain things because of legal complications it’s you’re bound by gdpr yeah and are you a siia licensed where’s your blue badge ain’t you supposed to wear it when you’re in public we don’t have to private premises you’re on you’re on a

    Public Highway still part premes you’re on a public highway it’s not private premises I don’t know why you keep saying that this is technically doesn’t matter yes it does you’re in public you should wear it you should display it there’s actually nothing to say we have to wear

    It don’t to show you the law can if you’re going to carry on you you stop me mate you you’re telling me it’s illegal to do what I’m doing oh they using encrypted comes so you don’t like me showing you the law but you think I should just accept

    You telling me it’s illegal yeah that’s what I’m getting so far I’m telling you waitress is a company I’m not happy of people filming their premises I tell you that so this is website and this is Saia license conditions you must follow I don’t need to say that I’ll

    Read it to you if you hold a Front Line license the conditions of this license are you must wear your license where it can be seen at all times when engaging in designated licensable activity unless this isn’t liable activity yeah are you talking to me in the capacity of

    Security guard this isn’t a license premises this is it doesn’t say licensed premises it says designated licensable activity unless you have reported it lost or stolen it’s in the possession of the siia or you are doing in work that requires you are not to be identifiable as a licensed operative covert activity

    So you’re doing none of them you’re trying to tell me what I’m doing is illegal well you’re breaking the law yourself by not having you I’m not breaking the law show you I’m not calling anyone I’m going to carry on now all right mate yeah sure do you want Mich

    You called somebody down have you my manager is that on that camera on no come from let’s go down to him it’ll speed things up for him won’t it less of a distance from to walk what building are you base in what is it what number and your manager’s based in where

    He’s not based there he’s just there for lunch oh he having lunch down here yeah do you know what I mean I’m not being funny with you but do you know when photographers get told they’re breaking the law you’re doing something wrong you’re a terrorist you can’t be

    Filled in our building but then you’ve got somebody who should be wearing his badge not wearing it I should be wearing my badge there’s no re on this site we’ll check with your boss yeah yeah obviously there’s a lot that you need to learn today about public photography and

    Licensed conditions section n of the Private Security Act it’s quite a common thing that we we mention just gentlemen here I know yeah there seems to be a problem on site I’ve had a few reports the gate house and had someone come to the office right okay so

    I’ll come out what’s your opinion on it standing on the public Highway filming the way buildings it’s fine no what’s your opinion on it just explain my’s Paul BS I’m the SEC operations manager yeah no yeah don’t we’re not going to be confrontational with you at all we do

    Get people coming around and film side so obviously I’m sure you understand we just need to double check what it is you’re doing would you tell the photographer that it’s illegal it it depends whether it’s legal or not it’s not always illegal you tell me me filming from the public Highway wait

    Sites there are would you tell them it’s illegal there are some elements of the site that we that are um that we do have to challenge about because obviously it’s private property so that’s why we just come along and ask question for would you tell them it’s illegal it

    Depends whether it’s legal or not so it depends where your where it’s where you’re um on the public Highway at all times filming the waitress sites that’s fine as long as you’ve been on don’t say it’s fine is it illegal no it depends that’s what I’m say it depends well it

    Does depends how you’re going to use that footage yeah exactly there a don’t worry we not we haven’t come along to sort of start well he did he says it’s illegal you can’t it can it can be at times it depends sorry if you say to me

    If you’re using it for terrorist reasons or if you’re using it to plan a a crime then we’ve got serious issues I’m here to sus you out don’t we’re not here to I’m sorry my friend You’ stepped in at the end we’ve already had a discussion should he be wearing his blue siia

    License out in public should he no no well look anyway no no no no you don’t get to walk away that is it no this is website and there’s condition fine no no no you don’t tell me what’s fine or not no no well you’re not

    Looking me word in edge B you’re asking me questions they’re not allow me to answer so what you want to what so let me ask let me just ask you so this is a Way’s head office and I know this is a public road this is not Public Road just

    To point out yes it is yeah so this this here is a private road no it’s not okay we’re not going to argue about it I will I will argue cuz you’re wrong okay that’s fine You’ got the right to your opinion so I’m not going to argue about

    So I’m going to jump in once again you can see Don Castle Road runs into oldbury and right just here is where we’re standing now if I show you find my street D Castle Road runs into oldbury right just here maintainable at the public expense there we go it is not

    Private it’s a council maintained road now just to prove this even further let’s drag the little street view man right down here look around and look where we are I just go right just here you can see that building just there which is where we will continue the

    Video look in the distance in the background prove it would you mind if I ask what it was you while you were filming for YouTube apparently it’s got YouTube okay okay all I say so what I’m going to say you cuz obviously if you just let me finish what I’m going to say

    I don’t need to go into long great big discussions is as long as you’re on Prop pivate public property which this is not but that’s a private um a public road and you’re filming as long as you don’t go onto the site which is obviously could be unsafe cuz obviously it could

    Be dangerous you can get lers going around then you can you can carry on filming but obviously we’re just coming to double check cuz it’s a due diligence to make sure that everything is safe and you don’t go on to site cuz you could hurt yourself going on site yeah so so

    But just so you’re aware you were asking about this what you’re standing on now is actually a private road it’s not a public road you know L post there with a yellow band on it yeah do you think that’s public or private what does it matter why why

    That’s where I was standing before your colleague here said let’s go and speak to the manager okay so I’ve come up to work with you and now you’re making a big deal that I’m standing on no he’s just explaining that this is private he’s not making a deal that you’re here

    Now you no no you’re just twisting things now aren’t you so are you going to put your si license on display no you’re not so you’re going to you’re I’m not making the law it’s fine this is a website and this is the conditions you must follow this is a

    Front line position you must wear your license work can be seen at all times when engaging in designated licensable activity yeah so this liable activity and you really believe that so you can have a door license you can have a CCT license you can have license for

    Managing people with licenses this is a public well this is that’s a public footpath this is a private road so by you asking me questions what does it have to do with you what I’m doing because this a private property and we need to know because you’re a security

    Guard yeah yeah so isn’t a front line position what line is it and you’re in the back office or it your front line is it comes mate what I’m going to say is as you ain’t either clearly well basic if you don’t obviously assume I was just going to ask

    You the reason CU obviously these are private property what the old reason for filming was it’s told your YouTube video yeah the reason for it oh no noly YouTu I’m visiting every gate every wait site I’m flying the drone over and I’m putting a can’t fly drones EA cuz there

    Is law there are laws on flying drones go on let’s hear it cuz You’ got everything else wrong so far let’s hear what you think about that no well anyway now you just told me I’m breaking the law about a drone now go on let’s do

    With CIA CAA I think it’s a c civil Aviation certain Heights so you shouldn’t be doing it we should have um permission in advance so you’re wrong again okay you guys just don’t know what you’re doing here do you don’t to show you the law on the no don’t no no cuz I

    Can go look up have you just come from this building sorry have you just come from this building well I don’t need to tell you where where I’ll come from is that the canteen why why cuz he says you’re on your lunch it’s irrelevant no

    It’s not what’s that go it seems to me you’ve come here for a confrontation so I don’t want to feed your confrontation back to work so what I would say be rud let me finish no no back to work I’ve heard enough the show’s over back

    To work yeah so as long as you don’t come on our property I’ll be happy with that look at the canteen and then I’m going to back to that that that post there what I say just we all I’m asking you to do yeah cuz it is civil trespass

    To go now I’m not visiting yet let me you keep asking me questions how about enough back to work I’ll let you car I’ll let you car back to work guys where’s the canteen I’m hungry so it’s their way or no way what they’re saying now is that this

    Is a private road but you can see you’ve got the NHS you’ve got West corn you got multiple businesses down here when I did check down there where the lamp posts are it said it’s public so this apparently is the canteen it’s a nice Canen isn’t it and this is the security

    BS and the first guy who think everything is illegal so with security still lingering around to my right I have checked this is a council maintained Road oldbury uh we have checked on drone assist as well there are no flight restrictions in the area so we’re all good to

    Fly so let’s go another look around shall we wait toos let’s have a look at You Max altitude reached home Point updated so they’re not very confident about the Drone are they as they walk off to the mul story staff car park directly opposite with have multiple we trose buildings as we’ve just seen the building where he had his lunch inside there Max altitude reached and there we

    Are at 120 M and every single one of these buildings that you can see belong to waos directly underneath us we have security down there are still panicking about the Drone so they are very lucky getting the free parking that was the workshop just there that was the building that said it’s

    Closed and there’s the biomethane refueling station and of course the gate where we’ve started at the top gate number One but as you would expect most of the moving around and everything is done inside we’re not likely to see it but it’s just amazing uh one company can take over so much of an industrial estate right let’s switch over get the 360Β° photo for Google Maps done and move

    On the location of the DJ audits cuing on this video is just there hanging up on that Sign we can of course hear police so whether they turn up or not we’ll find out that very shortly hopefully not just say up the key ring opposite the foot path sign and the car park so that’s security keep their eye on us maybe just like they should have done

    In the first place rather than tell us it’s illegal Etc telling us they do not need their siia license on display I’m telling us that in certain circumstances filming is illegal con so I don’t give permission to fil why would I need permission well I

    Don’t want I don’t want be film and if it appears on any public domain yeah then I’ll take legal action I know you can take legal action you can’t yes you can you’ve been wrong on nearly everything you said today okay and you’re wrong again the only thing you

    Can do if you find your face online just use the platform tools to request a blur and I’ll put a blare on your face no problem but you I’m telling you now I don’t want it on there so I’m telling you now like you’re trying to tell me

    Now that you will be on the video well I’m telling you I don’t want to be on the video that’s be State clearly I’m telling you as a matter of fact you are going to be on the video because unfortunately you’ve been dishonest how have I been dishonest

    Because you’ve told a member of the public that filming is illegal without establishing their motive if you’re telling if you suspect me of being a terrorist or suspect me of being a criminal it might be different but you come straight the way filming is illegal and it’s not so you’ve been the purpose

    And we don’t know the purpose well it’s your job to find out you’ve also said you do not believe that you have to have it on display so that’s also a criminal offense no it’s not criminal offense that is actually true here so by me putting this video on it’s going to

    Educate wait bosses so that in the future when you guys talk to people out in public you’ll be wearing it mate right see the video must go out if you feel free to contact the Saia and ask them I have do you want to see the video when I asked

    Them you want to see it I’m not interested in all this I I came face to face with the siia and I asked them outright is it a criminal offense for an siia license holder not to wear it in public he said yes it is it’s section 9 of the Private

    Security Act yeah it’s not a criminal offense for you guys to to not display their bades well I I said it is under Section n oh a criminal offense well so they they have to abide by the license conditions one of those licensing conditions is that they must display

    Their license yeah so it is an offense under the private security industry act you’re carrying out designated licensable activities it don’t mean any license premises like you think so the education needs to be passed the boss watch up okay it’s coming we’re finished now so no hard feelings guys all right

    The video will be out on YouTube in a week’s time and there are lessons to be learned but no hard feelings I’m off now okay take care and we’ll leave it there it’s not nice leaving it on a bad note with people but yeah this video needs to go

    Out to teach wait that when you are approaching members of the public don’t just straight the way assume they are doing something illegal because filming alone is not as we all know but if your purpose is of an ill intent then that changes things but it’s their job to work that

    Out and also if I’m willing to show you the law of a concern that I have you know we didn’t even get into the Realms of why are the trailers not displaying a number plate we didn’t even go down that road did we I don’t think they’ll want

    To hear that if they don’t want to hear simple proof about the siia license or even the Drone law you know he started saying oh certain Heights certain rules around drones and don’t to show you no no it’s their way or the highway but anyway let’s hit the highway let’s move on so

    If you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one has that trailer got a number plate on of course it has not bye-bye for Now


    1. My word it's worrying the lack of intelligence these so called security guys have, and how ignorant and arrogant they are.
      They're not fit to look after a garden shed.

    2. If you are standing outside a dance hall (something I did repeatedly in the 60s in UK), are you listening into the hall? No. Because your ears are passive, not active. The same is true for your eyes and therefore, a camera. Nothing comes out of the lens. Light from their private area is leaking into the public area where you are standing and collecting it. Bizarre, truly bizarre. Another great audit. Thanks!

    3. I had high hopes for Paul, but tbh, he'd have made less of a fool of himself if he only made duck noises.
      I hope Waitrose views this footage and takes the necessary actions against these two liabilities.

    4. My God, what a couple of clowns. The boss is a waffler and I can't stand wafflers. Neither him nor the security guard listened to a single thing you said. They are both unteachable and oblivious. Waitrose definitely needs reporting to the SIA and the Director of the company or whole site manager needs to see this video.

    5. I have seen SO many videos where people doing security or even police are trying to enforce the law BUT they don't even know the LAW they are trying to enforce. AND are not prepared to be shown the ACTUAL law.
      How ridiculous!

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