Zum siebten Mal in Folge ist Finnland das Land mit der glücklichsten Bevölkerung der Erde. Das ging aus dem jährlich erscheinenden Weltglücksbericht hervor, der heute anlässlich des Internationalen Tags des Glücks veröffentlicht wurde. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

    English Subtitles
    Today’s topics: Protests against job cuts at Bosch; AfD lawsuit in the Federal Constitutional Court; More news, including sports and weather.

    00:00 Vorspann

    00:43 Regierungserklärung zur Ukraine-Politik
    Bundeskanzler Scholz hat darin das Durchhalten bei der Unterstützung für die Ukraine betont. Zur Taurus-Diskussion äußerte er sich nicht.

    03:58 Lindner fordert Maßnahmen gegen Verschuldung
    Die schwache Geburtenrate und die schlechte Wirtschaftslage führen zu einer drastischen Verschuldung, so Bundesfinanzminister Lindner bei der Vorstellung des Tragfähigkeitsbericht.

    06:12 Demonstrationen gegen Sparpläne bei Bosch
    Tausende Arbeitsplätze möchte der Automobilzulieferer Bosch in den kommenden Jahren abbauen. Dagegen demonstrierten an mehreren Konzernstandorten etwa 25.000 Menschen.

    08:17 Regierung plant nationale Hafenstrategie
    Für eine Exportnation wie Deutschland sind Häfen besonders wichtig. Mit der neuen nationalen Hafenstrategie will die Bundesregierung die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Häfen stärken.

    10:17 AfD-Klage vor Bundesverfassungsgericht
    Die Partei fühlt sich in ihren parlamentarischen Rechten beschränkt. Der Vorsitz in drei Bundestagsausschüssen wurde ihr von den anderen Fraktionen verwehrt.

    12:22 Viele minderjährige Migranten ohne sicheres Umfeld
    Viele Jugendliche, die nach Deutschland flüchten, bleiben lange unbegleitet. Wie junge Migranten besser integriert werden können, besprechen nun die zuständigen Länderminister.

    14:07 Frankfurt: Ausstellung über Käthe Kollwitz
    Käthe Kollwitz gilt als bedeutendste deutsche Künstlerin des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eine Ausstellung im Frankfurter Städel zeigt nun: Kollwitz ist aktueller denn je.

    16:24 Finnen sind die glücklichsten Menschen
    Der Weltglücksbericht zeigt, dass die glücklichsten Menschen vor allem im Norden leben. Deutschland dagegen ist von Platz 16 auf 24 abgerutscht.


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    #Weltglücksbericht #Finnland #ZDFheute

    The nightly news with Barbara Hahlweg. Good evening and welcome. Norbert König has sports updates today. -Good evening. Let’s take a look at tonight’s topics. A government speech with many sharp words. The Bundestag is arguing about the right way to support Ukraine. The economy’s maritime lifelines:

    The government wants to secure the future of German ports. Back, only to be sidelined again: Manuel Neuer is injured and out for upcoming international matches. Chancellor Scholz urged “staying the course to support Ukraine, while not overestimating Russia’s strength” in a government speech one day before the EU summit.

    “If the Russian president believes that he just needs to wait out this war and that our support will weaken, then he’s miscalculated”, Scholz said. The chancellor said nothing about the Taurus discussion. Others did. Christiane Hübscher reports. Yesterday, he called the German Taurus debate “ridiculous and embarrassing”. Olaf Scholz chose different words today.

    He was much more subtle in his government speech about where his priorities lie in supporting Ukraine, and where not. From my point of view, it’s important to focus on what’s important now. Specifically, ammunition and weapons deliveries, for example, and not things that are wanted generally. That’s why I’m committed to ensuring

    That European funds are concentrated on what Ukraine needs most urgently right now. The Greens were still smarting from the chancellor’s criticism. But they continued to resist. It became clear once again that the coalition has different preferred speeds when it comes to aid for Ukraine and Taurus missiles.

    As the group leader of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag, I can say that the Greens will stay the course. Despite what some people think, there’s nothing ridiculous about it. This is not a debate that can just be ended. Opposition leader Merz once again accused the chancellor of weak leadership,

    And indirectly, even cowardice towards Putin. Peacefulness can cause the opposite of peace. Such an unscrupulous war criminal cannot be met with cowardice. Only clarity and determination will do. This man received unwanted support from the AfD. SPD parliamentary group leader Mützenich had mused aloud about freezing the war in Ukraine

    In a recent plenary session. The leader of the AfD is pushing for an immediate end. Instead of warmongering and weapons deliveries that drive escalation, German politics must return to its strengths. In other words, it must do everything in its power to act as a mediator in the Ukraine war and initiate negotiations.

    Weidel received a reprimand from the vice president of the Bundestag for her accusation of warmongering. Before the start of the EU summit in Brussels, the chancellor promised once again that Germany and Europe will support Ukraine for as long as necessary.

    Turning now to a very personal decision, which significantly affects society as a whole. Women in Germany are having fewer babies. The birth rate has fallen unusually sharply over the past two years. The Federal Institute for Population Research calculated 1.57 children per woman in 2021, but only 1.36 children per woman in 2023.

    That’s the lowest number since 2009. Researchers suspect that the decision to have children has been postponed due to crises like Covid, climate change, wars and inflation. This trend will increasingly put a strain on government finances in the future. Fewer working people are paying for an increasing number of retirees.

    When combined with a weak economy, this will lead to massive debt in the long term, says the finance minister. He’s calling on politicians to take action. Lindner presented his “sustainability report” to the cabinet today. Daniel Pontzen reports. Could you cover this shift somehow? In the care sector, like here in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,

    The trends endangering the nation’s finances on a large scale can be seen on a smaller scale. There are an increasing number of older people and a decreasing number of workers. How much more staff could you use? Two or three more would help. Here, there are holes in the schedule.

    In Berlin, there are holes in the financial plan. These holes threaten to grow dramatically by 2070 as a result of demographic change, according to the ministry. They’ve calculated two scenarios. Even the positive scenario with a healthy level of economic development

    Assumes that the debt level would rise from 63% of annual economic output to 140%. In the negative scenario, it could go to 365%. The numbers can’t be precisely predicted because of the length of time under consideration and the many influencing factors. But the trend is clear.

    This sustainability report shows that there’s a need for action. No one should ignore the realities. Our society is changing. We’re ageing. This ageing is largely caused by baby boomers. Because they’ve had so few children, they now need to accept serious cuts, says economist Bernd Raffelhüschen.

    We have to make massive changes. We need to raise the retirement age. We need to adjust the pension level in line with demographic trends. We also need massive care reforms. None of this can be financed sustainably any longer. But the pension package recently presented by five finance and labour ministers

    Will not lead to falling expenses for the time being. On the contrary, they will continue to rise. The car parts supplier Bosch wants to cut thousands of jobs in the coming years. “There’s no way around it”, said the head of HR in response to employee protests. 25,000 demonstrated today against the cost-cutting plans

    At several company locations. They’re calling for investment in technologies of the future instead, like electric and self-driving cars. Eva Schiller reports from Stuttgart. They want to fight for their jobs and for Germany as an economic auto hub. 25,000 Bosch employees, significantly more than expected,

    Protested nationwide, like here in front of the Stuttgart headquarters, against the planned job cuts. We’re losing our jobs. But we’re doing a good job here, and more should be done to ensure we have opportunities, that we move away from the combustion engine.

    It’s difficult to motivate people to continue to do their jobs now and to stay on top of important issues so that Germany can continue exist as a desirable business location. Germany’s largest auto supplier is announcing its downsizing plans piece by piece. Despite high profits, Bosch wants to cut 7,000 jobs worldwide.

    Around half of them in Germany. This is to cope with the transition to EV cars. The conversion could be designed so that as the combustion engine is phased out, the production of electromobility goods is ramped up here in Germany. But what we’re seeing is that as the combustion engine is phased out,

    New goods are not being manufactured in Germany. “You have to face the truth”, management says. It takes significantly fewer employees to produce EV cars. We’re trying to generate new jobs in new fields through our growth strategy. But at the moment, I can’t say whether this will maintain the current balance.

    500,000 jobs in Baden-Württemberg alone depend on the auto industry. What’s clear is that companies and suppliers will probably shrink significantly in the future. Ports are particularly important for an export nation like Germany. It’s where a large part of foreign commerce takes place. Almost 280 million tonnes of goods

    Were transported through German ports in 2023. Hamburg contributed the largest share, with nearly 100 million tonnes. The German government wants to help strengthen the competitiveness of its ports, but also their security, with a national port strategy. Svenja Dohmeyer reports. Food, clothing, technology. Almost two thirds of all goods leave Germany via seaports.

    With a national port strategy, the government wants to get the ports ready for international competition. We need to digitalise our seaports and make them more efficient now. We need to more skilled workers. Although ports are the responsibility of the federal states, they’re also of national importance,

    Like when it comes to defence and security issues or energy supply questions. Ports are also central to the energy transition, whether it’s through LNG, hydrogen or the offshore industry. They need millions in investment in order to meet their goals. Without the coast, without the ports,

    The energy transition and climate targets won’t be achievable in Germany. That’s why what was supposedly a state-specific task has become a national responsibility. The states are waiting for money from the federal government. But this promise didn’t materialise today. In Cuxhaven, for example,

    New docking berths are supposed to be built for huge wind turbine components. We already have the plans. We can build. But we’ve been waiting for funding for years. We need clear support from the federal government now. Conversations are underway, parties involved said today. The coastal states want to persevere

    In order to ensure that concrete projects from the port strategy will be realised. Starting today, the AfD is fighting for its parliamentary rights before the Federal Constitutional Court. The case is specifically about the right to chair three Bundestag committees. The AfD should have been entitled to them

    Based on the strength of their parliamentary group. But the other parliamentary groups rejected the AfD candidates. The AfD called this “undemocratic”. Samuel Kirsch reports on the trial from Karlsruhe. He was set to become the chairman of the Bundestag’s Interior Affairs Committee in 2021. Martin Hess, AfD MP.

    But the other parliamentary groups considered him unsuitable and rejected him. They did the same for the AfD candidates to chair the Health and Economic Cooperation Committees. The AfD parliamentary group is now suing in Karlsruhe, citing the Bundestag’s rules of procedure. We’re entitled to three.

    The person who chairs the committee is determined by the Council of Elders. But our committee chairs weren’t approved. Typically, committee chairs are allocated according to the so-called “right of first access procedure”. This means the largest parliamentary group has first pick of a committee and can appoint a chair.

    Then the second largest parliamentary group, and so on. In 2021, however, elections were held in the three committees selected by the AfD, and their candidates lost. The committee chair positions are too important. Their function is too important for us to fill them with unsuitable and unqualified people.

    Was blocking the AfD candidates a violation of the constitution? Hearings began in the court today. The chairwoman began by announcing: The justices will hear from a number of expert third parties, in particular those from within the parliament itself, in order to get a clearer picture of previous parliamentary practice and tradition

    Regarding the election and removal of committee chairs. A verdict is likely to take a few months. How can refugees integrate more easily? The responsible state ministers will discuss this topic today in Rostock-Warnemünde. It’s not just about welcoming and accommodating people.

    It’s also about how children and young people who come to Germany alone are doing. Lisa Jandi reports. For most of the individuals here, this is their first real German course. Their faces must be blurred out, because they’re minors who fled to Germany without their parents.

    Now, they’re waiting for a decision from the authorities on what happens next. I was told my initial appointment would be after three months. It’s now been five months. That makes me sad. I’m hitting a wall. Many feel that way. More than 3,000 unaccompanied minors came to Berlin last year alone.

    But they’re only allowed to go to school after an initial appointment with the authorities. They’re biding their time and combating boredom here in the Karusell learning workshops. But only for six weeks. Then, it’s the next group’s turn. The Senate funds the project, but it’s not a replacement for school.

    We need to speed up the clearance process. But Berlin can’t do that alone. The federal government is jointly responsible. Berlin is a hotspot for new arrivals. Andreas Thewalt is a volunteer guardian for three minors. He finds it outrageous that, for months on end, they can’t attend school or establish a normal daily routine.

    He’s filed a complaint against the senator for education. You can’t forget that these children have generally had very bad experiences. They need to be given a guiding hand and treated sensibly. His ward Hashmet is finally going to school… nine months after he arrived in Germany, This is Käthe Kollwitz.

    She’s considered the most important German artist of the 20th century. Hundreds of squares, streets and schools are named after her, in both the east and west of Germany. But even though her name is well known, her art has been somewhat forgotten in recent decades.

    An exhibition at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt shows that Kollwitz is more relevant than ever. Peter Theisen reports. Expressive, unpretentious, unsparing: These are the faces of Käthe Kollwitz. She became famous at a young age for her mastery of drawing and printmaking. She carefully staged the figures in her drawings.

    She worked with intense, zoomed-in close-ups. People are sometimes so intertwined that you don’t know where one body ends and another begins. It all serves to heighten the intensity and drama. That’s why we’re still gripped by these images today. She observed the misery of the tenements in Berlin.

    Although she was never active in a political party, she always stood up for justice and against the war. The Nazis consider her art degenerate. She was forced into isolation. You can see these motifs reflected on present-day television. She anticipated the cruelty of war, for example.

    She must have had so much fun trying out lots of different techniques. That’s something that surprises and inspires me in this exhibition. After the Second World War, whose end she didn’t live to see, Käthe Kollwitz became seen as an icon, in both the East and West.

    The art of Käthe Kollwitz is imbued with a deep humanism and great humanity. It offers many points of reference for socialism and communism as well as for humanism and feminism. That’s why she was received differently in different parts of Germany.

    When her enlarged “Pietà” sculpture was installed in the Neue Wache in Berlin in 1993, Kollwitz cemented her mythic status. The sculpture deals with the loss of her son as a soldier in the First World War. The multifaceted Kollwitz can now be rediscovered at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt.

    When the sun shines and spring comes calling, like today, it’s certainly easier to be happy. But weather is apparently not the decisive factor. The World Happiness Report proves this every year. The happiest people live far to the north. Finland has come in first place for the seventh time.

    They’re followed by Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. Germany dropped from 16th to 24th place. Pablo Silalahi shows what we can learn from the Finns. Socialising in the sauna, long walks in the woods: The land of the northern lights is the home of happiness. The gap to Germany has grown larger in the happiness ranking.

    I would say that Germans get in their own way somewhat because we like to follow the rules. We want security and for things to go as we’ve imagined them. That’s no longer the case these days. We have a hard time with that, and it stands in the way of our happiness.

    What can Germany learn from the northern Europeans? The Scandinavians are fearless, so to speak. Act first, apologise later. That’s their mindset. For them, change is simply part of daily life. They don’t have this German fear. They just do things and get them done.

    Therefore, they’re much faster, more innovative, more creative and also happier. The most important happiness factors, according to the study, are social support, a secure income, freedom and the absence of corruption. But happiness factors also always depend on the individual. Good weather. My partner. There are many things that can make you happy.

    That my friends and family are healthy, and that we’re together. Good weather is a key factor. There’s even an official reason to be happy today: It’s the start of spring. But Manuel Neuer is less than happy. He won’t be returning to the national team after all.

    Not for the time being. His muscles aren’t playing ball. Manuel Neuer has gone back home and is out for the games against France and the Netherlands. International match number 118 will just have to wait. He’s already checked out of the hotel. It happened during training today.

    Neuer, who’d just found out he’d be starting for the European Championship over ter Stegen, had to pull out of the session. He’ll be out for weeks due to a torn muscle in his adductors. He’ll be out for the next two games.

    Maybe he’ll play for Bayern against Dortmund, but that’s not my call to make. In any case, it’s very annoying because he made a good impression as a player. Neuer’s rival, ter Stegen, will be in goal for the next two games. Another setback for the Bayern keeper.

    He was out for eleven months last year with a fractured lower leg after a skiing accident. Now, he has to take another break, while ter Stegen earns extra credit with a view to the European Championships. Fans of public sports viewings can rejoice. If your municipal officials play along,

    You can continue to cheer loudly outside after 10 PM during the European Championships. According to several media reports, Julian Schuster is set to follow Christian Streich as head coach of SC Freiburg. The former team captain has more than 200 Bundesliga games under his belt.

    He’s currently a liaison coach between professional and youth players. 605 kilometres, seven stages. The Cape Epic in South Africa is a huge challenge for two-person mountain bike teams. The German-Swiss team of Seewald-Stutzmann won stage three. A spectacular race in spectacular surroundings. The third stage spanned from Saronsberg to Wellington

    Over 94 kilometres and with a 2,100 metre climb. Andreas Seewald, the German mountain bike marathon 2022 world champion, and his Swiss partner, Marc Stutzmann, were the dominant duo. They led by just under a minute at the finish after more than three and a half hours and temperatures well over 30 degrees.

    The German team of Egger-Baum had to admit defeat during the final sprint, finishing in third place. I’m sure all four are happy. -And probably tired, too. We still need the lottery numbers. The winning numbers are: 7, 9, 16, 24, 40 and 45. The bonus number is 8. Find more winning numbers on lotto.zdf.de

    And in ZDFtext on page 557. Today is the first day of spring on the calendar, but tomorrow won’t fully feel like it. It will be wet and cloudy. Details in a moment from Christa Orben. Christian Sievers hosts the “heute journal” just after 10 PM. Have a nice evening. See you tomorrow. Bye.

    WEATHER REPORT Good evening. Where is spring starting in Europe? Spring-like temperatures are, of course, mainly in the south. Spain and France will see mild temperatures around 25 degrees tomorrow. And the temperatures in the north are at least already in the plus range. Highs are reaching 5 degrees.

    We’re in between, and that gives us a wide range of temperatures. That includes tonight. Temperatures will drop to 5 to 10 degrees, but it could be a bit cooler in the southeast. Light frost is possible in the mountains. It’s mostly clear here, with patches of fog.

    Rain will intensify overnight in the north and northeast. Some rain is also possible in the southwest in the early hours of the morning. The south will also see some rain in the morning. The rain will start in the night in the northeast.

    A brisk wind will move from the North Sea to the northwest. It’ll push the rain clouds further, which will result in showers and brief thunderstorms in the afternoon, especially in the southeast. Elsewhere, thick clouds will alternate with bursts of sunshine. A large temperature range again.

    9 degrees on Rügen, 20 degrees on the Rhine. We’ll have a similar temperature range on Friday. It’ll be much cooler and variable at the weekend. We’ll get a hint of late winter, then. Goodbye.


    1. Wenn so viele Ressourcen in die Produktion von Doomsday-Clickbait gehen, dann wundert mich die Unglücklichkeit nicht. Mittlerweile sind die Nachrichten so negativ, dass es tatsächlich eine Zumutung ist sich das noch anzuhören.
      Rückblickend bleibt es unbegründet, selbst bei dem Heizungsdrama, Energiedrama, Kriegsdrama und diese ganzen anderen Geschichten, kam jetzt nichts erschütternd schlimmes bei raus, wie es jeder aber zu meinen scheint. Ich verstehe auch nicht dieses Volumen an Nachrichten mit den gleichen Inhalten. Das beeinträchtigt doch by-design die Wahrnehmung negativ…

    2. Wie kann es nur sein, dass die Deutschen immer unglücklicher werden bei der guten Regierung und bei den positiven zukunftsreichen Aussichten

    3. Da gebt ihr Unsummen aus um einen Zukunftsrat zu beschäftigen und am Ende lehnt ihr doch alle Reformvorschläge ab, weil ihr gierige Aasgeier seid, die nicht aufhören wollen die Leute mit linksfaschistischer Propaganda zu nerven weil sie so gut vom Geld der anderen leben? Oh ich freue mich wenn die Afd an der Macht und ihr alle arbeitslos seid

    4. Wird nancy faeser bald das sich nicht glücklich fühlen unter Strafe stellen? Kann doch nicht sein, dass wir uns bei Gruppenvergewaltigungen und Messermorden nicht mehr wohl fühlen!

    5. Der Abrutsch im Weltglücksbericht ist vor allem der Hetzte von Medien wie der BILD, RT oder auch Julian Reichelt zu verdanken. Da springen die Populisten der AfD und CDU/CSU, ganz vorne weg natürlich F. Merz oder auch M. Söder, natürlich direkt auf. Anstatt gemeinsam was in diesem Land zu reisen, werden nicht nur die Ellenbogen rausgefahren sondern ganze Arme. Egoismus und Wut gegen "die da oben". Allen geht es besser außer mir, wegen der Ampel. Genau Dieter. Wegen denen da oben oder weil du es so auf Facebook gelesen hast?

      Ich wünsche mir mehr Zivilcourage, Engagement und Wokeness („in hohem Maß politisch wach und engagiert gegen (insbesondere rassistische, sexistische, soziale) Diskriminierung“).

    6. Deutschland wird auf kurzer oder langer Sicht verlieren. Die letzten Jahre zeigen es und besser wird es nicht durch Waffen. Die jetzige Regierung ist eine Schande für Deutschland.

    7. Wir müssten noch schneller werden in der Aufklärung vor Korruption in der CDU in Verbindung mit Behörden und Instanzen welche dafür sorgen das Recht des Einzelnen maßgeblich beschnitten wird um die abartigen Auswüchse in dem Amtsstuben in Verbindung mit Medien zu beseitigen. Des weiteren sollten wir hier Bürgermeister und Parteifunktionäre als Verdachtsfälle einstufen welche im Verbund anscheinend der Meinung sind die Vormundschaft für alle inne zu haben um dann auch noch jedem zu erklären was hier Arbeit zu sein hat und was nicht.
      Radieschen sprechen keine Sprache und Äpfel leiern keine Lieder, Kartoffeln wohnen unter der Erde und Eier von Hühnern in einem Hühnernest weswegen ein Verbund aus diesen sicher nicht weis was die Wahrheit ist ohne jetzt wieder noch tiefer in die Materie hinein zu fassen. Wenn man hier die Leute maßgeblich unterdrückt um einen starren unbeweglichen Rahmen um das Scheingebilde zu ziehen durch welches wir uns bewegen haben wir ein Problem mit der Wahrnehmung da es aus meiner Sicht egal ist ob Wasser in einem Glas oder einer Flasche wohnt, ob Kartoffeln im Keller liegen oder in einer Pfanne herum tanzen, oder ob Gras auf der Wiese steht oder auf Beinen unterwegs ist und nein Steinköpfe sagen auch nichts welche man an Fassaden platziert und die wissen auch nichts von der Wahrheit. Wenn man keine künstlichen komatösen Zustände herbei führt weil jeder der Beste sein will um über andere zu bestimmen lässt der Druck zwischen den Eselsohren immens nach.

    8. Und die nächste Kriegshetzerin. Katharina Dröge von den Grünen. Hat wenigsten VWL fertig studiert aber direkt nach dem Studium in die Politik ins Thema Umweltschutz. Ideologien reinsten Wassers und jetzt für Waffen, Waffen Waffen…nur sterben, das sollen andere.

    9. Ja JA bestraft die scheiss Babyboomer (1946-64), die es gewagt haben in saus und braus zu leben und selbst keine Kinder zu kriegen…Sagt mal habt ihr sie noch alle? Generation Z soll langsam mal die Arschbacken zusammenkneifen und endlich arbeiten gehen.

    10. Liebe Boschmitarbeiter, so sieht das aus wen Ideologie auf Realität trifft. Das E-Auto braucht nicht nur deutlich weniger Teile, es ist für einen Industriestandort wie Deutschland auch nicht möglich ohne kostengünstige Energie zu produzieren. Die Grünen sind euer Tot.

    11. LOL das die Richterin da nicht selbst lachen muss, bisher wurden noch nie Ausschuss-Leiter gewählt oder abgewählt, das hat man für die AFD neu eingeführt.

    12. 11:00
      wie kann das "undemokratisch" sein, wenn über diese Personen mehrheitlich abgestimmt wird?
      Das ist ziemlich GENAU das was mit demokratisch gemeint ist!!!

      Undemokratisch ist: Wenn es KEINE Wahl gibt!

    13. Der Lindner nimmt den Bürgern indem er spart!
      Geld bekommt er von der Zentralbank und nicht vom Steuerzahler.
      Der Zins ist so hoch wie die Inflation, also inflationsbereinigt ist der Zins auf Kredite gleich 0.
      Die Geldmenge im Umlauf ist momentan nicht groß genug, um die Inflation anzuheizen.
      Lindner müsste mehr investieren und weniger sparen, um das Land voranzubringen.
      Er ist komplett auf dem Holzweg.

    14. Bei uns können viele Menschen glücklich sein, die linken und linksradikalen, die nicht arbeiten und trotzdem gut dafür belohnt werden.
      Unglücklich sind nur die die nicht links oder linksradikal sind und damit als rechtsradikal diffamiert werden. Problem: Es werden immer mehr, wie den aktuellen Kurs das wirtschaftlichen niedergangs nicht akzeptieren

    15. Medwedew, Solowjow u. Co. drohen uns jede Woche mit der Vernichtung durch russische Atombomben. Schon wieder vergessen? Putler muss weg u. Russland dafür massiv bestraft werden.

    16. Seit 2022 steht Deutschland vor einer schweren Wirtschaftskrise, die von steigenden Energiepreisen, steigenden Zinsen und steigenden Insolvenzzahlen deutscher Unternehmen begleitet wird, heißt es in der deutschen Ausgabe des NIUS.

    17. Thema Rente:
      Ist nicht fast allgemeiner Konsens, dass wir fein damit wären, wenn das Rentenalter an Anforderungen körperlicher Belastung angepasst werden?
      Schreibtischhengst krieg ich theoretisch hin bis mich der Schlag trifft, hoffentlich mit 90 :D, aber als Bauarbeiter hätte ich vermutlich mit Mitte 50, spätestens 60 nicht mehr die Puste dafür.
      Spricht da etwas gegen?

    18. Mit dem Wohlstandsverlust fällt die Glückseleligkeit…wer hätte es gedacht. Die Bürger haben erkannt, dass nix gegen den Wohlstandsverlust unternommen wird. Eine Firma würde pleite gehen, der Staat macht einfach so weiter.

    19. Wie lange wollen wir noch einen Krieg finanzieren. Es ist nicht unser Krieg. Dummheit kann zum aus der gesamten Menschheit führen. Der Krieg ist für die Ukraine nicht zu gewinnen. Die Lösung ist Verhandlung.

    20. Wir haben die Kommentarfunktion für weitere Kommentare deaktiviert. Auf unserem Kanal findet ihr unsere tagesaktuellen Beiträge. Schaut dort gerne vorbei und diskutiert weiter mit!

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