Today we take a look at Eviosys Packaging Manufacturing UK Ltd, Weasenham Ln, Wisbech PE13 2RP.

    We speak to Mark in security who is a regular viewer and gives us a very warm welcome. We also meet his amazing partner Mandy.

    We speak about the place and also about drones.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I watch all your YouTube program so you which channel is that YouTube yeah um DJ audience oh you’ve actually seen me yes so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in whis Beach taking a look at this place Evo CIS now I’m not sure what they do I’m

    Hoping it’s not a school cuz that side of the building looks very much like a school but then this side of the building looks like some sort of well I don’t know food industry it says right I did have a quick look on chat GPT which pulls the information from the

    Website so I don’t need to troll it and it says Evis in whis beach is in involved in offering career opportunities in the manufacturing and Engineering sector focusing on roles such as process quality analyst blah blah blah some sort of uh training provider but this certainly says food industry so

    We’ll just have a quick look at the signs and see if we can find out more observe our hygiene policy at all times no smoking very good track record in terms of accidents and NOS transport is leaving site now down at the back yeah very old industrial building health and safety with marked

    Pedestrian footways a car park to the right here with good security Really we have got Security in the gate house who is currently on the phone I wonder whe he being told yay or nay what’s that behind it preserve smart sustainable packaging so is it food industry packaging let’s have another look see if we can go directly on their website this

    Time and yes once you go on their own website we’ve got smart sustainable packaging smart sustainable able packaging leading the industry with Innovative packaging technology 45 Plants 6,300 Plus employees and there is the package In as simple as that look and they’ve got the luxury of security hello mate keeping a out all day for them you all right yeah I watch all your YouTube programs so you which channel is that YouTube yeah um DJ audience oh you’ve actually seen me yes there’s

    Quite a lot a key there aren’t you yeah thank you for watching what was your name markfield yeah I appreciate that thank you Mark so yeah you know what we do yeah it says it’s just tin cans that’s all I do yeah it’s uh just that

    Sort of thing that’s it yeah really what they make that here that can here yeah then obviously it goes to um um princes that long sat for tuna uh for anything like um potatoes beans anything like that right print sciss wh Beach as well so yeah yeah it is it is a

    Big old um and they’ve all got that peel top thing to them have they yes yeah brilliant is that what’s so special is that what’s it eois where does that come from the name it’s a What you asking what it mean does it link into the the word packaging at all that Evo cyst so why choose that name what’s behind it I’ve been told it’s the sustainability side of it but the first part is something to do with a me sustainability something Evo bet

    There’s a long word that means something green yeah yeah yeah oh brilliant yeah yeah yeah thank you thanks for your time time hi take care so sustainability packaging is a viewer excellent so far so good the site looks very bright very tidy and I think now we’ll just get

    David up we’ll get straight into it let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all so let’s go and have a look home Point updated take off so the lady that came I think it was

    Totally unrelated she just wanted to ask security something at the same time as we wanted a little conversation with him she’s still in there seagulls are still around the area well a bird I don’t think that is a seagull actually but this is the building that

    Looked to me like a bit of a school but but it’s not manufacturing food packaging tin cans for princes there we go metal in tin can’s out all with that special peel away lid so it does go all the way back look it’s absolutely massive but not much at all visible from the

    Outside we have got something over here let’s have a look at what this might be is that some old tins I think it might be some leads and some old fridges maybe stair access to the roof for roof maintenance because yeah it’s absolutely huge is it been extended and extended over the

    Years to get all the way down to the back here where we’ve got some track marks going in there but it’s all closed off no glimpse of the inside possible today doesn’t look very busy though does it at all have we caught them on a shutdown or a quiet period I don’t

    Know nice clean organized pallet storage area at the back and waist also very very tidy yes you’re doing well evoist yes sustainable green and and very very well organized so give yourselves a pat on the back from me patronizing you know or I now honestly I can’t see any faults at all

    And your security guard watches my YouTube channel hey there you go five stars from me all we need now is an internal tour so you got my email address anybody that wants to offer me an internal tour of some sort of interesting manufacturing process let me know do we want to get

    Inside the factory next we’ve done outside the factory let’s get in let’s give Greg Wally some competition but right now security are approaching us so we’ll switch over and do the 360Β° photo for Google Maps and see what he’s got to say now is he still as friendly or as he had

    Advised look how fantastic it looks from above look I’ve got a uh Pro four have you yeah this is the pro four as well oh is it yeah yeah cuz i’ got a pro three and I’ve got the pro four as well but yeah I like doing this one my

    Partner oh hello there what’s your name I’ve seen you Mandy and Miss part I’ve seen you on the thingy there you go on the un thing present for me so you both work here brilliant one car I’ve got an ebike oh have you so have I yeah I’ve se you like little

    Like there then yeah I live literally 2 minutes up the road ideal yeah and when it’s raining some waterproofs yeah yeah or you arrive or soaked I don’t buy going on getting wet cuz I can just strip off com to work then no yeah but yeah where is she then it’s directly

    Above us just doing the 360 but I’m up at 120 yeah so it’s quite hard to see at the minute yeah but it’s yeah it’s up there I thought you had the pro three to Tru I did but then the camera went Dodger wait I’m coming going nice to

    Meet you thank you it looks like she’s hands on then yeah is is that that metal comes in in sheets and then it’s rolled up that’s it yeah then it’s made into goes on to like compressor then it’s made into the cans or whatnot but yeah you’ve got access all areas haven’t you

    Being security you can walk around anywhere yeah yeah I’ve been here 17 years 17 17 yeah and it’s it ticks all the right boxes for me and said I live 2 minutes up the road me partner she works here don’t get G I’ll get on well with

    Anybody and everybody on S I can tell because of like yeah you’ve seen some people that do your job that don’t get along well with people I know they’ got no people skills at all have they definitely haven’t and this is cuz I’ve work for several different security

    Firms as s it is right here so yeah yeah it’s nice place it looks very clean I’ve just been commenting on the camera everything’s all tidy even the pallets down at the back immaculate yeah and that’s what I are proud of all that at first I thought it looks like a school

    Over there it don’t say it yeah and I thought oh no I hope this is not some sort of young Training Center because it was a bit confusing at first when I I read off chat GPT this is new um AI thing and it says involved in offering

    Career opportunities that’s it yeah but that’s just saying we give jobs out everyone gives jobs out but it’s how I PL it though and how I word it yeah yeah yeah so basically they they’re trying to get people into the Industry and Training them up that’s it yeah yeah

    Yeah yeah I better get back cuz of our man the yes pleasure to meet you pleasure to meet You wellow came back and it was even better he has his wife working well his partner working here as well that’s ideal is it and that was Evo yes the packaging manufacturer basically they make princes tin cans yes the staff or viewers it makes a big difference it makes us feel

    Welcome and there really was nothing to moan about on this site was there everything was nice and clean yeah no problems at all the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just behind where we have parked the my rider you’ve got a bit of

    Grass just there look I did it discreetly because he is watching he can just about see the ring it looks like I’m filming the bike so if you are one of the first people to watch the video you do want to queue in good luck with that video complete if you have enjoyed

    That one do give it a thumbs up for me I did and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now


    1. What a lovely couple. Mark was very engaging and informative. It's amazing the difference it makes when the first point of contact knows what's going on. If only every company had the same approach.

      I've said before, if I was running a company I'd make DJ videos required viewing for training purposes

    2. My dream is to meet DJ and get a key ring. If I achieve that then my life will be complete. It’s more than I would have dreamed for as a kid.

    3. Imagine if that interaction was the norm, it would be happily boring but because it is unusual it was enjoyable. Lovely couple good company with social awareness and community spirit it’s a fums up from me too DJ.

    4. So MARK is a Great Name as its also my own first name so let’s see how nice they are to D, J audits on this Building site I honestly don’t understand why so many people employed on building sites are so Nasty to him when he’s doing it from public areas

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