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    I’m a full time reseller based in the north west of England. I make a full time living by finding items at car boot sales, charity shops, auctions etc… and then selling them online to make a profit.
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    #davekeeffe #ablreselling #carboot #reseller

    It’s Sunday morning and I’m feeling dashes are crazy honest today I should be getting some better footage for you anyway because I’ve treated myself to a new camera or should I say I’ve treated you to a new camera rather than the GoPro that you used to be using I have

    Got an insta 360 a pro which by all accounts performs a lot better in low light and that’s one thing we have a lot of at this time in the morning on a Sunday when we go to a car boot sale really need to wake myself up though

    Let’s go and get a coffee before we hit the road and see what we can Find so one of the reasons for getting this new camera is because the GoPro performed quite badly in poor light so I’m hoping this is improved exponentially might even be able to see what I’m doing when I watch the footage back oh it’s looking like it’s going to

    Be a busy day at Bolton very exciting this might be me completely completely losing a plot I think a boot sale has a smell to it say some weird in the morning it does though it’s kind of like I suppose all the market stuff it smells a little bit of

    Wash and powder today which is a pleasant change because sometimes it smells like weed as well it’s just occurred to me as well it’s probably a good job this camera is operates well in po light because like a complete Muppet I forgot my torch oh wasn’t it wakey wakey

    Davey I think this counts as the car Bo S Walk a shame walking back to the car cuz you forg got your George I’ve pared miles away this time as well well not miles away miles away for a fat bloke super Dr waxed no come can’t remember last time I

    Picked up any super dry and kids how you doing yeah not issue I think com you want to be playing that no exactly you want to be playing that for the coacher it don’t you not all circulation devices are worth a lot of money see that one is unbranded

    El 2661 I couldn’t find a brand anyway that was a revitive you’re looking at well over 100 quid but that one you struggling to get 30 quid for it and because of the size of it and likelihood of it’s not working might we wor picking up original foot

    What do we say on these um West Coast and yeah all brand new 40 that’s uh six what do you say on the hot is11 there a couple more but yeah yeah missed a treat a minute ago I just just went ass over tip down the bloody grass

    Bank did you want them shoes what I sent you yesterday uh the D DB ones yeah uh jury is still out of the minute like I say because I picked up so many shoes this week I I don’t even want to think about them I always you that yeah yeah I

    Appreciate that matez I know my new ones for um they go to retail shops yeah cuz obviously I got a bit more money for it what about the fly flops you got that one three pair of West Coast hotter and those comes to 70 you do 65 I’ve got 7 oh mate I

    Can everything like said everything is going up you’re hard man you’re hard it’s just I have to pay everything up before I comeing here yeah you know what I mean dude I appreciate I I appreciate the fact that you stick to your guns it’s just some stuff I can

    But obviously other stuff I all different prices made something I’ll come back in a bit when this calm down yeah um probably those tmb I’ve not got them anywhere they’re in in yeah so when you’re expecting them when you’re expecting them probably like Tuesday Wednesday yeah GES a shout might be

    Worth coming over maybe worth coming over but like I say I don’t want to think about shoes at the minute like I said when I get a just give you a message and just com have a lot all right nice watch you morning morning how much you he Le how

    Much how much you he 10 that’s brand new never been used before size two or three I’m impressed my eyesight’s failing yeah come back you got in your jacket B it is that a women’s it looks small for a large before a pile me wait on I’m feeling your pain brother

    Uh I don’t know should we start at a f yeah we go party 3 we’re going to land somewhere in between AR we 300 got a cre of Rooks out there as well nice I’ll have a look in a sec 30 yeah it’s a lot closer than the five is it

    Che I’m going to getting into my LS this yeah yeah got cover there I’ve got covers got garage yeah I’m going struggle getting in my levers this year as well I change I’m um much I’m wearing jeans now yeah forkward oh like the dragging jeans yeah so I’ve got je

    Kevlar Kevlar jeans and um they’re the future is they yeah you can walk in a PB have you dinner and you just feel like you’re in your normal absolutely yeah yeah and no no sweaty NDS either no no see you later have a good pal oh sorry

    This um bag you were on about that’s new that has never been on anyone’s back you know about ker no for you um making the office it was 150 quid that seems almost criminal for a bag that doesn’t it it’s because of the way it is it’s um it’s designed by bikers

    Yeah so it’s comfortable on your back ker R 20 150 quid yeah take 70 quid never ever been used I bought it for the TT and then bought P yeah I must admit are you doing any more than a couple hundred miles on a bike with something

    On your back you feel it don’t you you don’t notice that I believe you don’t notice it yeah I to say in the end because we both we going to up in the end so about the box is do you know what model this is Art 20 yeah what’s your best on

    It 7 qu yeah I just put on eBay otherwise no you’re probably better off yeah I’m seeing comps up to 115 quid what I mean yeah yeah cuz that’s what I’m going to be doing with it to be fair yeah I know yeah I just I just threw it

    In because it was clearing me shut down is Ain going to use it no I you know what I I’ve learned something new today I’ve never heard of it so appreciate the info nice one have a good anyway bro cheers I don’t think that one charges

    And I don’t think that one on charges but the other two I’ve had on my charges at home uh they charge up but whether they work I’ve not the faintest idea what have you got now P three quid have you got the uh Power for it by any chance sadly not no and

    I’ve not got any batteries that fitted either so I’ve not tested it yeah no worries man no worries it’s got to be worth the chance of three quid is it course it retro Tech everyone loves it yeah I sold two of them in the last week like later slightly later models if it’s

    Working that’ll bring you some good money on yeah yeah 91 9 939 I’ve sold that’s a 919 right yeah yeah cheers bu thanks a lot bu them not my size hey I got this C off here last week it’s really warm oh it’s ni8 bargain smart is

    That we’ve met before haven’t we yeah I’ve se you some clothes oh it’s in the charity shop and I work well I did work in the charity shop yeah yeah all right them a they yeah the wonder what size you got think six se and sevens

    For is I’m Happ if I get man can’t beat a man in uniform morning all right morning how much have you got in your lid how much is the lid um 10 got a spay visor also somewhere size do you know what size it is don’t know large I

    Think good for my head yeah I’ve got a fat head no there’s no way I’m getting my head in that try it if you want I’ve been using it last five or six years so it is a little bit long but it’s a good helmet yeah both that’s mine that’s my

    Wife crazy expensive aren’t they yeah when we bought them it was really really expensive I think 300 for this one and 250 or something like that yeah it’s good brand like you say it’s a bit it’s a bit worn bit too worn really yeah it

    Is many years using it so yeah it is warn then again saying that if you’re going to put your head in it you want it to be good quality yeah yeah that’s it best of success Pa thank You hello again hi uh how are you today all right thanks for you yeah can’t Rumble oh that’s it mate yeah M go for it sorry not be about 3 weeks a month could you do two for 40 yeah thank you very much there you go Lov oh thank you

    Cheers all mate is it just gray ones you got any black no all gone now fair enough yeah I think I’ll try a couple pairs of those you what mate I’ll try a couple of pairs of those Bud thank you sir good luck to you thank

    You what what size are them mate uh they’re both large large both large yeah thank you how much you any trainers I always put pay my bills in that first of them what paid me 6 160 yeah oh he’s dead Wen it yeah yeah yeah

    Cuz it comes up as a business doesn’t it yeah yeah yeah not so much in the way of uh pickups today no no I’m I’m I’m sending to find I’m going for a little bit more expensive stuff yeah just for a bigger margin you got another pair oh yeah um Aline

    Star yeah yeah suit or just a jacket just a jacket yeah he had a Creer ruck sack as well never NE neither had I before today but it’s a bike or Rock sack apparently well motorcyclist Rock sack uh and the retail for like 150 160

    Could for a rock sack and I checked I’m given it come on for a rock sack so I checked it out second hand like under qu so CED is like CER yeah yeah what we doing these app um I’ll do them for 70 70 how you sld the other on for you

    Notld I’m not sold them yet you did them for 65 you nice one cheers I might have to bank transfer it again Ken yeah not a problem got these These inass Old School ones I’ll have a look at them yeah you saved my bacon last week you did why

    Well I think I think very much at all I was uh you were my number one go-to guy yeah yeah my wife wears them but then she only wears them for like an hour or so and then she changes into a trainers they’re cool they are they yeah

    Old school what are you doing these at doing 30 in fact just do 25 and then 20 20 oh 20 yeah yeah do Top Line thank you don’t know why that’s fair enough the thing is though you just get loads of people like me but that won’t pay proper

    Money just do transfer if you want keep your money yeah probably a good idea actually you’ll need it yeah I’ll tell you what I’ve got before you start that that’s really weird honestly we were just looking at some um Mickey Mouse ones over there what rock sacks yeah they’re just fake they’re not

    Issue what have we got on these i’ got 25 25 I I’ll I’ll do research these ringer Bells yeah they’re my um well C’s dads I’m not going to I’m not going to agle with them 8500 I think did you buy the last ones offers I can’t remember can’t remember

    Cuz the last last last one I saw fisherman yeah yeah yeah mid midweek do you not do any cars not the minute no no when the season kicks off I I’ll be I’ll be all over the place again how about 140 still my favorite car boot s stall

    This mate know do you know my favorite car boot has always been Manchester a and Preston yeah or indoor one no I meant yours your store oh appreciate that there I always find something always find something and there’s times when you’ve gone it’s like oh I’ll see save this for you for next

    Yeah yeah what is oh brilliant I bought 100 pairs of shoes on Friday I know yeah thought you must have a big unit no no well usually I managed to just get it listed get it all up at the um have a container yeah no room for these shoes

    They’re all boxed as well and the brand new as well oh that’s yeah exactly so the they’ll go for decent money but they’ll just take a while to shift yeah I’m trying to put off getting anywhere commercial like so I might I did have two containers I give one of them up cuz

    I just wasn’t using it now I’m getting to the stage where I’m thinking could have could have done with keeping that really yeah for what it cost it’s like £135 a month yeah and or just to have it out the house just for God’s end but

    Yeah yeah I don’t know cuz are you not seeing anybody then at all or no no no cuz if I brought this the amount of stuff that you bring on my Miss like do one exactly yeah yeah every cloud and all that right I’ll crack up buddy you have

    A good day I’ll see you later ra fun times at B and boot sale some great finds today as well a bit of a slower start which seems to be the I was going to say it seems to be the the thing in a minute but it’s probably

    Because I’m turning up earlier it’s only just I don’t know that’s only just occurred to me as well I’m turning up for about 5:00 and just walking around not really doing anything for an hour I brought the GoPro as a backup today cuz I’ve only got one battery for

    The insta the minute that’s why you’ve just seen that seamless transition where was I yeah turning up early maybe I’m turning up too early that’s why I’m wandering around doing not very much but I guess it’s habit now and I don’t mind I mean it really really

    Is hard work getting up in the morning as you can probably tell by the intro the reason I do that incidentally is because I think it’s really important for people who are thinking about getting into reselling particularly to know that it’s not easy to get your ass

    Out of bed at that time of the morning it is a drag but in pretty much all instances when it comes to car boot cells you’ve got to turn up early to be in with a chance of getting anything decent you’ve got to it’s a shame that’s

    The way it is but that’s definitely the way it is starting today there’s actually another boot sale in North Manchester which is only probably about another 20 minute drive or something like that it would be nice to go there for the first day ever there but I’ve

    Got so much on so much on a mountain issues to get through at home but also I want to hear what the word is on the Great Vine not that I allow that to sway my my decision making in any way sh perform I always much to the rhythm of

    My Own Drum but that’s not to say that I don’t keep an eye on things as well anyway enough waffle uh I’m going to go home and have a nap and then wrap this up in a little while I’ll see you in a bit now I’ve had my nap I’m kind of

    Wishing that I went to that afternoon boot sale that’s just open up in Manchester but what a great day again Bolton knocking it out of the park Spirits only slightly dampened by a creaming in down a muddy bank I should have been filming that shouldn’t I you

    Could have had a laugh at my expense I’ll try harder next time let’s get into what I picked up today anyway this is the lovely spread some high value stuff as well uh jumping right into it these two military issue day sacks the first of which is a command a commander day

    Sack I paid £40 for both of these uh Commander day sack that’s going to have a listing value of £80 would you believe um that’s a 45 L the second is a 60 L Bulldog tactical desac that all have a listing value of £60 this really nice condition Alpine Stars jacket and I’m

    Almost convinced this is a woman’s jacket uh because it’s a large and it looks quite small for a large to be fair so I’m thinking might be a woman’s large I could be wrong I’ll do the measurements but it’s in spectacular condition paid £30 for this jacket

    Though which is very high from a boot sell for a textile jacket I mean that’s sort of like a quality leather jacket but this is safe money because the brand Alpine stars is a great brand anyway cool colorway on it as well the monster design and additional external armor on

    It as well all good selling points that’ll have a listing value of £70 another pair of gortex ACU boots brand spanking new in the box paid the same for these as I did the last pair I bought I did actually revise my listing when I went to I think I said I would

    List them for about 150 incidentally I paid £65 for these same as the last pair but I’ve actually listed them for for £40 a bit of attention at the minute but obviously no movement on the sales but they’ll get listed for the same this really really nice pair of high top Vans

    £5 pay for these if these were just a a plain pair I probably want to pick these up at that price but they’ve got a really cool design on them and I’m feeling a listing value of3 on those they just need a wipe a wipe down around

    The bottom more ACU boots and it confirms what I was saying last week that ACU don’t specifically just make military Footwear these are women’s boots are air 8000 gortex boots in a size five really cool actually I think these will do very very well pay 2020 for these they’ll have a listing value

    Of 50 GH Bass Shoes definitely worth looking out for not exactly the the highest end of Brands but a very good quality Footwear these look in spectacular condition as well paid £15 for those they’re going to have a listing value of between £ 35 and

    40 Sanders shoes I saw the brand and I had to have them Sanders they’re on a power with L as far as quality is concerned made in England shoes those have got a really really funky design to them as well great quality great great quality shoes paid £18 for both of these

    Pairs of shoes and they’ll have a listing value of 30 to 40 having a good at these These are from the guy I bought my very very com W Keen shoes from Salamon socks Salamon is a brand that’s very very synonymous with hiking and hanking Gear boots and that kind of

    Trekking footwear and clothing I only did a little bit of research on these I paid £5 each for them and I’m going to say they’re going to have a lisan value of 15 to 20 however if my non- tired research uh contradicts that valuation I’m not too gutted actually because

    These are really great socks and and I’ll keep them for myself Marino wool as well tag price is £ 28 and having bought hiking socks just recently I know how expensive they are and I winced when I I went to go Outdoors to buy mine brand you’ve seen me pick up countless times

    Hotter shoes great quality shoes again these are brand spanking new in the size five hotter Hamlet shoes I’ve definitely sold this model before they’re Beauty about hotter shoes is in on the inside where the size is it actually tells you the model so if you pick picking these

    Up without the box you can tell which model they are straight away without without doing too much research it helps checking eBay solds as well if you’ve got the model10 pay for those they’ll have a listing value of £30 now I’ve got a feeling about these shoes I won’t

    Repeat what it says on the box because it’s it it’s rude original Footwear these are West Coast Chopper boots not phenomenal amount of evidence for these and looking at them in the proper daylight they that look Navy rather than black to me I would have prep preferred for them to be in

    Black three pairs and I paid 15 each for them there are comps for these exact trainers they do sell albeit not very regularly but that’s the evidence I used to support the valuation of a listing value of between 45 and 50 a pair I’m not sure where I edited it in the last

    Video I think this might be not on consecutive weeks but certainly over the last month I picked up three TCM son TCM players both of the other two that I picked up the TCM 939 sold within a couple of days for 30 quid this is a slightly older one this is the TCM

    919 only paid 3 for this one though there no power with it but they take batteries battery compartment’s clean but looking at it and I didn’t actually look like an idiot I didn’t actually look all I was at the boot sale if you can see in there it looks like a piece

    Of that end piece is missing so it’s not the end of the world not the end of the world at all um I’m going to assume that snacked that battery compartment so it can’t be tested on batteries but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work at all I’ve

    Got a universal multi head jobby DC adapter that I can test it on the power if that works the damage on it will devaluate my initial listing value will put that at 25 but with that damage as long as it works probably 15 to8 I would say AT3 though was worth taking

    The risk that it didn’t work and finally couple of Lego sets the very lovely lady who I’ve bought from on a few occasions now did a deal for me uh she had them up at £5 each I paid £40 for the pair this is obviously bonsai tree Lego set

    10281 and these are going to have a listing value of £53 each it’s important to say that when I started reselling I was picking up quite a lot of low value items and now my trainer thought is spend up on items that are better quality uh preferably

    New uh preferably stuff that I don’t really have to test or spend any time on and the reason for that is well basically for what I just said the time element if I’m generating a turnover on 20 items that I used to be generating on a 100 items then that’s a considerable

    Time saving and that time can be invested in working on efficiencies in looking for other sourcing Avenues so on and so forth so time is a really really big important factor to me and one thing I would recommend actually I would never ever in a million years pontificate

    About stuff like this but one thing that I would highly highly recommend is you do something along the same lines look to be not necessarily leveling up but focus on how much time you’re spending on what you’re doing because time’s really expensive the more you value your

    Time it’s logical to come to the conclusion the more return you’ll get for it I hope that makes sense anyway now I know I said I was going to go further a field this week but if I’ll show you actually um why I’m not going further a field I’ve got a mountain to

    Climb if you follow me on Instagram you’ll already know this so they’re actually spread out a bit of a minute I picked up a hundred pairs of shoes um this is only this is some of them um but been sorting them out into the models there is a lot to get sorted

    Out so this coming week I’m probably not going to be doing any sourcing at all I’m going to be climbing that mountain getting those shoes listed getting everything that I picked up today listed in fact this week is just going to be a listing Marathon as always guys if you

    Saw anything that I missed today please let me know in the comments section of this video I don’t necessarily know what you know and your knowledge is just invaluable to me and before you leave me if you can give the video a thumbs up and obviously if you’re not already

    Subscribed click the Subscribe button notification Bell will give you a notification of when I post a video up and until next time you gorgeous NES I’ve been Dave Kei you’ve been amazing see you Soon and we move to the sub by moved out of state


    1. Nice upload again, was the red ARAI helmet not worth picking up either?, looked in better nick on the outside….👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😀

    2. Hi do you have any advice for someone starting out? It’s costing me £5 for 48 hour tracked at post office so if I sell a top for ten I only make five. Any advice would be appreciated

    3. Hi Dave hope you are well

      I am very local to you and I have been looking into starting a reselling business to earn extra cash. I was just wondering if we could have a chat and see if I could get some advice off you and some tips if possible pal.

      Hope to hear from you soon pal absolutely loving the videos aswell.

    4. Refreshing to hear around 10:00 mins the guy saying it charges but not sure if it works. The amount of times I've been told "It's new, never been out the box, don't open it as someone else will want to buy it," and you get home and there battery's in the battery compartment and they've exploded 🤣🤣🤣 I miss the carboot sale hunt, but now into just clothing. Thanks for the video Dave 👍

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