Jack and James give you a full tour of the Royal Navy’s Dreadnought Class submarines – their next generation nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.

    Inside UK’s £1.3 Billion Warship! Type 26 https://youtu.be/GI8QFMm3VBI

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    It will only take one of the UK’s new Dreadnaught nuclear submarines to wipe out just about any country off the face of planet Earth and they’re building four of them but it’s not their nuclear missiles that has caused outrage right through the United States military chain of command it’s the stealth capabilities

    That the UK refused to share with their friends across the pond the US has the right to be furious because these stealth capabilities make the Dreadnaught class the stealthiest submarines in in the world and of course this is the most important feature of any submarine they’re not called The

    Silent service for nothing Jack and I are going to give an in-depth look at the Royal Navy’s most advanced submarine of all time we’ll talk about the Innovative facilities that improve crew welfare the sheer power of the nuclear missiles on board and what that would look like for his Majesty’s enemies and

    The Cutting Edge stealth capabilities that set the Dreadnaught apart from every other submarine under the surface so Jack are you ready I can’t wait the name dreadnots in The Royal Navy goes all the way back to the 16th century the first dreadn fought under Sir Francis Drake against the Spanish

    Armada the name itself means to dread not or fear nothing but I think the most famous dreadn is the battleship that was launched in 1906 she completely revolutionized Battleship design and rendered every Battleship that came before her obsolete the first nuclear-powered submarine that the Royal Navy operated was given the

    Prestigious name HMS Dreadnaught and so it’s apt that the next generation of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines are named the dreadn class but James why are submarines so important to navies today yeah great question submarines are effective because they can strike their enemy without being seen they can attack

    Targets in the water and on land some submarines carry nuclear weapons that make them even more devastating to their enemies a lot of work goes into helping surface vessels locate submarines and a lot of work goes into making submarines harder to locate but it’s the stealth capability that sets the dreadn apart

    From submarines that other countries operate so the dreadn class are what’s known as nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines or ssbns nuclear power effectively gives them an unlimited range they won’t need to be refueled over their 35 to 40-year lifespan only a handful of countries have the capability of building an operating nuclear-powered submarines and

    They’re expensive too each submarine is going to cost around 7.75 billion pounds or $99.75 billion that’s over twice the cost of the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth clous aircraft carriers the dreadn submarines will have a displacement of 17,000 tons a length of 153 M and a beam of 12.8 M

    They’ll be some of the largest submarines in service in the world but a boat that big is going to require a huge crew to run it how many people will be on board the boat’s company will be 130 men and women and the dreadn submarines will offer some fantastic facilities

    That previous boats haven’t yeah there’s much more emphasis on crew welfare the new submarines will use a Cutting Edge lighting system that will simulate day and night they’ll have a medical center a dedicated study area and even a gym that has bikes rowers treadmills cross trainers and weight benches the crew are

    Going to come back from their deployment fitter than when they left but it’s not only that these will be the first submarines that are designed with women in mind they’ll have separate female crew quarters toilets and washing facilities all they need now is a couple of Windows and it’ll be just like being

    On a Surface vessel yeah I think Windows would be a great morale booster the first of these submarines is expected into service in the early 2030s and for what might be the first time ever they’re actually running on time and on budget now it’s time to look at the

    Armen on board these next Generation City levelers how much damage could they actually do well they have four torpedo tubes that can fire the Spearfish Torpedoes Torpedoes can be fired at surface vessels and other submarines but they will also have 12 ballistic missile tubes that can launch the Trident D5 missiles

    Each dreadn submarine will carry 8 to 12 of these nuclear missiles and ensure that the UK maintains a continuous at Sea deterrent and James do you want to explain what the continuous at Sea deterrent is the UK has had a ballistic missile submarine armed with nuclear missiles at Sea since

    1969 it guarantees mutually assured destruction if another nuclear power were to fire on the UK actually I have a fun fact for you jack each Trident sub has a handwritten letter for the commanding officer from the prime minister with details of what to do in case Britain has been attacked and

    There’s nobody left to give orders it’s thought that the letter could contain four options retaliate don’t retaliate use your own judgment or place the command of the submarine under us or Australian command maybe fun fact isn’t the right word given the context but it was certainly interesting each Trident

    D5 missile has a range of 4,000 IAL miles and can hit a target with an accuracy to within meters and just to put that into perspective 4,000 nautical miles is 4,600 MI or about the distance between the UK and China exactly each trient D5 missile has an explosive yield of around 100

    Kilotons it’s said that just one missile could wipe out a large city and each submarine will carry up to 12 missiles I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that m mutually assured destruction is both extremely frightening and extremely reassuring I agree okay now let’s talk about the

    Stealth capabilities that sets the Dreadnaught submarines apart from all others so like we’ve already said the purpose of these submarines is to stay completely hidden there’s only a couple of people that actually know their current location at any given time think of it like a big game of hide and seek

    And the submarine service are reigning Champions 60 odd years running but how do they achieve this level of stealth submarines stay hidden underwater by being extremely silent and by reducing the reflections of active sonar sound waves remember if a submarine can’t be heard then it can’t be attacked silence is the best defense

    Mechanism it’s not like an enemy submarine can just look out of a window to see where you are maybe we should explain the two types of sonar for our viewers submarines use passive sonar and active sonar to locate objects in the water passive sonar is an underwater microphone that listens for sounds like

    Engines propellers or angry Russian shouting and active sonar emits pulses of sounds and listens for Echoes So to avoid passive sonar reduce the noise and to avoid active sonar reduce the reflections of sound exactly the dreadnut has made significant changes to avoid both types of sonar detection these changes have been so effective

    That there was talk that the US was angry with the UK for not sharing these secrets with them it’s not like the US to be behind the curve when it comes to military Tech is it Jack it isn’t why didn’t you share your secrets with us

    James we’ve got to keep some things for ourselves it’s not personal so to reduce the noise there’s been a few changes so instead of a steam turbine driving the propulsor the dreadnots used the Rolls-Royce pw3 nuclear reactor to generate electricity which is then used to drive the the

    Propulsor this is much quieter but there’s also been updates to the pump jet propulsor to make it even quieter especially at higher speeds and the entire shape is inspired by whales to reduce the drag and noise and to reduce Reflections the biggest difference is the double Hull design a double Hull

    Isn’t uncommon under the water Russia and China both have submarines with a double hole design but the dread knot is different because the outer layer is thin and shaped to deflect active sonar whereas the outer layer on other submarines is intended to act as an extra layer of protection against

    Torpedoes the dreadnots outer layer is shaped with sloping sides extending down the full length of the hall so it’s much better at deflecting active sonar than other submarine designs yeah the outer hole shape behaves a lot like a stealth fighter plane but this outer shell is

    Also covered in anaco tiles an eoic just means without Echo and the space between the inner and outer Hull is stuffed with more an eoic material the UK is lucky to have such an incredible set of submarines entering the Royal Navy service and I’m sure it’ll be a great replacement for the

    Current continuous at Sea deterrent the Vanguard class and they’ve also got a fantastic well-trained and dedicated crew that put themselves through huge strain to protect their country very well said I completely agree if you’ve enjoyed our Deep dive into the dreadn class submarines then hit the like

    Button and subscribe to Jack and I discuss more ships in the future thanks for watching


    1. Thanks for this video. To someone not technically minded like me the power of each Dreadnought class sub is both dreadful and reassuring. All countries should have secrets about their own defence capability. I am quite certain America keeps its own defence secrets that it doesn't share too.

    2. Im grateful that such a small country has an ability to punch above its weight. Im grateful America helped us with some things but we should be allowed to keep things secret. Were allies at the end of the day 🇬🇧💪🇺🇸

    3. Not really buying the deterrent argument anymore. Today the enemy is most likely to be a dictator so someone already unstable & not to concerned with thoughts of the future. That Dreadnought bucket of money could build many AIP powered smaller littoral capable tomahawk equiped boats, which are far more useful in todays warfare.

    4. I respect any nation who can even attempt to build such a machine.. yes they are very destructive but the skill that is involved nationally is unbelievable.. i have worked on these machines and every shit i looked up and thought wow what a monster

    5. Given that GB isn't financially capable of maintaining a powerful Army, Air Force with many fighter jets nor the Navy with a sufficient number of ships, they should definitely invest into an advanced nuclear submarines. Cause despite the fact that the British Army won't be able to win wars and nobody will be deterred by them, having the capable and advanced nuclear armed and powered submarines is the guarantee that GB won't be attacked by the conventional military force…
      I'm afraid that nuclear weapons will proliferate in Europe within the next 10 years if that Orange Moron manages to become the US President again and pull US forces from Europe. After that Germany, Poland, Italy and Turkey will start their nuclear weapons programs. And if North Korea managed to build them, you can be sure that Germany and Japan will have them 2 years after deciding to have them.

    6. great video UNTIL ya said the US would be angry lool no we are professionals and we respect each other and work best together that includes joint ops joint navy and joint forces our 3rd aircraft carrier has US made lunch systems so we can integrated more now then ever before. in fact if we are deleted of the map from a Nuke war our remaining forces go into US command and control you no this already

    7. The reason why the US did not share F22 with us. Is probably the same reason why we are not sharing submarine tech with them. Fear of them leaking it to the ChiComs and Russia.

    8. Whole bunch of Americans saying brits have an unimpressive navy, just a quick reminder that my local pub is older than your country 😂 we have been around for a while guys, dont worry about our dwindling navy, we have been in control of a 3rd of the world landmass with much less.

    9. Meanwhile, the US leased UK "deterent" failed lol, Outlining what happened, The Sun said the Trident 2 missile was propelled successfully from under the water into the air by compressed gas in the launch tube.But its first-stage boosters did not ignite and the 60-tonne missile – fitted with dummy warheads – splashed into the Atlantic Ocean and sank.

      A source told the newspaper: "It left the submarine but it just went plop, right next to them."🤭🤫

    10. Im American and its prob a good idea they didnt give us that technology… seems like everything we come out with… China and Russia get it shortly after. Its absolutely insane how shitty our opsec is. They really needa start using everything analog when it comes to storing secret technology documents

    11. Just do not believe the story line , why wouldn't UK share such technology unless its a TIT for TAT situation. As its D5 Missiles are made by Lockheed Martin not sure that yanks would be prepared to supply the missiles if we wont share technology

    12. Haha that's great that we're not sharing top secret information..
      Hms Dreadnought will be the newest nuclear submarine there is 😎

      Plus someone doesn't know the currency we use 😂😂 Its £ not $

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