An emotionally charged evening is in store at the Vitality Stadium on Wednesday when Luton Town head back to take on AFC Bournemouth in the rearranged game which was suspended the first time around after the cardiac arrest suffered by Tom Lockyer.

    Kev is joined by The Lutonian journalist James Cunliffe to look ahead to a huge match for the Hatters but also reflect on the trickiness of the encounter both in terms of the opposition and the psychological impact.

    As ever on a preview podcast, the boys pick out three threats within the opposition before taking a guess, and in light of the lengthy injury list it is a huge guess, at how the Town might line up for the game.

    The attention then centres on the best ways Rob Edwards’ men can go about getting the win and who the key players in the game might be from a Luton standpoint.

    We finish with the score predictions and plenty of homage and respect to our opponents off the pitch for the wonderful way they have conducted themselves over the last three months.

    All this and so much more on the longest running Luton Town podcast!


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    The Luton Town Supporters’ Trust was created, and initially named Trust in Luton, in 2003 to help force out unpopular former owner John Gurney.

    Current club chief executive Gary Sweet was part of the group that effectively forced the club into administration and out of Mr Gurney’s control, for a new consortium to take over, headed up by Bill Tomlins.

    Another change of ownership again brought problems and administration followed again in 2007, until the club was eventually bought out by the fan-led 2020 consortium, headed up by Sweet, which has now helped steer the history-making Hatters from the non-league to the Premier League.

    The Supporters’ Trust is a democratic, non-profit organisation run by fans for fans. The purpose of a Trust is to help fans to join together and strengthen their influence over the way Luton Town Football Club is run, and to improve the links between their club and the community it serves.
    In a way, we’re like a union, believing that many voices are stronger than one and that the best way to influence the club is to represent many fans, not just ourselves.

    It’s going to be an emotional night at the Vitality Stadium on Wednesday evening when the town return to take on AFC Bournemouth in a rearranged rescheduled game after the incidents of December the 16th and the aftermath of that to preview AFC bourou versus alut Town alongside me I’ve got the leonian

    Journalist James conliff Jimbo this is more than just football this one it is um yeah a lot lot of respect for Bournemouth and the way that uh they came out of that game and um yeah we uh we’ll all sort of pay the respects of everything that everyone deserves from

    That and then um but there is a there is a small matter of a massive football match so got to get ah head switched on for that and we’ll preview that football match after this intro can you believe it we are Premier League yes I love this town I love this

    Town I love this this you know what I love about this town is actually used everyone in it has got these massive Souls we’re Lo people and that’s what we care [Applause] about hello everyone welcome along to another episode of the luten toown sporters Trust podcast as I said before the intro it’s myself and James for this and we’re looking at the second coming of AFC Bournemouth versus luten Town Jimbo we take we kind of highlighted that there’s a football

    Match to be played but we’re all going back to the scene that no one wants to remember but nobody can forget and in light with that we need to give some need to give the players a little bit of slack here because it’s not necessarily automatic that their

    Heads will be on a game of football here maybe certainly not right at the start I know that the professional and I know that they’re well paid and everything but this was their mate who they thought had died and if you think back to that day in

    December Isa cabore the last time he saw the football pitch there he was praying on it this it’s not just automatic turn up and play here there’s a lot more to this one absolutely you can’t underestimate the psychological impact of everything that happened on that day

    I mean every Luton fan of the world is still talking about it really they you know we’re all so glad that Tom’s around and not only that he’s just had a baby this week so congratulations Tom that’s um going to be some sleepless nights which I’m sure he will you know relish

    After what happened on that day uh it was it was shocking um so yeah there there could be some things that crop up you got to I mean I always forget this um even though they’re much younger than I am now footballers but they’re just they’re young they’re young Lads in

    Their 20s most of them um and uh you as professional as you want to be you don’t know the sort of impacts that these things are going to happen so um hopefully uh hopefully it’s it’s as minimal as possible um May maybe none um perhaps because of the good news

    Ever since with Tom then that might um have lessen the impact somewhat but you never know there is going to have to be a football match played um and looting and Running on Empty as it is but yeah cut them some slack where you can yeah

    If someone has a bad game here don’t just write it off or come out with any kind of nonsense on social media appreciate the fact that this could all be psychological as much as physical as much as technical or anything like that it’s it’s not a night that anyone’s

    Necessarily looking forward to it’s a night that we’ve all got to go through again and it will bring back those memories I I’m not personally looking forward necessarily to going back in because it is just going to dredge up all those memories Tom is expected to be

    There as well hopefully that acts as inspiration for the boys like it has done when he’s been around them previously but it’s just not automatic this one this is this was life and death and thankfully it’s life rather than the alternative but we didn’t know that at the time and

    Um yeah a little bit of sort of understanding of the situation is needed should this go wrong let’s hope it doesn’t and we’re going to preview this in a normal manner but I think it’s important to keep that in everyone’s sort of Minds really and I’m sure when

    We’re there and we we’ll know from our own experien is how we feel in the stands just how it will be because if we feel eerie and everything else then that’s just going to transmit onto the onto the players as well yeah possibly um I do think that there there’s I think

    There probably some positives to come out of this because um the the mutual respect that the two clubs have have for each other now is going to be a Big Show of unity at the start of the game and as it should be the bourma fans were incredible on the day have been

    Incredible since and everything that they’ve done absolutely proper uh bunch of supporters there that uh are credit to that club so there’s going to be um if any there will be heightened emotions but hopefully it’ll be positive ones um at the start and that probably be a good

    Way to to start things off obviously the when the football kicks in yeah fair enough support your team and and get behind the board is whichever team you you’re supporting on the day obviously this is the L podcast we want we want to implore the loen fans to be as noisy as

    Possible and I’m sure they will be like you say especially if if if Tom’s there and um everything that’s happened to him positively in the last uh couple of months especially but also this week because that’s um some some massive news to have your first child

    And uh yeah I remember what it was like and it was um yeah mad it’s nothing prepares you for that I can tell you no uh yeah so hopefully it all it all goes okay yeah the bourma fan been absolutely super if you’re going on a Bob’s coach

    To this game you’ll have that free of charge courtesy of the Bournemouth fans who have raised money for Coach travel for luten fans who are going to this game so absolute kudos to everyone involved with any of the donations with regards to that and all of the donations

    To the British Heart Foundation that’s been organized as well there’ll be a presentation on the pitch I believe half time uh between the trust and uh the Bournemouth uh equivalent and yeah we’re more than happy to uh play our part in um remembering it the right way really

    Yeah that’s that’s quality from the the bomma fans and you know as as it should be you know football comes together in those sorts of moments doesn’t it and it’s really important that they do because it’s just a game at the end of the day and um you know what happened

    Was more than that much much more far more important and everyone recognizes it at the time still recognizes it um but it’s it’s going to be a a nice way to cap off a sort of difficult few months I guess to to honor the the the people that have done

    So uh you know done so so many good things from from the whole situation um you know uh particularly the you know the medical staff as well they’re they’re the they’re the real Heroes of the scenario isn’t it um the people from both clubs um and the the paramedics that were there

    Phenomenal work really so um they deserve as much credit as anyone else yep and if Philip billing comes off the bench like it did in that first game all four sides will be giving him a stand Innovation yeah uh I don’t care what color shirt he’s wearing he gets a stand

    Innovation anytime he’s in my company yet um that’s for sure football then when we went there they were in some serious insane form yeah they were the hottest team in the country I mean we’d just been beaten by Manchester City but Bournemouth were trumping them for form

    Weren’t they they were right up there with Liverpool and everything not the case now though form has completely dropped off in 2024 their only wins against Burnley you can’t really use that as a form guide these days either can you no not taking anything away from

    That win I don’t even think they were brilliant in that game James I think Burnley had their chances to get something out of that but I mean Bley are even more professional at shooting themselves in the foot than what we are aren’t they so um yeah what what are you

    Expecting from Bournemouth here it’s a lesser version of what we got the first time around bearing in mind it was 1-1 when that catastrophe happened yeah I mean they they have dropped off they’ve only had the one win in this calendar year in the Premier

    League they they won one in the FA Cup in that period but um yeah it it looks like they’ve dropped off results wise um but I mean the form that they were in the last time Lon went there was so good that they were relegation peers of L at the time

    Before that run and then the Run they went on that’s basically um secured their Premier League status for me I think they’re safe as houses I mean I know they’re in the bottom half so it’s a it’s a winnable game but uh they’re absolutely safe as houses as far as I’m

    Concerned um so they they’re in no danger of going down and that can give you a freedom or you know there the old cliche of of um being already being on the beach I think that’s a bit too early to be saying that to be honest we’re in we’re in March and

    I’m still wearing a coat so no no chance of that and I think the sort of the magnitude and the um the uniquely special atmosphere of this game is will have their players up for it anyway so I don’t think that um it’s it’s wise to Chuck that sort of accusation around

    Whatsoever so they’ve still got some very good players I mean um you know for only having won one game this season the front four that started at the weekend if they click that’s that’s a frightening front four for a club in the bottom half well you know even in the

    Mid mid-table of the Premier League pretty good yeah this year not this season of course uh slip of the tongue there yeah you don’t need if they’re on the beach you could surf in Puddles the amount of rain we’ve had this this weekend you don’t need the beach for uh

    For any of that yeah uh one of those players then would be Dominic sanky yep he got The Equalizer at their place that we’ve all forgotten about now because of what happened he was in real scoring I mean it was his form largely that was when his form was strong bma’s form was

    Strong he’s kind of gone quiet in recent times and they’ve gone quiet in recent times it’s a kind of mirror image isn’t it if he plays well or scores they win if he doesn’t play well or doesn’t score they don’t win he didn’t score against Sheffield United at the weekend they

    Didn’t win so really and truly the key to this game is keeping him quiet as quiet as we possibly could we obviously at the first half at their place in the first game he was as quiet as anything but he still managed to score from that set piece just before the game was

    Suspended um if we can keep him quiet just looking at his scoring ratio and their win ratio if we keep him quiet we go a long way to winning this game or having the chance to win this game sorry yeah I mean he a massive threat he’s

    Getting touted as for Big Money moves and the away to I think West Ham’s the latest one he’s got linked with at the weekend he better off staying where he is he yeah yeah um yeah and he he he’s he’s been in goal scoring form of his life I think but I

    Was looking at his stats this season and the longest run he’s gone the longest Baron run he’s had I don’t like this is three games and the the weekend was his third game without scoring so um you know that’s ominous for a for a team like Luton who basically don’t have a

    Defense because they’re all injured uh it is ominous so if they can keep him quiet that’ll be a hell hell of a um hell of a jump towards getting anything from that game if that is his record if you’re watching this andoni Iola just drop him just save him rest him yeah

    It’s absolutely fine don’t need to play this game there is talk actually James that he’s playing with an injury he didn’t play in The Cup game against Leicester which you would have thought of the time Bournemouth would have been all out to win the FA Cup CU they like

    You say they’re safe so if he’s if he’s not playing in that there’s got to be something something up and that was only two weeks ago wasn’t it so maybe he’s not fully fit I mean Hell Fire we know all about that but um that

    Would be handy if he’s not if he’s not fully fit or if he’s there’s a period of this game that he doesn’t play then um un now might be the next Focus he was the one who scored the last go equalizer on Saturday they brought

    Him in on Loan in January one of the few moves that was done in January obviously found his feet now uh I suppose any Striker has got to be a threat against L at the minute because like you say our poity of Defenders that are fit is

    Getting lower and lower and lower yeah let’s be honest L w’t keeping them out when they had a full after Defenders to begin with I mean it’s it’s I think um I’ve long since kissed goodbye to any dreams of clean sheets it’s just going

    To be you have to outscore a team to to to win now luckily Luton have scored in 15 consecutive Premier League games so they’re going to have the same sort of worries um of keeping Lon out particularly uh once you tick over to the 75th minute Mark and the amount of

    Late goals that luten scored as exemplified by by the weekend at at Palace um that was um as late as they come really and so that gives opposition team a lot to be concerned about um particularly set pieces as well but crosses I know the cross that set up the

    Goal for KY woodro was from Andress Town’s end but um doubt is still top of the tree for crosses in the Premier League by some distance actually over Kieran Tripp in um Newcastle uh which tells you a lot about luton’s um lines of attack even if perhaps Dy is one of

    Those players that really is Running on Empty um you know if you can whip a ball in and you don’t have to run past a player then that’s going to be a useful thing to have in your locker yeah you’re not wrong that’s for sure um the other

    One may be worth a mention um cver he scored the opening goal against uh Burnley last weekend I mean just the name alone tells you that he’s should be quality you know his old man weren’t bad at sticking a ball in the onion bag was

    He um so yeah he he seems to play more wider though so he’s probably something that may maybe kabore is going to have to worry about but at least cabore is fit so at least we can you know at least we can match up Fitness with Fitness

    There yeah and fresh as well because he didn’t once he came back from the afcon he didn’t really play for for a while so um yeah that that is a positive um at least we can have one uh Defender who can run all day and um but you know by

    The looks of that block that he put in at C cell’s park at the weekend a player that’s going to do everything he can to you know firstly try and get Len results but probably trying to atone for the the mistake perhaps against Aston Villa which that block went a long way to

    Doing so um you know that you know it does show that the there’s fighting this team and he’s not even a he’s not even a full looting player he’s a lone player so if you got Lan players coming in doing that you know as we’ve seen with

    Sambi who’s who’s the same he put in a wonderful block before he got injured so um it it just shows you what this team’s all about really and yeah whatever team they manag to russle up and field um on the south coast on Wednesday is going to be one

    That’s going to at least try oh yeah that’s for sure yeah there’s three threats from the opposition then there are others but they’re the ones that we think might be the most dangerous uh let’s switch it back to Luton James um where are we with Team selection well obviously we’re doing

    This before robs pre-match presser as we always do um you’re taking your boots a you I am yeah and if we get down to me um thankfully my back’s recovered from how it was on Saturday otherwise I’ll have been joining the injury list um but

    Yeah I mean where do we go from here I mean the Vibes on Saturday were that Ted and mangi may be okay albeit not fully fit so might may need to be monitored I’m always wary when I see ice around knees gay BOS show and in the space of three

    Days an he was a doubt beforehand anyway wasn’t he he was all stripped off to come off against Man City never did and then missed the Aston Villa Game completely so he’s obviously already injured prior to that my senses are we’re not going to see gab boso in this game so the very

    Best we’re looking at back three of hashioka mangi Burke that’s assuming Ted’s okay to go again yeah if if he is then yes um there was talk uh before the palace game of whether Lut can switch to a a back four um a traditional back four and Edwards

    Said yes that that’s one of the things that they can do and have have practice and indeed have used this season as well so and finished the palace game with yeah absolutely so it may be a case of needs must what that does then to luton’s attacking abilities is is

    Probably the more is a knock on effect isn’t it because the the three at the back with the wing backs Works in luton’s favor so much but you you you can’t just play the one way anyway uh you know if teams stop that um then you can have to

    Figure out another way so it’s right that they do have that in their locker and work on it um and it may just be that formation has to be dictated by who’s available yeah will yeah um we’re not are we expecting Eli and sambi we’re not are

    We I’m not I mean that was another question that was asked in the vill in the palace prematch and uh Edwards was it seemed that that wasn’t going to happen for the Bournemouth game it was probably a bit too far and he didn’t necessarily use

    The word setback but he took a big sigh and a deep breath that that it’s it’s a frustrating one because they’re sort of so close but they can’t quite push them enough to get them closer and being both hamstring injuries as well and particularly um samb’s one and how long

    He was out for um and also the the the championship season before last for Eli at the end of that when we all saw the effects of Eli coming on when he clearly wasn’t fit in that um SE playoff semi-final second leg um it almost says to me don’t rush them

    The two big games I think as we highlighted in the in the palace preview were the palace game and the forest one as this one is the game in hand and you’d want to win it but because those two are closer and Bournemouth are pretty much

    Safe you’d rather get results if if you know if you had to get the results against palis and Forest and and not this one so I wouldn’t risk them necessarily yeah that listen the forest game’s getting bigger with every passing second isn’t it that’s um that’s for sure yeah it it didn’t sound

    Particularly great and you’re right I don’t think we should risk either of them actually um it’s certainly if there’s a chance that they could play against Forest without being risked here why would you risk them I mean where Sam’s concerned if he wants to give clicker a rest which would be

    Understandable because he was out for so long and he’s now played a fairly large run of games in a short SP a short space of time you’ve got who could go in alongside Ross assuming Ross is okay I mean who knows how he’s going to be after that broken nose yes he finished

    The game well but you know it’s not necessarily easy is it but I’m sure he’ll play but someone get him a Phantom of the Opera mask and get him playing and doce him up with whatever um sanctioned drugs you’re allowed to I I imagine there’s plenty of that going

    Around at the moment really they’re going to have to patch up so many players it’s untrue yeah indeed um so he he’s got one or two options in Midfield hasn’t he uh should Sami not be fit we think moris will be okay up front apparently it was just cramp H when he

    Was filling his hamstring I must admit when he went down and started filling his hamstring I was like oh crust cuz that particular muscle was killing us this season it was Morris when wood scored it was Morris on the ground wasn’t it yeah it didn’t move yeah I

    Thought it was um it didn’t look worrying because I mean he got up enough to go and then celebrate so that would suggest to me that it’s not particularly an injury but you know all these things count and three games in a week is a massive ask in the Premier League anyway

    Uh if Luton had a full strength Squad uh and nowhere near not even close you mentioned Corley there does he start this one um I suppose it depends on the defensive formation if they have a um a back four and what they what they play like then might suit more of a

    A partnership up top with Morris and woodro um I wouldn’t be against that they know each other very well they’ve played with each other at Burnley um I’d be surprised actually because I I thought that hashioka might start at Salos Park Paris against Palace and he didn’t um that was after his fantastic

    Performance against Villa and um you know w obviously got the the the winner not the winner it feels like a winner it absolutely not a winner it was a it was a leveler at at Palace which is massive um but whether he comes in to to

    The thinking I’m not so sure I would probably say no that’s nothing against Cory obviously it’s just um that’s the that’s the way it’s been going for him this season his magic moments Come From the Bench when the clock hits 90 and he’s like it’s like Cinderella and a

    Pumpkin it just switches completely at that point and he scores against norwi scores against Devon scores against Palace and if he can score against Bournemouth in that fashion because he’s going to play isn’t he whether he starts or not there’s no way we’re getting through without using all five Subs in

    This game whoever those five people on the bench are I mean like you intimated I’m fully expecting my call up at some point and um you know that that then we know we’re in problems when I get that uh that that is for sure um Town’s end

    Are important in this game yeah they will be I thought he would start at Palace um and for whatever reason he didn’t you know CH yeah I suspect he’s got to be rested Chio because they tried to rest him against Villa didn’t they and he managed to get rested for all of

    Five minutes so it’s there I mean Villa as well with that High Line you’d have ch’s pacing behind if he didn’t need resting all day long wouldn’t he he has to be rested he wasn’t over L influential on Saturday anyway he looked like a guy who’s who needs to go to the

    Petrol station and get a refill didn’t he so that would be the obvious switch townzen for Chio townzen played down that right hand side in the first game there and was heavily involved in the goal or in the buildup to the move that got us the goal um it seems like an

    Obvious one and also he can keep the ball the last thing we need to be doing in this week is three lots of chasing teams around a pitch where it’s pissing down a rain and they’re going to be heavy pitches anyway if we can keep the

    Ball for a little bit and just reserve some energy towns end’s ideal at that I think that’s that’s the key part of the equation it’s the whether he plays everybody knows he can cross a ball and set pieces and Crossing going to be so important particularly B I think that

    Great at at corner kicks um you know whether he takes them or not is a different matter but I think the key thing just going off how inaccurate the passing was particularly in the first half at Palace um you need a a player of his ilk to

    Come in and and just make sure those little five yard passes are going to the right people because all these things build up in a game and if there’s a string of them string of bad passes misplaced passes that the wrong thing go it just kills your momentum and Lon are

    Going to need momentum in this they’re going to need to like get every sort of ounce of um mystery that they can throw at this all the all the Mysteries that they you can you can manage to to to attack this game and and try and get something because this is a winnable

    Game but um yeah it’s it’s asking a lot of of the same 13 players to keep doing it again and again and again um you know ultimately we just hope that they can get through it that’s all it is survival for this week and pick up as many points as we

    Can get um yeah the other reason I like towns end is they’re good on the Counterattack Bournemouth um they don’t necessarily play for the Counterattack they’re quite a possession based side or more of a possession based side under Iola than they would have been under Scott Parker in particular but they’re

    Still good on the um Counterattack they did have a couple of counter attacks in the uh first game so if cabore is bombing on just towns in’s Comfort on the ball sometimes Chia can have a heavy touch and lose it and if if cabor has gone past him the counter attack behind

    Would be well and truly on yes they both got the pace to get back but you always want someone in the right area so if tanzen can keep hold of that ball just a little bit I’d be surprised if he’s not used in this game I can’t see a

    Situation where he’s used straight away against notot Forest because they’re just going to sit deeper right so we’re going to need the pace and the movement and everything else this just feels like an ideal time for Town’s end and I tell you what it is an ideal time for that 30

    35 yard Banger you’ve been talking about absolutely please bring that out yeah absolutely he’s the pressure of that um yeah if you can’t get round them or anything like that um come up with some some of the goods I like T towns end for

    This game I I do think that I’d like to see him on the on the pitch from the start because um you know he’s had to bite his time for a while on the bench and so even though given his age he’s fresh legs in a team where there a they

    Yeah exactly I mean he went off 55th minute against Villa came on in the 8 7th minute against Crystal Palace so he’s played what 63 minutes give or take in the last two games I mean we’re crying out for people who’s happily played Just 63 minutes in a fit so uh

    Yeah kind of like towns end in that one and um that is we’ve highlighted it already that is the way in in this game crossing the ball um they’re not great at crosses they’re particularly not great at set pieces we saw that in the first game two minutes was it on the

    Clock when Elijah scored when the goalkeeper came flapping across that he was never getting in in a Month of Sundays there won’t potentially there won’t be any Elijah to score this time but Morris is every bit is good in the air so that’s absolutely fine um pepper them with crosses they’re missing sessi

    Or at least I think they’re missing sessi he didn’t play at the weekend and he if you’re going up against Sheffield United you’re going up against the physical side you’d want your physical Center halfs so if he didn’t play in that I’m assuming he’s injured so that’ll be meam who will be

    The who’s more of a ball player um so get these crosses in get them in as much as possible and wait for something to drop and it and and it will do we saw the patience of it on Saturday really but yeah just get those crosses in

    Absolutely yeah if if every was a game plan for it it it’s that because you’re not going to probably grind them down with a lot of running um uh and they aren’t particularly useful in the air as that first game showed so yeah that that’s I

    Mean as it has been for so many time so many occasions that’s that’s the that’s the route um and if it works and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it absolutely that yeah uh keep sanky as quiet as possible get those crosses in the box that is the

    The key thing here it it really is um relegation picture then win this game we’re out the bottom three that’s unnown now does that make this game not must win because it’s not now is it because we’re with with within one result of not Forest whatever happens here but

    Obviously we win we go into the forest game knowing that a draw keeps us out at the bottom three going into the international break and given that the energy reserves are running low any time that we don’t need to win stay out at the bottom three will be happy days so

    Are you looking at this as really want to win here or or would a point be absolutely fine well I’ll take a point but the win puts it in your hands then doesn’t it and that’s what you want at this stage of the season because uh with a point you’re obviously

    Closer with a defeat you’re still within a a victory of going above Forest particularly as against Forest but that that and I’m not I’m not saying this this is what Forest would do um we’ll talk about that in the preview and we’ll look at a little bit closer what they

    Might do after this result but the option to stink the place out and only needing a draw trying to Nick a win is is there for Forest whereas if you can win at Bournemouth and go above them they’ve got to come out and try and do

    Something and then that opens it up a lot more so you’d rather that um but you know I’d I’d take a a point on the road um and then set it up for a massive game against forest all of them are going to be massive all of them are going to be

    Tight and uh tents um and these two no more so yep it’s all set up for a wonderful night after all of the sort of reflections of what went before um before the game um massive massive massive game for us not not necessarily for Bournemouth no let’s hope they’re as

    Hospitable if for this game as they were charitable during uh the stages of the last game and give us the three points actually and come on lad we got this mutual bond now haven’t we we want to be in the same division next season don’t we you got to come to our

    Place as well six points would help us out no end to do that of course I just they’re not going to do that they’ll professional till the end and um I wouldn’t expect any different but Christ if we can win this game the cat and the pigeons definitely come

    Together then listen if you can win this game with barely any players um going into that massive game against Forest it the lift we were talking about the lift that the kwoods go at Palace gave anyway but it’ be just skyrocketing after that and you would just believe you can do anything after

    That the the psychological impact of any result now in this running is so important and if you could be on the right side of it you’ll just feel that everything you touch will turn to Gold um it’s a big ask it is a big ask but

    It’s not out of the question not in the slightest no we can take Confidence from the fact that Sheffield United got a point there can’t we you know that’s a result that stands out to me and burnlee for the most part they were the better side against Bournemouth last week uh

    But in true Burnley style decided to shoot themselves in the foot that’s one thing if someone scores against us can someone just score a bloody worldy rather than us shooting ourselves in the foot um or giving a goal away you know we’ll come on to our score predictions

    In a moment but please you know stay in the game then the emotion of the occasion is is going to have everyone adrenaline going so I don’t think there’ll be a problem with regards to sort of um being up for it or anything like that I don’t

    Think there’ll be a flatness there might be a sort of caution because of what we alluded to at the start of the podcast where they’re going back to the scene of the um incident but that’s where the fans come in isn’t it lift lift the boys as much as they

    Possibly can do and I’m sure we will do that so yeah huge huge huge huge night at Premier League football um how does it finish what’s your score prediction well it’s going to be goals because um yeah can’t rule out clean sheets uh I think for

    Luton um so I’m going to go for a I think it’ be a 2-2 to be honest Desmond two 22 for Jimbo um yeah one less for me I don’t know I thought we’d win the game down there the first time around even though they were in

    Fantastic form I just had that feeling that they play to our strengths very nicely the setpiece thing and everything else and we still got Ross Barkley who can just pull a rabbit out of a hat at any moment so I’m going for a town win

    In this one 2-1 we only win League games 2-1 apart from Newcastle and Brighton so um yeah no two two one loting and my God if if the scenes at the end of Crystal Palace were um great if the full-time whistle goes with loting two one up

    Limbs in the away end are going to be incredible not sure if my back will be able to go through it all again yeah you want to take some protection for that yeah I well I obviously hope that your results is the one that actually comes

    In and not mine either way we’ll take either of them it’ll put us in a great position going into Saturday and uh can’t we’ve called these game’s huge we’re going to have to find another word for for that one cuz um whatever happens here that’s season defining isn’t it on

    Saturday um if you are going to the game in the away end or if you’re watching this as a home fan I’m sure you’re fully aware of uh what’s going on before the game things like that if you kind of worried about going back particularly if

    You’re a l fan who going back there for the first time there are going to be people on hand that you can talk to and and um if you’ve got any sort of concerns whatsoever do take them up it’s really not a weakness or anything like that we all experienced something we

    Didn’t want to experience didn’t know how to experience and really hope we never have to experience ever again so if that help is on offer and you feel like you need it if you’re feel apprehensive or anything at any time over the course of the evening then do

    Take up that help for further information you can check out the luten town supporters trust Twitter feed or indeed the Cher’s trust one all of the information is going to be on there in the leadup to the game and that is a very very very um welcome thing that

    Bournemouth are putting on for all supporters as I say um we want to forget what happened in December we just can’t no uh but also want to try and remember that um Tom’s Tom’s still here with us and that’s that’s the main thing and the Fantastic work that people did

    There uh and everything that bouth have done um in support as well and that’s uh that’s hugely to their credit you know well done well done Bournemouth there’s um there’s a bond there between two clubs which is going to last a long time I think yeah there is indeed at halime

    The trust are going to make a presentation to the Cher’s trust in line with that and our thanks for everything that they’ve done both on that day in December every day since then and uh all of the arrangements they’ve put in place for us to hopefully enjoy the evening on

    Wednesday of course though those of us that had tickets first time round have got free entry into this game again you kind of expect two classy clubs to do that but it wasn’t they didn’t have to but they’ve decided to do that so full credit to to them and everything that’s

    Going on as I say keep an eye on social media feeds of both clubs both trusts and you’ll find out exactly what’s going on ahead of the game one other thing to flag up as we spoke about when we had him on the podcast last week Mark

    Crowther will be cycling from kenor road to the vit it stadium in one day 124 miles in one day and if if it if I’ve not checked the weather but if it’s anything like Sunday in particular where it lashed with rain all day that is

    Going to be a nasty nasty trip so he’s raising money just for the British Heart Foundation for this game he’s already done the um Bournemouth game for his cycle his normal season cycle so he’s just going for the British Heart Foundation for this game if you can contribute anything

    Towards his cause he’s desperate to get over ,000 to the British heart foundation and we would love to help him get over that Mark so if you’ve got any pennies uh that you can spare him please do so he’s he’s going to go through the mill on um Wednesday for a worthy cause

    And if if if you see Mark down there uh please do go up to him and congratulate him because uh that will be an absolutely incredible effort yeah absolutely we’ll we’ll put the link to to that fundraiser in the show notes for this podcast but yeah yeah incredible I

    Don’t I don’t know how you’d even begin to I mean he does it all the time there he rides all over the place but you know for as me Immortals I don’t know how anyone manages to ride that much distance but it is to his credit he’s

    Quite close to the to the to the Target that he wants to set for that but obviously it’s all it’s such a great cause Tom lock who’s been Champion them ever since um the incident and everything so um it’s it’s it’s one um pun pun intended very much close to everyone’s

    Hearts speaking of which it takes 15 minutes to learn how to do CPR if there’s one thing you take away from this game of football on Wednesday forget the for the 90 minutes during those 90 minutes five people around the country will have a cardiac arrest that’s the average time at the average

    That it is please take the 15 minutes to learn how to do CPR British Heart Foundation website it’s simple easy to follow video and you never ever know might be needed to save someone’s life so if we can take anything away from this game of football win lose or draw

    Uh let’s do that let’s Tom is right behind this cause he’s champion in this cause and quite rightly so so let’s do our little bit and um let’s learn CPI as I say it’s 15 minutes out of your day and it’s very very very worthy you just

    Don’t know when that might be needed yeah absolutely that is it for this episode of the podcast thanks once again to everything that the Bournemouth fans have done for the luten fans ahead of this game we really really do appreciate it thanks for you for watching or listening however it is that you’ve

    Consumed this podcast please do keep subscribing our numbers are going up all the time but more importantly these podcasts this week they’re coming thick and fast and if you don’t want to miss one of them if you subscribe you’ll know exactly when each one drops give us your

    Score predictions not a huge amount of time to do that with this being a midweek game but we will shout out anyone who gets the correct score no one got 1-1 against Crystal Palace I think there’s a lot of optimism that Luton would win that game and uh so no one1

    Scores so no shout outs from that one but yep let us have your score predictions and all of your comments we do read them we try to reply to as many of them as we can do thanks for keeping me company mate really really appreciate

    That no BBA yep let’s hope they that we got a positive result to to talk about after after Wednesday as as better or if not better than uh the P one indeed so yep thanks for watching thanks for listening thanks to the high toown club for hosting the podcast to Sean Grant

    And the Wolf Gang for our intro music as always and to Edith creative for all the designs that you see on set from James and myself until we come along to review what’s a huge night of Premier League football come on you Hatters can you believe it we are Premier League

    Yes I love this town I love this town I love this this you know what I love about this town is actually you everyone in it has got these massive Souls we’re Lo people and that’s what we care about [Applause] Le


    1. I'm hoping the occasion will results in us coming back with 3 points. I bought a Bournemouth shirt with Lockyer on it as a gesture towards Bournemouth. Our clubs will always be connected much respect for what they did on the day for Tom.

    2. We've def missed eli and sambi these past few weeks or so, now we've got more defensive doubts in defence so im really hoping we can show up without the absentees. Will be a huge 3 points if we can pull it off, so im hoping the boys can rally and pull us back out of this drop zone, will be massive! COYH!!

    3. I don't agree, Bournemouth and Forest are must wins games. We then have Spurs and Arsenal after the break, so it is these games we need 3 points each. Luton to win this game for Locks, for survival, for pride…….0-2 >> COME ON HATTERS 🧡🎩🧡⚽⚽⚽🥅

    4. It is an emotional game especially with our skipper still out and yh we have felt that massive hole in the defence since but lets not forget that 3 points is still a must and im sure even Locky woukd say 3 points has to be the end game !!! We are the famous Luton town

    5. It's going to be emotional, but on balance I think the emotions will be overall positive, especially with Tom there and becoming a Dad. If anything it'll give the boys a big lift, but due to injuries and the long journey I'm predicting another draw, 1-1

    6. FYI Tom will be there & is carrying the ball out pre-match. The Mental Health First Aiders will available at the ground to help/support anyone feeling anxious etc. For the away fans they will be in a marquee near the entrance to the away end and the DC lounge which is about half way up the East Stand – the one you are in. Please just come along and say hello if nothing else. Looking forward to welcoming you back and yes it's going to be emotional BUT it should be positive – we're all celebrating Tom being able to still be there and that is something amazing to be able to celebrate. There is a minutes applause in the 59th min planned as a celebration and thank you to all of the amazing medical staff. Between us let's make that really loud. Safe travels down. Not sure we're feeling charitable enough to hand you the 3 points but I certainly want to see you stay up. the #TinPot derby was my most looked forward game at the start of the season. #UTCIAD #COYH ❤🧡Good Luck to Mark on the ride – amazing effort. 👏

    7. Keeping positive….. COYH!
      At least we have played fair by FFP.
      We will die by our sword.
      If we stay up, Excellent.
      If we go down, it is what is but at least we have our morals in tact.

    8. I live in Bournemouth and travel to all the Luton home games so it will be nice to have a short trip for an evening game. Although it will be a strange feeling given what happened to Tom.
      Bournemouth fans have been incredible, and Mark's cycling is astonishing.
      I think this is a must win game. Forest's run in is potentially easier than Luton's, so they could gain more points than us. I think we need to be 3 pts ahead of them going into the break.
      Tom's presence will inspire us to a 1-0 win.

    9. We have to be ahead of one team, that team probably being Forest. Everything should be focused on winning THAT game in the circumstances.
      If we had a fully fit squad it would be different, but as it is, don't risk any borderline injuries and rest those who need resting. Anything from Bournemouth will be a bonus.

    10. Nice piesce by the Back of the net /Bournemouth fans) podcast, worth a watch. (no idea how to Tag them in? 🤔🤣🤔

      Hoping we beat them BUT we both stay up! 🥃⚽🥃🥃

    11. Great deep dive into the upcoming game. I can see the first half being pretty uneventful due to the nature of the day and predicting Hashi header from a corner and Luton coming away 1-0 winners. COYH! But I would take a draw of course 🙂

    12. Absolutely agree, James …there are so many positives to come out of this …football showing itself in a great light, support for the BHF, the potential lives saved because of education around CPR…could go on. So, the memories are traumatic but let’s celebrate the fantastic outcomes. We now know Mengi’s ok but Osho’s out. I sense a score draw, 1-1.

    13. Must win game for Luton! In the original fixture I’d say Luton were the better side until we equalised and the momentum swung around 🍒🍒 hoping maybe for a high scoring 2-2 or 3-3

    14. It'll be great to have you back in town for the points deduction derby.
      Hoping for a win of course but also hoping you guys stay up because the 'fans' of the big six really hate us!

    15. I can’t see us getting anything from Bournemouth or Forest with our injury crisis. If we survive this season then I think it will be a greater achievement than getting promoted last season. We’ve almost got our entire first team injured. So to be where we are is astonishing. So proud of our club.

    16. No AT ALL bothered that my 0 – 2 prediction went out the window, ROSS smashed a spectacular goal & I want us to score more.

      Hoping to be at the Tottenham match BUT no longer have a season ticket, due to living in Cyprus.

      I wl sort it somehow.

      #COYMFH 🥃⚽🥃

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