Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Volta a Catalunya 2024 Stage 2

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)

    T Pacha descent attack before disappearing into the clouds a very rain effed finish to vter Catalonia stage two this was the finish up to voler Dos Mill uh finish starting on the coast in Mao so good weather there it looked pretty nice at the finish earlier in the day 5°

    Is all right if it’s dry and it’s a long Old Stage 190 Cas through Jona up to the Pyrenees and dos Mill as the name suggests finishes over 2,000 M altitude it’s a long hard climb 30 minute climb Pat during the stage before coverage went on like an

    Attack with doen Novak but it turned out that he needed to do a pee uh they had laughs about at the car afterwards uh but that was pretty funny before coverage we were all seeing the T the live ticker being thinking what what’s going on but it all settled down when TV

    Images came through nonthreatening Breakaway with Jimmy Jans and scone they they had about minutes earlier in the day uh but the rain started to set in and this meant that it got very cold or much colder for the Riders they started in summer conditions in the morning on

    The coast grow shner on the front controlling that Breakaway and we’ve got a couple of descents coming up before Vol and it gets really cold up there especially if you’re wet and damp janson’s dropped on The Descent and UA team em bossing the front they did a TTT

    As I said for pagat to a PE break and then did that on this descent creating splits or someone dropped the wheel and then Pacha just said he he wanted to go on the front and just attack on The Descent afterwards because he’s just having fun out here there’s no vinger

    Guard no rogl no a a pool and he’s making it look easy so far in this uh volter Cataluna doing as he pleases on the downhill with vizal Lisa bike having to react having to chase when they probably didn’t expect it they lost Bart lemon with a fractured collarbone uh in

    Yesterday’s stage so they’re already one man down as well janson’s and Fernandez get back together and the Pelon regroups with COV in the Gile there they got Alida Solair even though Vine didn’t start this morning they still have plenty of climbing support UA team Emirates up to this finish where the

    Weather looked okay but there was cloud cover and wind and it was raining even further down in the valley and Jansen was saying can I just drop back now he dropped Fernandez lead outs begin into the base of the climb we still have images at this point it’s 12ks half an

    Hour climb or just over for the best of them inos with hater on the left hand side in the black jackets they’re running for Egan beral in this race and here it starts COV hits the front almea behind him somewhat surprisingly uh before cair and here’s look at the EF

    Rider on the right hand side here can’t really see exactly what happens maybe he gets his bars Tangled with the Ester Rider or got chopped from the right hand side there’s a crash in the positioning battle at the start of the climb not ideal if you’re wanting to get a good

    Result if you’re caught behind that but the images started to be lost here UAE though we could surmise was setting a pretty Fierce Tempo from the bottom of the climb and it was our Mater on the front Solair second wheel we can see distinctively from his style then Pacha

    Cous a Brooks for vimol Lisa bike in position four and five and we don’t ever get to see the attack of pagat but what we can see is that almea was setting a fierce Pace it was splitting this is still with a long way to go on the climb

    He even dropped Solair out of his own train uh before he even pulled and so almea was once again after being very very good yesterday excellent again today dropping cous with this pull he’s the visala bike rider pulling out of the line to the left hand side so one of the

    Own big contenders or other contenders for a Podium on GC cous already gone the images come back enough to see that Pacha has attacked up the road and he’s got a big gap so with no vingard here with the Riders behind already probably thinking about second place looking

    Behind across the road attacking each other and our MAA muddying up proceedings as well one thing was for certain we didn’t even need to see it we knew that t patet was not going to get caught and the only question was how much time he would take on this climb

    With three Cas to go he already had over a minute images came back after they came above the clouds and Lenny Martinez and Lander looked the strongest maybe Alexander vlasov was a bit smarter than Martinez or maybe a bit more defensive because Lander counters off vaso’s acceleration and or Martinez

    Acceleration and he has got a gap going for the poding positions on GC to do the best possible so remco’s to to France domestique looking very very good in onal there in Catalonia so quickstep have to be happy with Lander even though he wasn’t probably happy with the coal

    Conditions losing the feeling in his hands vlasov still rugged up in a in a jacket he’s having a very good couple of weeks for last of they just announced his extension but we see the stat the static Finish Line images of Pacha rolling through the number one for a

    Reason and this was probably his best ever uh 20 to 30 minute CL climing performance in March of his career so far it helped that it was uh not a uni Puerto but a relatively easy stage before but he’s in very very good shape Pacha not just doing a long Solo in stra

    Not just in Milan San Ramo punching on the podo but here putting everyone to the sword on a 30 minute high altitude climb with Landa and vlasov best of the rest but big big gaps on stage two over a minute nearly a minute and a half to L

    Who just puts flov off the wheel right at the end and almeer actually finishes just ahead of Martinez he rode a really good final as well so GC looking pretty over Pikachu with a 130 Gap already to take the bonies yesterday and the big gaps all the way down to 10th here’s

    What he had to say after the stage youday thank you I love you too greetings today uh congratulations on your first stage win here at La Cataluna it was uh on Theory uh tough stage but the conditions have made it even harder what it been like yeah we started with a

    Really nice weather it was uh like summer and then uh we saw big clouds and we were thinking oh maybe maybe we can survive until the final climb Without Rain but uh yeah unfortunately it started to rain already second last climb and yeah uh the conditions were really tough and yeah it’s

    Really really hard to climb and yeah also on altitude you could feel already uh the High Altitude so was really tough finish yeah and uh but I’m happy to to win if we forget about the weather would have this been the script that you would have chosen for this

    Stage because we saw you go right at the start with Novak and then with 35 to go you also tried to stretch on the uh downhill was that the story that you were expecting no at the start yeah that was a pretty fun moment with Oman um but yeah

    Um then in the final uh the downhill I was yeah I was really feeling comfortable on the downhill and uh yeah um I just went my own pace and yeah nothing nothing special okay thank you to we’ll see you during the week I hope you enjoyed the video we’ve

    Got another Mountain Stage tomorrow will Pacha go back to back or will someone else step up in those high mountains hopefully they do and I’ll see you with the recap there ciao


    1. I just wish that Jonas or Roglic were there. Two of the best cyclist should have more thatn 1 race to compete against each other. Even last year was better in that respect.

    2. I like Sepp but his comments about trying to win or stay in the competition for tdf 24 are slowly fading. I’m interested in seeing if sepp paces Jorgensen and Jonas in tdf 24

    3. What's wrong with this kid? Rides 300km on Sunday and battled out with the sprint specialists at the finish, then go straight to a 2000m mountain and destory everyone who hasn't worked in a fish factory

    4. Hey yes of course TP is an excellent athlete on his bike. Although I do not see him as an all rounder on his bike. Am I being too harsh on the multi TDF winner.?

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