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    #Treble #SundayLeague #GameSetAndHatch

    Reason behind it any man got any talk you [ __ ] put it I’ll tell you why they started and I’ll tell you why you didn’t [ __ ] stop Excuse me what have you got today what I got today tell what I’ve got today I’ve got returning Ballers i’ got special guest commentator i’ got hatan against new time I’ve also got Garrett’s birthday so gentlemen so we’re going to stick together and let’s just be the family that we are you understand Not what’s going on peeps welcome back to another episode Here on Hatch Lane TV I’m your host Kevy KBS as always you’ve heard me weekly uh but in fact that’s going to change very very soon yeah so you’re back on Hatch Lan TV today we’ve got a smoky one we are playing

    Wormingford New Town in the S6 Sunday Premier Cup semi-final what’s this what’s happening wers right get my Striker back I get my Striker back what’s going on Benny good weekend boy Arsenal win yesterday Aral win yesterday look like we get a win today man great weekend

    Cold though yeah is is how cold is this random look at that D’s back as come on come on my man them hiding their faces what’s going on what’s going on good here we go money Got you some some Tottenham kick to let me put in my because we always brush up don’t more superar long short sorry thing is this is this is good for us we’ve got a really good support core Network here now there’s enough of us here to encourage each other to get over the

    Line today all right if you feel a little niggle you got a little injury and you feel that you can’t you’re going to let down the team please let us know and we make a sub straight away it’s no embarrassment it’s better that we do that more than we’re working with 10 men

    Or nine men on the pitch yeah we keep our shape we play our football be very d direct inid kicks noid tell him again brother like 741 but let’s [ __ ] let’s get to the final man come on everyone stick to their job today take our defend first on fre hatch 1 2 Three

    Hat yes the man is back cash Montreal is back once again commentating from for us I’ll let him take that one away but do you know what let’s get into the things let’s get into things this is hatch Lane against worford New Town in the semi-final SS cup catch you

    Soon hey yo what’s going on people welcome back to another episode on Hatch Lane TV it’s been a minute I can’t even tell you guys when the last time at the commentary on this channel yeah we’re pushing 6 month plus easy obviously had to catch up on real

    Life stuff so Kevin helped me out doing the coms doing what needed to be done but I’m back now man business end of the season semi-final settings you feel me I’m not a bat I’m not on the pitch I ain’t played in a minute rapt with my’s in January you

    Know the hatchan got no luck with injuries right now but we do not make excuses let’s get in into these lineups but first and foremost Mr comfy on the Ryan thing AKA give me the ball I will never panic I can assure you man [ __ ]

    H it’s been a minute all right let’s see what the lineup saying man big up management every time Derek Kevin Sy J Ben you know the gang all right we got Martin in the sticks as usual we got Tren right back and Kevin left back Skipper we got Fernandez and soul

    Playing Center off tomean Mel sitting in the DM sl88 or 44 Tyler Dolan in the 10 Samurai and Amari out wide and Dancy up top all right the bench is strong I’m not even going to chat about the bench too tough you can see the names you can

    See the talent man let’s go hatch Lane operating in their gray kit attacking from right to left against the Ops big up the ref Michael I was at the game I don’t know if he had a great one but you know what you guys can decide

    Hatch SL with a neat kickoff nice and easy hey the boys no long time I L start with the gang it’s crazy oh that’s sh hey he’s that tra s out lad redeem there we go BOS Martin yeah we still play on the back and all these things I hear

    It Fernandez break oh man Fernandez breaking lines yeah okay I don’t mind it surely will go short yeah not bad T into samurai touch out of his feet back to T hey welome back too hey punching lines that’s not bad deliver Amari across the six good clearance from their

    Center off he put that into the swings oh no to the Ops nothing’s happened it’s for a free kick sa a floating one back stick Martin easy easy money Martin frustrated he want to do the counter attack all right man we good man the opposition just trying to get a

    Foot hold in the game pass it into the center half he stepping into the Midfield breaking lines that is not bad what you like another easy one for Martin the man where something I’m calling them new tan Amari driving in the Midfield what can you see D out wide to Samurai Ching

    Him up good touch at your feet finish oh he’s dragged it draged in their post unlucky Sammy it’s positive so you got win that head like 64 it goes time to get there hey this is scatty big there we go the ball man I B Nikki pushing it Forward up to Sam

    Who’s that Amari out wide drive then bag him R that’s another one man what man don’t I have his cards or what enough it come from that fre kick clearly SL with the ball TR driving rolls it down the line can we deliver yes we can near post

    Finish unlucky Dan C Dan is adant that it’s a corner refere is having none of it Lono flagged oh this yeah see so number five on the floor Center back he supposed to be your your real battle man is it something happened to his boots couldn’t

    Play on came off the man’s G change room got his boots nothing to see there got his boots his fresh DRS ones that actually not ripped and that was it so didn’t come back on what a j anyway old God the man like wackers came on in his

    Place yeah not a bad one too out wide then Good Feet roll it now T brao your knee brao relax relax recycle nothing on gaps same oh go deliver son unlucky why they clear their lines again hey touch then bags bag D yes breaking lines gaps revs all of that Dy what you

    Like oh we’ve kept it though Kevin good touch Mickey delivered in good feet across the six he’s hung it back post come on Amari man half an hour played good save Martin that’s like when we don’t take our chances the other team’s still in it back him go one G out allegedly

    Strong set him see all of this I don’t mind you know Kevin doing the inverted thing got wide Kev bro samai nice and steady man yeah go Dan you’re in Ross it good save you know all lad we keep using the left side though man mix it

    Up just recycling the ball taking their time po that’s too easy easy trm look one two Amari driving this where he wants to be a great down in communication that was Call of Duty someone would have got wigged and the ref blows up for half time not the greatest of

    Halfs wormingford yeah no chance I’m saying that a couple times anyway halim nil nil boring Eck let’s see what management got to say here’s our hack in keeping Reggie’s now fresh and clean pearly whites powders is the best doggy Dental solution not only do they freshen his

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    Out the positive guys the positives are really good is that listen we got to grips with what their game was about we know what they was trying to do after around 5 minutes which is launching that long to the number nine okay Senator har well done and I keep on hearing that

    Call it’s the right call you don’t have to win it but you do have to make sure you’re tight with him and you’re challenging him but boys we’ve got to be alert to that second ball that’s the only part I’ll say in defense there is be alert to that second ball be

    Well I think if we just correct what we’re doing there won’t be an issue for example we’re not building back today for some reason collectively from Midfield midfielders Defenders and also when we’re getting the ball in good areas cuz they haven’t really trou us they haven’t really trou us when we’re

    Getting into good areas we just got to take our time and and make the right decision essentially that’s all it is cuz they we know what they’re doing we play these teams all the time remember we’re building up in Midfield they’re going man for man so one of the Midfield

    One of the Wingers have to come inside into that pocket Midfield we have to break into the set and then we can [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] play all right let’s go man second half underway Ops attacking down their right hand side [ __ ] what CR was that let’s go man counter DRS what are we like Amari driving on the left hand side inari’s defense during this game man what crushing in him good turn

    But his boots were not his size I think they were half size too small though all size too small all right not a bad ball deliver go oh Dany Daren Nunes but yeah mari’s bruts W his size so he couldn’t really run too tough but we don’t make excuses let’s go

    Man Sam right into D’s feet Hold Up play Go them go them run him I lucky I Lucky Corner ball Mel in swinger back post all we’re all over the G unlucky wackers it’s been a long time since I see wackers on a pitch go man one of the

    OG’s we man to do something uh Hall of Fame hat you know who makes the team that’s crazy one and one marked good positioning chat we lost it cheaply though rows it into the eight a bro Oh my days what a finish what a finish one n to worming [Applause]

    FR against the runner playe bear in mind this is a semi-final realistically this is our only opportunity to win silverware I could be wrong the was meat though yeah you took it early he took it early a t next go that’s a F management not happy quick sub Zach is on the pitch bring on some electricity man I hear it I really do hear it anyway man hat you know what you got to do Samurai good link up with trm down the right hand side bags him down the line

    Deliver across the six falls into the box got Zack ear off the line from wormingford TR good f f of the analog crazy Zach positive touch at his feet of the line when does that ever Happen Amari there back and forth with the ref heckling that’s what they call it is it heckling the ref ref is having none of it looking for the skipper calls Kevin in I forgot what Amari said the ref said to him but yeah well done ref man sin bin Zero

    Tolerance the ref would not be spoken to in Any Which Way hatch Lane down to 10 play Samurai roll down early man he knows got get two goals one goal at least to force it to extra time ball back to Mel on our left hand side doubling up ref man oh how

    Many all right I swear when that I’m going to be a ref promise you know being a full Winger and all these things I know a foul when I see one you know what I’m saying disgusting ref man miles off it out Swinger all right hey that’s my footage you know I care I’m sure that’s my joint sideline cam steady nothing come from the attack 65 on the clock strong nickn all back for Mi sharp move it got move it turn out Sam on easy whoops whoops let’s go they K the ball away

    That’s a yell let’s go Man let’s go Jesus long throw Zach T back that Loops it this keeper was a unit you know I’m all remembering that another change Dancy on what oh Dy came off then came back on I hear it fair dudes roll and roll off and all that good boy Charlie got [ __ ] on his

    Head some footballers on the pitch now Charlie breaking Landes into Dane cycle to T yeah the ball’s joking man very labored though very labored but I hear it Well Done mix can we hold all right El’s played unlucky unlucky El’s forgot we brought Lee as well as

    Well we got go though Jesus Christ 4 minutes left PS to the eight out wide patient oh my God what a stop Martin oh my T good boy tenacious good Charlie Clips one up oh well held down my two Hitmen to Samurai what you like oh good save unlucky boys FL the

    Box man deliver Lee one one let’s go the big man let’s go man C it let’s get the ball let’s go man messing about oh replay all the way from Edge Monday Night Football good set though me Astro it’s mad Sammy has the initial shot keeper should should have

    Saved it for a corner you know that one hindsight is crazy Samurai keeps the board alive for to Lee n po finish on his oliv rude put the movement what put that away cuz game on game on man at this point I think the other team are absolutely knackered fair play to

    Them actually I’m moving the ball they they got to try win a it but yeah the L just too short too athletic unlucky unlucky unlucky never been hand B Z again straight out of play t Fernandez patient patient patient brother into Chaz CH oh use your left there you bastard man

    Kevin works it down the line underlap Kevin what are you like hands one up lee d chance oh my God all right they are defending room 4es Kevin Clips one in the Box Falls to Lee Falls to Dan Falls to Chaz Charli you got to take two there by the way in swinger

    P to Kev s Kev good block back against theuer 9 minutes added more than enough he bag him more than enough time I’m sure the ref did tell man goes extra time you know if any all big head wax never been a foul in a million years

    The worms look to deliver hangs onean back stick they win their first Fernandez there to clean up go Dan Dan and Samurai on his right hand side Samurai can you find him for to Dy goes to cross oh straight in Dy you are shamess you are absolutely

    Shameless that that has never been a shot on gold Dan you lied after the game I asked you and you lied to me that is a over hit cross something’s taken it over it bubble before you crossed it or the wind took it but nonetheless it’s in the

    Back of the net two1 to hatch Lane that never say that attitude let me have a look oh Dan you’ve put that back post for Lee oh that is Heartbreak Hotel is it I don’t know you know look at the SC look at the SCS yeah

    Yeah theom no if it stays like this hatch Lena through to the final ah absolute scenes man they tried to kick off when certain man still in their half Shameless can’t take kick off like that chat come on man what we doing here last throw of the dice no pun throw

    To wormingford Sur has got to go in this wins it seconds Martin claims let’s go man oh he’s going to bring it down fa Good Feet a bit of me that that L you got to dig deep P hi hey look at the Press look at the

    Press Kevin well done man get the troops back in get the troops back in in the mix Keepers up the number eight helps it on keeps it alive keepo wins it Dany all no fouls no fouls stand him no fouls good boy and that is time let me give you

    This Boys Round of Applause well done patch Lan 2-1 winners yeah so game done two1 winners you know the other team they right you know so I want to wish them the best for the rest of their season hopefully they can win their league or

    Whatever cup they may be in but boom now hatch Lena in the final it will be played on the 7th of April at Bowers and pitsy 230 kickoff little afternoon Drake there feel me dra in we played this final before lost against them other boys there no promo but please 7th of

    April at bers and py 230 kickoff we need to make amends yeah we we got to win this there’s no ifs or buts for this season to be half of a success we have to win this cup final man yeah look forward to seeing you lot there I will be there flipping

    I’ll still be in my stupid boot recovering from this injury but hatch Lane to the worlden back cash Montreal confy on the round thing give me the ball anywhere I will not panic Martin when I’m back if I want the ball in the sixy box right at your toes give me the

    Ball please yeah enjoy your Sunday people you know we win the game we win the game so I’m expecting everyone to be yeah hey guys guys in inol in cool in Co in one more time one more time one hey guys we’re through to a final we’re to a

    Final on fre one two three all right guys guys guys yes we are through to another Cup Final we love Cup finals we do Cup finals every single season you know what I’m saying so yeah we’re playing France FC so make sure you come down to that one that’s Sunday the 7th

    Of April uh at bows and PFC I think that’s a 2 30 kickoff so you know exactly what to do don’t forget to like And subscribe to our YouTube account to keep up to date with all of our latest news simply follow us on all of our

    Socials if you’ve got any questions or queries that you need answering simply pop us an email to info@ hatl fc. and remember once again we are on patreon so subscribe to our patreon account to watch exclusive content and to watch all of our matches from minute

    1 to minute 90 uh we appreciate you watching this episode we’ll catch you on the next One You know what to be is it’s game set and hatch day we don’t take orders with disobey top with the future never been pray yeah they helping move out the way Sol team but we don’t play we don’t take orders with this so B for the future never been

    Pray they help move out the way Sol team but we don’t Play [Applause] [Applause] one 2 three game Sety yeah you a better you got the better players and all that but what the [ __ ] difference right there’s this all season has been a horrible season for us nobody doesn’t [ __ ] turn up yeah all of a sudden semifinal I got 50 [ __ ] name the text hasn’t even gone

    Out yet and I got 50 names so I’ve got all men down there we’re a team you cannot turn up one two games and think you deserve to start every single man that we [ __ ] play today or play today there’s a reason behind it any man got any talk you [ __ ] put it

    Out and tell you why they started and I’ll tell you why you didn’t [ __ ] start all right it’s a team game so I need everybody to be a [ __ ] team not toxic [ __ ] City you guys are losing one [ __ ] on the line this man with a snip

    This hand this [ __ ] there [ __ ] we’re no good we’re rubbish who who’s in the only [ __ ] man Steve C do this change this maybe do that this man playing so well that’s what we need not [ __ ] [ __ ] come on brother no you know what it is right it’s very difficult I know you

    Guys all come out on a Sunday to play football and no one doesn’t want to be a sub everybody wants to come and play you’re all in your own right to be playing football at here you’re all good enough we’re grateful that you guys are here playing with us because we want to

    We want to do this we want to win these games but it’s we have to rotate sometimes we got to do different things it worked today we won we got the result that’s the main thing we got the result today you know what I mean so we just

    Keep we just keep it moving stay positive now guys now that I finish calling you guys [ __ ] and toxic it’s all love it’s my birthday today so we’re going back to the H and we’re going to have light refreshment light refreshment wait wait dad dad dad

    Dad come care Mone what you say it’s all right it’s all right I’m M greetings for a minute yeah I thought you was going to join me at my bed for you been pissed not lie I was never going to post it now I can let

    Everyone know you I mean c final coming up with the players on the pitch and all the subs here today I appreciate all of you because even the ones that didn’t get on the pitch you played your part so I appreciate you yeah um we need to make

    Sure we stick together as one family this is how we this how we’re going to win anything if we want to win things we got to do it together there’s no ey in team you understand so it’s about it’s about all of us doing what we need to do

    Out here and we need everybody to be turning up and be committed it’s not every game we’re going to see every the same we’re going to change it up because what happens I understand sometime I hear the biering ah it’s the same people the same players but we have to have

    Consistency when we have consistency and everybody turns up week in week out you will see that you’ll get more consistent minutes on the pitch that’s how it’s going to work here yeah guys when all when all when all said and done right when we’re on the

    Pitch we’re going to f we’re going to Blind and I’m going to call man couple name but see when it’s all done we don’t sleep on argument it’s all done we come back in here we drink to drink and we go again you understand and I appreciate

    Trust me when I say this there is no here at this club that I don’t appreciate you know what I mean no I even s don’t want there is nobody this this this this club is made up of multiple characters but what we have to realize is we are

    Characters we have to allow each other that little bit of room to breathe because we’re all different characters but we are a family brother so we just got to keep we just got to bear that in mind now you can drink r great to get a win always good to get a

    Win um good to see our hatch name taks down and that’s what hatch is all about always about digging in making sure they play to the final whistle and there a great finish towards the end still a lot to work on still a lot to work on and I

    Think when we say work on we just need to get back to our football you know we forcing the game a little bit but you know what as I say the boys have come in today we had a good sad today and I always say know you team that can beat

    Hatch is hatch you know and so we can get back to our football make sure when we’re without the ball we work a lot harder to get into shape we beat anybody so onwards and upwards onward and upwards all right then and you know what it is you’re dead right I I think

    Sometimes we don’t think we play as well sometimes I think we have to win the battle but even today I’m saying oh we need to play as much football as we can but when I when I pull when I single out some of them man and then I I say to them like

    Um how did the game went they they said to me oh you guys were a much better team played much better football the ra ra so that’s their perception of it but yeah we’re here killing ourselves saying we didn’t play no football so it the levels are different yes so the football

    That we want to play sometimes I’m just pleased that we stuck in and won the battle in the end you know what I’m saying played how we normally play oh man they were tired at 60 Minutes they would have been tired at 35 if we played

    How we normally play but other than that when all said and done they wear a good side differently I think yeah yeah yeah I think very organized a way to play and they just stuck to that yeah but other than that yeah but what do we call that after after victories

    What’s a game set hat yeah I want to say game set but we just made it boy like we tried to make it game set and match We Got Game set wait for next easily easily something your your your your what’s going on today go what’s going on today final coming up

    Today women’s cup impact FC women’s um should be a good game should be a good game 230 kickoff let’s go come on get that w got it’s a it’s a all right


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