Pierre Poilievre wants BC Premier David Eby to join his fight against the carbon tax. Eby declines, citing Poilievre’s “bologna politics”. Poilievre fires back, suggesting Eby doesn’t understand British Columbians can’t even afford bologna. (No matter how you feel about bologna, you’ve gotta love the word play…)

    3:03 | We ask Charles Adler if Poilievre can convince the public he’s Canada’s top poverty fighter – hasn’t that been the NDP’s whole schtick? But we lead off with the story of a woman scoffing at the “true North strong and free” O Canada lyric during a recent NHL game. What’s with the “Freedom fighter” movement these days? Grifters like Jamie Sale and Theo Fleury are still at it…but what freedoms are they being denied? Oh, and was anybody else surprised the Prime Minister told a Radio-Canada reporter he thinks about quitting every day? Could there be political ramifications for such an off-the-cuff comment?

    48:30 | Erin Davis joins us in studio just hours after returning from New York City, where she served as a delegate at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Don’t miss her reality check on how extreme poverty continues to pin down 10% of the world’s women and girls. Erin also shares her thoughts on DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) efforts here at home – the hits and the misses.

    ERIN’S WORK: https://www.erindavisco.ca/

    RYAN’S 2008 ETHIOPIA MINISERIES: https://rtrj.info/2009WomenandWealth

    1:27:55 | “Grace, Forgiveness, and Hope.” Ryan’s dad – Dr. Bruce Jespersen – shares a perspective on a very tough subject we thought you’d appreciate in this week’s Positive Reflections presented by Kuby Energy.

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    This is a relay project real talk starts right now here’s Ryan Jerson are you feeling like free like did you wake up today with freedom just coursing through your veins you one of those that have freedom tattooed across your chest your freedom hoodies your freedom flags flying on the back of your freely purchased Freedom 150 is this describing you or do you feel like

    There’s a freedom deficit in Canada we’ve been talking a lot about Freedom we’ve been hearing a lot about Freedom over the past few years prompted obviously by covid restrictions but still today we’re going to take on the notion that Canadians just aren’t free prompted by our lead off guest every

    Week on this show Charles Adler who will join us in just a minute we’ll find out why this was on his radar why he was tweeting about it over the weekend and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say real talkers joining us either on the

    Live chat on YouTube or live streaming the audio on the mixler audio app presented by California Closets plus we’re going to check in with a good friend of the show Aaron Davis is going to join us she’s just back just back from New York City New York City where

    She was do you remember the best salsa commercial of all time the guy sitting around the campfire New York City and Roy well Aaron was a at the United Nations how cool is that the commission on the status of women she’s going to talk to us about what

    They heard there what they learned what they were talking about uh doesn’t get any bigger than the UN and this on the heels of or prompted by obviously International women’s day uh this commission running for two weeks it’s still going in fact she’s just back uh

    Into uh the uh Capitol City here and she’s uh making time for us looking forward to that conversation which would not happening would not be happening without the support of our friends at re they’re the presenting sponsor of this episode of real talk and they’ve got a

    Very simple message for you that is if you’re unsatisfied or feeling stuck in your career now is a great time to make a move into real estate you’ve seen people that have been making great gains and enjoying progress in uh real estate careers they’re they’re sitting there

    And they’re all of a sudden realizing that life after the cubicle is a goodlook life it’s a fantastic life you set your own hours you have unlimited income potential plus you’re helping people buy and sell their homes REO has expert instructors that can help you every single step of the way it’s

    Alberta’s top real estate school you’ll find more information online at.ca that’s r l the best part about it 20% off any REO course with the code real talk that’s all one word real talk when you get started today at R.C so I’m uh cruising my phone over the

    Weekend as you do from time to time and and I find two of my former terrestrial radio colleagues one of them obviously we still speak with every single week uh award-winning broadcast Legend Charles Adler interacting with Joe McFarland to Pal who we used to do talk radio with

    Back in the day Joe’s at a hockey game standing for the national anthem uh and a lady behind him mutters yeah right after the line the true north strong and free it prompted a tweet from Joe it prompted a response from Charles Adler and here we are asking about it today

    Chuck welcome to the show hope you had a great weekend nice to see your face thanks a lot Ryan always a pleasure being the warm-up act for Alberta’s beautiful people that that’s what I’m here for every Monday sometimes Tuesday if Ryan and his family take off for

    Jasper on the long weekend yeah that’s right but it’s always about 20 or 30 minutes with me warming up beautiful people like n nchi I had NY last week and of course the the beautiful person coming back from New York City New York City you remember that salsa commercial

    Right course yeah that was I don’t I don’t remember the name I think it was past pan sauce if I remember correctly that one’s on us that one’s free uh I think the premise being that you don’t want to go with salsa made in New York City but other things that are other

    Things cooked up in New York City tend to work out just fine and so we’ll get into that uh in just a little bit did you start your day today with a healthy helping of Freedom flakes is that how you started your breakfast today no I

    Started my day with a healthy helping of Costco salsa okay my Salsa’s made in Kirkland Washington geez no no no that’s the wrong answer uh Joe McFarland a buddy of ours former you know former uh radio broadcaster Joe’s at the Flames game over the weekend and a lady behind

    Him mutters yeah right after uh you know 18,000 strong are singing the lyrics to O Canada including the true north strong and free uh says Joe in his tweet I bit my lip but how can anyone standing in a crowd of 18,000 watching hockey be complaining about not being free what

    About Joe’s tweet lit the fire in you well you know I’m sitting here you know thinking I’ve been to a lot of flames games a lot of other games and you know most people who are lucky enough to be able to afford a ticket to an NHL game

    Generally have a fairly free life generally a good life I don’t like to be one of those guests and I don’t think I’d be warming up The Beautiful People of Alberta if I came on with a bunch of charts and graphs and you know public

    Policy stuff so I’m not going to do that but we’re one of the top performing economies in the world have been for quite a long time uh did we take a few blips during covid a little bit after covid U absolutely are we as hot right

    Now as the US economy no but the idea that we’re not economically free and certainly uh that we’re not free in every other way imaginable is trash I know people like to repeat this you know this country used to be free but not anymore well H how come you’re getting

    To say that and you don’t get treated like alexe Naval I mean you know for those of us who who pay any attention to the news at all we’ve got thousands of examples of countries that are not free and human beings that are not free Canada ain’t one of them well I don’t

    Even I don’t understand and maybe we’re the wrong people to be having this conversation together because we’re probably going to see eye to eye on it which will make it boring uh hop in the live chat to see if anybody wants to offer an alternative perspective I

    Understand I guess you know during co uh when when some restaurants had to close for a while re centers had to close for a while uh you know we were down to kind of the essential Services people had to wear masks if they wanted to go certain

    Places or or show vaccine passports for a brief period of time uh if they wanted to you know attend movies or concerts or whatever feels like a lifetime ago uh but but none of that none of that’s in place anymore so I don’t I don’t really understand I mean unless there was a

    Real Freedom deficit before uh then what the hell are we even talking about what are people still bitching about I don’t know but maybe I’m preaching to the choir with you well no I mean look I I I I it’s not that I don’t hear it from

    People and it’s not that one of the reasons I respond to the Tweet was I hear it from everyday Canadians I do not want to create the impression that the people who say this stuff are just a bunch of uh nut bars or or or people who

    Require help and we naturally have to be sensitive to those people who require uh mental health you know but that that’s not what this about and I don’t want to turn this into one of those really really stupid conversations there are people who do all kinds of analysis on

    This stuff there’s a segment of the population I don’t know whether it’s one in five one in three who are open to this idea that Canada is not as free as we used to be I think part of it is you know you talked about woke culture a

    Little while ago with another one of Alberta’s beautiful people living I think in the UK these days and you know people naturally respond to what what is Loosely called woke culture where somebody is constantly tell telling you how to speak what to say about about certain things that I’m sure makes some

    People feel that they’re less free than they used to be in the in the country but the the complaints about our our our W rules and some other things are really minor and the idea that governments Federal and provincial this is always perceived as some sort of federal thing

    Provincial governments in case of Alberta we’re we’re telling people they can’t go to movies can’t hold funerals in some cases can’t can’t hold church services that was not a federal thing but the point is that government wasn’t doing that because the government wanted to turn Alberta into Russia okay or or

    China uh or North Korea they were doing it for public health reasons and I know that people you know there’s also a bunch of people who who don’t like the idea of of doctors and and scientists uh you know telling people what to do because they see something on Facebook

    That gives them a a different set of values I mean I get all of that but the idea of isolating uh the Public Health crisis and saying that’s the reason we’re not free as soon as the crisis abated the theater’s opened and and and you can have funerals and hospital

    Visits and everything else why can we do that because we’re a free country Kenzie is in our live chat and says people are jailed for handing out leaflets don’t tell me we live in a free country uh I mean I don’t even know what the hell Kenzie’s talking about maybe Kenzie can

    Follow up I mean are your leaflets inciting hate speech like like I’ve had people hand me leaflets of aborted babies and garbage cans they’re not going to jail what the are you talking about it’s not even close I mean this is this is absolutely ridiculous I understand that that there’s a grift

    Happening that people are still making good money on this on banging this drum and and whipping gullible people into a frenzy Theo flurry Jamie Sal are among those right at the top of the list convincing people that there’s still a freedom issue in Canada I mean you can walk

    Right up to the Prime Minister you can walk right up to Premier everyone’s going to you know point out the the one Rebel news guy that was arrested for trying to you know chest bump an RCMP officer a little too big for his britches there but for the most part you

    Can do whatever the hell you want in Canada you can come and go freely I mean there’s there’s kind of these weird conspiracy theories around 15minute cities and and people believe that the government’s going to be putting fences up around their neighborhoods but I mean if you honestly believe all this stuff

    You’re you’re you’re you’re willfully ignorant you’re you’re purposefully ignoring information around what 15minute cities are you’re convincing yourself somehow that Health measures are still in place relating to a pandemic that was downgraded to an endemic quite some time ago I mean I just I just I laugh I laughed when I saw

    Your tweet I laugh when I hear people muttering during the national anthem that they’re not free uh but I’m just I am curious to know what it is that still makes these people tick Ryan I don’t mean to speak in your half and if I trespass if I’m over the line I know

    That you’ll you’ll stop me because you never fear speak disre with your truly so here here it is if Ryan jerson and I were only about the money if we didn’t care about our families if we didn’t care about our family name if we didn’t have any values at all if we were

    Capital M mercenary only about the money Ryan jesperson and I would be doing dog and pony shows all across Alberta all across Western Canada all across central Canada all across Eastern Canada talking about ourselves and our former careers as as talk radio hosts and success stories and blah blah blah blah blah and

    Tell this big yarn about how unfree we are and that’s why we’re not doing what we used to do because we’ve been shut down and the Canadian people are being shut down in a multitude of ways there’s no bloody way that if Ryan jespers and I were only about the filthy lucer only

    About the almighty buck that he and I couldn’t make a major grip I’m talking about many millions of dollars lying to Canadians but we don’t do that and I would suggest to you that those people who do are all about the money and the power Johnny and I have been considering

    About taking this show in a completely different direction yeah I mean if we wanted the money we could just come on here every day and be like so lizard people hey driving to work I saw the Chemtrails and unbelievable crazy world out there this right in our water and

    All this kind of stuff so Charles I mean I don’t know how how much of an advanced heads up you want when we change the direction of the show there it’s going to be a little it’s going to be a bit shocking for the audience but there is a

    I had a buddy I think I told you I think I told you this off off camera so to speak a friend of mine who I respect very much and and he came up to me and you know our kids play hockey and he was talking about some of the other podcasts

    That are out there and some of the other shows and the things they talk about and and he said to me do do you ever think does it ever occur to you that that if you were to get just a little more crazy you could you could 10x your audience

    And I said have I ever thought about it I mean obviously I’ve thought about it there’s a huge audience for that um you know some people on our live chat are saying some folks just need to be that James some folks just need to be victims

    Yeah I don’t know maybe that’s it I don’t know may maybe it was just life was comfortable when when everybody got to complain that their freedoms were being taken away and now that the freedoms are back it’s just now that now the onus is back on them now they’re experiencing something called personal

    Responsibility and it makes people feel uncomfortable you know I appreciate the fact that you you’ve said to the audience that you do you do think about it we could do a we could do a Trudeau here Trudeau over the weekend I was talking to CBC French and that people

    Took a whole bunch of stuff out of context they they claimed that he said he was he was bored with the gig we could we could talk about that but one of the things he he said that nobody disputed was he said he thinks about quitting the job every day there are

    Many people who think about quitting their jobs every day especially those people who are making money on telling lies every now and then their conscience gets to them in some cases I know this for a fact fact fact fact fact it gets to them every day and

    They get involved in various kinds of addictions and other things to distract themselves from the fact fact fact that they are lying lying to their audiences and manipulating their audiences every day for the money so Ryan uh if you want to give me a a heads up on on on the

    Idea of just you know going to the the top of the money Mount Everest by telling people lies just give me a bit of a heads up and and G give me a chance to please please talk you down because honest to God there are things that are

    Larger than numbers there are things that are larger than dollars and I personally don’t think that you and your family are suffering by being 100% real and honest with Johnny and everyone else participating in this I think I might lose Johnny if we take it in that

    Direction I’ll just state right now I’ll be the first to climb money Mount Everest if it ever becomes a reality yeah oh yeah there’s bonuses every Friday uh Travis says when criticism feels like your freedom is being uh impinged it’s time to go outside and

    Touch grass I like that um yeah I mean there there’s a bunch of people talking about conspiracy theories Tracy says they’re funny they can be entertaining I was going to say that you she says but that’s not why you have viewers please don’t change your content no we’re not

    Being serious of course here we we believe that there’s a role for reputable fact checked reasonable normal conversation and we promise to stick there you you you in a way Chuck I’m not I don’t I’m not going to say that this was prompted uh by the talk about

    Freedom and Joe’s experience at the hockey game but your Callum just a couple of days ago just on Saturday people can read it at Winnipeg freepress.com uh politics and the perception of decline you quote uh who could be the president of the United States again Donald Trump uh who on

    March 12th uh mid last week uh stated our nation is failing We’re a nation in serious decline we’ve never had a situation like this where we’re not respected Trump says a lot what was it about this statement that prompted a column from you well because it ties

    Into so much of the stuff that I I do hear when when people say they’re upset with crime in their communities and this is a an article I wrote a column I wrote for the Winnipeg Free Press and there are a number of communities inside Winnipeg uh that are decaying I mean

    There’s social Decay there’s cultural Decay it’s it’s drug addiction it’s crime it’s all the same things that happen in Alberta’s Capital no different and when people see stuff like that they want to draw a conclusion not because it makes them happy but because their Hometown has significantly deteriorated

    And so they respond to that message that Trump offers that pev offers and others that the country is in Decline and they want their Community back they want their country back and that was the uh the thrust of the pce to make people to help people understand that obviously if

    You take a look at the large metrics um all of the opportunities that have been created all of the jobs that have been created etc etc etc you can easily make the case that both the United States and Canada are on the incline not the decline but if you focus on certain

    Issues like you cannot take a walk down your own street because there are needles everywhere and you cannot do certain things like trust the fact that your car won’t be ripped off because there are thieves everywhere if you look at those basics of life and come to the

    Conclusion that your community is gone and it’s never coming back you can fall into Despair and respond to that message and I’d be a liar I’m not here to lie we’ve been talking about telling the truth the whole truth of nothing but the truth the truth is there are many people

    In this country responding to the message not the the the freedom message is one thing we we talked about that we can joke about that but the idea that we have some societal decline going on that’s absolutely true depending on depending on depending on where you live and depending on your personal

    Experience you can be extremely open to that message yeah and I so I don’t want to I don’t want to draw a direct line to this next story I want to ask you about and and don’t worry we are going to get to the the interview you have to expect

    I’m going to ask you about Justin Trudeau U now maybe it’s Lost in Translation basically said he’s bored with the job but but I don’t I want to ask you about that because that that kind of knocked me back on my heels but first uh Pier POV in my mind has been

    Doing a very good job a very effective job uh capitalizing on the affordability crisis in Canada uh you know you know basically uh it doesn’t take a genius to understand that most people are having a really difficult time wrapping their minds around increased cost on everything uh whether that’s natural gas

    And power or groceries or car insurance or or tuition or like you name it everything costs more and and and the rate of inflation is more as well we can’t just simply say well everything’s always cost more over the years there’s something new and different and troubling happening right now and

    Obviously people are looking to different levels of government in particular Federal governments to do what they can and with you know Trudeau the criticism has been just inflation uh you know of course coined by Pierre PV but there was an interesting exchange over the past few days Premier across

    The country not all of them but many of them have been critical and growing more critical of the carbon tax especially with you know an increase in that carbon tax looming and I guess Pier PV perhaps thought he might have an unlikely bed fellow an unlikely teammate uh with BC’s

    Premier David eie who ultimately told him to pound baloney you want us to take you want to go into this story I mean David eie was asked to sign on with other Premier the idea of not raising the the carbon tax which I guess will amount

    To three cents gu three cents a lader on on April 1st on April Fools and Paul have wanted eie to sign off on asking the prime minister to just cut it out uh you know no no no increase and of course EB is looking at the books and the books

    Say that if there’s no if there’s no increase that also robs people in his province in British Columbia of of a lot of rebate money and people have been getting a lot of rebate money and so eie just feels that that is just another element of of

    Pov’s digital Campaign which he calls a campaign of baloney and he called it baloney and of course paev responded with well David eie uh you know David E is insensitive to all of the people uh in British Columbia constituents who can’t even afford baloney now look I

    Thought that was a great line by the way great line by the way it is a it is a great Line Credit where I don’t mind I don’t mind I don’t mind people saying that unfortunately in this country just as I talked about certain neighborhoods unfortunately there are some people who

    Have trouble you know making um enough money to feed themselves that is that is horrible that is unfortunate but I would say to generalize to basically say that d EB’s constituents that the people of British Columbia in general are having a hard time feeding themselves that is

    Baloney that is absolute baloney and I’d say the same about Alberta at Manitoba and the rest of the country we are one of the richest countries in the world do we have a problem with poverty yes all countries in the world have a poverty problem and we have a poverty problem as

    Well but in general this is a middle class Society this is an opportunity society and I would hate to live in a society where everyone is bummed out and feeling hopeless because political manipulators with their manipulative baloney are getting to them so do you are you cynical that like when it comes

    Down to it at the end of the day you think that Pierre PV can convince the majority of Canadians that he’s a a more strident poverty fighter than the prime minister or or or I mean obviously let’s let me I know that Justin trudo is not campaigning with jug me sing or whoever

    That you know is going to be leading those two parties into the next election but can Pier pulv convince Canadians he’s the y fighter every time I’ve done a Roundtable and done many roundtables over the years with an nper a conservative and liberal and every time

    It’s always been the NDP that has done a a big thing about poverty Jack Leighton I it couldn’t you know Jack Leon was one of my best friends and and and he couldn’t you know speak a sentence without using the word poverty he pushed that button all the time the point is

    That all these roundtables generally was the ndpr pushing the button and the the liberal would try to be a little bit consiliary and the conservative was either cold to it or simply not wanting to to play the game felt that the NDP was just exploiting people I guess I’m

    Being a traditional conservative it just feels like exploitation but the idea you know in general the idea that Pier PV is worried about poor people and the idea that Pierre POV wants to involve himself in in poverty programs and that’s what the new conservative party is all about

    Sorry I just I I don’t I don’t buy it conservatives aren’t wired that way the old ones weren’t neither are the new ones uh before we run out of time I got to ask you about this interview it’s now the interview is done in French uh my

    French is is barely possible so I’m not going to offer translations but uh Canada’s prime minister in an interview with uh Alex cascan with Radio Canada says he frequently thinks about leaving his crazy job but plans to stay on through another election as he confirmed February 21st in his interview with us

    Says he obviously is aware of polls showing he increasingly unpopular uh among Canadians talked about the personal sacrifices of the job uh the fact that he over that 24 minute interview uh suggested that he thinks every day about leaving uh really struck me he did also say though translated to

    English I could not be the man I am and abandon the fight at this point but here’s the quote I think about quitting every day it’s a crazy job I’m doing making the personal sacrifices of course it’s super tough it’s very challenging at times does he get points for cander

    Uh or is this something that you know I mean like I don’t know I’m I’m just trying to think if the if the CEO of a company or the captain of a hockey team or the lead singer of a band about to go on a world tour says I think about

    Quitting every single day uh how’s that going to land with the 35 million people 40 million people living here well certainly the the people who uh don’t want I mean there this huge percentage of people in this audience right now uh that wants change I understand that sure

    People want change especially after a decade they want change in in all countries including the blessed one that we’re fortunate enough to be living in but when the CEO of the government of Canada says he thinks about quitting every day those people who want change naturally respond with well then why

    Don’t just why don’t you just quit right now uh he is being extremely candid does he get points for being extremely candid unfortunately unfortunately in the world that we live in when a politician is absolutely lying his sack off then um you know we say what we ordinarily say

    The guy is a typical lying politician when a politician tells the whole truth we second guess him he probably does think about quitting every day but I just ask you Ryan just Canadian to Canadian if you were having the constant security threats the constant bashing poll after poll every hour saying not

    Only will you be losing you know the Liberals will end up with a just a rump 50 60 seats they’ll be slightly ahead of the NDP if if you’re getting that kind of data coming at you every hour don’t you think about quitting every day don’t you ask yourself maybe maybe the best

    Thing I could do for this party is to walk away maybe I don’t need this for my life maybe it is a serious distraction maybe it that does get you know in the way of my my family obviously he’s undergoing a a separation uh with his

    Wife uh he’s got children that he loves very much as all people do and it’s it’s natural to be asking your question maybe there’s something better I could do for my my family and my life than this particular gig which so many people seem

    To want to take away from me or you know they’re constantly telling me to walk in the snow I mean wouldn’t if you everything you’re saying is would you be thinking about quitting every day well sure everything you’re saying is reasonable everything you’re saying makes sense the only thing that doesn’t

    Make sense is saying it in front of a microphone to the people of Canada that’s the only part that doesn’t make sense I mean I talked about like if the CEO or the captain of the hockey team and lead singer of the band what if it’s

    Your spouse like what what if what if your spouse says I think about this marriage is challenging I think about leaving every day but that’s not the type of person I am so I’m not going to who it’s not it’s it’s it’s not you know we talk about

    Teams playing during the regular season and then we talk about them getting ready for the playoffs and you know they really got to strap it on in the playoffs because that’s when hockey really becomes hockey with with a lot of hard hitting and the teams that don’t

    Know how to hit don’t know how to win a Stanley Cup so if you’re asking me was it a Stanley Cup move to say on microphone I’m thinking about quitting every day I would say no that’s a not quite ready for the playoffs kind of

    Move and I I I I highly doubt that Justin Trudeau is is sitting somewhere in the world feeling very very satisfied that he had admitted that I I think I think it was cander I think it was brutal honesty but in this business you get punished for that yeah yeah I mean I

    I uh I I respect vulnerability I love cander I love when people say what they think you know my favorite moment of that Trudeau interview was when he when he got fired up it took him it took him a while right like we we we opened with

    A sort of a punch a little rabbit punch between the eyes uh told him the pollsters are predicting a blood bath he didn’t really bite on that but I could tell the punch landed uh and and then I said you’re Mr Personality you’re Mr Nice Guy it’s not working anymore that’s

    Got to get in your so we’re just planting these little seeds in the interview planting the seeds planting the seeds and then about 15 minutes in he comes alive and that’s when he says oil companies are fooling people the Alberta Government is fooling and that’s where I’m going yes yes that’s the 30

    Seconds of the interview that you want cuz that’s what’s going to make 150,000 people download the interview but at that same time you realize that with that cander and with that outspokenness and with that Honesty comes the consequence of the honesty which is Sim why so many politicians are boring and

    Not honest in interviews because they understand the ramifications of what they say and I just have to believe that if even one or two per of Voters I mean even if and and and again like polling right now we’re so far away from an election but the polling right now is

    Like it’s like you know if the Edmonton Oilers are playing against my beer league team type prognos tication I mean like it’s like you know I saw po I saw a poll the other day that said the Liberals would be if there was an election right now liberals will be down

    To 64 seats 64 like right now they’re saying Pier PV could again haven’t gone to the polls take it for what it’s worth which is nothing it’s worth the paper it’s written on but they’re saying it could be an historic majority so if that’s the case and if that’s what

    You’re looking at and if your team’s trying to prepare to try to turn that tide I just think it’s kind of an interesting move if even one or two% of Voters are turned off by you saying you think about leaving every day then why would you ever say it maybe it’s just a

    Candid moment maybe it was an offthe cuff kind of a thing here’s here’s the thing he was he was feeling very comfortable in that interview and as you know because that’s part of your your job I mean you you tend to sometimes lather people up a little bit Comfort

    Them so they can get a little bit loose so they spill the beans and spill the beans so that’s something so I think I think right now you’re you’re just a little ticked off that he didn’t do this with you a couple of weeks ago cuz you

    Would have killed for that moment what would you have done I’m just let me just interview you for a moment yeah go ahead Ryan Ryan jerson successful broadcaster podcaster and and great human being that you are if Justin Trudeau during that interview with you a couple weeks ago

    Had said to you that he thinks about quitting every day what would Ryan jerson have said I I I would have said what sort of a message do you think that sends to Canadians simple question why wasn’t that question asked during that Radio Canada interview yeah I don’t know

    Because they’re not as good as you are my friend oh thanks Chuck thanks I appreciate that hey before we go did you happen to did you catch our conversation with Premier Danielle Smith last week yeah did you happen to see it what oh your voice just dropped what did you

    Think about it be honest well I just I I just felt that she was throwing a lot of baloney around and I was just thinking it’s too bad this is only a 30-minute interview because if it was longer than 30 minutes if it was 60 Minutes Or wow Fantasy Land

    90 minutes I think my friend Ryan would had a chance to uh to drill down on some of the stuff she was uh she was saying I was I was particularly unhappy with her attitude about the hospitals the hospital problem is a serious problem we’ve got a a situation right now where

    Some people are being discharged who still have medical needs from from hospitals they need personal care and some of the personal care is being taken care of in hotels which means it’s not being taken care of which means Alberta’s population is booming for all the reasons I talk about all the time

    Alberta’s got the best growth opportunities in the country people are moving to Alberta from everywhere we need more hospitals we need more Hospital space and so her response about well let’s you know let’s let let’s build this staly thing and and when the staly thing is is done and we’ll we’ll

    Take a look at it I just thought to myself my God what a horrible horrible answer uh to a very very important issue yeah for people that didn’t catch that was it was near the end of the interview I was asking her about the south Edmonton Hospital the plans that were

    Canceled there and anybody knows I mean I know we have audience you know outside Alberta as well but you can think about the major cities but in particular Cal Calgary got its big they call it the south campus uh just a stunning Hospital unbelievable uh you can see that thing

    Like as far away as you can see the Rocky Mountains I’m only half exaggerating I mean it’s like unbelievable but the the south of Calgary desperately needed that you look at where those cities are growing and you look at how Edmonton’s growing um and and you know if if you maybe don’t

    Care because you don’t live anywhere near Edmonton you’ll care when stars a ambulance arrives for somebody you love and has to take him to a Trauma Center that’s 80 years old or that’s decrepit or dilapitated or not built out South Edmonton desperately needs that hospital um Premier saying the estimates on that

    I I had a comment on it but $4.9 billion I have a hard time believing we can’t build a hospital for less than $5 billion but the challenging part about that interview I thought was you know you you’ve got a half an hour with the premier we got like like literally like

    Hundreds of emails from people we opened it up for questions and and remarkable ones I did a whole episode the day before we talked to Premier just reading people’s emails because the emails are so good and there’s like Preamble and background and you don’t want to just like deliver those oneline singers you

    Want to give these people’s messages their plights their feelings their circumstances the light of day want their fellow albertans their fellow Canadians to hear what they’re experiencing but we came out of that exercise with like 30 questions for her right and it’s always a challenging one

    I’m curious to pick your brain on this like you know for example we talk about Alberta’s environmental liabilities and she says in the interview well she’s seen data that suggests that Alberta’s orphan Wells problem is about a $ 30 billion problem uh Martin olinsky and other researchers of the University of

    Calgary who we’ve spoken with have estimated that it’s a minimum of you know 6570 billion I’ve seen numbers as high as 200 like a quarter trillion dollars you know $260 billion so there’s different numbers out there but when the premier says 30 billion I know a lot of

    People were like up in arms about that they wanted to drill down on that and and and you could spend half an hour talking to Danielle Smith about our star her proposal the work that she’s done for oil and gas companies her time as president of Albert Enterprise Group

    It’s all relevant but like that’s 30 minutes you know what I mean if you’re bringing the premier on to talk about orphan Wells for 30 minutes you can do it and we’ll do it with other expert voices and tons of background and we’ll spend 30 minutes on it but if you also

    Want to talk to her about trans kids and health care and no income tax cuts and the power grid and the wind and solar moratorium and and and and and it’s kind of a tough road to ho and sometimes I wonder if you know we talk about omnius bills omnius announcements from

    Governments maybe an Omnibus interview uh with a sitting Premier or a sitting prime minister is the wrong move you know the audience on some hands I think respects and appreciates hearing from a Canadian Premier on 15 different things uh but you also got the impression from some pretty loud critics

    By the way like some people You’ thought that I brought Adolf Hitler on the show um you know honestly just seem to want more on one particular issue and of course it’s the one issue that they care about the most right any time spent on issues other than their issue is a waste

    Of time but I mean when you know you you brought up something then she brought up about uh why why are people in Alberta paying ridiculous rates for for power ridiculous rates for car insurance then she goes into this riff about nly cancelling coal because coal was cancelled that’s that’s why power rates

    Are ridiculous you had a lot of experts on whether they’re Left Right middle whatever on why power rates are large and power rates are large primarily because of the concentration of power and without getting into a whole bunch of policy wonking here about uh you know capitalism when when

    When you when you’ve got a plutocracy when you’ve got a concentration of power in the marketplace virtual monopoly that virtual monopoly has pricing power which means they can charge whatever they want so it’s got nothing to you know on the margins it may have something to do with

    Monopolies this is is about cold but that that’s that’s a tinkle in the ocean and of course that has nothing to do with why uh auto insurance premiums are higher in Alberta than anywhere so for her to Slough it off is well you know notle did something about coal and

    That’s why we got this problem I mean you know the nicest thing I could say about that is that it’s arrogant but it’s beyond arrogant it’s it’s duplicitous and yeah it’s worth worth drilling down on Charles Adler is an Emmy award-winning talk radio Legend joins us the first episode of every week

    And for that we are forever grateful good to see you buddy thank you so much you can follow Chuck on Twitter at Charles Adler I like that so so you’re down either way Johnny we’re going to do the what is it the money Mount Everest Yeah tomorrow’s show we talk about

    Chemtrails may maybe we got to give we got to do you got to do like do you do you ease slowly into the the conspirac or just hard start you got to go right in the deep end but just one day I like how there was a few comments in here

    Saying you know conspiracy theories are kind of fun they’re funny I agree I think we need them because if you think about it like we we need to be challenged to think and they do challenge us like I’m thinking about stuff that that we really need to like

    JFK assassination things like that where we know there’s something wrong right like we didn’t really land on the moon no not that one by we I mean our neighbors to know there’s there’s some crazy ones Flat Earth and all that but like sometimes sometimes they’re not funny like they’re they’re not funny if

    It’s like Hillary Clinton friends funny but but I’m just saying like you know Pizza gate right Clinton the Clinton and their friends are are abusing kids in the basement of a pizza joint and then some guy shows up with an AR-15 at a pizza joint to liberate kids like that’s

    When it’s not funny I think the term ridiculous would be better they’re just so ridiculous but they do challenge us to think and we need that but like you know when you’re talking about stuff like Chemtrails like there’s evidence that shows that’s not real but more than evidence just have common sense if

    People were flooding the skies with poison there’d be Pilots there’ be people making the chemicals there’ be people making and installing this Machinery on planes and there’d be thousands of people across just our country alone employed doing this no one ever snap a picture of any of this

    Equipment no one would ever def you like you know like de facto like like open up the there would be a whistleblower there be a whistleblower there would be something about it right but it’s still like it still challenges us to think so we need them right bunny slippers is

    Saying I wonder how many litter boxes are in classrooms right now rolling my eyes that was another one remember that you know people believe that kids were identifying as cats and so there were litter boxes in all the classrooms what about this one from Cactus Sheriff who

    Who referenced is a New York Times feature by the way uh you can read this back it was a few it was in uh I think it was December of 21 uh at New York Times nytimes.com Birds aren’t real um the Gen Z conspiracy theory was great

    The birds aren’t real movement which is that birds are actually drones operated by the US government which is among my favorite conspiracy theories it was a great one but here’s the thing it it’s only a conspiracy theory if you don’t believe it if you believe it it’s not a

    Conspiracy theory if you believeth to well it’s a theory it’s a theory if you believe it it’s a conspiracy theory if you don’t believe it yeah and I like the stuff on Trudeau you were talking about too I mean I I I I I agree with Charles

    It’s just a candid moment where it’s like who I agree with you as well though don’t be saying that when you’re going to run in an election even though it’s far away it’s not giving people uh you know any comfort when you say that when you’re the leader of the country at the

    Same time I think everyone knows if you’ve been leader this long like why isn’t all his hair gray yet I have no idea why maybe he’s dying it but like you’re stressed every day it must be it’s the best job and the worst job I can also I can also understand saying

    Like I mean there’s a million things a month that come out of my mouth that taken out of context um even that right there a million things a month come out of my mouth I mean that taken out of context would be funny um but if you

    Don’t have the context or if you take a sentence as a St hand alone statement and then splash it up on a headline or a billboard um I think about quitting or I think about leaving every day job drives me crazy it it doesn’t instill confidence but if you hear it in the

    Broader context of a guy whose marriage has fallen apart a guy obviously I mean you know people now that he’s not here anymore we can tell you about his security detail to a certain degree it is nuts it is insane I mean like there there were you know we won’t get into

    Too much detail but like seven SUVs 25 RCM dogs heavily armed protection like when the Prime Minister was here in our studio we were not allowed to announce ahead of time we we could tell you that we were talking to them we couldn’t tell you that it was in studio the RCMP do

    Three or four four including the morning of four visits in advance joke you you recognize and understand that the level of that job is is at a higher level than anybody else it’s a level you’re you’re starting to now talk about world leaders presidents Prim ministers and that sort

    Of thing and I and I bet after a while I mean even just the comments there’s about 11 last I checked there’s about 1100 comments on our YouTube episode featuring the Prime Minister that’s February 21st the tweets the comments on our Tik Tok the comments on our

    Instagram some of those comments one of them a friend of mine made and I reached out to him I this is a very rare a very rare thing for us to do as matter of fact I think we’ve done it we can count it on one hand I deleted his comment

    Okay and I reached out to my buddy and I said pal like you need to understand a comment like that will prompt a visit from the RCMP to your home like you can’t be leaving you know the the types of things people say the types of comments that people make I know my

    Buddy’s not a violent person I know he thinks it’s funny I know he was probably hoping for 300 likes on his comment uh but at the same time you recognize like people that are putting themselves into those types of jobs I recognize why you’d have days when you wake up and say

    Life would have been so much easier if I just became a charter accountant 100% or or stayed in teaching but I had I had the same thing I had a friend you know I posted a picture with him like he’s the leader of the country I don’t agree with

    Everything he does but I’m going to post a picture saying I was you know next to the guy he was he was he was polite whatever but uh you know I had a friend just messaged back to the photo did you punch him in the face I would have I’m

    Like and this is the stuff he deals with every day but again like when he says you know this job makes me go crazy I get it he can’t like think about if you post it you post photos of your kids all the time when you’re doing whatever when

    Justin Trudeau does it they tear his children apart and those are like innocent kids so it’s like everything about that job is just every day I I don’t think he looks at Twitter or anything like that I think he has a team who just shows them the positive ones

    And or or not even that but yeah there’s no like Justin Trudeau is not reading his own mentions on Twitter you know what I mean uh they don’t even think I it’s been fascinating you know we have you hear from a lot of people on this

    Show um you know our insiders right our our group chat Roundtable is an example the campaign managers uh people behind the scenes um and uh they’ll tell you that during political campaigns the candidates are not allowed to check their own phones really like they do not allow them and maybe some campaigns May

    Differ but I think as a general rule um campaign managers like you don’t have the candidates reading the comments on the tweets and the Instagram posts number one you don’t need those banging around in their heads number two you need them focused right you need them

    Focused on the task at hand and uh since when did the comments section ever change anyone’s life in a positive sense the answer has got to be never um Aaron Davis is going to be joining us in just a second she’s literally just back from New York City she was there

    Participating as a delegate uh at a at a very high-profile United Nations commission she’s going to talk to us all about that uh the UN commission the session the 68 session of the commission of the status of women fascinating stuff Aaron was going to join us on our International women

    Round table on the 8th of March but but guess what she was on her way to New York City so now she’s back we’re excited to talk to her before we get to her I have a big announcement to make and it’s so exciting for me to let you

    Know that our friends at frez and brothers have confirmed that their West Edmonton location that’s uh for those of you that live in or around Edmonton on 142nd Street 107th Avenue in the traffic circle there I know you’ve been watching this construction project unfold everybody wondering what’s going in

    There what’s going up there and then that sign went up and we all lost our mind cuz we could finally talk about the 17th location for Freez and brothers it opens April 12th everybody that’s April 12th freezen Brothers West Edmonton location opens up obviously we’ll take you inside I’ll be shooting some videos

    Some photos but more than anything just get your butt in there yourself I had a chance to tour it last week uh not everything installed yet but they’ve got their uh sourdough sandwich station ready to go they’ve got a beautiful Forno Pizza Kitchen a wine bar and their

    Butcher shop is going to blow your mind they’re aging beef right there in store I asked company president Doug gloves and I said hey how how long would you age beef for he goes well how long do you want me to age be for I said would

    You age it for 90 days and his eyes lit up and we realize the sky the limit Freez and brothers Alberta grown Alberta owned West emont opening April 12th if you’re looking at getting organized if you’re looking at decluttering this year and you’re ready to do it as part of a

    String spring cleaning mandate today’s the perfect day to request a free consultation you got nothing to lose with California Closets you can find the link online to request that free consultation at California closets.com you have a conversation with their designers understand how their installers work we’re talking custom

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    Second today and check out aabas you.ca for thousands and thousands of Canadians at the basa university is the best fit because it’s not a brick and mortar location you got to travel to it’s not a 9 to5 post-secondary schedule you got to give up everything else for if you’ve

    Got kids or a full-time or a part-time job maybe a parent you’re caring for maybe a situation that requires flexibility Au will be a perfect fit again you can learn about the Au Advantage by visiting aabas you.ca Aaron Davis was uh last on Real Talk joining us in studio is a member of

    A panel uh a real talk Roundtable discussing a project called the magazine club she’s an award-winning expert an inspirational speaker and a global thought leader in the field of diversity and inclusion she is literally just back from New York City where she was participating as a delegate at the 68th

    Session of the United Nations Commission on the status of women so very cool and welcome back Erin it’s nice to see your face thank you it’s great to be back yeah how did how did you wind up getting involved with this doesn’t get any bigger than the UN yeah so it’s an

    Interesting story as is everything I uh had the opportunity and actually this is this is a great uh chance for me to give a shout out to uh a friend of mine who introduced me to someone who was involved with an organization called BPW Canada it’s the Canadian Federation for

    Business and Professional women and through that conversation BPW actually has delegate status with United Nations so they provide um 20 individuals to go out to New York every year to be part of the commission it’s an application process and I uh put in an application

    So cool yes so cool I was uh pretty proud during my University years to be a delegate at a Model United Nations and I know how exciting it was just to pretend like we were going to hang out at the UN what was it like for you you you you

    Arrive and and I think what most people would ackowledge to be the greatest city in the world uh you you you you’re arriving at this institution you you see there the I mean just the the the infrastructure of it and I would imagine it starts to hit you in waves the

    Magnitude of what it is you’re participating in totally it it it didn’t set in until the morning I walked into the United Nations you you stand in line you have your delegate pass but not till you walk through those doors and you’re in the room that all of a sudden you

    Start to feel like this is real I’m I’m part of these Global conversations um specifically on gender equality and it I honestly am still still processing the fact that I was there so it’s still running uh until March 22nd so it’ll be running until the the Friday uh it’s the

    Un’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment under the priority theme this year accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective all about funds or at least in large part

    Yeah I think so you know there’s this this element of the work I do every single day and I work with a lot of organizations and understand what their barriers are to creating more IND diverse and inclusive uh spaces but then you take this to a global level and you

    Start to think about poverty and you think about that in Nations where women and girls don’t have access and their rights their basic human rights have been stripped from them and when we talk about financing there was many speakers talking about women the one story I remember really well is uh women in

    Rural India who don’t have access to funds where one woman uh wanted the opportunity to have a job so she could buy a bike so she could ride it to school so she could become educated and then start that pathway for building her life barrier barrier barrier bar

    Absolutely absolutely and then you you think about you know coming back to emont and what are the challenges that we face and it gives gives you perspective on that but then I have to sit here and go okay but how do I relate this to the people in my communities to

    Say say how why do why should we care why should we wake up every single day um I’m reflecting even on your conversation you had this morning on freedom um how do we think Beyond ourselves I think that’s for me um one of the one of the pieces that we need to

    Start to challenge ourselves yes it’s about our own success yes it’s about how we are living our own lives but we’re part of a global community and if we’re not contributing to making the world a better place I don’t know what why are we getting up in the morning can I can I

    Dig in can I I brought that up almost just in kind of a cheeky way to me IED not to apprach too many conversations on the Where My Mind Is Made Up but on this one My Mind Is Made Up I’m I’m not concerned about the freedoms that Canadians do or do not

    Have how about a perspective check I mean what tell us about some of the things that you heard what what does maybe a lack of actual Freedom look like I’m sure it’s still fresh in your mind oh absolutely you know there was a session I attended on um women’s rights

    In Afghanistan which are no rights and we um this has been an issue since uh August of 2021 when uh the US pulled out of Afghanistan and we see the Taliban move in and we see um women and girls not having access to anything so that’s

    That’s a real lack of Freedom where they you know their voice wasn’t at the United Nations because they can’t leave their country yeah they can’t get a visa to actually come over to the US to be part of that conversation and a whole um dialogue around what does it mean to be

    A refugee where you have to where you think every day you wake up and you’re thinking where how long am I going to survive how am I going to live my life like that to me is a lack of freedom and that’s not something that we uh have to

    Face yeah no kidding so you’re so you’re gathered there with dozens hundreds of people over 10,000 delegates over 10,000 delegates and at the end of the day um so March 22 when this thing wraps you know there will obviously be some some takeaways from here was was there one

    That you left from when you’re you’re flying out of JFK and you’re on your way back to Alberta and and you go this uh you know is a way where where your perspective has been significantly or demonstratively changed um I don’t know if it’s demonstratively changed but the

    The um Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio guz uh who has now been added to my list you know how we I think that we get a list of like 10 people that we would have dinner with if we could make that happen 10 I like the way

    You roll most people limit it to three I like 10 10 like how could you choose three that’s impossible so 10 people he’s on the list just the way that he spoke uh he’s a former politician in from Portugal um Portugal has a pretty special place in my heart too so um

    Found a really great connection to the way that he he spoke in the way that he talked about gender equality um I don’t know if this is really controversial but like I don’t always hear men’s voices as loud as women’s voices when we talk about gender equality so to have him you

    Know standing in front of the room talking about um change that we need to see he said let’s be bold there are resolutions put forward through these conversations over the two weeks how can we start to look at changing policy and he was looking at the drafts that were

    Present um at the start of the two weeks saying no be bold and I think for me that’s the biggest takeaway because I want to walk this line of understanding um why do you have that perspective help me understand why you think that way and so that can help me have a further

    Conversation with you and so to me that means I maybe take in a little bit more perspective that I don’t agree with um and maybe I don’t come across as bold as necessary to make the changes that we need to see interesting in our world you talk about this uh you mentioned it

    Before the show started we were talking about a a crucial poverty Crossroad and when you look at poverty rates around the world um globally uh 10 more than 10% of women 10.3% of women live in what they describe as extreme poverty um can can can we dig in just so there’s like a

    Fome understanding of of what like when we talk extreme poverty like and and and this is not intended to take anything away from anybody no um because there’s a lot of people right now experiencing an affordability crisis right here in Canada and it’s very very very very very difficult and they’re utilizing food

    Banks and doing everything they can and all kinds of things and we hear those stories all the time um so my my my mission here is not to compare uh or to to take away from what someone in Canada might be experiencing but what does extreme poverty that that one in 10

    Women on planet Earth are experiencing what does that look like yeah so I think the number was like less than $2 a day to live on so you need to how are you gaining access to um housing how are you gaining access to food how are you

    Gaining access to being able to live the life that many of us have the affordability to uh have every single day um so there’s a conversation between the developed countries and the developing countries and how are funds actually allocated between the two and is there a reallocation that we need to

    Start to think about in terms of the billions trillions of dollars that we see in developed countries and the conversation of how can we be part of this Global solution where women and girls like the data continues to be there we give them access the world

    Becomes a better place yeah 100% we need to think about this so this this talk about accelerated progress is Serious Business though right because there’s these uh sustainable development goals that we want to get to by 2030 we talk about 2030 like it’s so far away it’s

    Around the corner it’s around the corner and so to get there to achieve these goals and I think it’s important to have goals with times on them sure you know I mean I don’t no I know I I AG way I operate or how do we become more bold

    With those goals because those goals were talked about in 1995 like we’ve had a really long time to work towards those um I also do work um with Engineers Canada through uh aega and there’s a goal that Engineers Canada has to have 30% of women be um graduate from

    Engineering by 2030 so I tell that stat to people who aren’t involved in engineering they go well why isn’t the goal 50% and it’s like well they started that goal in 2015 and that’s how long it looks like it’s going to take to get more women into engineering so there’s

    This like huge lead time and is that I don’t know like be bold how can we be more aggressive with that and they talked about that at the UN like do we have to have quotas quote people do not like that term no um do we need to have

    Quotas to get more women and girls thinking about careers in stem or steam however you want to talk about it and getting them that gives them trajectory to financing and gives them that connection to building a a life in which they can contribute to the economy what’s the a in Steam there’s science

    Arts so it’s Science Tech engineering mathematics right so Science Tech engineering arts and Mathematics and actually that uh that uh picture that just came up um and maybe I’m not going to be able to quote this quite right um we went to listen to Global women in

    Music uh it was an opportunity for the conductor to be a woman and all the pieces that were played there was World premieres that night all by women composers so only 5% of um concerts that are sort of played on a global scale are actually composed by women um composers so you

    Every single intersection that you can think about there’s change that’s that’s required so the a in arts and really is about music like how important is that in our lives like Arts are so important we sometimes see this separation of like math and science is so important but

    There’s a huge component to to that side of our brain Arts canri to AET I promise I will I want to get back to the world poverty stuff in a second for sure I mean you and I we can hang out as long as we want

    But uh I don’t know what the rest of your day looks like we’ll respect the time we asked for but but um we have talked as a matter of fact quite recently on this show about you know quote unquote quotas uh Dei initiatives diversity equity and inclusion and um

    And it’s interesting I think even the we get great comments from our audience members I just love this audience and and and many will say it’s important for people to see themselves represented and it’s important and and then other people will say but it needs to be the best

    Person for the job every time I talked to Jackie Ray Greening she’s a very well she’s a Hall of Fame broadcaster on the show uh when was she on Johnny around the the Jason Gregor controversy was that like four months ago something like that three and a halfish approximately

    When they launched a new Sports Talk station didn’t have any women anchors but the PD the program director Jackie Ray is a woman and she came on and and basically like like I knew that she was going to catch some for what she said but I also really kind of respected

    The conviction with what she said it and she’s like I just hire the best person for the job you know and she’s like if that’s a woman great if it’s not great and she didn’t sort of seem she seems sort of nonplused uh over the whole

    Thing so how do you wrap your mind around it because because I think that when people start to view it as inclusion initiatives are the opposite or the antithesis of hiring the best candidate then you inherently will have people opposed to them yeah oh we could talk

    All day about this so there’s this component of when we say who’s the best candidate it’s based on our own biases of what determines what a best candidate is going to look like and so are weing in that process to really understand who could I will say be additive to the

    Organization we also often hear people say well we got to find people who fit in well if you fit in then we’re all kind of probably very similar and then we’re not really getting to a place of diversity because we all think the same and we all have the same ideas and then

    We’re not going to get better Solutions and so if we yes of course we’re going to hire the best person and I don’t even know why that’s up for contention and or or conversation but what we need to really start thinking about is how are we looking for talent how are we finding

    That best person are we going to our already established networks with people who we sort of have similar values with share um the S same perspectives or we really going out to say actually I can go and gain different additive perspectives from someone like this and

    So I you know okay this is where I’ll I’ll probably conclude um my thoughts for the end is how do we be bold if we do things the way that we’ve always done them we’re going to get the same outcomes that we’ve always had and so

    I’m the proponent who’s going to say how can we think about things differently and I’ve worked in several organizations where no one looks like me and I don’t work in those organizations anymore for a reason I am independent now and I have the opportunity to build what my

    Networks look like and have access to having conversations with people who are going to challenge me and so I think that’s where we need to shift the conversation to like let’s not keep repeating ourselves we’re going to hire the best person yeah get of course you’re going to hire the best candidate

    With those that you have in front of you but how are you doing work to think differently about what that candidate pool looks like um if people want to check out our uh episode it was March 8 that was International women’s day um Julie Savar Shaw joined us director at

    The Canadian Prosperity project and she had some interesting like they their numbers and they issue this annual report card on Equity basically they’re looking at like boardrooms SE Suites Executives and um and I was looking you know at some of the numbers they present and they’re striking about you know

    Women in in executive leadership corporate leadership U and the numbers just aren’t there and then she goes it was kind of this moment in the show where you can almost hear me gulp into my microphone she goes now let’s look at uh black and Indigenous women

    In ex leadership like under 1% and uh really uh I mean striking uh presentation there if you if you missed our Real Talk Roundtable you can find it obviously on YouTube wherever you get your podcast March 8th the episode is titled International women’s day calls to action we’re hanging out with Aaron

    Davis you’re the founder of Aaron Davis Co people can check out Aaron Davis co.ca can I ask a personal question like can can you tell us about your own Journey your personal journey and and how you got started as a a Dei expert was it based on person like a negative

    Personal experience like you just alluded to yeah well you know I’m a pretty positive person so I won’t say it was a negative fully negative experience but it’s actually very interesting it was an invitation to set at a table to talk about diversity and inclusion like

    15 years ago I was like what what is diversity and inclusion I had no idea I was just sort of coming along in my career what were you doing for a job at that time um at that time I was working in the utilities industry and I was

    Doing Regulatory and Regulatory work and then I ultimately moved into strategic planning okay and so I thought that’s where my career was going to be headed and classic I just need to work really hard and I’ll continue to excel in my career but I really sort of reached a ceiling

    And I wasn’t sort of moving up into middle management there was no sort of career pathing to that executive level and so when I got the invitation to sit at the diversity and inclusion um table I I said of course cuz I’m very curious person what is this all about and that

    Really started the journey cuz I started to read all these research reports similar to what the prosperity project was talking about and saying oh we have an under representative under representation of women oh it’s not just about putting your head down and working really hard there’s unconscious biases

    That happen in terms of who are we hiring who are we promoting and so that really started the journey for me um ultimately leading uh diversity and inclusion um at a a pretty big organization here here in the city uh that had 22 thou at the time 22,000

    People across the world and saying how can we sort of affect change and um I’ll do another shout out um sort of chatted with my husband last night about this because within my own career path and how you know my journey has been um he’s been in um I’m I’m laughing because he

    He he worked at a coal plant okay um B you know the conversation you had earlier in the in the show um and he wait wait wait why are you laughing um because he was potentially going to lose his job because um coal is more complex we’re not anti- no no no no

    That’s not what I meant just uh just saying like he was a decision was made by the government and so he was potentially going to have to make a decision and so um that decision ultimately led him to now being the state home parent and so there’s been

    This huge shift in our household and what care support looks like and what that that world and we talk about it all the time because it’s very different than a lot of other households and so this dni journey he’s he jokes and says well did we just like swap sort of the

    Traditional roles in our house because we still need someone at home to help take care of our kids um but it’s been a really amazing journey to see how we’re sort of like challenging those gender stereotypes within our own household and going like actually it’s really important for us to figure out what’s

    The best what’s the best thing for our family what’s the best thing for our kids and so when he left his job he was talking to you know some of his co-workers and they really didn’t why why would you leave your job why would you you know

    Walk away from all this all this money and it’s like well no we’re thinking about this holistic why would she leave her job yeah totally right right and so um I think for us all to start to challenge some of those uh stereotypes and that’s what I get to do every single

    Day in my job now which I’ve sort of created for myself which is pretty exciting yeah two of my best friends in the world are stay-at-home dads and uh their wives are both remarkable professionals um working in education and Healthcare and uh and it’s been neat

    I mean I I can think of even a recent conversation it was it was a quick one um but we were playing on the odr we’re skating playing hockey outside and uh these two guys are meeting for the first time you know sport bringing people together and you know the first question

    You ask somebody if you’re not talking about the weather what do you do yeah and my one buddy Michael says I’m a stay-at home dad and the other guy goes cool and then he had like a couple questions for him what did you used to

    Do did you always want to do that and it was really neat to hear just like a normal conversation um and and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be normal um but it does like the attitudes it’s so funny this is such a dumb example for me

    To this is so stupid for me to even bring this up but it’s like we’re so hardwired I drink white wine more often than red my wife drinks red wine more often than white and even when we go out to restaurants the server always puts

    The white wine in front of her I’m like it’s the tiniest little thing but it’s bi tinest little thing but we laugh like almost every time because it’s just we’re from from that level all the way up you know let me let me ask you about

    This by the way I noticed you said D and I oh yes okay you didn’t say Dei Johnny and I talking about this you you you eliminated was it subconscious you you eliminated Equity okay don’t quote me that I eliminated equity and so when I started

    In this space 15 years ago it was diversity and and inclusion so my programming my default is dni and I can tell you the whole journey on this because when I was at that organization we switched it to I and D because we want to create inclusive spaces before

    We start to bring different levels of diversity in because if the organization doesn’t have an inclusive culture then those people will leave with um the news of George Floyd in 2020 we really started to highlight equity in work places and then I start to see some organizations bringing in a which is

    Accessibility which we haven’t talked about but was a big Topic at the United Nations as well is how are we thinking about people with disabilities and their access to things around our world let alone from a design perspective um how how how are people with different disabilities navigating the world but

    It’s often a conversation that’s get gets missed in the boardroom so when you talk about those numbers and in terms of representation there’s probably a low low percentage of people with disabilities sitting in the boardroom the reason I say probably is because they don’t have to self de disclose at

    This point it’s um it’s it’s their choice whether not they share that so we don’t know the the statistics exactly not fully I see um if you’re just joining us we’re talking to Aaron Davis you can check out what she does at Aaron Davis co.ca your website is super slick

    By the way I love it no really yeah so those photos are uh taken in New York last summer so oh yeah nice it is the best city in the world nice little nice drop there just rubbing it in that you’re that none of us get to go to New

    York as much as you you got to create the opportun you’ve you’ve earned it you’ve earned it um I I want to get into this and and I and we will bring it back to this uh United Nations assignment that you were on but but Elizabeth here

    In our YouTube live chat says the oil patch uh is one of the worst for sexual intimidation um Elizabeth says that from a decade of working in it as a boots on the ground yes uh for more than 10 years so shout out to Elizabeth and thank you

    For sharing that and then an interesting question here um aat says not so much a question question but says getting more women graduating from engineering programs is great uh but what’s the plan for Workforce retention it says under 27% of women let’s say one in four uh women Engineers stay in engineering

    According to a recent study uh which is a fascinating stat that I’ve not heard before yeah no it’s been a stat for a really long time so I’m going to talk to both of those comments actually so yeah you see about like about five years into engineering women leaving so let’s make

    Sure that we understand they’re not leaving the workforce they’re just leaving that per that part of the the schooling they went to do and they’re leaving behind engineering and so they may go on to work in different areas inside of organizations where they feel a sense of

    Belonging where they feel a sense of inclusion where their ideas and their thoughts matter and so I think that’s a lot of the feedback that we hear back to this work that I do with aega is those work environments aren’t inclusive for women and so if they’re having to go out

    On job sites because if you’re an engineer you’re not necessar sitting in front of a computer every single day you’re going out onto those job sites uh which the other guests spoke about you know boots on the ground and saying like the the stereotypes are pretty high and

    Pretty real um a lot of the issues unfortunately about like access to bathrooms so even if we want to just talk about access to women’s washrooms let alone just access to a bathroom there aren’t places for women to go to the bathroom um not always are is personal protective equipment um readily

    Available that fits women and um really at the end of the day how are we really saying and attracting women to come and work um in these spaces and I and I know that you are a big fan of the work that women building Futures does we we love

    What they do I want more actually want more organizations to get into this conversation because when we talk back to financing there’s so many stories of women going into the trades it’s not four years like a degree where you wouldn’t working for that period of time or potentially you know

    Having to raise your kids you’re going through programs that um you know for for months and then you’re going to do your practicum so you’re going out and working and earning an income so then you get access to that um to that to that capital and so I think there’s so

    Much opportunity and when we talk about women in trades it’s about four to 5% overall of uh uh of people who are in the trades that are women and when you look at that by different types of uh trades some of the numbers are like 1 to

    2% and so there’s huge growth and it’s a piece of work that I love to do and I actually go out actually this is hilarious so I leave for Fox Creek Alberta um tomorrow so shout out to anyone who knows where that is that’s on

    The way to uh Grand Prairie and I go out there and I sit um you know in the field office and have conversations with them about diversity and inclusion now do we do I push really hard on that language no um we talk about psychological safety

    When we show up to work are we able to talk about the hardships that if we go back to the pandemic they didn’t get to do their work from the computers and the in their homes they had to go into work every single day with changing parameters and you know really difficult

    Times and so can they talk about that strain that it had on them uh in a safe way when they come to work and so it’s been a really awesome uh awesome Journey talking to them working on that inclusive space so hopefully they can attract um more women doing work with uh

    Women building Futures and and other organiz organizations to make sure that we can start to see those numbers changing it was like 10 years ago Johnny I’m showing this here on my screen uh I interviewed the cast of a of a documentary came out I think 2013 now

    Oil sands karaoke and one of the cast M these are real life people they’re not actors um she was uh I wish I could remember her name off the top of my head just a an incredible woman she operates the biggest truck on planet Earth yeah cool she she

    Drives the biggest truck on planet Earth and she talked about that experience working up in Fort McMurray but but also how uh empowered she felt and also like her attitude what I remember from that interview is just uh she didn’t think it was a big deal like you know she wanted

    To see more women and girls more women in particular on the job site obviously of age but but um you know there’s a lot of things that stand in the way um I appreciate conversations like this because you never know that somebody listening to this you know they’re a

    Super on a job site or or you know they’re chair chairperson or something like that and and they could make these tiny little tweaks uh to open up so many different doors and completely change and improve the dynamic of their company I’m not surprised that you and I uh I

    Don’t want to describe this as a tangent it’s something that that that deserves our focus at our time um but we are talking about you know your role as a delegate at the United Nations at the commission for the status of women uh Aaron Davis our guests and I wanted to

    Bring this back uh there’s data from almost 50 developing countries that shows that there needs to be a major Global investment in women and girls they’re talking about about a third about a third of a trillion dollars 360 billion um it’s a huge number but can we

    Talk about and obviously you could give us a million examples maybe a few key ones uh where an investment uh perhaps from the developed world could go a huge way in empowering women and girls around the world creating opportunity and ultimately making a better world for everybody what would be an example okay

    Well we’ll we think through some examples I mean the one that was pretty prevalent in my mind this one’s huge and I mean I don’t know if we can make a phone call to make this happen today it’s it’s it’s very political but how much money do we spend on war right and

    Trons and so where are our decision points on on that investment and you know which one has a better outcome and uh so there’s there’s ones at massive scales but there was another conversation that I attended that talked about um period poverty which to be honest with you is not something that I

    Think about every single day but in developing countries there’s not access to period products and so I think there’s like a small investment that could be made to help to support um women and girls in that in that journey and so they have access um if they’re in

    War torn countries how are they getting access to those basic human um needs andess birth control is probably another one right and and absolutely and you know who who’s paying who’s paying for who’s supporting that who’s funding that is that up to the individual if they

    Don’t have any money how are they how are they getting access to that and um I didn’t again didn’t this wasn’t a thing that I knew a lot about but it wasn’t until 2015 that we as Canada removed the tax on tampons and there’s still 20

    States in the US that still have a tax on period products where you can have an argument well this like a basic human need and so why are we taxing that um you can look up the pink tax ta um the great example is there you know those

    Those I can’t remember if we’re allowed to swear whatever the you want so you know those really shitty erasers um that Bick sells there’s the pink ones and the blue ones well the blue ones are cheaper than the pink but they’re still the same product so why are we charging

    Um more on that and maybe I’ll relate it back to the individual because I think that’s where people can walk away and go okay what’s the difference that I’m making so sure it can be through your dollars but it can also be through your voice who are you having conversations

    With who are you you know yes you’re making comments on here but can we continue that conversation into you know talking to our mlas talking to uh people within Community who can start to to create those changes so um you know I’m I’m trying to think of some other some

    Other examples but access to education like this is access education is massive huge um I I I speak often of an assignment that I was on um heading over to Ethiopia with a group out of Westlock Alberta called rainbow for the future and um and and heading to one of the the

    Poorest parts of planet Earth uh the Horn of Africa you know and um the afar region uh in Ethiopia and and uh like it was it was a huge like I just my world was rocked the entire time I was there um and ever since yeah and understanding

    That you know there are a lot of things that are happening with with you know young girls uh I know it’s uncomfortable for people to talk about things like genital mutilation the way that girls are treated and and promised as as brides and young Brides denied education denied property rights denied loans you

    Know micro financing we’re not talking about millions of dollars we’re talking about small amounts that can change their lives you know in this part of Ethiopia I know for some women it was like you know two women I remember were loaned I think it was the equivalent of

    Like $80 and it allowed you know it enabled them to get like three goats and something else from which they started their business and then by the time we had seen them they you know they had the loan they paid the loan back right away ab and then they had this little

    Storefront and their faces are beaming and it was you know and I I remember you know just just feeling chills uh talking to them through trans there this huge Community Centric component to um giving women and girls access to money because they think about it from a most

    Holistically think about it from a community-based perspective and so we heard that at the UN you know you make this small uh invest you give them the micro loan and then all of a sudden like the The Snowball Effect they’re just they’re they’re changing the world um

    They they some of them aren’t educated right but they understand money they understand the value of the sale of goods and so if they they can gain access to a little bit of financing it goes such a long way such a long way I’m uh I’m right now searching uh these are

    These are YouTube stories that I have not uh checked out for years and years and years but uh you you can you can find them uh on YouTube one of our episodes the Alberta Advantage um this wasn’t necessarily the micro financing one but just uh showing some of the job

    Opportunities that were becoming available in this this part of Ethiopia uh this was a health clinic as a matter of fact uh Optometry and and these were old donated frames and anyway I digress I could talk about this all day uh just really remarkable stuff one of the

    Things I I want to make sure we touch on before we go uh is that there is our Roi here as well like I don’t you don’t want people to think that there’s no return on investment when when you start talking about uh you know Global Partners Nations investing tens or

    Hundreds of billions of dollars into these types of of um initiatives uh the the uh GDP bumps that you see are massive yeah so have have the opportunity to he a lot of the Nordic countries talk about some of the policy changes they have made and the impacts on GDP

    Uh so they have done a lot of work and policy change around uh Child Care um and what that looks like in terms of getting both men and women into that caregiving role for a period of time uh Universal child care how are we thinking about the institutions that are you know

    Raising our kids and and part of our kids’ lives and so all of that policy change that has happened over many many years um has impacted in returns to their GDP so the evidence is there so cool um I I I just want to thank you for

    Your availability here and I feel like this is a conversation that is probably going to prompt more questions than it answers which is the best kind of interview absolutely and uh so thank you for making time for us on the heels back I know that you and Johnny both like

    Basically came from the airport to here so we appreciate that if you want to learn more about what Aaron does you can check out Aaron Davis co.ca and I am going to link to my story it’s 14 years old uh it’s called women in wealth shot that in Ethiopia you’ll

    See a young spry me telling that story so you know these stories once you understand the significance of them um once you understand the magnitude of the challenges in this case Global poverty um and I’m grateful to you for putting that on our radar you understand it’s

    Something that all of us can do something about totally let’s be bold about it right because you’re saying this story was from 14 years ago and then I kind of go well have we made any progress we have but the progress is slow and so I I actually am glad that we

    You know had the opportunity to have the conversation today and and not on International women’s day because it’s not just a March 8th conversation it’s an everyday conversation and how can we continue um to to drive change beautifully said Aaron Davis thanks for making time for us appreciate it thanks

    For having me hang tight here I’m about to read an email I think you might want this is kind of cool this is out of left F but just a really beautiful one uh positive Reflections coming up in just a quick second but first I want to let you

    Know that these conversations are presented by real talk Partners like our friends at Eden Landscaping they’ve been bringing outdoor spaces to life for more than 20 years and they’d love to do the same for you if you want to get your front yard backyard or both done this

    Spring or summer Now’s the Time to get in touch with Mike and his team so they can get the conversation started get the design going they get your approval on budget and then the next thing you know it’s shovels in the ground we worked with them last summer to get our

    Backyard turned around just in time for fall which means this is going to be our first spring with these new Japanese lilacs I can’t wait you it’s going to be all over my Instagram just you wait if you have your own vision and you’d love to see what Eden Landscaping can do with

    It we encourage you to work with them starting with a conversation prompted at landscape edmonton. CA that’s Eden Landscaping on the flip side uh we have Partners sponsors that hope that you never call them hope that you never have to and that includes Complete Care restoration as a matter of fact they’re

    The only ones that’s cuz they’re in the business of fire and flood recovery obviously nobody wants to see that happen but if you’re your community is impacted could be a backed up sewer line a burst pipe could be spring flooding from runoff Wildfire or otherwise heck maybe you’ve just found some black

    Molder asbest as part of a renovation Project Lead it up leave it to The Talented professionals the Professional Property Restoration experts at Complete Care restoration you’ll find them online at completare restoration.com that that edifies us something that fills our bucket it’s a tradition that we call positive

    Reflections and this is intended to be a chance to step outside of the news cycle in a way and and this one’s a little bit different uh as we step away from the negativity I want to take on some tough subject matter here for a second and I

    Want to remind you about something that we focused on quite some time ago this is a serious story it’s about as serious as it gets but there’s an email that I think is going to make an impact do you remember back in December the number of

    Months ago jrat sing sidu uh was up for a deportation hearing this is the guy that caused the humble Broncos bus crash remember that uh he pleaded guilty he didn’t contest the charges he was sentenced he did his time it was interesting to see of the nearly 3,000

    Of you that voted uh you voted to let him stay 84% of you said let him stay well I received an email but guess what and I’m going to go full disclosure on this it’s from my dad and my mom finally asked me did you get the email from your

    Dad about Jaret Singo and I said what and she said well it sent it to your and they sent it to my other email address that I wasn’t checking and then I finally got this email and it’s REM it’s amazing he wrote it in January but I think that the principal still holds

    True and it felt like a positive reflection to me so this from my dad Dr Bruce jesperson who says Ryan the results of your yes or no ear to the ground poll that you aired on a December episode of real talk concerning the fate of the driver of that deadly humble

    Crash are clear enough also surprising 3,000 give or take of your audience members when asked believe or at least feel what Canada what we should do with this young immigrant man jasarat sing sadu having served his prison time for arguably the most egregious individual act in our country’s history killing or

    Maming a busload of young local hockey Heroes the man a rookie at the wheel of a loaded semi-trailer thundering fatefully across the flat hallison Prairie Land laid out before him toward the day that will live in infamy he gave no defense he confessed his guilt he was contrite through the due process that

    Brought him to Justice and jail where he served his full sentence he wants to remain here the possibility itself bespeaks the nature of our country but what should we do of your poll 85% would have him stay 15% would Deport him home to IND to Whatever May await I thought

    The question would be more hotly contested given the sheer magnitude of the tragedy no amount of sympathy and support will ever replace the lost loved ones nor for that matter reverse events so as to re relive or relieve rather the tortured remorse that must greet that

    Man every day for the rest of his life as though it were a virtual incarceration yet something else is a foot in the psyches of your listeners and viewers of real talkers who answered that poll it shapes the debate as to what Justice is and what kind of society

    We Aspire ours to be I’m referring to Grace forgiveness and hope says my dad Count Me In with the 85% I love it I don’t care that email was written 2 3 months ago the principle holds true Grace forgiveness and hope how will that apply to your week let’s

    Walk with it let’s think about it and if it makes an impact on you like that poll did on my dad send us an email to talk Ryan jesperson dcom and let us know my thanks to our guests today Aon Davis Charles Adler coming up tomorrow Andrea

    Heins what happens when men pay for sex more real talk right here we’ll see you Then real talk is hosted by Ryan jerson executive producer Josh Dunford technical producer John Hicks general manager Katie cook chivers account coordinator Lawrence D Lego human


    1. Jim Prentice was the Environment Minister in the CPC, and in 2010, he said that coal fired power plants in Canada must be decommissioned by the earlier part of this decade, because they are a major contribution to GHG emissions and overall reduced air quality.
      Jim Prentice was also the last Alberta PC premier, and he wanted coal fired power plants decommissioned in Alberta for the same reasons, and he wanted more wind power and more solar power for Alberta.
      Before the 2015 provincial election in Alberta, all the political parties in Alberta were campaigning on closing down coal fired power plants in Alberta, and they all wanted to get into more green energy sources.
      That isn't why Albertans pay the highest power prices in Canada.
      Ralph Klein did the well over $30 billion electricity deregulation debacle, and the $10 billion Power Purchase Agreements debacle.
      An Alberta PC cabinet minister under premier Ralph Klein made a bill where any new power transmission lines that would be built in Alberta, would be used for exporting the power to American states, and these new power transmission lines would be paid for by the power consumers in Alberta.
      In 2010-11, TransAlta was manipulating power prices in Alberta, and in 2015, they were found guilty and were given a $56 million fine, which they have only passed onto the power consumers in Alberta.
      The UCP removed the NDP's cap on power prices in Alberta, which increased power prices in this province even more.
      The UCP blew billions of dollars on various voter bribery schemes, including making it look like they were reducing power prices for Albertans, but this was merely a loan to the power companies in Alberta, which power consumers must pay back on their power bills.
      The UCP allowed power companies in Alberta to hold back the power, which increased power prices in Alberta exponentially, which is known as economic witholding, and this has cost Albertans over $100 billion, since June of 2020.
      It's deregulation of electricity from Ralph Klein, TransAlta manipulating power prices, and economic witholding from the UCP that are to blame for why Albertans pay the highest power prices in Canada.
      Danielle Smith has no clue.

    2. -Never had a real job
      -watched Harper sign us up for the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals and the paris accord.
      -Has no intention of slowing the rate of invasion
      -wants to blow money saved from "axing taxes" on Ukraine and Israel.
      -got bullied out of wearing glasses and wears lifts.
      -pretends to condemn the WEF but selects known attendee for deputy for diversity.
      -jumped on tail end of convoy to capitalize.
      -invested in PPE stocks.
      -Pushed the medicine time as hard or harder than the turd.
      -plays dress up to pander
      -won't say what happens when governments disarm citizens.
      -uses lame slogans.
      -weak on groomers.

      Just the other wing of the same bird. He's more like Trudeau than he is like his "base". He's fake and 🏳️‍🌈

    3. Great show! My daughter works in DEI in the States. She is powering through inspite of DEI being under attack by the right. I LOVE me some smart young women just like this incredible one you are interviewing. Oh and love Charles Adler too!

    4. I didn’t even make it to 11:00 minutes of this garbage…..pure left wing propagandist. Vaciine mandates are still in place for a vaccine that dosent do what we were originally told, we have proven Chinese interference in our elections and labs, the Feds are trying to clamp down on free speech. Look at Jordan Peterson if you think Canada is free.

    5. I respectfully disagree it shows JTs humanity that he can admit that his job is tough & he thinks of quitting. As an Activist fighting for Change & subjecting myself to Troll attacks I think of quitting but I don't because I believe in what I'm doing

    6. Poilievre"s a cucked puppet of the U.S, U.K zionist corporation. POS forgot he's Canadian apparently. I'm extremely disappointed, and the UCP needs new leadership

    7. Baloney. It should be spelled baloney, totally different thing. In politics they are ALL full of baloney. The people of Bologna are horrified at what we did to their cuisine. And yes, food is MUCH more important than talking about these windbagged idiots.

    8. It is not a free country. When you have laws for speech it is not a free country. Before you say “it to protect people from hate speech.” So who gets to decide what we can and can’t say. If you’re expecting the government that is a slippery slope because it is labeled as hate speech when they don’t like it. It could be just different point of view but now I can be imprisoned for life under the new bill. Take for example the LGBTQ being in schools, I personally do not want any of my kids to be indoctrinated by the LGBTQ and that is my point as a parent. If the school makes a club I am completely fine with that. I definitely do not want anything woke to be taught during school hours or class. If I say this I am transphobic and now can be imprisoned but all I said is my point. Calgary implemented a law of 10000 dollars fine or a year in jail for protesting LGBTQ events. So how is this considered free if I am fined and/or imprisoned?

    9. Agree with Charles Adler, Danielle Smith’s mention of the Stollery is like throwing another rabbit out there! She throws rabbits around to distract people, and we forget what the real issue is.

    10. David Eby, comments about Poilievre being bolgna. EBY Needs to look at his Province that his party the NDP has created, Eby needs to take a long look in the mirror, BC is waking up and realizing there are better choices that can be made, maybe its time for a new provincial party to be elected. Provincial elections are coming up and everyone should be encouraged to educate themselves and get out and vote after all this is about all of us in BC wanting a better life.❤

    11. Vaccine passports for travel, employment and access to critical services are not in effect now, but are one cabinet meeting away if the government decides to manufacture another fake emergency.

    12. @dwaynewladyka577 As far as highest inflation, highest power prices, that's a result of the Fed's monetary policy failure. As far as food bank usage and the highest rate of rent increases are concerned, it's a matter of supply and demand because Canadians are flocking to Alberta in the hope of finding work.

    13. This is why liberals continue to lose as you guys are just into denialism.

      There are so many bills restricting free speech (C-11, C-16 etc..) , freedom of the press etc…
      Multiple bills restricting firearms etc,..

      One can acknowledge that there’s an erosion on our freedoms , doesn’t mean we’re saying we’re restricted to the level of Russia or straight dictatorships. What a false dichotomy .

    14. "I respect vulnerability" says Jesperson. Vulnerability defined as:

      Susceptibility to attack or injury; the state or condition of being weak or poorly defended.

      A specific weakness in the protections or defences surrounding someone or something.

      What an absolutely pathetic, poorly thought out utterance. You're putting yourself in front of the public and a disgrace to strong Canadian men and women and if we had said things like this in 1939 – we simply would not be here. Please Jesperson find a new job and tell Adler to do the same.

    15. Rabbit punch between the eyes? You fool – a rabbit punch is specifically delivered to the back of the head or neck. I've never respected people that say stuff they are merely uttering because they've heard it before, think it's cool and assume they are speaking to an audience that knows nothing. Does it matter? Such a silly euphemksm? Ya it does – because you speak with your monster truck voice in such a manner – yet can't pull it off and you speak in a manner of influence when all you do is follow.

    16. Adler accusing the AB PM of arrogance is the pot calling the kettle black. He is an odious, smug, professional mouthpiece only. That Alberta PM is a politician that would outclass, out debate and out perform Adler in an interview – she is world class and if you don't think so, get educated. She's a better man than Adler.

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