Instagram: sarahbwater
    tiktok: sarahbwater

    Got play it cool you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves let’s go we going to build it up and then we tear

    It down they going to know our name all over this town we going to Stir It Up and do things our way so if you want We I’m feeling fly tonight like a rocket ship I want to drive fast in this Red Hot Wheel we and show I and play some I want to play the game I want to roll it dice I got an easy hand that’s going to make The let’s get our shoes on I’m done with all you fing this party totally Busting la la la la la la la la oh la la la la la la la la la la oh la la oh if you want to say it say it loud cuz someone out there listening if you’re going to think you think out loud cuz you don’t know what

    You’re missing till you let them all in oh oh oh tell them what it’s all about oh oh oh and if you’re going to dream it dream it be CU someone out there listening everyone’s got a voice to give and it’s time I here you whistling cuz there’s no

    Point at all oh oh oh and dreaming small oh oh oh is there RoR flying around daring there’s no time to be down s you’ll be cling of roses soon it all comes back to you it all comes back to you la la la oh la la la oh la la la la La la la la oh la la la la oh if you feel lonely say loud there’s no time like present tell like can feel it say it proud be true and let us see you for the star that you are no point in dreaming small oh cuz there’s a rumor flying around and

    Darling there’s no time to be down the sun you’ll be coming a roses soon all comes back to you it all comes back to you ooh ooh ooh all right hello good morning can you see and hear me I hope so good morning welcome to the campsite it rained so much um yeah

    It’s a bit insane on the amount that it rained uh my tent is flooded there’s water like puddles inside the tent sleeping bags wet sleeping pads wet everything’s wet um my shoes were somewhat dry I left them outside in the fly they’re wet again so everything is

    Wet um but we’re getting in a hotel tonight for two days in Bristol so I can hopefully dry everything out in time before I have to repack it up but yeah super soggy super loud rain all night until like 900 a.m. that’s why I started

    So late it’s cuz I’m like I’m not going out there the rain is really intense so I stayed inside until it stopped um but let’s make some coffee let’s have some breakfast they were heading over to Bristol we’re meeting up with Alex later and Alex has

    Some game plans for us so it’ll be a good stream Vore just resubscribed for 19 months good morning Sarah hope you will have a good day and trip thanks valet fan for the 19 months and just subscribed for 20 months morning morning thank you SL for the 20

    Months thank you guys for the reubs appreciate it um the hotel’s booked Alex gave me all the info on how to get inside it’s going to be like an escape room getting inside this building so I have that to look forward to but it’s all booked

    We’re hanging out with Alex today we got plans Alex from chat he’s my friend and you’ll see him in chat tr99 just resubscribed for months and we got Trevor 199 with the 20 months resub thank you Trevor all right let’s make some coffee so even though it was

    Raining a ton last night I never got too cold in my tent I used those little heat topad thingies in my socks and I doubled my socks and those kept be worn for like most of the night is really good actually um yeah and then I slept pretty decent

    Considering the amount of rain I woke up when the rain no I was still awake when the rain first started um but yeah the rain was very heavy I kept turning on Disney movies to like drown out the Rain Sound and I wouldn’t even make it past like the intro scene of

    Each Disney movie I would put on so I was tired apparently cuz I kept falling asleep really fast but yeah I woke up at 6 because that’s when it gets bright out and that’s when the birds come out is six so I’ve been up for a while I just did not want

    To go out in the rain but yeah I still have to deal with my tents cuz the sleeping pad soaked there’s literal puddles inside the tent where they’re not supposed to be puddles so yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know if it’s worth trying to dry it out or if later

    Tonight I go and dry it out did I not press the button my neighbor’s coming over I like I pressed the button the button here comes the doggy why so doggy we got a little doggy friend a French Bulldog hi hello you’re so excited I anything oh I’m actually just making

    Some instant coffee in here yeah I’ve got hot water you want to use the hot water oh really oh it’s okay I’m just boiling this likeing yeah oh my gosh my tent has a puddle in it I know cuz the rain last night it was quite bad where

    Have you traveled from uh I started biking from Plymouth yeah going up to Manchester really mhm is it some kind of ambition or track um no I do a lot of long distance bike tours in different countries so last year I rode from do to Plymouth and I ended up crashing my bike

    In Plymouth so I left Canada well I’ve been to can years and years yeah where did you go um Winnipeg Winnipeg yeah went down to the Lakes oh like the Great Lakes yeah okay the great I haven’t been there good very uh I know slow

    Yeah but where I was winning was on the border of America yeah they were americ basically I always remember all the old Canadians used to walk around with no shoes and socks the Canadians in win a pig that’s more of an Australian thing to me no so look if you need anything

    Hot you need warm anything yeah well thanks for the offer and just got lucky there’s a kettle here yeah there’s a kle there one one down the oh you set off next then let your stuff dry out um I’m heading up to Bristol today’s nice busy yeah I’m meeting up

    With a friend there so we’re taking a couple days off cheddar Gorge is you you might not man to get there I don’t know called cheddar G cheddar oh someone mentioned cheddar before yeah and it’s got this lovely walk all the all the way you got beautiful views called cheddar

    Valley yeah I need to see like how far it is I think it’s a little to the east or something it’s that way add me if if you went that way on your B about 35 40 minutes oh and then you go back to Bristol be about another 30 minutes okay

    So not too bad on the way to Bristol maybe on the way out and go that way oh okay you like you like you like Hills no it h what you do you want stud uh no I just I film like the videos how you do podcast um yeah like live videos so

    People can see the roads and different countries yeah so I’ve done like n countries with the bike yeah you um Japan Australia I’ve do in Australia yeah I lived there for a couple years six months near syney near syy called AA beach beach minutes beautiful and Bay as well yeah you must

    Know I lived in Manley for a long time in Australia yeah hello um okay that Portugal Spain yeah and then I came to the UK and then where did I go South Korea Taiwan wow yeah and then I did a tandem bike like a two person bike from France all the way to Norway doing AIT tourism thing people about on a bik yeah showing

    Like the highlights and stuff yeah so it’s been good you got some balls you must get Sal it’s not so bad actually I don’t know I think I’m just used to it at this point saw you coming in yeah all the BS you must be I mean I 30 days go

    Miles a racer oh yeah not like what you’re doing yeah the lightweight bikes so you slept in a puddle then yeah all my stuff is so wet cuz like there is there is a um dry it’s crap I used it so much last night cuz my shoes were soaked

    And I all my coins yeah yeah yeah I thought 6 been in didn’t touch it yeah yeah but there is a place just open yeah I don’t know which way you’re going into I’m hoping my hotel has something tonight yeah maybe in your hotel but

    There is as you go you’ll be going that way to Bristol yeah and there’s a garage on the way and they’ve just put in massive T did they a big tum dry and a big um washine but there’s a big TL dryer there they’ll dry your clothes

    Within 20 minutes fast it’s a good one his name’s Winston Winston hi Winston full obsessed yeah I noticed yeah well thank you all right well thank you yeah I appreciate it yeah nice to meet oh my name is Sarah oh I’m Kev Kevin okay and Winston that’s our

    Neighbor all right I made a coffee let me grab my food okay and my C okay my shoes dried kind of last night like they’re pretty decent but then they were outside of my tent like underneath the fly so they were supposed to be dry

    But when I woke up and grabbed my shoes they were in a massive puddle so my shoes are wet again I have no more change for the dryer but I can’t notice that my shoes are wet cuz I have two pairs of socks on and I have those like heating pads still

    In my socks so I got a lot of layers between me and my shoes um but yeah that sucks everything’s wet coffee it’s probably going to be too hot for me to drink all right I got some sad looking Bananas cold I dropped this one on the Tesco floor Alex doesn’t want to go shoe shopping with me I brought him shoe shopping last time he didn’t have much fun all right we don’t have far to bike today so we’re chilling yeah we’re staying inside tonight I’m staying inside Side for two nights in a row so my stuff should get dried out by the time I’m on the road again I’m hoping um how far do you ride per day around like so far on this tour we’ve been doing around like 45 to 50 5 km yesterday we did

    55 we’re kind of starting off slow on this trip because my days start kind of late most days we’re not on the bike until like 11: or 12 sometimes but yeah hopefully the numbers will start to increase as we get better we’re only on day

    Seven yeah we used to do 100 km days we’ll get back there where am I ending the trip okay sorry I have to explain it so we’re riding from plmouth to Manchester once I’m in Manchester we’re flying to Greece with the bikee and then we’re cycling from Greece all the way up to

    Croatia so we’re going to be on the road for multiple months um so get ready Buckle in cuz sometimes I crash the bike coffee Hey DJ ew This humus does not look super good you want to go too you can join me on this cycle ride mix up this

    Hummus Mainland Greece there’s some islands too um I don’t really have a plan so far we’re going to do some detours and stuff to see some cool places um but yeah nothing’s like super solidly planned good morning bigberry I should come over more to the UK I was

    Here last year I forget how many months we were here or days but I rode my bik from do Kent area all the way to Plymouth which I guess is Devon I don’t know how many days that took me but we were here for a little while

    And we only saw two days of rain is kind of crazy everything is super wet it’s been a really soggy day today mhm I got what shoes wet everything we still have to take down the tent we’re going to be up to a lot today so riding to

    Bristol then we’re going to check into a hotel I’ll probably take out all my camping stuff and hanging around the room then Alex will be coming to the um Hotel almost said Hospital oh my gosh hotel and Alex and I got some plans let me give you a teaser Alex wrote down the

    Plans okay goal one survive getting into Bristol goal two get into the hotel goal three stream Bristol goal four Indian dinner goal 3.5 is wake the tiger so wake the tiger is kind of like the things we were doing in Japan which is kind of like an immersive art thing

    Uh it looks really cool um so yeah we’re going to try to stream it we might be told no we might get kicked out but we’re going to try our hardest and then yeah Alex and I are going to go for dinner with you guys we’ll probably do some walking

    Around Bristol and explore a little bit along the way of course but yeah that’s our plans for tonight and then Alex is hanging out of us tomorrow as well your hair it is blue mhm it’s so blue it will not leave my hair I died at Blue nine months ago in

    In the UK right before twitchcon and I can’t get the blue out the battery did stop smoking I did a hard reset on the battery and it seems okay but I’m scared of it I thought it was going to explode last night we had some issues with a battery trying to start a

    Fire oh yeah that’s our current side quest I was thinking of doing one more side quest to go to that little farm you guys were talking about but I don’t know what else is around that farm little didies digies farm or something cuz a lot of people seemed excited about that I’m

    Like well we could side quest to it but I don’t know anything about the show VI not using any electrical item that’s been smoking yeah I don’t know um I’m really sad cuz that’s my favorite battery it’s called a super tank and it’s just the most powerful most fast recharging

    Wonderful battery it’s my favorite and if I just murdered my super tank I’m going to be sad it’s such a good battery because it tells you how fast things are recharging and it tells you how many minutes it will take um for the battery itself to

    Recharge when you plug it in it’s just so good it’s a good battery it it’s just a shop rather than a farm I have to look into it humus we’re eating leftover full Off full and hummus cuz I don’t think I can put this back into my

    Bag CU it doesn’t have like a lid it’s so weird um some of your guys’ dips here like I brought like a sour cream and chive dip the other day it also didn’t come with a lid it just came with like a plastic film on top I’m like how am I

    Supposed to reeal this so I was like I can’t eat an entire tub in one sitting but I couldn’t like keep it cuz it was just loose Di hey California snow dips aren’t travel friendly I wish they were Britney just subscribed Britney thank you so much for

    The sub welcome thanks for joining us over here you going to do a tour of hitch this summer prob probably not but you never know hitch has some plans he’s really working towards right now he has um really fun ideas which I think you guys will love7 Che

    182 um so yeah hitch has been busy um working on background stuff to do something new of his stream to like take it to the next level um so he’s been busy working with a bunch of people trying to get it all sorted and going so yeah hit just doing stuff he’s

    Not just chilling at home he’s been Busy Moniz B yeah thank you poppies for the 182 bits I appreciate it thank you but I just hope when hitch goes live y all don’t just abandon me keep me open in a second tab but we’re going to be in different time zones so it’s should be

    Okay it kind of actually works out better if we are in different time zones I know that sounds kind of weird but it’s kind of better if we’re in different time zones yeah you only found about hitch channel from your channel heyo we got hit a follower time zone broke from Mhm what time zone will he be in there is a suspension bridge in Bristol I don’t know if we’re cycling over or not I’m not really sure where what way we’re going to be going Jo found me before hitch cheers the people who found me before hitch I had not the greatest

    Night I tumble dried my shoes forever and they never got dry um and then I put them on the radiator so I had to walk around the campsite with no shoes oh really one you want thank you I’ll take the food thank it he is good

    Healthy food oh it is you been honor to be side me yeah bananas are great yeah thank you we got a banana and an apple mhm that’s our neighbor the campsite is closed it’s just me and him on the campsite that was a natural banana donation we have like a thing about

    Getting gifted bananas well mostly TR but it’s come over here um viewers bring us bananas and my feet soow my feet are wet and Soggy do you have a plan on how long to ride today we’re just heading up to Bristol so not super long it’ll be like

    An hour or two too up to Bristol what will be my banana thing H I don’t know I don’t know what our banana is of the channel chocolate I’ve been gifted a lot of chocolate this is a warm beverage in the jet boil however I cheated and I used the

    Kettle I just didn’t have another cup to put the coffee in so we’re drinking out of the jet boil cuz like Kettle next to me it’s a huge cup check Yeah I’m in a shed yeah I’m in the campsite shed this is kind of like the covered area um where you can like sit down and cook there’s a fridge microwave toaster Kettle there’s a vending machine so that’s where we’re sat um right behind you guys is the campsite I’m sat this

    Way because of the lighting all right I did not try to use the Jet Boy so um I guess I can try before we take off to see if it’ll light but yeah um I haven’t actually fully tested it last night I was just so frazzled I just ended up using the

    Cattle but yeah we can try to test it before we get take off here cuz Bristol isn’t that far so we can take our time CU we’re meeting Alex more around like 3:00 so yeah Bristol’s like 22 kilometers away so oh I don’t think I’m going over the

    Suspension bridge is it the Clifton suspension Bridge yeah I don’t know if bikes can go over it or not I wonder but yeah I see it I’m going over like it looks like maybe I don’t know what bridge those are I’m going over a couple of different Bridges but that’s just like generic to

    Bristol I could put in the hotel and see what way it goes oh bikes can go over it well we could try dry I feel like maybe we should try to go over the suspension bridge because I’m Bridge Water okay no oh my God this better not stained like

    Coffee I’m running out of shirts I just spilled the coffee all down me yikes okay should I dab some water on it maybe maybe I should use some warm water I just don’t want it to be St of coffee shoot already look like enough of a mess okay well

    That’s how my day is going sad okay oh well it’s totally fine should we go to the tent and mess Around um and try to get it packed up I’m not looking forward to it cuz it is so wet oh God did I just say should we go to the tent and mess around why did I say it like that okay I’m going to the washroom and

    I’m going to grab a bunch of paper towel to soak up the petal the mic’s off me towel oh you don’t think we’ll go over the bridge unless we detour is it worth the detour it’s 15 in Bristol W all right let’s go to the tent it’s kind of

    Raining like spitting a little bit all right look to the tent so yeah as you can see puddles have emerged that’s where my shoes were there’s puddles in the tents at the bottom this is soaking wet everything is soaking wet we weren’t having a super great time dealing with all

    This yeah I’m going to take off the T Fly and then start to deal with the rest I think I just have nowhere to put my gear cuz everything’s wet around it so it’s kind of awkward sorry you won’t be able to see too much hopefully that’s okay so I’m going

    To take out the fly and figure out what the heck to do next put my sleeping bag and stuff away my sleeping bag was also wet this morning okay sleeping B wday all right I’m going to go put this with our stuff in the shed sorry guys all

    Right oh maybe I should keep this in here okay so um we just have to unstake the tent oh my gosh I got it stuck dang it that’s really now everything’s going to be muddy when we touch it touch grass okay you want a pro tip H Pro

    Tip when camping make sure your tent is on the floor lattest bit of ground possible um to avoid waking up in a puddle yeah I’m kind of angled downhill cuz there’s nowhere flat and now there’s puddles in the bottom of my tent at the bottom of the like the downhill slope

    Yeah flat and high exactly you see flatness I thought I did too but everywhere I thought was flat turned out to not be flat at least that’s how it felt yesterday I moved the tent around a ton but then the girl set D too close to the

    Fence in case it falls over so we moved it last night we didn’t move it in a very good spot yeah okay now I got to deal with the wet sleeping pad I kind of maybe I’ll put this it’s so wet I don’t really want to roll this up

    With it being this wet I feel like I need to hang it on something and let it at least dry a little bit cuz this is soaked I’m going to go like lean this over something do you reckon I could put it over the radiator for a little bit or is that

    Dangerous hello yeah a little soggy try to get this drying I’m going to soak up the puddles huh get out puddle get out I can’t get the puddle out we’re just going to put it in wet and deal the repercussions later oh I forgot to close the door okay sticks Okay only thing I have hope for is that I’m sitting in a hotel tonight and then I can use all the hotel towels to like dry out the inside of the tent hang it over the shower there’s going to be tents taking over the hotel room tonight yeah all

    Right so yeah there’s a puddle still in here but I couldn’t get the puddle out he just shoving in here okay tent is packed I just got a few other things to do wa we got to put the ground shade away and then my sticks are like really

    Caked in mud so I feel like I should rinse those before putting them away oh oops I had garbage on the Fly of the tent I just forgot okay super muddy gross I might have to wash this in the shower as well cuz it’s so muddy all right all right mud is

    Packed that’s super nice all right we got our mud packed grab the garbage okay I think we need to clean these steaks a little bit so the mud doesn’t just dry caked in here cuz they’re quite muddy so let’s go do that um how do I grab you

    Okay just going to leave my phone in here okay let’s go deal with this this isn’t working so great get out I don’t know why I’m doing one at a time don’t ask need to be a little like then okay soggy all right let’s go put these over

    Here I think the sun just came out what the heck all right you guys can dry all right got to come back back over here figure out what else we need to do all right the map’s enough perfect I’m muddy today’s been going great all right um going to

    Wash my pot and my Fork I need to get the mud off my hands and dry my coat all right sorry guys you can play I Spy again if you want I’m going to go wash my pot and uh get the mud off my hands um and then we’ll figure out the

    Next steps sorry it’s a bit of a disaster oh we got to GI a Sub subed AER one to Rus this is their first gift sub in the channel I appreciate it thanks for the get all right I’ll be right back for for for for for for okay pot is clean hands are Clean Psychedelic mon gifted o subscription psychedelic mon gifted a tier one sub to oh they have given two gift Subs in the channel thank you psychedelic for the gifted s all right guys oh your face is still W better thanks for waiting we are somewhat close to being ready to leave kind of sort

    Of I have still a few things to do I need to still pack up the sleeping pad behind me I need to change my outfit in case it rains I don’t want to be wearing this outfit um I have to pack all my bags we are going to check the jet boil I

    Think we’re doing a few things hopefully it’s okay let’s braathe my hair all right chat are you Okay natou 1,970 3 TI $21 n came in with the $21 thank you is there a song request attached to the $21 donation or a message thank you cuz we did have S working like actually proper yesterday they were automatically playing it was nice thank you n as want to make sure if there was a song requested that it

    Plays to help with the trip that’s all okay perfect well thank you we do appreciate it all right this is done okay it’s so annoying dealing with everything being wet it just makes everything so much more annoying we got cycling hair I’m going to put my ponytail in

    Here we put on our heart rate again once I change into my outfit I don’t know where to put that we’re going to put it there okay I feel like I need a drink yum then are they saying rude things are we tiger cuz I’ll ban them yeah they are all right

    B we got oh and report I don’t know how to report them I know how to ban them though slugs there’s a bunch of SLS on the bank okay you reported it thank you oh my God there’s so many slugs inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated that is true we’re very like

    Chill streamers we have a very wholesome community so yeah we we’re not into that how do I remove the slugs from my bag yes we got the German paniers they’re really good paniers what else goes in here batteries um what else maybe the bananas maybe I’ll put the r in the top

    Of this one so it’s easy to grab if it rains again every time you come into we’re just going to pack up so s I still have to put this away but it’s still wet I do have like a little towel thing maybe I should use that on here it’s just so

    Wet I do have like a little towel that I use on my body maybe I should try to dry I just don’t want to pack up wet I’ve had in in the pastold morning any local animals we found some slugs this morning and we saw a French Bulldog so we got those animals

    Okay it’s not really dry but at least there’s no like water sitting on it so I feel like I could try to pack it up now trying to do this everything’s getting as soon as we get to the today and I might buy some wet wipes to

    Get all the mud off of everything as well everything is covered in mud and wet I mailed a package home had my old sleeping pad in it I was like oh I MA it to myself with my name on it CU I won’t be there to pick it up but I think I

    Left it unnamed on the box so hopefully Trevor can pick it up inflate until dry my problem was I guess I could have taken that out when it was inflated there was puddles in my tent this morning like full on puddles so it just kind of sat

    In a puddle so I deflated it to get it out of the water but yeah I guess I could have taken it out when it was inflated and it over here and try to dry it before we deflated it that could have been a better idea I was just kind of panicking this

    Morning when I woke up in a puddle so’s going to be well I mailed the package a week ago I don’t know how long packages take to get from the UK to Canada I did have tracking on it but I lost the receipt that I got with the tracking numbers on it

    Okay we go okay so we got this and this and this the rest of my tent is by the bike okay we’re slowly getting there guys 500 years Later it’s quite the morning routine today it’s a bit different than just rolling out of the bed and going okay what else Um we going grab I’m going to grab the camping pan here that’s on my bag I’m going to bring it over here and we’ll start filling up that big um yeah okay I’m going to go grab the B okay for for for for we’re back how’s Everyone’s Sundays going hope good ours are going slowly but hopefully getting there hopefully getting everything packed soon I think this is pretty much packed put this towel in here as well since that’s wet everything that’s wet is kind of in this B okay almost there’s SL on it need to put you

    All we have to do isack I’m that this is the battery that was smoking last night app chocolate in herey this is basically packed you guys don’t yell at me for not having a mic on yet okay then yeah I’m just going to take a couple layers off all

    Right make sure I didn’t leave anything in the fridge it looks good okay all right perfect okay we can take off soon I’m just going to drink a little bit more of my drink and um refill up my water bottles change my outfit then we can leave yeah that’s the game

    Plan all right it took me so long to get ready this morning holy moly it was quite the the pack up yeah I guess we’ll be on the road around 12 and then I don’t know how long it’ll take us to bike to Bristol but I’m

    Thinking it won’t be too bad I think we’ll do good timing we’ll see if we see Alex in chat later he’s getting the train to Bristol a bit later today he’s doing some work today because he’s taking Monday off with us it’d be really nice if the hotel has like a washer and

    Dryer that’d be exciting first time you’ve seen s drinking Coke I wanted this one because it is caffeine free and sometimes I like sweet things at my end of at the end of the day so I’m like o a little sweet treat with no caffeine so I bought it for last night

    But then I didn’t drink it but it’s good because yeah sometimes I have like when I was in Japan I think I would get Cokes sometimes um and yeah I would drink them at night and then i’ try to go to bed I’m like why can’t I sleep I’m like wide

    Awake I was like it’s probably because the coke has a bunch of caffeine in it and sugar okay I think my mods posted our map for today so let’s see mods na via the bridge you may want to stop at wayo one okay let’s download this map I think

    We can go the Bridgeway if we want it could be fun okay we got a map and then I’ll try to get the heart rate monitor on as well 121 I think it’ll take us maybe a couple hours to get to Bristol there’s supposed to be a garbage can by The Pedestrian path

    But I didn’t see it I accidentally put my garbage in the bin that says put your garbage in the bin by The Pedestrian path but I don’t see another bin where garbage can go so I’m not sure if I should move my trash or not there’s other garbage in the

    Garbage I feel kind of bad because I didn’t read that until this morning I’m like oh but I don’t know where the garbage is supposed to go it’s taking us almost two hours to get ready for the day oh it’s a little slow today it’s Sunday we’re supposed to be slow we’re

    Surrounded by snails as well apparently it’s 12 degrees out though I don’t really believe that but that’s what it says yeah Sundays are slow days I’m feeling the Sunday I don’t know when I’m going to take my next off day because I’ve been streaming for a week but I’ve been

    Traveling for more like nine days at this point um with no like off days so I don’t know I might try to plan an off day soon which won’t be a real off day I’m going to take it as a edit videos day so I’ll be doing a bunch of

    Editing um for Instagram and Tik Tok um but it’ll be a day of no movement a day in bed with hopefully food delivered to my door but we’ll see uh Bristol is kind of expensive so I probably won’t take an off day in Bristol it’d be nice to find a cheap hotel

    Where I could take it my off day Bristol’s kind of expensive so I need to think about it I don’t know what’s after Bristol I haven’t looked at the map on what way we’re going I forgot to look at the gas theater thing no do you think I could do that in a

    Hotel room or probably not I probably shouldn’t cuz yeah I packed it all up I forgot I said I was going to test it you would do that here okay we’ll do that here I’m so lazy today what the heck oh my gosh last night was a bit of

    A weird night I put my shoes in the tumble dryer I used up all my coins so while my shoes were in the tumble dryer I was like I’ll call hitch I’ll call Trevor so I was talking to Trevor while standing on the wet cement with no shoes

    On because it was too loud to hang out in the laundry room and I’m like wa it’s really cold my feet are like very numb but we had to walk I had to walk across all this gravel to like do things and I was so painful walking across all this gravel

    Last night but my shoes didn’t dry in the dryer they’re still wet so I brought them over to the radiator and I was just like walking to my tent with no shoes on in the grass in the mud I was like wow I’m really touching grass tonight I was so gross feeling

    All the mud and then I was like wait I finally got to a tent I’m like my feet are really wet I shouldn’t put these inside the tent so I tried to dry it with a little piece of tissue that I found in my

    Pocket last night was a bit of a a weird night yeah and then I woke up in a puddle bu new se/ Crocs the thing is I just mailed Crocs home on day one of this trip I used to cycle and Crocs but I was like okay my

    Feet are probably going to get cold if I cycle and Crocs because it’s not that warm out so I was like I think I should probably just mail them home since I have my big shoes my fans with me I was like I won’t use them on this trip

    They’re great for camping and stuff now I have some regrets about mailing my Crocs home they would have been very helpful last night so yeah regrets only one pair of canvas shoes in England yeah I’ve I think I’ve realized that I’ve made some mistakes oopsies uh what’s that store it’s called like

    Poshmark I think something like that they have like cheap clothes and shoes maybe I could find a cheap pair of something that’s lightweight to have in my bag I think it’s called Poshmark right or Primark Primark not Poshmark um Primark yeah Poshmark I don’t know maybe Posh

    Spice was in my head I don’t know I was close though I wasn’t too far off of oh Poshmark is a thing it’s a reselling app hey there you go all right guys I’m going to go change into my cycling outfit um you guys can play Ice

    Spy with the stuff behind me apparently that’s what you guys were doing yesterday when I would leave I’m going to go change my outfit and um yeah do you want me to leave Brian with you for for for for for for for okay how did I spy go anyone

    Win okay we’re not doing a heart r on today because I forgot to put it on I think we’re ready a bucket was spotted how good okay all right guys 5 years later we’re almost ready to go I don’t know where the real garbage

    Can is to put the trash I put it in a garbage here but there’s a sign on the trash can that said say uh please put General waste in main bins near The Pedestrian path but I don’t know where that is maybe this Sky will know hey do you know I accidentally put

    Garbage in this one do you know where the yeah yeah I put some in that one so to be fair yeah the other one is the other one’s like down there oh it’s way down there just where that where see that white soap in there yeah yeah it’s

    Like in that area Okay CU last night I put like all my stuff in there I was like oh I reck you right yeah I felt kind of bad I was like oops Yeah about to go the c or now yeah I got here last

    Night in the rain and I woke was raining at all yeah I woke up in a puddle this morning nice yeah my tent didn’t do a really good job T your bed get wet and everything so annoying dry around I ran out of coins I

    Was using it last night to try to dry my shoes cuz I was riding in the rain so yeah it’s taking me like 2 hours to pack up this morning because of all the yeah but I’m getting a hotel tonight so I’m going to like hang out all my stuff good

    Idea yeah are you traing all time that yeah pretty much yeah I like cycle through a bunch of different countries and show what it’s like yeah that’s cool yeah I was in the UK like N9 months ago and I got really lucky I only saw two

    Days of rain last time this time’s a little different yeah yeah I know it’s uh you’ve been all up the UK so far I nine months ago I started in Dover and rode to Plymouth and now I’m heading up to Manchester nice I’m from nothing might go we

    Goester you going to go over the um go go over the Peak District oh I have no idea it’s a bit hilly but I’d go the Peak District Peak District gorgeous it’s like the back it’s the back way to Manchester the back way it’s not it’s

    Not main roads uh is it like so that’s Nottingham if you go if you go from Nottingham then up to Manchester you go over that the national Peak District there the most one of the most beautiful places in the country hilly quite hilly yeah yeah yeah I just

    Finished like the Devon area and that was quite hilly yeah that is very up yeah so I was happy to get out of Devon are you blogging it so yeah I normally have it on my shoulder when riding so people can see different countries and join along yeah

    Cool yeah it’s been really good follow the ride yeah good yeah meeting with somebody that I met with doing the videos today in Bristol oh nice yeah so it’s going to be good Bristol yeah so I about half an hour hour yeah get okay thank yous yeah that was pretty

    Cool oh yeah I thought say Patrick’s day was yesterday I keep getting my days really mixed I know I didn’t even know I’m halfish should what yeah you should have in are you coming out I like not really I just I’ve just worked four days and four nights one after another yeah

    So now you’re ready for a break yeah I’m going to go there about go to the gym today got so much in the morning 11 all you do is wake up go to work and then go to bed be this job we got work in the cist Town Center oh we got doing

    A cycle Lane we putting on all the new cyc Lan cycle Lane W so we’re putting on cyc Lane so uh we can bit be we can only do certain parts of B night close the road yeah this week look for that work yeah time to

    Chill hopefully you can yeah what I have to I’ll Follow You you what you’re on Insta uh yeah I have Instagram do you know Twitch TV what like Twitch streaming yeah I use Twitch streaming for gaming is it similar to that yeah I’m on Twitch um

    But I do like you’re on in is your link on Twitch for insta yeah you’ll find it on Insta too look so it’s uh Sarah B water yeah that one and then the twitch link will just be down here yeah yeah I see that there yeah cool oh thanks for the

    Follow that’s right I always have someone on adventure yeah that’s cool yeah it’s a big going a little wet this time but yeah where you origin from sound like like New Zealand or Oh Canada Canada oh what no I’ll take New Zealand I love Canada I’d love to go I

    Want to go to Alaska to Alaska yeah I want to go gold mining gold mining that’s what do ground works for living so oh yeah she that be my dream to Gold out the ground okay yeah where I grew up they have like this little Heritage town

    Where you can do gold panning and stuff and try it out cuz apparently there’s lots of mines in that area where they used to do it nice yeah that’s good yeah it’s cold in Canada still right now when I left it was minus 20 the ice

    Yeah so it’s a little warmer here but it doesn’t feel much warmer yeah with the rain no it’s starting to come to Summer now I think another month we be right yeah been a really wet [ __ ] win though I heard like February apparently like every day I’ve never known it so so D

    Like it’s unreal oh yeah the guy that’s camping up there said he went to like the aisle of white and like you can’t even drive around it right now now cuz all the roads got washed out yeah but yeah if you’re off on your cyle to brist today stay hotel in brist yeah

    I’m going to stay um that makes sense two nights in the hotel to take some time off there so there’s a lot to do yeah yeah and then back on the road I go like most people in dream of doing what you’re doing yeah that’s true yeah

    It’s a good way to see countries cuz you kind of take your time you go through smaller areas not just like the hot spots so it’s good yeah how old sorry how old you uh 26 26 I had to think about it for a second 32

    32 yeah Al what you planning a few years doing this maybe and then just going to see when you enough I’m just going with the flo keep going to that’s it but’s getting open yeah my partner he does like the same thing he does hitchhiking

    No one yeah he’s been doing it for I think six years where is he now though uh he’s back in Canada at the moment how do you do that so long distance sorry how do you do so longdistance relationship we meet up every once in a while in different countries just cross

    Path yeah like we just crossed path in South Korea cuz he was starting a trip and I was already there so yeah we need to get better at spending more time last year was really bad we saw each other for two months out of 12 CU I like do it

    Yeah that was a bit mad yeah I just started this trip so you ared for bit yeah it’s only been like nine days all right fair enough yeah not missing no but yeah I had a couple months off for like Christmas and stuff yeah let you get your I’ve been taking

    My time this morning yeah nice meet yeah nice to meet you what are we doing for the birthday stream I don’t know I think we’ll be in Greece I hope it doesn’t R today okay we’re just going to fill these up and then we’re actually going to leave okay okay that goes there

    I need to grab a battery for my Phone um which I forgot see I need a battery for the phone okay let’s put these on for Cafe and I have money to buy treats this time so we should have more cat action doing so yeah we have coffee and cats so it’s going to be a good

    Day sorry I decided that I wanted to put my hair up to this cat breathe listen to It whoa he’s freaky look at him does he have eyeballs I don’t even know he’s freaky there’s a bunch of pretty fish up here though oh no he does have an eye it’s near the front of his face there oh that one’s bright fish there’s another eel down here easyy

    Swaggy I wasn’t ready for that challenge I’m glad you’re in chat also I need to be on the right side of the road guys please yell at me is that yellow path for bikes I think so yeah it is C around Trevor he’s surrounded by cat oh guys

    But yeah today’s going to be our first day I was going to postpone the trip because of weather um but the forecast yesterday I said like 80% chance of rain and it only rained for like a couple hours in the evening like on and off so I think instead of

    Wasting a bunch of time we’re going to try to get started um we should be coming back I think we’re back 10 out of 10 gravel is it hurts to walk on barefoot that’s all I know about this gravel all right let’s try this again okay I think I got everything

    Did I give her someone a shout out was that me who accidentally did that am I pressing buttons shout out we we Jeff did I also shout out Joe all right sorry I’m just slopping on some sunscreen all right there we go sunscreen’s on do quick Tissue okay ready I think what else am I forgetting tell us a story from your past what kind of story give me a topic and I’ll try to retrieve one from my brain oh I think I broke the Kimo map dang it okay I have to redownload the Kimo map what the

    Heck it’s rud of it okay any story but it’s hard to just think of a story you know like it’s easier if there’s like a theme or something to the Story a word my helmet’s wet we got a couple Jeffs in chat get the water out of my helmet can you see all the water coming out of it 2007 what year how old was I in 200 seven this helmet is soy wet okay we a bike my forehead’s

    Wet okay let’s get out here all right thank you 2007 can you guys tell me what things were going on in 2007 I think 2007 might have been when Hill Swift started making music how about story for the first time you met Trevor yeah I can do that

    Um the story of Trevor and I meeting it was 2020 I was in Medical School Trevor just moved to Victoria because Co hi should I go up this way sorry I forget where the gate is um and yeah it was Pete Co I was working in the hospital Hospital doing my

    Practicum we had no friends because we just moved to a new city when you can’t go out and meet people um you’re allowed a social bubble of two so I had one friend from my hometown that lived in Victoria so we would hang out and yeah one night we were drinking and

    We’re like let’s make each other’s tnder accounts um cuz he was a guy and I was a girl so we swapped phones and made each other’s accounts we picked out each other’s photos we collaborated on our captions and I didn’t really use it that seriously it was just more for fun so I

    Would like swipe through people a little bit how do I open this but I wouldn’t never talk to anybody I only talked to Trevor and one other pilot guy there’s a door over here how do you get this open keypad for gate uh but I don’t know the code hopefully this gate opens

    So yeah Trevor had some weird stories from all his travel so we ended up agreeing to meet for coffee we tried to go to a place called Discovery coffee CU it’s kind of famous in Victoria but it was closed because of covid so we ended up going to a coffee

    Shop called being around the world oh look at all those bugs um I can’t hold the bike and close this door I just did the biggest stretch to grab that okay I got it so yeah we went on a coffee date to being around the world we talked a lot about

    Travel Trevor thought I didn’t like him um because he was telling me about some plans that he had and basically I responded with cool have fun with that so he’s like oh she must not like me cuz she like shut down this conversation um so he wasn’t sure if I liked

    Him but that’s just me anyway he did ask me on a second date because he needed help find a TV cuz he didn’t have a car but I had a car so he’s like hey I need to pick up a TV if you help me I’ll buy you breakfast

    So I was like okay sure so it was a snowy day and that was our second day was picking up a TV and moving it into his apartment and then I never left let this okay on the road again so yeah it’s not a really fun meeting story but that’s what

    Happened I don’t think either of us were really looking for a relationship we just wanted to like kind of meet people but we ended up being Christmas buddies because we met 5 days before Christmas and we’re both going to be alone for Christmas so we got each other some gifts and spent it

    Together I think Trevor even streamed on that Christmas in the morning from the micro Suite all right we’re on the road much traffic for sure it’s a lot of traffic we’re a bus again yeah I think it comes in chunks the traffic Trevor did have a TV but yeah I was renting a

    Room in a house and my roommates were a couple and they were like the nicest couple ever I did really like them but I just kind of felt awkward um like third Wheeling at the couple’s house all the time so so I ended up spending more and

    More and more and more time at Trevor’s I was basically never at my own place anymore so I moved in really early to live with hedge like I forget it was like not that long until I moved in it was Trevor’s idea though okay from third to Second wheel yeah

    Hey what did Alex say that he’s getting the train woo Alex I just got on the bike see you in Bristol all right camping was absolutely horrifying I woke up in a giant puddle so the campsite was lovely and amazing but I did wake up in

    A puddle inside my tent so my sleeping bag’s wet sleeping pad’s wet everything is covered in mud we’re climbing the hill right now guys I know it probably looks flat but we’re climbing I made a lot of friends at the campsite we got a new follower on Instagram

    That open kitchen was really nice that saved the night really is the modem working or not the modem doesn’t charge but if it’s plugged into a battery it stays on it seems so it just constantly has to be plugged in as soon as it’s unplugged it’ll turn

    Off I’m just mad that the modem broke my favorite battery you just got back from a 35 km ride to watch me ride amazing I hope you had a good ride hopefully it wasn’t on a busy road like this was this the first time used the Super

    Tank on the trip or not this the first time I used the Super Tank on this trip but I was using the super tank when I was streaming in Canada so it’s been used recently o Paul 237 just gifted five Subs to the community thank you Paul for the five

    Gifted Subs thanks so much I appreciate it thank you the hill will get a lot steeper yeah I kind of see it changing up here hopefully it doesn’t get too steep cuz there’s no shoulder on this road it’s a lot of climbing today whoa good luck thank you lots of

    Cars I’m probably going to regret wearing as many layers that I’m wearing right now yeah the cars are flying down this road aren’t they yeah we don’t need a bug bug tyan today he’s streaming and maybe getting drunk for St Patrick’s Day all right here we go we’re climbing good all right

    You’re going to be on the guinnesses later Alex what’s on the schedule it’s awfully rude my chat just closed itself but I need two hands on the bike right now cuz I’m going so slow it’s hard to stay upright maybe I can do it oh no actually have to press a lot of

    Buttons I’m losing my second lane that’s gonna suck all Right all right rud I need to take off this sweater I definitely need more gears on this bike cuz I run out of Gears so easy so instead of doing like an easy p I really got to push with my muscles which makes it kind of hard for me all

    Right I’m so to here are you travel this road every day for 4 years but you’re in a car both TP modems are not working I’m one of my TP modems I think is broken cuz it just won’t stay on and then one of the TP motivs might not have data um

    Yeah but I don’t know how to know if it’s out of data or [Applause] not okay the layer is off maybe go data the one has unlimited data for sure and then the one that just got the V phone um I bought the wrong one and

    Instead it just works as soon as you put it in it only had 7 gab of data so I might have used that up in like an hour um so that one is probably out of data and I did not register it cuz it

    Said you just put it in and it should go um so yeah maybe some SPD pedals yeah I was almost going to buy some for this trip but I didn’t have the budget for it I ended up getting a new Bella box right before this trip so I felt like I

    Shouldn’t buy pedals and shoes but maybe next time I’ll upgrade toless pedals but yeah there’s these shoes that Rob CD wees that I really want cuz they look look like casual shoes but they also clip in Rob really likes them All right what of all the traffic it’s not ending this hill I going so slow up it I wouldn’t mind this so much if it wasn’t so busy I was pretty busy today holy okay let’s go slow my leg is running out of power though all right okay okay the UK drivers aren’t the best I’ve ever seen of giving space but some are better than others there’s a new

    Rule that you’re supposed to go cyclist 1.5 M when passing or you’ll get fined oh killing it thank you Marley good to see you how’s your building going I saw you digging in some mud yesterday ready for spring same it’s getting close we go in the sun I definitely agree with

    That I got stuck in the rain yesterday it was coming down really good and then it rained all night long and I woke up to an actual puddle in my tent somehow a bunch of water got in I feel like it’s possible to give me a meter when there’s two

    Lanes but some of these CS don’t even move over still oh you slipped in a tent last night or I did I think got confused Oh when is this going to stop it’s hard to stay upright when I’m going this slow I keep wobbling try to keep my balance up okay there we go it’s a little bit flatter there we go I don’t know if that was the end or

    Not but it just felt a bit flatter for us oh awwards uncore travel raided my stream with 726 views Awards travel raid welcome in Raiders looks like to in Vietnam amazing thank you for the raid welcome in everybody I’m Sarah I’m Sarah Welcome to The Bike Tour we’re on

    Day what day am I on 7 we’re on day seven of toour we’re heading up to Bristol our goal is to get to Bristol today we just packed up our tents and just got on the road we’re on a kind of a busier road right now looks like I have to turn that’s

    Going to be awkward huh this is going to be awkward how am I supposed to get over I have to do a right turn I just had to fullly stop I didn’t trust the cars okay the main road there we go I hope Tilla had a good stream did you guys

    Have fun in Vietnam connection to ttch hopefully it comes back oh no wonder what modem I’m connected to H let’s see if I can connect to a different modem connected to that one see if there’s internet on the other one doesn’t look happy why does this one not show up

    All right I should have all my modem they all say there’s internet sorry are we I think we’re live right now I think just my chat disconnected you have the vote of phone number can you send me oh I don’t think I do um I think I just had like the little SIM

    Card I threw out the packaging it wouldn’t be on the SIM card itself in my phone in my phone maybe I could get the number sorry I just keep losing chat should I do that put the Sim in my phone and see if I can get the number I don’t know uh oh

    It doesn’t like this road yeah you can let’s do I’ll try to get that sorted we’ll pull over by this trash can it’s hard cuz I can’t leave my bike on anything and I have to do this all with one hand um huh I wonder if there’s another house

    I’m just going to ride a bit see if there’s a fence I can lean my bike against okay let’s get the SIM card out think it’s in there this one yeah okay what did guys internet is not having it okay oh there’s water in the back of my phone would you imagine

    That okay I just need to open up the SIM card tray which I use my earring For okay SIM card tray go there for now as a streamer you really need like four arms you never have enough hands to do everything okay put that SIM card in and then where do you get your phone number okay I sent it I don’t know where to find the phone

    Number if I go to settings and maybe if I just search phone phone phone number oh nope okay I got to go into privacy guys I have to call this number I think actually yeah let me check settings one more time about phone okay I think I got got to do the phone

    Number thingy it has my Canadian number saved in it it seems all right we’re going to play clips for a couple minutes I’m going to get the phone number send it to my mod um [Applause] For but there’s lots of cute cats here I see the one I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff sorry one sec see Sarah gave a dollar to a cat yesterday I gave like I don’t know how many dollars to people at a wait what

    Was it uh rocking sex show yeah we had different evenings our evenings were a little different well hi guys welcome to day one of port BG touring um today is the first official day of the bug tour we did like a short stream yesterday of unpack I guess it needs to be registered

    I don’t know if I have to pay for it um we’re back all right I might have to register it register sorry guys we’ve been having some funky fresh um Tech problems recently um yesterday I plugged a modem into a battery and it started to smoke so I almost exploded a battery

    Last night at the campground that was interesting for sure and um one of my other modems just like will not turn on unless I press really hard on the power button then it turns on so yeah some weird things have been going on and then last night my phone wouldn’t

    Charge because there was water in the port so I had to like go into the washroom and use the little hand dryer and stick my phone under the hand dryer for a while until I could charge my phone last night was interesting that’s for sure sure but the battery didn’t explode but

    It was acting wild cuz like I unplugged everything and normally the battery like the screen on it goes black when it’s not being used but it kept flashing like it was still being used I’m like oh my God the power’s going nowhere the power’s going inside the battery it’s

    For sure going to start a fire um but yeah I did like a long hold and reset on the battery and it finally stopped freaking out it didn’t explode last night it’s in my bag now but yeah it was acting Wild ride the bike and ride it into

    Porto and check out the city currently cats in Japan like P patting like patting them and they they were they were loving it is just depend on the C I don’t know we are a side work carage bush um Trevor I sent you the security code I don’t know maybe you didn’t get

    It maybe I didn’t send better now sorry guys I think I sent it hopefully he’s got it okay we’re trying to get more modems going oh you didn’t get it what let me try to send it one more time I just don’t have much internet here and it doesn’t like to send things

    On Discord cuz yeah I just don’t have enough internet to send the message connect you got it all right that took a while all right guys let’s bike a little bit I can come here cuz maybe he’ll spit me back a little bit can Canada yeah I’m on um a bike tour so

    Cycling from Tokyo to Saka yeah well at least it feels cold when I’m not moving my legs looks like we’re getting more rule don’t fall in the pothole that’s the main goal all right maybe when when I turn it’ll get better turning down this road okay okay hi I got chat

    Back um I don’t know if I missed anything from a mod sorry about the internet guys I don’t know if you can hear me oh there’s the airport we’re by airplanes maybe that’s why the internet’s all so bad all right towards the airport ples let’s go I see some taking off in the

    Field guys can you see me are we live at the moment um um CU I got chat back finally but I’m not sure what our status is oh you can see all Right if dark green just resubscribed for 15 months hey how’s it going sarab 48 egy hey thank you ever dark for the res I appreciate it we’re doing okay today I did wake up in a puddle that wasn’t super fun but we’re going to go to Bristol meet up

    With Alex so I’m excited for that I can hear planes taking off yeah my tent got flooded I wasn’t in a really good spot I was kind of on um a bit of a slope so everything in my tent was wet like the sleeping bag’s wet sleeping pad completely

    Soaked but I kind of slept good last night even though I was lowkey getting wet um cuz the rain started at like 11: or 11:30 and I turned on a movie to like help me fall asleep turn off the brain and I didn’t even get like past the

    Intro and I fell asleep and I woke up again it was still pouring rain zipped up my sleeping bag a bit more I turned on another Disney movie didn’t make it past the intro either just what just read out the pen oh Trevor sent me a pen where yeah it’s like 20 days

    Yeah um it’s been like a month mon yeah very hard uh it’s yeah it’s hard with old phone I think okay there we go what do I need to do l next Mon and you okay we’re logging in and then I think I just need to buy unlimited data plants okay PL

    It’s so slow come on guess I can take my sunglasses off plans can I change my Plan H count dashboard top up my credit maybe that’s where I go okay let me press the button I don’t know if it’s just not loading or what value oh how does this work top off value I have to select it but there’s no options this is taking a while

    I think I have to put in the phone number but I feel like I should know the phone number okay put the number and maybe it’ll let me pick a plan okay plans I can only do up to 30 lbs that can’t be right there’s no Unlimited for oh that’s some good tongue

    Oh oh I want to show I want to show the cat one sec you done all right what a start that was a crazy start to tour I think the first day of tour just brings chaotic energy that’s my theory I’m sticking to that first day is chaotic we just walk through a

    Farm okay oh wow Here Comes This one I here he comes I will open the gate for okay um because you can go there not on there no no okay and then I can get out okay okay thank you I open the gate thank you so much it was a gas station person

    Oh why won’t it let me pick it continue continue [Applause] for [Applause] for oh my God okay processing processing okay the payment got approved I don’t know if it’s working now or not test put for but I took my money but it doesn’t work I’m confus all

    I don’t know if you guys are with me or not the strug all right taking out CH modem and hopefully things improve with us all right SIM card going in modem earing back in holy hope my money all right I broke the stream for that photo but it’s good

    Okay all right it looks like there’s internet on it let’s plug her in my God Trevor and it kind of looks like a little bit gold or like bronze that this belt that’s insane and the textures of the clothes for okay modem internet’s not happening please do a dive maybe they’re just posing

    There’s a turtle I need to ditch my bike I need a turtle there’s a turtle goodbye bike I don’t need you anymore I need a turtle come here oh my God there’s a turtle he’s eating grass look at him my goodness Turtle I’m going to go play kep turning all

    Right guys I just decided to get going because I don’t know what to do I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m next to the airport while also being on a farm but yeah I paid for 40 or like 40 lbs for unlimited data and it doesn’t seem to be

    Working I paid so much for UK internet on this trip is kind of insane so hopefully that actually starts to work but yeah I guess I should have been messing around with the internet over here because it took like five minutes for a single page to load all right but hopefully the internet

    Stays connected now I’m supposed to be meeting Alex around like 3:00 but now I feel like I’m going to be late I thought it’d be an easier ride to Bristol today cuz it was only like 18 km but I think I was wrong he yeah hi we found the bike PA

    Okay we got a group what am I doing I think we are going this way I feel like I’m on zft all right let’s see how long we can keep keep up with them my pound my bike is 100 lb so we’ll see do some drifting yeah they’re all in like C

    All Let’s see we can still see them ask me about the end of the CHP probably okay I can still see them they’re definitely outpacing me by a bit though pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal I’m trying they’re probably not trying that hard I’m like giving it my all all

    Right stay with me Friends okay it’s just a fun challenge to try to keep up with them I won’t be able to do it for long we’re packing a bit more I can still see two of them the other two have disappeared though but we’re a group of how many how many people are with me right

    Now they got a bigger group than them 700 hey we’re a big ride oh no they’re gone did they turn or did I just fall that far behind they’re gone okay how did I lose them that fast sad I was trying do you think we turn or did I fall behind

    Okay it’s a climb to [Applause] Bristol I don’t think it’ be too climby today but I was wrong all right they’re never really there just my imagination oh no we got more bikers Hey we might got past a bit I feel like I’m in W though he I got new people to try to chase Brom Brom Brom vroom vroom come back friends come back okay they’re gone I tried oh I see they’re around the other corner right on yeah they when ons sft you get little thumbs ups that say ride on I think I deserve some there I’m going to Splash by a car it’s so wet okay they’re

    Gone they’re out of here oh wait no they’re right there hey we caught up oh no I’m joining where are you off to uh heading to Bristol today yeah sorry oh from Plymouth to Manchester oh good work yeah and then off to Greece I’ll let you

    Go right best of luck yeah thank you bye oh I turned the wrong way I followed my friends uhoh I caught up I got caught up with a crowd ah I need to do a uturn please hold take the next left okay next left okay we’re going to turn left Here we’re a bus he saw that coming we wait for the red lights maybe I shouldn’t waited for the red light I don’t know if we trigger this L cuz we’re not a bus all right we missed our turn I mean we got enough passengers to call

    Ify sometimes we like to role play as a bus all right so I got caught up with my friends that was exciting I’ve never been in a group with so many bikers I think oh yeah the Root’s just up here we’re in a Turn down the street oh my Lord oh my Lord I don’t want this to be my route are you freaking kidding me why is this my route I need those friends I need a push I don’t have enough gears to get uphills like this 100 lbs pushing up a hill it’s arm day

    Today okay you have gears I only have 11 gears so no most bikes have a lot more gears than that I was toying on Trevor’s bike and he had like 42 okay maybe not 42 but he had a lot of Gears compared to this bike I’m quite limited it’s slippery

    I want to get another one I need to do some research on how to change it and see if I could get to a a cathlon and get my cassette taped over changed over oh my God okay that was fun I don’t like this road it’s flooded um no not fully flooded okay

    Okay all right just up that hill was bad all right bit wet okay oh there’s a cout there is lots of bikes out here hi horsey that’s a popular day for riding holy everyone’s out with their friends riding on the Sunday it’s wild I’ve never seen so many people out for a weekend

    Bike with the friends yeah it’s cool Trevor and I don’t even do that when we’re back home all right all right I was not prepared for the climbs today I thought it was going to be easy a little jolt up to Bristol no worries holy I was wrong it’s

    Hil I thought it was supposed to be all downhill from the airport feel like I hear the main road again somewhere up in front of me okay Alex gets the Bristol around three who do you think’s going to get to Bristol first me or Alex good practice for Greece yeah that is

    True we are warming up for Greece oh my God I swall the bug oh oh my God Hur down my throat holy there’s a bug on my UV L yui what is it called oh my God is this Bristol w I’m about 4.5 km oh really I’m surprised

    Okay oh but we got to climb a hill morning Sage how are you okay we slowed down oh you know what I forgot I forgot to test the camp stove at the campsite I have one more good climb into the city okay you’re not sure yet you just got up oh that’s fair

    But it’s Sunday hopefully it’s a chill weekend okay I’m turning here I need to drink some water cuz there’s a bug in my throat and I’m not vibing with that it’s 7 a.m. here in BC oh wow early what are you guys all doing up so early all right we’re turning

    Right I think I’m just going to cycle on the road that guy switched over to the road so yeah we’ll cycle on the road you’ve been up all night watching Tua now us we did get a tuula raid today we got an awkward travel raid that was really nice I was having major

    Internet problems when the raid came through so I don’t know if anyone’s still here from the ID travel raid yeah my internet we’re beside a farm and it was not it was not the best now you had a few drinks last night now your body is punishing you it’s St Patrick’s Day today

    I don’t know if Alex and I are going to get any drinks but I think Alex and I are going to go out for a nice dinner tonight with you guys as well Alex and I have some plans we’re supposed to meet up at the hotel around

    3 and then and I need to dry all my camping stuff I woke up in a puddle this morning uh the rain got inside my tent so everything I own is wet and muddy so I really need to dry it all out so my hotel room is going to be covered with

    Tents hopefully it’ll all get really dry and nice before we start biking again but yeah there was so much rain last night it was a bit intense all right there’s so many bikes out in this area holy it’s good to see I’m impressed is this my last climb it’s been a hilly day

    Today I’m guessing this doesn’t count as a climb okay smells like some good food down here everyone’s in like CRA it’s like the tight bike clothes everyone’s on Speed Racer bikes I should have wor my cycling shorts today no rain today well it was raining this morning the rain didn’t stop till like

    9:00 so the stream started pretty late today cuz yeah I was not leaving my tent until that rain was done I like her make you go faster I don’t think it applies to touring bike since my piers are like super thick I don’t think it helps us out too much being like red

    I slept okay it was pouring rain last night so yeah my tent had a puddle in it when I woke up everything was soaked but I didn’t get that cold last night I put those little heating pads in my socks and those felt really nice I never realized how good those

    Work I want some more I’m still wearing them because my shoes are wet so I have like two pairs of socks on heating pads just so my feet aren’t wet try to have a barrier between me and my shoe cuz I did get my shoes dried last

    Night um but I had them outside my tent like underneath the tent fly and somehow my shoes were in a puddle in the morning so they’re really wet again some fast Racers today look at all these bikes quite insane hello oh I don’t think I can make that I is very popular cycle

    Route well car should be used to bikes here something’s squeaking on my bike what did I break I think we’re following the cars right is that a bike path I’m okay I’m a little soggy but I’ll be okay cuz we’re getting a hotel for the next couple of

    Days oh does the bike path end I think it goes up here where does it go weird is it just Shad of pedestrians yeah just goes back on the Road about to enter Bristol City Limits all right let’s go Bristol I’m not sure what these tires on they’re the stock tires that came with the Riverside 520 Tour Bike from the cathlon but they’re good yeah just beside you thank you oh I do all right there we

    Go maybe I should be on the road now okay we’re entering Bristol end of rout okay welcome to Bristol we made it okay so we’re meeting Alex around 3 so we’re probably going to head towards like the hotel and stuff I passed the sign of Bristol did I I didn’t see it

    Sad so it’s 2:18 will you be able to move north yeah uh like around Manchester okay we’ve done 16 .9 km oh small okay so we have a bit of time before we can like check in into the hotel um so we can maybe get coffee or something go around town a

    Bit and then I’ll try to check into the hotel start start drying out all my stuff and then Alex should find us oh you’re shy on camera that’s okay if you just come by and say a little hi you don’t even have to be on camera

    I wonder if the Voda phone SIM is working or not I just paid 40 lb for vone um data and it took my money but I don’t think it’s actually working I forget what I think I put it in Sarah too let’s see if it connects I just want to

    See what it’s up to that’s quite a bit of money if it doesn’t work yeah I don’t think it’s working it just says connected without internet there’ll be a outside Cafe at the bridge you’ll be Crossing oh perfect let’s go get a coffee all right let’s go guys let’s go get coffee coffee

    Coffee I’m just going to avoid these cars and and jump up here for a second are we going across the suspension bridge or is it just a different Bridge oh I have to be one with the cars okay we do oh wow look at her B

    She’s been on some mudy Trails do I look like that did you guys see the back of her Joy after this car okay and then we’re turning okay boing St going It’s a bumpy road this is my last climb all right oh my God I feel like that car almost touched me so we got to work for the coffee God this is not good how H how how far is this just going to let all these cars go and then we’ll start biking

    Again that white car why I need more gears oh my God my bike sucks after this car right oh my God that sucks I’m got to take that right I’m just absolutely dead okay oh my God I need better gears on this bike I was pushing as hard as I could to

    Do like one pedal at a time holy it’s so hard to stay upu right okay I can’t tell if there’s any traffic coming so yell yell Yello Oh my God that sucks I’m not okay yeah I wish I could do little zigzags but with the cars beside me they barely

    Can get past me so I was trying to stay as close to the side as I could but I was like kind of wobbling all around e yeah I’m not in cycling shape yet slaggy my legs I lost every single single I lost every single muscle that I got we’re starting from Ground Zero okay I’m done Complaining everything is awesome everything is great okay I’m done cing let’s Spike that was a bit of torture Yeah people are complaining about the roads in grease like online when I was like looking up the cycle routes but I feel like it can’t be worse than the roads here of like how busy the traffic is and how Nar the roads are someone’s like oh there’s no shoulders and grease so we’ll

    See we have wor infrastructure L grease I don’t know cuz I haven’t been yet we’ll find out in a couple weeks we’re still climbing I thought we were done I want to go to Scotland because of the wild camping but yeah I heard that it might be hilly

    When I get back to the main road I’ll be done and I can get coffee okay coffe hopefully I’ll sleep all tonight I’m going to be in a real bed tonight too but yeah I need to figure out where I should get my bike upgraded and see how expensive it is

    Cafe will be on right oh okay holy this SMS a climb we can test out some Scottish Hills how bad are they let let this car go stay on the right side and walk by bike to it like right up here is this the main road

    I think I look like I’m in this state okay well that’s is hopefully done okay we’ll walk it oh my God I can’t feel my legs my legs are Jell when driving up there they seem big maybe I have to do Scotland after I finish Norway Trevor and I were really surprised because they’re like ah when you get to the first the cath on probably in Bristol you can upgrade your bike but there’s there isn’t one here oh here’s the the

    Bridge or is it like right here I need to fix my nose oh my gosh people’s backs are just covered in mud there’s some bikers that passed us they don’t have fender and they are absolutely covered in mud is it this one I feel dead inside this is it

    Okay cardi we got to go to cardi for the cathon I feel dead inside some Zoom juice let’s park the bike where’s my bike lock I sat just like next to the bike but whatever you right yeah do you take card here yeah uh can I get a flat white with oatmeal yeah

    Good set up got yeah a long ride yeah I am where you going um I’m going from Plymouth to Manchester okay and then Greece to Croatia Greece to Croatia nice yeah I was here last year and I crashed my bike in Plymouth so I had to come back for my bike before

    Going to Greece oh I see oh so you left your bike yeah which it’s really hard to get your bike out of Plymouth I’ve learned there’s no airport no there’s not no so how long how long you can of Do It um it’ll be like a few months

    Yeah I’m only on day seven right now the weekend feeling all right oh I just finished climbing the hill up here I can’t feel them currently but I knew there was a cafe up here I was like okay yep that’s what keeps you going yeah why Croatia and Greece um I was

    Looking for somewhere warm this time of year I did Portugal Spain last time this year so I wanted to go a regular thing you often yeah go for a bit go home then go back yeah where is that uh Canada Canada yeah anything else for you uh I think that’s everything right

    Now there you go okay is it just with this I don’t think my cards like to tap but I’ll try that’s okay you can insert it that’s oh on this yeah 360 that one do you want to try the insert first yeah I think so Bloom just subscribed that’s good okay okay

    Perfect yeah I just now I see it all right thank you thanks sit down for a little bit all right thank you blo for the sub let’s go sit at the table buy our bike no toe clips uh I want to upgrade but I didn’t have the budget for it where should we

    Sit we sit here I do not I might need another coat because we’re a bit sweaty okay one sec all right let’s go like this we got a coffee then we’re going across a suspension bridge it looks like I want to take a little video on my

    Phone I’ll be right back guys need a cute little video okay we just finished climbing we got a copy from this little place here and then we’re going across it was quite the C yeah we got a nice little table and a coffee okay do I look at okay feel like I’m a

    Tomato yeah okay that was a climb I’m not like in touring shape for sure that shouldn’t have been as bad as it was um yeah that was a climb the shop looked like they know what they’re doing this one a coffee shop sorry you miss this up did

    I no I said Thank You blooms Bloomer thank you for the sub do you ever ache the next day weirdly no I don’t know how I don’t you think I would be really sore for some reason my butt never gets sore on the saddle that I have it’s just a generic

    Saddle that came off the tandem bike but it works really well for me thank you Claire should we walk or should we ride across the bridge I think let’s walk across the bridge so we can take our time and stop and then it’s almost time to check

    In to the hotel and then Alex should be getting here soon the timing worked out pretty good today it took me just like 2 hours to pack up my tent this morning the tent was a bit soggy yeah I’ll probably try to take some photos or maybe someone will take some

    Photos for us on the bridge as well oh yeah I forgot to post yesterday a lady saw I was trying to take photos with my bike and she ended up taking a bunch for me I forgot to post them on Instagram I’m going to post those right now on my

    Story cuz they turned out kind of cute oops think maybe this one’s better yeah all right it’s posted on my Instagram story um I also took some other good photos yesterday I’m going to post a couple so I forgot to last night um let’s upload this one and let’s upload this one okay

    All right if you check out the Instagram there will be some photos the first ever bungee jump was off this bridge like the first ever in the world that’s a wild fact it’s really bright we got to get our glasses okay it’s bright bunge was invented on this bridge that’s

    Insane if someone RS to tell a fun fact that’s going to be my fun fact oh the sun’s out I just realized guys the sun’s out I had to take a picture to prove it Clifton suspension bridge oh that’s what it’s called fullest glasses ever thank you

    Thank you they’re like $5 glasses from I think Taiwan I think I bought those when I was there 1979 all right um okay I haven’t heard from Alex in a while so he’s probably still on the train I think he’ll probably message once he’s in Bristol and we can coordinate meeting up

    You have a chance your shoes might dry right now oh yeah my stocky shoes the outsides are dry now but the insides might still be a bit wet I have two pairs of socks on currently and I have those little heating pads on the toe of my foot so I can’t

    Feel that my shoes are wet cuz I got a good barrier but they might still be a bit soggy they’re also very muddy I think this tour will be the last tour of these shoes I keep destroying shoes on tour oh he’s heading into the hotel now

    Okay I don’t know how far I am from the hotel I’m almost done this coffee then we’ll go yeah we played Crazy Golf last time with Alex I won actually we played Crazy Golf a couple times with Alex you in the UK last summer London was

    Amazing yeah I I like London a lot we did one day in London last time we did a walking stream and it went like so smooth it was really a nice complete day in London we went up The Shard building thanks to Trevor 9999 he booked us to go up the

    Tower so that was fun okay trying to get like every last sip of coffee do you have PayPal so I can donate the Donate thing through twitch goes to PayPal okay how crazy making sure there’s no bugs on our face okay ready to go across the suspension bridge throw this out

    Yeah we got a biker Gang this is an IRL stream we are very IRL at this moment I’ve been outside sleeping I’ve been walking in the grass with no shoes on in the mud I was touching so much grass yesterday um I’m trying to figure out should I hold you guys oh no cuz I have to hold

    My bike okay sorry you guys will be on my shoulder if you’re crooked when I’m walking just let me know that the camera needs adjusting cuz hopefully we can get some clips of us walking across the bridge here um what else do I need to do put this away

    I guess we did all the climbing so we could go across the suspension bridge I think that’s why we ended up climbing Seems is the connection okay for you guys like the internet cuz my chat just keeps turning on and off right now you can always come back tomorrow without the bike for pictures oh yeah I guess we could do that tomorrow if we’re close by all right let’s walk

    Yeah I’m going to take a couple pictures here at the base of it that’s a video it’s the bridge the suspension bridge okay we just got to take a couple selfies just since we’re here oh you can’t see it the lighting is backwards oh no okay we got to come back

    Tomorrow for the photos all right whenever I try to take a photo it lights up my face and then the background um gets really washed out oh so we go on the other side one Way okay I think we got to go on this side walk across I’m trying to there’s some traffic wait wait what way are we supposed to go I got stuck it all right here we go there’s a cycopath I want to take my time and walk across the bridge I don’t

    Want to bike across it we want to enjoy it so we’re going to stop here and take some pictures I’ll make sure to post these on Instagram as well for you guys that’s my face feel like my camera could potentially be a bit blurry because it is a bit uh

    Monkey so this explains why we climbed that massive Hill to get into Bristol doesn’t it we’re quite up high it is Pretty well they side is better view well we’re going to be hanging around Bristol for the next couple days so I’m sure we can walk across this bridge again and go on the other side but it’s one way traffic rocks all right there’s a cute little building up

    There so where do people bunge jump from that would be a no for me I’m thinking let you go yeah all right look at this I don’t think Alex likes Heights so I’m not sure if Alex go across the bridge with me or not the road below is flooded this week

    Due to the water level oh no way I’ve heard it’s been rainy recently oh I see the other side does have a nice view of like the city maybe I’m sure we’ll go past it or we can just do a couple loops around the bridge I wonder like who came up with bungee

    Jumping that is quite the insane idea oh Trevor just bunge jumping for 1:00 I’m sure Alex is going to love that I was going to think that’s a brilliant idea I don’t know if fit through here what do guys bungee jump off this bridge cuz I think I would definitely

    Like a Skydive before I would go bungee jumping more views no no no we got mostly nose in chat I don’t think I could bunge jump you would love to Irish you’re crazy I would Skydive first before bunge jumping cuz at least you’re attached to someone and

    Like I don’t know they they kind of push you out with them I don’t think I could like jump off the ledge if I was Bungie jumping all right well that was the suspension bridge you guys have fun depends on okay I’m going to pull over up here

    Cuz I don’t actually know where I’m going okay let’s continue it’s nice and sunny oh what the heck it’s beautiful out oh I can’t fit in that only smell children can we’re getting ice cream so you can see are we still live just okay I think we’re

    Back I wasn’t sure if it was a modem or if something else died cuz it kind of seemed to just cut off really fast we just need to get across this road somehow I think I’m going to cross with this group alation oh lovely maybe we should go through the park why

    Not my M’s suppos be like S no the do’s so adorable look at her oh cute no way really like all right then we’ll turn down this way I just thought it’d be more fun to go through the park instead of the sidewalk Alex is there okay I don’t know

    How far away I am from the hotel but Alex Alex is there we got to go meet up with him okay we’re not far okay good let’s go find Alex it’s already three that’s kind of crazy doesn’t it’s been that long of a day I did start the stream around like 10 I

    Think quite a late start okay the hotel’s probably not far if I actually cycle but I’m just been walking this whole thing so it’s probably going to be far connection issues I have no idea what is happening with the internet I just paid 40 lb for voto phone and it doesn’t work

    Like it took my money but it’s saying I don’t have any Internet so that’s really upsetting and then my new modem that I just used for the first time yesterday um made a fire in my back battery yeah and yeah everything kind of went downhill yesterday I would say how

    Do you cross the street um I think I’m going or am I going straight oh no we’re going straight okay I was need across this street somehow if we just did this like normal humans probably would have been better but we did it super weird okay

    Am I going down this street did I not need to what I think I’m going Down this street but I’m on the wrong side of the road oh my Lord okay I did this so backwards should I start riding my bike is it like a far walk but not a far bike ride I have a feeling that that’s might be the Scenario I just did a lot of nonsense for no reason I paid like 200 lb for data so far in the UK something like that I feel oh now there’s cars oh it’s Herby here I’m Kirby is that his name I think it is okay let’s get on the

    Road or is it Kirby no it’s Herby what sh is in the TP Link uh vone in smarty I have my International e Sim in the new modem but I bought unlimited data for both of those SIM cards the only mod that seems to be working is GIF Gaff I

    Think cuz yeah set up those two SIM cards Smarty And gift gap for unlimited data but once we’re inside I think we’ll take a look at everything um oh gift GFF wasn’t oh what was gift GFF I thought it was unlimited or maybe I just bought the biggest plants

    H okay maybe I did get it confused you got 15 gigs oh no I went online and I changed the plan I’m pretty sure cuz I ended up buying one and I think I changed the plan but maybe maybe I didn’t I feel like I’m just

    Confused I have to log into it and see where am I going I think we’re going down down here oh nope we’re not going down here we’re going down here I think I lost count on my u-turns we’ve done so many at this point okay then what am I doing up here

    Um I don’t know what I’m doing this is weird and then that way we’re going around the roundabout okay all right there’s a bike lane yeah we’re definitely in the city now looks like there’s construction up here as well so the bike lane is blocked off but maybe it comes

    Back green I think I can go I don’t know w A bike plane okay going into privacy mode soon privacy all right I’ll see you guys later I got to go find Alex Yep this is Good hi baby there’s also a button I wonder if this button Works what if it’s like a bowl and it like tries to knock you off did you sze a little just a little sneeze look it’s our child you all right oh no it throws up I’ll accept it you want a

    Cuddle I haven’t even seen you before look at that one oh I see you this one has such a squished face hi I need to change the camera angle down yeah but yeah if you guys weren’t here last night I accidentally booked a dinosaur themed love

    Hotel and this is it they lock you inside your room so you can’t leave you have to call reception with this like oldfashioned phone and ask to be let out the only problem is they only speak Japanese and I only speak English so communication through a telephone to get out of your

    Room has been challenging distinctly not interested in that for that moment maybe we need k I’ve never seen it so disinterested no yeah they’re cleaning the machine maybe should I go get food I’ll wait for love you after that yeah I’ll let her finish cleaning it and

    We’ll go get some treats I got my two dollies today oh you you’re mm and the one in the bed’s just looking be like what happened ow it bite you it thought I was a tree hi baby you’re my favorite wow that’s hurtful to all the

    Other cats I mean you didn’t even give it a treat though yeah I did oh you did okay I thought that one got ignored no okay look at him I love I feel like I’m steal I love Sun why you sneeze want a ham see I don’t know who these D

    Are oh my God oh my God oh my God we’ll go we’ll go hopefully it’s fine to have a camera oh no it says no we I can spoon my bike really yeah no yeah now he’s getting up he’s on his knees oh there we go Sandy it so squ

    They were more active last night were they yeah you’re still morning for them yeah I’m still waking up it’s only one only one sheesh I just spilled my coffee I tripped on my shoes I I have to go pay for my stuff last night cuz second floor is where the

    Reception is I think they made her call good morning we hope you enjoy the breakfast and wish you a wonderful day look at that I think that’s what it says on this side but they wrote in English for me cute yeah no it’s fine I was having problems

    So did you fix it yeah I just updated the Bell box oh perfect I don’t know why this one yeah say hi K made it I made it I ran I was like doding people no it’s really busy here yeah are you head um today I H out down here Oh get in there it’s good stuff isn’t it you want like a little bit more yeah get it get it some more water she’s just balancing cute there’s a girl coming CH I feel like the cl’s not even big enough to get back That is rude she said here you

    Can I can go yes yes okay one was here yesterday as well yeah there’s there’s even more I think some of them are hiding that one has short little legs yeah cats are always sleepy sure thanks I was going to say dinner’s on me but maybe dinner is on you guys we did

    Meet the wine and D go so thank you thanks for dinner my butt’s soggy now I got soggy Bud can I go this way I might have to go out this way am I allowed on this road why did I get H that I don’t know if I’m allowed on this road you can’t bike on the highway well that’s Lovely isn’t it look at this one’s paw

    See they like the butt PS all right you’re so fluffy all right um next time don’t buy the food buy the deer okay hi Gess hello I don’t have anymore look at the baby at the baby you want to sniff their face what are all these noises oh it’s it’s the food Tat can First Swim you look so little I wonder if it’s a baby or if it is just the size is this a hippo what are you is it a micro hippo he’s so little do you guys know the Canadian hippos he’s basically that size I think he’s itching his nose on the

    Wall look at his little feet how long can you stay under there are they doing donuts donuts oh Oh I thought they crashed I think I missed the ASMR can I record your ASMR e that no sir sir thank you for that audio thank you everyone loves ASMR right okay bye oh

    You got good little nods jerk uhoh uhoh no I don’t have anymore no no no no I don’t want to start a cat fight I think I might start a cat fight here for you put some yogurt on hitch I should have I think you guys got it

    All actually gentle you didn’t use your claws I appreciate that but I really like this stock it’s so soft W you can jump makes sense the shot of his mouth little tail oh her the heck this might be my first dog encounter hi hello no First dog they got eggs I don’t know if we’re going to get any but I just wanted to come in hi um I can’t bike on the highway can I no no don’t you uh I go open the gate the gug yeah yeah okay um because you can go

    There not on there no no okay and then I can get out okay okay thank you I open the gate thank you so much is gas station person okay might as well ride the bike over yeah there’s a bunch of steam coming out C why he’s laying down it kind of reminds

    Me of a dog just eating grass I don’t know if you guys can see him he’s so cute I I’ll tell thisai Kawaii Kawai pink yeah okay is it is it a show or a show this stage no no yeah yeah this is it just this okay sorry that’s okay I wasn’t

    Sure what this was there’s Turtles oh my God no look at whoa there’s giant turtles here oh my goodness that’s crazy oh my gosh that’s huge okay that’s really cool did he just eat a fish I think you just had a snack there’s one like right out the glass

    Here wow it’s like as big as a human this favorite cat we got this one we got the pumpkin spice cat over there that has a bow we have the other Short Cat we have the locker cat there’s a few cats I think I like the pumpkin spice cat most your own he’s

    Playing he wasn’t playing with me everything’s pumpkin spicy says yeah the cat’s pumpkin SP has an orange bow on a really Prett tatto favorite that’s fair want will they take it you just hold it out oh my God I’m a Disney princess oh my gosh I’ve never done this really kit oh my

    Gosh oh my gosh oh yeah now the eggs I’ll smell eggs now s did they have a cat when cat wheel I don’t know what that is oh I know our preview Let’s see we currently lost connection that might be because that isn’t connected to the Wi-Fi said it

    Switched okay there’s your preview 6K bit rate that’s not bad and I’m pointing at things apparently hi guys what up with Alex did you have your microphone on you we didn’t check that yeah I got a mic I think it’s blinking red yeah one second we’re doing

    Good I don’t have a chat phone so I have no idea what anyone say wait hang on I’m stealing the chat phone I stole it hi hi hi sorry that took a little bit longer than expected I got lost you got lost yeah we had a

    Race yeah the reason I look as worn out as Sarah is that Sarah got to use the lift I had a lift a bike up okay okay okay but Sarah got to use the lift I didn’t Sarah won as well barely yeah you’re rubbing off on me apparently

    According to the mods that you know having a race running around getting lost really yeah that’s what saggy said Oh I thought I was going to teach you like a sense of direction but it’s kind of going the other way now I’m getting lost I need to figure out where I put

    The little dead cat um what sorry why is tur on the little fluffy thing is called a dead cat according to Trevor right I thought there’s a proper name for those in the audio industry and I can’t think what they are de cat they cat Okay Okay this mic is not turning on

    Maybe I didn’t charge do you need other batteries one sec uh yeah this one won’t smoke and set on fire this one go on fire yeah but the cable’s rated to 140 Watts so if you somehow manage to exceed that I’ll be terrified and this one tells you I think

    I got that one on a recommendation from Trevor I you bought me one of these I think or did I buy my own I don’t know I own one of these does that mean it’s charging yeah I think it’s charging nice and this one’s charging I think we’re on this one is it

    Charging there’s battery dead I mean there’s no no no no okay I think we’re charging we’re charging we’re charging hi all right we made it to the hotel welcome to the hotel of Bristol yeah yeah it was a journey to get here today why was it so

    Hy I mean someone wanted to go see a bridge true all right everyone saying hi to Alex um we had some plans today yeah um they’ve mostly gone out the window no what plan one was to get to Bristol okay we did plan two was to get into the

    Hotel we nearly didn’t do that but we did um Plan Three was get dinner we haven’t done that plan three and a half was go to wake the tiger yeah that’s probably not going to happen we’ve got half an hour is that it oh okay but you can do a

    Shout out so everyone can go and Google it and see what amazing you how amazing it would have been to see it I don’t think we’ll make it how far is it longer yeah okay we’re not going to wake the Tiger but hopefully we can still get

    Dinner but if you Google Bristol wake the tiger I thought it would be a really good Sarah experience but then you know it would have been for today but we didn’t get here yesterday yeah so that was slow someone wanted to sleep in a w tent for some reason have some

    Regrets yeah okay well we don’t have that many plans tonight but we’ll go get dinner walk around a bit and see what happens we got to install a kick yeah let me show you guys the kickstand all Alex God you kickstand number eight can we take

    Bets on how quickly Sarah will break it how long will this kickstand last I want to know if it makes it to even grease cuz it might not grease it might not even I mean first of all it’s got to make it onto the bike and if we fail at

    That it’s not making it out of Bristol I’ve got the tools I’m a little nervous CU I had one like this and it fell off yeah as soon as I started to ride the bike but you said this one did you this one is recommended by somebody who has

    The exact bike as you so it should work and it does allow you to get the wheel off the front so you know when you’re well we’ll try it cuz the one I bought wasn’t it was just from a random Bike Shop in Canada and they had a like DIY

    The screw here cuz it wasn’t fitting so that’s going to be fun if that doesn’t fit we hadn’t considered the bolt doesn’t fit is the volume very low probably the microphone is like in the sofa so you can uh hi chat unless the microphone switched to that

    One and then you’re even further away I don’t think this I don’t know how any of your equipment works and what’s worrying is I don’t know if you do so maybe this one’s blue yeah that one’s blue so that one’s on we can wear

    Them you can put that on if you want do you want the one with the dead cat doesn’t matter I think to find the dead cat tap the mic hello um I’ll leave that you want a longer cable don’t you yes no no say yes cuz that’s actually what you do want Hello

    Hello hello apparently they’re both working we just got to wear them here you go a longer cable all right I can wear this one I’ll let you figure that one out okay I don’t know how magnets work there we go yeah oh it’s not mag is it magn

    It’s a clip no it’s a clip old school I think Trevor’s new one might be magnets these are Trevor’s new ones oh what happened to Trevor’s Trevor’s ones well these are his new road ones cuz he got sent some and then I stole them um and immediately lost the dead

    Cat no it’s in my pocket it just got really wet it’s in a pocket it’s in a pocket it’s just wet it’s a wet cat room and did you say we’re about to lose Brian or have we lost Brian he’s red oh but I can plug him in look at all these

    Cables I don’t know if my battery starts smoking it’s you or the curse not is it just a normal cable yeah we might have Brian we might have Brian okay welcome to Bristol guys can you hear those sir that’s how you know you’re in Bristol

    Did I say that WR place I don’t know no no no no yeah you did I’m just saying the sirens is how you know you’re in Bristol wow Alex what wow where are they where are you hey so who’s a hot young man beside you this is Alex I’m not seeing one but

    Thanks I’ll let them know when they turn up this is Alex Alex leopardy and Chad I chat but my phone’s here on the stream all right we got kickstands we got dinner plans and then we’ll see what else we get up to oh we got kickstand plans do you have

    Scissors no I’ll figure it out you’ll figure it out they might have scissors here did you need me to entertain the chat for a while if you want to I’m happy to all right Sarah’s got a lot of of like damp clothing and a tent to sort out so I

    Figured well I can come bring it here and take some stuff out but you can low key be in charge of the stream Alex in charge I’m going to dry out my tent can you not put the mods in charge and then I just sit here no you talk okay I mean

    I can do the talking but just put the mods in charge at least mods are in charge but Alex is lowy in charge don’t CA me hi uh now I have two phones uh so what should we talk about um my journey wasn’t nearly as bad as

    Sarah’s uh the worst thing that happened is that I lost phone signal for a while so I couldn’t use my phone but at least I wasn’t trying to go up a hill um the house rules yes the house rules uh rule number one apparently is love one

    Another a that’s house rules number one house rules number two is say please and thank you um let’s see what what what what really share chocolate Sarah share share chocolate is on the list of house rules uh if you open it close it okay which we’ve discovered happens

    Automatically here with a loud slam uh so you have to be very careful uh in the middle of the night uh no whining no you loved your Hill CL today oh God some of these are difficult How am I’m not supposed to whine when I’m sharing chocolate yeah these are some these are

    Some complicated house rules your chat phones are actually easier to read than mine so wow everything is so s if I like slide that can I see more of the top section if I slide that down just cuz in case stuff was oh yeah and is the top

    One the most recent yes it is cool see I’m learning how to do the thing um there have some towel warmers I’m just trying to think what I want on a towel warmer there are there are two towel warmers I want my sleeping there I don’t

    Think it’ll be good if this stays wet I don’t think that that’s got a tumble dry mode I think it is just a washer I don’t think it’s a washer dryer so close so far so you could wash it you could put it in the dishwasher to

    Dry no no okay I’m not very good at ideas how about the oven a I got a shout out even though I I don’t stream guys I’m sorry I’m not a streamer I have no idea what’s going on um see I think the dishwasher is a fantastic

    Idea I don’t see if it can dry your plates after washing them like who gets things out of the dishwasher and they’re still wet I’ve never got something out of a dishwasher and it’s still wet so logically you put a sleeping bag in the dishwasher and it will come out dry I don’t

    Know I think it makes sense there is a toaster you put the toaster inside the sleeping bag yeah this is don’t don’t do that don’t mess around with with toasters or with dishwashers toter I thought you could put the toaster in the sleeping bag to dry it from the

    Inside act no no you really I thought the person that used has been starting fires all weekend would like that idea but I don’t know I don’t know if I turn on the tow but hit the Swit the thing says turn the switch on outside the room and there’s only one

    Switch outside the room so I think it comes on with the switch what does that do it’s the airbag oh right is this the new one yes imported specially from Canada right yeah oh I think Sarah had a bit of a rough morning is is a bit of an

    Understatement the tent turned into the opposite of what a tent’s supposed to do so you’re supposed to wake up in a tent after it’s rained and the water be on the outside it sounded like all the water was on the inside and she was floating so um

    Yes little as Sarah would say yeah it was a bit damp um but no I think I think hopefully a whole day of airing out here because sadly stream you may be stuck with me tomorrow as well so it was I think I think housekeeping had been in before we arrived and and

    Got all the heating on and turned I wonder if I just turn them off no no no I think they were off and cooling down you put them back on okay but just keep an eye on them so they don’t s on fire I mean they’re a tow rail they’re

    Designed to warm towels so should be okay should be okay did you want to get the from the room of requirements what the drying rack oh cuz then it can just stand there I’m just using the couches yeah that’s my technique I figured you’d have a bit

    More of a you know professional streamer technique in Canada we use drers well I’m sorry but they don’t have one we can go find one buy one find one not buy one I’m not buying a tumble can you imagine lugging a tumble dryer into your hotel room do

    You think there’s room on the back of the bike for it we’ll call it tumbles you’ve got room on the back of the bike for a tumble dry don’t you mhm yeah I it yeah I got everything in cuz so far it’s been the one thing that you actually

    Needed the most the most is the ability to dry things quickly so tumble dryer keep going y upside down and then that’s it hey and then it’s got little things you can hang stuff Ah that’s wonderful what you can’t see chat is is Sarah is learning how to use a like laundry

    Hanger laundry dryer um it’s the one that kind of like concertina is out um the one that if you’re not careful when you take it down bites your fingers yeah they can they can snap yeah uh is there a fan no I haven’t seen one we will check the room of

    Requirements that had there is an ironing board you could iron everything dry does that work or will it like probably set on fire set on fire yeah yeah probably okay um uh Dex Phantom Hawk has redeemed a give me a pro tip Alex what’s your pro tip my Pro

    Tip um before you set out on a journey have a good idea of how you’re going to get there Pro tip yeah I think if you like have a rough idea of like how you’re going to get to your destination you know then the unexpected can still happen but you’re not just you

    Know okay I think that would be my Pro tip I’m like I don’t think I follow your pro tip I have no plans normally tce hi I’m the guest uh I’m Alex nice to meet you um sorry if I said your name wrong but it looks like that’s how you’d say

    It oh I didn’t say it was a pro tip for Sarah I just said it was a pro tip the pro tip of have an idea of how you’re going to get to your destination I like to like visualize my route I like to have an idea of where

    I’m going and just I can deviate from it but just so I’ve got a rough idea of like what I’m in for nice to meet you meet you as well I can’t talk apparently this is where the puddle was it now do I have to tell a

    Fun fact as well or are you going to tell a fun fact no you got I’ve got to tell a fun fact in charge I’ve got to tell a fun fact oh Um uh sunflower do you have a topic you want to fun fact on or just just a fun fact um I can tell you a fun fact about the town of Bridgewater uh a fun fact about the town of Bridgewater is is it’s heavily disputed where it got its name from

    There are four ideas of where Bridge got Bridgewater the town without the e got its name from keep turning keep turning hold Sarah and doors is real my goodness okay so there is all you have to do chat is turn the key until it goes click and then you can turn the handle

    Sarah is stuck one moment no okay oh oh Trevor 999 tip $420 testing testing one two 3 I we got Brian actually the M whoa the microphone is on Brian whoa I’ve never had this happen before uh whoa Trevor what have you done oh he’s

    Played music oh my God this is a media share oh my God I thought it was cuz the microphone was sat on top of the speaker is this what is he this is like a microphone test no that wasn’t fun that was not fun it’s still doing it I

    Ban him what Trevor I mean there is a button for it but I wouldn’t press it cuz half your stream might turn off time him out I’m I’m going to put the microphone back near Brian don’t do that again that confused me entirely I had no idea what was happening that was not

    Perfect I Ed them out you didn’t how long is 600 seconds that’s 5 minutes five minutes no that’s 10 minutes I can’t count that’s 10 minutes can’t he just untime out himself like you can time him out but um but thank you Trevor 999 For That Hideous microphone feedback audio clip

    Why did he why why did he why why that might not be the smartest idea I know but I’m just thinking is there any way to like carabina clip it or or anything to the railing cuz you’re about to lose that no if anybody sees a tent flying through

    The Skies of Bristol in the next 25 minutes it was Sarah oh God so muddy do you want to shower it yeah bye bye Sarah thank thank you you really did and then she forgets the door slams I’m not timing out [Laughter] Sarah Trevor if I knew how to there you

    Go Trevor you can talk again I think I’m going to say you can talk again Sarah’s phone is like very low on power I don’t have more batteries um wait wait did it did it remove your mod status Trevor I didn’t do that Trevor’s free Trevor’s fine I give

    Permission for Trevor to be a mod again as the streamer she’s not here she can’t say otherwise um so that’s fine that’s all sorted I’m scrolling back through chat I have to mod him again I don’t he can sort it out himself I do have a question for Trevor when he can

    Talk again uh did you connect the Bella box to the Wi-Fi or do I need to do something because we should be able to get like maximum bit rate through the Wi-Fi um potentially we do have now like three devices on it thank you is there anything I need to

    Do or is it all done and I can just sit here and look lost and confused there you go that was my impression of looking lost and confused oh no this is uh shatow de Bridgewater um as everyone knows Sarah is incredibly famous uh so she actually

    Has locations all around the world that she can stop at um so Sarah said head over to the chatow in Bristol um let yourself in get comfortable I’ll turn up I’ll make it look like I’m getting lost and I’ll turn up fashionably late everyone on stream

    Will love it um because I think we all know secretly that this is all scripted right Trevor 999 wrote the script last night uh I’m having to read the script now to C catch up because I’ve only just had a copy of it so um yeah Sarah Sarah is like way famous I

    Had no idea I am going to get killed for that oh no no no so Sarah’s family have owned the Chateau since before Bristol existed I’m explaining the Shadow and how we got here Shadow to Bridgewater in Bristol how it existed before brid before Bristol cuz you’re so famous I am

    So cuz she’s so famous incredibly famous um my does that let you hook up to like a a caravan cat that’s really clever yeah that looks really industrial for you no one should like Sarah shouldn’t be allowed something that looks that dangerous I don’t think especially when it’s just plugged into

    This like like this converted into this looks like this should set on fire it’s not even got a surge protector or a fuse oh you are living dangerously okay um good look get your deposit back I know you’re so much mud you are going to like hose it all down right I

    Try but it’s still like running out mud so it’s hung up right now I gave up yay and and all the mud over there now no I’ll clean that and the line of mud between there and there it looks like a very large snail has just walked through the whole house they

    Need paper tow um no but you found the iron can I use the Spong that mean that’s the washing up sponge yes you can right paper towels is not something they seem to have unless we just haven’t found it out of Interest well you’re up then I

    Can’t be bothered to stand up I’m so lazy underneath the oven is that another drawer yes yeah it might have pops and pans in it it might not even be a drawer though a sometimes there’s a pot and pan draw underneath the oven or Sarah’s really weak okay I’ll use

    Toil it’s not that bad next time it rains which will be in about 5 minutes that will that will sort itself out I actually got to see the sunshine today Uh yes the rest of bridgew the rest of Bristol was built around shatow the Bridgewater um as we all know that is that is now fact don’t look on Wikipedia it’s not it’s not been updated it’s good uh what am I seeing here what am I

    Seeing here how did I meet Sarah uh Sarah turned up in my town um and I say at your house just like lost no you did turn up lost but you turned up lost to my town yeah and I said I will come and stream snipe you and you said that was

    Okay so I came and stream sniped outside a little a little yeah and I didn’t say who I was I just walked up to her really awkwardly and said hello I think I know you because that is not at all weird it’s okay I blocked it from my memory it

    Was a wonderful day wasn’t it they were digging up all of the roads there was so much dust you were in the wrong place you couldn’t find out where you oh I went through the weird area yeah yeah never mind I remember that mhm you took a ferry you didn’t need to take

    Yeah okay that was all that one day uh no no you you you’ve taken multiple fairies you mean you didn’t need to take but like that was one of them yeah it was a nice like like the stream got to see a lot of really nice things twice

    Twice do it twice okay all my camping stuff has hung up she’s taking back over now is Trevor okay Trevor REM moded himself because apparently what you did unmodded him why so he uh he then started talking as you uh and then REM moded himself as you because you know he has drama

    Yeah I I mean no I re you know I did it all I know exactly what I’m doing and he’s all he’s all sorted now and he knows exactly what he did wrong and he won’t do it again he won’t play screeching sounds out of the speaker yep

    Thank you he he knows he’s learned his lesson good yeah your stream is on the Wi-Fi I did all that sorted was not Trevor it was not Trevor no he didn’t do it the new mod mhm obviously no it’s all sorted Trevor has all the rights he

    Knows all my passwords too so Trevor no he doesn’t could um ruin my life hopefully he doesn’t that’s that’s trust that’s called trust it’s great love and Trust make a trust oh what is my twitch name my twitch name is uh this this Alex leopard yeah let’s not don’t pick stupid

    Usernames on the internet and then decide to use them for the rest of your life because then everyone calls you Alex for the rest of your life that’s not my name cuz there not Alex no spoiler fun fact fun fact there there’s a oh who did who redeemed the

    Fun fact tell a fun fact s Clower there there we go that is the fun fact fun fact Alex name is not Alex my name is not Alex um oh yay my mom’s watching hi Mom no hi stop watching is she in chat or do you just know she’s watching well her

    Comment was wow you have a whole kitchen so she’s [Laughter] watching oh dear everyone in chat say hi to my mom hey Mom hey Alex’s mom did she watch when we were together before mhm she did yeah she watched you climb a hill today she watched me climb

    A hill today oh she probably thinks I’m whiny no whining house rule is the house of rule yeah you want me to startop watching no stay a mom a is my mom in chat or no ah I feel like at some point yes I don’t know

    About now but not now let’s see if we can summon Diane sometimes it works if you say their name three times Diane Diane Diane is that because she’s got the stream one in the background and now she’s heard her name three times and she’s just running over to the phone to

    Type yeah she’s like why are they talking about me that’s not true okay that’s mostly true actually the only time my mom gets to see me is when I’m on stream yeah remember appreciate your parents and go and see them often and don’t just say you’ll go and see them and then cancel

    Yeah I sent her a goodie a basket of goodies on Mother’s Day I was just recently yeah exactly I just didn’t see her on Mother’s Day well I wish my mom mother happy Mother’s day but it wasn’t Mother’s Day in Canada I did warn you about that okay I did a quick Google

    Yeah and I was like oh it’s on the 12th perfect but I didn’t but you were in the UK when you Googled it no I searched in Canada but it’s on the 12th so like the same day but two months later so I didn’t like read the whole thing I just

    Saw the 12th I’m like oh perfect it matches but I didn’t read the month that’s not good so like I put the effort in to make sure it was the same date but I don’t you know you now have to still put the effort in on the right

    Day yeah I know yeah I just didn’t read the whole sentence yeah to be fair that she means she gets two Mother’s Days in a year yeah cuz you made a mistake I didn’t make a mistake and I think right now until the end of this month the US is an

    Hour closer to the UK cuz they’ve gone into daylight savings we have by springing forward cuz that’s the only way I can remember which direction forward fall back yeah and then I have to remember that fall is what you call Autumn oh cuz we call it Autumn you don’t call it fall

    No so a so for like a few weeks of the Year we’re slightly we’re like an hour closer closer so like it’s probably only uh like 10 or 11 a.m. earlier I don’t know or it might even be mid can I do the Stream thing and hey everyone what’s

    The time where you are currently what time is it what time is it where you are cuz like I’m curious It’s currently oh uh I’m going to say military time uh 16:23 here cuz some people don’t know 20 Past 4 like they don’t understand the logic of what 20

    Past 20 minutes past 4:00 so it’s 20 past four yeah it’s five for a lot of people where are you I’m going to say why is it five Europe it’s an hour ahead oh is Europe an hour ahead yeah okay yeah most of Europe is an hour ahead of

    Us and then further a field is even further ahead of us it’s 3:23 a.m. in Sydney why are you awake Steve go to bed that is that is some dedication Steve high five nice work okay Europe is an oure oh so I’ll have a little bit of a time

    Change is you will and also I think Europe goes into daylight savings so they move an hour ahead and we’re moving an hour ahead as well oh gosh everyone’s moving hour so you’re going to move like really into the future all right like right now it’s technically half

    Five when we get into daylight savings and over there it will now be half six half six oh wow which means it’s lighter into the evenings okay that’s good and we know how much you get up at 6:00 a.m. and start cycling so you don’t need the

    Morning sunlight I don’t it’s kind of annoying yeah oh it’s still going to be bright in the morning you just get more light in the evening yeah but it was getting darker at like 6 I’m like well yeah I need more daylight so what you’re saying is we’re going to be seeing you

    Cycling like mik died it wasn’t charging whose mic died is it yours is it me yeah it’s you I mean it’s red light oh but it’s red light with no blue light how does that work do we just need to leave everything plugged in you take this one oh but

    There’s no dead cat on it do you want a dead cat does it just clip in cuz I’m guessing that there is the microphone wow it’s a tiny microphone hello why is it green what maybe it wasn’t Jing now that one’s blinking red but this one’s blinking

    Green I don’t think this battery or this Cable’s doing what you think it’s doing maybe not um one of these mics got really wet yesterday though it will be fine it just needs to charge it’s just somehow all of it isn’t charging properly I don’t know how to tell does

    Somebody want to look up Road microphones uh made in does that say Australia Australia they’re made in AUST Australia they are wow uh let me see if I can figure out which ones they are I can’t are these like Road Wireless Pros Road Wireless Pros you can use my link in my about

    Section there’s a link in the about section yeah what to get their own to get an affiliate I got an affiliate link if I was going to stream I definitely would need microphones yeah because yeah the times when the microphone dies it’s going be awkward it’s a tiny cable I

    Just want to see if it works you want to see if it’s different the screen light up why don’t you swap out Brian’s cable to see if plugging it into what Brian’s plugged into does anything different and then just have both the microphones now does that say it’s drawing power on

    Both ports yeah and is it about the same amount of power no but like one of them is charged and one of them is charging so this one is charging that one is charged it’s saying this one’s charged uh or it’s just deciding oh I just thumb

    To the microphone that was clever or it’s just not drawing a lot of power which is weird maybe it’s broken I mean it’s on and it’s drawing power and there’s no smoke is it on I mean it’s blue hello did you hear that in your ears why

    Don’t you whisper a word really quietly into it I did and they have to type the word that you whisper you got to think of a random word now porcupine I’m going to give it about 5 Seconds before we see just a load of chats of what the heck was

    That yeah okay all right okay um do you want to wear the one with the short cable and I’ll wear the one with the long like awkward cable this yep the life of a streamer okay we’ll hang out for a little bit and then we’ll go get dinner

    We’ll let these charge and then we can disappear get some food sound like a plan yeah okay did you are we taking oh I should plug in some cables or batteries Alex is in charge again I’m in charge I have both microphones turn it off okay Al is in charge I’m going to

    Charge the batteries we didn’t actually check that this microphone was turned on we checked that that microphone hang on can you still hear me am I still clear I’m wearing the one with the dead cap I don’t know if you can tell it’s green oh I know these wireless

    Microphones are great there’s no wires at all no they are really really good if you take really good care of them um and don’t get them soaking wet though apparently if you get them soaking wet they still work they’re just probably not rated for it um these have been

    Incredibly reliable microphones on like multiple streamers streams if I was going to get I considered getting some because they’re so convenient you’ve just got a little uh receiver that you plug into anything I could connect these up to a PC and I could just walk around my house with like a

    Lapel microphone on and you know people would still be able to hear me the range is pretty good so yes I am I’m not Alex but I am Alex so I need to if I just like hold the chat up a bit so I’m not just like staring at the

    Floor um oh and you can I’ve just realized you can see Sarah sneaking around behind me yeah it literally you can see the whole door over there you can see the door the whole door why do you have such a wide angled lens I might just there you go there you

    Go and then and then Sarah gets like half a meter more privacy oh it’s fine start you do need to test that but I’m going to make you test it outside yeah what would a fake Alias for Sarah be I don’t know if anyone heard that but Sarah shouted

    Sabrina Sarah would go by Sabrina probably because when she’s halfway through saying a name and then realizing she said the wrong name she can quickly uh say the right name um I didn’t do that with mine I went through like a Rolodex of names in my head and it was

    The second one that came to mind because I went alphabetically um and I also didn’t want to be called Albert which was Albert was the first name that came to mind this this is oh we are going back like 10 15 years when I was deciding an online

    Handle um and the first name I thought of was Albert and I did not want to go around the internet being known as Albert and Alex was the second name I thought of and I went with it Albert yeah I’m not Albert no you’re not and and I said you probably picked Sabrina

    Because you get halfway through saying Sarah and then you can abort and say Saina that is why I chose Sabrina yeah it’s good it’s good sa blue water blue water yep that is that is Sabrina Blue Water y um I didn’t think of um arvar as

    A name I’ll be honest I went through a roller deex of names I just I started a a and I don’t know anyone called arvar if there is anybody in chat called arvar that is an amazing name I like the name Alie Alfie yeah like as in short for

    Alfred or just Alfred as it’s not common in Canada I think of it as a very British name I don’t know how somebody Google it for me and see how common like Alfred or Alfie is as a name in the UK CU I have heard it but it it strikes me

    As a bit more of a last generation name than this gener it it really yeah I think it’s a bit more of I think in my head Alfie is the kind of name that I can imagine my grandma telling me that she knows an Alfie yeah and singing like a song about Alfie Um but I don’t know about Cent current name Trends so like the current name Trend could be see I know Alie cuz way back in the day like 10 years ago I think this isn’t on I used to watch a lot of YouTube and there was a British YouTuber named

    Alfie he has a baby now he has two two babies two babies he’s married to Zoe just doxing everyone today they were my British YouTubers I had a very big British YouTuber face yeah Alie I can’t think I I can’t say I know any Alfie that’s only Alfie I

    Know is that the is that wait is that the 10 that’s a temp body right okay I had a puddle in it right and then the ground sheet has all the mud in it that’s in the shower and then my sleeping bag is on a towel dryer or

    Warmer and then my sleeping pad is on the other towel dryer so basically we can’t shower for a while I took over I would be careful with the sleeping pad only because I think it’s plastic how hot do those get they might get quite hot like 65° what they’re tow

    Rails they’re designed to get quite hot you just might want to check it cuz the last thing you want to do is melt it in half I didn’t know you’d put the cuz it’s plastic it should just be white dry it is plastic right she’s gone um sorry Sarah’s just seeing if she’s

    Melting things in the bathroom um how did Sarah manage to get all that rain inside the tent she probably put the tent up inside out it’s the only way I can see it working that’s how it works right the rain got into the tent because you put the tent

    Up inside out so instead of it keeping the rain out it pull the rain is that not how it works I don’t know why it got so wet in there I think well I was on a hill by a fence that could fall down on

    You yeah yeah I don’t know if it hadn’t have rained it would have been a really great camping location yeah it was a really nice campsite but it also lots of friends there did you yeah there there was the old man that I saw a couple times and then

    There was like younger people in like Caravans oh really that I met this morning he followed me on Instagram oh hello if you’re watching because he knew about twitch a website for gamers um oh that’s what he knew as yeah so he took my Instagram said that he’ll check out

    The twitch so you could be being streamed live right now into the Caravan back that Caravan right now y yeah yeah it was a good campsite despite the rain I have I don’t have an accent he doesn’t have an accent yeah no I don’t understand what everyone goes oh I like

    Your accent or most people don’t actually say that they say h you have an accent which I don’t hear it to me I sound like me um I think if you live Liv on the south coast of England your entire life there’s a good chance you’d sound a bit

    Like me um but a lot of my friends do also make a joke that all you have to like all you have to say is you have to say that I sound Posh and I like my voice does it it gets more it gets more

    Posh it gets worse POS so like a lot of my like I’ll say something they’ll be like oh goodness really did that oh oh my did that actually happen and I don’t hear me doing it um so I have to try and be like yes I have no accent there’s there’s no accent

    Here none you lost no I did 22.2 km today and half of that was just looking for the hotel there sorry I just wanted to finish it okay my tour is done today it gets sent to travor right cuz I’m using his account does it tell tell elevation

    Cuz that was a lot of uphill it does I know I know you you know you did a relatively short day in kilometers 22 yeah you did a like in terms of effort you put in that was probably a whole day’s worth of cycling if not more maybe it was I mean it

    Was it was hilly and then I found a bunch of cyclists oh I told your campsite lady uh not to tell you about the hills cuz when I phoned up uh and and I said H you know Sarah’s heading to brist the next day she went you’ve warned her

    About the Hills right and actually we’re trying really hard not to so that she does actually leave in the morning uh so yeah she was really nice she dides not mention the hills no no she promised not to she did promise she kept that promise yeah and I kept dropping hints

    Like have you looked at the elevation map and you were like no no and then you didn’t so I was like well it’s on you now I guess so it was a good claim though as in fun it’s okay my legs are getting stronger yeah we’ll see I still have a

    Hole in my trousers you might want to do something about that yeah is it patchable or is it a got some string in a needle which I got ideed for yep that’s that’s how it works yeah I bought a butter knife set once and got ided for it because it has the word

    Knife in it see I don’t think we have that in Canada yeah so they have like this whole policy of I think if you look under 25 or if you look 25 and under you have to be ided for KN um I think it’s pointy things it’s yeah it’s it’s Cutlery

    Including kitchen knives and all of that um uh but anything that could be classed as a blade um and needles will probably count as that and just just like your camping stove gas did you get ideed for the buying the gas the guy who’s like sorry

    I have to get someone else to sell it to you cuz I’m not 25 y I’m like oh he like yeah sorry you can’t have somebody under 25 selling it to other people either I don’t think it’s like that in camera at all I don’t also I can’t

    Comment if I think it works or not but Statistically that’s going to happen a lot I think welcome to Bristol yep um you know the the we’re in the we’re in the like the we’re in yeah we in the good place for it yeah you also ID for energy drinks that’s supposedly only for 16 year olds

    If you look 16 you get ided for energy drinks I’m pretty sure I’ve I I mean I don’t get ided for anything anymore I used to I used to PewDiePie used to live in Bristol he lives in Japan now pewy what PewDiePie who’s that a Swedish streamer or not streamer YouTuber are

    They a bit more famous than Sarah or a bit less famous than Sarah just the biggest YouTuber of all time so about the same about the same the same apparently he used to live in Brighton you may have your facts wrong Brighton Bristol really not that close to each

    Other basically the same yeah basically way way less famous than Sarah I thought so oh really that’s what I’ve not heard of them oh what did you want to do for food today Sarah I thought we were doing some Indian we can do some Indian unless you

    Got other plans no no Indian how fire do you know where it’s not particularly far okay I thought you were going to say it’s not particularly close um and and also it’s not particularly far it’s a bit of a walk um and we could theoretically detour past the Laser Quest escape room place

    If you wanted to have a look at that oh escape room they’ll for sure tell us no yeah yeah cuz you can’t even bring your phone in there NOP yeah uh but I I just meant like to walk past it and be like hey hey look there’s

    One there and like oh get a shout out to them um I don’t know if it’s any good but I’ve heard good things about them but yeah we can we can head that way I don’t know about taking the stream into the restaurant but I’m sure they’ll be

    Okay with that H yeah we’ll see what happens if you’ve got are the modems and batteries all charged and where’s the one that might combust over there oh good so if the right well it’s on it’s on but yeah I don’t know what it’s doing really as

    Soon as I unplug it it it’s off I might go have a look at it um I’m just going to just going to unst streamer for a second and then I got more data on another modem but it’s not working either not working because I don’t know

    I feel like they took my money but it didn’t actually get set up see this battery says zero and flashes oh do it die and this is about to run out of Pips lights yeah it’s never charges okay that battery is dead do you need another charger down here fine

    Confused that that the floor that battery is brand new this morning so it’s used like the entire giant battery to run that modem yeah that’s not right oh my God that one’s about to start on fire too probably I mean it’s it’s not hot no that doesn’t get hot but like the cable

    That where the Sim cup goes uh I can’t tell from here yeah right I mean it smells like warm Electronics which normally isn’t great do you want to unplug in and feel how hot the cable is I might start smoking nah it’s fine fine you’re all good um but I can plug

    It directly into like Source power and see if it explodes or trips like a fuse sure if the stream disconnects because you’re connected to the Wi-Fi here oh what I can use one of these that will probably blow the fuse on it the modem is really confusing do you guys want a

    Tour there’s a couch there’s my laundry it’s drying there’s a couch there’s the rules we got a kitchen I want to show you what I’ve done oh god what have you done okay I don’t know if I should have brought the chat phone with me sleeping bag is Drying tent fly is drying this is drying that’s the bathroom I left this room untouched how to keep one place same and then here’s another room which I’ve taken over there’s a bike in here and then yeah we got a muddy puddle on the floor I tried to wash this in the

    Shower to get some mud off of it it’s really really muddy yeah and then yeah I got this drying on here I got my shoes drying over here oh these are getting really warm I hope my shoes dry so yeah I customized this place there’s a picture of a

    Cow there’s a picture of a cow what’s up so I brought I I got it out in the train I had to plug into a soof yeah but you don’t have it with you the socket on the train didn’t work so I unplugged it and put it away in my bag

    Except maybe I didn’t oh so luckily it was my spare one that I don’t use that is also maybe a little bit temperamental I thought let’s take the temperamental Electronics with us because worst case scenario it explodes did you unpack anything since you’ve been here yeah I didn’t think

    So I have a handful of electronics but no plug uh what kind what what part of the plug do you need the one going to plug into the wall yeah I was going to charge your batteries for you but you probably got your sockets or did you

    Leave those in as well I have one more should we try to plug it into the wall maybe you should charge the battery all right where did I I found it you found it yeah fell on the floor okay and I’m just an idiot look at this

    Toaster is it toast toast it looks beautiful oh yeah we got hot chocolate cookies coffee coffee tea salt and pepper look at all that all the goods here are my bananas we got gifted a banana this morning oh really yeah from campsite guy campside guy yeah the other guest ah

    Nice all right do you guys like that tour I made it my own you like Alex’s hoodie thank you very much I also like this hoodie I wish I had a hoodie but yeah I’m going to change my outfit absolutely I was thinking about showering but I probably should

    Um don’t worry I can’t really smell anything in the moment anyway what about the other people uh do you really care what they think going to see them for like today tomorrow well I’ll shower tonight for sure what was that I had to plug in my phone everything’s dying yeah it is a

    Little bit a little bit everything is going down so do I risk it all right we’re plugging in the mem into the do I use my my good known good cable or do I use your possibly fused and broken cable use that cable that was attached

    To it yeah is that the one that was attached to it y all right fire good luck it’s three out of it’s fully charged why does it not show that it’s fully charged it doesn’t stay on once it’s unplugged this now 1% makes no sense okay I’ll charge

    That this modem is nearly fully charged what but as soon as I unplug it it turns no it didn’t it didn’t unplug it still is this plugged onto the wall y oh is this yours or mine that’s yours I don’t have any I’ve just used my plug to plug

    Your thing cuz it’s on one is that 1% yeah cool does that mean it’s charging at that many volts yeah and that many so it’s charging at 30 Watts which is really fast for it’s a fast charging one yeah so has anyone Googled wait can can

    They see me I’m assuming they can I don’t know let’s chat pH everything is broken I don’t think it’s broken I’m just wondering how you get this device to show you its battery level while it’s on battery and I don’t want to hit the onof button in case it

    Just turns it off it never turns on again H so confusing I’m going to try pressing the power button once as a short press because that’s what I’d do on a battery pack you press it once and it should show you how many Pips of battery are left okay if it turns off

    We’re not using this right now are we no I think we’re on the other Wi-Fi you press it once and it tells you it’s full no it does not I you just press the power button once no no Alex Alex Alex Alex get off the floor Alex no get back here killed

    Him that’s the best thing no before absolutely nothing wrong with it chat it’s perfectly fine no before only one light was on mhm and then you plugged it into a battery and it drained that battery and then repl its own battery and then when you unplug it the

    Lights turn off that doesn’t mean it’s empty yesterday it was one light the entire time and then I started a fire I’m not 100% sure that the fire was this thing’s fault you think it was my super tank I feel like this was probably fully charged and you still had it

    Plugged in maybe I don’t know find out why was there a fire that could be the Super Tank having a wet connection maybe or the cable could have been that’s my premium cable here we go this is drawing 7.4 three yeah this is draw this is drawing power to charge a battery that’s

    Correct that’s exactly this tells me the the the amps yeah huh so yeah this is this is perfect Trevor this is a perfect modem Trevor it still doesn’t work with the ethernet cable yeah I don’t know if that’s that’s fault or if the you know sometimes the

    Issue can be with the user plugging it in not well I’m using ethernet cable that it came with mhm should we have a look at that later you see if we can get it to work on pluged in EET guys everything’s a mess I’m going to go change my outfit perfect and Sarah’s

    Stream has never been better okay sorry guys I’m a mess Sarah’s not a mess either Sarah’s going to go get changed everything is fine orange everything is dying modem is apparently fine why are the mics going crazy I do have more mics I brought backups all right you guys are going to

    Be left of Alex hi she should not have left me with you um I’m trying to figure out why this doesn’t charge but that did um just going to try something on the wild wild off chance I figured it out and then that will supercharge which which will just ignore

    The fact that it did that that yeah so for anyone that cares maybe um that one’s now off figuring this out so um the microphones only like to be plugged into a USB a port which is limited to 5 amps sorry 5 volts 3 amps uh if you plug them into something that

    Is rated for much High they don’t draw Power uh but I plugged it in and I can see that this is drawing two uh two Watts now uh on the other Port it was drawing three of a watt so this is now better this is now happy Sarah’s phone

    Is charging at 30 WTS which is the peak that that phone can charge at the modem over there is not on fire um Brian the speaker is we’ve run out of cables he’s over there hi Brian everyone say hi to Brian um so I can go plug this in with one of these

    And it’s flashing to say that it’s charging you can’t hear me hi Brian you guys probably didn’t hear that I heard that if the microphone’s on which it is cuz I figured it out this is Brian say hi to Brian he’s uh feeling very fashionable he’s got like a little little pink clip

    These are really good I think these speakers have managed to endure far more torment than any one travel speaker should have to endure um and it’s still going so everything’s fine no I figured it out Sarah just had things plugged in wrong and now everything’s plugged in correctly everything’s working Sarah’s

    Phone is already charged 10% this microphone is on I don’t know if it’s charging it’s green and you can hear me I don’t care um and then Brian is here and then we can put Brian in front of the speaker cuz he’s good Brian yeah um I can’t endorse if it’s the best

    Speaker but it’s a speaker it gives you an indicator to say that it’s on and when audio plays through the phone it plays through the speaker it’s got buttons um do not hire me to do your product placement it does have a very handy USBC charging port which is

    Probably rated to charge similarly to a phone so you just plug it in and the light blinks to say that it’s charging and it goes red when it’s sad so you plug it in you know um welcome to the Sarah shopping channel uh I have a face for radio and I

    Don’t have the voice for it so apologies for all of this uh it has buttons that click they are not capacitive touch buttons uh they actually have a click to them it’s not an audable click but you can feel it when you it it has like oh

    Actually I don’t know if you guys can hear that there’s a very subtle click there you go so yeah tactile feedback on buttons love it um oh no no no no uh planetary defense everything is on the verge of bursting into flames but it’s also all powered

    Right now and charging um this is my battery that I brought from home and it now looks like Frankenstein’s monster cuz there’s just cables coming out of it um but it works and and I can charge it um no no well H hang on no I turned

    Brian down not up now now Brian’s me medium volume um I have a little thing here telling me that if you’re not subscribed with twitch Prime right now or with a subscription uh you might be getting ads um but if you do have an Amazon account and an Amazon Prime subscription

    You can link it to your Twitch and you can get a prime sub and they’re really special because you only get one of them a month so when you use your Prime sub for a a a very professional very famous twitch streamer like Sarah um they know

    That you have chosen them over everyone else on the platform to give your Prime sub to so it’s like it’s extra special like Subs are awesome like every subscriber is awesome but a prime sub is just like a bit like bit more gold dust than than everything else and it doesn’t

    Cost you any extra because you’ve already got a Prime account so there you go how was how was that give me a rating out of 10 on like how I did that I think I think seven out of 10 with like a lot of notes um that was definitely not a no

    Notes uh presentation 11 10 11 wow your your community is so kind it wrong but kind wrong wrong yeah I gave like a little twitch Prime advert only because there was some ads playing at the time so I thought I’d use it as an opportunity to remind everybody with

    With a with a prime they can sub um so Prime subs don’t get sub points I didn’t know that yeah but sub points are hard sub points are hard cuz I think gift subs don’t count either do they no only like one paid sub per person I don’t know it’s

    Hard I found a dick yay oh no I had a tissue in Myck that’s okay you’ve you’ve brought the like the smell of like vanilla with you yeah I tried to no you smell there was no smell before and now it smells like I’ve walked into a Candle

    Factory hey it’s not that strong I could barely get the stuff out so no I just thought I’d let you know as you walked in you’ve brought like you hey they’ll be like she hasn’t today she smells like vanilla vanilla it’s really good vanilla lovely is that the heart rate monitor yeah why

    Is it covered in tissue put it in this pocket and that pocket also had a tissue in it so this pocket had tissue in it and then I washed it with a tissue in it and now it’s never do that now it looks like this oh I figured it out I should communicate

    With this with you uh these microphones only like charging on a usba port All right so this is now green the one over there is green uh and the modem’s over there almost fully charged are looking up Brian Brian he grew he grew and grew To be a boy a boy called Brian arms he had arms Brian has arms thank you whoa whoa whoa he grew and grew his arms grew and grew spred he grew up to Bri B not Bri that’s cheese a te ner called Brian this is a song about somebody called Brian growing up

    Yeah I don’t like how this song is turning up to be this is he’s a teenager he started to grow um in terms of charging and heading on for food how’s your phone oh yeah I swapped your phone over so it fast charges you also didn’t have

    That plugged into fast charge so yeah okay I figured it all out I’ll communicate it to I put I brought a a label printer with me stream I I don’t know if you can tell but I’m a little bit excited about the label printer That’s my kind of you get you understand

    My speed that I work at now label printers respect yeah okay we got Mr just with 100 bits oh nice all right Alex saved the day basically he keeps saving the day just you need to look over if smoke starts coming from over there we need to

    Unplug stuff no smoke yet but everything seems fine what do you need in terms of batteries to keep that thing going when we’re out stream I’m taking a peek at what the batteries we might lose you how do I tell uh it’ll say disconnect okay so this is out of

    100 this is out of 100 the mic that’s on is half charged so it’ll last for like four hours I think all right and then this battery running the Bell box at 63 yeah so I could we could literally swap it out for the 80% One yeah and

    Then this one is that that that said 6% 60 60 or nine if you’ve got up this one was at like 62 this morning oh and that’s running the the whole new Bella it’s running the camera and the modems okay so what’s about what about the battery that’s powering the Bell that’s

    That’s a 60 it that’s that one yeah TP Link mod please reboot TP Link mode Dems okay Brian but the vone one is not working Trevor the vone one’s not working but I don’t know if that’s the modem’s not working or there’s no data on it I think

    They stole my money Sarah thinks they stole a money I think I think that’s something I will help with by the sounds of it when when we later on after we have eaten so much Indian food we can’t walk I’m so excited for Indian food I’m hungry I really hope that they’ve got

    Space for us should I go call them to see if we can get a reservation you think we need to it might be a good idea on St Patrick’s night yeah all right maybe I don’t know has she checked the email did you check your emails no I can say looking at the

    Streamer phone there are there are emails there are emails there’s a lot going on so this phone has overwhelming it only has like 747 notifications how like that’s from this morning just from this morning like Kenny the Viking uh redeemed a hi I’m new to the stream and said hi there hi

    Hi okay the modems have restarted the modems have restarted Trevor is there anything else you need us to do let me look out the email hi kimy I don’t know if there is an email from them but you have emails don’t judge my emails oh that’s Maps but I can I can I

    Judge but really appreciate the um the the the the screen that you have your your your phone phone screen that’s really cute and that’s exactly how I’m going to feel later a grumpy cat yeah I there you go did you do that and did you I can’t read fully okay

    You’re too hungry to read okay I’m going to just disappear for a few seconds chat I’m going to leave you here remember my send good thoughts and prayers to this microphone because apparently it’s only on 50% but it should be on a lot more than

    That by now um I’m going to go check the ones over there um okay and then you have a login I was supposed to get paid by twitch and I didn’t go through I didn’t get paid sorry finding out some crazy emails that’s so mean well that’s it end

    Of the stream S no um I’ll be back in a second over here this is up to 18% this microphone is blinking rapidly so that means it’s charged mostly and this mod is 100% now cool so the the company that I may have used to send flowers to your family just

    Emailed me as well which is really bizarre my mom some more flowers they just haven’t contacted me in like since then and then just now that’s the first time they like send flowers to that’s weird they know they know that I’m with you that’s they know that’s weird

    Suspicious sorry guys I feel like everything’s a bit of a in shambles at the moment I’m trying to get the vone SIM working because I paid for it it took my money but it’s like there’s no data oh I just asked for it’s a send a text but the SIM

    Card’s not in here okay I’m going to put the vone Sim in my phone it’s going to be easier because I’m not holding a bike in between my legs on a muddy Road guys we’re in shambles thanks for joining us this evening to the Alex and Sarah Mayhem we nearly killed Alex

    Once since being here Okay I still have that song in my head Trevor I called Trevor last night hitch Trevor and I was like singing the song while the phone was ringing and then I was very happy cuz he started to sing the song along with me and then we just serated each other

    That’s how we said hello hello yesterday on the phone yesterday I don’t know if that made sense or not but I was vibing my shoes were in like the dryer tumbling okay the SIM card is in my phone I think I need to go back to the vone website and see what

    Happens so I think that’s what I want to do the website should log it like work faster because I’m not on the side of the road okay logging into vhone hello Sarah credit zero dollars but I just paid you 40 pounds how do I see what my plan is okay

    They’re dry I think they’re dry they’re dry dry dry did we want to make an attempt there’s no guarantee that we can get in but we can at least worst case scenario is it’s take out and we come back here and we set up at the dining table yeah

    We can do take out too yeah cuz I I would prefer to go there cuz it’s got an atmosphere it got Ambiance it Ambiance I like it ambiance uh can I shut these doors out of there yeah you sure can Trevor I’m sending you a photo I almost just sent you a selfie

    From the bridge but what so did you say Alex sent you a selfie no I almost did uh they didn’t email me a receipt but the money’s out of my account maybe I should check my junk mail I mean how how did did you pay for

    Did you did you have like an account number or did you just send the money and hope they figured out it I put in my card details and they confirmed with my bank that I could go through cuz I had to accept it and then they took my money

    That was linked to your account yeah yeah cool but it’s not like you just randomly sent them money they there’s just some poor accountant sat there going why Sarah sent us money I’ve no idea what this is for what does what does she want they took my money yeah I

    I would assume so did while I was gone why did you murder a modem cuz I’m trying to fix the V phone SIM card I just paid for right I have an unlocked phone if you want to pop a SIM card into

    It I put it in this one but when I go to the vone website it’s like0 I’m wondering if there’s like a but they took my money yeah they took 40b where did you see the zero that’s my number yeah where did you see the zero oh Um cuz no there’s a dashboard somewhere oh I can’t dashboard I was going to check that section first I think I set it up so it wouldn’t remember my card details yep um it says you have nothing plans yeah it says you’re on that one they took my

    Money I think they did maybe I should check Account dashboard oh yeah they took much missing some details that might be why oh so your account is not yet complete according to this I have no idea but it says is not yet Complete because of the required Fields not being filled

    In maybe did you did you want to put Trevor’s details in there because then he’s as in he because he’s in the UK and then he can deal with that or I don’t know cuz where do I oh account address yeah do you think it’ll get mad

    It might add a contact phone number why do you have to do this for a SIM card yeah I don’t no required yeah both of them that’s what’s confusing that is super odd okay maybe that’s why it didn’t work but like do you need it for

    Today we just wanted to have it set up for streaming but we don’t need it this something I can sort out tonight yeah probably okay we’re sorting out tonight yeah rude do you need to swap your sim card backr now now probably not it doesn’t work anyway what none of

    Them apparently the only one that’s working is this one right and the one that catches fire okay but the one that catches fire didn’t also did not technically Catch Fire I just want to point that out this did not catch fire this did charge suspicious

    Um could you ask re how he would like this one which we think would one’s got a SIM card in it that you think works I’ve think connecting it via WiFi okay and I think that’s been okay but we can also plug it in via USB C

    Toc okay I was going to try maybe plug it in via the ethernet port or is that configured is that configured that’s plugged into Bell yeah we plugged in via Ethernet I think I probably I think Trevor wants it on the land port but just double check with

    Him I don’t think it’s showing up what does not cuz I got the two USBs this is the Wi-Fi so it doesn’t like register let me try one more thing very quickly well isn’t this the one that’s on the Wi-Fi yeah oh but that’s currently configured to talk to the to the

    House uh I’m guessing it needs to be in the the lamp Port oh why does it work now it came up guessing it needs to be in the lanport not the wport I tried both anyway okay it’s flashing it’s working it’s using it I don’t know if it will

    Use it when we get outside the USB is just for power and he sees it now okay and then and then sah and if you click that button you see it’s full so we are only on two modems though one two yeah cuz I don’t think this one has

    Internet either even though I feel like I paid for a plan I think we’re going to sort all of that out later yeah I’m going to get my life back together let me put my earring back in I’m unplugging your mic there you go this is your lovely

    Cable and I think this is my yeah this is my cable I don’t know what you want to do with that um we will take this because it’s got 80% just in case anything goes I’ll grab an extra one too for my phone and stuff in your phone uh I then we should

    Probably take these cables yeah cool guys let’s go my phone if I put it in chat only mode it’s not going to use much data is it no yeah I definitely put it in chat Only and then you can use some of my Wi-Fi booking confirmed we’re in oh okay we’re getting food yeah so we can head that way uh this one’s on 30% did you say you found the dead cat yeah do you want to attach it it looks

    Like it like screws in it does it kind of goes it does what is that a thing yeah that’s that’s a thing is it right okay well Sarah’s uh whatever that means um this one’s on like 30% but you said this is quite a good battery I have one

    That’s at 100 in the room is it safe to leave this just here charging then that battery yeah but maybe I should take the stuff off the radiators a little bit okay this is your cable or my cable let me feel it it’s an anchor cable I think this is mine but

    Maybe it’s yours I feel like this is the one I was using earlier for the uh there are two new USBC cables in an Amazon Locker oh wait or is this one mine doesn’t matter cuz I’ve ordered two more to pick up today in the evening so I’ve got like two cables

    Coming cuz my one of mine broke at home this might be yours I think this is the one I thought that was all I care about is that I get the that one over there that’s that’s plugged into your battery that is mine and it’s a special one cuz

    That one supports display port which I use um I don’t know if I should take a backpack in case we get snacks oh snacks oh snacks is this my coat uh bear with me chat I’m going to just throw things around for a minute all right we’re goingon to go get

    Food of Alex and then we’re going to um see what else happens thanks for hanging with us through all this chaos this is definitely a Sarah stream if you couldn’t tell it’s a bit chaotic up in here okay yeah we’re getting Indian food and then we’ll see what else

    Happens don’t judge me I did bring tea bags in case they didn’t have tea bags he’s very British I brought my own tea bags yeah the only food I brought necessity Joel who is zley on Twitch um hitches and I friend he came all the way

    To Canada and he brought his own tea bags and brought them over to Trevor’s house he’s like oh I brought some tea bags just in case I needed them like oh Jo you brought your own tea bags all the way um but he left some at our house

    It was quite cute okay I think I’m might need one more layer of clothes I might wear a ring coat as well how are you doing guys are we hanging in there is everything okay it’s a posh thing most people under 50 don’t drink tea I don’t believe that do you have

    Access I will do you want me to bring it to lock it or huh this one we should each have one just in case you think you’re going to lose me uh no but just in case okay do you want to wear a mic and I wear a mic or how you

    Feeling I can wear a mic and we can walk together okay I mean I don’t plan to go more than 60 ft away from you but you know if you really smell I can hey I put on vanilla that’s a point do I now have to C I drink hot chocolate instead oo

    There’s hot chocolate here which I’m definitely going to steal all of it yep we’re done biking for today we only did 22.2 kmers but it was all up hell I also joined soke there weine Alex it was already falling off I just wondered why like clearly Sarah

    Broke it clearly clearly but yeah it was all uphill cyclan I also joined a little bike race I saw that what happened did you win by accid I don’t think I W but there’s so many bikers out today like cyclists like in a full lra speed racing down the roads and

    I joined a couple groups is that mine I should wear that we’re going to be matching I I don’t know if I’m going to need to wear it but I’m going to wear mine just in case cuz I can always take it off I just I hate going outside and

    Then not being able to put layers on when you need them yeah but yeah I talked to one of them in the group yeah I told them about me going to Greece and then to C and they thought you were crazy yeah but I think I impressed them

    Which is all what matters to me cuz I might be slow but we’re going far a I don’t know how to put on a coat oh you gave me a microphone and then I just put it down Alex uh chat do you want to be like do we do we want to

    Be into and do you want to be under the coat or over the coat like I reckon over you reckon over like on the coat okay which is something I always forget to do and then I bury them in layers because then the problem is I’m going to

    Take this coat off and chat’s going to go I can’t hear you anymore and I’ll be like well that’s because the microphone was attached to it’ll be a whole thing I I’m also really loud compared to you not the microphone I mean me as a human

    Being so chat if I’m super loud just say like shut up a few times I really don’t take offense to it okay um I need to turn off the towel warmers and take off the plastic things that are on the towel warmers I think your sleeping bag’s nearly dry as well

    You just need to move it around you think yeah yeah uh are we going to swap into privacy probably I’m just going to do the towel warmers ring Cowboy I have like literally dumped out my B into the other room so like just as a heads up racing

    Cowboy thank you for the six months 6 months I should probably bring a wallet that’s a good idea I normally have everything with me but a wallet would be a good idea that was mine it’s fine just a cap of something okay uh dear I sound like an old man

    When I bend down it’s great I’m just going to finish my water so I think this is off if the lights go off the tower I can’t see here okay sleeping bag is apparently almost dry and I can’t hear her so I have no idea if I’m talking over

    It do you think I can just leave it on here if it’s off yeah oh why did I take it off I don’t know why are you holding a tripod you have a shoulder Mount well I thought we could walk and talk but that’s right Sarah lives in the bathroom now

    Um I will turn off lights it will be dark in here but that’s fine it is hard with one hand guys going okay my only comment Sarah would be that shadow to Bridgewater really needs better light bulbs in the in that like those don’t oh these light

    Bulbs we’ll see what happens they don’t do anything he we’ll see what happens tonight we’re going to be sat in the dark oh it can’t be darker than the campsite uh no that is true wait the one button that turns the tail rail on and

    Off I don’t know what way is on and off red is on oh you haven’t had it on nope I turned it off Co yeah it’s cold okay okay I’m just well we can sort that out later and my shoes are on the radiator so

    So in future red means on red means on yeah so you know when you like couldn’t figure out how to turn the shower on yeah red meant on I’m such an old man you’re going to have to forgive me but I have an extendable shoe horn so I can’t get my shoes

    On no judge there we go all right guys let’s put on our muddy wet shoes this place is so big I’ve lost Sarah where is She do you want me to put your like helmet in the sink or is it just going to live next to the sink I have taken over okay I could put the helmet on the kettle and it would look like the kettle’s wearing the helmet God my

    Helmet’s also wet are those a bit better now um I can’t tell yet but they’re warm which feels quite nice oh yeah I think they’re dry which is odd cuz this isn’t on but that’s great but this is real H yeah I know I think my shoes are dry but

    They’re really muddy but they’re dry okay guys we’re going to have to go into privacy mode we’re going to Scurry away from the hotel mhm and then we’ll see you on a random street or halfway there you know whatever I’m really hungry so I’m ready

    Yeah me too I really hope we can get in well they said we can um I’m worried about the 700 people coming with us oh not not me and you I mean they might take one look at me and decide they don’t want to see me you know I feel like they’ll be

    Fine we’ll see how busy it is if it’s not busy it’s fine if it’s busy then all right I switched over to chat only but I am here these are so do I look like a proper streamer now you do we’re playing currently I mean you look comfier I I

    Want to come here do I have to dress up cuz I did bring like I don’t have to dress up do I I’m literally covered in mud uh oh no I can’t be bothered Alex I’m covered in mud you’re good did you show them the room of requirements I did

    Not it’s really hot in there there’s a step ladder how cute so is that how you do it then you have the it’s room all right let’s go into privacy oh no it’s one of my words I I forget like I think earlier when you

    First flew here we were on stream and I was explaining how Sarah says some things differently something funny um um and uh treadmill wind meal wait how do you say treadmill treadmill oh um it’s like a tread M for a cat but it’s a circle and they

    Just run and it just keeps going I think tread meal so yeah they do get a little aggressive I fed some yesterday so we’ll see hi babies can I I all right dear she hi Baby you’re a good dinosaur yes you are Yep this is Good hi baby there’s also a button I wonder if this button Works what if it’s like a bowl and it like tries to knock you off that would probably be bad there’s rocks all right look at him look at it is so cute they go by so fast like they just

    Disappear so I learned to buy crackers from a place that’s smaller where there’s not deer like already surrounding you we learned from last time oh oh yeah I forgot they eat clothes as well buy some crackers yeah we’re going to buy crackers look at all the Penguins they’re so cute they’re definitely like

    Cats they’re just like having little naps everywhere I guess they’re not in sunbeams like cats but they’re in the shade that so cute okay okay I think I’m out of crackers yeah I’m out of crackers I you how you call a deer over don’t hurt her scar the baby away

    What was that I got it through the hole and it just well done that was sad I don’t think it guarantees it I think you have to do it at speed to did you bring the mod down oh no it’s pluggage in yeah what is it Wi-Fi 2

    Then I don’t even know should we have a look at those that interface list and see we’ll let Trav to figure it out are we live I think we are I’m not but you might be hang on I’m having to reboot my Internet on my phone we are back hi guys we’re going

    To go get dinner I’m really excited we had some freeze dried rehydrated um food last night from a bag yeah that looked really tasty despite you didn’t really sell it but it it sounded actually nicer than it was good I de it I was so hungry so yeah I ate

    That but I did go to bed hungry which is kind of sad didn’t you eat chocolate I brought chocolate with me but by the time I got to my tent it was like 11:30 at night we’ll we’ll start Crossing and I was like I should probably just get ready

    For bed I shouldn’t snack on chocolate we acoss I believe we’re also going to go past potential a cycling shop a cycling shop Technic yeah I think I’m not 100% certain but I need what do I need from the cycling shop helmet pad helmet

    Pads I don’t know if I have to buy them from like the Thousand helmets make them fit or not or take your helmet into the shop and say I need to put a pad here and they might find a way to do it maybe yeah I’ve been wearing the headband but

    It sometimes slips down my face yeah and goes into my eyeballs nice and that’s that’s what you’re trying to avoid or yeah all right Evan Cycles Evans I was like why does this sound familiar I have no idea I feel like I’ve been to one I wonder if it’s a CH

    It’s a service center they’ll tune your bike up I want new what that gears gears well just more more of a gear don’t they have to then cuz if your gear ratio changes isn’t that you have to have front and back gears or something I’m not sure if they could add a couple

    Without adding front ones that’s why I need to do research but that looks like a very kitted out I would say shop it does look at that they’ve got the jerseys at the back they look like they know what they’re doing and they’re open this late on Sunday crazy yeah but maybe

    I’ll talk to a h and see cuz yeah um I I may have heard one sort of expletive come out of you today saying that you’d run out of G you were so mean to your bike it’s you should apologize to your bike later

    No no I like I barely go up a hill and I’m already out of the gears I’m like no this shouldn’t be happening my question is would more gears get you up the hill faster well would or would you just complain that you ran out of Gears after

    30 more of them no so the thing is I don’t have many gears so I have to push and use my muscles faster if you have really low gears you just pedal really fast but you don’t have to push right so I could ride uphills for longer before powering out

    Oh so you’d get further before you started cursing your body before I start getting mad yeah I’m going to cross here are you just going for it Alex it’s green oh it’s green oh I warned you about this I just crossed and it’s fine and everything works out

    Okay I am surprisingly alert and attentive I really wish I hadn’t said that cuz now something’s going to happen yeah ah it might be inside a building that’s going to be a bit awkward oh signal wise but we’ll find out my phone is going crazy what directions

    Yeah every time there’s a turn now turn like it’s just buzzing but it’s buzzing my watch instead and I can’t be bothered to go into my watch settings and turn it off you’re it’s green it’s red fine fine nice building I want Nan bread I want rice I want everything

    Yeah oh Alex and I are good we’re both wearing green hm you’re wearing green your green hoodie at St Patrick’s Day oh yeah yeah yeah sorry I didn’t see that yeah I just remembered yeah I have the I have a bit of the air smells very green it’s yeah that’s

    Adorable like all the old timey like houses and a little we could go over there and see if it’s actually as cute as it looks from a distance like go down the Alle yeah okay I’m was stealing one picture before do you want to go over there

    Maybe so we’re going to we’re going to be naughty we’re side questing yeah follow me side quest side quest and go side quest side quest look how it’s called It’s called Christmas steps Christmas steps I have no idea if that’s the name of the building or if

    That’s a street name and host Street host street is that okay to say probably this one’s called otes oh gosh oh wow that’s a last stairs yeah but the lights and stuff a should I take a picture once all these people do you want a picture I might take a picture of

    This do you want to be in the picture oh yeah so I can hold your camera and then you can go and hold the stream and be up there somewhere I don’t know where’s cute you tell me where to where you’re going to stand I don’t know I think we

    Need to get closer and that’s a Board Game Cafe I love that right here wow how did we just randomly stumble upon it I don’t know I can probably stand kind of like on the corner here and then if you turn down you want me to get some light

    Pictures of the lights you turn down the brightness I think the lights show up I don’t know how any of this works chat it’s going to be so did you do it yeah I’m going to let these people pass and then I’m going to run okay chat smile we got so you want

    It to be like cuz there’s like a big sign in the way it’s not going to see it uh where do you reckon I mean there is also the option of coming back here after the curry when the light will I want I’ll just take one now and then

    We’ll okay reassess while the crowd go yeah did you want to stand underneath the lamp yeah stand okay ready all right ready chat oh no there’s a big group all right hurry Alex cheers perfect timing I I pressed the button a few times see that was terrifying uh you got

    To live a little I’m just it a group of Youth it’s called ah toots toots a do you trust me again no good we’re going halfway you’re going to stop otherwise you end up underneath a bus we don’t want that no uh I won’t make you run in front of a

    Bus it’s no I was going to go for it yep so that was a cute little random corner with a Board Game Cafe and some cute stairs and lights I really like that Board Game Cafe I didn’t know that was there that so cute it’s a shame the little like Cafe

    Kitchen Next Door wasn’t actually open but it is like a Sunday night it would be strange for them to be open we oh people wearing St Patrick’s they hats yeah I did warn you we were entering like the student area right oh right I forgot that’s why there was so many yeah

    You oh yeah look at all this way we’re going this way and we’re going up this road okay oh look another bike shop I think for ebes ebikes yeah yeah but you have like the weight of an ebike surely that means something like if you want to get a kickstand you need an

    Ebike kickstand yeah but then they get mounted different which is annoying and the restaurant is just here do you want to walk down the sketchy leg side path it’s kind of fun fun kind of want to go down there I don’t let’s see if they’re expecting

    Us is this the door this way this one yes they have a ring light which means hey there table for two we do have a booking we do have a booking should be under uh Sarah sah Sarah Sarah it will be that one is that one MP

    S have you got the vegan menu as well just two people yeah oh okay that’s I wasn’t sure if his name I put it under if we sit here and then have the camera pointing towards us yeah that’s a mirror right or that no that’s actually that is a hall there’s a mirror

    Here it it’ll be fine I could have sit no you sure yeah I think we’ll cover most of the view we will it’s dark anyway I’m going to want to take my coat off and my hat I have somehow in like 10 minutes sweat through my hat we’re kind of joging

    No that’s just my walking PA you’re a fast Walker I apologize oh I’m learning microphone comes off then coat comes off you got it you know better than me are we still live I think so barely hanging on oops I switch from low to high why is that come

    On what does that mean cuz I’ve got battery it does that mean it needs charging or it will last a bit it may last a bit we’ll see I can I can sort that out I think I think overall technology with me and I now know that it wants this

    Cable huh oh yeah that’s why I wanted to sort of get you here CU cute Vibes and I asked about the camera they fck so you did I did actually specifically ask for the camera I said you were super famous Canadian food reviewer you want your sure sure let’s go with that that’s

    A good sign right but that means that’s good that I plugged it in and it went green yeah cool oh I’m getting way too close and personal to this camera there things on my face you don’t need to see um thanks Mom I’m going to need some ice cold Water green is stop oh no green is stop no green means go okay we made it to dinner of Alex I’m just because I know how wide angle lens this is I was going to point more but there’s a mirror so it doesn’t really I just figure rather than have they bought

    You the vegan menu oh everything on here is vegan okay so you don’t have to get anything off of there but it is the fully vegan menu the the menu that has vegetarian stuff on it is on here which you know you’d have to look out for the

    Individual work vs where this is guaranteed to be cified uh and you can get your uh like there’s your popadoms M um they have flavors that’s the mango chat needs to go with the poyon you you have dips I’ve never got that before oh we’re in for a treat oh that’s

    Fun and then there is a section here that’s just the vegetarian dishes so feel free to like if if you’re feeling like cheating well I’m just vegetarian I know but like everyone wants to make an effort to be vegan right theoretically Trevor changed me really well then you

    May want to look at that section cuz there’s some delicious sounding things on there yeah um and then there are drinks uh in terms of Rices and breads they do have the plain Nan they have the cheese Nan they have the chili Nan the garlic Nan the pwar N which is the sweet

    One oh sweet it’s uh like coconut and almond oh no way H I want salanas and cherries there you go oh I’ve never had that either so Amar is very nice I’ll uh I’ll be mother and I’ll just there is your side plate and napkins and there is I’ll only touch the

    Handles knife and fork for you are you okay to get water for the table or do you want something a bit stronger water is probably good and chat there’s two more plates here for chat so you guys can join in too how are we doing on like audio and Stuff what do you think about like the vibe you put in here very nice Vibes kind of just yeah we have been put like directly under a spotlight which is quite useful for us butar I wouldn’t normally like SP yeah I might just have to ask for the recommendation the

    Recommendation uh they will come back and ask you what kind of things you like oh God that will be the issue so it would be better to read through the list of all the different ingredients and find something that sounds nice uh I’m just going to do a quick

    Check on the camera cuz we haven’t actually looked that looks fine bit rate’s a bit low a bit low but Trevor 9999 if there’s anything you can do about the bit rate that would be you know appreciated shall I ask them for their Wi-Fi is that cheeky is that cheeky to ask for

    Wi-Fi chat’s going to tell me it’s not cheeky I’m sure I’m sure chat will tell me that it’s not cheeky to ask for their Wi-Fi back me up here chat H there well there’s there’s there’s that one which is them that’s you that’s me these are probably all you those are well the top two are me for sure what one is this that one oh is it free can you just join it no

    You need the password but I might ask I might ask there’s so many I don’t think I’m getting chat messages now I’m getting chat messages this is a quick test okay when I read them they all kind of sound similar they I mean Curry is normally curry with just something slightly

    Changed so it’s like C flavor with this vegetable or that vegetable or with cheese or without cheese or with spinach or without spinach I normally order like the plaque paneer which is a cheese one uh the paneer there paneer simmered in Rich tomato and that’s different but

    I can maybe try what about that paneer that’s also a different one okay which one did you say you order normally plaque paner so it’s like spinach okay it’s green very green all these yeah pla there oh pla oh but that’s without the the with the cream cheese this is spinach uh

    Paneer but I should probably do something else I just should ask them what they recommend I hope they don’t ask me too many followup questions oh I hope they do I have a feeling they will I seem to get chat messages when I load chat on there but not and then and then

    It Stops so like are you getting chat messages yeah okay I got one do you want me to try I’m going to I’m going to refresh no I’ve reset my internet give me a minute my my mobile internet I don’t recommend but I won’t say who I’m with CU that’s

    Unfair Sarah’s overwhelmed I normally get two choices and I have to pick between two things normally I mean if you’re if you’re wanting to cheat I said cheat if you want to not be vegan you can put the vegan menu away and that cuts down your

    Choices there you go now Sarah only has five choices okay I got five choices and then I look on the back oh you can get SOG uh SOG paneer which is what you told so SOG is like spinach so you can get like SOG paner as a side which is like

    Spinach oh yeah um Ooh Alo being potato so if you see Alo that will have potato in it oh potato oh Alo maybe I’ll do the first one hey chat should I order all five just to really upset her what mhm see I don’t get chat so I’m going to

    I’m can I use your can we can we share a chat phone Someone might have asked a question uh we at a Restaurant right I’m caught up on chat now yeah see I think get all the things too what’s all the things all the things you know oh no that’s so many CES yeah and then you can have a bit of everything and then see what’s similar like so are you drawn

    To anything particular like does does like spinach and creamy tomato and paneer hello hi hello are we ready for order please I I think so what I’m going to order for you okay cuz you cuz you’re not sure all right he’s ordering um you can’t decide between the options

    Uh what would you like to have uh the the PAC cofa mhm um which sounds like the sort of thing you like yeah yeah which one which is the other one I wasn’t sure between the um no I don’t like spicy medium spicy mild how would you like it uh medium

    Medium yeah if you like medium then go for Kai pan so the palota and the P both going to be in mind so both are M so that’s going to be a bit spicier okay yeah it’s not too spicy but it’s you get okay it depends if you wanted to

    Spinach or not depends how sold on the spinach you want no no I’ll try that one y k k yeah uh I’m going to be very simple I’m going to go with a chicken TI Masala I can’t go wrong with a chicken TI Masala um can we get the uh the the

    The padons normal how many poons would you like to have uh can we get two each or four two each yeah we can always order more yeah that’s fine some drinks to startop as well I think we’re just going to do water can we do water for the table or the tap uh

    Taps uh in terms of Rices uh you like the colorful rice didn’t you so PE out peel out yeah can we get flavor yes please yeah need non breid with this or just the rice yes yeah non so which n would you prefer we do have n Garlic n cheese narii

    Kar n i mean we can go with a plain n for now okay but I mean cuz I wasn’t sure how sold on the pasari you were I’ve never tried it but I could can we get one pasari and one plane one pasari Nan yeah and then one plain Nan yeah cuz

    You don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it no problem that’s about it I think that will do well thank you if we I don’t think we’ll still be hungry after that but you know I think it should be enough yeah it should be and um is there any special

    Occasion for tonight or just normal dinner just meeting up yeah meeting up she’s she’s from Canada she’s flown all the way over from Canada oh wow so we haven’t seen each other for like a year yeah so this was an opportunity to come out and she likes Indian food and I look

    For the best Indian place first time or you’ve been first time here I just looked for the best Indian place cuz we’re both not from here okay I’m sure you thank you very much thank you oh I could have said so much but I’m glad you didn’t

    A but I wouldn’t have been in trouble you would have been in trouble you get per band Perma band Chad I could have got myself Perma band just then I didn’t realize this had a difficulty rating yeah I I didn’t want to go into your full life story for you but I mean

    Next time I see him I will explain about the cycling no I don’t think he want full life special occasion I mean what what’s the what’s the what’s your anniversary on Twitch at the moment I forget it’s in when’s my anniversary my twitch Anniversary married for 10 years we kind of came up of a fake back story none of it would have been believable no no I know I was really tempted to say it was your birthday oh God I’m like no no no my birthday is 420 see to see if they

    Did anything I was so tempted that’s lying Alex mhm can’t lie I Mean it’s a fun lie it’s a lie where everyone benefits from it lie my Dad’s here you can’t do that okay five bucks five bucks you are loud Brian should we get him a little closer I might just play it through the Phone hi Brian but that Brian is at the like the other like seat and he shouted that like so thanks Dad for the 15 months I think you’ll like what you’re getting you may regret medium spice you thank you medium I was just in South Korea I’m not going to say anything I

    Should have said spicier I was trying to save you but that’s fine no I don’t think it will be too bad I have more spice tolerance than Trevor I don’t believe you yeah I’ve made Trevor and I um the spicy rice cakes and he’s like oh this is like

    Quite on the edge but it’s not too spicy I’m like I didn’t think it was spicy at all he’s like no like I can feel it I was like oh and then we make these really spicy thank you very much noodles and he puts a lot more peanut butter to cut the

    Spice out than I do that’s he also does like peanut butter you say that just like peanut butter so there is a chance that it’s just he really thank you very much let’s get into this water over this please so what have we got sorry so this

    Is mixed salad this is mint and yogurt beetro and mango and the lemon pickle oh so spicy [ __ ] idea brilliant thank you very much enjoy thank you sorry I do that I’ll cut up it’s okay I like to know all the things that’s fair chat also gets mad when I

    Don’t ask what things are chat this is your opportunity I I will be your medium you can tell me to say anything to anyone and I will probably not do it but are you not a streamer cuz this is a side quest I have to oh chat reached the side quest goal

    They did me the side quest goal exactly you slept in a pond because of that I mean that is dedication I did sleep in a pond all right how do we pop a do have uh you you you grab one I mean I I would now take that and you just you can

    Break a bit off and then if you don’t mind I won’t double dip but if you don’t mind a dip oh so we just dip like chips you can also use the teaspoon to put some on if you want but then it has the risk of oh that’s quite nice that’s

    Quite sweet but it’s got like a beetroot earthy flavor beetroot mango yeah you want to you want to go Brave with the pieces cuz otherwise you get crumbles I’m going to go for the the lime now normally lime on like Indian is is quite lime is where you get the spice but

    Really M oh that’s that’s what I would call a mild heat that builds should try it and get it kind of gets you at like the back of the throat as you finish that’s nice that’s a good spice that’s quite um quite Savory very Savory I expect your Curry to have that

    Level of spice so not very spicy but it’s definitely this kind that would build this is what you have when your mouth is on fire cuz it’s very cooling okay yeah not bad I’m sorry for all the ASMR I can handle that happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday I thought that was us happy birthday to you happy this is really loud that was scary crying where’s the birthday it’s my Grandma’s birthday happy birthday grandma happy birthday grandma brid water Grandma Bridge Water po

    Bit oh that was so loud I thought that was my speaker cuz it was coming from over there no no I did think that I did think that that was happening I just wasn’t expecting it to be that loud and I was a bit worried they were coming over here for a

    Second did you tell them it was my birthday you lie now if I’d have been with family they’d have joined in singing and they’d have clapped we did a little clap One time so my other half has quite a large extended family we went to a birthday party once and they did that there’s like I don’t know 25 of us around like massive tables there’s a lot of us right yeah and everyone saying happy birthday and out of nowhere I

    Think a guy came over and gave us a 5 note and went happy birthday and I’m like excuse me that’s very nice this is Alex who Alex oh hi I’m Alex today well you’re Alex in chat I don’t know how confused we want to make chat I’m Alex do I now have to rename myself to Alex in chat yeah I’m doing the teaspoon method it works these are quite thick I’m used to like them being a lot more liquidy like when you go to like oh the sauces yeah yeah Yeah this is Alex but his name isn’t Alex we’ll go with Alex I’m fine I’m not scared of somebody hearing what my name is I just it is as you said going to confuse people so try a mixed salad which just looks like I’m not even sure I was scared of that

    One what we got we got onion and carrot and mint it’s very oniony it’s like an onion Chutney that is surprisingly tasty it’s kind of the best one I was expecting that to be more onion oh okay off the taste of onion mine had quite a lot of onion on

    It mine had more carrot that’s really tasty it was good the one that looked more sketchy was the tastiest Yeah I mean so I said my real name when we walked in here but people may not have noticed so yeah no I was trying to stand away from you cuz I heard you say names and I forgot you also have a microphone but then someone put a microphone on me

    Yeah so so it’s hard to be surreptitious I also need to remember that I can just turn the mic off you can if I need to or just eat it okay I don’t know what sauce this is that’s the the yogurt the mint yogurt it’s if your mouth is spicy

    No it’s not as fun as the others it’s not fun no it’s when you’ve had a curry that is too hot oh so maybe later I’ll need that it’s very refreshing this one’s good I will ask for more of the salad onion Chutney we might not need more no we probably Won’t do you know what this reminds me of the little presentation is pink white remember with all the five color dip gosh yeah and wasn’t she just the most adorable all my ketchups yeah she Was side Alex ral’s name a name reveal would you guys be pretty shocked if my name wasn’t Sarah no no I’ve been using a fake name this whole time I could IM I don’t see why not I’m actually more surprised that you use your real name and your channel

    Name well I didn’t plan on it I just wanted to make a Twitch account to watch Trevor and I just used my name cuz I couldn’t think of a username did your mom copy you or is that just a family trait of just being really trusting she just copied me I

    Think but yeah I I just made it to talk in his chat I didn’t think too hard about it and now look at you there’s not a tandem Insight it’s in the garage yeah that’s in Canada yeah every girl I know his name is Sarah yeah when we were checking in for this

    Booking another Sarah table for two two other Saras two others there was two other Saras both for tables for two wow I caus confusion cuz they crossed them off so now the other sah can’t get in a and I didn’t even book it under Sarah

    Which I meant to do it was one of those things that In the Heat of the Moment when I was typing it all in and doing the booking I was like I’ll put it under Sarah’s name and then the page refreshed and it reloaded and auto filled my

    Details in cuz my phone does that and then I couldn’t be a to change it oh you’re so shocked to hear toa’s name isn’t TOA yeah I forgot what her real name is I don’t know if it’s public knowledge or not we’ll say it’s TOA Tua that’s a pretty cool name how

    Does she end up going by Tua probably the same way that everybody goes by a random name on the Internet apart from you what would you that is that’s a question that came up earlier on and I’m fascinated now if you had to if you knew that you were going to start

    Streaming would you go with an alterate name or would you go with a channel name no cuz s bridgew is stupid long so I probably would have just gone a bridge or just bridgew water which is still my name but with without the e what the

    E all the best Bridgewaters have the e in the name yeah no I would like my name to just be Bridge maybe can I be cheeky and move the dick Yeah cuz Bridge would be clean Bridge would be that would be like getting hitch yeah bridge and hitch like I don’t I don’t think lightning strikes twice like that I was looking into changing my name in the past but all the good names are taken so you have to kind of like I

    Don’t think all the best names like oh oh no chicken TI Masala yes please you have a nice little setup there yeah thank you very Much all the things our R we have a and a plane we that’s a p there I’ll put the plane there you might need one more rice okay that’s okay if we can get one yeah again yes please it’s just that that probably won’t last us too

    Long thank you there’s a lot here though actually for now hold on yeah cuz we I’ve just yeah we’ve got two N I didn’t think perfect perfect yeah thank you so we got a lot of food yeah before we go too much further did you want to take a picture

    Sure how can I make this look a bit more neat and tidy I’m going to take my knife and fork and put it on my plate uh with my napkin there set dressing chair one moment set dressing it’s very important for the photos sex dressing Right and then over to the professional Photographer sha eats or camera eats first okay we good yeah a bit bright a bit of Curry on the plate a bit of n dig in all the stuff okay so this is a sweet one this is the pichari Nan I’ve never had that oh it’s very hot smells sweet it’s

    Sweet and you can see it’s got Cherry you might want to take a different piece to get some cherry start that I think there’s one in there it’s very very hot very hot you’re not going to be having any of my Masala so you don’t mind if I dip directly into

    Yeah you for it this one is off limits I think everything else you can have but this one is off limits okay put some that one of the nicest Masala sauces you scared me no no no no no that is one of the like there is so

    Much going on there so normally when you do like an Indian takeout in England it will be just like the same color sauce it will be the same consistency all the through it it’s just a large quantity of red sauce yeah this is very orange you can actually taste like the

    Different uh spices that they’ve used that’s good that’s really nice it’s a proper very very nice very very good If you decide that that’s not for Sarah then there was five other options anonymous tip $25 looks like a fun night ahead of you guys a thank you thanks for dinner Anonymous well we got a feast ahead of us for sure yes there’s there’s a lot to get through

    I’m going to uh knife and fork I forgot about this one part of streaming what eating on stream oh you don’t like it I I feel incredibly self-conscious I’ll do it I mean I eat front got sauce on my nose I don’t feel so bad now I do that too

    Mhm yeah I didn’t say it was a mirror I’ve only just realize that the mirror extends all the way along it goes all the way that was me that was my dad Thanks Dad that was my dad that gave me a donation five bucks five bucks five bucks five bucks

    That was a lot of five bucks to get in one go True all right yeah this is this is really Good I wouldn’t say mine is spicy no but it is it I don’t I wouldn’t say it’s enough spice to be called mild at medium but it’s almost a little bit more than just no spot it’s there is something there mild makes me think of like a Cora

    Which is like no spice just cream this one isn’t that spicy but I think my nose will get runny eventually which Segways very Nicely I hate to say it I hate to say it but those are still the eight you know the eight packs that I bought and you only took like two of the last time I show you that is the rest of well not the rest there this is still more of

    It because um I don’t go out very often and when I do I don’t really think about taking packet of tissues but I know for somebody who’s on the road all the time it’s probably good camera’s tilted down oh can we tilt the camera down Yeah okay I might go behind it instead of reaching over the food that’s always a smart idea what if we go like this is that too extreme I feel like we have no head now do we have a look yeah I guess we can have a peek maybe that is to angled down

    No that’s really I mean apart from the fact that there’s no bit right we don’t have a head yeah that’s fine okay there you are yeah all right there we Go the music here is all covers but it’s of like songs I know so they they’re popping into my head I know I was like oh it’s Shallow by Lady Gaga but but like it’s not but it’s good and it’s it’s close inter instrumental yeah instrumental versions covers right look at all this

    [Applause] food super excited I don’t know what I ordered Alex ordered me for dinner I think it was like aad something caner it has the the cheese it’s the like the cottage cheese it’s the one without spinach it’s the cottage cheese with spicy tomato sauce and mixed roasted vegetables so I’d say

    I can see onion red pepper green pepper cream cheese what onion I think that’s it there’ll be more flavors in there than That the sweeten on is good you like it yeah ah kind of fun it’s not like too sweet yeah no I got to the it’s not like the Tomato thing and it’s nice that’s a like a glazed Cherry yeah is those Cherry mhm Oh Mhm just sat here eating like a toddler that doesn’t how to eat disappointed in Myself this is very different than my dinner last night I mean it’s got as much water in it last night I had some dehydrated orzo b in a bag that we rehydrated at the campsite it was a different vibe could I try a piece of the cottage cheese Yeah a single Cube I’m just curious cuz I don’t think I’ve had the I don’t think I’ve had paneer in in a long time it say ever I was like oh my gosh no no I’ve had it oh oh BL me that is um that is a kick oh a kick

    Really you just sat there like it’s nothing that is um I told you I have I have an okay spice tolerance it’s not Korea changed me [Laughter] genetically no I think my nose will get runny soon though but it’s a night it’s quite dry it’s a heat

    Yeah that’s not that’s that’s I can’t describe it that’s really nice there you go there you guys go to Bristol come here for yourself you’ll like you’ll enjoy it you’ll have a good time s her promises you can take a selfie at the Front do you want to take a selfie by the sign I don’t know we’ll see how how busy the door is chat for the low low price of 100 bits I will make Sarah take a selfie in front of the sign at the front of the restaurant only for 100 B I’m selling

    You out for 100 bits wow and not because I was going to make you do it anyway that’s like nothing to do with it I’m just giving chat the opportunity to motivate me to do it okay we also got s watercolor with the prime Stu well that was

    Easy thank you color for the you have to take two selfies now two no that’s one for me one for you so yeah he donated for both doubled yeah thanks for the prime welcome to the mukbang post cycling Feast I’m not going to eat the two cloves those will be way too

    Much clove is a powerful flavor on the best of days I don’t want two of them yeah we recyled into Bristol today is very very H because you guys wanted me to go over the suspension bridge but you did it I did it I could

    Not did you see did you look over the edge well yeah I was thinking about you up there I was like oh Alex can probably come tomorrow and take pictures of me on the bridge so glad that you went over it already cuz now I can be like no you’ve

    Done that you’ve done that but they needed photos Alex Alex hates Heights and then he took me up what building was it the spica Tower the spica Tower it may have been renamed but congratul and celebration when I tell everyone that you’re in love with me congratulations and dations

    I want the world I’m Happ congratulations on the new relation it’s an anniversary song someone celebrating an anniversary why are we not crating I didn’t say anything I want to Die this is for us this is so loud congratulations [Applause] That’s statement pardon that’s a statement song that’s so loud congratulations I can hear through time now congratulations to them congratulations wanted to turn in the volume I was about to reach for your phone it does nothing yeah I was I was contemp perfect absolutely perfect thank you so

    Much that was loud you guys can turn it down we had to Just I would like um ta to S me for my birthday that would be you got quarter of a million pounds cuz she’ll do it I think she might need more than that I’m pretty sure you can do private book KS for Taylor Swift for like one night yeah

    For like a oneoff song for one song I still think it would be like a lot of money like I feel like a one ticket for her concert right now is worth that much actually you’re not wrong they are getting they’re in the thousands now Crazy the Batman wrong maybe I can book an AI Swit a knock off Taylor Swift with how much money she has I highly doubt she allows those to happen very often yeah I bet that gets cracked down On you can tell that this restaurant has an idea of what they’re doing cuz the servers all have like microphones why like they’ve all got like headsets in so they can radio through to each other when they need something rather than running around crazy in here it it’s

    It’s it’s yeah I mean it’s Sunday night and it’s just Busy I can see why it is hard to top this in terms of quality that you will find in the UK for Indian food you think yeah y do we ask for Country Roads oh no absolutely not that is not the vibe you’ve got orange oh that’s okay is red as low like

    Is red right okay we’ll stay on Orange Let’s St on country roads is not the vibe of the Indian restaurant no no But Congratulations Celebrations is does that do you tell people that you’re celebrating an anniversary when you go out for dinner there’s a restaurant near us where they come out with tambourines and bongo drums for anniversaries for birthdays for anything I am surprisingly full up we still got a lot more to

    Go yes Mom look at all those look at all this what about that Rice you haven’t had any I had loads of rice oh I’m really glad I didn’t order a second rice I didn’t notice That better yeah yes Sarah I’ll keep eating Sarah Sarah really good spicy for you or how is it no it’s perfect I think it’s spicy she doesn’t she doesn’t taste yeah crazy it really good sorry I accidentally forgot I left my fork in A all right Oh no I got the cantro I was trying to avoid that oh have you got the Jean that makes it taste like so yeah so do both of my parents that would make sense it’s probably genetic yeah we both can’t stand It it’s very prominent in Indian cooking yeah to the point that I think there’s a takeaway in my town that’s literally called coriander leaf which is the name We call philanthrope we call it coriander coriander and there’s there’s literally I think there’s one called the coriander leaf or the coriander

    Something yeah it’s not for me I tried a weird ice cream in Taiwan where they like smash peanuts and put coriander and ice cream in like a and they’re like you can leave it out if you want I’m like yes I I want to try it

    But I can’t but you know you don’t like it so why did you try it with it no I got it without it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I misunderstood I still wanted to try the weird peanut ice cream wrap what kind of wrap like a thin like

    Crepe it was like really thin yeah kind of like a crepe but it didn’t seem to have much flavor like the wrap so it could have been more like a rice paper wrap kind of thing you have experience with those now yeah I remember your cooking stream

    Now uh was that was that a was that a sponsored cooking stream one of your sponsored ones that was not that’s why it didn’t turn out good but if I was using helloof fresh hello fresh do you have a sponsor code for that I do you can use my code that pops

    Up stream hog there it is and you can um if you’re from America sign up with my code and get free breakfast well subscribed one item per box while your every time if you stay subscribed every box comes with a free bre it sure does wow and that’s where

    Sorry what Canada and the US Oh no just the US just the US right that’s a pretty good deal and you do have quite a lot of people from the US few people anyone in chat from the US give us a shout out so we know where you Are I bet we’ve got some people from the US in chat somewhere anyone from America anyone from the US over there we scared them all off I think they might I’m so sorry all right there we got a couple M well here’s your chance to sign up for hellofresh I would recommend anybody

    That hasn’t tried hellofresh at least try it try it cuz it might change their life it might not for me it was very it was actually quite did you use my code I used your last code see Alex knows how to use a good promo C for hellofresh now hell

    Fresh it like so for me it’s hard to know what to get in the rest what to get in the shops yeah getting it all getting the right quantity is quite difficult cuz otherwise you end up with too much of one thing yeah exactly I don’t like

    The wastage um and then the fundamental problem is choosing what to have like if you do have if difficulties of choice you can just go in hellofresh and say I want a quick meal yeah I only want quick meals they’ll send you a box with three

    Quick meals in it and you can be like oh my goodness I can buy this for myself in future you can keep the recipe cards my parents do that so like every week you could get like a slight you can also delay boxes right you can you can also

    Stagger them so you can be like oh I don’t need one this week but keep your subscription and then get one then a week after yeah you pause restart it add box or like amount of meals you want for the week if suddenly you’ve got if you know you’ve

    Got a guest coming around the week after in a week in advance you can go oh I need to add an extra meal or I need to add an extra portion you can do it all and three just turns and your friends will be impressed cuz they won’t have

    Any idea until you reveal to them that you use hellofresh and then you can pass your promo code onto them and then everyone can be on hellofresh Wow World stun Before I left on my trip I got three hell fresh meals and then I knew I was pieing off so I cancelled it super Easy and then when you when and if you go back to Canada for a long time I’m sure you can find more things to decorate hopefully my house is unfurnished but I had to Leave do you think Trevor’s going to decorate anything or buy furniture when I’m not there does he need anything that’s not already there does he need does he have a desk no then yes I would expect him to probably have up his office that’s a lot his office is an

    Absolute B mhm mhm cuz before we did the car stream we needed a bunch of mounts and we destroyed the room cuz we opened every single tech box we had that would be my only expectation is to sort out that one room all right pitch are you

    Here we hope for your office to be done we don’t even have a bed frame the mattress is on floor I had a mattress on the floor for like 6 months after I got my first place yeah we had what was even worse is that after like 5 months we had

    The bed frame and it was just lent up against the wall and we just needed to like screw it all in and build it all but the effort of building it cuz we had to get the mattress out of the room yeah build the bed frame get the mattress

    Back in the room put it on the bed frame once we did it yeah it was only 2 hours worth of effort but it’s still like it’s so hard to motivate when you’re just like ear on the and then I what madebe do is I read an article about bad it is

    It is really bad to sleep on the floor I know and now I’m like well our not just for yourself but like just in general for the mattress for like Health hygiene all of it is like a really bad idea but I feel like it’s going to be on

    The floor for year what will happen if you go back home and just like there was just like a fully immersive like driving or racing like simulator rig instead I really fair enough wow just fair enough day bed’s gone Furniture’s all gone just this great big

    Rig in the corner yeah I well he had dreams he made them come true little door opens and now you know and then it’s like climate controlled with a bicycle in the middle of it fully surround monitors yeah for cycle practice really and you would just be like that’s fine Yeah you heard it here but like Trevor you can you can go ahead and just take over get your fully immersive racing simulator built Sarah says it’s okay well we have multiple rooms now so I’ll still have a room to do my own things probably do you have have you got an

    Area set up I have an office Trevor has an office why do I feel like your your office needs to like an arts and crafts desk that’s all my office is arts and craft you need to have space for a sewing machine for some reason I can

    Imagine you needing a sewing machine for the odds like I’ve wanted one for like 20 years but I never got one you could go really old school and get a pedal powered one I could cuz they used to have like the little push pedal where you P it yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Yeah so even when you’re not like on the bike you can do your sewing and your sewing is also your cying prac maybe well I demolished my Curry I’m very full up the flavor was amazing that’s good wow right I’m going to steal the rest of the

    Rice huh taking the rest oh yeah yeah go for it I in fact like literally all the food is on that half of the table now I don’t even like even the bread is just perfectly it is split that’s weird I’ve cleared my half of the table CH now it’s over to Sarah

    Shared yeah and I probably had about half of the papadoms no no no I’ve been working on Heavenly delicious food but I am very full up that’s Good are you enjoying it yeah good I’m just slow no that doesn’t matter we can sit here as long as it takes we got chat we got batteries for like days hours I mean I’ve got 17 hours of microphone power 17 hours that’s how long it says

    17 hours I can power a microphone for and then I’ve probably got the8 hours of the battery built into it once it’s charged yeah and then you said what it’s only taken what 40% so far today so there’s probably like we could go to like all night go

    With the with the stream for multiple days what’s that 24-hour stream no I need to sleep I’ll do the Sleep stream part you can do the like the stream [Laughter] Part I want to sleep I slept in that tent last night Alex I do I was tempted to get like a mango I I might ask them if they’d have Lassie here like a mango Lassie or something cuz this is such an authentic place there’s a good chance there’s a secret door

    Watch that door close Secret Door that’s quite nice that’s the secret door right yeah that is so cool um have you had sorry did you ask what Lassie was no I’ve had one I think they’ll probably have one I don’t know why they wouldn’t I I really like them um the

    Nicest Lassie I’ve ever had was at a very nice similar to this Indian restaurant in Portugal Portugal yeah of all places I went to Portugal we saw this very nice Indian restaurant it had the best Star it had such nice presentation uh the food was delicious I think this food was actually more

    Delicious this one are there this one was more delicious which was like this has just talked like my Indian restaurant you’re going to have to come back to Bristol with your partner just to try the Indian food again although we jealous I got a message actually I

    Didn’t fully read it but it said something about sad that they only got pizza a are you having a good time I’m stuck having pizza stuck having pizza pizza’s gray Pizza is gray cha really likes ly cha and I are very similar in a lot of ways oh no what have I done

    There’s a washing machine in the apartment I know I don’t I only have to it’s one day for me and then I’m back home that’s true I can I can imagine you needing to make use of it given that you slept in a pond I was thinking about it but then I

    Have to dry everything we’ll see how good that drying rack is yeah cuz at least you got one the next campsite might [Laughter] not yeah have you made a decision up on which direction yet yeah I think so you think well yeah I think so I I am at my

    Decision Point aren’t I I like I have you don’t have to decide today I’m just curious to see I have to decide once I’m in Bristol I’m in Bristol yeah we’re going up to Manchester Manchester yeah I feel like we’re what’s the certainty level on that like 80%

    Yeah yeah well I feel like we’re having fun in the UK it’s a good start to warm me up you don’t want to just pull the rip Cod and get out of here yet no it’s easier to like buy things and sort things out in England compared to like

    Greece and you want to you want to push through all of the hills in the rain yeah so I think I’m going to Manchester have you been checking the weather in Greece and just imagining yourself there no cuz it might be like a good idea to

    Because if if you find out that the weather in Greece is not that disimilar to we’re experiencing here which I’m assuming it’s nicer in Greece and it is here um you know that might justify but like if it’s so much nicer it might just motivate you to Pedal that little bit

    Faster WEA in a well it’s 13 right now and I feel like it’s 13 oh it’s 11 so similar is this Hotel California is instrumental cover I think it is oh oh this one says Athens 12 so they’re one degree warmer I bet it didn’t rain all night last

    Night maybe not don’t mention that Alex so you want me in the UK sure I want what’s best for you I don’t know well I think the UK is good for getting like yourself sorted and while you still have a modem that might spontaneously combust and a phone that closes itself

    It keeps doing that are you logged out no I just closed this chat chat just turns off it’s a feature it’s a Feature Feature I love it when I’m riding downhill and I can’t fix it and it just closes I like how there is no warning

    Either it’s as we were chatting and your phone just goes and you just see a picture of a cat and it’s like oh okay you get a cat now that is right I just ate a chili or something very spicy here we go chat oh my God that’s going to start looking more and more appetizing the more chilies you Eat oh God that’s not going to help that is probably the worst thing you could do e no you’ve got poppadum you’ve got nan oh my God what was that that was uh they wanted to you know you know like Bean Boozled yeah you just you got the Bean Boozled mouth full

    Is that helping I don’t know Sarah’s on fire Sarah is currently imitating the Super Tank this is where the edited video just pans in on Sarah’s face as it gets more and more flush what was that she’s looking for what to blame in the p there’s like a long kind of like black

    Red thing that was avoided eating that sounds like a like a grilled chili that sounds like and the smaller the chilies the spicier they are so if it was like a short whole chili that’s just been fried up you uh yeah Alex you okay no is it getting worse yeah yeah ah I’m

    Happy Sarah had a spicy curry it’s on the side of my tongue so like so much bravado at the St oh I’ve been to South Korea I’m I’m immune to spice tell you in a whole chil I thought like just the paneer was spicy I had one piece of the paneer and

    It was spicy oh my God half my tongue is off oh I’m crying is all the water gone Nope oh my Lord it didn’t bring out a lanter though did it you didn’t owe my Lanta oh my Lanta so it wasn’t spicy I feel like my tongue’s bleeding maybe it was glass yeah I think you ate like the like so they normally like mix the chilies in to get the spice and then they would take them out scoop them out and I just think you just got unlucky and we’re

    Just like oh what’s this I think that is like yeah I think that is is what happened I know everyone stare at Sarah don’t stare at me Alex tell a story get out of here tell a story well this one time we went to an Indian restaurant um and

    Sarah ate like the world’s spiciest chili and it turned out to be the best type 2 fun of all Time uh this is Sarah is currently experiencing type two fun this will be funny later it’s already funny for everyone Else should I do a reenactment to Sarah last night the smoke coming out of it Trevor what do I do Trevor Trevor hitch was really upset that I didn’t film The Smoke and then I put it off to the there was no yeah I couldn’t see any I know was it just a

    Little puff or did it actually go for a while yeah and I was like I’m sorry I panicked she’s like Sarah your job content like we’ll do a reenactment later with the sleeping bag on the radiator you’ll just burn all your equipment slowly over time between now

    When you get the GRE there’ll just be burn marks in everything all the cables are fried okay I think I’m slowly recovering but I don’t feel great oh no my we’ll go for a little jog afterwards you’ll feel fine a jog you tell you tell me my walking speed is J

    It was fast I’ll I’ll slow down as well and we can detour we’ll find Something I really don’t know what to suggest other than um would you like some sweet bread maybe I know have it with the rest of your Curry is that it now is that now in the naughty Corner unfortunately the curry was delicious chat Sarah has just relegated

    It to that I don’t trust it anymore it bit me it did bite Sarah got bitten by the curry and my now nose is going yeah yeah but it was tasty up until she ate the wrong thing and then we is going Sarah’s melting I’m glad I brought those tissues oh Yeah don’t look at my napkin I wasn’t going to don’t look at mine fine I just leave that on the side there okay I think I got past the worst part you think so yeah yeah how red is my face how red in this light you look normal

    Colored uh no you are a little yeah There’s A Mir Trevor you would be dead right now if you ate that yeah the curry itself alone I was like oh that’s got some spice to it and if you keep eating it it builds and then Sarah ate the chili that made it spicy just the whole chili the

    Whole thing that was like remove this before serving and then Sarah ate It so let’s talk about nice cold things tell me about the ice creams that you’ve had ice cream all the different flavors of ice cream you’ve had and where you had them I asked Trevor to bring home humus one night when he went out with a friend

    Humus humus by Triscuit and he stayed out super late he came home at 1:00 a.m. with no hummus but a giant pint of ice cream isn’t that better and he’s like this is close enough right what did you need the hummus for my trisuit my crackers right yeah with ice

    Cream he’s like well I couldn’t find hummus so I thought this was the next best thing to bring home but like Trevor doesn’t even eat ice cream he doesn’t like is that isn’t that even Kinder he he bought something that not only he’s not going to eat but he knows that you

    Like and he wasn’t able to get the thing you wanted and he didn’t want to come home empty-handed that was very nice but yeah he was super Dr so he passed out but I was super high cuz in Canada you can do that so I did just eat the ice

    Cream with a spoon in bed and then put it nicely back in the fridge so he gets home says sorry it’s not humus it’s ice cream falls asleep and you just sat up all night eating ice cream yeah good story that’s my ice cream story that’s your

    Ice cream story I didn’t know you had an ice cream story oh and we will see the people that are not subscribed back yeah they just got the ice cream story in before ads you did you did well there might be like they might have just

    Got the cut off at the tail end it they have heard the important part but yeah at most of that ice cream went High cuz the next night I do the same thing when Trevor passed out I was PE kindness and that’s like ice cream that’s your is that your preferred

    Snack no we never have ice cream at the house cuz we had only a little tiny drawer fridge so it kind of took up the entire so now that you have a whole freezer freezer yeah we have ename beans in the freezer how many like a Costco pack so it’s huge like

    50 what do you do with that many well I haven’t ate any since I bought them what was the plan the plan was to make a spicy chili oil sauce that spicy spicier spicier spicier and put it on the Ed of momy and eat them as little

    Snacks but um I didn’t make it that far how last I don’t know I mean Frozen edame should last a while Frozen edame should last a while I’ve eaten so much help you need help I need help yeah but yours isn’t a food quantity thing yours is a food spiciness

    Issue that can be fixed by a pint of ice cream mine would be made considerably worse by a pint of ice cream that’s true oh gosh that was bad apparently it takes up so much of your freezer but I don’t know if that’s like a positive or negative thing probably negative it

    Takes up like half the freezer but what are you using the rest of the freezer for peris I don’t know what that is a perogi I have no idea what a perogi is what’s it like a bit tape so how do you describe a paroi help me out he chat I don’t

    Understand what Sarah’s saying I don’t think they buy tires potato okay we go another [Applause] birthday everyone’s [Applause] birthday it’s my Grandma’s birthday it’s two people parents birthday oh my God it off I mean yay happy birthday another one and there was one anniversary they also play Anniversary song

    Y and carer a happy birthday I saw something about dumpling dumplings yeah are they dumplings like potato potato dumpling yeah we get ones that are filled with cheese and potato what do they look what’s the shape what’s the I can’t explain you can’t explain a shape I also don’t know how to

    Spell I’m just worried about the can’t explain the shape are we talking like a cylinder a rectangle a cube uh oh cresant moon a cresant moon oh I see okay yeah I see what you when you say dumpling I think of a very different thing you’re saying it like hey okay like a

    Guoa yeah like a guoa but like filled with potato there you go that’s the how to explain it okay never had one don’t know if they do them over here well the proen versions aren’t ideal but they’re good what do you have them with oh Chev no

    Super boring nothing just a bowl of them just a plate of herois with butter and you can do a side of sour cream sour cream my parents put lemon pepper seasoning on I I think they need a bit of spice I’d say they they need a bit of

    A Kake lemon pepper but Trevor and I are so boring we just have it with sour cream I mean I’ve once eaten plain pasta with just butter so that’s basically our it’s our super La meal it’s it’s pastry with pastry with so it’s pastry and potato and butter yeah and herbs and

    Spices without the spices cuz you don’t go there do the herbs so that’s just that’s just carbs carbs that’s just a lot of carbs yeah just stick some pasta in there as well have a bowl of pasta on the side pasta for they’re a good cheater meal is what

    We call it I feel like they need a sauce they just sound like the IDE like it sounds almost like ravioli so you go with sour Cream you dip them that’s that sounds like a side that’s not a meal well we call it a meal I think Trevor was trying to buy some recently when he went grocery shopping but they were sold out oh no I no and then you wouldn’t have even been

    Able to fit them in your freezer because it’s full of edamame got to start eating the Ed M would you be upset if Trevor got rid of the Ed M no but he has to eat it what if he just fills the freezer with ice cream and Frois that’s not too bad I guess yeah okay that has to be good ice cream the ice cream he bought was not good oh he’s upgraded to bacon and cheese not just cheese oh you can get them with chees okay yeah you did say cheesy potatoes is delicious

    Yeah hitch where is the vegetables in that meal out of interest there is none just like granted I have just consumed an entire meal without vegetables in it is said there veggies nope well you had that you had a bite of vegge ooh one of my five a day

    Surely that actually was really nice I might have a little bit more wait yeah there’s potatoes potatoes or vegetables where was the potato potatoes oh not here in the brookies I don’t know how I don’t know how much potato contributes to vitamins a lot almost done yeah that’s my unless

    You’re in a rush no I’m still recovering yeah I got tears running down my face I didn’t want to say Sarah is just for anyone joining us now Sarah is not crying because of anything I’ve done it was self-inflicted there was a slight accident in the curry eating Department slight accident someone said

    You knew how to eat so I didn’t tell you and then you know look what happened true maybe I can get this to go mhm we have a fridge bring my KN I bring my kn mhm poppadums don’t last they go very um stale y yeah that’s fair I’ll wearing a

    Non home and some Curry potatoes have lots of potassium I didn’t know that I also don’t know how true that is that’s me trusting someone on the internet but I can see it I think that’s true I think I like that some time Guinness is full of vitamins but I also just say this quietly because of

    The day I’m not the biggest fan of again I’m not I’m not a drinker not a big fan of Guinness the he is gone I’m recovered Sarah’s going to still though take the rest of it home because she’s lost her confidence in it today I just need to like really look at it before I take a BT that green thing there that looks like another chili I thought that was a I

    Think that’s a chili I see chili seeds in that in that end I’m pretty sure that’s it is a chili I think that’s a that’s a chili top there’s another one oh and then get rid of that just pick it out you don’t want to take that

    You don’t want to take that home with you otherwise everything will taste like Soap Sarah is on the hunt for chilies right now because one of them just bit her oh no I think that’s a pepper I don’t know true actually is it just a slice of the chili how about you taste one and find out if it’s a chili no s Quest eat

    Chilies Alex do you want to like a fix I I’m happy to try the chili you want to which one do you think is the chili do you think it’s this bit that’s the one I thought maybe was a pepper even better I’m opinion that this is a

    Pepper is it a Pepper or Chili pepper try another One I’m almost certain that that’s a Chili you were not kidding water oh you were not kidding he found a chili I only had like the tiniest n piece Sarah ate a whole one chil s M that tastes so much better when you had chili yeah wasn’t that fun no now I’m going to cry yeah definitely allergic to chili

    Why would you eat it cuz you told me to oh you’re easy easily influenced no but it is also possible to have a reaction to chilies I don’t luckily but if you go too severe on the chilies you you you can you can stop breathing if you go too severe on and

    Spice oh like how severe so you were lucky oh gosh they wouldn’t Ser a chili here that could kill you don’t worry that is just Oh see now it’s calming down it’s really nice I don’t believe that yeah that’s really nice why did mine Last 5 Years well it’s still there it’s just

    Calming down that’s nice try another one that is a good point but luckily I think we have two separate to we do have two toilets so that’s fine I’ve already Sarah’s already designated or we think we designated you can have like the larger bathroom I cleaned both of my

    Tents currently yeah I might ask you to move some of that out so that I can actually use the shower that’s fair and sink and Tow rail yeah I took over that the only thing that doesn’t have something on it is the toilet yeah and I don’t know why you

    No how are your shoes dry Sarah shoes finally dried all it took was a radiator really hot radiator there’s the L which according to the like plug is off that’s but it makes clicking sounds and comes like it says please turn off when not in use so I but

    It’s off but it’s still hot so I’m just going to leave that maybe maybe like the switch maybe there’s two switches I didn’t see and I don’t know I don’t know Go shoe shopping no we both hated that experience we did both hate that experience we both hated that yeah I thought at the end of it it was quite good I’m guessing those shoes are long on no they’re at my parents house they would have been Perfect I was just at my parents house but you left them because you were like oh I’ll just leave them here well it’s I I have a pair of shoes there just in case when would you ever turn up Barefoot at your parents house I don’t know but I left a par

    Surely like I could understand leaving slippers behind at like a parent like oh you know when I go around I want to take off my uncomfortable shoes and I want to put on my slippers also I just remember my mom and I are the same shoe size so

    So she’s wearing them she does have a pair does she know where they are I don’t know you want that to go yeah and you want to take that with you we can wrap it up in a napkin are you done I am I’m I’m not finishing the chili I only had a

    Little like tip of it and it was it was a lot I need to not finish that sentence do you think you pay at the table or do you pay out the front here I would expect at the table but there’s nothing to say you can’t go

    To the front and pay no I just need to find my wallet in case they come it’s in one of the so normally it happens in multiple stages so first they bring you the bill then you look at the bill they take this away to get boxed up

    Then you they come over with the cup normally time yeah can we can we get that to take away I will bring the box over for you and it’s just that one that one I think that’s all we’re taking away and then we’ll W can we wrap that up in

    A yes the keep that I’ll clear everything else everything else yeah no and then I think we’d like the the Bell enjoyed the meal good very much so you guys been here before or no first time we’re both new to the area how did you make that mistake

    Then no this is really really good how did you find this then uh uh I just looked for the best Indian and it was recommended by about three different websites so we thought we’d come try it out the atmosphere is amazing thank you thank you we blessed on a Sunday night sometimes some

    Restaurant have nothing yeah it’s busy it’s busy well there been what two birthdays and one anniversary I have one anniversary just left the crystal PR Brigade team sitting table there was three birthdays there three one more three yeah there three and one more birthday just came in and right behind

    You there the 60th anniversary as well wow lots of celebrations lot of celebrations did he say did he say it was the fireman the fire brigade oh is I think that’s what I heard I’m not sure I I might have not been able to hear him very well but I thought he said

    Something about three birthdays in the fire brigade so they all came here but oh three birthdays on one table yeah that’s a lot of birthdays how does that happen well how many birthdays do we have today in chat anyone’s birthday is it anyone’s birthday or is it just my

    Grandma’s cuz there must be not must but statistically speaking I would expect there to be one or two people in chat with a birthday today especially if three people from the Bristol fire brigade have a birth today he just say the bristle fire crazy so that goes for your Curry

    Put that put your n bre that one that’s a back there thank you ever so much that’s a b there thank you very much thank you much guys guys you’re more than welcome if you can leave any feedback on any other social media we will definitely leave feedback yeah thank you very

    Much wow we already gave him a review to how many people uh can we say lots cuz I that’s really not bad for the whole meal yeah I mean I’ve accidentally spent more than that on myself for Indian for no just like in a meal out oh yeah no

    That’s not they are very reasonably priced chat and they fed two people and Sarah gets to take home the death Curry the death Curry is this is this going on the side quest list yes this is mine then I will I will I will I will pass that to you I

    Just need to get my wallet there’s no rush there’s no y that spice has made me a little bit laded that is quite like it’s still going yeah but it’s just feel that and you know you like push n yeah I’ve never everywhere’s a bit different

    I’m used to it having just coconut and raisins saltan sorry salanas salana uh they’re a bit different from raisins they’re Australian oh in my brain they are cuz that’s what they call raisins I think sultanas and raisins have a difference I have no idea what they’re both dried

    Grapes I don’t know if they’re different grapes a plastic bag oh my gosh these are [Applause] rare they’re really nice to have traveling well this one’s going to taste like Curry yeah cuz your c will probably explode inside there now no okay I’m going to grab my wallet grab the

    Wallet I almost tripped the man of all the plates so the very British thing to do then would have been to cheering CL yeah which I think is really insulting and chat never do that if someone drops a glass in a restaurant don’t cheer Don’t Clap even if you’re really really want

    To really want To because I’ve been on the other end of that and it’s not it’s mortifying I was saying the very British thing to do when someone drops a glass in a restaurant or a pub is everyone cheers and claps and it’s mortifying so don’t do it don’t do that cuz I’ve been

    One of the people that’s knocked a glass off a table and everyone’s cheered and clapped and I’m just sat there like oh please yeah it’s bad enough anyway like you want to apologize and most of the time the restaurant are don’t worry about it it’s just one glass like they

    Plan for turnover and breakages but so it’s all good yeah they’re not going to charge you for it but thank you very much oh my tissue I need to bring this home I’ve got two more packets of them I’ll just mysteriously pass them to you just hide them in out of nowhere it’ll

    Just be like Sarah have a Tissue yeah dropping a glass in a restaurant you you already feel bad enough as it is and then having everyone go whoa well at least they don’t boo imagine boing is not a very no no it’s a chair like but it’s like one of those I don’t know The wow this music oh my goodness um you can take that up to the front desk if you just want to pay or we can sit here for a while and eventually will come over what do you reckon well they gave it to us yeah but you can take it

    With you to go if you wanted to pay like off stream you can leave the mic here and go off and pay it I feel like um I’ll get lost up there so we’re just going to linger okay and then when I get the thing I’ll go Like or I’ll go into privacy I can just turn the camera this way and the mirror will see I’ll just go like this I have no idea that does anything at all no I’ll probably just Lo it into privacy when they come but it takes longer than I

    Realized sometimes there’s a bit of a delay I can’t remember which way around it goes in that you say privacy and it cuts you off 30 seconds early or 30 seconds late but it’s oh the mood has changed oh sorry I did not mean to laugh directly into the microphone what the heck

    Okay some Birthday music this place is a Vibe it’s a Vibe I do wonder what CH can hear cuz like it’s really loud in here to me like we’re going to step outside and it’s going to feel silent it is yeah especially when the birthday socks

    Hit nice F Alex yeah yeah good research you happy yeah I said I wanted to treat you to an Indian I wanted it to be as authentic as possible and it was think you did good I nearly D on Chili I’m not sure if he’s now going to

    Bring a second bill or the card machine yeah I’m like what did you just ask for sir I said that as in like the bill but then I realized we had it there so I did that for like card machine oh no so Alex I’m not had anything to drink

    And I’m already gone this a chili It’s the chili It’s the chili I feel it’s gone to her head does chili normally give you like indigestion cuz I feel very like hiccupy now oh my gosh why did you eat it Careless Whispers in an Indian restaurant hey at least it’s not uh what

    Was the song stuck in your head for AG was it called come on over it no what was it called oh the one that I’ve been singing for days oh my God why is it it’s out of my head all of a sudden all I know is I

    Think it’s in a movie uh I think it’s he what’s the matter with your I can’t remember the rest I don’t know the words I just know the two yep yeah I’ve been singing that for 2 weeks but I don’t know where I heard it and why it’s engraved in there

    Oh we could do that but Alex did some weird hand signal to the waiter I mean if you want to get out of here we can just go pay I’m not sure how you’d get lost but I mean I don’t doubt it well there was stairs wasn’t

    There I’m pretty sure like the desk is just there but uh I won’t judge I’m going to get them two more minutes okay that gives me time to unplug the microphone sorry chap you might lose me cuz yeah there pretty busy that’s true okay they got 2

    Minutes it is busy it is busy and then I’m going to put the battery away got 80 hours of battery left 80 hours holy Mo that’s 80 hours of just powering the screen though to be fair like that’s yeah feeling around for a bag under the table found one that’s

    Yep my uncle’s here who’s here my uncle your uncle’s here got the family the family’s all here my dad was here my mom was Here come and get your love that’s what it’s called the one that I’ve been singing yes really Oh didn’t you donate to play this song how did you search it hey hey song Oh some pretty flowers a selfie there’s a timer thank you yeah is the opposite of Canada oh so you can get drinks here doesn’t that start the stream normally OBS right I thought exclamation might

    Live OBS live paid that’s not bad bit rate for it inside look at this all right ready actually there you go oh y That’s it yep it’s all good I feel like it’s going to be really cold outside now I think it’s going to be refreshing SC my face is still really warm yeah yeah uh sorry youve got to put up with me looking like a fashion disaster I mean I am a fashion disaster but that’s we’re matching Alex and I

    Just called us a fashion disaster then yeah I’m sorry what the Heck we both gots and white raincoats did we want to look for any like snacks we got to go get snacks yeah I might look for a shop that’s like in the area yeah but we’ll do that outside yeah cuz currently chat’s looking at an

    Empty table do you want me to put the curry in my bag do you want to put it in your bag uh I have a feeling it will be fine okay and if not I will put it in an empty pouch whereby at least at least

    Only part of my bag will get ruined by Curry and not a Bella box okay just remind me that I have it I’ll try I don’t want to get home and wonder why I have [Applause] Curry that’s that’s going to get tipped around all over the place that’s oh Chad

    Can you remind me that I have curry in my bag when we get back to the the hotel like when we’re live again we’re going to uh I’m going to hold it because I feel like I’m going to be refreshingly cool Outside we have to take selfies yeah don’t you worry I got my phone okay we owe you guys two selfies with a sign all right ready Al I’m just making sure you remembered everything yep shall I lead on yeah Yeah thank you very you want to pass Sarah chickened out well there’s people standing right that is refresh and then they’re gone now oh it’s fine sorry I panicked oh why is there a party um I feel like it’s coming out of the pub Alex I can take a picture in the

    Street party of you you want to go in here no I’m taking a picture on the street oh okay go pose in the lights don’t get run over though where do you want me to pose right in the middle of the street yes beautiful oh it’s doing a night time

    Shot hold the pose okay I’m going to get hit by a car oh why did it do a nighttime photo cuz it’s dark all right you got to take a picture of me in the street you be careful the lasers like hit you right in the eyes ready yep it’s doing the same

    Thing I think it took one or was that a timer cuz it’s like the sunshine filled up in the middle yeah cuz it’s a nighttime sh I think are we just going to wander around cuz I have I kind of have no idea where we are which is good

    Oh we were supposed to find a snack shop I feel like if we just follow like our instincts okay I think that chili’s done a number on me let’s follow our instincts yeah they always bring me into snacks what a really nice building but it looks like it’s all falling down going through

    Something it in the middle of the roads there I think everyone is in the middle of the road yeah but that’s cuz there’s a a a f crane I’m not even sure should I go back on the pavement right o I’m not quite sure that it does say happy hour cocktails

    Not sure what the clientele is of that place it’s one of those things ooh that’s interesting but actually maybe not what we’re looking for that’s a lot of broken glass oh gosh my bike would be so sad my feet would be so sad if I walked in broken glass we are in

    Bristol I feel like we’re in like The Nightlife area down here are well we’re in the college area aren’t we no I think we’ve slightly left that and we’ve ended up on like the HB crw area oh I want to say I want to say like this is like a

    Main like high not Highway oh my goodness me this like chili is like my brain is gone what way did you want to walk towards the crowds and crowds of people or did you want to go down the side roads and see what we find what do

    You guys want I feel like I should have a quick search for like convenience store if that’s okay we’re in BR right now we biked here from kth we’re on day seven of the bike trip oh yes and it’s St Patrick’s yeah that’s why everyone’s out tonight there’s like crazy Shadows so

    There is a couple of shops I think there’s one that I pointed out earlier MH but that yeah the other yeah well that’s kind of it’s a bit like a we could walk down to that one is that far do you reckon sorry just realized I should no it’s literally just

    We follow this road okay let’s go down the busy road see what happens that’s the spirit you guys want us to go on a PB I’m not going on a pub call but sorry but uh we’re going to encounter some stuff you will probably have people the camera will draw attention oh God

    And you are going to get lots of people jumping in front of it hopefully I that’s my prophecy are you sure you don’t want to go in there in this it sounds Lively sounds like a c but there’s no music there’s a lot of broken glass I thought that said Flight Club it

    Says flight flight oh flight CL sounds like place I should go Flight Club they got a bunch of dart boards cuz it’s for darts flights is it yeah it’s not where Pilots go no I think it’s like the flight on the D not

    My sorry I just I just had a bit of a bipolar one you okay yeah look at this garbage cam let’s not noday is you’re really not going to be seeing this place and it’s like that’s a lot of street art but I don’t really want to go down

    There I think this is the street I wanted to go down earlier I don’t like how it smells I think this is a cool Street um it’s lots of Art and it’s like a gallery but I’m good I’m good you can take him some pictures and then we don’t I would

    Definitely go down there if you weren’t here yeah I know well the only thing I don’t like about it is how badly it smells I don’t smell it oh it smells like people have been using that for a while oh never mind apparently they haven’t invented indicators here yet is it the Wii

    Street I don’t think cars go down here just scooters hey I don’t know it’s a road but I feel like it’s closed uh I mean there are people literally sitting on the floor so maybe yeah so maybe this is fun a little flowers this is fun I wonder how busy this corner Shop’s

    Going to be maybe we did choose the wrong one well we can always double back it’s an adventure and find a different one I said I wanted to pick up some parcels from a a collection place I’m wonder if they’ve actually been delivered and let me check around here delivered to

    Locker ready to collect I TR my man thank you this the door yeah this is a this is a shop wow I feel like it came out of nowhere yep uh B yeah I’m like might just grab like uh an oats oats did you want any breakfast stuff uh

    I don’t know what I want I have some danishes I’m going to get a cinnamon as well are we having oat tomorrow no no recording no recording yeah please we can pause it I’ll just put it in my backpack y yeah let’s move over here Le try to put it in the

    Back did you do it I’ve I could it’s it’s locked welcome to the back welcome to the back all right let’s go in there stairs are sketchy all right guys here we go right I don’t know if I see anything yet it’s actually War that’s cra For I was a lot of fire I can feel the heat from here forbidden exit people from the service forbidden exit of strange people from the service I don’t think I’m allowed to is there a Wi-Fi here no there’s not hello there’s a deer behind you hi what’s up hi

    Oh you got an itch I can help you listen to this cat breath listen to it listen to it to breathe bye but there’s lots of cute cats here I see the one that I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff okay oh he said hi to you guys he kind

    Of screamed it but he said it hi baby well he’s sniffing you you want to sniff their face what are all these noises oh it’s it’s the food Okay this is the one that had the short legs look at him look at it so cute we got some yogurt I think oh I didn’t get this last time running oh wow oh you’re little face is so sweet excuse you [Applause] thinking about it don’t

    Know okay we should be back now you let me know chat if you think we’re back we’re back okay we we decided to go to a really busy Corner Shop by accident and uh they were having some issues chat let’s put it that way they were having

    Some issues so um we sorted that out and now we’re we’re we’ve got some a selection of snacks yeah and then I got lots of snacks in my bag as well yeah like chocolate so you’ll be okay oh you should be okay I’m trying to work out

    Where an Amazon Locker is we’re going to go to an Amazon Locker yeah the guard told me not to film in the store so we chucked you inside a bag 10 minutes so you’ll have us for a bit they so yeah so just as basically as I was

    Walking into that shop uh someone nearly knocked me over running out of it and then the security guard was going after them uh and then he came back in and he was obviously not in the best mood and he spotted the camera and he did politely ask he said hello are you

    Recording could you stop please he didn’t demand it he didn’t threat to get us out or anything just he does throw you off a bit when you’re in the middle of something and somebody comes up to you and goes can’t record here and say well I

    Can and in fact with what’s going on today I’m kind of obliged to a little bit oh know he was very chill he didn’t like get mad so we need to follow this road round to the left cuz I’m apparently didn’t take the left we were supposed to take

    Oh he even gave us a smile at the end he did and a nod yeah when you real when he when he realizes you’re not oh you guys I know there’s an Indian restaurant around here somewhere there’s a really good Indian restaurant there’s a really good Indian restaurant that was incredibly good yeah

    I’m impressed it was good and I ate that TR yeah but I mean you order a medium sorry yeah okay it was only a medium that that was a bit excessive for a medium no it still good I just wasn’t prepared you got the rest of it in the

    Bag say you got loads of snacks I do sorry Sarah I realized that you you don’t want me to I’ll try to slow myself down I realized Sarah’s like rushing over her head and it’s like I walk a little bit fast but I normally don’t talk while I’m doing it

    So I can hear myself getting a bit worn out I think I walk slow when I sh you got to read chat you got to not trip you got to hold a camera yeah we got a lot of things happening oh you keep being the professional streamer and I’ll keep

    R randomly turning us into like the wrong turnings I’m just following not paying attention it’s a bit of a detour a detour a detour oh no but you can show from the opposite side of the road how cool the place looks from the outside it does have a Vibe right we do

    Need to show off the vibe of so this is it across the street here is it Urban Pandora yes Urban tandora and it’s both sides this is where we went so if you’re Bristol or stop by and want some good food got a I recommend it urb

    I’ highly recommend it staff are really nice The Vibes are high if it’s your birthday or anniversary you’ll get a loud song unless you don’t tell them so you know you could also go in there like so sounds dumb but if you ever like do you ever have those days where you’re

    Just feeling a bit me yeah just go them there and say it’s my birthday and get a party yeah uh is Alex going to walk in the cycle Lane I swear we want to go like over that way somewhere but I’m not sure where and I don’t really want to like

    Walk in front of like the I’m sure it’s fine I’m sure it’s fine the UK’s been great I think it’s up here but I have no idea taking us down this dark alley I have no idea should I press the button yeah that’s where the dotted line says to

    Go all right so guess we’re going down the alley oh it’s it intersects with the one the the nice one that we saw the nice one the nice the nice set of the one with all the lights the stairs yeah oh okay oh that’s it that that’s just down there around the corner

    So if we wanted to find that place again we’d go up here and take a right okay I have no idea what’s actually up here it’s a little bit sketchy it’s fine I’ve been in the sketchier alleys that does not fill me with confidence on the kind of company that you

    Keep you should have seen my commute home after a night shift at the hospital yeah yeah we have a place kind of like Tent City down Main Street and I’d ride down there in the pitch dark at midnight on my little scooter I feel like you’re also the type of person that does

    Somehow magically draw attention well I guess you it’s hard to not draw attention this one when you’re on a little scooter oh it’s only like a million stairs it’s fine and we got for it yeah okay apparently I’d be amazed if the stream holds up while we’re going up here

    Surrounded by ancient brick work oh these are sketchy they’re not very even no oh you think how many people have walked up and down these before oh is that glass it is glass careful where you tread I wasn’t expecting oh dear work out after dinner like terrible idea Sarah should turn my knee

    Crack what the heck I feel like we’ve time traveled um up up yeah just a h CL I love climbing today Hill Climb it’s fine this is probably all uphill water for Wizard 500 bits hey glad I came back to your community thanks for coming back it’s good to have you in chat

    Appreciate all the bits and just all the chats the mayor of Bristol I don’t know it’s a famous old house I mean any house with a courtyard and its own church it’s pretty massive um we’re crossing yeah that one okay thank you um this is quite cool looking though

    Yeah what is 0 de it’s a something Brewery is it micro Brewery yes it’s a micro Brewery so I regret this some regrets I regret this is how I feel every day when I start climbing Hills yeah why am I here I regret this but I can’t I can’t

    Blame this on The Mod team no we can blame it on you exactly I am the point of failure here today there was like six different Amazon lockers I could have got on top of the hill because on the map everyone’s waiting for this to be closed oh my goodness me I haven’t

    Checked Al I haven’t checked if it’s open I would check if it was open no we’re just going for it Sarah this is this is the content that that twitch wants to see this is the content lost of night carrying a bag for lari I don’t know where Alex is bringing

    Me should I be concerned not be concerned you not don’t concerned I mean let’s be honest right now if anyone in chat has figured out where we’re heading to maybe they can tell us if it’s open or not cuz Amazon doesn’t say if it’s open

    Or not oh gosh I can see the lights that we’re heading towards can the bright red ones okay that’s where we’re going that seems safe over there I wasn’t made for this I’m short and fat I’m not designed to walk but you walk so fast yes over a short distance that’s

    Flat I can go a very very quick speed over a short distance that’s flat this is nothing fit Sarah does like Sarah’s a mountain go Sarah’s just like this is this isn’t even a difficult look he managed to H climb on a bike I think that’s an ebik the size how easy he’s

    Pedaling the size of those wheels and the speed at which he is traveling and the effort that he’s putting into pedaling he’s either got 900 gears 00 and was going quarter of the speed of light before he hit this hell oh you’re right there may be some power assistance there

    Hey Sarah guess what what you get to walk all the way back down this well this is downhill de no I’m dying this is a terrible idea why am I doing this this was your idea my idea was to get snacked my idea was to find an [Applause] Ambulance and we found one mission accomplished okay do you think that’s it there the blue thing the lockers yeah yeah yeah that’s them I’ve used one of those before they’re super fun we should guess what one it’s been to open oh my goodness that’s so fun I’ll let you and

    Chat do that well you got to pick one Al I’m focusing on not dying I I can tell you that it should be a small parcel but Amazon sometimes packages small objects in large packages be a small parcel okay I can tell you it’s a small portable

    Speaker cuz I didn’t bring one with me um and and I need a new one and two cables two cables there’s a 2 m long cable and a 3 m long cable how big is the speaker uh Palm sized pal like Brian bit smaller smaller yeah okay all the locker

    That’s there people we’re walking past must wonder why we’re talking about yeah but you know smaller than Brian I feel so sorry for whoever they think we’re talking about oh Brian he grew and grew and grew he grew and grew his arms especially yeah Brian’s arms they grew

    And grew and grw now do you think I have to tap something or just scan it uh I don’t know but wait wait wait I need pick a locker well pick a locker this one this one I’m I’m going to type it in oh my head is

    Throbbing blim me that was a stressful walk up that hill a we were so WR I can’t reach that already you little do you need meeries it’s a way bigger box than I thought for two cables oh sorry I don’t know if there’s info on your uh I mean there is we just

    We’ll just ignore that bit um do you want to open it here or there’s a bin right there so what I might do is could I get you to hold my coat and did you want to look for any snacks in a quiet shop that’s four times the price of any

    Other Supermarket if you sit down on the curb you would be very sah I don’t want to sit down on the curb it’s dirty oh my goodness there is an army of people I know it’s scary I’m just going to move towards the bin there we go we haveo like that at

    Canada yeah we do haveo they look exactly the same I’m pretty sure they’re a global brand oh kind of like Kmart they did not need to do a box that big there we go do we have them in Canada I think we do have some in Canada normally

    They’re in front of like Walmart sometimes or inside shops you just go to like the counter in a shop oh yeah there’s milk in here yeah all Alex got was like two tables and all of Dr that was a big box I just needed some cables and

    Finnally enough then you set your cables on fire while they were already ordered so I might give one to you so you’ve got spare no I only set one cable on fire favorite one too so well let’s get a new favorite oh it’s a nice anchor one that’s like soft touch what does

    That mean it feels nice I’m going to have to let you feel the cable if hitch is here he knows cuz I might stolen it from him but my question is why does the feel of the cable matter it just does it just does it’s a

    It’s a really good cable they tried to CL did you bring like extra like Silicon for like Silicon gunning your camera back together if you needed to I did not good good so it’s it’s just basically a Terminator now trapped in a I have another camera that’s not in the water

    First case that I normally used but I feel like since I’m in the UK we leave it in the waterproof One Forever Sarah’s busy blaming the UK here oh how we doing chat is everyone happy happy happy enjoying Watching Me Slowly fade away so guys we’re going to walk here a

    Bit and then we’re going to find someone to raid and Alex and I are going to plan out what we can do tomorrow Bristol Bristol that’s step one decide the location Bristol well we got that it’s going to be the night after St Patrick’s Day that’s going to be Carnage

    There’s just going to be so much everywhere it’s going to be great looks like some rubbish is out here pick up though we can can we read alexer uh that wouldn’t really help cuz I’m not live and uh what happens if I raid your channel does it just like go

    Nowhere uh yeah it we just go offline I I don’t yeah I don’t think you can raid people that are offline I’m not sure but I would like to hear some recommendations on raid targets like who’s live at the I can’t I can’t pull

    Out my phone to have a look right at the I’m navigating so uh Sarah name some channels that you like that I like to watch yeah who’s some who’s some twitch streamers that you endorse awwards travel yeah they’re pretty good yeah they’re pretty good they rided me earlier today they did

    Yeah my goodness got awwards raid we have Gian Marley who’s another Canadian yeah he is on the east coast of Canada building on his property he’s like built a shack he’s built like a bunch of things for animals so he’s been busy working on that I’m just going to see if we should

    Stay if we go down we have to climb up again so I’m going to say we stay stay up yeah Mr Keem we do like Mr Keem there’s Kuma monster he walks around New York there’s hitch hitch who’s hitch hitch he guy that hitchhikes all around hitchhikes hitchhikes that sounds pretty

    Sketchy yeah he does seem like a sketchy I bet they’ve had some I bet they’ve had some amazing stories from hitchhiking do you have any hitchhiking stories yeah only a couple though but they’ve all gone well oh really live all on decent my first ever hitchhike ride I

    Got picked up by a shirtless man with no shoes he was just in like swim shorts did what he was just running along the road or was he in a vehicle he was in a van right and I got in it but he was really nice cuz we were

    Trying to go to our rental car yeah um but it was really far away we were on a little island pitch hiked and he brought us right to our car and when you say van was it like a converted van or just like a van van like a converted van that’s

    Cool I think van life’s pretty cool I don’t think I could do it long term but the having the convenience of like the place to sleep is just behind you yeah great bunnies I have no idea what they sell but it’s great bunnies you’re here from a hit trade no

    Way thanks for stay for so long they came from a hitch raid yeah my goodness me that’s that’s yeah I didn’t know you’ve been life that long no my last raid from Hitch he raided me with like 7,000 viewers just a casual 7,000 just a casual did you get any warning that that

    Was coming or were you just like hi I’m Sarah bang 7,000 people well I was streaming that I knew he was ending cuz he was getting a flight yeah I was like uh he might raid me but he might raid someone that’s going to the

    Ceremony y so I wasn’t sure but yeah he did raid us cuz we were watching it as a little watch party ah so you were you were already that was your you were already watching him stream uh we weren’t watching him yet but we were getting prepared for the

    Watch party that’s what I mean you were you were setting up for the the yeah he went to an award ceremony pitch yeah yeah he was nominated for the streamer Awards so he head to the workshop that’s pretty cool uh so did you did you get a did you get a

    Raid Target cuz you’re going to be uh raiding pretty soon soon okay um Mr or Mr Keem I think ra Mr Keem should I do it now if you wanted to like start the right do you want to like stop and talk to the camera for a bit maybe I’ll face

    The camera I’ll give you this and I was going to give you this yep yeah all right let’s start the raid do you want to like I can hold the bag and help the camera while you it’s okay they were really up close to personal with

    Me yeah just a little bit just a little bit everyone in chat’s going to be screaming inhance I don’t know no I can just hold the backpack the whole backpack yeah no way okay just a backpack all right this feels weird this feels scary Mr is he

    Online or were we just talking about him oh is he not online or maybe I got his name mixed up with another streamer I’m kind of confused at the moment I thought his name was Mr King oh it’s spelled like that is he playing video games actually hold on where is

    He we’re just going to send you over there he’s at an event it seems I started a raid doie do all right guys thanks for joining me on my ride to Bristol we made it welcome to Bristol and we made it um with finding Alex I said that really weird we’re with Alex

    We’ll be streaming tomorrow don’t walk into traffic I’m not going to walk into trff but yeah we’ll see you guys tomorrow we’re going to plan what we want to do tomorrow and then we’ll see you doing something I’m not sure what but it’ll be our Bristol stream and we

    Won’t have a bike we’ll just be walking about yeah no bike just legs um say hi to Mr Keem send over some eggs and little Sarah waves say hey to Sarah brist and yeah that was day seven this has been a week of streaming a week

    Today a week yeah this was this was it today you you started day seven wow yeah say hi to Mr G this is taking a really long time and it always goes on forever thanks for joining don’t forget to follow if you haven’t I’d appreciate it and check out the Instagram I’m

    Supposed to post photos on there tonight and she will um cuz yeah I took pictures of the suspension bridge and other things all right get your eggs ready for Mr Keem get ready to Chuck them over and send little Sarah waves too all right good night guys I’m going to go eat some

    Snacks mainly chocolate and post any good clip

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