#CheatingStories #DifferentWe #CompletedStory
    In this video, I dive into the completed story of “Different We” and share some shocking cheating stories along the way. Join me as I unravel the twists and turns of this emotional journey and explore the complexities of relationships. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and stay tuned for some unexpected revelations. Don’t miss out on this compelling tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Hit that play button and let’s get started!

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    Second channel: @ShortyTeller

    00:00 Introduction
    00:30 Chapter 1
    57:25 Chapter 2
    1:46:50 Chapter 3
    2:09:39 Findings and conclusion

    Playlist with this story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_oMxj3KEZUIupJe3Ffmv9SlS4YNvjKhu

    Different we Chapter 1 what does it matter where  my body is my mind is still going on White Night   from Alice in the Looking Glass your reality  is what you think it is in essence Kito ero  

    Su so what do you think when you see something  that can’t be real that was the question I asked   myself when Curtis flew over my left wing I  had never encountered an ancient warbird in   Flight especially one as unusual as the war hawk  so I waved and smiled in greeting he flapped his  

    Wings and pointed toward the coast visible on  the western Horizon I Shrugged embarrassedly   and pointed the pilot over my left shoulder  to my destination he gestured again this time   very affirmatively I gave him the finger the  flight from the Bahamas to Lauderdale had been  

    Routine up to that point but a thunderstorm had  developed over the destination so I waited out   the ATC ground stop traveling on a lazy 346 de  heading intending to turn onto Vector 241 when   the stop was lifted the weather was beautiful and  I was enjoying the Splendor of the ocean as I flew  

    Over the saraso sea then clouds started to appear  in front of me and I crossed to 14,000 ft which   was close to my ceiling but a strange formation  followed me and I flew into thick fog while   performing IFR that’s when the turbulence started  the up and down jolts and wild yawing tossed the  

    Cherokee around like a canoe in a North Atlantic  storm my life was flashing before my eyes as I   watched the altitude and roll indicators trying  to stay in the right direction then suddenly   the chaos ended the fog disappeared and I found  myself in Clear Blue Air at that moment my new  

    Friend joined me he swerved and disappeared only  to appear above me and behind me with those words   he fired a stream of tracers at the front of the  Cherokee I had no idea what this jackass was up to  

    But I was Furious I immediately regrouped in the  direction he pointed and began to descend we’ll   settle this on the ground maybe with a kick  in the ass I met cat at a frat party I didn’t   belong among the audite aspiring alcoholics I was  too introverted to feel comfortable in a seething  

    Pack of Macho men but I was an athlete a swimmer  and frat rats like to throw jocks around at their   parties it keeps up the illusion that they’re all  clean looking and Clean Hands even so by inviting  

    Me they must have been scraping the bottom of the  barrel the guys they usually invited played team   sports like soccer baseball and basketball among  them was my roommate Todd mcgonagle he stood in   the center of the room impressing a gaggle of  sorority girls with overblown Tales of Saturday  

    Night Leisure domain ironically my roommate was  a typical college quarterback at least for that   era 6 feet and maybe 190 lb not surprisingly  he was built like a Greek god Broad shouldered   narrow waisted and played Collision Sports Todd’s  dancing Irish eyes handsome face and full head of  

    Curly blonde hair completed the image of the  Great American Hero it was disgusting whereas   I a humble aquatic creature was 4 in taller and  30 lbs heavier and streamlined like a barracuda   with a shaved head to get that extra hundredth of  a second worse instead of showing off my daring  

    Deeds every Saturday I was practicing a solitary  sport where success is measured by how agon inly   you can get to the pool wall first Todd was  watched by thousands while I was lucky enough   to have a 100 Spectators most of whom were my  significant other unfortunately I didn’t have a  

    Significant other it’s hard to get a woman when  you spend three agonizing hours a day 6 days a   week shuttling back and forth in a chlorine soaked  environment swimming got me into college but there   is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow  for small athletes so I took full advantage  

    Of my chance with a solid degree Todd on on the  other hand was already interviewing agents which   is why my roommate was performing in front of an  adoring flock of female students while I stood   next to the paneling leaning against an absolutely  incredible grand piano that stood in the corner of  

    The house’s huge living room as far as I knew no  one played the piano but it gave the place an air   of class and sophistication College socializing  is the impression you leave at that moment a sweet  

    Voice from somewhere from under my left elbow said  are you as bored as I am I looked down and saw the   pixie leaning against the piano next to me had  she really been here all this time it was dark  

    In the back of the party and she was quite tiny  maybe I’d missed her I looked her over naturally   that’s not polite but seriously I’m a guy she  had a gorgeous round face framed by a thick mop  

    Of blonde hair huge blue eyes a small snub nose  and an almost seductive mouth sort of Tinkerbell   is a sorority girl she was no more than 5T tall  she was dressed in an appropriate outfit for the  

    Occasion a dark blue sleeveless T-shirt with the  alpha-i crest on the left side a pair of white   shorts and Topsiders on prominent well-tanned  legs I think I even licked my lips I said I’m   only here because Captain America brought me I  nodded toward Todd who was currently doing the  

    Can can throwing his arms around the shoulders of  a couple blonde cheerleaders and watching all the   bobbing and bouncing showing off I was hoping  he’d blow up his knee pixie said in her sweet  

    Melodic voice I had to come because they make all  the newbies attend but I can leave at any time how   about treating me to a burger at the Brown Jug  apparently God exists my new friend was a riot  

    Of color under the garish fluorescent lights of  this eery shiny golden blonde hair sparkling blue   eyes and bright red lipstick I had never been  in this establishment with such a stunning ly   beautiful woman we barely spoke as we walked it  was hard to hear her because the top of her head  

    Was below my shoulder we chatted just long enough  to exchange names her name was Katherine but she   was always known as cat she was 20 years old and  a freshman sophomore in a sorority the fact that  

    She was from Gross Point made it possible to find  out all the socioeconomic details it also made me   nervous my roots are deeply rural Howell Michigan  so I immediately realized that I was way out of my  

    League at least as far as social Gatherings were  concerned this led to the obvious question we were   just getting settled in the booth when I looked  up at her beautiful round face and asked do I know  

    You there had to be some rational explanation for  this miracle she gave me a cute grin and said I   attend all of the University’s house meetings okay  that explains it Todd may look great in all his  

    Loin cloths but you have no secrets when you’re  standing on blocks in a tiny Speedo plus given my   height and build I swim distances 2500 thus I was  on view much longer than the sprinters apparently  

    She liked what she saw I asked her why she went  to the meetings she replied that it was to see   her brother I had yet to learn the last name so I  asked who is your brother she smiled and said Brad  

    Wilson everything fell into place Brad was number  two in the competition I was competing in so his   little sister cat watched me get my ass handed  to him on a regular basis I defended myself don’t  

    Hold it against me she smirked and replied maybe  we’ll see oh [ __ ] I knew what I was talking   about there was so much more to this pixie than  an Angelic face and a graceful body I said trying  

    To steer the conversation in a direction that was  less likely to make me blush I’m in engineering   school civil engineering I want to build things  what are you studying without blinking an eye   she replied theoretical physics then she added  well I’m only a sophomore but I’m taking all  

    The higher math and linear algebra courses I  want to be an astronaut so I’m also in the Air   Force Roc Squadron I don’t get a scholarship but  I serve with them I just sat there with my mouth  

    Open the woman may have been petite but there  was nothing small about her I asked how do you   manage to combine all the necessary study time  with the cleanup and polishing you need to pass   your military background check she Shrugged smugly  and said math isn’t hard and if you keep up with  

    Uniforms and equipment it doesn’t take much time  but gym class takes up a chunk of my day so you   have to be disciplined I went back to imitating  tuna this little woman actually a girl was clearly  

    A genius with none of the classic nerd Tendencies  I could see the ROC nerds running around campus in   gray t-shirts and shorts she must have been part  of that pack and I thought I was Superman doing a  

    Full load of engineering while also participating  in Big 10 sports then this woman shook me to the   core she gave me a look that had nothing girlish  or nerdy about it and said let’s cut to the chase  

    Okay thanks to Brad you’ve been a part of my  life for some time now and I’ve always admired   you you don’t know me but I can assure you that  I’m keeping up so what do you think should we go  

    Out she was asking me who I thought she was and  again she was two steps in front of me I said I   am an engineer dear not a theoretical physicist  we are working in the Here and Now please explain  

    To me what coming together means to you she  gave me a beaming smile and said you’re not   that stupid I know I’m attractive and you’re just  handsome we’d be perfect for each other we should   explore that this little woman just handed me the  line that most guys use for dating I didn’t know  

    About the hum part but she absolutely said she  was attractive in fact she was a miniature Barbie   stunningly beautiful like a doll with a voluptuous  body I was alarmingly certain that I could never   in my life achieve more than she did of course  the fact that cat had taken all the first steps  

    Was frightening but a woman of her character and  intelligence wouldn’t delay waiting to be swept   off her feet pool decks aren’t kid-friendly places  and she’d been watching me for months so she had   the advantage of knowing me at least superficially  how I interacted with others and what motivated me  

    On the other hand I’d known cat for about an hour  and a half nevertheless I already knew the three   most important things about her which is all you  need if you’re a guy she was smart beautiful and  

    Interested in me there was only one more thing  I needed to know I said well this is unexpected   but I agree that we should explore this further  so how about you come over to my place she said  

    Firmly no we need to go to my place I don’t have  a roommate and I’m a bit of a screamer I quickly   discovered that cat is more of a wild cat than a  cat smart women have all the intimate desires that  

    Their less intelligent sisters have but they also  have creativity a vivid imagination and a need to   discover new things not to mention the passion  of their fiery Souls we didn’t make it 3 ft to   the door before cat dropped something pulled out  what she was looking for and started devouring ice  

    Cream on a scorching day the sensations made it  problematic to get up so after a couple seconds   I grabbed her under the arms and lifted her to her  feet there was a mask of lust and disappointment  

    On her face I hissed frustrated Dopey she went  back on the attack as soon as my ass was down   on the plush leather cushions from the sounds of  it she was enjoying herself as much as I was I  

    Wondered do women really enjoy doing things like  this I know I was pretty naive back then I was   getting to the point where the Monstrous forces  were about to break loose when she grabbed the   object of her affection to stop what was about to  happen and sat staring at it panting loudly cat  

    Was Venus herself except that her firm little  body was better than anything alexandros of   Antioch had ever carved then the panting got  louder when she reached my shirt buttons flew   off in different directions her predatory look  said that she was not afraid of any anything in  

    This sphere how could I be so lucky I grabbed her  and we had our first kiss she looked like a woman   on a mission for a moment she froze between us we  looked into each other’s eyes then her eyes rolled  

    Back what followed was 20 minutes of yapping back  scratching and biting proof that cat was indeed a   cat it was that dreamy moment in your lives when  you both realized that this was the beginning of  

    Your life’s passion there would be no going back  from here we ended with me standing up holding her   cheeks and me walking hard toward the metaphorical  light at the end of the tunnel she’d done this so  

    Many times already that my only goal was to get to  the Finish Line when that moment came she screamed   in my ear then the entire universe shrank to the  singularity that preceded the Big Bang only to   expand outward in a cataclysmic Outburst cat  let out a loud Cry of surprise then collapsed  

    I pressed her dead body against me to end the  inevitable I moved the love of my life onto the   couch and she hung limply with her head thrown  back she must have weighed 95b so it was easy to  

    Lay her down gently her eyes opened and she looked  confused then I saw her powerful mind take control   and she said with a mischievous smile I’ll never  let you go and that was the bottom line we would  

    Be together forever our courtship was unimportant  it took a long time until we really got to know   each other but we enjoyed every minute of this  journey and were inseparable even though our   coming together was rather sudden and unexpected  at least on my part neither of us ever doubted the  

    Value and benefit of our choices we had found each  other cat was a complex woman brilliant driven   and passionate at the same time she could be soft  loving and kittenish I never doubted her Devotion  

    To me and tried very hard to live up to her gift  the moment was amazing but it was the least of   our relationship we nourished our friendship life  is not easy but having a capable and trustworthy  

    Companion makes it so much easier the next 6 years  passed in the usual vicissitudes of life I was a   year ahead of cat I graduated from high school and  got a job with a local construction firm that’s  

    When cat had her fairy tale wedding her parents  had money her brother Brad was my best man it   seemed fitting since he was the indirect reason  we met cat received her doctorate in theoretical   physics it took another 5 years to get that degree  my wife was very smart her commitment to the Air  

    Force was fulfilled by a contract with the NASA  Aerospace Research Center on campus where she   did things related to light amplification please  don’t ask me what that was I’m an engineer not a   scientist life seemed perfect and then it got even  better we talked about kids we both liked them  

    But we were in the early stages of our careers  nevertheless once we were both immersed in the   Pleasant routine of married life we decided to  try for a baby of course my capable little wife   immediately produced One my darling baby Piper  was the light of my life she was what women call  

    An easy child beautiful like her mother and full  of smiles my daughter was walking by one year-old   and talking by two and she especially loved her  daddy I took her everywhere even to work wearing   a miniature yellow construction helmet over  her beautiful blonde curl she wore it proudly  

    Because Daddy had given it to her I adored her in  return she and her mom were my entire existence   the only thing I truly cared about that’s why it  was especially hard when a drunk on a gas tanker  

    Truck drove over the center line and killed them  both they were on their way to get ice cream a   simple decision on an ordinary day I imagined  them laughing happily and singing a song as   they drove down the Busy Highway eyewitnesses say  the fireball was huge cat and Piper were trapped  

    In the mangled wreckage of our brand new SUV the  First Responders assured me that my loved ones   were dead before the explosion they tell you that  so you don’t think about the alternative the other  

    Vehicle was a semi so the driver got out before  it happened he didn’t have a scratch on him fatal   car accidents happen every day you just have to  be in the wrong place at the wrong time Life Is  

    Random and unspeakably cruel but for everyone else  the world keeps turning and their world stays the   the same and me I was so distraught they put me  in an asylum until I pulled myself together cat’s   family sick to pack of lawyers on the hapless  company owners they knew their driver was prone to  

    Daytime drinking I got almost $30 million most of  it in punitive damages the ghostly shell of a man   sitting at the plaintiff’s table became a living  argument to the jury the driver got a 12-year   sentence for special circumstance manslaughter and  me I thought he deserved a chair then her parents  

    And I made a hopeless attempt to put our lives  together without two of God’s best and brightest   Angels We buried them next to each other in a  small Cemetery her family could afford a mausoleum   but the beauty of the place located right on the  shores of Lake St Clair was irresistible it was  

    So peaceful I sat with them for hours in all kinds  of weather talking to them crying bitter tears and   begging God why them you son of a [ __ ] after  an unimaginable catastrophe there is no turning   back you have no future no hope you drag out a  miserable existence sucking the light from the  

    Remnants of your days and pray for a quick end I  was 30 years old and irrevocably broken a walking   dead man I had a pile of settlement money and was  determined to succeed to honor their memory so  

    Acting quite normal at least outwardly I started  an engineering firm and worked 16 hours a day to   expand the business sleep was just a habit and  what else did I have paradoxically the company   grew to the point where we were soon doing  multi-million dollar construction projects  

    The IPO made me extremely wealthy but I was still  broke no amount of money could bring my loved ones   back it’s been a while I was the nominal head  of the firm it was my money and mostly my ideas  

    But I was too personally flawed to be trusted  to make any practical decisions so I was given   the title founder and consultant it was a ploy  for shareholders to get this fruit cake into the   pasture and keep it there when your world breaks  down you become completely obnoxious so you become  

    Obsessed with the idea of orderliness perhaps  in response to the seeming chaos around you   so I was constantly looking into our projects  to make sure everything was done right no one   wanted me there I was considered a nerd but no  one could tell me to fail because I owned the  

    Company with my own airplane it was easier to  get to where I was doing various things so I   took lessons and got my VFR IFR and CFI ratings  with a complex certificate flying became another  

    Of my odd hobbies and I quickly became a master  Aviator then it was just me and my trusty Piper   Cherokee I chose this place because I liked the  name of the company it made me feel closer to my   daughter the Cherokee is a rugged and tolerable  machine with its 180 horsepower Lycoming engine  

    Fixed pitch propeller and trimmers it can be  driven by trained baboons so flying from our   Miami office to construction sites in the Bahamas  was more like a commute however this day has been   particularly strange first there was the weird  weather and now some nut job in a vintage military  

    Airplane is forcing me to land where I don’t want  to a guy in a war hawk took me across the coast   to a real dirt landing strip in what I assumed  was Florida it was located on a prometer north  

    Of what I assumed was Port Canaveral I saw quanset  huts and a rudimentary Tower but had no idea what   frequency ATC was on so I just circled around to  leward turned around on approach and landed if the  

    Cherokee has a flaw it’s that it’s too buoyant the  Hershey bar-like ground effect on the wings makes   it float forever and it was a relatively short  field of course I never cared whether I survived   or died which allows me to fly without worrying  about crashes in fact if it weren’t for my fear  

    Of the unknown I probably would have killed myself  by now but still Karma has a way of mocking me and   I seem to be facing another one of its blows a  military vehicle sped toward me I lowered the  

    Flaps dropped the wheels and pressed the control  lever again they chased me down the runway as the   Cherokee pulled gingerly toward the ground I  came to a stop dangerously close to the end   of the runway jumped out of the cockpit door onto  the right wing in a righteous rage I yelled what  

    The [ __ ] do you [ __ ] think you’re shooting  down a private citizen in unrestricted airspace   all I could hear was the clanking of the M1 bolts  I froze in mid tiid a guy with a gold Oak Leaf on  

    His collar walked over to where I was standing on  the wing looked me over from head to toe and said gruffly I think it was in German I said irritably  I don’t speak German tell me in English what the  

    Hell is going on here the guy gave me a testy  look and said get off the plane fritz or we’ll   take you off it half an hour later I was sitting  in the walled off part of the quanset Hut my first  

    Thought was where’s the air conditioning it was  beastly hot in there they sat me in a staff car   between a couple of stout MPS and then drove me  to what looked like a command headquarters not  

    A word was said the MPS then dragged me into the  building and pushed me not too gently into a room   there was a metal table with three chairs I didn’t  think we were going to have tea finally the door  

    Opened and a pair of minions burst into the room  they were followed by two gorillas they took up   position at the door arms crossed looking like a  pair of stone statues in front of a Pharaoh’s tomb  

    The suits took the two chairs opposite me and  gave me an appraising look the eldest of them   resembled a hamster but quite kind and intelligent  His companion was a very different rodent a weasel   I said trying to sound reasonable could one of  you please explain what’s going on why are you  

    Treating me this way I haven’t done anything wrong  weasel snorted and said as if asking a rhetorical   question flying in restricted airspace isn’t bad  gee maybe we should change the rules and what’s   that thing you’re flying some kind of messers  Schmid I laughed out loud and said that’s a  

    Piper Cherokee buddy I know the model is obsolete  but you should recognize the type what’s the story   with the Restriction it looks like Port Canaveral  over there there I added getting even more Angry   there’s nothing military in that area except Cape  Kennedy how can a private airplane flying at Sea  

    Violate all that they both looked at each other as  if wondering what the [ __ ] I was talking about   then the hamster said listen Fritz you and I both  know that our ICBM test program takes place on the  

    Cape have you been scouting it out can we expect  a visit from your AR 234s I stopped for a second   and just stared at it I was a bit of a military  history buff at least before Armageddon put an  

    End to everything and I knew that the AR 234  Blitz was the only operational jet bomber that   flew during World War II was it one of those Nazi  Wonder Weapons that Hitler was counting on to turn  

    The tide of the war against the Allies I said  wearily Nazi bombers you must think it’s 1944   weasel hummed and said I wish maybe things would  be different now okay so the whole thing was a f  

    It was supposed to be World War II reenactors  and I was starting to get tired of their game   so I said annoyed when now hamster said with a  look like he didn’t like being fiddled with come  

    On Fritz you know it’s 1962 a wave of irritation  swept over me oh [ __ ] I wasn’t in Kansas anymore   at least I had the good sense not to blur it out  that I was from a 60-year-old future but maybe I  

    Wasn’t apparently it was a completely separate  universe similar to mine but not quite the same   maybe they calculated the date differently I’m  an engineer I plan and act Based on data so far   the only information I had gotten was that the US  seemed to be at war with Germany why and why not  

    Remained a mystery but I began to get a creepy  feeling about how I might have gotten there when   I encountered this strange fog I was within the  boundaries of the legendary Bermuda Triangle in   fact I was flying almost the same course as the  5 TBM that disappeared there in 1945 so maybe  

    The Bermuda Triangle did exist after all like  some random phenomenon that pops up from time   to time to devour ships and airplanes I thought  about all this while two bureaucrats pressed me   to admit that I was a German spy I needed more  information so I said trying to sound reasonable  

    What makes you think I was spying for the Germans  at least that would let me know what they were   thinking they laughed and said the airplane you  flew in looks like a variant of the me18 and you  

    Were right over the place where our test missiles  fall what were you doing there Fritz making a map   so the Huns Could reconstruct our research I  said starting to get annoyed stop calling me   Fritz my name is Eric they both nodded sagely  hamster said that’s a good German name I said  

    It’s German because I was born and raised  in belloit a lot of Germans settled there   I have a construction company in Miami and I was  flying from Nassau to the Fort Lauderdale Airport   before you clowns intercepted me the weasel said  gleefully as if I’d finally made a fatal mistake  

    Okay smartass if you are who you say you are give  us your fingerprints and we’ll run them and then   after we find nothing you tell us who you really  are [ __ ] no ID proves I’m not from around here  

    I was stuck in that stifling hot room for the  entire time it took to get the prince Meanwhile   my two mute friends were standing at the door  looking as if they expected me to be about to run  

    Off to a Bund meeting I was nervous think about  it how would you react if you were cozying up in   one world no matter how miserable it was and then  you mysteriously find yourself in another where   you’re about to be shot as a spy the emotional  blow was brutal nevertheless the situation was  

    Becoming even more puzzling Upon returning the  bureaucrats apologized profusely hamster said   in a much friendlier tone we didn’t know you  were the die then he added but it says here   that you’re dead what is this how could I have a  past in this world if I didn’t exist here a copy  

    Of me perhaps a doppelganger was living my life in  this world and what’s worse he’s dead now oh woe   is me what shall I do I was desperate to get away  from these guys so the only way out for me was to  

    Bluff but that’s my instinct I chuckled and said  as if between us boys in the immortal words of   Mark Twain reports of my death have been greatly  exaggerated everyone laughed even the guards this  

    Was clearly my chance to get out of Dodge I said  so I’m free and stood up they were off balance   now and I wanted to keep the momentum on my side  the two henchmen looked at each other and weasel  

    Hesitantly said I think so we’ve confirmed that  you’ve always been a wealthy businessman so you’re   clearly not a Nazi spy it sounded strange to me  in my world the Nazis were long gone at least   at first glance I wondered if they had settled  in some back corner of American culture as they  

    Had in mine I said as if I were deeply offended of  course not then I added in a voice that brooked no   objection I’m leaving and you two will replace  the fuel I burned when you distracted me I was  

    Entering my role as an outraged Citizen and from  a practical standpoint I’m really going to need   more gasoline to fly the 200 mil back to Fort  Lauderdale on the way back to the piper I had  

    Much less company in fact it was just me and my  navigation charts I got in the airplane put on   my harness and headset turned on the fuel pump  pressed the gas pedal and started the engine I  

    Checked the pressure on the gauges all normal and  revved it up to 2300 as I taxied onto the dirt   Runway there was no ATC to serve me but there  was no visible traffic in the area either so I  

    Pressed the throttle to takeoff speed and soared  up over the Atlantic I knew I was going to have a   hard time coping with this Brave New World a world  in which I existed but never lived nevertheless I  

    Felt a sense of exhilaration the loss of my former  life should normally have crushed me if I hadn’t   already lost everything yet strangely enough I  felt as if I had been given a fresh start it was  

    A different page of storytelling in fact it was  a whole new book I was completely free of sadness   and pain I had nothing but new challenges in front  of me and the sense of Liberation gave me hope so  

    I felt a strange sense of peace for the first time  since that unspeakable bastard in the tanker truck   had ended my happiness the drive along the coast  gave me time to think back at the air base I’d  

    Been scrambling around trying to keep my eyes on  the situation now I was thinking more long-term   and strategically I knew that I would need a place  to live and money to live on so the first thing  

    I did was to acquire those two Necessities I’ve  been told I’m rich perhaps the version of me in   this Dimension LED exactly the same lifestyle as  me seriously logically speaking it was a parallel   universe so all the fundamental aspects must be  identical right I had no idea how and when I came  

    Off my deathbed in this Dimension consequently  there was no way to prepare a story explaining   my miraculous Resurrection Direction therefore I  would have had to play every situation by ear but   fortunately I really was that guy right down to my  fundamental DNA and yet they remained the problem  

    Of personal history I didn’t know any of the  things I had done in this world not recognizing   your best friend for example could raise suspicion  even if you had fingerprints to prove it but that   wasn’t a problem for me because I didn’t have  any friends at least not since that sad day so  

    Maybe my past was nothing I remained who I was  both physically and psychologically therefore it   was logical to assume that I was leading the life  I was leading no matter what dimension I was in  

    That led me to the one thought I’d been trying  to avoid about cat what would I do if she were   alive and if she was how would I find her and what  would happen after I did the Dynamics of parallel  

    Universes require that all the major events of  your life be similar so cat undoubtedly existed   here perhaps along with Piper or maybe they died  in this timeline too not twice the thought was too   painful to contemplate the only thing I knew for  sure was that I was dead in their space and that  

    Was probably why I could cross Dimensions after  all the theory of relativity is pretty clear that   the same object cannot occupy the same space at  the same time another thing I knew for sure was   that my head would explode if I kept thinking  about it any longer when I arrived at the Fort  

    Lauderdale airp report it was already dark and  the runway lights were off as I made my Approach   for most Pilots the lack of visibility would  have been a problem but I knew this approach   like my driveway nevertheless as I crossed the  edge of the runway to land lightly I immediately  

    Noticed a problem The Landing lights of my Piper  were Illuminating another airport for one thing   it was clearly military there was no commercial  terminal and actual operations were reduced to   two intersecting runways and a control tower along  with the ubiquitous quanset Huts there were a few  

    Rudimentary hangers but no permanent buildings  I pulled onto the grass where the terminal stood   and shut off the engine the abrupt silence and  darkness were frightening my only companions were   10 million cicas several billion mosquitoes and  the mild Florida KN there was no movement nearby  

    Besides the fact that it was dark as hell here the  smell of Mag Grove swamps was something new it was   like I was in the undeveloped Florida of the 1940s  rather than the modern Mecca of heathenism it had  

    Become I already knew I was in a different world  this new view confirmed it then I saw a sedan   heading toward the control tower I didn’t have an  ATC frequency so I did not request a landing spot   the authorities must have wondered why the strange  airplane landed without permission the car looked  

    Like an old Ford it even had blackout curtains  I felt like I was was in the set of a World War   II movie all I needed was the swirling fog some  grubby guy got out of his car and walked over to  

    Where I was putting my bird away he looked like he  was a security guard who had come out to see what   was going on he wasn’t military like the place  I’d just flown from he said in a nasy Southern  

    Accent this is a military airport y’all you’re  not supposed to land here apparently he was a   local rough neck looking out for an empty Airfield  I’d been through this farce once before so I was   prepared for it I laughed and said like it was  the most normal thing in the world sorry about  

    That buddy but I was just running out of fuel I’ll  reschedule it for the morning and went back to my   postflight checklist he stood there not knowing  what to do next then he Shrugged and turned to  

    The car saying over his shoulder make sure you  do that ah I said just as nonchalantly could you   give me a ride to Lauderdale buddy I guess it’s  too late to call a cab it was another Bluff I  

    Was going to have to walk 6 miles to my my house  on New River if he didn’t want to give me a ride   he laughed and said sure just buy me a beer when  we get there I said let’s go and jumped into the  

    Cabin apparently in this Dimension Broward County  International Airport was a provincial place if   the guy they’d hired to monitor it could just  cut loose for a drink I didn’t have any money to   spend so even beer would have been a problem if I  hadn’t pawned my Rolex and that’s when inspiration  

    Hit me I could buy everything I needed at home it  made a lot of sense I had a lot of cash stored in   the safe and really seriously I supposedly lived  there the man was about 20 years older than me he  

    Was so unkempt that it was hard to determine his  exact age he was clearly a local from The Glades   talkative and friendly they make their living  in the Everglades doing God knows what with the   local FAA mostly fishing and alligator hunting I  said carelessly the airport has changed since the  

    Last time I was here he had no idea he laughed  and said they’ve improved it now the government   does anti-submarine patrols here so they paved  the runways and even built a pby hanger I took  

    Him at his word it was too dark to see anything  but this place was nothing like the modern one   I had flown out of last week I directed him to my  house at the time it was a 10-minute drive he was  

    Impressed in my measurement the house cost me $15  million even so it wasn’t the biggest or grandest   in the neighborhood there was big money in the  neighborhood and had been for Generations as we   drove down the circular Road the house was dark  no one seemed to live there I knew my current key  

    Wouldn’t work or maybe it would but I always kept  a spare under a pot of monstera delicata by the   door if I living in this world was really there I  could only hear the bugs chirping as I carefully  

    Moved the pot and bingo the key was there it gave  me a new confidence for it confirmed that I had   once been a part of this world I now had a real  sense of presence that reinforced me I opened the  

    Door and cautiously stepped inside this was the  Tipping Point most people in Florida were armed   at least in my day and I’d have to do something  if the owner wasn’t me but I’d been told he was  

    Dead and if that was the case I’d round third  base and head for home the thing is it’s a lot   easier to start over if you already have tons of  money and an established identity so unless the  

    Version of me in this Dimension wasn’t around to  say otherwise I could take on all the trappings of   My Doppelganger life the house was hot and musty  like any other place if it had been closed for  

    A long time the light switch was to the right of  the door I fumbled for it in the dark and it was   in place the overhead chandelier illuminated the  Chic elegant room my new buddy followed me into  

    The room looked around and ahead I said trying to  sound casual sit down I need to change he flopped   down on the couch still looking around as if  he’d never seen such Splendor my bedroom was  

    By the pool on the first floor at the back of the  building I didn’t need a change of clothes but the   safe was there and I wanted to grab a few things  I hoped that I would find what I was looking for  

    In there it would confirm that I now belong to  this Dimension I turned the picture on the wall   by the dressing room door and made sure the safe  was exactly where I expected it to be I twiddled  

    The dial I always used the same combination this  was the moment when I would either confirm that I   was now well settled in this Dimension or realize  that I was really screwed I slowly turned the dial  

    To the last digit the toggle switches clicked and  the safe opened the transition into this world was   complete it was like that feeling you get when  you reach a safe harbor after a particularly   deadly storm I hadn’t realized I’d been holding  my breath there was a w of cash in the safe along  

    With other valuables I plucked a handful of bills  and stuffed them into my wallet then I tossed the   money I’d brought from the other world into my  sock drawer when the evidence of my past life was  

    Safely buried under a pile of argiles I returned  to my new life the hillbilly sat on the couch his   eyes empty and his mouth a jar it seemed as if  he might be dead but I knew that was just his  

    Version of thinking I said cheerfully you know  I’ve been traveling and I have a bunch of things   to do tomorrow so why don’t we just have a drink  here you should probably be getting back to the  

    Airfield anyway the guy’s eyes became like saucers  as I pulled out a bottle of shivas and poured him   three fingers he took a sip of my expensive  whiskey and said man that’s smooth I took a  

    Sip from the finger I had poured myself and said  yep getting this dude drunk would have been easy   I needed information and my new acquaintance  was the most suitable Source he wasn’t exactly   bright and as he got drunk he understood less and  less so I planned to keep pouring Scotch down his  

    Throat until I was sure he wouldn’t blink an  eye if I told him I was from Tatooine which in   many ways was just as likely as my real origin now  it was time for this redneck to tell me a bit of  

    History if indeed he knew it I said it’s stuffy  in here why don’t we sit by the pool and talk   you give the impression of a man who knows his  business and I want to get your opinion on what  

    These people have gotten us into what the hell  why not flatter the guy the those people I was   referring to remained unspecified but guys like  him always have a they and it’s usually a gummy   mint I turned on the decorative poolside lights  as we stepped out onto the deck I didn’t have to  

    Think about where anything lay it was instinctive  I was completely me in this Dimension we sat down   in a couple of lounge chairs and I offered him  a big fat panatella he lit up and puffed for a   minute sipping my Scotch he was obviously very  drunk then I ventured into conversation what  

    Do you think really caused the trouble with the  Germans I would have answered Hitler but I needed   my questions to be as vague as possible he let out  a cloud of smoke took another sip of my expensive  

    Whiskey and said from what I understand it all  started with the election of Lindberg in the 40s   wow Charles Lindberg was President it must have  been very much a populist movement lucky Lindy was   an International Celebrity but he was was also the  king of American firsters and an egregious racist  

    And anti-semite of course that’s how you could  characterize much of the United States in 1940   so maybe it wasn’t so shocking but this guy had no  qualifications whatsoever to lead the country my   Tipsy friend muttered in those days we were all  in favor of isolationism there was an Atlantic  

    Ocean between the US and Europe so we could sit  back and not worry about what was going on over   there he smirked the way true fools smirk when  they expound their particular version of wisdom   and added we were all in agreement with Lindy you  heard nobody wanted anything to do with that dirty  

    European War Joe Kennedy was Secretary of Defense  at the time and he curtailed the Armed Forces so   as not to provoke the Nazis and saved us a lot of  money you bet he did that explains a lot Lindberg  

    Was a famous Aviator not a strategic thinker  he had no background in geopolitics although he   made a lot of money after his famous flight he  still had a minimal understanding of the world   from the Midwest he would have been easy prey for  Hitler and his minions to make matters worse Joe  

    Kennedy was no Statesman he had made his family  fortune in bootlegging and was Irish to the core   Ireland wanted Independence and Kennedy knew that  a pro-german or even strictly neutral us position   would be a disaster for the British therefore any  plausible pretext would do I was disgusted with  

    What I had heard so far still I wanted my Tipsy  friend to keep talking because he was filling   in some important blanks I gave him a go-ahead  gesture and said trying to sound impatient as if  

    I already knew it all but what does this have to  do with where we are now he looked at me like I   was an idiot and said incredulously Hey kid you  mean to tell me you don’t know that the English  

    Surrendered as well as the French he paused and  added with undisguised respect but it took them   nine long years to wave the white flag then he  snorted and added instead of the 6 weeks it took   the frogs I replied high-handedly of course I do  the scenario in which Britain would be left alone  

    Was discussed in my Dimension Under The Heading  what if and the conclusion was always the same   without us help Britain had neither the men nor  the resources to stand up to the axis forever my   companion laughed and said caustically they  lasted a lot longer than we all expected we  

    Thought they they were a bunch of cowards with  their superiority and snotty accent but thanks   to the ubot blockade and the fact that we left  them to their own devices they finally gave up   I was starting to like this guy less and less  my drunken buddy continued that freed up all  

    The German tanks for Russia Stalin didn’t think  his buddy Hitler would stab him in the back ha   the Nazis took the Communists out of the war in  less than a year just like WWI he poured himself  

    Another glass and said these steps were perfect  for tanks it only took the Nazis 9 months to go   all the way from the Polish border to the Ural  Mountains most people think it would have been   different if that part of the war had dragged on  into winter I metaphorically beat myself over the  

    Head as my Grizzly friend spoke how could people  in this Dimension be so stupid but I had to sit   there looking like the two of us were reminiscing  about the good old or perhaps a more appropriate  

    Term would be ignorant days he added looking at me  suspiciously I know you remember when they invaded   Iceland I was watching his schedule 9 years plus  two more for Russia plus a couple years to prepare  

    And said sure that was in 53 right he looked as  if I had answered something more than his simple   question he said yes it was awkward the Germans  just showed up and took over I thought they the  

    Vikings were tough and they turned out to be  wimps I estimate that there were about 300,000   men women and children on the entire Island I bet  the Germans landed more troops in the first wave   I understood what would happen next Iceland would  provide the Reich with the perfect springboard to  

    Invade Canada the justification would be that  Canada was Commonwealth territory and therefore   belonged to them after all do the Nazis now own  the British Navy so Germany rules the waves I   said I remember that that was what eventually  started the national mobilization I guessed  

    But not unreasonably that the appearance of the  Nazi army in Canada would lead to the beginning   of events in the United States and I had to start  speaking knowledgeably the dude took another long   sip from the bottle which he was now drinking  straight from the neck and said yeah that’s right  

    That was after the invasion of New Finland by then  public opinion had shifted from appeasement to war   Eisenhower was vice president when Lindberg died  of a stroke and he took over he leaned back in  

    His chair and said wistfully Ike sure knew how to  organize an army I said it was in 55 if I remember   correctly I guessed but I wanted to continue the  conversation so I made an estimate based on what  

    He told me he laughed and said where have you  been Buddy it was 57 we were already at war with   the damn Japs but like you said we were afraid of  the Germans oh crap I forgot about the Japanese  

    But my Village friend had already decided that I  was an ignorant rich guy just like all the other   unjustifiably Rich losers so he kept talking he  said angrily those damn Japs made a secret deal   with the Mexicans allowing them to land as many  as three armies in the south of this country far  

    Enough away that we wouldn’t notice fortunately  they invaded the Arizona desert east of the Rocky   Mountains and General MacArthur’s troops held  the passes into California and Nevada leaving   the [ __ ] stuck in the middle of all those  lizards snakes and heat he took another puff  

    And added then in 58 the Arizona Oklahoma and the  rest of the squadron’s battleships caught up with   the main Japanese Supply Fleet off encinada and  defeated it that same week the Lexington Yorktown   and wasp sank all of their aircraft carriers off  Midway it was a coordinated attack and our first  

    Step in fighting back he grinned and added because  of that a lot of Japanese ended up on a foreign   continent continent and supply lines were cut so  they just set up store in Mexico now they call it  

    New Yamato he cast a baleful glance and added the  Japanese have become violent ever since they took   over Central America that’s why they still have  a hard time suppressing the revolutions that keep   breaking out there no one in South America wants  them and that’s good news for us because it keeps  

    The nips out of our business while we deal with  the Kuts I was already pretty good at guessing   events based on what I had already heard I said  have I forgotten the name of the treaty that   nailed the Japanese back to the other side of  the Rio Grande the boy absent-mindedly replied  

    Monteray that was it the Americans and Canadians  were fighting the verm in the Wilds of Quebec   while the Japanese were sitting on our Southern  border putting out fires in their own section and   waiting for a new opportunity to invade at least  that explained the paranoid reaction when I just  

    Appeared on the military’s radar logically  it wasn’t quite like that in my Dimension   the fact that I was in a parallel universe with  40s technology was probably due to the fact that   we were still fighting World War II you were  putting your resources into bullets and guns  

    Not into improving consumer goods still there was  a time travel aspect to the story anyway this was   my reality now and after the most eventful day  of my life I was exhausted luckily my rat guest   was already out lying with his head thrown back  snoring like a blast furnace saliva dripping from  

    His open almost toothless mouth so I just went to  the same bed I’d woken up from a couple days ago   in a completely different Universe the difference  was that I was able to fall asleep as I hadn’t  

    Been able to do since that horrible day when  my life stopped making sense I woke up as usual   yawned stretched and then I was hit like a cartoon  safe had fallen on my head I was in a familiar  

    Bedroom but not in my usual ual world the Sun was  shining as it always does in Florida and it was   getting hot I remembered that air conditioning was  rare here this was going to take some getting used  

    To I put on shorts and a t-shirt which of course  fit me and went to see if I had killed yesterday’s   spine Runner he must have come in sometime before  Dawn because he was gone and so was his car the  

    Bottle of my good scotch was gone too I didn’t  think that was a coincidence I was sipping my   first cup of coffee which I had to make with  an oldfashioned percolator and stove when there  

    Was a knock on the door or rather knocked on the  door I kind of expected it so I wasn’t surprised   when upon opening the door I found a bulldog in  a sheriff’s uniform standing at the entrance he  

    Cried out shocked what the hell and almost fell  off the porch I said that if law enforcement   always showed up on my doorstep good morning  Sheriff would you like some coffee he continued   to stand there with his mouth open at last he  shook himself and said but you’re dead I saw  

    You being transported after the accident so that’s  the reason for his surprise well I’d better come   up with a good story I said you were almost right  I was getting pretty good at faking it but trying  

    To excuse my death didn’t help this guy at all  he said incredulously when we were informed that   your place was taken I decided to go in and see  for myself but I never expected to find you here  

    What a story why did you come back and how are  you alive anyway I was improvising but the Riff   was getting easier and easier I knew that in those  days recordkeeping was limited to paper files so  

    It made sense to just lie the sheriff would have  to dig through a bunch of old records to disprove   my story and he didn’t look good I said like I  couldn’t believe he didn’t know that didn’t they  

    Tell you that then I stopped and theatrically  as if pondering said well I guess they wouldn’t   it was no longer a law enforcement matter the  sheriff looked both confused and Furious so I   added with a creepy chuckle I actually woke up on  the Undertaker’s table I’ve been told that happen  

    Sometimes he looked at me in disbelief and was  about to say something so I hastily continued they   were already preparing to embal me when I opened  my eyes it scared the hell out of everyone again   the creepy laughter I added maybe I am Immortal  do you think the sheriff was clearly starting to  

    Buy my spirited story I added trying to look like  I was reminiscing I was in rough shape for a long   time and it took months of Rehabilitation but  now I’m here and everything is fine I thought   the little self-deprecating platitude at the  end was a nice touch I added tentatively because  

    It was really a question did anyone miss me he  laughed out loud and said who’s going to miss an   [ __ ] like you okay that was a little hurtful  and and very cryptic I asked anxiously didn’t  

    Cat miss me I just assumed cat was alive after  all my house was still the same and I looked as   wealthy as ever it was inconceivable that she’d  accidentally died in both worlds as my old man   used to say lightning never strikes twice Eric  but where was she the sheriff asked puzzled why  

    The [ __ ] are you worrying about whether the cat  missed you I said trying to be polite even though   I was beginning to feel like I was talking to an  idiot no cat my wife he was laughing so hard that  

    Three of his chins were shaking he looked at me  as if he still thought I was teasing him and said   as far as I know you don’t have a wife of course  with all those [ __ ] you’ve been walking around  

    Here I suppose one of them could have been a real  cat well uh it was weird what kind of person was   me in this Dimension I knew I was that guy in  every way but we obviously had a very different  

    Approach to marriage the sheriff was starting to  make me nervous nous he was the local Authority   and he obviously knew me from my old life so he  could have gotten wind of my story so I wanted  

    Him off my doorstep and out of my life as soon as  possible before he asked me a question I couldn’t   answer I said hurriedly as if I had something  vital to do if the sheriff has nothing else I  

    Really have to go I left my plane at the Broward  airport last night and I need to get there as   soon as possible to secure it he looked me over  one last time as if still not believing I was  

    Alive finally he tapped the brim of his round  hat and said well have a good day and turning   on his heels he stroe back to his black and white  car I worked out a plan as I walked to my garage  

    Inside were two cars a white 1955 Cadillac Coupe  Devil with tail fins soaring and a powder blue   1956 Thunderbird convertible both looked like they  had just rolled off the assembly line I chose the   bird simply because I lik the way it looked and  the Heat of the new Day suggested that the top  

    Had better be down there wasn’t a single air  conditioner in this Dimension I hadn’t eaten   in almost 24 hours so my first stop was Howard  Johnson’s on the Atlantic that was 1962 where   else could I get a quick breakfast then I went  to the Broward County Public Library of course  

    There were no computers there there were only  card cataloges back then but I collected local   newspapers from 2 years ago thanks to sheriff Grom  I got an approximate date it wasn’t what I thought   it would be a July 31st 1960 article described  a ghastly accident involving a drunken fool me  

    In an arena craft fiberglass ski booat and a rock  Jetty at the entrance to Lauderdale Harbor on the hotels on Miami Beach wow in another reality  my old man Stanley owned a hardware store it   mentioned that I was married to Katherine Grayson  aged 28 but it didn’t say what had happened to her  

    Or where she was now the wave of relief that swept  through me was Indescribable I really feared I had   lost cat in two Dimensions as you might expect  things were different in this Dimension but the   players were the same I spent hours scouring  every possible resource for any trace of my  

    Wife but she was nowhere to be found meanwhile I  still had to do something about my airplane that’s   when I discovered another of these differences in  this world 911 was still 40 years in the future  

    Therefore there were no guards at the gate so  I could just drive up to where my airplane was   parked on the grass by the runway I was making my  postflight rounds when I saw a Jeep heading my way  

    It was one of those old-fashioned Willies models  you see in World War II movies the guy behind   the wheel looked like a regular army soldier tall  trim and No Nonsense I started talking as soon as  

    He got out of the Jeep I said sorry about that  boss but I ran out of fuel so I had to make an   emergency landing the guy looked me over with a  slight smile like I was a green recruit he was  

    A few inches shorter than me and about the same  weight muscular with a chiseled face he had two   silver stripes on his collar he said different  we chapter 2 he said that’s not a problem sir  

    But you’ll have to remove them I said trying to  sound humble I’m not from around here where is the   nearest private airport he looked at me as if I  had just asked the world’s stupidest question and  

    Said are you telling me you don’t know there’s a  war going on we’re not in the recreational flying   business anymore we need all the fuel we can  get for our Fighters and bombers damn what am  

    I supposed to do now then he added puzzled what is  is this anyway I said it’s a Piper Cherokee 180 he   said incredulously the only thing Piper makes is  cub and this looks like an me18 the Germans use  

    Them to transport VIPs a light bulb went off in my  head just like the coyote in the cartoon I heard   the mi1 108 comparison from the people at Cape  Canaveral and it gave me a brilliant idea I said  

    Conspiratorially it’s experimental we developed it  based on captured mi18 [ __ ] me and my big mouth   I already knew what his next question would be  he said who are we thinking quickly I nonchalant   replied OSS I work directly for Wild Bill it was  the only World War II Secret Agency I could recall  

    In my Dimension the OSS had become the CIA by 1947  and Wild Bill Donovan had been put out to pasture   for bad behavior but who knows here the captain  nodded sagely at me and said so it’s classified  

    I wasn’t about to correct him I said yes that’s  right we are trying this new model to see if we   can use it for the same purposes as the Nazis the  guy said hopefully so you’re fing people I was  

    Burying myself deeper and deeper into the hole but  I wanted to appear compliant and I couldn’t think   of any other way out so I said lightly sure but  I’m taking a break between assignments and then  

    Hopefully added can I leave it here until I find  another cab he said admiringly well I can give you   a job right now who do I call to set it up damn  now that would be a serious problem if someone  

    In Authority answered the phone I said with  excessive eagerness I don’t need permission if   you give me fuel we have to keep our activities  in the shadows I winked at him saying you know   just between us Insiders he threw me a Sly look  and said no problem buddy when can you leave I  

    Said as soon as I get some basic stuff maybe in 2  hours he said admiringly the general and his wife   will be waiting for you right here on the point  that’s how I got into the air care business if  

    The bureaucracy needs you it will use you it’s too  big to give a damn about reasons so there’s always   room for a smart young man who can make money in  the nooks and crannies I had a luxury jet and the  

    Army needed transportation so who would look a  metaphorical gift horse in the mouth at least   it got rid of the sheriff I had a good reason to  disappear sooner or later one of the locals would   figure out that I wasn’t from this Dimension and  that Discovery might lead to me being dissected  

    In a shadow lab right next to the aliens so I  locked up the house and grabbed two suitcases   one with all my clothes and travel stuff and the  other stuffed with cash then I took a cab back to  

    The airport ready to find the love of my life the  general was an arrogant [ __ ] and his wife was a   cranky old fogy who complained about the intense  vibration all the way to Washington the flight  

    Would have been much less turbulent if we hadn’t  had to fly over land all the way to Washington but   there were supposedly German aircraft carriers  in the Atlantic the very ones they had captured   from the British so it made sense to stay Inland  including refueling the Thousand M Journey dragged  

    On until late afternoon even at 130 knots finally  I flew over the capital at night because of the   war it was Pitch Black there but I followed  the moonlit path sparkling on the pomac to   Washington National if you’re wondering about the  name Ronald Reagan was still making movies then  

    During the trip from Lauderdale the general made  the unilateral decision to hire me as his personal   chauffeur I didn’t blame him the interior of the  piper was very soft compared to the cockpits of   all other airplanes of that era which was for  forunate for me I now had the basis for a new  

    Identity Washington was not the self-indulgent  place it had been in my day we were at War so   the pork spending that characterized this den of  iniquity was confined strictly to the military   this in turn reduced the vain self-indulgence  that gave us the marble buildings that crowded  

    The federal triangle and Constitution Avenue in my  Dimension it also greatly improved the appearance   of the place of course there was no Subway and I  had to get around the city somehow so I bought an   unassuming but very reliable 57 Chevy and rented  a small apartment in Alexandria not far from DCA I  

    Could have lived much more luxuriously as I still  had a suitcase full of money but I wanted to keep   a low profile then I entered the general service  providing transportation for all the important   people he wished to bestow his generosity upon  by the standards of my Dimension I was paid a  

    Small fortune but it was cheaper here and and I  had access to all the fuel I needed the flights   themselves were not complicated every week or  so I would transport some VIP from one place to   another usually on Army business I even started  bringing extra stuff like snacks and booze to  

    Keep my fat cat guests happy meanwhile I scoured  every Source in DC looking for any mention of cat   I realized that I was in the perfect position  to achieve my true goal of reuniting with my   beloved wife I visited the Census Bureau and  reviewed their records cat was alive in 1960  

    Thus I knew she existed that was a relief no  new sensus had been taken since then so her   current whereabouts were unknown according to the  latest information she was living in Manhattan   I tried the Social Security Administration in  Baltimore but that turned out to be a laughable  

    Endeavor even for me for some reason the people  there were not inclined to share my ex-wife’s   personal information with me they even mentioned  stalking charges if I contacted them again but of   course fate really likes to mock me hell maybe it  happens to all of us anyway I was about to resign  

    Myself to loneliness and despair when that fickle  [ __ ] waved her magic wand and changed everything   drastically all summer I had been transporting  Eggheads from LaGuardia to a strip in the Wilds   of East Tennessee I didn’t know who these people  were or more importantly why they were dropped  

    Off in this hollow part of the Appalachians  but it was clear they were not military if   I had to guess I’d say they were scientists  or some other kind of super intelligent nerds   nevertheless it was clearly a covert government  operation because the guy who made the flight  

    Schedules warned me not to talk to the passengers  and I was told to forget everything I overheard I   was supposed to pick people up in New York and  drop them off in Knoxville no questions asked   on that fateful morning I took an hour-long  flight to to a small strip in Princeton New  

    Jersey it was a routine flight but it was clear  that I had a very important person to pick up I   even had an army PR man in the right seat placed  there to smooth the way for my mystery person the  

    Curator’s name was Todd and he reminded me of my  former roommate with the same name he was very   good-looking in a clean uniform adorned with  the kind of ribbons that the army awards for   excellent paper shuffling think Tom Cruz in A Few  Good Men and he was also a First Rate sodomite ER  

    So I had to listen to endless Tales of conquering  women to the point where I considered opening the   passenger side door and making a radical right  turn we pulled up to the building that served   as the terminal in this Backwater field I kept  the propeller spinning while Todd came out to  

    Greet the frail white-haired gentleman who was our  main passenger all in all it was business as usual   except that there was a second passenger with the  old man it was a petite woman but both Todd and I  

    Were the center of her attention Todd because she  was incredibly beautiful and me because she was   my long-lost wife the fact that I didn’t pass  out from the shock was a credit to my physical   fitness but still my vision was shaken and I felt  a strong metallic taste from the adrenaline that  

    Had just entered my bloodstream I missed cat  very much I mourned her for six long years I   dedicated my life to finding her and now she was  walking nonchalantly toward my airplane of course  

    I knew she was dead and I was dead in her world  so you can imagine how rotten the situation was   cat and the old man were helped into the cabin  by their friendly overseer Todd a [ __ ] Like  

    Himself stared mesmerized at cat’s beautiful round  ass as he helped her in I had the good sense to   turn my head and stare intently at the left side  of the airplane I didn’t want my wife to see who  

    Was flying the plane at least not until I got a  grip on myself Todd was especially thoughtful of   cat gee I wonder why on the other hand I was at a  loss for words which was unremarkable considering  

    I wasn’t supposed to be talking to passengers  stepping aboard cat threw me no more than a   casual glance there was a pilot seat between us  and I was wearing a baseball cap and mirrored   aviator sunglasses more importantly I was dead I  chatted with ATC as usual started the engine and  

    We took off in the air toward Tennessee it turned  out that the second passenger was Albert Einstein   I knew about Einstein from my Dimension so I  didn’t need to be introduced that meant that the   place I was taking all these Eggheads to was the  Manhattan Project facilities at Oak Ridge National  

    Laboratory while we were in the air two things  were happening simultaneously the horned man in   the right seat was bombarding the passenger in the  left rear seat that is my wife with ingratiating   charms it was such a blatant attempt at seduction  that it made everyone but Todd uncomfortable she  

    For her part ignored him talking exclusively to  Einstein cat was clearly one of the great man’s   acolytes which made sense given her aptitude  in physics at least in my Dimension I wasn’t   paying attention to the absurdly self-serving  conversation Todd was trying to make but I was  

    Listening intently to the discussion going on in  the back seats for she was explaining what had   happened to me the two of them were discussing  Einstein’s theory of the origin of the universe   what I took from their conversation was that the  concept of a single reality is overrated according  

    To Einstein the universe consists of an infinite  number of parallel universe bubbles that were   created simultaneously as a result of a single  event called The Big Bang the result of this was   similar to the phenomenon that results when you  place two mirrors so that their Reflections go to  

    Infinity I mean you get an infinite duplication  of the same thing thus in every reality there   are an infinite number of of possible outcomes  all dictated by context and choice can I hear   you saying what the [ __ ] are you talking about  well for example in your Universe you turned left  

    And walked into a bar and in another reality you  turned right and got hit by a bus same situation   two different choices two different outcomes  both valid and it all happened to you in my  

    Universe cat was in the wrong place at the wrong  time but the cat who lived in this dimension was   not it was the same for me if I hadn’t decided to  fly towards the saraso sea I wouldn’t be where I  

    Am now in my case it was fortunate because  I ended up in a dimension where my beloved   wife was still alive as you can no doubt guess I  was experiencing a storm of emotions yet I knew  

    I had to keep those feelings in check there  were too many unknowns any one of them could   be fatal so I successfully suppressed the urge  to do something stupid I mean uh I could have   opened up right away maybe I should have but  really really The Cat In This World knew I was  

    Dead and I had no idea what she’ do if I turned  around and said Tada I’m back I bet it wouldn’t   be something I wanted to experience from what the  sheriff told me we had been living apart for some  

    Time but why maybe the answer to that question  will help me find a way in at any rate the shock   of my sudden appearance would probably kill her so  I needed more information that’s why the role of   an anonymous pilot suited the circumstances just  fine in this Dimension Knoxville McGee Tyson was  

    Mostly military I landed on Runway 234 right and  took the parallel Runway to the terminal there   were three c119 airplanes lined up on the parallel  Runway like it was rush hour it looked like it was   a busy place a guard of Honor came out to meet  and see Einstein off they respectfully seated  

    The Great man and his acolyte in the waiting  service car the Strangler jumped into the front   seat and they drove off I stayed behind after the  flight in the piper and pondered how I could make  

    The 25 miles to the Oakridge facility before this  [ __ ] could settle the score with my wife on all   my other trips I had parked the Cherokee in one of  the hangers so I asked the PFC who was helping me  

    Roll the car if he knew anyone who wanted to sell  an old car the guy was in the Tennessee National   Guard so he had to know the local scene the dude  stood there scratching his ass contemplating or  

    Maybe his ass was just itchy anyway after a long  hesitation he said I don’t know about the car   but Charlie over there has an Indian Scout he’s  trying to sell it’ll probably cost you 40 bucks it  

    Was beautiful in those days the Scout motorcycle  was over 30 years old but it was still one of the   best motorcycles out there this motorcycle looked  like it was military because it was Olive colored   and still had the the big Spotlight between the  handlebars but these motorcycles were maneuverable  

    And fast and they could run forever with almost  no maintenance that’s why they were used by the   military I pulled two 20s out of a stash in  my backpack and within an hour I was on my way  

    Carrying a cloud of blue smoke behind me the guy I  bought it from even put me a leather flight helmet   and goggles between noxville and Oakridge is about  25 Mi the terrain is green and mountainous so the  

    Drive down Tennessee Highway 62 was Scenic except  without the rain I could have done without the   rain I got to Oak Ridge around lunchtime the town  itself is in a long and deep valley with ridges  

    Which is why it got its name the idea was that The  Ridges would contain any accidental detonations in   case someone messed up actually these divided  valleys were one of the main reasons Oak Ridge   was chosen the city itself was top secret the  federal government created it from scratch in  

    Just over 2 years in that time the place went from  deeply rural to 75,000 residents making Oak Ridge   the fifth largest city in Tennessee but of course  you won’t be able to find it on a map and that’s  

    Because it was dedicated to one thing only the  creation of the atomic bomb everything around me   was lit up like a carnival as I climbed the crest  of the last Valley the Manhattan Project was well   documented in my Dimension therefore I knew more  about it than any normal person living in this  

    Dimension for example that there was to be nothing  but a few rednecks in this Valley that was also   the reason why the clearance problems had to be  sorted out first fortunately I had the answer the   administration building was called Castle on the  hill it was located on the ridge on the east side  

    Facing the ridge where I was sitting on paper it  was the Clinton engineering works but in reality   it was the name of the engineering District  of Manhattan it was the place I had to go for  

    Help I felt like just showing up at the God house  and asking permission to talk to my old buddy Les   Groves I had transported the General on a number  of occasions he especially liked the Tennessee  

    Whiskey I took with me on my trips and he was in  charge of the whole project when I approached them   the MPS were skeptical but I insisted they called  the building where Groves his office was located  

    And after a couple of minutes an employee came  out of there he was wearing a silver oak leaf   he must have been close to the general he said  in a friendly manner the general told me there  

    Wasn’t enough whiskey to make him go out in this  rain that’s why he sent me I laughed politely and   said I’m a fery pilot and I’m stuck here for a  couple days could you help me out find a place  

    To shelter me the guy gestured to the hill behind  us and said we already know who you are and the   general has authorized you to stay in the guest  house for the rest of the week that my friends  

    Is how a Dead Man became a temporary resident  of the defunct town of Oak Ridge Tennessee the   guest house was used to house dignitaries it was  a Stones Throw from Jackson Square which was the  

    Center of town in this top secret location and the  fact that I had a bed there was a modest Testament   to how far in this world you could go for fine  whiskey I planned to reunite with my wife as soon  

    As I could find her so I started looking for cat  as soon as I dropped my backpack a couple hundred   yards down the hill there was a big dance going  on at the tennis courts and cat loves to dance so  

    I was sure I’d find her there I was coming down  the hill dressed in my best attire a black silk   shirt and the same white linen pants I was a  man of contrasts more so than is obvious the  

    Rain had stopped and a crescent moon hung over the  beautiful Tennessee evening the music wafted to me   as I made my way to the place where the dance was  being held it was a cleared tennis court with a  

    Real band playing Glenn Miller and Tommy dorsy  Tunes I stood in the dark on the backstretch   and looked for cat among the dancers the band  was playing Moonlight Serenade one of the most   romantic songs of the 40s era I got about halfway  through the hall when I stopped and just stared my  

    Wife was swaying in the arms of my [ __ ] former  passenger damn he’d made a lot of progress in the   6 hours since I’d last seen them that [ __ ] was  relentlessly harassing cat so I guess I expected  

    To see what I saw but still the lightning bolt of  jealousy almost made my knees Buckle I know it’s   not fair to call it a betrayal I mean I was dead  for God’s sake and cat is a gorgeous and sensual  

    Woman so she had every right to be seduced by  any man she chose but really Todd seriously they   danced swaying closer and closer until she pressed  herself against him resting her head on his chest   her fingers interlocked and her eyes dreamily  closed closed they were in a world of their  

    Own as the music played just you and me Summer Sky  Heavenly Breeze a kiss among the trees it was too   much I ran into the road and threw up right in the  middle of these metaphorical trees unfortunately  

    Todd had also moved into the guest house so I had  to put up with him at breakfast he looked alert   and good-looking as soon as he saw me he came over  briming with a sense of camaraderie pulled out a  

    Chair and sat down grinning like an idiot I tried  to ignore him the first words out of his mouth   were well I nailed that girl last night I knew  it was coming and I was ready for it however that  

    Straightforward statement of Conquest almost  made me die in Two universes calm down boy I   raised an eyebrow and said trying to hide how much  I was shaken by this [ __ ] success with my wife  

    And I should care why he said she was one of the  most beautiful mxes I’ve ever had the pleasure of   associating with but the weird thing is once she  got involved she started calling me Eric aswipe   smirked mockingly and added I’d be offended if she  was anyone else that little insight was bouncing  

    Around in my skull like a22 caliber bullet when  he laughed like it was the most incredible thing   in the world and exclaimed hey isn’t that your  name man what a coincidence I thought [ __ ] he  

    Then added but as soon as we finished she threw  a tantrum I had planned to spend the whole night   with her but she wouldn’t stop crying it was like  she felt guilty for getting involved with this  

    Eric guy I saw it hit him you don’t think she’s  married do you I haven’t seen the ring but some   ladies hide it to get the full Todd blankin ship  experience he puffed up like a [ __ ] peacock I  

    Said with annoyance how should I know I’m just a  cab driver and I only met the woman yesterday how   would you react that man drove a stake through  my heart and in doing so cat was obviously still  

    Mourning my death as I was mourning hers so  a little voice in my head screamed she still   loves me [ __ ] paused and muttered puzzled man  I got to tell you that little lady is just nuts   she’s probably the prettiest one in the whole  complex maybe the whole state of Tennessee but  

    She’s all yours I’m done with her I thought what  a condescending [ __ ] let me assure you friends   I’m not as weak as they make me out to be in this  situation it’s just that interd itional travel is  

    Disorienting ha I bet no one else has ever said  that there are too many ways to stumble and it   makes you doubt nevertheless listening to this  jerk brag about touching my wife or whatever you   call someone who was an intimate part of your soul  but whom you’ve never met I finally started to  

    Clean up my ACT I had been playing Hamlet for far  too long now I was determined to stop acting like   a worldclass [ __ ] and just get down to business  I asked with heat in my voice where is she staying  

    He raised one eyebrow and looked at me skeptically  then he laughed really you wouldn’t stand a chance   with a woman like her I said through clenched  teeth I appreciate your advice now where the hell  

    Does she live he got the message this [ __ ] was  seven in shorter than me and 50 lb lighter and he   could see in my eyes that he was about to be sewn  into a burlap sack and dropped from 10,000 ft he  

    Said soothingly take it easy kid if you want to  get shot by that hot little girl you’ll then feel   free she lives in her own prefab House near y12  she’s doing some top secret monkey business there   the historians in my Dimension had exhaustively  described what happened at Oak Ridge so I knew  

    All about y12 it was an electromagnetic separation  plant that produced the enriched uranium used in   the two bombs we dropped on Japan it was a couple  miles down the valley as I drove my trusty Scout  

    To the y12 location I was trying to think of  the best way to approach cat it was an Absol   absolutely gorgeous sunny day in East Tennessee  you could see why the people who live there   consider it God’s country the problem was how to  introduce himself to his wife at least not without  

    Scaring her completely people don’t come back from  the dead I could think of only one such case and I   wasn’t about to start a new religion so I couldn’t  just knock on cat’s door and ask her out the Scout  

    Kickstand was broken I was just leaning my bike  against a tree when cat solved my problem she   appeared pacing lessly down scarra road heading  toward a small green hill across from a large   blocky y12 building I restrained my fervor from  rushing into the woods right behind her instead  

    I followed her stealthily down a parallel path  she was wearing a pale yellow sundress that stood   out among all the greenery it made her easier to  track as cat came to a small rocky ledge at the  

    Top of the hill a mocking bird sang in the trees  she sat down tucking her legs gracefully under   her and just stared out at the the green Tennessee  Countryside it was quiet and peaceful and she had  

    Clearly come here to think it was a touching scene  I knew exactly what she was feeling and why for I   had been doing exactly the same thing sitting  on my little bench next to her grave now my  

    Long-lost wife was right in front of me gorgeous  and alive and I was 15 ft away from her standing   behind a big old oak tree my heart raced when I  said softly please don’t turn around sure enough  

    She gave a startled sigh and turned around the  gods had deducted style points from my scorecard   the cat couldn’t see me from behind the tree so I  said keeping my voice low and loving I’m sorry I  

    Scared you and I promise I won’t hurt you then I  added fervently with all the love in my heart but   I must remain secret while I tell you something  I hoped she would recognize my voice cat jumped  

    To her feet clearly frightened but she also looked  intrigued I said soothingly now I’m going to come   out from behind the tree and I want you to have as  much time as you need to digest everything but I  

    Can assure you that what you see is real and that  I love you she said in a trembling Voice who are   you don’t touch me I said I would never hurt you I  love you from the moment we met at the fraternity  

    Mixer years ago and walked out from behind the  tree for a second she just stared at him in   amazement eyes wide with fear then those beautiful  blue eyes slowly rolled back into her head and   she lost Consciousness she came to lying on the  ground with her head in my lap and me stroking  

    Her forehead her intelligent blue eyes opened  and she saw my face and sobbed with recognition   I said it’s me Peaks my wife really was a gorgeous  little pixie and that was my special name for her  

    I was the only one who used it it was my way of  telling her it was really me cat may have been   small and compact but she wasn’t fragile at all  her powerful mind took control of the situation  

    And she asked in Surprise is it really you Eric I  nodded she jumped up threw her arms around my neck   buried her face in my chest and burst into tears  after that there was a period where the two of us  

    Just hugged and cried tell me what would you do it  was very painful for me to realized that I would   never see her again and she went through the same  thing the emotions had to go somewhere now we were  

    Hugging as if that was the only reason we hadn’t  flown off the face of the planet she asked through   her tears how are you here it’s an incredible  story and we need time to tell it but let’s  

    Just say that the two of us had to defeat death to  be reunited she sniffled for a long time then she   threw her head back and asked what do you mean  death how are you alive alive anyway I was told  

    You died in a boating accident it was so bad that  the coffin was closed I was at your funeral I said   you’ll have to disbelieve me a lot when you hear  this story and I’m not quite sure how it happened  

    Myself isn’t there some private place where we can  talk it over together housing in Oak Ridge ranged   from Shacks that housed African-American laborers  yes segregation was still alive and well in this   Dimension to neat houses for Scholars like cat  my wife’s house was within walking distance of  

    The y12 facility with its busy catron racetracks  where the ingredients for nuclear Holocaust were   pumped out it was all set in a bucolic setting  of Dusty roads green fields and mountain ranges   you almost expected people to sit on porches  and play banjos cat’s house was one of those  

    Pre-fabricated buildings that grew like mushrooms  in a damp cave the whole neighborhood was somehow   alien and hostile small houses surrounded a  massive Square building drowning in a a sea   of fences and barriers we didn’t say a word as we  walked side by side down the slope it reminded me  

    Of our first walk in another time and another  dimension cat’s 20x 24 plywood cabin had one   bedroom it was scrupulously neat and tidy like cat  herself the house had a combined living and dining   room and kitchen a bathroom completed the square  there were two armchairs and a reading lamp in the  

    Living room cat gestured to one chair and asked  coffee I decided that my wife needed time to think   things over so I said sure cat fiddled around in  the kitchen for a few minutes while I watched her  

    Just assessing her this version was not the wife  and mother she was in my Dimension this woman   was a seasoned professional nevertheless in her  early 30s she had become even more beautiful her   body had become Fuller and her hair had grown  back to a sheath of wheat that looked like a  

    Glistening golden Mane it had been almost eight  long terrible years since I had last last seen   her and the certainty that I would never see her  again was a torment as far as I could tell it had  

    Only been about 3 years since I had died in this  Dimension but still I could tell that cat’s pain   was no less intense to keep the conversation going  I asked how did you end up working for Einstein  

    She turned around surprised and concerned and said  how do you know who he is the government keeps him   a secret it must be a top secret assignment I  said I know a lot of things for example I know   that this is the Manhattan Project it involves  creating the ingredients for the atomic bombs  

    That will end the war and that Einstein who is  already famous for his theory of relativity is   part of the brain trust along with Oppenheimer  and sard Cat nearly dropped the coffee pot she  

    Said genuinely upset how do you know all this what  are you a German spy I laughed and said I am not a   German spy and the reason I know all these things  is part of the explanation for how I ended up here  

    Cat brought two steaming mugs into the living room  handed me hers and sat in the other chair looking   both loving and concerned I marveled for a moment  at the contrasts of my wife beautiful modest   energetic loving brilliant and currently very  anxious I started like this when you and Einstein  

    Were flying in the airplane she interrupted me as  if I had just confirmed my impression you were the   pilot I had a strange feeling that you were with  me but my mind told me it was ridiculous because  

    You were dead I said well yes and no remember the  part about parallel universes that you discussed   with Einstein she eagerly replied yes it is the  most recent theory of cosmology Einstein and   desitter predicted this phenomenon based on the  revised theory of relativity I worked with both  

    Of them on the density expansion equations and the  Hubble constant I said affectionately everything   you just said then cautiously added gauging her  reaction I am living proof that Einstein is right   I could see that this embarrassed her she asked  puzzled what do you mean right okay this was the  

    Moment to roll the dice I muttered a little prayer  and said he’s right about parallel universes   because I’m not from this one a look of utter  incomprehension appeared on her pretty face I said   I might as well spit this out I don’t know about  any density extension equations but I’m telling  

    You that I’m really as dead in this universe as  you think I am what’s more I’m absolutely certain   that you and our little daughter are also dead  in the place I came from cat continued to remain  

    Utterly bewildered okay now it’s all in I took a  deep breath and said we met and married in college   and had a very loving life together it was a  perfect existence until you and our daughter   were killed in a traffic accident it was one  of those things something you experience but  

    Can’t change I never stopped grieving cat began to  think that I had succeeded in getting through to   her she said softly the same thing happened to me  when you were killed I’ve been crying ever since   your funeral I nodded sympathetically then added  I was sure I’d never see you again I accepted that  

    As a fact no matter how much it hurt me I tried  to fight for Life tried to make something of my   life and succeeded in my career and yet losing  you was a black hole in the center of my soul  

    Eating away at it from the inside out she said  with tears in her eyes I felt exactly the same   way I’m one of Einstein’s research assistants  but there is no love in my life I’m just trying  

    To cope as best I can I nodded sympathetically  at her in that respect we were fellow Travelers   I said and then on a very ordinary day as I was  flying between the Bahamas and Fort Lauderdale I  

    Came Upon something strange when I came out the  other side I was in a world where I was dead and   you were alive and apparently our daughter was  never born cat sighed her mournful look said   it all she muttered sadly things must have been  different in your dimension we tried God knows  

    We tried that was one of the reasons I thought  separation was justified I replied irritably   wek get to the non-essentials in a minute the main  thing you need to know is that in my Dimension the  

    War that is still going on here ended in 1945 she  looked stunned she asked how I said simple enough   Roosevelt was the president not Lindberg and he  understood the geopolitical situation the rest   so to speak is history then I added carefully but  what you’re doing in this place put an end to that  

    At least it did in my dimension apparently history  in these Dimensions differs in the variables that   lead to different outcomes she said seriously  naturally logically the inhabitants are the   same in every Dimension but what happens to them  is the sum of the decisions they themselves and  

    Others make so in my reality Germany is in Canada  and we are preparing a solution to that problem I   thought fondly the Eternal nerd I said so my being  around you is a happy paradox we are both dead in  

    Each other’s worlds but here we are together and  frankly I don’t intend to lose you again under any   circumstances then I paused and added meaningfully  or at least this time I’m going with you a look of   horror appeared on cat’s refined face she said  frustratedly you can’t it’s too dangerous I had  

    No idea what she was talking about I said firmly  I have no happiness Without You therefore if you   die I will die with you she excitedly replied I’m  the one they chose and I’m the one who agreed to  

    It but this is a one-way trip I’m not going to  have you killed along with me moreover I don’t   even know how you found out about it did it  really happen in your dimension as well a we  

    Were obviously talking about two different things  I was telling her I couldn’t live without her she   thought I was volunteering to go on some suicide  mission with her I said wait wait wait what are   you talking about are you saying you’re getting  ready to do something potentially lethal my wife  

    Was as emotional as I’ve ever seen her cat’s  usually a cold customer that’s what happens   to women with her type of intelligence but she  was completely upset maybe that’s why she just   blurted out the Nazis have nuclear capability and  they’re going to use it I’m the one who was chosen  

    To stop them I was sure she shouldn’t have said  that to me I just stood there with my mouth open   [ __ ] I knew cat was a patriot because rich and  very beautiful college girls don’t usually spend  

    Their free time with rooc Nerds but what was that  I said explain it to me the Nazis have the bomb   and you volunteered for some one-sided mission to  destroy it her face was Grim as she uttered wner  

    Heisenberg [ __ ] I knew this guy he was the Nazi  version of Oppenheimer the father of our abomb   Heisenberg did have the upper hand in 193 9 but  he never got the support he needed to even come  

    Close to building a bomb in my world must be one  of those variations based on Choice cat went on   to say manufactured four bombs at the Lac coock  facility on Rene laaser Island behind the Sagan   line I looked puzzled and she added by way of  explanation this is the line of fortifications  

    In Quebec where Omar Bradley has been holding the  Germans for the last couple years we can’t let the   Nazis use one of those against our defenses we  have half a million men in those lines it would   destroy everything I said oh my God the Manhattan  Project only developed two bombs and they ended  

    World War II in a couple weeks I can’t imagine  making four cat looked at him intently right but   nuclear devices are triggered by a complex Vision  reaction which I’m an expert in so I’m going to   infiltrate their facility and make sure the u235  triggers and the equipment used to make them are  

    Destroyed this will set the Nazis back enough that  we’ll have our own nuclear capability before they   recover she looked at him with satisfaction and  said then the shoe will be on the other foot I  

    Said with skepticism in my voice and how are you  going to get there are they going to drop you off   at this place like the Airborne units did during  the Normandy invasion she had a puzzled look on  

    Her face and I thought oops wrong Universe she  replied I don’t see what Normandy has to do with   it it’s in France not Quebec but the Germans  have air superiority with their jet fighters so   an amphibious invasion is out of the question our  crew will be taken by submarine to sep ises and  

    Make their way North to Rene leur I said and you  must have a map with the whole route laid out on   it of course she did if my wife is anything to go  by she is well organized I like to fish and hunt  

    And I’ve been known to fly over the area at least  in my dimension I knew it was going to be a 120 M   hike through off-road terrain with nothing but  wooded Hills lakes and rivers great terrain if  

    You’re bear hunting but challenging and grueling  if you’re on a mission to blow up Nazi equipment   it was almost 300 mil from the German lines which  were located on the sagon river so there would   likely be no military presence there but there  were so many rivers and swamps between the landing  

    Site at sep ises and Rene leaser that it would be  nearly impossible to get there even if cat and her   friends hadn’t dragged a bunch of explosives  with them I figured these guys wouldn’t even   make it to their target let alone successfully  infiltrate a high security compound full of ss  

    Guards I asked with disdain in my voice who came  up with this stupid plan she replied surprised   that I was so negative that was our own OSS  in fact the reason I am here at Oak Ridge has  

    Nothing to do with the Manhattan Project I’m only  here to get the detailed specifications for the   fion triggers I weily asked so you don’t work for  Einstein she replied enthusiastically of course I   know that’s exactly why you and I broke up then  she realized I was the wrong husband and added  

    Softly you couldn’t accept the fact that I would  be studying at Princeton and you would be tied to   the construction firm in Miami that you inherited  when your father died it couldn’t be forever so I   didn’t think you’d take it so hard cat brightened  and added for a theoretical physicist like me this  

    Was the opportunity of a lifetime we veered off  topic but I had to ask I know we were separated   when I was killed in this Dimension what happened  she made a sad look and said affectionately as  

    I said I was offered a job at The Institute  for advanced study Einstein liked my work on   special relativity of course that meant I had to  live in Princeton I hoped that you would realize   that our separation was temporary and that there  was nothing tying us together like the baby we  

    Had in your dimension we argued but in the end you  seemed to accept it however you started drinking   right after I left and it eventually led to your  death she burst into tears I’m so sorry okay that   explained it because of the size difference I  was tied up with construction in Miami instead  

    Of practicing Engineering in Michigan Cat saw  the separation as an opportunity to to advance   her career and I saw it as a betrayal perhaps I  thought I had lost her she said sincerely I was   absolutely faithful to you all the time we were  apart I heard that you weren’t but I forgave  

    You because I loved you cat was a beautiful and  sensual woman if what she had just said was true   and I had no reason to doubt it then her loyalty  had to be a real sacrifice I could have berated  

    Her for last night’s episode but I wasn’t that  juvenile I mean she was a grieving Widow until   today and you’d have to be a complete [ __ ] to  expect her to be faithful to a dead man therefore   this particular conversation was moot besides now  we’re way off course I thought is she trying to  

    Distract me on purpose but the fact remained that  cat was about to do something that would get her   killed I said I know the OSS in my Dimension  we call it the CIA who do you report to she  

    Replied seriously no reporting we are isolated  from each other to maintain the secrecy of our   mission she added by way of further explanation  since we left Washington we are completely on our   own cat slightly added everyone thinks I’m helping  Einstein but I’m actually part of a three-man team  

    The other two have been fighting the Germans since  the invasion of New Finland they’re the oddest   couple she’s a French Aristocrat and he looks like  a gorilla it’s kind of like Beauty and the Beast I  

    Asked still angry did they come up with this crazy  scheme cat furrowed her brow and replied no the   planners in Washington did it this meant that the  supposed plan was a bureaucratic cluster [ __ ]   full of noise and fury signifying nothing Cat kept  talking King and bernardet are supposed to get me  

    To the facility and bernardet is an explosives  expert she’ll handle the detonation I stood   staring at her completely dumbfounded how could  she be so stupid there was absolutely nothing   realistic about about this plan cat apologized her  huge blue eyes filled with tears honestly what did  

    I have to live for you were dead okay I get the  situation a bureaucrat whose ass would never be   in danger came up with a plan to thwart the Nazi  nuclear threat cat was probably the only person  

    Under 70 who had the knowledge to diffuse those  bombs and the youthful stamina to get to them   so the OSS forced her to volunteer appealing  to her overdeveloped sense of patriotism thus   the pathetic fact was that my beloved wife had to  play the role of Nathan hail because some basement  

    Monkey at Langley had a crazy brain overload the  Inconvenient Truth that this dear woman was going   to die in the process didn’t bother because people  who plan such things have no soul and as we also   know that the end justifies the means one horrible  thought kept flashing through my mind like a bad  

    Neon sign oh my God I’m about to lose her again  this was absolutely not an option so I had to find   a better option of course there were a few minor  difficulties like the fact that I wasn’t supposed  

    To know about the mission and the fact that I  was dead however it was wartime and we were at   the very end of the command Chain Tree so I was  confident that I could cut in at the execution  

    Stage the other two were obviously partisans used  to improvising especially if someone had a better   idea I said I want to meet your team members  because I have an idea that will work better   cat weely replied they isolated in a neighboring  house while we complete operational planning I  

    Raised an eyebrow and asked in the Next Room she  threw me a really look and muttered this is the   most secure place in the US except for Los Alamos  cat didn’t need to explain this to me Los Alamos  

    Was where the enriched uranium that Oak Ridge  was producing was being assembled into a real   bomb of course it was safe suffice it to say the  thought of my wife being killed again was simply  

    Unacceptable so I needed to induce her and her  two companions to do what I wanted to do as soon   as possible I said impatiently can we meet cat  looked wary I’d probably be wary too her dead  

    Husband showed up out of the blue and immediately  tried to get involved in a top secret classified   Mission she undoubtedly understood why I wanted  to do it I just couldn’t lose her again still to   agree to such a ridiculous proposition she would  have had to disbelieve me intensely and Trust Me  

    To The Bone I said look I understand I really do  this is a very important Mission and I’m basically   a stranger to you plus there’s a million holes  in my story so I may be a German spy playing a  

    Trick on you but you must feel the same way I do  right she nodded her beautiful head uncertainly   tears in her beautiful blue eyes and then the dam  broke she threw herself into my arms our lips Mee   meeting and lightning raced across the SpaceTime  Continuum cat kissed me frantically desperately it  

    Spoke volumes about how upset she was by my death  I could feel the contained frustration she had   experienced from years of Love deprivation I knew  it because I’d been through the same thing myself   there simply wasn’t another cat in my world so  moments with other women were nothing more than a  

    Biological necessity not loving nurturing my wife  had a bedroom and we both knew we would end up in   it I lifted her up and laid her gently on top of  the neatly spread covers I was vaguely aware that  

    It was the same bed on which she had entertained  deep [ __ ] last night but the difference lay in   the circumstances our need for each other was all  consuming it was like comparing a hurricane to a  

    Light Summer Breeze the whole time we made it from  the living room to the bedroom cat never once let   go of my neck she was still kissing me frantically  then she lay back and looked at me receptive and  

    Ready her body was as perfect as I remembered  long slender legs wide hips narrow Waist Deep   chest she said with anguish in her voice no  foreplay I am much larger and heavier than my  

    Wife so I have always been careful not to crush  her however this time she was in no mood to be   careful at that moment she gasped for breath and  began to shudder i’ done this with cat countless  

    Times so I knew that her sudden burst of emotion  wasn’t my doing it was an indication of what this   strange new situation meant to her I looked into  that beautiful face and it was completely open   to me clearly this was a profound moment for my  wife we then immersed ourselves in the familiar  

    Rhythms of love that had been established over all  our years together this aspect had not changed in   the slightest at the same time she told me how  much she missed me and how good it felt cat’s   usual bursts of emotion are events most women  would remember for a lifetime but I sensed that  

    She was working on herself preparing for something  even more startling it was a strange combination   of debauchery and loss it was the beginning of  a climax like I had never seen before I remember   thinking that if there was someone nearby they  would have heard but I didn’t care in a way it  

    Was the most sensual thing I’d ever experienced  when it happened cat just collapsed on my chest   as if she’ died her arms fell around my neck and I  could see her tear stained face for the first time  

    I understood Those Tears I felt the same sense  of wonder by an incredible stroke of Fate our   Eternal gloomy despair had been transformed into  something unique and special I brushed away every   tear as realization returned to her and said one  word with all my heart forever she looked at me  

    With impassioned love and complete companionship  and said forever different we chapter 3 we were   flying at tree level on Vector 030 out of misini  in Northern Quebec there were four of us me cat   an elegant frenchwoman and a guy who looked like  Bigfoot our destination was Renee levur Island  

    And perhaps Destiny it was a two-day trip from  Knoxville to Montreal and then from Montreal to   misini the journey to Montreal was approximately  600 miles if I had been operating at 10,000 ft I   could have flown my kite 650 Mi so we arrived in  the afternoon there we were much closer to the  

    Front lines and I wanted to have fresh thoughts  when we got to missini so we stayed overnight at   the hotel lorenzian in the center of town after  refueling we drove the 500 miles to misini in  

    Another 3 and 1 half hours misini is part of the  lands of the cre tribe in the summer it hosts   some of the best fishing in the world but we were  aiming for something more amb ambitious than trout  

    So we stopped in this town for a couple days while  everyone checked and rechecked their gear and I   made modifications to the Cherokee misini is on  one of the largest lakes in the Canadian North so  

    We retrofitted my airplane to mount a pair of bush  plane floats on it the floats reduced air speed   and burned more gasoline but they were necessary  to land at laak Coke the target of the Rene leaser  

    Island flight Rene levur and the Nazi lab would  be an hour and a half away but all that time would   have to fly at an altit ude of less than 300 ft  to merge with the ground besides it was the hour  

    Before total darkness so getting there without  crashing into something would be difficult calling   Rene levur an island is a bit of a misnomer  it was actually formed by a meteorite that hit   Earth 214 million years ago the impact created a  crater about 60 m in diameter that’s why the lake  

    Surrounding the island is almost perfectly round  Rene levur itself is the second largest largest   lake island in the world it lies at the center of  an impact crater separated from the mainland by a   narrow strip of water that’s why it’s huge Lac  Coke is in the northwest corner about 10 hours  

    Away it is one of several normal-sized lakes that  dot the surface of the large island the Nazi bomb   Factory was on an even smaller island in the  center of Loke as planned night fell as we came  

    In from the southwest this scheme could only work  if the Nazis were unaware of our presence a large   number of SS men were stationed on the shore of  the lake but no one was guarding the island where  

    The facility was located why would they it was  in the middle of a small island in the middle of   a big island in the middle of the desert it was  a tough flight radar is in direct line of sight  

    And we had to keep within sight of the big Nazi  installation at Port Cartier nevertheless we had   a good chance of getting into the bomb shelter  if I could manage to land so that no one would  

    Notice our arrival the idea was to land on the  Lake Shore opposite the verat camp and paddle   the rest of the way using a small island for  cover after I explained what was on my mind cat  

    Reluctantly agreed to introduce me to her friends  but in doing so she warned me not to tell them who   I was she told me to just play along because guest  From Another Dimension is not a very believable  

    Backstory two of her friends were in the yard  of a neighboring house tending a small garden   the woman whose name was bernardet was wearing  in a frilly dress with a fancy little apron that   looked expensive the man was stripped to the waist  and was sweating digging at the places the woman  

    Pointed out his name was King like Kong which  was appropriate he was short stocky with huge   muscles in his shoulders and arms because he  was so broad he might have seemed overweight   but when I took off his shirt I saw that this was  an illusion King was built like a tank he didn’t  

    Have an ounce of fat on him I thought he was a  brainless gorilla until he looked at me and I   saw the shrewd intelligence behind his eyes he was  a very formidable man bernardet was an Exquisite  

    French woman with laughing eyes and a will of  Steel cat had already told me that this lady   was the mares bernardet lar deluk there must have  been a whole story about how they got together at   first glance they were the most mismatched couple  imaginable but underneath they were exactly the  

    Same strong Brave loyal and clearly adoring each  other there was no better pair of companions to   accompany them on their perilous Journey Bernadet  was trained by the British Special Forces to blow   things up she wasn’t just a plastic explosives  artist she was Van go himself of course all the  

    Supposed explosions would happen after we left  because the Nazis had stationed a whole Brigade   of SS men just a couple hundred yards away on  the far bank and we’d be like chickens in a fox  

    House if they discovered we were there King first  got rid of the roving guards he had 250 lb of of   silent killer in him was as agile as a cat and  unusually strong right now however the two of  

    Them resembled Fred and Wilma digging their little  vegetable garden they were both slightly wary at   our approach bernardet smiled kindly at cat and  asked bonjour Katherine who is your friend cat   said that’s Eric he was sent here to change the  plan she didn’t mention that he was From Another  

    Dimension both King and bernardet looked even more  wary no one likes last minute changes especially   when they’re made by complete strangers I knew I  had to act quickly and convincingly so I said as   disarmingly as possible I know last minute changes  are bad craft but this will increase our chances  

    Of survival and push the mission timeline back  a few weeks now they both looked interested I   said the disadvantage of the old plan was always  the Trek to and from the site it would take you  

    A long time and it’s hard that’s why I’ve been  hired to take you directly to the Target in a   special airplane that can get you there undetected  I wasn’t exaggerating by World War II standards   the Cherokee was a technological Marvel I added  you’ll be able to accomplish your mission and  

    Get out of there before anyone can react King said  and how are you going to do it the Nazis have air   superiority everywhere I was hoping that’s what he  was going to ask I said we going to fly around the  

    Range of their Fighters and come in through the  back door the Mi 262 is excellent but its maximum   range is 300 mil closer to 200 if you include  patrols I failed to mention that I got all of   this from Wikipedia that might confuse things  a bit now they looked very interested I made  

    My closing argument so we’ll fly into Montreal  and then completely bypass their bases on the St   lence flying far north and then up to Rene leasor  we’ll stay at tree height to hide from their radar  

    Are when we blow up the facility we will return  the same way it’s guarded by SS paner grenadiers   they won’t be able to pursue us King looked at  bernardet and she nodded it was clear that this  

    Small fragile woman was a modern-day Joan of Arc  and that their partnership was going to be real   king stood up held out his hand to me which was  the size of a shovel and said it’s a deal buddy   this started a beautiful friendship the weather  turned perfect which suited my mood just fine  

    Okay I may die next week but it will be with the  woman I loved it was very exciting all day cat   and I worked on the itinerary and timing details  and then we made love all night we even ran into  

    Todd in Jackson Square the joy of watching cat and  her ex-lover try their best to act casual almost   made up for the grief their little tet AET had  caused me I especially like the radiant grin Todd  

    Bestowed on cat when he said hello to her my wife  as she left muttered dum dum dum dum dum dum cat   didn’t know I knew about their little Escapade and  of course Todd couldn’t believe I was with her so  

    I told him on the side how often and passionately  we spent time together I could see that jealousy   was killing him okay I’ll admit it I liked  twisting the knife since we had deviated from   the script we arrived at the Knoxville airport  separately to avoid uncomfortable questions about  

    Cancelling the original plan cat King Bernadet and  all their gear traveled down in an army double I   rode the Scout and then gave it to the private who  had originally warned me about it then we loaded   all the Necessities backpacks and Bernadette’s  little pets into the Cherokee and set off to  

    Meet our destiny to make it work we had to land  as quietly as possible so I throttled up with the   flaps fully closed almost on glide I struggled to  maintain course as any error at stall speed would  

    Be fatal it was completely dark and landing on the  water in a low plane is difficult you have to do   it by feel because you can’t see where you are  trying to land before tonight I had made exactly  

    Three practice Landings with the pontoons so I had  my fingers crossed as the Cherokee searched for   water fortunately it was a large lake a creaking  sound Was Heard under the pontoons so I took the   wheel again and cut the power for a few seconds  we carried on the surface and then slowed down  

    And stopped the game was really in full swing  everyone in the cabin seemed to Exhale we went   into our well- rehearsed routine there is only one  exit in the Cherokee and that is across from where  

    The pilot sits bernardet ended up next to that  door with King in the right rear seat to balance   his weight bernardet jumped out and jumped onto  the Pontoon Nimble as a squirrel on a tree branch   and King unloaded we had an inflatable raft in the  cargo area behind the back seat bernardet opened  

    The hatch and King pulled out the Big Raft he then  unloaded the the rest of the stuff while bernardet   inflated the raft meanwhile I secured the airplane  with a simple mushroom anchor the raft was almost  

    Full of the four of us and all our gear but  we were only 50 yards from Shore I would have   called our near-perfect arrival great piloting  but I knew it was really just dumb luck King and  

    I pulled the raft onto the rocky scree while the  women unloaded the very brave people at mosquito   rcaf had taken detailed photographs of the site  and we had studied them all the previous 4 days so   we knew exactly what we were looking at we found  ourselves to the southeast of the bomb building  

    Which was hidden in the trees about 30 yards away  there were no guards in sight but that didn’t mean   there weren’t any King disappeared noiselessly  into the woods and for the next 15 minutes we   heard a series of small sounds like those of  dying men I counted six but there might have  

    Been more King reappeared tucking in his knife  and looking as impassive as a man who had just   wandered into the woods to lie down he said said  everyone outside the building has been neutralized   I thought that was an interesting choice of words  the building itself was undoubtedly Disturbed and  

    That’s when cat surprised me she slipped past us  and did something to a metal box with light bulbs   and wires we were all in tight black clothes with  balaclavas on our heads I couldn’t resist gawking   at her perfect round ass as my wife opened the  access panel and exposed some wires cat fiddled  

    Around some more then whispered the alarm is  disabled apparently she also unlocked the door   because King just opened it and walked in he  disappeared for a couple minutes when he came   back and whispered all clear I didn’t ask how many  more bodies there were the building looked like a  

    Small Factory there was equipment everywhere and  it was confusing but cat seemed to know exactly   where to go she headed resolutely toward an  area with elevators and large carts using a   penlight to skirt around objects one of which  was a body with its neck at an incredibly odd

    Angle the objects my wife was walking toward  looked like large aerial bombs they were hanging   from elevators and there were strange cylindrical  objects on carts underneath them cat was wearing a   tool belt and she started unscrewing the access  panel on the first cylinder inside was a shiny  

    Metal sphere which she removed with King’s help  and put into her backpack she then moved on to the   next cylinder and repeated the process when she  was done she had four small balls in two separate   packages it was all done with the Precision  that has always been my wife’s trademark in  

    The meantime bernardet was busy climbing on and  under objects applying a putty-like substance   that I carried for her I also had a spool of  wire with me she would pull a section out of   it which she would connect to something that  looked like a pencil and insert into the putty  

    As she worked the woman hummed sir Leon Softly  bernardet was a great customer the whole feat   took no more than 15 minutes then King who was  carrying both backpacks as casually as if they   were shopping bags came over and handed one to me  it was so heavy that my knees nearly buckled these  

    Little balls weren’t bowling balls or cannonballs  they were much heavier I asked what’s here he said   indifferently as if we were just chatting oh these  are you 235 Vision triggers don’t drop them oh my  

    God I was holding a bag full of nuclear Holocaust  and he tells me not to drop them we returned to   the raft loaded the division triggers into our  backpacks and King swam the oares they were so  

    Heavy they almost sank the raft then he came back  and picked up cat and me we prepared the Cherokee   for takeoff and King swam after bernardet  who lingered on the shore holding another   small metal box I had time to warm up the engine  before King and Bernadet climbed into the cab as  

    We taxied out there were a few muffled thumps in  the building not loud enough to alarm the camp on   the opposite bank then as we picked up speed I  saw the whole place begin to collapse I circled  

    Over the object and turned back and there he  lay in a pile of masonry and bent steel the   Nazis wouldn’t be making bombs in that place for a  long time even better we had their existing fision  

    Triggers on the way to misini we were gloomy  for one thing I had to keep my concentration   on the job flying around trees and mountains  we were right on Deck because the Luft Buffa   could show up in full force as soon as they got  the message and my poor Cherokee wouldn’t stand  

    A chance against me 262 however there was another  Factor King bernardet and Cat were convinced that   they had volunteered for a suicide mission now  they had their lives back more importantly cat   now had the husband she thought she had lost  forever as for me my beloved wife was alive I  

    Don’t know if you can imagine how heartbreakingly  satisfying that was was just imagine the tears I   cried sitting on that lonely bench in Michigan  and maybe you’ll understand what I’m talking   about believe me it was a feeling Beyond Earthly  comprehension landing at misini was as dangerous  

    As at laco because I still had nothing to guide  me but Moonlight but it was a big lake and I was   so inspired by the thought of having my dear  woman with me that I could land on the wings  

    Of love carrying a Cherokee on my back we parted  ways at the Knoxville airport the search for King   and Bernadet didn’t end until the last Nazi  was killed and cat had to return to Oak Ridge  

    To quit her job her life as a Commando scientist  was over forever she was my wife and I was her   husband me and my trusty Cherokee well we just  disappeared into the fog like we never existed   there’d be too many questions if I’d stayed who  cares about Fame when you’ve got everything you  

    Could ever want in life dear viewer we have  reached the epilogue let me remind you that   the full version is on our patreon but in the  meantime I’ll continue the narrative I sat by   the pool and watched Piper swim laps she was  almost 11 and her paddling was as smooth and  

    Powerful as someone who had long ago existed in  another dimension the realization that you have   passed on a special part of yourself to one of our  children gives you a pleasant sense of immortality   speaking of love my beloved cat lay face down  in a modest bikini that did nothing to hide her  

    Stunning ass her thick sheath of wheat hair was  bleaching Almost White by the sun and the rest of   her gorgeous body was covered in a rich Golden Tan  my wife has a feline ability to sense when someone  

    Is looking at her she raised her head and smiled  secretly at me it was full of carnal promise as   the biblical dude said my cup overflowed the  war ended almost 12 years ago our feet became a   footnote in history like the Telemark raid in my  Dimension but it was decisive because it allowed  

    The us to win the nuclear arm race shortly after  our return Manhattan Project scientist perfected   a warhead that could be delivered by an Atlas  missile the atlas was America’s version of a   secret weapon it was developed at Cape Canaveral  and the secrecy surrounding its development no  

    Doubt explains why my sudden appearance at the  test site startled the military the atlas was   capable of hitting a Target thousands of  miles away in just 20 minutes therefore   although the Nazis controlled the Atlantic  and had air superiority on both continents  

    It was impossible to stop the delivery of instant  Armageddon from the far reaches of the exosphere   the first nuclear warning was transmitted to  all occupied territories in October 1962 oddly   enough this coincided with the beginning of the  Cuban Missile Crisis in my Dimension the deadline  

    For unconditional surrender was set for the  following week of course the demand was ignored   leading to the blossoming of a fire Mushroom  on an uninhabited part of the Greenland ice   cap the physical physical demonstration should  have convinced the Nazis that we intended to  

    Do business but they stubbornly refused to even  discuss surrender as a result the next blow was   to their main logistical Center in Iceland most  of the population was concentrated in raic as a   result there were few civilian casualties but the  verm in Quebec quickly found that it had run out  

    Of food and ammunition it was then that the US and  Canada launched a swift left strike north of the   sagun line led by M4 of Patton’s third Army the  Old Blood and Guts successfully trapped two entire   German armies in a cauldron between bomo and  Bradley’s forces on the Sagan it was Stalingrad on  

    Steroids and this major coup virtually ended the  German presence in North America and again there   was a call for unconditional surrender that was  ignored by the leaders of the Third Reich their   spies told them that we only had two bombs so  the Germans thought we had used them up that’s  

    Why the Nazis were so stunned when the quaint old  city of Dresden disappeared in a nuclear Blaze   the loss of life and destruction was horrifying  but fewer people actually died in that Dimension   than the 200,000 who died in the mind bombing of  Dresden it was then that the Nazis realized that  

    The four triggers we had captured during our raid  had made a difference the call for unconditional   surrender was sounded again and the entire Nazi  leadership went to Berlin to decide what to do   the decapitating blow to the Reich stag settled  the matter Hitler and his entire gang of homicidal  

    Maniacs were vaporized in a nanc paradoxically  there were fewer civilian casualties than during   the last battles around Berlin in my Dimension  after the grand finale the Germans managed to   scrape together Alfred yodel and Albert Spear  to sign the surrender documents this took place  

    In Bon which was to become the capital of the  German Republic while Berlin was deactivated it   was estimated to take about 40 years the surrender  guaranteed that all the land seized by the Nazis   would return to their former owners and all their  loot would be returned strangely enough the German  

    People themselves celebrated in the streets as  if they too had been liberated for them life   under the heavy hand of the Nazi party was no  different from that of the citizens of France   or England the threat of the two remaining bombs  was enough to convince the Japanese that it would  

    Be a good idea to pack up and go home the terms  were simple the Japanese promised that they would   not Retreat from their original territorial  boundaries in return the two great cities of   Hiroshima and Nagasaki would continue to prosper  and do business after the war American society  

    Boomed and the construction industry boomed as  more and more Americans enjoyed the good life   on Miami Beach it was for this reason that I as a  very wealthy and relatively young man sat on the   pool deck of a mansion in Coral Gables I didn’t  run the company anymore I had people for that  

    Instead I dedicated my life to making cat and my  two daughters Happy in two lifetimes I’ve learned   a few things the first and most important is that  without a family you are nothing that’s a lesson   I plan to never forget my exceptional wife has  managed to raise two children and make me happy  

    While doing pioneering research in string theory  and interdimensional interactions any woman can   do that if she’s brilliant enough the scientific  community was utterly amazed that it was almost as   if cat had comprehended super symmetry it was  as if she had observed the phenomenon herself  

    From time to time cat went on trips to visit  the large hadrin collider at CERN after all   a girl has to be involved in partical physics  somehow doesn’t she of course my two daughters   and I would go with her my wife would be doing  pioneering experiments with bozon and ferons  

    And the kids and I would be skiing or traveling  through the beautiful towns of provance all in   all just a normal family vacation Piper my oldest  was a natural born athlete just like I once was  

    She was daddy’s little girl and went everywhere  with me it was exactly the same strong bond I had   with another little girl in another dimension  sometimes I felt like Piper’s Sweet Soul had   traveled across Dimensions with me I don’t think  it’s possible to love a child more than I loved  

    My oldest daughter on the other hand Brooklyn who  was 8 years old was A Mir image of her mom petite   and very beautiful she was the idealist in the  family passionate about the environment it was  

    Strange to see such a young child so attuned to  the big picture but my girl was born with an old   soul that reflected the wisdom of life experience  Brookie was as patriotic as my wife cat cat of  

    Course was a Lac Coke hero so she was always in  demand at patriotic celebrations such as the 4th   of July Brooke walked around with her mother  dressed in an Air Force forse class a uniform  

    Just like cats only cat had a pair of gold stars  on her collar bernardet and King have become key   figures in a small company in Langley Virginia  King may look like Bigfoot in a custommade suit  

    But he’s one of the chief planners at the tip  of the spear in a world of subu and deception   he seems comfortable there his dainty little wife  still likes to blow things up King and Bernadet   are nearing retirement so they divide their time  between their home in mlan and their hereditary  

    Chef near Aenon it is there that their extensive  Vineyards are located these two have come a long   way from the small garden they were planting when  I first met them the fourth member of this heroic   group simply vanished into the mids of time as  the Lone Ranger his identity is still a mystery  

    That historians are struggling to unravel that was  exactly what he wanted for the greatest reward of   all awaited him I am here to tell you that I have  come a long way from sobbing next to two graves in  

    The dark and and gloomy place where I was born  I became the husband of a very special man and   the father of two wonderful young women that is  truly all a person can expect from life or as the  

    Case may be life ladies and gentlemen thank you  for listening to my stories and this incredible   journey through a story of Courage sacrifice  and Triumph a quick reminder that many scenes   have been censored and cut and the full version  with it all is on our patreon as we navigate The  

    Twist and turns of this gripping narrative Our  Heroes face the daunting task of infiltrating   the Nazi bomb Factory on the island of Renee  levur our protagonist Eric uncovers a daring   plan to change the course of history by enlisting  the help of a formidable Duo King and bernardet  

    These seemingly incompatible heroes are united  by Unstoppable strength courage and a love that   defies conventional expectations as the team faces  the dangers of of landing on Lac Coke maneuvering   in the dark and executing their plan with surgical  precision as they complete their mission cat Maris  

    And the Mysterious Lone Ranger play crucial roles  in the Symphony of Espionage and destruction what   struck me most about this story was the fusion  of seemingly disperate elements Love and War   science and subu Eric excited by the prospect of  being reunited with his beloved cat organizes a  

    Daring feat that ultimately changes the course of  history the post-war aftermath described in Vivid   detail underscores the profound consequences of  Our Heroes actions the Nazi surrender the Swift   left strike and the nuclear strikes on Dresden and  Berlin all orchestrated by captured fion triggers  

    Turned the world order upside down transported  to the present Eric reflects on a life filled   with love family and the pursuit of happiness the  sacrifice es made during that Dangerous Mission   laid the foundation for a future free from the  tyranny of the Third Reich in conclusion this  

    Story is a testament to the resilience of  the human Spirit The Power of Love and the   ability of individuals to shape the course of  history Our Heroes faced with insurmountable   odds triumphed over Darkness leaving behind a  legacy that Echoes Through Time thank you for  

    Joining me on this adventure remember the full  uncensored version is available on our patreon   until next time stay curious stay bold and  always keep the bright flame of Hope Burning Brightly

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